Press Release 5
Press Release 5
Release Llnsure, bllnklng nervously, the Bears emergedfrom the slum end of Brighton beach sone tvo yeal9 baek nowt of ,ritr, .r, EP of tt, ntld"-eyed beauty - raplcl flurries sprayed and electrLc ll0TSE tore and irenbled, uhlpped worlds swamand dlseolved to whlle - cold-centre - stl[ trCutil, thelr epic"' the blank ralnsoaked spaces of rt,.. donrt call ne ever again, I thlnk-f rve lost nry only-frlend, A frlend who happened to- say thal Ilappened to gay.. . rl she loved me, Happenedto say. Nov longdeleted, Though a re-fashloned trCuttr appeared on theLr subsoquent .lohn Peel sasslon. And later there waa rtllke a Dolphlnfr, another EP l-ike a trlt,t s about a glrl who works ln llaltrose and looks songrs dolphlntr Joked Robl shyly, deflectlng away fT?t-the rrBalloon Songrtt trul feelings... The elopfete Favourite was prev!_ously showcasedon a live flexldlsc recordtng of a of irometorm Chrlstmas concert under lts earller tltle i'S"loon Bongrt - a tttle felt too fltppant -!!91 all around GLooMANDREPRESSI iffi orsllm ctoAK 0F THATcIfiiRITE TIITH A I{AS SEENDESCEIIDING Fllp. FIap. Flop. ' v - i r ilfnsiderr E.P. [Balloon SongtrflexLdlsc ir irl,ike a Dolphlnrf E.P. n0one Get Mgfr E.P. I . ,-{, ;:;dij r f''. llfi' .tl:ih ft_ {lc , SARAH Cz . i$rr.' Another f'eel Session followed, to further uncritical acclalm; grotesquely, several and slgnlfleant membsrsof both Primal Scream and the Creatlon Records staff moved to Brlghton to suss ilwhat was ln the Bearsr uaterrr and maybe enliven thelr own tired strean. They falled; and ln a domtown bar boss-man McGeethreu a bottle at l'lunmyand Daddy Bear ln lres.ry frustratlon and chlldlsh rag6r Nobody nuch got hurt. And so at last lo -",pub backroon in dreary mld_evenlng North-London, a ramshaekfl sounAoheck, and the flrst squeals and buzzes of a brandnew COME-GET Ue "fau -i"orthe air,.. and a small but y"ung.record.-eompany lmqoStant Brietol, tired and dlsturuea by ,orl nrit-dozen 'ruilu_iururng motorway rldes smlles u"o".ti|-io ttself. ft has found someP0Pmusic. M IcedBears I I t0N COMEGETME a 7't E.P. on $AnAlI featuringr UNHAPPY DAYS COMECETME & SURETOSEE t,rt li ,r, I And nou here we are, tuo months Iar,?rt a pale blue and green mlsty forest calls COMEGETHE; a ?tr reeord, a POPrecord, stuck full of NOISEand emall soft hopeless ' . ' " : . . - . thlngs to adore lLeg here at my side... , ,,.,,:;rf..l ... B.rd we hope, dear revieuer, that ';r<iifrffil there ls sone tiny part of you left lntact lsnft a Journallst and whlch ean stlll and cherlsh N0IS8..... .",r$1-ffi: .*ir t,ur.-!, Belgrave RoadBristol 0272730510 ,1Q_U,pper algoovailobl€ onSRRgtl. *. f*r 'Pril*ir*"e 9Enrn(*rr$5 CH.;9t-;d f+rEoRcrllpg - 'j've6ofnF+cbrF' pnY_ f,ruonER'fu*r*V t,,;:;r:{,f:::irrse T*g poFp.fHEhps tcrenotlonTevltt* pAy ArtoT*ER $trNNY lutnLoVf trl;ft Ah;'t ffto ?o"Jn..tKn*hfI EXiSe' 'iT4E Sen U€etlthtS rSoloc€T*g qDLDF* tsAilN tt\y SecretWorld -'\ iile g?Rul&FrFr-Pi-, t5ur.{lovlit'