urgarian ?\cadeny of %cicnccs
urgarian ?\cadeny of %cicnccs
l: gnct v G. VERTESY %urgarian ?\cadeny of %cicnccs EXPERII'IENTAL INVEST ICAT IONOFBIOLOG I CALLY INDUCED IIAGNETIC ANOI'IALIES G. EGELY ANd G. VERTESY HU ISSN 0368 ABSTRACT ltagnetic anomarr-e' have been investlgated and rt ta €hown tha! the para, dla, aftl f erronagnetlc mareriaLs nay chanse T.:::13?11"?..:":y.F. Eemporarlly "f due to blologlcal actlvaClon. The apparaCu8, fhe nethod oi the actrvatlon and the mea'ur€ment procedure are rriirry aeicrirea of test reaults are lncluded foi varlous materlala.""a-u-""*t". .he ge f the number I N T R O D U ICOTN It generally ls phenonena. nagnetlc and ut1l1zed used. known that In The reason f,or thLs In the measurement of nuch vreaker than rooms and very Is tion known physical 1t study volved ln the as well? of the effects, basls area nay yleld this hitherto anomalous magnetlc nervous or of and known rarely the ls in a twofold lnteractions in other not exluded benefltr to'galn interac- In thls are lnpro- the currently now unknown, way. Learn a new Lnslgh! hlgher- biologlcal that up !11I to re- braln complex published results anolher. ln addltlonal, lhere and perhaps braln, effectt are new physlcal However, the posslblllty ln on the based solely fundarnentally Research the braln must be used [1]. honoured questLon a tlme phenomena can be lnterpreted recognlzed of the On the that functlonlng cesses as well. is and chernlcal Ls suggested electrl-c are well problerns lnvoLved lnmense lechnlcal Slnce these weak magnetlc flelds aie gcreened measurlng the Earth, speclally colls there of lnvolve phenomena, whlch the of lnductlon functlonl-ng to unknown effects from field above, the searchl of arlses very weak ftelds. sensltlve the to the magnetic Coupled with electrlc magnetLc phenomela are corflparatlvely EKG, EEG' etc., ln processes blologlcal contrast about lnlo a new, the blophyslcs system. Anomalous effects 1n lhe braln's actlvlty have been measured by May and target [2] and by Jahn and Dunne [3] and lt ls shown that the connon roots anonalous effects are qulte clear3 the anornalles appear only when a - the measured system - 1s influenced objecl by lhe work of an actlve braln. Though thls Hunphrey of the measurements of statenent these seems at authors The cause or causes of are known at. presenei not should most probably knowledge. Thls a) The regular Tesla, fleld lrhich ls ls lntensity these suggesled b) The measured effect nor by any present be an overstatenent, and thelr anonalles, cause or causes of ln be sought practlcally (-7xlO - to sight and our own were repeatable the biomagnetic flrst for f1eld areas the and consLstent, fundanental features the measured anornall.es beyond lhe lltn1ts of our present two redsonsr lntenstty neglLglble of humans ts compared wlth approxlmatety to-14 the weak geomagnetlc Tesla). canno! be inatuceal even by very known 6ff6cts. strong magnetlc fleLds ' z - The tentaLive nellzation nanner, experimental atlon process" metal devlce. actlvation requlres a hlgh The paper alevlce and, The actlvatlon presented here nlght physlcs, some of resul-ts the of the that But there Is sensltive measurlng lloreover, there to of the this another the test results. by Robert pavllta, were carri.ed several out durlng conllnuously. branches and a three- The results of sclence, tncludlng and psychology-though neurophystology at an anornalous This dacLiv- ln and a snall process and the were developed to The mag- actlvatlon. activation preseDt. The interdi but' unfortunatety lack region thls sctpllnary aspect conpll.cates a conulon "Ianguage" for these areas. The these branches of science may exhas not been lnvestigated to any great extent. of between reaaon as lrell! devlces, so the seem to the unclasslfled evldent as follons3 concentratlon, nanner, by hirn. The tests lnterest ts blol.ogtcal nental briefly of, any corununl,cation fact of electrodynanlcs, because of lack work rnethods were improved remaln is thls change ternporarilv a more detalled be of problen the solutlon apparent plaln of method and devlces solld-state the level descrl,bes ln all aamples were actlvated -year perlod and the test nature flnding curves of certaln materlals most probablv due to the effect the effect chance of be comparat.lvely ts barely notlceable accidental discovery few indlvlduals hrlthout ls slln. who have ttre ablllty perf,orm actlvation. The aim of no itrunedlate study intentlon plactical Its this of use cannot has been to utilizing lnvestLgate it be ruLed for out ln any practtcal the long phenomenon, wi[h a natural app!.lcation. though run. P A V LI T A A C TI V A TI O N D E V I C E S The magnetlc coerclvity) tlrne, of propertles most materlals and they a glven of perature, the magnitude atructure of the stable ActivatLon a speclmen of There These properties speclmen. and dLrectton of etc., studted pernanent as well-knonn, naterlal, the external and they are lts propertles several shape and materlal, but I'generatorsrr, PADS are termed for a very quantlties, long which depenil on the magnetic stable tem- fleld, l-n tlme placed on the for chemi- offer another vlew, when l-nto a pAD, after a brlef may change, and thls of they lhe these activation invesllgating somewhat arbltrary, this effect and very change is alevices 3 they have cornrnon features smaller ones 'sondes', not La in llttle its is infancy, theref,ore known abo\rt dlffer ln as well. The larger pavlLta. A pADs purpose of by Mr. few examples of devlces are shorrn on the plates. The basic is to rranplify and accumulate the blomagnetic fle!.d effectn. of magnetization, error. verslons slze, ls propertles nagnetlc by experfunental are (pADs) nay seem to DevLces known magnetic (5-5O sec) explalnable saturation materlals. Pavllta perlod given susceptlbility, have been intensively can be considered are characterlstlc cally (e.9. the The state of ternlnology the physlcal roots art ls of the - 3 - lhe maq- rlou s d,s i ac tiv8Aa 11 the lta, and a threeaults tncLuding -though lnary lcates eas. The l:ry tt ex- exten!. rlChout t s 11m. I abl1j,ty bn, with , though tatl-on, Y l.ong lrhlch e tenon the r cheml.lihen brlef Ls not fer in Larger BA. A PADs I of art )gy rs of the It ls lnportant Lo noLe that the effect of thls rblonagnetlc field. effects. (The usual ls qualltatlvely dlfferen! frorn that of the uaual magnetlc field. ls rather misleadlng but ln lack of a generally accepted term "blofleld' better term, we have used thls one.) so far as aample actlvation is concerned, thls is a alrnple proceduret the sanple has to be tnserted Into the hole, or one of, the holea, or j.nto several holes (up to 5), several tlmes (up to 30) ln order to Increase the effect. The dlmenslons of the holes 1n the PAD are about the same as thos€ of the sample. !,lost of our tegts were carri,ed out ln the laboratory under controlled condltions wlth the measurenents being carrLed out before and aft€r th€ actlvatlon. These activatlons were carrLed out by tno amall sondea, these aondea belng snalle! ln slze than the generator. The aonde ts less effectlve rnd th€ naximum change Lnduced ln the magn€llc propertles of the satnples l.a snaller than l.n the caa€ of the actlvatlon ln a generator. flro actlvatlon sondes are shown on Plates l-6, used durlng the tnetal actlvatlon experlnents. The sondes are nad€ of lron rrlth some brasa parts. None of them had a notlceable nagnetlc f1eld, and the trro aondes did not attract or repel €ach other, nor dld they affect non-tnagnetlc ptecea of steel . The sonde has to be rcharged' or activated before lts use, and durlng the actlvatlon as well. Activation ia carrled out ln a generator. None of these Lnstruments has any permanent nagnet or €lectronagnet, there are no slgna of any batterles or electrogtatlc devlces. lfe w€re alrrays able to sxamine the devlces at any tLme on requegt, dorm to the nost nlnute detallE. The surfaces of the actlvatlon chatnbera vrere qulte anrooth, poltshed by regular use. These chatnbers dld not contaln any dust or porrdler, but aone pollution due to lrear and tear could not be ruled out. The generators are steel slabs vhlch are flat or roundea with actl,vation cha$bers, and there are areas erl,th rougb aurfaces or r,elded bronze sIDtE. The overall dlmenslons were not greater than 20 cn x 20 cm x 20 cn. lhere ls a hole (or Eon€tLnea t!ro) nlth a thr€ad ln order to b€ abl€ to attach the generator to the Eonde. It ls emphaslzeal that the generator doeB not generat€ any knorrn fleld, erbstance or effect. It I8 agaln nentloned that the ternlnology uaed In the td.t 15 somerrhat arbltrary, and lt may have nothlng to do wlth rsal physlca!, . pbenonena taklng place durtng the procesE. The develolment of the6e devlcea seens to have been heurl,stl,c, anil took and error. The actlvatlon lts€lf requLrss a long p.rtd of tflac€ by trlal .loanlng ' tralnlng, and lt iB a tedLous frocedure. The rough surface of th€ de ls supposed to eas€ the activatLon. According to !tr. Pavllta, acttvrtton l3 bastcau.y a mental processt aome parts ar€ slnllar to yoga reLaxatr,on rnd mcentratlon tecbnigues, and ln prlnciple anyMy can learn to carry out the vatton procedure. The word "actlvation'r is used for lhat process which induces the measurable changes, though It has nothlng to do with radl-oactlvlty. The r,rord [actlvet nerely ni:tes that an anornalous change has occurred on a test speclmen, or a PAD Is Accordlng terns the of size, order because df capable of !{r. Pavtita, lt Is not possible centtmeters. pain severe pelsons vertfy tlne the for the to act.lvated. of a) anonalles. the actLvation targe lf has not object the of lirnited than about been attenpted the learning ln those of is a devl-ce larger prlnary b) limlted only the devices The activation the is objects, sr-ze of occur phenonenon, lhe for actlvate fatigue two reasons: existence the capabllity Furthermore, and rapid 20 cm x 20 cm x 20 cm ls other induclng to test process is is by to long and donsunLng. The acttvatlon scribed regular day for about place takes ztg-zag-ltke wLth the manner, comblned through use of several both hands, days or weeks, a pre- in every one hour. E X P E R I I { E N T APLR O C E D U R E The effect of actlvation was investlgated utlttzlng a vlbratlng sanple corunonly used for measutlng lhe nagnetlc moment of materlaLs, and is one of the most generalJ-y employed measurlng apparatuses in magnetlc research sy neans of, this equlpnent [4,5]. one can quantltatlvely measure the magnellzation of lhe sarnples. The sanple to.be measured is placed into an electromagnet or solenord whlch produces a magnetometer. nagnetlc Thls type fleld.wh1ch, of in magnetoneter turn, is magnetizes the sample, This Induced magnetLc sarnple Is measured as a functl-on of the externaL fielal. Durlng the measurement the sample l"s vlbraled and the movlng nagnetlzed body lnduces an electric slgnal ln the measurlng coll system surroundLng the sanple. The moment of the va!'ue of the of sanple. the Fig. 1. the In field ls lhe thls directlon vibratlng Lnduced erectrlc sanple plotted agalnst €v€ry most relLabre the sanplea, sampleg our was eratched durlng tha the sample In directlon magnetometer was used to the external w€ took prepared the to vibratlon For one part Ln which the nagnettc electronagnet of the dlrectlon of vibration. (from zero) and the Lnduceil and vlgrlant is utmost care for ln Ls shown In perpendlcular to the measurements dlrectton of The externar magnetlc as a functr.on of the fleld. .fteld by an X-y recorder. condltlons noment the another magnetl-c nagnetrc moment of freld the The magnetlzallon endeavourlng meaaurements. to ensure the ttrr. pavlita actrvated by us in our ovrn laboratory. The prevlously marked pavllta Mr. by one of the authors, tre actlvated them ln by hand only the non-actlvated end of the samp!.es, He to touchlng contlnuously Lntervals of the the continuously case, were glven preEence, the fleld. t lnearly detected In of proportronal is the magnetlc was pararLel sample is ls positlon arrangement of lncreased frerd thloughout by one of the the actr.vat{on authors. perlod Th-e satnpleg by both authors, r,Jere ialentlfleal by and - 5 - tneasurspeci- \J \r . $ ts S : 3 ln R N O 'i!l{ ^:rr 3 os q - B B O $ J 3 B t ! lrv :| ^ o E * e OOF tt $ .lt ! o t ' rs + . $ 5 0 l D 1 ! ItlQ (, IrlN - fr\ N [ .iT :BF +5 (D i' i! ln a pre- I' A.$ B bEit!D.ia E o 6E< J+r 6 s a tlc &rlng lnduceg & I tlc f 1€l.d Ft (a z 2 rtl z z o E O zaa H I A A u D A z H $s, '<s (J t{ rl r t . .d t(a r'I z 4 E d E { F 1n to et pl F . v ! 2 A r{ H I'l E O l : ril U O. n N H k t|r 2 u \IIBRATTON < 2 ( J H c ) E4 ttz El H r.a 2 4 F $ o a€'rr fffiT !r b.rJ o a 3 F t l 'rr t q +l h t r O !+r I t b an I i ' E E tl A I d o o c 2 2 3 E F r ' l n E u X H 6 og oH td olir E I H E : gE. 6 ( a O ) | :- I'I 9l rI E I { l{ ,q o a H & _ a! !| v vt UI !-.t ,{ H O 5 o l E:br a a 5 \ . r o F Ollt IAFO . r b L - marking their authors took non-activated the magnetoneter. Only one of lriLh the other ends. sarnple out author neasurement process, of Inmediately the authors sat in and in the other the activation, The samples were stored Iy prior to the in holes. magnetomeLer irunediately (the exact room in of before position one of the in the the rnagnetometer, Mr. pavlita the lab durinq the case of the the whole ferromagnetic was checked before, durlng, was carefully scrutinized. p a v l i t a from Mr. and only imrnediate- sone distance were aclivated of activation iras a given the activatlon parameters corner and every part at acti-vatl-on The sanples tirnes into the activatlon hand and neasured it worked with a separate specimens. The eguiprnent used for and after after Mr. Pavlityrs it sample handed over. a srnall sonde by inserting The nagnetization thern several curve was recorded in the and after of lhe activation. None of the experirnental sample j-n the magnetometer. sensitivity of the apparatus, etc.) was changed from neasurement to measurement. The samples were fixed to the sampl-e hotder of the nagnelometer using a snall piece of adhesive tape. The samples Lo be activated were measured before the actlvation together with the adhesive tape. and the adheslve tape was also tneasured wlthout activation using the sample. The sample holder had taken place. same piece the of the itself sanple was replaced gave no signal. in After the sample hofder, adhesive tape as earlier, and the rneasurement was r.rhich the sample had not been touched by anybody during the whole process - was inserted into the sensitive region of the sensing coils, The non-activated end of the sanples was so far frcm the repeated. The activated end of sensitive region measurements that even if it surernent during was sonehoL, nagnetized. the sarnples v\'ere brought cause the possible cause a slgnal in electrlcal After inlo it contact charge on thc the magnetoneter that could not have caused any signal the activation is and before w.i!h a grounded the rnea- conductor sample to be measured is similar to t.hat fron be- able to a rnaqnetic monent. It is ensured fident that that our firm the belief that the above-described sarnples !.ere noL tampered the results are not with or the consequence of precautions substituted. sletght of conpletely We are conhand or measure- ment errors. ACTIVATION O F ! l O O DA N D P V C S A H P L E S wood and pVC sanples i.rere neasured and it was found that the activatron process in the above-described devrces signlficantly affected the magnetic behavi"our of the sa$ples. The samples were cylindricaf j-n shape, with a dlameter of 2.5 3.2 $unand a length of 27 - 50 Irun. One of the ends was A number of actlvated. the length of the actlvated the sanples were neasured before sanples conlrol part being as wel-l as after about 5 - activationt lO run. Some of the rest of were not measured before activatlon but in this case we measured (non-activated) sarnples having the same propertles. On no occasion the - 7 - Pavllta o\J qt I > o R b .?! R3 during. I S Q al in the lmental F9-E tr (l\J r! co .E }| B ,r-'o.5 " tlvity t r o The F I ' the A.A A E F O also .; After l; was by of the signal meabe- B E $ e t o o ' B !S| .(r' r ;l F.r (t F'd F s t € F $ o.d,{ ts'B o l,{ 'i r i * p"t { E b Ir o 6{l :: (t Et t the the , lrlth Ira s of of the e g . Fi rq o j , - did the o - samples show any magnetic activity, i.e. they could not be rnagnetized measurably by an external field, The nagnetjc properties of the majority of sanples (2O wood and 4 PVC) were changed due to the activation. For 5 wood samples we did any measurable change. These 29 sarnples were activated of measurement (at Mr. pavlita's laboratory) and ve me.tsure days or weeks afler activation. We did not consider the results them several of not. find from the place far these preliminary they strongly during experiments indicaled acLlvation, lo as evidence of us that sonething and Lhe effect is wor successful really ly of activatlon, happens with but Lhe samples cdreful , systemaLic ir,vesLjga- Lion. For lhis four PVc sampres were activated neasures described i.e. the w a s r n a d e , l n w h i c h f i v e . ! , / o o da n d reason a measurement series in our laboratory, ltle previous in paragraph. samples became rnagnetic due t.o the surement. is orlginal shown for lllustration measuretnent curve of as a function of purposes sample W1, i.e. forrowing the precauti.nary Every activation was ,'successful, activation. Lo Fig, The result of Z. The figure magnetization M of one nea- shows the the the externaf sarnple j,s the field nagnetic field H. The inrensity of and thh magnetic moment of the sample is given in CGS (e.rn.u.). The nagnetization electromagnetic units curve of the sample before (together with adhesive tape) 1s shown in [ig, activation 2a, and the magnetlzation curve of the same sar0ple after acbivatlon (together with the same adgiven in kilocauss, hesive tape) plotted is ln Fig. 2b. It is seen that the macJnetization of the actlvated sanple becane nuch larger than the nagnetlzation before activalron. The nagnetlzation curve of the adhesive tape without sample - which is not shown here - is exactly the sane as curve (a) in Fig, 2, so curve (b) can be considered that the as the background for non-actlvated thls sample. This neans, at the same time, wood sanples do not show any magnetic activity (at the measurement) . Ft)gut,: J show6 the net magnetlzation curve of the activated sample obtalned by subtractlrg Fig. Za a^d b" and calculat.Lng the magnetlzation ln m1Lllcauss, The accuracy of thls value can no! be very high because the slze of t.he specinen lras larger than the least at such sensitlvlty homogeneous sensitive magnetlzallon body.) We could The error work, ln is mens, brought for only tlvated Ms is necessary estimate not to the exact exceed extent 2Ot. the (rn order known the volune volure of of change in magnetic susceptlblllty of the the magnetlzed the neasured speclnen, The rnost lmportant These neasurements of to carculate purpose propertles of our of specl- are eninently suitable the sample is now of importance. as that shown ln curves tig. of (wlthj-n the tlmits other 2. Table Sanples Ms. The definltion zero to the effectlve about. by actlvation. The nagnetlzation acter ls Lhe rneasurlng coirs, vras to denonstrate comparison, secondary area of Gauss lt believed hovfever, of of satnples are exactly I the shows the nagnetization Ms is shown in Fig, of measurement sensltlvity J. for same ln of char- the ac- Before actjvation, every specimen). - 9 Dagnetj-zed I of ilgrity 5 h'ood F I Table Ms of activated The net magnetization (w=wood, P=Pvc) sanples trE act ivated ! we rneasure<l b Ie wl td2 W3 w4 l{5 (nc) 39 60 to 35 5B P2 P3 P4 68 58 52 result s but lon, 74 lc sanples tnvestigacurves The nagnetlzatlon tization and Pod of curves Ilke materlals, Frcautionary ,''successful'r, tof one meapows the is grains in boles before nagnetlad- of the vation. of dld iron, can be time , (at and ,, value the t in Fig. slightly, 3, but the Lron grains in the change in the the the to Mr. Ba never put touched. into characvatlon, ). acttvity actlvation vrere takelr of In this the character the sonde. specXmen, poss- was 45 mG. so the and causlng actlvatlon in the not stable time. presence of and guarded closed 4 shows the fron one author, change of number of tlne by the to The activated Ln Three rrooA The samples ltere markedi was calibrated. deflnitely is a certaln the magnetometer the hole nagnetizatlon actlvatlon after lab, a box then of lncrease lhe curves case of the lnto such a way seems unlikely. due to precautions. Figure aamples as a functlon the magnelic Ms in the the samples during Pavlltars the nagnetometer specltable ln propertl-es samples were measured in our the into showed a slml-1ar vrood sanp.les actl"vated above-menttoned they'were of value magnetlc actlvlty ln were activaLed zed 1,/6 of properties s lose their that was about the magnetlc was found to In order nagnetlzation To be smooth' a hole a $tood sanple forcefully.-The and It !o we drllled drilLing curve gettlng the magnetlc after hole O.02 mg Posslblltty probable seem because surface such a vtay that vrith abou! BrlL the does not and thelr and rotated effect li4s for average the our class1cal showed that the magnetizatlon 8 mG for .1s, we obtained the In ferro- the wood sanples of samPles. surface be clean inserted very surface actlvated specLmenIs process, this the as the pollsh not irollution tntentionally tlmes, of eag- our neasulenents the to of wlth keeping of and then and after alloys. pollutlon we made measurements Lncreased not ta thLE, tnagnetlc ln ls slmllar e.g. material. sonde seened to the which are structures, soft or various same slgnal reachlng sanples activated Inagnetlc explanation, ferromagnetic of the of ordered lron be the coutd edge, can cause the sample field possible The only the after authors, time. Befole end of the the nagnetizatlon days after ahd contlnuously It actlvation. decreases ln ls - .l.o A C T I V A T I OO N F O I A . A N D P A R A I ' I A GI N C ESTA M P L E S In addition to tho wood and plastic sampLes, several other niaterials The prinary reason for adclltionaf neasurements wcrs to learn more about the biologically induced rnagnetLc anomalies, and to improve the test nethods, For this reason, instead of wood.lnd plastic materiafs. diarnagnetic and paramagnetic naterials were also usecl for t.he exper.imeDl_s. fhe advantaqe of these tnaterials lras tlrat their physical properties, such as chenical composition and nraterial structure, are known and control.labte ln contrast Lo the properties of wood samples. A series of experiments were performed usin transparent' Lirao3 single cryst,als. These crystars a r e d i a m a g n e L i . o n d h o u' 9e n e g a t i v e susceptibility, i.e. lhe sample magnetizatjon and magnetizing field are opposite in direction, and nagnetization depends linearly on the external field. Two cylindrj_cal specfuens were used both of 4 rnrndianeter and 23 mm rength' Both of them were activated and measured before and after activation, The activation was perforned in Mr. pavlitars laboratory, in the presence of one author. The samples were prepared and marked by us, and after actrva_ tion nobody could have tampeied wrth or substituted them. After activation the character of magnetization curves remained uncnangecl (i.e. linear), but the absolute value of the susceptibility increased by B5g due to the activa_ tion for both samples. The magnetization curves (after elinlnating thc effect of adheslve tape) are shown in Fig, S for both LiTaO3 crystals (samples A and B), before (curves a) and after (curves b) activatron. The measurenent nethod was the same as that descrlbed earlier. I'1ve blsmuth samples (which have a very high dianagnetic susceptibil.rty) were manufaclured ln order to t.est dlamagnetic metal specimens, For three sarnples the suscept.lbllity decreased due to the acravation. The test resu-Lt of one of these samptes Is shovrn in Fig. 6. For arl the actlvation tests the magnetlzatlon curve remalned linear, but the degree of change vras different, rn one case the susceptlbility of the sampre lncreased (rts absotute value decreased), l.e. the activation changed the susceptibility of this sample to the opposite direction of that found in the other cases. The susceptiblllty of the flfth sarple was not influenced by the activation. The induced change vanished gradual-ly for a1l samples, three days after the activatlon a1I the sarnples had returned to therr pre_actlvation level. The effect of actlvation was also investigated for two paramagnetl-c materlars, viz'for alwririr'nn and praseodymium. Aruminium has a low paranagnetrc susceptlbility, the neasured samples were in Lhe form of a coiled strip of foll so the measured susceptlblllty of these sanples ls very low! practlcally only the usuaf background can be rneasured. Three samples were activatedi one of the test resuLts is plotted In Fig. Z. Due to actj-vation the rnagnetization curves of the other samples changed in a sinilar way. praseodym.iu,n j.s a rare earth net.al with qulte high paranagnetic susceptibitity. The samples were shaped 1Ike prisns \,/ith a square cross section (about 3_4 . 2y u,la 2O_3Oruo were tested as well. - lr - :l+ Eqr otl a\t s o^ tl o $ s F a o ;| J .r! Ir(J$ v e F f F !! .!r 'ira & t )$ -6 tl $^ .is{ . aEt a4 F O.& b E J ! o o - (a- G \r k o $ o a €t a.Q o e . i't!h r r : oE o oEI E = ^8 tr l! tr s q o o lr.. rr o 'r. S\D r. E 'r^ o (l:a : o o 6 b 6 a EO llC* .lk &: F F t3q,3 bx b - L 2 - (, J r q)i drr cl C D & O ;l- t! r i.u 'O d .li lB) iao S A. S. $'S s I!BIJ > a v E E sq) ('$ t l $ ' $ tr D os s;!-F s $ t l aJ- a : o g o z. E J - \' x s $ s E a.& s : $ t to- - 13 length. I Three sanples were actlvated, alL of them changed thelr magnetizatton same way. The result of actlvatton for one samples 1s shown ln Fig. B. It seems that the testlng of the rare netal.s looks pronlsing desptte the technlcal dlfflcultles due to thelr id oxldation. curv€s pf the AIl slgniflcantly and ln the of the measurenents descrlbed in thls paragraph were made ln such arrangenent ln whlch the dlrectlon of the magnetlzlng fleLal was perpento the axls of sanples and paralLel vrlth the dlrectlon of vlbratlon. I V A T I O NO F F E R R O I . I A C N EXTAI C TERIALS In anolher serles of, experlments f,erromagnetlc samptes hrere used. The samples are well known and due to thelr magnetlcalLy structure they shon strong magnetlc activily. They have character_. magnettzatlon curves, fron whj.ch dlfferent mate].lal parameters, ''nltlal susceptibllity, saturatlon magnetizatlon, coerctve f,orce, can €cl. Another advantage is that in the case of ferromagnellc sanples of the posslble ferromagnetlc pollullon is out of the questlon the anount of ferromagnetrc porlution on the surface (due !o the process) is sma11 in relation to the mass of the sample, so it e a measuiable slgnal change. neasurement of magnetizatlon curves of these samples was perf,ormed vlbratLng sanple nagnetometer. Here both the dlrectlon of the fleld and the direclion of vibratton are paxallel to. the axis of rs t a ll of.these ement.s show that the actlvatlon procedure af,fects the tnagnetof Che examineal ferromagnetic permalloy, naterlals. nlckel, tglass samples were used f,or the experi$ents. The specunens vrere long, I - 2 mn in vridth, $rlth a thlckness of 20 _ 2OO Um, but cylindrtcal nlth a dlaneter of O.5 rnm. of permalloy, of nickel and of fe?Al lrere activated. The tLon on the magnetizatlon curve be seen in FigB. g_J.L, -aamples (not shown here) changed " l n the magnetization curve l'n Ls seen that the saturatlon nagnetization of samples due to actlvatlon, and also changed the slope of the curve. The coercivlty (the dlstance betlreen the point hysteresis curve and the H=O poLnt on the g axls) for the nlckeL sarnple, rvhlle for the other llro cases that lhe flrst actlvation attempt of FerAl vras un_ .measurlng sesslon. Next mornlng, however, - when Mr. pavllta r.ras no!.tlned. culre 9. Magnetdzattot of p e r n a l l o V a d n p L e b ef o r e (curte al and dfteT (curte b\ dctitation. BEFORE Magnetidatr:on cstoe of s a n p L e b af o r e nickeL (eutoe a) and after (curte b) aetivation. - 15 It IE is nelization region) remarkable value that decreased in whereas activation of saturation nagnetizatl-on (i.e. mag_ reached by the hysteresls curve at high field the case of pexmalloy and nickel, due to activation, .increased it H,Oe iaat ion cupve of : o y . s a m p L e b eI o r e a, and after b) actioation. in the case of Fe3Al . regained its original shape after three _ four days, as can be seen fro\\ Fig. l_l . where the broken line shows lhe origlnal curve, and continuous lines show the curves after activatlon. where N represents the numbex of days after activation (N=O is the result of nea_ aurement inmediately after activation) . A similar process is illustrated for permalloy specinen in l,ig, 12, The ot.her part of the activation of ferronagnetic naterials was made metglass samples. Metglass (=metal-glass) material is a new and intensivestudied type of netal. A h e s e s a m p . L e sa r e , i n f a c t , amorphous iron a I loys sLructure is due to the very rapid quenching. Two types of metglass naterial wexe activated, the composition of the materlal was Fe4ONi4OSi6Bl4, the composition of the second one was naterial were activated. 5820. Flve samples of the first The saturation tization and the slope of hysteresis j , n c r e a s e d curve signtficantly in cases due to activation. The result,' ls illustrated in ltig. i3 for one samples. In the case of two samples the result of activation is shoyn . 14. IL is seen that the saturation magnetization drastically de_ , and at i-ow field region it shows a very strange character. Though le phenornenon is anornalous, these were quite unusual maqnetization , and the same irregularlty was found for two specimens. Al1 five were of the saIlle material and they lrere activated in the same (aee Plates I anal 2) having one activation chanber only, but the re_ can be seen by cornparing l,igs. 1A and j4) were quite different. tlme dependent behaviour of the nagnetizalion curve of the activated of Eig. 14 is plotted in Fig. J5. (Here only the parts of the full. cu:rves are shown, wlth decreasing positive fields.) After four curve regained its origlnal shape. of the second netglass material were also activated. The The nagnetj"zation 'ER the value M, which is curve ytelded tEocedure tlon case, the sarne result for both specimens,l-.e. the samples decreased, but not so drastlcallv (for one of the samplesl Ln Fig. 16. as plotted of the H,0e of t5e authors rgDetl.c tation cupue of aanple be fore a, aad qft.ep bl actiui tiott - has &een to carry out experL$ents on anomalies in h'hlch physics ltself l-s used to of, ttre tests. Thls does not, of course, nean that to ensure that no trlckery was Lnvolved. - 16 - N=0 N=l N.2 =--t'-t-'- 4T=' Fe3Ar- 50 Fig, r00 150 200 2s0 H,oe 1 1 . M a g n e t i z a t i o n e u r o e o f F e s A L E a n p l , e befone (broken curte ) and alter (solid. eunpeel datiratioa. Pdranete? N s the nunber of daga after actioatior., "epresent t0 H,Oe Clnnge o f, l;he m a g n e t i a a t i o n c u n o e o f , t h e p e r n q L l , o y s a n p L e N'i.s, 0 in t i n e . ( B " o k e n c u r t e ; o! b ef o r e d c t d t q t i o n , eot i,d eurveg: afte? d c t i D a t d o n , N : n u n b e ? o f d a y s a f t e r a c t i o d t i o n l , - 17 - M,emu METGLASS N=0 N=l N=2 BEFORE t0 20 30 H,Oe Magnetization H,Oe bef,ore curie of netglaes oanple Fe4oyi4OSitBla ( cuz,ve a ' ) a n d a f t e r ( c u r v e b) actioation. curt e ) ae4ta N=l N=0 BEFORE o b AFTER .L t0 30 Aamp Le eol.id tion). ion, see Fig. IJ. ' H.0e - 18 - M,emu METGLASS .4 Fig. N=3 N=2 N=l N=0 cur,e of netgl,aa8 sdnple of 15. Change of ndgnetization E i q . 1 4 i n t i n e . ( B ? o k e n c u r t e : befo"e actlrqtion, N: nunber of day s actiDqtion" solid curtea t dfter afte" dctitiltion. ) BEFORE fig. 1 6 , M a g n e t i z d t i o n cu"De of netglaes sanPle FezscrsBZo befone (cunte al and aftan (cunte b) actiration. - 19 - The experiments unanbiguously showed that in the najority of cases the vation procedure significantly changes the magnetrc propertles of the es - so thls procedure is vrorth study.lng. Conparing the results of t activation trials' the possibility that sorne kind of pollution lhls change can be excruded. Nanely, actlvations in the sarne sonde the same hotes of the sonde) provided different sr-gn changes in the mag_ gatlon curves, lrhlch changes cannot be explained by the presence of kind of pollution on the surface of actlvated samples. The unstable character of the induced change was also observed. Whlle tained thls anomalous state for a longer period, other specimens re_ to their orlgrnar. pre-activated state within 2 4 days. This phenorn- 1.3 E2 tsl td) to vatLon lndicate that the change in the sanplers _ lnduced behavlour - reflects some kind of fundamental physical process. h there are several issues to be clarified in the future, the pre_ seems to be assoclated wlth lhe actlvity of . On the basls of our present knowledge, these anomalies cannot be by any known physical phenornenon therefore one may not rure out the that the braln activLty involves a yet unknown physical phenomena. aane time we have no doubt about the necesslty of further considera_ investigations if we wish to exclude or slrengthen the possibility Posstbl"e interpretatlons, ln splte of lhe fact that for lhe nornent idea about other explanatlons vrhich are in keeping wj.th our clas_ De this = le "f l'ton, tloy " magnetic anonaly purpose anomaly; in ,- very the of this little future little work has been to attention to learn hope fox examine lhe has been paid to reality the nental of process. rnore about plogress the nental process as well, \"rithout the help of neurophvsiol_ IrsychologLsts. H.Oe are indebEed specimens, I to ,t. TakAcs and A. Lovas for thelr help l-n and to H. Shenker for revieting the nanuscripC. - _ 2 0 _ T E X TT O P L A T E S Plate I Rear of shaped par! cylindrical surface The rear 2 of there are Li.ro srnall ls chamber 1s visible the centre' made of the sane besj-de lt' ( t h e whole sonile was manufactured lhe PAD of steel) . The surface of ln protruslons as the rest one piece fron the plastlc solid steel,except ( A scale in centimeters - 1s smooth. the PAD. The actlvation Front material plastlc the PAD.) shown in fronL of Plate is made of side on the right-hand (PAD). The The wholc PAD is made of rnaterial, part. Device Activation Pavllta a single-chamber of the oovered sonde ls the sonde was held ln the left grooves, During Lhe actlvation the speclmen to be hand between the thunb and the forefingert j . n r i g h t h a n d . the activated was held with Plate 3 several is made of the thinner steel, During 4 Rear of flont of irnarl the twin the Fhl Plate Enlarged piclure quite The surface brass' the activaLion. the ls snooth, of ffi)gers {on the polished the left hand sonde. - in cenlinelers (A scale - ls shown in sonde. ) Plate walls rod and the hollovr cyllnder part inj:o lhe brass cylinder. were inserted Plate are made of side) left-hand on both sides. The activa!.lon chambers. activatj-on A t\,rin sonde with ni.l-,rrF .l the twin of the activation Sonde. chanbers; the bottom- and the The walls of the holes are the chambers are visible. s m o o t h , b u t t h e r e a r e g r o o v e s on the bottom. These grooves of were not sharp, they lefl no marks on the activated speclmens. REFERENCES vfil1ianson, r,. Kaufman,J, Magn. Mat.,22, II] s.J. [2] E. May, B. llumphrey: Psi Experiments S.R.I. project 8067, Oct 1985 [3] R.c. Jahn. 8.J. I29 (1981) \,rith Randon Number generators, Dunne, Foundations of Physics. 16,72I Rev. sci. Instru,'n., 3o, 548 (1959) [4] S. roner, [5] to Magnetic l"laterials. B.D, culIity, Introduction Addison-Wesley, Reading. MA, I912 (I986) -F--li :,-;. The : plastlc oi - -i e pfastlc - :a.e!ers 1s 1-he centre, i :_3:1LifaCtUred :cvered r in the t-en to lef t be : : ' . , a E1 O n p a ! t (on the :-ler ,:r / polished '..; left hand i 3l_rO'tn in .3nd the -as ale jie qIOOVCS '=: t:a.ens . ::3COrS, 1 PLATE :: '- .: , t -,, .' i . I1, i- :. . . .,..1r i 'i i -l !' . ' !-. l i ' f.'..! ; i it :.:l t{Fo :,:
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