$1.25 A orunal OrisFating t$ fanuary 198t-l # $ hlts the f,re, You vant to be there, vatchlng and llrtenlng ar 5O b llX) Yeare of coastllne Thc Masthead by Jeanne Ferrlq oo-cdltor ON TTRES AND FTREWOOD January ls the month when Tom neatty gets to ' know blr hall -rrood. :He gees lt flrst 8s a troe bo msnY' then as a log U) trlm end sa* lno aetlons, tben as a plekrp 'load of rcc6ons, *ten- al 'io boat loads of cecdons' dten as 50 wheelbarow loads uP to the yard st hlgh tlde. From theri he glver lt the are and convertE the lectlons b cords of flrewood, rtacked (hoPefullYl above tlre htghest hlgh vater mark. FlnatlY, iach ctlck of vood lg carrled lnb the hotse, lald tenderlY on the woo@lle' and from thire nestled lno the wood EtoYo. He caYa that wood t! ktnd of ltke a frlend bY dte ' tlme he rtacks tt on $e Ore; hefs htndled lt so manY dlnea he sort of. hctes !o see lt go. Leslte feels that waY about her wood toor although hcr woodplle lr bullt ltke ourt' logs Pulled off tlto at htglr tlde. She tow: them rlowlY home behlnd the Lrnd ulng Uartner Power' b-bc left htgb on tbc beach undl los ilde. . Ttcn tleYrrc all chalneavcd' lnto Eectlont' glvcn the are, and carrled, armload !Y armioad, uP the hlll to the stardng wlft beaches woodptle--a thlng of evcr dlmlnlshlng beautY. WhCn that qulck bunlng cedar or slov burnlng flr or hemloQk or alder or unknorn memorlee blaze and crackle. There le nothlng qde llke a hot vood tbve on 8 dark and wtnry day. THANKS TO THE FOLI.OWING t986 was a god Year for the BartlcY Sonnder. We etarted .out last JanuarY wldt nev rubscrlber number 209 (Ntna Pearlmutterl and en&d the year wlth rubscrlbers number 241 (Eva Danulat and Yet Phllltp Adams|. We have^rnev to !d vlro wlll become cnbccrtber nurnber 212] ln 1987. I went baek and eorned over 50 peoPle rrho contrlh$Bd to the lbE6 cdldon, eltlrer by wrldng or drawlng; and cver 4p buslnerses who sdverd$d Ytdt lr3. And lct us rct forget all the chlldren 8t Erlc Godcon school wlp conrtbued ln 1986. Thank you' one and alll Thankr to You readers, too, whotve regularlY tent lrs renewal orders and lncluded everY klnd vords about readlng iTheY coverr b cover lslue, also serve, wlto onlY stand and Talt.i lVe look forvirrd to lgET' and to tThlngl unattemPted yet, ln Pro€ or rhYme.r (Thankr elgo to John Mllton, 1606-1074.! For a flne, fat Volune IV' 1986 'edltlon, thankr to the follovlng: Pete: .ianitis' Dave Hegstrorn' 'Lorne Mclntosh, Letth Boulter' Flsv. Vern McEachern, R. Bnre Scctt, Norble and Eva Brando $irdl $chmldt, Ceclle LYner' HoPwood tsernlce $tewartt tr:ug -Bentbn, - AI . . , I , , , i ' Ebba Jennlngs, fiotl 4 F*rke, Sheils Chambers, Fr*d and lda 'lVellandr Pat Garcla' Bernadette WYbn, KtttY UoYdt Barh' De*roeberl, Fui.J. Mathart Jeihn Glsb*rne, John Ol*eno Y"l ?veltn Valerie Surger, Andre lviartel, .Arrnand lerol, Grahsm Elll*ton, RorY lYllson, Alan Burger, Don Hslvard' Anne Stewartn Llnda HaYlock' Merle Or trom, Brooke Cameront CrY*t*i ClaPPts, CareY Rcblns" Ted Atstln, CindY Gretto, KerrY Seilbn, Kelth WYton, Elalne and Tom Christlan, Nora Flower' Atsn Chambers, Bill Smlth, Psul ?ennant, hiiarY Patrlck, Zena Robereon, and flnallY, Norm D' Flume. In Thls Issue etan &rrger report* on tlee first Chrlstmas Bird Count ever held in Bamfleld' The Christmas ls a tredttlon to the turn of the cen$trY. It began ln Nev forltr where--a rtalurallst got tire ldea whlle ttralling throtagh Central Fark, t*;oking- at tii* ladlest feathered hats. There were 7 other Chrlstmes co*ntc ln the Lower Count dattng baek GIauc$us-rtlnged Gslls. Tir*re vere 47,088 blrds of 50 sPeclea counted Edmonton bY reeord-settlng blr&re" gro:"lP trYe welcome of a 415 a new ?rfi?* wlth the new yearr s Perssll malty of us know, who use$ tne pen name Fat Grace. Thank f or, slro for addlng to the icope of ou torrnal wlth /our flne and sensldve thoqghts erd image*. Tfe algo welcome & nes reporter-phlloeoPher, J'P: Ad'ams, vtld comes to Bamfleid from Atllnr. ELC., where he was edltor of fte Atlln newspaper' Thank You t0 Dr, $-.*tlis Dru*hl of $ims$ Fraser Ll" *nd Bamfteld for contrlburi*g th* C.anedlan l{tldlife Servles flyer rhlch serve reProduecd 0n 24-27, And thsnk You^ ss lul centerfold artlst tor psge$ Mr. Nelson Duncan; hls work $ras eonmibuteet bY ht*ry - Scholey. Pakula tosk the $litrley' plcnne of DYIan Rlbertson, ,;rrr trsmlier Jenuary, of the very first Monthn. At the O.I.C.r$ reque$tt wetve included the first three pases of R,egulations on !#harves. fuvernrnent Matnland, !86 across Canada. In Vancouver, 150 blrdwatchars counted ebout 150,000 birds cf 120 sPeclee, lncludlng 7S'ggg Eurogenn etarllngs and 10'000 'ln p Enl*Y. fi $ THE BARI(LW SOIJhIDER Vohne V Jarnry Mas&ead Smller of the Month Small Towus Ciulstmas Bird -Cormt Bamfleld Weather Reglonal Dlst. Rpt. l9E5-66 Ralnfall graphs The Water Sy$Em Coastrnen The Canada G€ese Do You Knosr'? The Search Church Neuns The Banded Canade Coose Cenerfold Bargaln Hlrr$ng Hldltfe Trees Need Your Help leter to the Edhrs Crovernment Wharves Reguladons nre Desth of Llernory: i flcdon Splcy Mexlcan Taco Salad Cape Beale Weather In My Oplntore l$nber One t9E7 Jeanne Ferrte Dylan Robertson JJP. Adams Alan Burger Peter Jantdr Al Benton K b James Ferrls Pat Grace Graham Elllston Dave Hegrtrom Pat Grace Rev. Vern McEachern Atan hrger Dttrcan l.lelson Lelth Bouler c.w.s. Jecsle Logvlnoff Armand lcrol Eva &and Norbls'Brand James Ferrls I 4 5 6 8 I l0 t2 t4 l5 l5 l7 t8 t9 20 22 24 28 29 34 3E 38 39 snf,Hr,Hm OF THE fie(Dl{TXili Dylan Robertson - Mty, t9 I May 18, I 9gr lte Food I Peanut butter & honey sandrlches Favorite Muslcl Jlngle Bells F.avor I te Booi< R I chard Scarry I s ill{hat Do Peop I e A I I Daytt Hobby: Fishing Favor Ite Toy r Tran sforners Dylan ls an accompl lshed f raveller, esp€clally between Bamf le I d and Port Al bern t. He recent I y dlscovered the exlstence of the Tooth Falry. Born Favor I c I I I 4 Do SMALL TOWNS end road. They sre stuck here $e trbOte tt t"k* -; by .J.P. Adams becarse Yes, lt ts tnE. There are great places to llve ln thls world. And Bamftetd ls no slorrh l-n the ranklngs. But anyone who drlves, floatg or flles lnto thts gl,ace mrst have a good reasoni The end of the ratnbow lc not an exc..ise to suffer the lndtcnlw of the Banifleld Road or a -suif chop !n the Channel. So whatrs the blg deal? R?y are people here? And why do they etay? For go*,le the only reason to come here T3:ey compleae commerce theyrre gone. ls to a leave !t. stngle task of or recreatlon and Others corne here so thev wontt hsve to be somewherl else. They left an tnhospltable themselvee here, somettrneE llte-rally, other tlmes flgura- envlronment and slmply - found dvely. Some folks are here by accldent" They eame for onl season and after ten years end 100 feet of rain tlrey- are sHll here. They didnrt chose Bam_ fleld; ogponunlsm retgned and Bamfleld, maybe by rtefault, cnose tnem. It has a rlch habttat. attractr people who rrsnt t0It strdy it or harvest it. They flslr. cultlvate, they rnveiUeae lhuy It and that Is their Job. Tirey make money at lt. For others lt ts a dead5 leave lr greater than the of ilvtng ln a raln lnclemencles foresL Therc ere thooe who make staytng here thelr polttlcs. Some were born here; gthers.want to dle here. 'Maitci ts a word *opri-rne to degcrlbe word. here? lL Horne ts ttre beet But what keeps them --Quallty. For the most part Emall towns Ilke this func-tion because people recogntze there ls a guality of life liere that ts rare throughout the world. Ncw trqualltyn ts a very big word and beyond my scop€ to define. That notwithsrandlng,- the Judges at the country fatr spurned my mothert$ rhubarb ple but I never sav a Judge ln our kltchen when she plrclied a ple fro;n the oven. It ls the web of lnterdependablllty rhar fuels small tonrn surylyal. We depend Gn each for mld-afternosn tea and gosslp, for services, and even for a confltctlnj gomeone optnt*nn to argue wlth. Those around us are all we hgve. feoplq dontr say, isee you laErri ln si,lall tovms. It ls redundant, Of course you wllt ree each other later - beeawevho elce are you golng to suu? $o vhy do peopli teave? _ Beats me. I suppose one manrs floor ts anotti6r *"ili .celllrrg. Or to ^brlng tr closer to nome, one man'8 boat ts anotlter mants camel. dtdntt rnmple the forerta and otlpr land areac adequarclY and common fcrert' blrdc rucb at Goldcn-crowned Klngleu and tsamfleldts 1986 CltrFtmas Blrd Cqrnt by Alan Brger llVlnter lVrens strould have been ln the top terr. It&ybe next After reveral falsc startE year we can tldst a few more srms h sover all the habttstg resulttng *om $onilq, BamllPldrr flrgt ever Chrlrtmae" Blrd Gount 3l Decclrr ber, lYe rnanaged b convlnce ter peogrle t* glv* uP ' tbe .;rosrr*th *f thetr honws to brwe strons wlnde and f*equcnt {CBC} took placn on I better. Almgedrer se cowrted 6t speclc* ln the c.st$'rt perl*d "urd hed s tota! of 24,4$ blrds stght*d on the csunt dsY. Bemfteld wlll never rlval *h*wer* snr* co$nt b|rds" Afl had an lntersstlng tlmer filsnY Victorla* Van*ouver 0r lsdner for the top sgot ln Canadlan CSfs" They all regrularlY get I {lS- t 30 sp*eler s*d tenc of t3-r**sands sf blrds" hievertlrel- nsw birds were seen snd l*lentt{ted end nsw hot-spo* for t I birds *icc$vered, I The Gi*ucous-wlng*d f'stl I turned qrut tCI be she flDsst abundant btrd in our sres! se counted 453 of t&em s*d ther* s{i5re $s d*ubt man} otlrer$ ln sr*es wc dldnft vislL hlext !* llne wa$ the Surf $ccter, rJre bane of local rnussetr farrners. We ceiun ted 3 S $ of the:rl. Bufflehesds wsr* *drd' st ?EE. Th**e ettractlYe Ilttle dr-rcks s$sr E"s dtd ar$ up *orne good numbert and $sise Intereatlng *peeies, X.athy Kleln and Andre Martel had good vieq$ of a Slpper Beat Frederlck Lake' Thts wl*rd ltttle btrd, scarcelY lnrger then a Roblnr makes a Itvlng by catchlng lnsects on thE bottom 'of nshing ttr'eatr!.q' The Dlpp*r plungea lnto the s.ere tlre rnost cse:npB btrCs af the lnlet, eompledng the sP t'&n mo$t ab*ndant sFre*ies w$re c$ffent nnd emerges s few *ecouds later *tth a beak full of aquotlc lnsectt. Itrs repo4ted to be able to waf k al*:ig the bottom of stream feia:rrtng **rrowts Goldeneye {1?l}, Crctr { I fi?}, Pelagtc Cormorint {tssi' ile*tern Grebe {?0}, RedNor th- ise$ lerE I i I . Breesced Merganser {52}' Mew Gull (501 and Brandtrt Cormsr- ant {43}. excePdon of the the most conrnotr blrds Wtth the croqr, all Yere water-blrds, dernonstreting the local aguadc the rlchness of envlronments. Actually. lre 6 beds. See what ycu rnJs+*d bY u.atchlng football lngtead of golng birdlng! Jeanne Ferrtr, laura (from Edlnburgh, Seotlandl and I had grsst vlevg of a Peregrlne Falcoo. Tvlce lt eame vhtstllng over our boat ln Dodger Chsnnel" We also saY ' l-e dilaarre coutn, tbe Merltn, lytng oter ltimfteld Intet Jand Watson and ?om Shletds chaiked up an lmpresslve llst of aeablr& from the Deer Islands and Treyor Channef *trlle Cllff and Llnda Haylock uced thelr canoe to got cloee to ttre many dnks at tbe top end of Bamfletd lnleA $everql of rs cotrunented on tfie ty of S tefi*rrs Jays. Normally $e$e ral&out birds are consplcuoue and ptenttful. I91y This mystery trss resolvld when N-en 0strom phoned in her dayrs slghtlngsr vlrtuslly alt fire s_cnrci We plan to do tt all nert Chrlstmag and wlth arain rfore people and more co-operatlve storm patterns ve ehoutd chalk rp a longer, eyen mote lnterest_ lrF llst of blr& than rhts drne. llrdlnq ta atrays unpredtctabte: the llttle Screch Ovl- wtrictr has !!ke.n resldence at the Marlne stadon vas abent on ow count day, but a few niglits leer li ya: - slttlng qutetly tn rlre *.sd besld_e my howe, es lf to remlnd me tnst It w"ss stlll around, tagn-s Jays had been spendlng tire da;r getdng hand-outs - at hei feeder. MY PIRSONAL-EM ARY I.'IY PERSIINRL SECRETRRY rhe , :':- *A:::"*.?:, *ru*:lr sou';r Faper clppg D i sks Frerms Conrputen Sof tware end I'lanuer I s Sreeretarieil Service:t Fl trRLL TODRY 3A27 4th. Rwe. Port Rlberni ' 724- BAMFIELD WEATHER by ' Peter Ja;ttls December ls the wettest and the stormlest month of lr the yearr wldr an aYersge ralnfatl of 16.8 lnches. Thls year Ye had 19"26 inches for the month. No [Pr for snos. So ve ended'lnches" 122.73 t986, rlth doubll,ng I 985 162.2 inci:es). Average ralnfali for a ;near ls 108.?3 lnches. A i rn*st As for the hlgh ddes. l{ell, we dld not get guib washed ewayl For that ve can thank Mother Nafire. The hlgh tlde of 13.0 feet sas b take place on the 3lrt. But, thanks to hlgher prer$ure (30.10), leas raln gnd no rlnds at that dme, dte dde measured only 13.9 feet. The hlghert Slde on my records ls thEt of i5.t feet ln 1969, December Ilth. Barornetrtc pressl.re at thst tlrne vas 29,35. TemPeratt"res A hlgh of l3oC. on the 2lst. A leir of -3cC on th€ lOth. Mean rnaxirxun 8.74oC .\{enn Minlmr.rn 2.*SoC :\{een Ternpera*re 5.4cC ffinppg $[rw Srnr I'l I Fros thc (trlilrg snb {llrnilg Snfr Thrnt you for your prtronegr duriog thc pri Ycrr. GoodFood Reasobable Priccs ion. The recomnendatlons RECIONAL DISTRICT REPORT by Al Benon the Inqdry are qule The year ended rlth &€ Reglonal Board recetvlng two repor* that wlll be of lntcrest to many Bamflelders. The flrst ls the flnal report from the I{est Coast Flshery Semtnar/: Workshop whtch the Reglonal Dlstrict sponsored on OCtober 25, 1986. There aro 83 speclflc recommendatlons ln this report a$ well as a nunber of general recommendatlons. As I donrt have room to llst them all tn my colu':rn, I will Just say ttrat lrll of comprehenslve and once mor€ much too long for me !o lnclude ln thls colt{rth but orrce'. ggaln vould I be happl' to lend .rny eopy b anyone who ti lnterected, or ' you cao ottalfl:rlqln own @py by vrltlng :to dre Mlnlsry of Foresa and landi. Sdll on the bplc of fish farms, the A.P.C, received copies of Sectlon t0 referrals for posslble fish farms in $an to lend my copy b Mateo Bay. One of thern covers 55 aeres. The A.p.C. felt very srongly thar rying up euch large areas seitoust! the Reglonal Dtstrlct offlce. For anyone wlth an interest tn the ftshlng lndue try, ltf s yell of commerclal fishlng and - recredtliin. A Sec tion I 0 applicatlon'only *llows the appllcant to evaluate a slre, be happy anyone who !s lntenected" or you may obtain your own copy from worth reading, coveig 35 acres and the other impacted on the competing uses but.l wtll be closely monirorlng The second report we any future appllcatlons for recelved wss that of the B.C. tenure on tlese arsas. Fi*ftsh Inqulry. As maqy of you knov, a moratorlun on the lssuance of flnflsh aquaculnne @Osrom's llachine $hop Ltd. tenures wa{r lmpored by the Flghcnnen'g gryplias . lhrfuarc Provlnclal Government on Cctober 31, 19E6. An lnqulry lmperial Prcductt . farln* Failway was then instltured under Mrr "' ,. llarlno Ftrcl.gFtron David Gillesple lnto tlre lmpact and lrnplicatlons of Ftnftsh Atltornotlib Glr marjculture on other lndrsales" fleutlcd Chrtl . Tide Trbhr and the foreshore udllzedon ln B.C. The Regtonal Dlstrlct of E FELo.B.c. vffi tF /TEtGpi.mrE 7:tsg:rtt Albernl-Clayoquot presented a bri e f to the lnqulry whlch emphasized the need for rnore local tnput lnto declstons on leases and llcenses of occrpat- I .F -a f-t t{ I-G H (9 g rl HE I -l }{ <t Jr. d3 fr, l- E z, # c J G t {=E CD un tit .ril -{ -l ' trt':t cb r-r!-(J!!fllel! cll l'? 1'' tt|it 10 (t Aat g', + s tr{ -(l, 'u, \.(' cl C]\ Fr €3 sfE. \6 CE d Gl\ r:'FF r?fi ;{ tE e Ch rl m C.+ n Itr rt Fc {1, a fi h= -a }J r;f cJ.. ltt trt * --t f{ tl. * F{ fit €(u lrr h lf r.? (l' a (r,:t a un cl! l'|t rr? .\l F ddd ata c9a s H r..r?f,Q)E** Itlr (3 ,tr cl' F aaaa ll tt? *f (3 r::I rr? F c'\ Fl I THE WATER SYSTzu by ' iong Jatrs F irytt I .. .. promtred tome luggettlmprovtng -waer dn marageHere for lytEm' ',I€llt of the r$:ey are: The satcr board snd the Board are -respottstblc '{eglonal "rr- provldlng good' qleaq Yltor at restdena of Bamlleld 'sEtle lowost Prlce Posrtble and ln :e most efflclent maffler. tf there are exPosed Yater ines, low Pressure PtPes' ald chei problernsr, lt ts nCIt the .espqnslbllltY of tho 'Publlc-m ,riorce tlie rule$-'" Publlc iti!lties have ctandardE that rust be met before You can +nnect t0 them. &c. Hydro ,jll not sell Pcrrer tf wlrlng :nd eervtce conneetiong do notls ,tre*t ttrelr standards' Therc *o reason thst the necessery bY ",randaf,ds cannot bc met as If, ,..iers of t}te water 8Ystem. been have r/as lniSicated" there any Problems wtth hookuPs het- d; not meet these stsn* 'lards, it seems to me &at &aso .rhs cause the Problems should -;,s the ones *rat &re forced to rpgrade to meet the etaldards *et by -- the syrtemr The debt lncurred b build the systern te Pald UY $e Parcel tex iharged in the deslgnated aresE. there tg ltttle thst can done. therefore, to reduce this amount. (t understsnd th*t there ls re-flnanclng of thl$ debt belng consldered, and- lf te thlr lr tlre carer. the lnerest ctrarger wtll be analler aod tre cori rhould go down!. The devaluatlon of our dollar caused thls cost to become largcr and that addttlonal char:ce tc valtd and urderstendable-. If addltlonal Porcelr become tncluded ln the deslgnated area, and no firdPr monly ls borrowed, then dlq tal should lndtvidual parcel decrease. Thlr ls endrely separate from oPeradng coEtst *trtctr are Pald bY user fees. We have not been lnformed a$ .t0 the aetual cost of rrnnlng dle eYscm on-1 {ef !o day basls" 11'e are told that the loss of vaer dtrolgh orr lqnorance, lflck of consclence eau$ed oi poor -cost Plumbtng haswe Slnce to escalete. thls costs lt do not know hos rnuch fo n"El the sYsErh ve have no waY of knowlng what uhe lndivldual charge rhbuld be' The fact that otre lndtvldual rrsed sn excogslve emount of trec*r te u$'ed a$ 8n ex*arPle of the abuseg suffered bY the system. If there hnve been others* a8 tnferredr hov manY were therg, q'here weFe tleyt and what wag done about lt How much ts tbe charge for electrlclty? What are the and how othir eYriem cocts'&e waer r*uch are tlreY? If we dten system ls ottr rYrem lt Yhat hive a rlght to know costs to operate. 0K, so what to do? 12 Flrst of all, set stendards and enforce tfiem. The sysoem @uld be zoned, rldr rneers ln locatlonr that vould rnake tt pocslble to find the ares of dre water loE!. To laatatt lndlvldnl meterg, at a qFt of su$tomer, b a large not rFce$ary. $tq) to pnnldve, they wodd be; {t have heard drat rc-flnanclng ls betng consldered. If to, the boardg are to be comnpnded. Asrumlng tlrat the savlngs rllt be parsad oo to dre wers, that the lr exsctly the klnd of acdon. &at should be taken b redrce: the' coSt to the lndlvldual. Thlr does Bot change thre cst that lr If these rneters vsre lnrtallcd, there rould be an addldonal charge of $2.$0 per mo*tlr for servlce 0o them, whlch lg another unnecesrsry erpense. There wsuld be an Edded charge for nrater used ln exc?gs of an amount iet by the board" If refi.nds or redum t}e ses$on rl&8 )rou are golng to charge for sater used on n gatlonage baals, then I suppote you should glve for thls ,nrtiqle,) TFr{Tr.t.evsHuf, ??3-3894 lllnfrff& charge to the arnornt of ryater allowed in the baslc charge. If It costs more those who use lem than PAn{? CtHT*r rTs" + I l^ratt ix*lrrexg rgr.dto{utt I tLooi covfatil4t I Atrt <trrlt . f*Ll*rc rr|*g . ril,'!.*G *tfF^.cTmi. to provlde the addltlona I lt rmrst cst less to provlde less" It wsuld"helpn 'of cornse, to gallonage, stop looklng Bt the reladonshlp bet$ee$ the ueer snd ttre board It shoulcl not be. The 'ffster beard, and the Reglannl Dls*ict, Ere chosen by the c$r$munlty to do what ls best for the communlty. Bemfleld ts not full of pmple trying to ftnd woys to rlp off the rvaer str$tem" ililost of us work for ow money, try to pay our bllle, and rtll cooperate wlth sny reasoneble rulec for efflclent operadon of the water ss sdversarlal. system. Whlle tt mlgbt not be the lntentlon of the board to make the additlonal charges otoossQoe$secao00Qtosotseos JOFfN GJSBOtrNIE" Frltl$ S*lusrhlu Lln$ SurvcyCIr o o $ubdivlaione, Rap*stings* o o Topagraph{c o Foresh$re Leases : c Eaofleld 728-346? o o OffLce 0 o lfanalno 753*91S1 722-2391 c ococccocc0 09000c000000scoto w 13 COASTMEN The lald goel ou to reavardgrovt *fr"ne dre-rasgpd morntalnsand hllh rwlng do*a'to vaueYt *ttl* the lonelY rlYers flow' And aye, the coastrnanra heart goe$ out wlnd' *tro"'t,itt btows on tfrecedars' of border-ftlnge to *r" to the land where ltfe ls thltuted drlw to quallty. futd tlre smoll-shtnsitioGt inus$ ln the psradox of rnen' llke a thtn t}read of PwPore' stttchlng tPtl to llfe agoln' And all ttre tt&s conre ln heret and all the ddes go out' il th; ;LuteO' [-e1r-str9Y.r shinsle ehout ts the nPon-left' debrlsed of what lc teft of livlng' of the'bones along th9 w-PY' dre coasBnanre -lYrtcs "nO to thls IaY' write"Ye flngers The ses comes ln to landvard whsre the rockY lslends 8r9w' . ;*J-d* song hio surf llke lgnelY ""::::.:::'ll"n Pat Grace l4 kn w- THE CANADA CEESE by Cireham Etllston Ac I war crosslng the echool yard oa my ray to vork thlg mornlng t heard a famlllar Eound. It vaE a fllght df Canadh Geese wlnglng lul way routh ln a beautlful iveei formatlon, They yere flylng Iow and I stopped to. gaze at them undl tlrey dlsappeared, As I wa tchedo rnemorles from bygone years flooded lnto my appearance at about 3 otctroek on tlrc mrnlng of my blrthday, Octobcr 23rd. Bf dre dme I had rtaggercd home from the horplul tte shy vas beglnnlng b llgten ln dre eart It wss too early to phone anyone, and I was oo exsled to sleep and too drcd to focrs' on anythlng. Tlren addenly I heard t}e cry of tbc Canada Gce*e and vent outstde b rabh a* t}ley swspt along, hlgh !n the eky. lVhat a perfect greedng for a new llfe! mtnd. I ltke to thtnk that we Geese drnlng the early fortles, ln Bamfleld. We certalnly dld see them there and it tg dtfflcult to lmaglne. DO YOU KNOW? by 'Dave Heg*aom flrst raw Canada whEre we mlght have soen them be&Ig that dms. lvfisn used to $sy that tte hxnrnlngblrds rode sonth an t&e backs of the geese. I dontt knor rrhere she got thtr tnforrnadon, but she belleved lt was true and, of cour$e, ve belleved lt too. Itve neYer it out, perhaps beca$se please* me to lmaglne etl those hummlngblrde travelllng sou& ln sucb style" However, even wlthout tbe checked it hunmlngbtrde, the Canada Geerc sre a comfordng elglrt and &e sound of thelr honklng gtves me such a thrlll that I have to caeh my breatb. I hope lt stll always be drat way. Our son, Mlchael, vas born t ! The worldts largest Bull Elephant $eal rlas killed ln Possecsten Bay, South frecrgla, U.$.r{" on Feb. 28$, ISl3. It was 22 U2 feet long (S.SS m) and welghed 9000 lbs. 2I Tbe fastest sea lion ws$ a Callfornla se& llon re*orded at 25 rnph. ({{l trn*1. 3) The despe t divlng real yas a Weddell Seal. A depth g$tge attached to the seal rec*rded 600 m (11968 ft.). The preasure at that . depth would be 875 lMn2, (6033 kpa) of body area. Tbe worldre heavlest hcrue was 6rf, tall and welghed 3200 4l lh. 5' wae The rorldte tallest horse 7t li tall. Clydeedate. lt was a ln 1972 after a long and 6) Tte rorldrs oldest honse was dlfftcult labor wbich lasted all iOld Blllyr. He was foaled ln weekend. lle flnally put ln nfrr' t760 atrd dled on Nov. 2/, 1822, BIRDS ON THE HILL by tda Welland Hon'ever, back. a 5 ll2 ln The Tree. They procwded m work thelr F&y from the top do'ivn, quickty checklng out dte llehen and moss for all sort$ of lnsects, or seedq and then, llke a gwlrl of autumn leeves srddenly caught nF ln the wlnd, the whole flock took off ln I ffia$$ nsrlrmver of fltghq criy ts reti;rn in a few mlnutes, thls dn:e landing in the Aspen . trees. Hardy ltttle blrdq they are ghown as year*round restden$ from Callfornle clear up to Alaska, ss well as out to the Atlanttc coast. The Plne'SlEkln ls a member of a large famlly calleei 4r{nsllU{.q9.. which 4 U2 and ln length, he ls Between lnches lYell letts leave the Pine for nowl I{e heve a new plece of equlpnent -'or rnaybe I sh**Jd call tt outdoor furniture - a feeding statlon. The blrde, seem b spprove of $ris new, birt' lnnovatlon, flndlng the ehel*er welcome wh*n the wlnd is blowlng ls or tt ls ralnlng. T3rts modern ehalneaw archltecturer at ltl best, Cerved Into I hollowed secdon of a cedar iog are three openlngs for comlng and golng. lncludes Grosbeaks, Flncher, Sperrows and Brntingo. At least there ls esreement on thlr polnt ln all three books I uae fcrr Iocated to ,It l$r af course, tn a hlghly vlslble, spot make blrd vatchlng most coruf,*Etsble at the breakfast table * or e$i' tlme for that mcrtt*r. To date, ctlstCIr$ers !0 re fe rence. There the ful ! a&reement ends. Roger Tory Pelerson llsts fne Plne Slskin as SPltilrs, Phr$ { t llke that one}, as does, W. Esrl Godfrey in nThe Blrds 0f Canadan, However, the Natlonal $eographtc Socletyrs thle avlan faat food..: outlet tnclude Varled Thr,ushes, Stellarf s Jayc, Rufour-slded Towheee, a few Fox Sparrows and a couple of Amerlcan Roblna $at have llngered thus far lnto the wlnter.' I donrt trFleld Gutde to the Birds of North Arnerlca; calls tlrls llttle fellow Carduells Dlnus. {lVlsh me!] ldenttfylng htm as he qulte heavlly rtreaked on dre breast and on the bach, and also sporui I brlght yellow ln the wlng bars, ae well ae a patch o! &e tall base. Thts yellor does'not alrrays show rp very cleerly, dependlng on the llghdng -at the ttme of slghttng. -Siskin Slshlns sddenty appeared to ln flttc abq$" Maple w6i[tt Flne feanrree lc decply notched tatl, r'hlch helps Welt, Irm havlng an earty stsrt tftls nonth for grre. Here It lr ,u$t the begtnnlng of December and rpre blrdc have &ppeared arourd The Htll. Today I large flock of Plne they to orn Slskln. ftre of hls know lf the Roblne ari eatlng the seedr but they seem to use 16 the ststlon for parklng Frrposeg. Maybe the Robtnc know sornethtng wc donft about the weatlrer. There Eoem to q[le a fev of them sround l; the nelghborhood. I ronder lf ttrlc meanr that thls codnlng vlnter ,TI{E SEARCH In &e atr of rlldenbro htllr, ln the s€cret coves vtll be a mlld one. Ahor tast rlnter that yould be gutte e welcome change" In the meentlme . Folkc, Happy Btrdlng - End HAppy of upeopled. there coasq lr a idll, qdet feeltng .as tlough the sowds of tlrcse plases have no known facee -- no volees lnterpretable by man, NEW YEARIT'II They are shred$ of lnflnlty earthed ln t&elr ewn sphere, drawn to another. plon. ThI* ls s'hat we seek when we go there *- And, r 80 plid yur proreivr in Carnda a peek at a posrible key to the ancient peace' b*kr w ep. +proach to imorystiu.-producs ghcr ur the fuarrel of tlme caught ln a wtld frarae -- the game of renu"nlng wherrce we eame, 8e&chs eer3|@ as f*tTFCiSBc . #q3bdc{tnl$t Dolr'l*rc$cod $ome hlnt llngerc arraltlng. only rc*grmrnldlftrrth &e otrch of reeklng ;d*nlilrco#Grtk.lSIFfThi Artsn.tlc Ocumcnt Ford hrndu rp to 50 alCnrlt .lo''t rlt'l thr Auromrric ffrFilhnion Sd.crr rnd thr Astofrutb Exporrrr Conrol m*n til Zl3olg rn rxc$tiond grrlocrrr. rnd flngers. Pat Grace Crestetrrer lrrc {tol} 382.5tEr lf ln paleolldrlc prlntt Atbardsdeiddc"Nldrd 17 CHURCH NEWS by Rev. Yern McEachern iere lc orr sehedule for Barbara Buckler was saddened December by dte dea& of Barbaratg fathcr, Roberf:' iBobtt Blundell of Salt Sprtng Island where he sas a promlnent buglnesr man snd communttY rorker untll hlr redrement a few yearu ago. Htc death wa$ ln JanuarY nd February: ,lo cerotces drrlng Janmry. {o cervtce on FebruarY lrtI',*b.. Eth: Servlce at I l;0O aJtl. ''sbo I I thl Potluck supper f,t .li} p.rn. followed b}t ttra fuirrual ieedrlg. eb. lSth and 32nd" Servlees au i l:S0 ff.m. No ssrvlces JanuarY lst rough Februery lst' 8,$ I rrtll :# sn vaeatisn. Ttrne to glve the old van a re$t and have lts nnual tune-lp and check over. ,!sa hope to avoid some of drc vi*ter $torrn$ snd bad rsads. $xpect ts be back on ths ,ob 'i'eb. 6th ln preparatlon for on Dec. l0th, slth niemorlal gervlce on Dec. 20ttt. Our slncere eympathy to Barbarao Dou, Candlce and Andren !n thelr toss of a dear father and grandfather" ?hat Just aborn wraps tt up for another year. Many thanks to orr edltors, Jlm end Jeanne, fsr prlntlng thls colurnn each.month" Hope $anta wss good to e Il our readere and wlsh you good health, blessing in peace ' and Godf s 198?. lrvice on Feb. 8tlt. Our annual congregatlonal noedng will be held on l{ednel- d*y, Feb. I lth followlng the U.C,W. Potluek $upper ln the }"lall. l-{ope your Chrlstmas and w Yearfg celebrations were frlends and ',rppy ones witlr'' you I am glad ,fl report that Torn and Joyce rVEther were able t0 ret{rn. to ?amfield on Dec. l6th ln dme -qladves around Ch;istmas at home, after reveral weeks ln Port Atbernt ,Jr medlcal attendon. We wtsh .!rem good health ln the New :or Year. The famlly of Don "ndlg. H$tRnH$ R8Sr. L' BRI$xJAcqFBUp_Tg I{F[ LAC0-]|BR , 4go7 aRG.IIE ST. BOX 572 PoRT ALBEn!{r, B.c, vgr 7l{9 72h-3241 THE BANDED CANADA GOOSE by Alan &nger Many peopla ln Bamfleld law a yery tame Canad-a Goole, wuatly found ncar the yrcht ch$ or dre esst dock. It had a rcd coltar otrr tftls wt summer th the number gZ7 . It renatned tn Banlteld for geverat seeks tn May and Ine, I reported the nurnber to the Canadlan Wtldllfe Servlce and thlg month recelved a cerdflcae glvlrrg all the detafls about &ls btrd. It was banded ln Alarka, naar C;ordova, on ZA MARINE LTN. July, 1965 by the Alaska Flsh and Came Dept lt'war a malo and at least tm oi nore yearg old. Ittr mt clear *try ttn- blrd remalned ln Bamfleld' thie rummer lnstead of rtnglng lt8 ?ey back to Alasha. It may have been -lnJured or slckty, whlch mllht alco exglaln wlry lr was to tame. . Reporte of 'banded or collarcd blrds have helped to routes of many wlldfowl lpecles. Thls plot the mlgratory knowledge helps plan a management srsbgy for each populatlon, lrrolvlng wtldltfe euthorltles at breedlng and rrlntering grounds. AnthorizedOMC Service A*daLNnb*md pluron thtpr or Evim* orlord rcryld h os A&rirttl 6E hTi(c oqmfffi wit'tr FtIm 01f, Frsu. Af mloiir!$rirc Friodk scnriffirg toensrrc ru$lr*ne pcrhnare ttar 7244322 36804ril IYL ?oxltunnt, 3.C mta drd ru ropr caa nat dr?1armt of dE lstyntclrn&drd. qrfuoryuandnctnoirf,: . drtlEnfihol,n G r (loctada$gcehrtu r ffilbrr..ibmfrdbnil o Ordcytn&rhcrd r Ortlbrarnlrndrdl r drcrtmoc0aedlnr r ffiMalrean o lrlricrnoidceU oftdrcmlliArm - € (rt $ f € € -.! H # t * s rU atl 'a U B $* u # F #l #' E $ $l tt t .,4) WILDLIFETREES NEED YOUR HELP lvold cuttlng tr€es inportant to vt.l,dLtfe ln Brlrlsh Colunbla. 01d, deeaytag rad dead treeg are ueed foi: - open neetlngt oepret, bald eaglee, herone cavity neatlng: goldeneyes, woodpeckern, ovl.c, chlckadeea, sarten hunting perches: hswks, f lycafcher* feiad s*araser squf"rrels. gray .* shelter: .Jats chi.eksdees, bats faod source! j.nsect eating blrda restlng and roostlngr sl*al.lows, herkg Spot WILDLIFE TREES Utldltfe trdes provldc hoiee for lant ktnds of vttCttfc tn Britlsh Colurbla. rpeclee of apecles of 7 epecles'of 23 apeeica of 7 epecles of t8 rpeclee of species of 20 ) ) ll. 1. blrde of pr€y roodpeckerc ducke congblrds furbearcre auall lannals salsaander *ed Squtrrcl TYPES OF CAVITY USERS Friuary Cavitv Hesters Thie group of vildlife (voodpeckers end nuthatches) excarateF holee ia soft, decaying uood of trees. They nake ner holee eacb tear, leavlng thclr old holee to ueed by bther ylldlife. be lloodpcctcr lecondarv C.gryitr ltestqrs- Thie group of vtldlife {onle, kestrele, bluebirds, yood duckg, flytng ogulrrels, $arten). cannot ercavate thelr o$n holes and so aske their hoiree ln abandoned holes of prlnary cavlty ncrtere and natural cavltleg created by broken tops, loet branchee and llgbtenlng strlkse. Blrcl-crppcd Chlcladrc 25 lf{alrr*crren tyrllot LEFE STAGES OF TREES ln vhlch to Cavlty nestera requlre aultablc treeevtll do' buf lrt'their resta' Xot Just any tre€ to useful nost Trecs otf,ers. than better are "or" ne!tert are uaually ln decltnlng stagee of cavlty as brokeo ifr"it"ltfe cycle. Old lnJurles,toEuch fungi and top" ot branthegr crgose trfee role in dtiuu"" uhlch la turn play the{r ercavatlou and uoiitofog the rood for- easyAt each ltfc staget creatlng-natural ceiltlaa. of iron" .ie habltat for dtfferent specles fall'en' it vlldllfe, Even rhen the tree has eantinuee to provldc ahelter snd food for *ildlife. ' B4^1d X*6lc iialry lloadgrckcr nsbure eull'-tree begins to die tree dles bark Loogene bark falle tree decaYa tree breake rsttsd stuEIP Pilcrtrd Soodpcckcr (fccd1n3 or ratr) MEETING NEEDS OF WILDLIFE Ilecaying trcla greNttr then 25 cr (10 ln) ln dlaneter 6rc gencrally ooie hportant to ulldltfc than enaller.oncs. Thoge ulth brokcn topr and dcad brancheg sre ltkely occupl.cd; Cavl.ty holec ' feedlng notcher and fresh chlpr et tht bere of trcce irc clgnc that the trca-ll ured' llany vlldltfe tre,eg .trc 'reaoved by logglng and firevoo.d cuttlng, thc lltnletry of Forests hae a pollct to help protect rtldltfc trecs. Avold qutttng thesc treei and treea. identlfted vith yellou vll.d1tfc Eree sf.gns'. If thege trees arc Left etandlng they u111 contl.nse to provtde shclter and food for the uany epcciea of vlldll.fe that Live Ln the foregte of Brltlsh Coluubia. Over the yearc' trees vtl.l. Pa83 into thelr d*Eltni.ng ltfe stage and sustain orls, roodpeckers gnd other anloale thst depend *n utLdllfe trees. tfatch for these si.gns WiHlife Tlee :.::;: *,.o ff t ld i:i lbodnC Jt-r. PlIf dongt *fi*t*' For lore lnfornatton contact ' B.e . Hlnietry of Envl.rotrtent, lllldltfe Branch' . Parlfuilcat Bulldlinga, :Ytctorle' B.C. V8.Y lI5 Canadfan Tl.ldllfc Servl,ce, P.0.'Bor 340r Deltar B.C. V4f, 3Y3 Departrent of Blologtcal Sciencbr*l Slaon Fraacr UnlvereltY' BurnabY, B.C. V5A fS6 nl ' : Sunner, Wn Dec. 14 Dear Jtn & Jeanne to raY Hl and IEt a nots wefl and haPPY hope yourre bodr anh the bear hasnft eaten Yqr or anyttrlng and has Sone home herc for db wlnter' Ilo $nw g9-9d fes a had we yet bst ?rosts and. now lts ratntns llkq and floods all over and eraey -sll&E. Sort of meesY hut mud DorothY goe* regardle*s' on Itfe s boat Ifm car. red new i sst for cars' care donft I [e.son. anYone left of the ST8Pf,Bf,S Sf,BBT TIBTAL LTD Stalnlegs Snoke PLPee Yentllatora ttater aad Gae Tanks Alunl,nun Freezer TraYs 0eneral Sheet I'letal buy hello to old gang" lnve and best Phone ?23*211.6 or ?23-7623 . 4921 Sute $treet wlshe*n tssste logvlnoff $"i;iHff&{ ';${#"e} oot'ltrluf rlrrgBt rlcsutlaft rlotEArtst ESPlcit;a !l! ult rtD rllrclt{alsl ot ooltll$,llt? In llrtg r? ' .1. 'Irhllr lt$rlrtlolrt hqulrttoar. lall b. clgrd rr tibe @ Irt.rDa.tltlon t I ' 2. In itrcrr lcarrlrtloar, 'b.rth' rp.aal rr locotlon lt r por! taelltty *lrcrc a vrtttl tnry b. Dorc6r (portr d'rnrrrgol 'b.rthrgr charge* aaant a chargr tlvkd on I vrrlcl lor th. p*rtod that vqllll tr (al apor.d tt I b.rth, or (b) rccurrd in iny nraansr tg I vtlrcl lF.orod lt a brrth; ({rol!. d'n$aslaFc) ' 'crrgo' lnclud.. rctor vdrlelor crrrltd go flrry vute ic: earorllon ( -# ) sfiilF I EtD ISfi I L$ [l0T[], 80x7-BAilFlELu,B.C. v0R-188 6&4-7?g-323r 2I I8 KITIHEI{ UNITS SLEEFII{E U}IiT$ POOL { SAUXA , THIRLPOOL E!{J0Y - REASOIIABLE RATES SCUEA SEA LtFEr FISHIt{8, DAY HIKIiIB nMt{E BEACHColtBll{8 OI{ BEfrCTIES AND TRATLS 29 !u rrrplct- ot goodr d.arlt ths !r.l,a qro 6lch rnlt charg' "rarr' 'Ii- r--Jij..f it erleoltt.d Frrrurnt io ttr'r tt gulrtlonlt (g)' a.'*r.9.1 !.1G. r eha-rgo rrppi1.o" ttoo6r tlrrt rarte 't r Frbllc Dort lrclltry roi- ii i i*rfrCfng rt ruch I tretUsyt (1!g1[g a'.nttePons.l -thttcy dry prrtod' rd.ar tb' FEto't eonrnclag oa r-.drtr ln ooe :Hi:;,itFiiil':lr*":'Fi;1il5!:'::'g':::;*ln"?!!F str. lrlrt rnttr' ;;;-A"f lqtfr] felrtgde thrrfrgl' -i;l--;;. (b) irc tl? tqcBtt m tlre ll't ' 'ry o! shrt mnih; goodr that i.lnt tlrr ehlrgro lon*lra ont-pa*rci at r rhrrf' er rora.c ;; ;;&-tcd oe{r of undcr t along' l€rot8r ;;-.**:red Flaecd rlrrfr {gu.vg$l (qgrl.l 'vharf* DraD. *ny rlrlrf tlLt t| r publte port frelltty; Sxrrrurnt tg P.rlea al4nlnted ra a *hartingcr "vharf!,nEcr' actar r ;i-6; .ubiaetior 6(l.r)4p*.q nqfbsgrr o"gd,-t'€t trcr'lrtl?t !g!. (sag$:qr dg .gSL) . .- '- tsFlleltlon thlt rlPly to rtl srhervrt slecFt r"Frct ) thc.. Lgulttlqn. '{a} trctlon I diii"if-iblthr* becn -1" tll-1,"-t3i.t-tn aPPolntict anrI 3. (f o! tnf"fi r lrubour fllttr rny rrhart ttrat le t5--anc ?6 dc net cpPti !o rtapoet ib) i*"i-l"i*sncrr vhleh a l:f,l ."tf"irfty of-'- orlrlnnrdr by the -o! con'rsor lcarcd .rPrrtg. t,.ilC? of tollr ina du* in Councll. tht of vt"'lt an.l tit lTrirc tl.gulsqlcnt- rPPlt -ln t-"P'et ot rny E.i H!r..tt? ln rtgbt csodr errrtcd or, "iri"f.-'irri.e Fteny r lorlgre eous-'ty' uy ir," go-ro*ot ol ;;;ir;-;; 6oc6t {. 6 {htft Brcrltt tr DerFtttt'd by ttra Slnlltrr, no t}GtloB rlrtl! placc on' r *trarl any goodr thrt ar. rt rii.ai.i'?"r-"o"oinoco-tlt'Wetraft :ltler lron ttrc t*rarf r i";'";""d;' Goov.lt*G btt Ettcl to ibt ioocr (el ooodr lor th. 8.. of l-rrseti or iai iooar fot urr 1l rhlFlag goodr' goodr rt r rttrrt ln charge o! mrr6fiag fiitiag 5, !.ch P.rlon th'' !hr- E6odr''lrr{1 oLvr to tlt. vlrarlltgrr . tt.crrii|:i!1nJ sil;."il"c-ii; goodl.*-r rni ri{g6er- of urr conrlgnor rad-eonrlgn.. qt th. tro p.rloD rhrll glrcr r?Y good: 6. --(rtin or nrlr thi laubbtig-gortr-of r rturtr or i;t fo luclt r t nori uf,oa i utrrrt l' ttl oDltruct lcstt' to or thoroqEhtlr. on tha ehttf" 30 + ?.{f) ,to p.rlon .hrll, .rctpt, lt ptnrttt.d ln rrttlng by thr llrrrfilg.r, ptrcr rny rrplorlw-groodt on a gtrrrt. (tl lrplorlvr toodr ptrcrd oa r *rarf, {rl rhrll br rd.qurt.ll7 corrtr.d rnd plrotrctrd; rD! lbt rhrll not b. l.ft on tllrr vlrrrf lor lolg.s Urra 6 boun. 'lo 8. thrl.l brlng e llvr cnlaal onto I rirrf .r€.!rt. .n ulnl Frto|r thrt.lt {rl ttortillg oa thr wlr$f ln cons.ctr,a yigh t}rr lordlng or unloadirig of r vorlel or t}rc ctrllng Gf goo{1r or (D) brl.ag convay.d io or troa a vcrrll h thr .ehargt of a .' coGtr.t.nt peilon. . 9. lrccpt r. IrGrnl.ttGll by thr vtrarftngcr, io FGrton rhtl.1 (_rl srk. otr dr.tt rnlr tlart or rprr or do ray crrFntry on I - rbrrlr or (D) 6d rny o.Lhcr tbtng Ln tuct Eann.r at to obrtruet (,tr irtcrfGr. }'ltb tba burinrsr of thc vitrf or acfrrr to or th. wharf. 10. to prfloa shrll rttrcb rny fith nct os rny orh.r rhl.ng act cffio.ct.{t yttlr thr brrtinrrt o! r ylrrrf, to r eb{rrf .o q. to blndrr rtry parto{t ln tht proprr ura of tlrt vharf,. It. !b lr.rron rhrll glac. {rn s. w}lrf .ay dfuit. oll. rvroplaEr or rubblrh or dtryr rny ruclr th,lng tn thr vrttr fra a r*haff or froo t nrrlrl aoorrd et a rrllarf. 12. !o lrr3roo rhall Lat,cifcro ultb flrc-fight3.ng rgulprarat on ,a .vhrrf otr u.. tuch .qulpn rt tor ray g'urpo*r othlr thjn ftghttig flrr. f 3.{1} fc pr-nca rtrrlll .rcGlrt {c F€:ntrtttl8 by r?r. liharflnEsr" p!,acc an oll or guolln* centalnca utrr.n a ruherf tboroughfare otr 4tot.l $ ervlcc rl.th Ooafldcncc STTI}GESTOTE 938 Duabar SD. Port llbernr Phonc 724-446s @ TnE BARKLEY souNnER Jectne md Jim Ferris Bs9t BffiflelqB.C. VORTBO \u,.[r UE T coAsr JouRf{AL THE MRKMY SUJNMR Jo(rrle{rldttFlrrb BaSl 8crffifi,8'C. IORAO }II.RilETOOfiST"[)LM{AL -{H&fiHH tfiYffikp6q} F6qql$ AHSNG THE $NAIL CAGE$ EaMTEUDMARINE STATH]N BAmr:EL$,8.C, VOR IBO YOUR I1IAME VOUFI AOORE$S AF&] $THER INFORT4ATION. ALL FoR A REAI.LY nEgSnNABLE PRIcE cALL lzs-g?az FDR sgtAt_s Y(}IIR wt.F *g ams HAilIE Ar{) on€R : rwrHAr[}{. 6Xq 5 ffiAt,:l.Y FEASI$'IABLE PRSE oqLLz?S-32S7FmIETAI-S hETTER{IEffAS \OUR CHOICE OF PAPER CS.ORS ANI} SCRIPT STYLE. CALL"THE BARKLEY SOI"JNDER AT 728-32S2 FOR PRICES Ahtr 92 1 hf l{e're compatihte- ffi?558T' ,[l!fflfuIER5 1633 HILLSIffi AVE VICTT}NIA. $,f," PHSHI $g$-$34] ThE ffisl $I ITIIIFIIIERS trIII llISIRIfrTIN The Dcath of Mwy: trYouril heve to e:rcur€ a Ocfu flghtlng agalnst the eonflnements of character, plot, Arrnsnd Lerol personaltty, sexellty. Wrltert of my generadon are cxpecned BOOK REVIEWED Camboda, a boot frr &ose vto flnd tctevklon noo dor, klen Fawcett, Talonbooko, lgE6, to engrge those thtngs and, d llttle elgc,,.t A conversadon betreen I deceared Malcolm lnvry End Fawcstt; excerpted fr*m *S{alcolm l,orry and tlrc TroJan Horeen, one of the thlrteen ilnve*dgatlve flcticnsr &at are Cailbedl*. It ie a conversatlon iffi-*-iTlr$trare$, shtte ar$dnt it, the p*ssihtlttl*a af thJs $ew fictlon - "lonS dea.d rvrlters eonverslng wlth llye *rlters ln s tories wlthout plots or character development or any of the traditlonal devlces and : Vancouyer, $9.95 lir:w ts apprarctr thlr **sk te yne. Frtr tt Is flctlon {a msdiicn I know ttttte ni:+utl and !r Is qbq-*l flcr{on, is unclear Eb**t ow tfiueu sur cixintryr Gnf $irr eomr*unlcsllon rnedla enrJ i* a Frotest eg*tn*t lhe ab*rve" Let me begln wlrh the forrn, As rnarly of you efll be state and s#are to *orne degroe or other, f lctlon has, sver the !a*t l$ yslsf$, s$er the destru*ttos of r:r0$t of the technlcal plllars that it $tand$ on - the greatest. of which belng-the nov*l: tl{ell, the novel was a necegsitle$ T'e strpsct. Ttiese ar€ storles rrrltten ylth thelr facrml content - thelr mes$ag€ * very elose to f}te sufaee, to the point that they tre less storles then s$$sy$ on soclety. In fae.L should fte message be undeclpherable from the st*rles, Faxrcett pravlder uf wlth an anclllary essay whlch occupfes, ln smallor tlpe, the bottom thlrd of €very pagecuttlng ecross the storier' themselvee *in whleh he grest glft to hurnanlty, a democr*tic inventlen of enormou$ lntellectual force. It provided a $ens€ of lndtvtdual complexlty to a clvl!izatlon caught $p ln a class sfrrtureone tha r wanted to ciasslfy people eccording to who thelr ancestors were and how me. Itve ipent my artlrtlc llfe by much weallh.they 'poseeesed. look at Zola and Balzac.t elucldates the premlsel, the hlEtorlcal eventg whlch the nl,etfs look at you, Atl your characters were cultured drunks who spoke ln too-long storles lllustrate, .And drls is a sgntences.n ner thlng , I ney tool, thb, fuslng of ea*ay and flcdon, and, It ls orae tltat works very rrell yorJ.t indeed. Enough iThatfs a trlfle cruel of , 34 of technlque. llre. i me$$sge, the Protest ls the Global Vlllage. nilLem.lqr .- You }larulrall Machhanrg medla-unlted':rorld, and the francblzattotr of .rhe condrent, rhere, no. matt"r on whlch hlghray you drlve, ,ln rrhlchever dlrecdon, yur vlll cncounter the sAme 8tp-re8, the Eame foods, talk, thoughtr and mrrch the sams peopl*. Thlr hk ts a varn!:lg again*t the medlo, the mlevJgton rbich homcgentzes tlre *'orld, strlpplns It of lscal and indivldual ld*ntlry" A l*nnent for the loes of memory and lmaglnadsil. TherE ie a coherence to t&ese tlilrmen $brles, and given *r:ough s:rtflcal ensrgy I snspect that a detailed and lnternally conelstent protest could be derlved from them. I however n'tll only Eltetsh for ysu the mode of orgsrnent. For lnst- ance, $tory #l - t0n the ellfflei:ltles of crowd con*oli aaks {but does not ansver} que$tlono about the role of the rnedla ln our hlsrorlcql persepdon of what happened, Faweett recalls the Kent Stste deaths of l9?0, $e $nxalem rtog cf 50 AD {coused by a llghrhearted Romu Cenrrrlon wh+ ltfed hls unle snd fsrted inb a Passcrver crovdl and th* Blue/Grsen of the 6th Century, a confllct relatlve to the U.S. lteterhlch dlsrtpated an oppwlilon movement lrlfr only 1 dca&rrernemberr that relponolblllty for the desths val dlffirced agalnrt theologlcal disln$e whlch raged ' ar qutckly ag the crov& themselvec end aghs: tWhere doeg televlslon ctand oq the queEtlgn of crowd control? I'lhlch crowd lr belng conrslled? Are ell of rp s.alktng inl*t the stud€nts of Kent St*te ss standlng e'rmed wirh the Natlon al' Guarrtsrndn?,,.s1gy.6 almoct rlll you be when rhe flring begino? Can we allow sur Utoplan dreanr of a Jtst v*rld to be an *ncornfcrrtable m*nrory we avo{d ss we sy tCI lta::g +r: to our pers*nal possessio*s ln a slo*ly shrlnklng et:onomy Snd qulckly dlml.nirhlng publlc reollqy.r Other stories, nA Sma!l Commltteetr sske how ls lt that groups of ct*cent people. csn arrlve ln commlttee, {$1y commltteerand come io nsutreF and even amr*ral deelsicrns *uch a$ rpendlng half-s-bllllo$ thst wlll keep trayellers dry doliars on a$ nlrport extenslon between tarmsc and termtnal whlle hslf the world rtarvea. Or the care of *he tHuxley $are lllte Dlshn, a blzarre chronlcle of change ln a crrrsll pulp towrr ln B.C. afer the arrlv*l of a conmunlty ratelllte dlch - 70 chennels + Detrolt prlme tlrne, It ls about vlthln the vallg of C,onstandnople, ktlltng {01000 whtle the ctty lay besleged by Bulgarlanl. hor & town moyed 3 hours [:le notes &at &e Rornarts knev ahead'of the rest of B,C, as ll ttle about crowd control ^-the populece collecsvely nmed tts lrito Deuelq several ilme aones awfl.- About changee ln rpeech nothlng new here. It ls also true perhaos thet the loss of tocal 'ldentl'w may nor be a bad thtng; guely these are peacefrrt, ev-en tlmec relatlvely free-Sooa of confllct. Ae Fa*cett polnts out, Jhe forces of conitltutlonal natlonallsm are belng overwhetmed by other loyattles -nsupra-natlonali to the marketplace, to eolporationsand tlris is pardcutarly tnn of and hablts: Nattve Indlan and whlte chlldren auddenly cal[ng each other thonkeysi and ispadesi, formlng btg-ilty type gangs, and wearlng icolorci - ln Huxley, B.C.t Whlch, by the way, ls real. It le lmportant to reallze that Fawcett ts a Canadlan, a Brldeh Coltsnrbtan tn fact. And that le curlous, for he has shouldered a great burden, tftat of the Immorall Canada. uirllke hlm, thor.gh, t thlnk thls ts a good thtngOne planet snd att thet I thlnk rhar lt ls the great underlylng esse3,. rhst clarlfles Fawcettrs ar$urnent and offere whEt ls new and stlmulatlns ln this bmk. In lt he notes'that the Gtobel Vlllage has betrayed us. There foriCttl whlch Amertcan$ are far more t0 shoulder than R.*; ble ricless, decent Canadlans. prCIne h a product of the Glcbal Village - we also notr shere sll the gullt end Perhaps chis roo $*rr$i+' *f decedeg of has been no redistrlb*rlan af wealth among the nadons, tJte poor countrleE are even more impoverlshed thqn ever and the Amerlcan turmoll * the deaths at Kent State, the Kennedys, Vle.u:crc, Cambodia. Fawcett has tsken on all of the above. It ls of course ln lndustrlallzed ttatlons very examples that Fawcett date6 hirqself. And that ls a prob lern s'l th thls book. though cra f tsfuan-llke ln executlo*, m*ch of tlre progs$t we have heard before ls even Al comrnonplace, 14'e have alt consirngr ltems as necesgldeg. He looks at *e pow.er of the mass meet!a, and sf geen governmeng. t}re banallty of televlstsn and have derlded lts superflciallty, Its tawdrlness; we have alt chomped through franehlsed burgers and noted thelr taste simllar to that of Canadtan - lt ls the hosrlest Jtbe. There ts, lt could be argued, are wealthler. Llfe condnues m be violent, more starvel and t€, the rlch of rlre world eeem to iequlre more and more these . two almost anil he looks st unk*own charnel hoirses of thls Century-40 Leopoldrr Ccngo; where mllllon dled, and &G Cambodta of the Khmer fuuge, where a slmllar number were kllled. Fawcett noteE that ln borh culture 36 mags medta and macgacreg abcolutc poycr lc b of thc Global Vtllage dpuld be genoclde. Yet Favcett hes rucceeded ln tncdlllng ln me-E' travo new sense of caulon. He has ghown I perhapg droughttess opdmlst the borndle$ exrcnt of Wertern World they (Ore Khmer amorallty ln human affalrr and Rolge) rorrght b wtpe out dte the potendal for amorallty ln medlurn vlthout any message, or the technology of commmieetthe technlcal process- ihat lon. And I hope ther thia undermtnes or dortroys the rnessage does Rot proye to be ldentlry of thorc lr t$ inended too lrelevant ln Banrfleld, a b beneflLt place a8 yet reladwly tmniune I confeso myself to be to the plunder of rhe Global {lshrly befiddted by ail ttrtr. Ir Vlltage. The rarntng tc worrl t$, cxcrclsed mate peopte forget. rEach palnted ovcr rlgn: ln phnom Penh,..revealr a recret gnd unacknowledged collurlon vlth feclscly thre Endencler of the efter re-readlngc rtlll not qutte"eeveral apparent to oe whv the almost tnevitable eonchston DCI6 conslderlng, the move, yet the rorld ls A BABYSITTER ? HousE srrrER gR PLAHT srrrER? gurke NEEI} srrrER' Phone Andrer .,...22g_S4B? fz.OO an hour for babysitting. tzg.W overnight ltondey to Thuridav Available fron S:SB prn io le prn pn to ylu name itf -Friday..E;SO $aturday and Sunday' reser""J i"i-soccer All proceeds.go towards a much needed coaputer ! ! 37 on FROM THE LIGHTHOUSE by Eva Brand Solcv Mc*lcsn Taco Satad I head lcebert lethrce, coarsely Drlzzle dresslng over salad. Sprlnkle wlth corn chlps. Top wlth hot meat mtrhne. Toss vell. Garnlsh wlth avocado, lf deslred. Serve lmmedlaely. chopped ll2 c. chopped green onloni It? e, chopped gre€n pepper UZ c. copped celery 4 dlced toflratoes UZ c shredded cheddar cheese c coarss$.crushed cornchlps avocsfo (opdonal) I I I 2 T. ttleat Mlrtne seladTi- I onion, chopped. I clove garllc, mlnced I lb. lean grotrrd beef I can red kldney beans I lfT tsp. chill powder ll2 rip. pepper prc$dEs CAPS BEALE WEATI{ER by Norble Bransl Temperanne extreneg Mulmr.un 12.(P C on Dec. 22nd Mintmuo l.0oC on Dec. 8dt 2 T. ketchrp2 T. vinegar I Temperatrrres for the month Mean marlm.rn 9.39 Mean nrlnlrnr.sn 5.C0C tsp. Fror@sershlre sauce l/2 ep. brown sugar l/4 ep. dry mwterd of hot pepper sauce l/3 c. vegetable oll l{hlsk together all lngredlents ercept oll. Gradually vhlsk ln oll. Cover and pfrlgerae dash Topolng Preclpitatlon We had 431.7 mm {t7 inches} of measurable preclpltation, a very wet mondt! Compared to Decernber, 19E5, the maxlmum ternperature s'ag Saute onlon and garltc ln otl untll soft. Add beef, cook undl sllghtly brow'm. thaln off fat Sdr ln beans and splces. . Heat It.5oC on Dec. 26th and the mlnlmun war -5.00C on Doc. lrL Preclptatlon raE 148.1 mm {5.8 through. but I To gGrrl In a large bowl, tos! toge$er lettece, onlon, pepper, celery, ]fiiato s and cheese. lnchesl. Thls December was btt wetter, laat year. 38 a lot v8rmer compared to TF.I MY {)PtHiON by James Ferrls, co-erfltor $tartlng a il$w. year ls alwayr a hopei*l thlng. We wlsh for ti:e b*st, hope for chang*s ln the na$re of tlrlngs thet prlli Ineprovr: *e say we llve and our *itploech to llfe. Ii.ea.,ity sridom ilv*s ry to our exper-:ta{*ns, but *'e conderm to try. I;:t!: liojie that l9E7 brlngs changea fcr dre be*er;(it be a nlce ld*a b do our try to make them better.l mtght blt to ;*tt,.lilt{** The main reason fcr an)r th-rt thle Psper haE ls tire guallty of our n'rlters. I wss reading a book by Wtlllam Zinrser, edltcr of ttre Book of succ€$s the hlonth Club, and would llke to $s*te from lt, tGood wrttlng csn sppear anywlrere, even tn the lowly newspaper, and yhat mstt€rs fs the wrltlng ltseif* not the rnediurn in s.hlch lt is prbllehod. Therefore lrve alwnya aled to write as well as I could by my own standards, Itve never chenged my style to flt tlre slze 0r the preourned educatlon of the aldlence I ras wridng for.i I feel rhet Jeanne and t are blessed by the dedicatlon and talent of those wtro rrrlte for r$ end I w&nt to il'.uk them for thetr great contrlbuticn. We are proud to be able to provlde an outlet for talent that might otherwlse go EraBpreclated. *********l.****r I' 39 LEst nlght sas Ner Yesrs Eve and Jeanne and I went b the dance at the Communlty Hall, It was a good darce, and a flne vsy b wher !n the New Year, Good food, end plenry of le Clood Mrslc, and plenty of tt, Good Fellowshlp, anrl plenty of lt Ttre very t*lst of 198? o you all. t*tn**'ti*.it.i? 'poet.We u+ive a :iew sr:'!ter. A I ftnd.hls Fems Sreaq and hope that all of you bnjoy them. There is $r? nnrh flne tslent hldden ln tlre comrnunlty, It ls such a pleasure m be able to brtag lt to you 1f***r*'r{$f* trs there Enyone who ls surprlsed by the fetl ln Brlan Mulroneyts popdarlry? I have never been ab!* to mderstend how polittclans can really belleve that ttrey can do tlrlngs that are blatantly unfair and polltlcal, and then tS ewprlced thet the people see through them. Of cour$e, tlrey al*e hnow how shqrt the rnemorles are smcng the voters. I heve a feeilng, thougho that thlr loss of ppularlry is not beceus* of hls actlonsr. but because tire voterr percetve hlm to be s llttle le.es I.lf*ttqfr* ti:an h,-:nest. Bob Skelly seems to be keeptng a very lorv proflle. I undergtand that he ls probably smartlng frcm hls defeat ln the electlon. {He did rln hls os{n rldlng). Even though he is gtvlng up the leadershtp, lt to me thEt he ghould seems carry on untll the leadershlP convendon. Mlke Harcourt maY be the helr aPParent, but SkellY ls sdll leader of tlre oPPosldon' and should act llke lt. i}*ilt*'l*lt* The. road har been a horror. They dtd eventuallY grade lt, but ln tfte meantlme, tlrer, culpenslous' rnrlfflers and other vltal parts were shaken off vehlcles uslng the road. I realtze drbt lt ls a Prlvate road, but there ls some agreement between the govt and the forest companles to malntaln the road for publlc txte. If anYone ln a posttlon of Power has any inflr.ence wlth M & B, tt would be ntce lf they uged lt to get a llttle better road malntenanee. * t'; * * * t Look * *'l'* at the brlght stde. The equlnox has Paosed, and the day-s start to get longer? _ (I have never belleved that the days really are longer. Therg are stll I 24 hours In them.l Anyway, there tr rnore daYltght' and that lr pleasant. At least you have the feellng thet the gotng tg downhlll. iatt*']riri* Speaklng of quotatlons' who ias lt gha iThe raln she ratn, rhe raln llke hell, and bY-e and bye rhe raln some nore.i? I dontt knov, but whoever lt was must have llved on the West CoatE tt*l.i*t*tl'l And rPcahlng agaln- of ouotatlont. Hov do You llke the saylngc of Chalrman Malcolm? Here ls another of hlc germ. - tThere are no ercePtlons thst to the rule 'an Ukes rule.r everYbodY excePtlon to the to be More of hts words of wlsdom next month. *,ft+tl***l' Thts ls the flrst lssue of lgE?, and I would agaln rrge anyone vlro has ronrethlng ttt"! ttriy vould :ltke to gay to send It io us. Barrtng bad language' plaglarlsm or absoluta vlclouswould welcome the ireei, Ye contrlbutlons. lYe do reserve the rlght to edlt, but do lt wlth care. rr't*tt*'itt Hc=l(av l"lanire Elebtnb ard All of Ptrone 7?8*3e55 Qnerni Gurtom QubBodg hd. a?80 Sabo Avenue p.o. tor 1250 pom AtgDRlrr. l. Dancllnk, Prarldcnt Phone: 729-EAl2 -llODERll FRN{E lltD }|EISURINC -SPECIA.LIZED PATNTTNG ;SAf,D EIASTING -HEj![Y EQUIPIIEIIT REPAIRS -UPSLSIERY nEPAfnS _ -AU'lftO CISSS REPIACEHEI|! EQUTPHENT mxovr Anti-Rurtprooflng (7 yrar Wtrranttl nnqrynrds.rvlot Fibreglaes Repair 3I{'b* tocel exo lQr.c srtTAltcr Auro I HtAYr D|ftY tO'lWl:e I tfCOYfRY FOR 2tt-HOUR rowtNe r Coautlr Colllrhr trjdn I - Phonr ?29-S0Zg hlnllng Crtx, Ttudtt, llatot Hamc& 9roelr, 8uror, Logrylng ly1-g,!t & Hsyy FSglp. sscofD ct.tss ilut Icalrtratl,on Xo. 6014 Portrtc petd 1l tlrPru.D, llITIgS COLtmtIl cltrrDr *n Your more.tt