nililitafv Qrder of the Furple Heart
nililitafv Qrder of the Furple Heart
nililitafv Qrder of the Furple Heart IJTIS HEA ETLI NE E-MAIL HE Sunnv Jenes Ghapter49, San Diego Oonnru[rl[alrrffii[.Lallcr lndUatft Harfilrot l&tlr Elldrn +++{#++##+++++.H+#+#++++#++*+*#++*.}#++++{-+++++#+#+#++*"}{-++ X'EBR,I]AR,Y EOO9 BULLETIN A new montJl we start a geoond montlr in eOO9. New challengles and lssues begln. I hope you had a good flrst month a,nd are read.Sr for the ahallenges for the geoond roontJr of 2OO9. Tlre lmlrorbant meetiagl fon tbls month, ls tJre flrst Chapter meettng of tbls new yeax. Tlre Sum;r .Iones meetin€l will be on Satunlay Februaqr eI$ a,nd it rrrdlt be a celebration of George Washin€iton's Birthday. It wlll be a pot luck, and I hope you a,ll will bringl the good stuff beeause I like to eat. Please all come so that we will have a successfi:l meettng for tJre flrst one in tb.lsyear. The Time is 1:OO PM or (13OO). THE MEETING WTLL BE AT: The American Legion Hall, Albert cI. Hiakman #406, tJre address is 78I5 Arrnour St., San Dlego, CA 92I I1-5716. For more inform.atlon caII: ALEX (858) 8743483 or e-mall Rodney [email protected] at: To get t,o the American Legion Ha^ll from 8OE €o East on Ba,Iboa to Convoy Street, turn ri€bt on Convoy a,nd tJre next si$aJ- on Convoy 1g Armour Street, tu-rn left on Arnour and the whlte buifdin€l on tJre r{gfr.t side ls tJre American Le5[on Hall, Albert cI. Iliokma,n # 460. To get to tJre Ameriaan LeSlion Ha.ll from 165 €o west on Balboa to Convoy Street, turn left on Convoy and tJre next signa^l on Convoy is Armour Stneet, turn left on Armor:r and tlre wblte building on Ure rigpt side ls the Amerlaan legion Hall , Albert cI. Hickman # 460 * tr ***************** )* * *:* * * * x * * * * * * * * * r! t t ******* r* ** * * Report X'orm Commander KennetJr Lepore Tlre Mid-Term went well. The chapter was well received. The Clovis Memor{a^l Bulldingl was a.n awesome pl,aae. Please do not forget to list the date, time, a,nd locatlon of our meethgs for the year AOO9. Also, please make tJre anaouneement of our upcoming election of chapter officers for this year AND please be sure to anaor:nce tJre date, tine, a,nd locatlon of our chapter elections for this year. As a rerninder, elections shall be held in April and installation of elected or appointed offlcers sha,ll be no later tJra,a May $f . ++++ Mid- term photo taken By Ul3rsses Miller clr. h.#+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++#++++#++++#+ ALEX QUINTANAS, who has researched Mqjor Michael Davis O'Donaell, born Auglrst 15, 1945, who wrote the Poem tJrat was in the elanua,rSr issue of the Chapter E-Maii News, has reported some mistakes about the Mqjor, he vrrote the poem in JanuarXr l, 197O, was killed in action March 24thI97O. He was stationed at ca,rnp Holiway Noar Pleku Airfreid F,VN. He was assigned to the 52nd Aviation Group. He wrote the Poem elanua,r5r l, 1970 at Dak-To Airfield. R,VN. He was awarded posthumously from Captain to Major on March e4th 1970. Here is hls poem that was printed in the cla,nua,rXr Bulletin: "Ifyou are able, Save for them a place Inside of you And save one backward glance !\Ihenyou are leaving For the places they can No longer go. LADIES AUXILTANY NEW$ CHARLOTTE MiLLEN. U$rsses Mller 'Ir' IVelcome our new member Cha,rlotte Miller, she ls tJre wife of joined charlotte a,nd ul;rsses have been very active in our chapter since ul;rsses patriot cloe lastyear. we also would uke to welaome Mar5r clokon, wife of MoPH Heart Ciot'oo, Gail Aclen, and Mira,n6a F1emin$, €fa'ndd'au€hter of a Purple reclpient from Pennsylva,nla. We look forryard' to havinS! more of our MOPH m"-b"rssi€nin€!uptJreirwives,d.aug|htersand$landdaughterstotJre LAMOPH. +{#+##+#+++++++++#++##+*++++.#+++#++++#+++++# Tlre NATIONAL CALL TO SEF,VICE F'ALLY was a biglevent. The chapter had a Purple Heart table set up with our flag and iterne to pass out. Cheryl Perez witJr her two wonderful A.,gsoaiate Pu:ple Heart Merrbers werc helping out. T'lrere were some otJrers from Chapter 49 tJrere to hetp. I a,m not sure how manJr new members that we got but therc were some. tater. we need. more chapter members to help on events like tJrls. MAXE.TADLOCK #+#+++#+++++#++H{-++++++++++#+++"H#++#++*+#+{i#+++'F*#+ CIUST I'O8., FUN KIDS ANSWEN,S SUNDAY SCHOOL THE LORD IS MY SHEPHER,D A Sund.ay scb.ool decid.ed to have heryoung class memorize one of t'he most quoted. passa€les jn the Bible, Psalm 25. She gave txle youngst€$ a month to lea,rn the ahapter. Little Rickwas exoited about tJre task - but, he just couldn't nemember tJre Psetrn. After muoh practice, he could ba,rel5r get past tJre first line. on the d.ay tJrat tJre kids were scheduled to recite Psa.lm 25 in ftont of the Ric}<y was so nervous. IMlen it was tr:rn, he stepped up to the "oogrcgaiion, Be not ashamed to say You loved them, Ttrou€hyoumay Ormaynothave a,Iways. Take what tJrey have teft Aad what tb.ey have taught you With their dying And keep it witJr your own. And intJrat time TJVhen men declde a,nd feel safe To call tJre war lnsa,ne, Ta,ke one moment to embrace Those Elentle heroes You left beblnd.n -Mqf or Miobael Davls O'Donnell I .Ianuar5r, 1970, Dak To, Vietna,m Department of CaJifornia Convention R€ddtng, Ca,llfornla cfuae 18, 19,2OOg The Dtr'C will m.eet on Wed"nesday, Jttne 17,2OO9. This meeting will be held at tJre Redding Veterans Ha^11. Transportation will be provided by Chapter AOOI. Locatlon: Red Llon Hot€I, R€ddlng, Ca,lifornla 1850 Hilltop Drive, n€dding, CA 9600A (55O) Ael-87OO Reservations must be mad.e by cTune 5, 2OO9, to guara,ntee the negotiated rate. lorPpeople/onequeenbed $ aO.OOnlght+taxes queenbeds $ff+.oo/nrgnt+taxes I or 2people/onekingbed $ff+.oO/nignt+ta,:res 2peopte/two Ba,nquet: Tbls year we will have a BBQ at the F,edding Vetera,ns ba,ll. The cost per person will be forwarded witJr the offlcia,I invitafion in Ma,rch of 2OO9. .John Logan Commanden and proudly, 'The Lord. ls m5r Shepherd, a,nd tJrat's all I need to know.' HIGHER, POT\TEH, A Sunday school teaaher sald to her chlldren, 'we have been lea,rningf How powerflrl kings and queens were i.n Bible times. But, thert is a, hlgher Power. Cao. anybody tell me what lt 1s?' One cblld blurbed out, 'Acesl' CTOOD SANIAN,ITANi A Sunday school teacher was tellln€l her elass the story of the Good Sa,maritan. the asked tJre class, 'lf you saw a person lying on the roadslde, all wounded and bleeding, what wor,rld you do?' A thoughtfuI little glrl broke the hushed silence, 'I th.ill< I'd up.' FEBR,UAB,Y BIN,THDAYS OI. IIARAYK KAI{EAKI}A cIn 2/OI/I943 \I\T NV o2. CIEORGE PODHORSICY 2/OL/1922 TrVe NV 2/OL/L94O VN NV O5. .IERRY L TODD 2/O2/L948 VN An, 04. ROBEF,T THOMAS TInLLIAM o5. MCLEROY 2/OS/LS6O IF AR 2/O6/L9A6 We AB, 06. BLAS PENA 07. THOMAS DFERF,AN 2/O6/L94? VN MC 08. F,ONI\nE LEE BOAL 2/08/1946 VN NV 09. RENE H GONZALEZ A/LL/1928 KR AR IO. ARIIIA-IIDO CA"gTF,O 2/L4/L983 IP I\IIC 11. JEX'FERYFISHEL 2/Lg/I962 IX' NV Iz.VAIiICEDPATENAUDE 2/L8/TA4O VN NV 15. GAS,YKHIMAI(A 2/r8/L948 \'lN AR 14. ROBEF,TGT/EA,TREES 2/L8/r544 VN AR 15. erOHN S MOOII,HOUSE 16. CARLOS QUINTATIA I?. MICHAEL E BUB,KE 18. CHAR,LES WMOONE 19. AIEX LUcIAN eO. A ROBERTcIOHNeIONES I.ULYSSES MILLER, * * * *:t* tf lr * eIA, 2/t9/L926 W2 MC z/rs/Lsf5 As 2/2L/L948 VN AR 2/24/r92r WA AR a/26/LSe8 W2 2/28/L948 VN VN 2/25/t944 rl.:F:F,1.+:F tl.:|l {r rl.,lr ri rt {. tr *:1.rt f:} * ** AR NV AF * rl.:t * * * *** i. A quote by Martin Luther Kln5!: "I have held many things ln my hands and have lost them aJI, but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess." I + li< * * * * * * * * * * * * I * x* * * * *< *( :t rF t< r< * {< {< i. *. r< * * * x tr * * )t< Mid- term photo talren By Ulysses Miller clr. ''''.,-nrnrfu'rii-ll..r .. ' lr It '" 1f**fi | j:, ' er:1ji:ied*\! 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