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1" ASEAN Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences
May 28-30, 2015, Vientiane, Lao PDR.
Call for Papers
The ASEAN Conftrence on Hunanitbs ard Sochl Sciences (ACHSS) is a quarterh
interdlscblinarv confererce that aims to bring together leadine academic scientists,
researchers and schohrs to exchange and share/dlscuss tlrcir eperiences and research results
aboff all aspects of hwnanities and sochl sciences. ACHSS 112015 scheduled on May 28-30,
2015 at l-aongdao Hotef Vientiane, tao PDR. The nrain thenp is "The Inportance of
Hurnanities and Social Scierrces in tlre context ofASEAN Conrnunity".
Political Science Association of Kasetsart University (Thailard)
Asian Forurn on Business Education
National University oflaos (I-aos)
Meanchey University (Cambodia)
Natbnal Ecormmic University (Vietram)
Foreigt Trade University (Vietram)
Graduated College of Managenrent, Sripatum University (Thaihnd)
Faculty of Htrnanitbs and Social Sciences, Plnanakhon Rajabhat University
Facuhv of Hunanities and Sochl Sciences, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
Faculty of Politbal Science and t^aw, Kahsin Rajabtnt University (Tlrailand)
Departrrpnt of Political Science, College of Govemnrent, Rangsit University
Irstittte of Thai Research and Developnrcnt Managenrcnt Gtxailand)
Importtnt Dates
Paper Sttmission
Not」 Latbn
of Acceptance
ACHSS 1/2015 Confererlce Date
Longdao HoteL Vbnthne,LO PDR
Bcforc Apr1 13,2015
0n Apri1 27,2015
Bcfore May 4,2015
Ⅳfay 28-30,2015
Paper Submission
Submbsbn of an abshact or article rrplies that the work descnbed has not been
pubkhed prevbuslv (except as part of a published lechne or academb thesis), ttnt it is not
under consiCeration for publicatbn ebewlrere, that its publicatbn is approved by all adlrors
and tacith or explicith bv tlrc adlrorities responsible wlrere the work was carried out, and
ttnt, if accepted, the abstact or article will not be published ebewhere in the same form
witlrotrt tlre written comerfi of tlre publisher. The editors reserve tlrc right to edit or otherwise
aher all contribr.tions, btt atffttors will receive prooft for approval before publicatbn
Copyrights for articles are retained by ttre authors, with fi:st publication riglrts granted
to the publisher. The publisher is rnt responsible for subsequerfi uses of the work. It h tfre
ar-lhor's responsibilitv to bring an ffiingement actbn if so deshed by the author.
The publisher has a zero-tolerarce phgiarism polby. All submissions will be checked
by editors before being sent to reviewers.
Atrlrors permit ttre publislrer to archive tlrem in databases and irdexes such as Index
Copemicus, getClTED, and Google Schohr.
Manuscrbts slouH be prepared in Mbrosoft Word fornat and submitted via the
conferetrce's ernail address (achss.psaku@gnnilcom). If you have any questions, please
contact the editor.
Paper Selection and Publication Process
1. Upon recebt of a submissiorl the editor sends an e-nnil of confinnation to the
submission's autlror within one to tlree working days. If you fiil to receive this confirmatioq
yotn submission e-rnail nny have been missed.
2. Peer review. We use a double-blird system for peer review; both reviewers' and
authors' identities remain anonymous. The paper will be reviewed by at least two e4rerts:
one editorial board nrcmber and at least one e{emal reviewer. Tlre review process rnay take
two to tlree weeks.
3. Notificatbn of ttre result of review by e-mail
4. If the submission is accepted, the atftrors revise paper.
5. After publicatbr\ tlre correspondine autlrcr will receive one set of the conference
proceedinpp in CD-Rom free of charge. If you want to keep printed proceedings, phase
contact the editor before rnaking an order.
6. A PDF version of the proceedings is avaihble for download on the conference's
ficebook page (h@s//www. facebook.co m/ACHSS.PSAKU), free of charge.
Genelal Requirements
1. tanguage: Submissbn in both Thai and English areweboned.
2. trngth: Each paper is limited to 8 pages nornralty (inchdng all figures, tables, and
refererrces), additbnal pages will be charged.
Title Pase
To ensune ttte integrity of the peer review process, every efort should be rnade to
prevent the iCentities of the adlrors ard reviewers from being known to each other.
When you sent a submissbn ft, adtror iCentities shouH be rernoved from it. You
shouH rpload the title page as a srpplenpntary file for the editor to review.
1. Title: Be concise and infonnative. Titles are often used in ffirrnation-retrieval
systerns. Avoid abbrevhtions and formulae where possible. If you choose to have a subtitle,
it should be italicized and centered dhectly bebw the nnin tith.
2. ArItnrs' Nanres and ffiliatbns: The preferred form of an author's nanre ils first
natrrc, middle initia(s), ard hst nanre; this form redrces the likelilnod of mistaken identity.
To assist researchers as well as lbrarians, use the sane form for publicatbn tlroudrort your
career; tlnt b, do not me inithls on one rnanuscript and yotn full nanp on a hter orrc. Omit
all titles (e.g., Dr., Professor) and desees (e.g., Ph.D., Psy.D., Bl.D.).
The aulnrs' affiliatbn iCentifies the positbn and bcatbn of the adtror(s) at the tinre
the research was conducted, whbh b wually an instinrion Irrclude a dual affiliation onh if
two instihfibns contib*ed substantial stpport to the study. IncLde no rnore than two
affilhtbns per aufrlrcr.
Preparation ofText
Manuscrbts shouH be orBpnired in the folbwins order: Title; abstract; key word
(irdexing terms, nornrally tlree-to-fue itrru); introductbn; nethods, and/or techniques;
resuhs; discuss io n; corrchs io n; acknowled genre nts; references.
1. General Rubs for Text: Please me the folhwing rules for ttre entire text including
abshact, key word, headmgs and references.
Font: Tinrc New Roman; 12 pt. l-Eng.l / Anesana New; 16 pt. lThail
Paragraph Spacirg: Above paragraph - 0 pt.; below paragraph - 0 pt.
Line Spacing: Sngle.
Heading: Tinre NewRornan; l4pt.; Bold [Eng.] /Angsana Neq 18 pt.; Bold lThail
2. Abstact: A concise and fichral abstract is required (rnaximurn leneth of 200
words). The abstact should state brieflv the purpose of tlre research" the princbal resuhs, and
nqior conch.rsions. An abstact is often presented separatety from the article, so it mrst be
able to stand alone. Refrrences should therefore be avoided, bttr, if essentlal, they must be
cited in full in the abs&ac! witlmut relying on the refererpe lisl
3. Key Word: Inrrpdiateh after the abstact, provile a maximrrn of 5 keyworcls,
avoidng Eeneral and phnal tenrr and multble corrcepts (e.g., "and," 'bf). Be sparing wittr
abbreviations: only abbreviations frmly established in tlrc field may be efuble.
4. Subdivisbn of the Article: Divije your article into clearly defrred. Any subsection,
iteal$, shouH not be rnore than 600 words. Afflrors are uged to write as concisely as
possible bu not at the expense of chrity.
5. Equations: The text size of equatiom should besimilar to normal text size.
6. Tables: Number tabbs consecdively in accordance wittr their appearance in the
te[. Phce a table's captbn above the tabb's bodv and its description below the body. Avoid
vertical rules. Be sparing in the use of tables and ensure that the data presented in tabbs do
not dtplicate results described elsewtrere in the artbb.
7. Figures and Schenes: Nurnber figrnes consect"tiveh in accordance with their
appearance in the tes" Phce a fuure's caption and descr[tbn behw ttre fuure body. A
minimum resolutbn of 300 DPI is required.
Note: Avoll abbreviating tlre titbs of tables, figures, and equations (i.e., Tab. 1, Fig.
2, FA. 3) in ttre caption or in ruming te{. Do not write "the table aboveibehw'' or 'the figure
on page 32," because the position and page nrnber of a table or figure carupt be determined
urtil the pages are [peset.
Cite the work of those indiviJuals whose iCeas, theories, or research have directh
influenced your work. They rnay proviJe key backprowrd ffirmatbrl sq:port or dispute
your thesis, or offer critical definitions and data. Citation of an articb rrplies that you have
personalh read the cited work. In additbn to crediting the irJeas of otlrers that you used to
build your thesis, proviCe docurBntation for all frcts and fuures that are not consiCered
comnnn knowledge.
Citations in the Tes: Each refrrence cited in tlrc te* mwt appear in the reference list,
and each entry in tlre reference list must be cited in tlrc tes. However, two kinds of rnaterial
are cited onlv in the tef: refererrces to chssical works srch as the Bble and the Qu'arL
whose sectbns are stardardized across editbns, ard reftrences to personal corrrntmication
References in a nreta-analysis are not cited in-te* turless tlrey are also nrentioned in the text.
Wren fornrattine an in-text citatiorL glve, in parentlreses, the hst nanre of tlre arffhor
of the cited work and the year it was published. For rmpublished or informafu published
works, eive the year the work was prodrced. Write "in press" in parentheses for artichs that
have been accepted for publicatbn bu ttrrat have not yet been published. Do not give a date
urtil the articb has actually been published.
In all otlrer instances, citations in tlrc te* shouH follow the referencng style used by
tlre Anrerican Psychobgical Associatb n (APA).
All abstacts and papers sr:bmitted in the conference will urdergo rieid double blind
peer review process. Onh excellert papers ttrrat will pass the review process will be accepted
and published in the conference proceedinp (with ISBN) as one volunp.
Registration and Fee
The basic registatbn package irphdes the conference proceedinp
conference bag t hxrctL 2 cofte breaks, and attending all sessions
Pre and Post― Conferece City Tollr****
Each paper is limit€d to 8 pages ncnnally (inchrding all figures, tables, and references),
additbnal pages will be charged.
** Jourul of Interdisciplinary Research: Graduate Studies (ISSN: 2256-7252)
*** PSAI(U lntematbnal Jounal of Interdisciplinary Research (ISSN: 2256-959X)
***t This price is for 2 persors/roorn A single room surcharge of 30 $ per person/night.
Personal eryenditure srch as telephone calls, mini bar, and hundry services are excluded.
We also offer a special package price for PSAKU member onty !!!
「11+「 41+「 91+「 101
Thai Language
860→ 820→ 800$十 Frec「 61
Englbh Language
「11+「 51+「 91+「 101
lHO…)1045‐ )1020$十 Free r6
「11+「 41+[91
6301〉 5901〉 580$十 Free r71
「11+「 51+「 91
880二 〉815$→ 800$+Frce r71
Payment Method
Bank Nane:
Accourt Nanp:
TMB Bank Public Conpany Limited
Kasetsart University
Political Science Association of Kasetsart University
Saving Accoutt
Contact Us
Political Science Association of Kasetsart University
21433 Yoochareon Village, Soi Paholyothin 44, Paholyothin Road,
Senanikonr. C hatuchak, Bangkok I 0900, Thailand
Telephone/Fax:+6629400232 Mobile:+66929500889
Erna il : ac hss.p saku@,hotrm il.co m
Facebook: ficebook.con/ACHSS.PSAKU
Conference Schedule
May28,2015 Pre-Confererrce Cfu Tour
Welconp to Vienthne lntematbnal Aimort
12.00-13.00 Lurch Tilrc @, Vientiane Sea Food Restaurant
13.00-17.00 Visit Pha That Luans & Patuxay Monument
17.00-18.00 Dirurer TinE @, Kualao Restaurant
Check-in at L,aongdao Hotel
May29,2015 Conference Date
07.00-08.00 Breakfist Ti"E @ Laongdao Hotel
08.00-09.00 Registation
09.00-09.20 Open Cerennny
09.20-10.00 Keynote Session
10.00-10.30 Coffee Break
10.30-12.00 Concunent & Poster Sessbns
12.00-13.00 Lurrch TinE (A Laonsdao Hotel
13.00-14.30 Corpurent & Poster Sessions
14.30-15.00 Coffee Break
15.00-15.30 Keynote Session
15.30-17.00 Corrcurrent & Poster Sessbns
Dinner 'lrrrc @Laongdao Hotel
Mav 30, 2015
Post-Conference Cfu Tour
07.00-08.00 Breakfist Thrc @, Laongdao Hotel
08.00-12.00 Visit Wat Si Muang & Horphakeo
12.00-13.00 hrrch 'frre @, Mea Khong Restaurant
13.00-18.00 Visit IGysone Phonrvihane Museum
Fty Back to Swarnabhumi Airport
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∩創nenぅ j琶橘
%η nni
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:166129500889 1
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