Current Newsletter
Current Newsletter
souTurlnncoffi tsLfrND 349ELuxton Road, Victoria, B.C- v9c 27Jl ClubhousePhone2il47&f 369 ITEAI} RANGER ASSISTANT IIEAD RANGER SECRETARY PAST IIEAII RANGER TREAST]RER GROUII{DS& BUILDINGS BTILLETIN EDITOR SYIRRENTALS CITAIRMAN 250{r&4512 250-391-1797 25{l-477{tE6 250-744-3746 zg0a7&i57t7 250-361-3714 25tl-3t&ll7ui 250-39r-fi97 MAXMABBERLEY GLE}IN FRANCIS JEREMY GRTESE GORD SIMPSON JIM WITYTE DAVE COCKLE AL PAGE GLENN TRANCIS SVIRBulletinfor Juneof 2Ai5 NO OTH RMEM PFR Recendythe RGilP h.d to.6nd our propefty due b e !9e6y nebhbou compLinlng of excscsiverioise and'rapld firing'on our ritle range. Thereb abcolutalyl{O nagon forthat rtyle of rhoodng on our rine raqge.nd wtlh the tDcentinc|Ee.e In br.nd neq nelghbourlng sibdiyistorc re will haw more complaintsin trturc ff thls practce doeonot atop lrnrrodlebtyt Whensiglr0ng in a huntng rif,e or shoofing . dne br precticet||em b abcolubly io neodto fire miorotran one rhot every2 or 3 secondgand uauallymuch longer Oen tretlr yol wi1 r.puly oyerlnet your b*nl rnd hurt tho .cculrcy .nd lib of your bcnel. tf you arc etr-ootnga Rugertini-14 or an SKScarblneand iust want to gee how qulckly you ceh emptyt megnanotren PI-EASEDO 1{OTDO 1TAT Ot R RELE RAI{_9E!lf you went to pny -nirilo' wid your rif,e tren g1oand find a gravel plt somwhere out in ihe deepwoods b ao brat, bocau.e if ttrb styb of choodng contnuo on our club's ri||e r.nge,ue run ilre very real rigi<of ALL of our rangecbeing shut down by ttre local arca fircanns oficer. ff fte RGilP contn6 b ggt lheco klnds of nobe cornplelntsfilomour club's nflghbou6 .bold (he irecponalbl6 use of fiiparmr at our club lhen they will have no opfion exceptto act on ihem. In eddition,urhenshooting on tl|e rlf,e rengeute lte blue nolso supptscsitU banlb wlrich arc supplled. Theyreducellre nolce and ifre muzzlesignafureof centmfirc rillee dlrticelly, eipeclatty ontfp lerlor callbn mtgnum rlfroc end thetwill go e long way in reducinglomiltaints-toqn our now (and old) nelghoue. take surs that all of your rhoils an lgfng n6d OtItcOyat your pocbd papertergptr end orly inb the rpty berm. Pleere plck up your-nreOcaaecainerirou arc done chooting and do not leavelhem Mng on tlre grcund br otrer peopn O b pbk upl Whenfrnbh3d rhooling pb.3e efip your frred p.per t |!e!3 fom fire *OOOentargetframsEand putlhem lnb the supplied garbagecans. t se sorne common!on3e rrtren you err 3hoodngqr any of our riltg€E rnd deese makeevery €trort b llapect our neighbourr. Pleagenob lhat any frrrt{rercomplaintr of rapld fring on our range ulll be$'l$ serorcly bythe Boedl Pleasealso note that we anenow on our aummershooting hours which aru from 9:00 am b dgeh BUTpleesedo ]lOT shoot berlore9:00em end IX) llOT'purh tlte envelopa'on 0ie last chot beini nroCeracffy at duckl Again, lefs rcapectour neighboursconcstng and onde.vor to koop.ll of our rangG open for yeerr to comel ,rd Rt rylerflnx nalD,adq atrdfrln 8rlird ol Dlrffir8 d dte SytR UPCOilINGEI'ENTSFORJUNE&JULY OF2015 June 2nd - SYIRSociel leedng wl lood et 7:00 pm rnd meednget 7:30 pml June3rd - SVIRSkeetPracticoCANCELLEDT June40r - SVlRTnpPnslice June 7lh - PITATrap - Albert tcilell Doubles@ CowichanValleyTrap & SkeetClub June 10ft - SVIRSlteetPncdce GAI{GELLEDI Junellth - SVIRTraPPractce June ltfi - SVIR*Eraggin'GUpJune l4ih - VILSTrap @ CampbellRiver Gun Club June {6ft - SV|RBurinecsleedngetT:3Oprnl JunelT$ - SV|RSkeetPtacffc€rccumel June l8ilr - SVIRTnp Pnclice Junelgtrb2lrt - BCSkcetChampionshlpo@VancouverGunGlub June 20Ort 21ct - PfTATrry @ l{.n lmo Flrh & @me Club Juns 26ft to 28ffr - WecteraCanadianTrap Ghamplonshlpo@ SVIRwitt tfte Calcutte Dinneron lho ?lh g 7:00 p|nl r June2Tth- Spodng Clayswent@QualicumFich&GameGlub o Julyt.t - SVIRS|€etPmcfico r July2nd - SVlRTnpPncdce r JulyEtr - SV|RSlootPmcdce r July 90r - SVIRTrap Practice o July tl$ - SVIRFbhlng DertYl r July l{th & 12$ - NSSASkeetevent@ S\|IR r Jult lAh - vlSL Ttap Champlomhipg@ il.mimo Fbh & GemeGlub o JuS {5$ - SVIRSkeetPnctice . Julytoth - SvlRTnpPnt{ce r July 19ft to 25lh - GrandPaclficTrep errent@ Evergnen' Washingbn r July22nd - SvlRsl(esttu cfice r July23rd - SVIRTrapPracfice c Julyr25tr- [email protected]&@mgClub r July29ft - SvlRSkeetPnctice e Julyffir - SVlRTrePPrrctce Trepchair-BillwiEh.rt' 2il478-21ffi IBAPT - | m hopangb gBte tutl Epofton 0te 2ol5 BGProvlnclelTnp shooring ch.mDiomhiF from Bill, b11tfrom what I hear Rangeradid very rell once again. RangerRon SfubblngCb llOA runner<rpchempionand AA clasc Slngle Ch.mplon. ln edditon' R.ngof D.n Kukrt b BC HighAll{mund champion,runner<tpDoublerGhampion,and midyadage Handicap Champlon. (Ag.ln, Itl confim.ll ott|1b lnfioand pode lUll Fportwhen I gpt lt from Blll W|ehart) romembcr1ntRrngorclubtrrgotr OilLY emb be ured on ourPracdcoTrep machlnet Thele hat beenevldencethat other brandaof clay tatgeilshavebeen used in tlre pr.ctce T6p whblr b rt up lo md( proFrly xrltt our iln bt fil ot t tg€&. Ofr bnnds c.n {andwllll lroat coming ofithe amr of tfie machlneand caute damage. PLEASEDOt{OT use anydring drer0nn ourown c|eF In the Pnctlce Tnpl _ - lnO last (but definihly ilOT leaco we would llke io girrea HUGEthanks to RangerReg Todd for ell of hb uodt on the Tnrpshooting blchu|l AGAI{ lhb ycrl . . o . o r o r o . . . r r SFORTING GLAYS: RengerJln tcHatte ' 250s52-l'lll - Vancower krlendSportingClays MSC) has a 320.00per year msmbershlpfte, and b qualfilor0reChemplomhlp you murtchoot l0Otitlp[3 on lUo diftnntGoullea owrtte seaaon.TheVISCscheduleis normally: ld.Saturday- CourbnayFbh & GameGlub f Sanrday-Gold River 3d Setrrdey - 5 Stind - GourbnaY 4e Saturday- QualicumI Parksville As ennounced@ ilre Port Albeml club and by various ofrter clubcl For ftrdlrer inbmnton ebout Spor0ngGhye wenb plese GontectRrnger Jim Illcllrtie. RangerJordanWalsh - 2W€4;24(F0 SKEET: - Pleasenotethat a fuw of our regularlyscheduledSkeetpracticeswill be cancelled since most of our rcgular Skogtpracticesotup cl€w is cunenty out of town on holidays. We arc shuttingdownthe pracfces on fie 3rd and l0 of June,butthings will be backto normal on the t7th. As for tlre ISAChampionshipc,ihelu well only two Rangersat tfie ghow Jlm tcHatde, wlro won, AA 410gn, AA l29e wtth r perftct 50, lhe locond h.lf of tte 1@ douUc wltt tlllS0 andthe AA Hlgh (herall wi{h XlFinil. JordanWalshtook D class doubleawlth a 7U100and O|eC clals fzg8 wtlh 'Fr50. ttre next Ug shoot will be the BC NSSAGhampionshipcheld in Vancouveron lhe l9dt b 2lct ot Jum, (l|gn ilo0|3]4 x 100il$SA ewnt et Coufiiey on the 20ft to 8Ol of June. Jotdan Walsh,SkeetChairman Archery: Ranger tart Batbn r 7178425€960 - Any Rangec wlro would llke any help wlttr some baslc archeryimtruc0on fioryoung orold, plo..e call RengerIafi B.t&n @ 7?8{25€900 oriustsmd tm en email et and fll be glad to help. (Xterulse, lf you iust want to comeout b tho [email protected] club end !|||ctice on your own tl|e|l.|l now tilleils rvelleble iortp member! to use in lhe archerystorageshackiust beyondthe practicetrap. Rifle Report: RangerPetertartin - Th'layear we arc rcally hoping lo 3eelome of our newernembelt come out b comp€b tortu in+lub'LomeWoodbl|s PCnR Rin Trophy. Thon slnsome goodt ryPts chot at ihe l€cent Rme, Pbiol Fun Shoot at lfte club and llrer€we3 a very good looking iaqet oubnttbd thon 3o if t/ou w.ttt b compeb lof ftb tophy then you am golng to h.w b wod( ft It a bifl | will be awayagainro trre club's FCilR carblnewill be avallablefiom RangerHartin Sclrbchi while t'm out of toutn if you needto bonow it b shoot. qu.lifting teqitt br gubmFsion. r The l,.ometlUoodleyTrophyis awardedto O|3SVIRmiltber th{ rubmitr tlre bst g'uup of frioshoils firsd onto an oficial club target at 100yads with an origlnal FCilR ircue model9l Winchecbr GarUnoin .3ll€O Wlnchecbr (3OIUCF). (ThegrouPm.y be locabd anywhercon ihe target Thewinning tary'ettrsthe smallest 5 shot grcup rubmltbd.) r ft must hrye open rightr. (ilo "peep'sights.f r Ttteterget msy be .hot fioltl elry pooiton you would lakeb uto, includlng $a slHng pociton, but a sandbagt€at may not be treedlf sitfing at our bencheg. (Youcan on$ rhod off your elbowr.l r EachterlBt mmt be wltrecsed by anodrr nnger.nd signed eld debd. . Targ€tr arc b be accompanledby $f .00if chot wltfi a rife supplied by ihe compe(tur. r lf lfre Club's FGIR Gerblneend tmmunltlon b rrsedO|ebe b l8.lIl per te|gBG In addition, Rangerilartin Schlcchi and I will be puttng togoffier 3omemors fun rlfie I besstfior|h6e pbtdshoot3thlsynar,andwewill l(.epyou poabd erbwhenttedrb.xtlll ftftirc events. ReflgBrPcfrr,,b/tlt''" NtuClffinwt Tf,ETBERSHIP: Ranger Bill Spiller - 25A478€8EG - We would llke to extend our Yeryspecial congraftrlatons b our long $me SVIR memberR.ngpr Lou Pblz on Oreoccaslon of h|s 9ffii Blrlhdey whbh he celebrebd on June lstt Beetwbhes ftom everyoneat the Rangetsl FIREARMSREGUIATIONS: Ranger Al Page r 250€88{1705or [email protected] - Jurt anodrerrsmindertlrat local arca tpcident Shatl Lukenswill be our Gonsewatve cendldab in tlre upcomingFedenl ebctom. She brlngp 3 year cxpertence$ | Golmod Gouncilorand t waa impruccedenoughafier hearlng her speakto volunteerto help out wtth trer upcomlngcempalgn. Hopefulty.he cen finelly anrt locel tP RendellG.ntlon ltto hs beena toilal,useleaswalte of spacewlrile he's beenseatedin tre Houseof Parliament Rocilty our loc.l Equirn lt, Seenlchld SookeEDAhotbd e fuird relrlng ffir{br Sherl at OlympicVlew Gotf Coupe and our Jugtice ilininbr Peb ilackay atbnded and spoke. ownt.nd L.ude Wecmured lhetfie localfrnannc conmunltywaswell |lpll.enbd.tthli odter shoobrr and King and ceveral Jim Goguen, Keitfi John Pullen, Kukat and l, RangorDan p.$ed on to bdr gun collecb|l ebnded and nade sutl Oratourvlmr and cugigoltons re Shari and our Juctice tlnirbr. We'll kecp you pocbrl on llp upconringFedenl ebcdon r! thlngtr progrtcstudher iilb Ite year. SVIR GROUNDS REPTORT: Propeily teinbnence - Rrnger DaveCoclde- 250.i61€71.1 - l{o&ing much to ruport odrertran we will put bgotlrer a couple of clean up niglrts Wrrds lho ond of June in ptlprafon fiorfpwolbm Genedbm. DaveCockle GrcundsE Ptoparty Xainbnaace Chainrnn,n, W: - til SEARCHOF: RangerGord Danchellab looklng for an original RangerPtCtR .30€0 certlne to heveone of hb wn. lf you heveono for !el€, or knw of ore ior leb tfrn p|ce contact God @ 25042t-1630. - EQB_SIE: Pelter ]lale bdtection sporbr In.270 WimlFsbr3l?o, Btwning A Bolt 20 gaugetoosberg pump action choSun $325' Pleasecontact ln .25{tGRemington$0100, RengerGng Gllbolt @ 250{12-75fJ+ - FORSALE: RCBS2 dle 3stfor.2l3 Wnchsbr. $25.@. llsed very lit0e. or em.ll rmb.&n@! Ple*e contrct R.nger t$t B.tbn @ 778.125-3060 - FORSALE: 12 ga Remlngilon1100banel tlent rlb fixed mod choke $200'00. Pleale contrct R.r4er Vem Prlllt @ M4TI &n - WILLTRADE: tfVllltrade firearmsfor GanadianSlh€r Dolla|l. Lookingfor old onel, priliculedy 194E.Ple.lo contect RengorJemny Grlole @ 250477{46. - E9S[E: Rfitl lirc3 on rlrnc clw rarc Ford hub I haveHo nw HankookP215I?O capo. They[t oHer Ford Retger. Asklng 3150.m F|RI |ort|e peir. P'basecont ctRrngpr TornRunnalb on ny cell * 250{3.1€150. - FORSALE: A'Rhino stngef sub-gaugetrbe aet for 12 gaugeskeet gum clw choke trUea Or ftO, ZOanO20 $uge. $000f,rm. Ple.$ cont ct RengerVem P.rott @ 250lfn- %u. JlISL!9IE: - The SVIRFiahlngDerbyb scheduledfor July tltl| this year and Rangertark Hoenen -strg' (ggntldnen onlyf went TiGlstD.|l lr oryanlzingthb yeefs derby. Al utu.l tfib b a per rod and the tickets atr cuncnfly availableftromtad( at any of our prlcsa at OSO.OO to book yollr tclretr. rneednp or you can l3ech him by phoneet 250-EEO.0I56 irpcomtng ' - Jirt anottier reminOerto the membergthat to acces8tfte memberssoction of the grgbsib $e utotnrme b 'membef end the percword b'3030'. We elro needromeone het hagsome bacic compubr skllb to take over ihe updafng of the ctub webclb Infiormation.lf you c.n nep out witr O|etbk pb.!e codact RengerJ|n| Whyb g 25047E6787. .,... and hg+learc this monf&,s hutnour sufuttisions .... wit my sirrccita t arrrsto evqyboty fratsends tlwn to mel A business had telocatsd acroasbwn and one of lhe wney's ftiends sentf,owers fur tfre occerbn. But whon tlre owner rrd the cerd nyidrtre Oorcrs' lt gaH, "R€at In Peacao. makea complaint The ownerwas a bit upcet about tfre ei"or and called lhe fiorist to'Sit, I'm lloallylorly tol id, fro]i3t t t|e Afur he h.d bH d|o [orbt $out the obvio$ mbbko, tre mktake, but ralfterthan getdngangry,you rhould lmaginettis. Somewherethere lg a tunenl tNklngplacebdey, and ttny heveflowetl uflt a nob.aying, "Collgr.tlLt|gn on youl new locatonl' A guy b walking alorrga beechwhen hs comec aqo8. a lemp perthlly buded in the sald. ]lo pictr up llre hmp .nd givel lt a rub. A hrge gpnb appearsout ot fie bo[te and 'l bltr hlm he ha! beengrantedone wbh. The guy $lnb ior a momentand says, wrnt b llw forevcr." -Sony,'reld llre genie,'l'm notallowodb grentebmel lib-' 'OK then I wantb diel" The gonb wer tonelf,hst takenabrck .nd obrenred the guy a litlle mom clcely .l want to die after an l{DP govemmentbalancecllre budgetand ellmlnatesthe debt'You Gr.fti liEs b.ltrld ..." The genlc rtemd at him . seoondor uo $3n s.H, ra'.aaa**a+r'. r. t..a*aaaaaa ten .ll ruch deeotfiinlterr I rnwed tlre lawn bday, and afur doing so I sat dwn and had a cold beer. The day feclllffid some deept|rinldng. Iy s'tb w.llred by and was rully quib beiltttul, rnd ltre drlnk'no0ring', Nowthe rEalon I sald 'no0rlng' ingbed of askertnreurftatI wag dolng, and I said 'lhankingebout whefif. At ft.t ..ylng Turt ftlnktrng' lo b€c.u$ sh. then rculd haveeckod polnt I would havehad b explalnto her that men elu Yerydeepthinkers ebout e varlefy of difttlnt topica, ufiich wuld ru3t b.d b mon qucton3 on her p||t Finally I pondercdan age old quetion: "b gMng blrilr molp paintul tftan gettng kicked gMng blfi b wry motl pelntul Onn a guy gOttng In Or nuir? lvomen .lweF mlnt ln thrt 'knqrf? Well, afur anodrerbggr, and rome mone klcked in the nuts, but hw could lhsy heavt deducliyettlnking, I hevocomg up witfr en alrwor to lfrat quedion. 6ttng kickedin tre n-gtsb d€finibly more painful than havinga hby, and evenlhough I obviouslycouldn't rcelly *knof, he|l b ll|e recon fiormy concluslon. I ihink ft might be nice io A ynar or so afrer glvlng blrtr, a womanwill often say, "Honey, 'You l$1gwlloney, I lhlnk I naw endtrer Uaby.' On Ureottrsr h.nd, you neverho.r.guy 3.y' (fie nuts.' would like anofrrerklck in I nct my ere. ilfl ha|nmock... | fiant ib tme br.not|er beer,.nd tl|3n nayD3a mp in tlr The CIAwac rucruitng nw ascasains. Afisr all the backgrcundcheckg,iniervlet! and bstng Ue13d6ne,ilrg;r mll $t€a fmlhils, two tnen lnd a wonnn. For Oreirfinel b!t' $e CIA agcnts took one of ilre men to a large metaldoor and handedhim a gun. Ve mu3t l$til $at you fifl no[fl you] lmfiuclio|l3 no n|.tbr wlret fte clrcunsilrncc. lrcide tbe rcom you wlll find yourwife cittng in a chair. Klll her.' The men, *You c.nt be terious. I could nwerrhoot my wlb.' The agent said, -Then you ar€not the right man for this iob. Takeyour wift and go horne.' the The secondmen wrasgiven tre sameinsftuctorp. He took t|re gun and wnt into *l room. All w* quiet for aborlt frvo minuba The men cameout wlth ba6 in hb eyec. tied, but I juat can't kill my wlie.' Tha agent3eial,nfqr dont lrelvewh.t tt t l(.t so tlke your wlb end go home.' Flnally,lt wes tte woman'ctml. Shewas given the sameinstructions to kill her h6!1nd. Shelgof fte gun end wnt lnb ttre ruom. Shob w91t he.ld' 01 rfuI anoflpr' lhen lcrraming, crashing,and bangingon tre wallc. Afur a feYvminuba, all war quiet The door openedtlwly and ttpn rbod llre woman,wiplng tuertfrdtl hof blw. .The gun wa lo.ded wifi blanla," rhe taid. "so I had b kill hlm wi$ tlre cheir." Wtrtlereadlngan artcle last nlght about faffiel! and 3ons, memorleecameflooding beck to Oratmo I toolr rry son out ior hi! fr|tt ptnl Oft re went b our loc.l pub only tuo blocla ftom the coilage. I got hlm . GulnneEs.He didnt llk lt co I dnnt tt Then I gpt hlm e Killtennfs' but he didnt fi[e that elther,go I drank lt Finally,I ihought he might like rome Harp Lager? He dldn.t so I dnnk it I thougm rmyDohe'd llke ndrLkey be&r $en beer so we tded e Jameson's- Nopet In deeperation,I had him try $at rare Redbrcagt lreland'gfinest He muldnteven lmall td Wlnt could I do btttdtink lt By lhe time I realizedheiu3t didn't like to drink t was so drunk I couldhardlypush his etrolbrlinck homel Thb morolng t wee rlting on e bemh nertb e homebla men wlren he s.u: "lst week,I still poesesEsdit allt A hlghly trained ehef cooked all of my mealr, my noornwas lhrdarpofovermyhord,unlimibd cfeeneOlorine,rndmyclodraEwerawestrert&prrcsed. pool day, had a huge llbrary, and wery gym to ihe and W, t ff m"-ei acc€;, I went b the bok sevenl UnivecitY coutt6.I askedhim,'sowlrathappenedtoyou? Drugs,Alcohol,a Dlvotce? 'No ... I finbhed my 3ontenoe.|ld got out of ptftlon ..." t**rtt!***!t******************t***l}*****|}**r:*****************i!***************'lrl**tl************** The lndLnE on a frr Nortrem |lcerve sked thclr nil chbf if tte comlng wlnbr wer going b be cold or mild. Since he wac a chlef in a modemsoclety, he had nwer beentaught irs ofOrecretr. Whenhe loolted et llr slry, lp couldnt bll s'het $o wlnbr w* gdry to bc llke. llel,9rtrst€.a, b bo on O|e!|ft tEe, he bld hb tibe $.t O|9w||lbr Un3 Indeedgoittg to be cold and that tre member: of tre village should colhct firowood to be prepand. Bttt teirrg.piactcrllo.der,a|blcewialtLys,hegotanadoe. HemntdontnbO|oplrcnoboo0l, 'ts calfi de EnvironmentCanadaWeatherSewiceand asked, tfie comingwintergoingb b.coE" 'lt lookg ltke lhb winbr b going to be quib cold,' Oremeborologlsilat tlrs weatpr $rvice Fapondod. So tfie chief went back !o hb psople and bld them b collsct eren morc fircwood in oderb bewell P|DP.lld. 'Doesit !frll I week laier, he called ltre EnvironmentGanadaWeatrer Serviceagain. look llke itb goangto be a vetycold winbr? 'ifs going to be a very, vely cold Ves,. de min at OreWeitrer Serviceagain replied, wlnbr.' The chief againwent back to hb peoph and orderedthem to collect ewly scraP tlre chlet c.lled fte of fiwood they coutd find. Two w€ets lebr, 'Atu you aboolubly sur€ifnt the winter b golng ErwironrnentGinada Wbafrer Sewice again. b beverycold? .Aisolubly,'lfte manreplied. 'lf,s tookingmort and morelike itis goingto be oneof lhe coldcotwinbrl woVe wlr!oon.' l{ow can you be eo surc? Orechiefasksd' Theuo.lprmrn 13plbd,'Becarso we\n beenmonlbdng tlr ritretion rld tfie IndLm ere oolbcting e shitloed of fircwoodl' Ma lhrblFiFii!'r||}rl AutomotiveTermindoqv 'D.d |h3ll b tomeodng th.t my boy, b me' ti.t I A deuglrbr esks trer Ded, dldnt qulb u'ndectand. He gaid tfrat I havea beautlfulchassie,lovely alrbags,and a frntastc bumper.' Her Dadlaid, Tfou bll your boy'ftriendtrat if he opens your bonnetand trlec to chsck your oll wltr hi3 dlpe0ch I wlti tghbn hb nuir to h|d O|.t hb lF.dllghfs w|[ pop ort end he wlll dert b.king out of his exhault dpel. Two womenwm out for a $e$rdey rtrotl with $oir do$. One h.d a Dobo6mn end tP offrer,a Ghihuahua.As they walkeddwn the glree(,ihe one witfi tfte Dobennansaid io her tbnd, *Lofs go owr b Uut ber fiore drlnls' The lady wltfr tlre Ghlhuahuasaid, aVe cant go in there. We\re got our dogs wi(h us.' The one witlr llre Itobermangald,'Juetwetch tns, Otendo ec I do.' put on a palr of da* Theywalked over b lhe bar and lhe one wltr the Doberman 'Soltt, Ltly, no peilr elbnrcd.' glessc arid sterbrl b walk ln. Tho bounc$.t lhe door !.id, ihe *oman with ttre lloberman sald, ryou don't undergtand.Thie is my seeing'eyedog.' Tho boulrcrr seld,'A Dobennen?' Tlre woman!aid, ryes, they're uslng ltrem now Theyrc very good'' The bouncerlrld,'OlG oomeon in-' The hdy wiih tlre Ghihuahuathought trat convlnclng him ilrat a Clrlhuahuawas a 39 3he ptlt on hel reeingreyedog mey be e bit mon dfficulg but troughg vrEt fto !!9h'sony, lady,no pela dad<gta$oa anoetarteoto watkin. once againthe bouncersaid, lllmd." The womansaid, "ll7oudon't underrtand. This ir my seeing'eyedog.' The bouncerseid,'A Ghihuehua?' 'A Started, Orewomanwith ttre Chihuahuasald, Chlhuahua?You'retelllng ne lfrat 0rey gnw tm a fraaking CHIHUAHUA?. 'Comd€b- .nd'FinlslFd' No Englirh dictionary has beenable to adequably explaintie difietpnce betwoentfl9oe trf,owod.. tn e recent llqguh0c compottton hdd in Lmdot and atbndcd by' ruppocedry' tfte beat In tre world, SamdarBalgobin,a Guyaneseman,wal tre clear winner wifrr a minubs. Etendingondon whlch lesbd ovorS 'How you explainthe dilTercncebetteen COTPLETEand queotion do was: Tie final Fltrll$HEDin I wey ftet b easyto undertandit Somepeople.ey $etp b l{O difirronce betweenCOTPLEIE and FINISHED.' Hert b hb etttb emwor; vlren you marY the rightwomen,you an'O(ilPLETE . 'F|I{ISHED', and when the "right one" cabhes W[en you marrytlrc nrrcngwoman,you are you wilh trdtroDg olle-, you elB'CilPLETELY Flt{ISHED'l He won a Uip aroundthe world and a GASEof 25 year old SCOTCHI Pleaseforrard any ltemethat you mlght havefor incluslon In our Bulleiin to the Edltor' ol by phoneto 25ll€EE{71}5,or you G.n R.nger A| P.g8, vL ernailto Egg@!reUlg ahraysluct give lt b me In pensonat any of our Rangermeeiings. I wlll gladly acceptyoul OOtOs,conrments,catbons,iol(eS,rrcipeS,aicbo,plttsibmriorsele&tradeorw|nbd. -l<C)tE sHg3 c'stro{:3 35gs s ,6Og Z! 'i*a ig hJ .:3E,E a;E t-) 1:g H sEE =€ u ru s 3.o a3g 3 '95 EP 6 gg l.r \o b,J (, r-\ - (, c 3 \o o\ Ea @ sv b.J UI i'ld r€ g o o F s s sil* @ l - td s{ s * EE3 g'g ETH U) o- (JI i l rs g 5 Eg{ gF H ! (rt b.J ilF? o=T 3'5 o bJ b,J b.) eF= clC'< -=.s \ fs 1?_f1/F_tso \ a- H (\ o CL s7 @ =gF = Eg f;tE HBE s tlfrbr o!z (n \ J {gN. \l ;rF s .|l o o s7 -d l d !- tH t - rh @ sv 5 CL E :i D D o rt o o o tD c} o <oE Hg3 mn 'aE$F :EE .g \o ggio\ ", E6g = H I.J E - -iiFE gger = \ e=EH UI + o J o E J . I Fol * F\# d g !t o {r N 5 fr tfd qP-\ o Ctl g\ r -T l fBH O\r .f,€lrd g5i \o { .'g E .ga -|!o ggE.EE i sl l*lg gBbJ hJ \t H Fio (, € ! (rt r;*: gs egilH b,.) T rS g u2 s o\ s s o ggEtS b,J UI gr b,J E iq# s\o -€ b,.) i* o - H 5 EE{ gI o !g' sf tr sUr 6o 'il€ 6o 'glr E g ,5 (! IT aa !gt 3 g< r \ E g rS ss" so (t, 1+Cn s7 E rtSr €P g*t hJ E,(}) :-\ (, A3E r 3a 6" J\d g o o o rfl (t, C" TH -l s7 sv Fo\ g o o g= :TY ES 9,V to \a 'g a D H rtl H -.I r|1 o rt o r3 o o -'|9-',c|! sgE 3a 55 E { s H r-, - -l -! Tr )\rt ^ \ F I o H € *Haif; 5 ElEF= '#Fgg o {r N D e .rl 6" o D E d si t -l f)do \l sn -N il u 5Eg hJ ct, 13= EB -i5hJ o AQ 88 3c) (.}) 5 (tr r