?Trw furf-d{ GTTqtrr - Election Commission of India
?Trw furf-d{ GTTqtrr - Election Commission of India
?Trw furf-d{ H].E,EICTEON El'r',tlx 0l I t37t7]qt-98 GTTqtrr COMMISSIOI\ OF II{DIAi f+rriq'l {I<'q, Ira:r 0I l'21,, i 3tll2l2l73L)t)tL4 wel,:,tre 1vi.,"...'i n,.,n I'J o.9 9/2 015- ,*\,5",1irf[l*.,,.t., Ashol<a }load, Nerv E PS Dated 30th Octobe r,201,5 To Tlre Ser:reta ry, St;ite Eiection Commis:;iorr of Ail the States and Union ferritories. Su bj ect: iVlaciarn l-ocal Body Elections / - Sharing of lnformation _ Regarcling. Sir l constitutton I am directed to invite your attention to the Artlcle 324 of the of lndia whereby the Ele<.tion commission is entlusted with the i superintc'ndence, direction and control of the preparation of the electbral rolls for and conclttct of all elections to Parliament and to the legislature of every State and of erlections to the offices of the President and the Vice-president. The Commission is ;rcultly consciotl:; of the fact tlrat the State Election Commissions, in furth"runi." of the co(.i.llr\v":j detnocratic structure have beerr set up to ensUre holding of periodical election:; at the grass root level to elect representatives on the basis of an 'impartial oL)ir.(-[i\/c :rnd fair election process. 2. Tlre ConstitLrtional Scheme envi_iages a healthy respect for each other,s ilowers and functions among all Constitutional Ar-rthorities so ihat they work in hartnony. on its part the Commission would like to reiterate that a spirit of mutual cooperation and harrnony govern its dealings with the State Election Commissions, consistent wrth its Constitutional obligations'and commitments. The Commission solicits full cooperation 3' State arnd goodwill from the state Election comnrissions. Having regard to the above, the services of the electoral machinery in the / Union Territory which functions uncler the surperintendence, direction end control of the Election Commission of lnclia - namely, the District Election Officers, Electoral Registration Officers, Returrning Officers and Assistant Returning Offiicers who are appointed bv the Cornmission underr the various provisions of the Representation of Delhr-ll000l Act, L951, are being utilised by the state Election commissions for the concJuct of panchayats and Munrrcipalities elections' This rnay give rise to a situation when the sarne electoral machinery is stretched to conduct sirnultaneous or consecutive elections to Local Bodies and State I l,r-:gislature / parliament. , 4' To avoicl such situaiion, you are requestecl io slrare information about i tlre schedule of elections to Local Bodies in your State / Union Territory as soon as the sarne is declared, to enabie the Cornmission to schedule the programmes of General Elections or Bye-elections to the state Legis!ative Assembly the state 5. / / Houses of parliament from UnionrTerritory accordingly, to ensure that the schedules ao] please acl<nowledge receipt of tire letter. Yours fairhfully, , (Sun it Mukherjee) Secretary copyio the chief Electoral officer of allthe states / Union Territories. I