March 21, 1974
March 21, 1974
camPus-ffif 3ilfr ,'iT:':lu3oRi.* Vol5 Nc2O Manch2l .lg74 The problen wlth the AP cont(act has been resolved and we can once again give you a aumary of liorld events . dieturbed at the I was a little last to the edltor lack of l"etters week.I fee.1 thac the paper should studeat exgr€s' be a vehLcle fbr ebout to write sion, feel free gripe your gripes oaybe your can be corrected. evenus Thursday March 21, 1974 E.l-ectlon6 for Senioi Senatora Studeot Bd of CA 5:30 - SDH l , t r o v i e" C a m e l o t ' r 6 : 3 0 & 9 : 3 0 . 7 5 + Ktrng tr'u- 7:30 SU tguqge Friday, Nlareh 22. Special Weekend-Revival 50re -Chaney Dance-9p... Saturday, 6f the March 23. Concert-8p.n,-Gym Stmday, March 24. Mass - 12-Theater Movle trThe Graduater' 7 & 8:55 Monday, March 25 Senate-6P.m. -CLl-02 PTK Lecture 8pm - Gyrn - Leonard Nlttby-"Odessey to the Borders of the !.,llnd't HE I G l { O R I iTl G S T U I l E T I T S ? Streaking One nlght last week a few young --nen decided tq esteblish streaking aE Canton. They qutckly covered .the distance frorn lleritage Hall .thei to Snith- 8a11. (I inagtne rnust of set a track record.) Otre. aftehoon last r.ieek a. nasked streaker showed his talent as he the bookstore and pub. If campus can have streaking, so. . can the apartments, sone streakers raced around the second floor dragging stfip! of -totlet'lpaper' behind them; Not tb .be orrtaone one streaker cLirnbed iuto a shooping cart and a second streaker pushed hin around the. centei of the apartments, The next afternoon another streaker raced down the sidewalk Time Magazine has a. few records already bstablished. .Letrs see lf Canton can't break one. The loirgest streak was 5 hours at Texas Tech. The largest streak at the University of Georgia, 1543 streakers. Belleve it or.not, Lil Canada a feLT streakeri bared theria4 ' F . selves to weather. It I.ras a tle fot:stre'ak of the week according to Tlrile magazine. Mark Nunes streaked lnto a Mlchlgan house .of represeitatives tying hltrr with two .others r.rho iaced in the front entrance of a poJ-ice stations dnd out the back. Come Canton streakere, r.rhat can .vou do. movles Wedneeda.yr Match 27 Kung Fu - 7:30 - SU Lounge Coffee llouse-8 P.m, Snack Bar Canelot, Thursday, theater,.6!30 9:30 The Gradurite, Sunday, theete!,7 8:55 inside Canldates,. Edltorlal 'Eventa Tuesday, March 25 Pub Flicks Thirdl"rorld-S-Ct2t Last week at a spectal College Assoclation neeting . presideot Roger Cooney brought up the idee of naking an additional allocation to purchase for the c4feterla. The student board unanimously voted dor{rn.thLs all_ocation and said lt arould be a F0OLISH expenditure. On March 12, while attending a SASU conference in Albany, Roger riceived a call fron.Mr. llazeltine. Mr. Ha-zeltine informed.Roger ttrar he couid buy the tapestrieJ, becd.use there was uoney in dnother account..I agree with the people of this corporation that rrhat Ehey dtd is legal. What I question is., are .they listening tcl the Student Boird? The. Student Board unanirnouslv felt that this purchase was foolish and yet Mr. Gooldeh sald to . go ahead wlth buylng them. i If, the executlve director is going to run ,the organization on the way he feeIs, is there any need for a Student Board? ' I hope at the meetlng ro{ay thE Student Board stand-s- up for thelr rightE. Sending the tapestrles back would stop the usb.of stulents as 6tepping stones. & & CA elections . Hockey Natl.onals Letters News ln Depth OrganizatLon Nelrsletters Senate MiDutes Special Prei:entations World, National and State Nenrs Su_amary pC 4 pCi4 pg 1 pg 8 pg15 pS z pg 6 ig S pA 7 pS 2 -I!,IS-IGH|' l"'ARCie([' L974 pg 2 WORLD NATIONALand STATE NEWS SUMMARY WED ---A jury San grand in federal nlne of the Frenclsco has tndicied producers of natloar s leadlng paper labels of conon charges splrlng to l1J.egal.1y fix prlees. ---Governor Wllson ,says Malcolu a bill her1l send the Lebislature proposl-ng $1,00 nl11ion in s'ubsiand additransit dlee for uass funds fof upstate tional rail systems. ---Officlals at Eisenhower College gay the Seneea Fa1l.s, New York in June unless School rnay close it can ralse $370 nl1llon. ---Governtrent Ilarry'Sears ltitness financier that today testifled "i.n had him Robert Vesco never his pocket" so that he was foreed attorney-general former to ask vesco out to help John l'ILtchell bi a fraud lnvestlgation.. ---A deetlng representat'ives. of producing countries of Arab oll ln the to open later l-s scheduled day in Tripoli. ---Three and pickets shot ltere wounded today at one of the W.VA. bY Protescs mLnes closed coal against gasoLine shortages. --- he lolunrb a ,c,)U4ty board of Supurvisgrs hrs a'opt,:d a resolution calllng for a noratorium on construction of nuclear power plants in Colunbia and Greene counEies. ---P!es. Nixon has arrlved in Chicago to address a businessnenrs meetlng on Frlday. He was greeted at OrHare Alrport by Mayor.Richard Da1ey. --:Go.v. Wilson aays her:s worklng hj.s fingers to the bone to get a transportation progran off the ground. ---A federaL Judge has uphel_d federal enelgy office regulations that require oll ionpanies to se11 part of theirr crude oil to other refLners. ---Jack Dempsey is in a hospital l-n NY. The reason for.his hospitalization is not being released. ---The Earrl-son Radlator Dlvision of General l,totors.has announced that about 1700 workers will be teoporarily layed off this }ionday,. ---An apparent hljacking atternpt has been folled- at the alrport io Belrut, Lebanon.wlth ttte arrest of eix arabs. ---Offlcials at .Elnira ColJ-ege annouoced today that tuitlon wi11. be lncreeeed. $30O ttrts fa11.because of rlslng salaries and jrnps ln fuel an{ operatlug coats. ---In Argentina, there stI1l ls no i{old about the release of oil executlve VLcto!. Sanuelson, deE---Military sources ln Canbodla pite paynent of at $14 nilllon say -that an AmerLcan plaae was used ransom. to drop ammunltion to govErnnent ---A Cairo nelrspaper reports 1n forces. its Sunday edltions thdt the Arabs ---Gov; l{alcol-ur Wilson says the , will life the embargo unconditlonwatergate. scandal ls not lttety a_L-LV. to hav-e aoy effect on cand,idates ---A bank president ln MlaneapoLls fo.r state offices 1n the Nov. el: is .st111 rraitLng word from the ections. presumed abductors oJ hLs wife. ---State Envlronmental Consdrva_ ---Arab oil mlnisters neetlrrg tion Comlssioner. says that a Vienna are expected to announce a successful placid btd by Lake for decieton toBorrow to end the o11 the 1980 winter 'olympies woul_d eubarg6 against the US. yorkts cost New taxpayers more ---President and Mrs. Nl.xon are than $9 urllLlon. 1n NashvlLle, Te[neasee tonlght ---The Iran National Radio and for the dedication of the aew S15 Televlsion reports that a Danlsh nililon ha1l at Opryland. alrliner wlth persons 96 aboard crashed on take off fron Tehran today. *--Treasure Sec. Geolge Shultz has announced he will ;reqign in May. --:Jordanrs ---The Arab countries Klng Hussein says Arab have ended states are beginning to thelr o11 erobargo against the US indicaCe a desire for better two months' relations for atleast with the US. ---Canned ftul.ts and vegetables -.--A Niagara concouncy sherLffrs have been removed fron Prlie deputy was shot in the head ves_ iountrols by the cost of.llving durLng an investigatior, caa. in !".d"y Hyde Park. ---The Board has cLvlt Aeronautics ---Judge John Sirica. fares ' is expected ruled that manY of the'a:l-r to declde airltnes today whether natlonrs t; turn charged by the 'over to the House irnpeachrnent.in_ and lt has ordered a ale unjust qulry a secret report fron the uraJor reshuffllng. Watergate giand jury. a ---trtsI agents have arrested man 1n ML$rlesota ln conoectioo nlth the kldnapplng of Mrs. Eunice Krooholm, the wl-fe of a bank Pres---PorEugalrs government reports ident. "calm the ln relgns today that ---Federal Judge John Slrica has put doktn today couniry" after it Watergate grand JurY order'eil the grouP of ?ortua rebellion by a report qn Pres. Nlxon tulned over guese arny officers without having to ihe llouse impeachment Lnvestj"co fire a shot. gation. ---Cornplaining a neltsPaPer about "hidden of stash" report of a Ptes. Niwhite llouse recordings, toxonts conununicatlons director day siad thd VJashlngton News Corps is possessed by a Watergate syn---The US and Israel have set drone. March 29 for the Etart of serlous ---U.S. llDrton Frank Representatlve negotlatloos on a disengagement . frorn Rochester says rhe Nixon Ad-' of Israell and Sy1lan forces Ln . has been knuckling ministration the Golan Ueighcs. under to business lobbylsts. ---A nlstliaL was declared thls --;Exxonrg that chaintran 6tates afternoon in the influence-pedd1the lndustry doesnrt. need hlgher ing crlal of Democratlc Congressto flnprlces and profit'mar'gins rnan Frank Brasco of Brooklyn. ance new energY develoPment. ---An air force spokesuan says a -:-The Whl-te House says a deed ls on a tralning rnlssion JeC flghter not necessary in tax gifts.fron Air Force Base in Rome has been reported.' mlssing and ls presuned down, ---About 500' food-service enpl-oy---Negotiatlons Sunday resume ees fron state ' lnstitutions ra1rcrptng San Francisco in the Lled at the capltal ln Albany roTeaihbrs' s rrike. day. ---Randolph Hearst says he,is doposslble ing everythlng to neet the denands of his daughcer's kidnapPers.. FRI. MON. S AT . TUES. suN. -INSiGHT ilnws in depth utH0'su{H0 Mr. Harry J. Richards, has announced the accepted for list are selected for participation corununity in in the Garba g e join this_honor citizenship and promise congraEulations The average Amerlcan throrts apounds of way about six trash every day. Most of it ends up in incinerators which can pollute the air. This refuse is now being reappraised as possible "cindere11a" fuel; it consists T[ost1y of paper, plastic, and organic matter which when burned, releases about 50 percent of the heat value of coal. Experimental facilities to tap garbage power are being planned throughout the nation. In Nashvi11e, Tennessee, for example, steam created by burning refuse is used to heat and air condition downtown office. buildings. The biggest effort underway 1s being done by St. Loulsr Union Eleeiric Cornpany. It has just announced that it will take all of rhe sixareas solid county metropolltan r,rastes about 81000 tons a dayand burn then in lts power plants in a ratio of one part trash to -l -^ urtre - ^ - ! ^ Pd! 7tzo th!rid.y F?id.y 7:\5 for Arrtvc Hillstd. 8:05 8tj5 8:15 Arrtr. Cant<.n 8 :{ 5 Polsda6 Pot3dam Arrlvc Hill3ld. bi. Xo!!" li50 2tl5 2:{O 2:tj 2r2o A.rlv. C.nton 7:\5 8:b5 8 :t 5 8:15 8:45 I't0 lrtt 2tl5 2t20 7 t2o 2:40 7:{5 2:45 8ro5 l: I5 8.35 8 : 49 l:50 | r55 2:15 2reo 2r4O 2t45 8:l5 8:35 8r\J l:li l:40 2:00 ?: l0 2rr0j 2:t5 7tts 8100 usefulness. This and yearls and a 3.097 overallan honor and we offering our to each of you: 7 t20 7r2C of scholarship, to the college campus communi_ty in C.nton Htllsid. t:t5 Studdhts academic and extra-curricular Who,s Who is l n t e r c a m p6u!s. S c h e d u l e A r r t v c P o t l d a mPotsdan of W ho's _:-- Collegds. semester index Sister Janet Mead, 36, the nost recent singing nun, whose folkrock song The Lordrs praver is climbing the charts rapidly, does not intend to have this success inLerfere with her career. She is the daughter of a raj.lway worker. Nineteen years ago she joined the Sisters of Mercv and now is teaching 14 and 15 year olds in Adelaide music and other subj ects . The Lordrs Prayer is set to muslc by a 22 year o1d teacher hamed Arnold Strals and sung by Sister Janet in a voice reininicent of Judy Co11lns. hecorded by Austrailiats Festival" REcords, it sold 50,000 copies in Austrailia and is expected to reach the million mark here soon. Sister Janet vil1 continue with her singing but she intends to keep on teaching. "I have my llfe to live and qry work to do. The record won't change that.', ^ ^ ^ 1 in future Sister Mead Capltal equlpment for Ehe procost around $70 mil,Lion lect will operating costs are estLmated at The lnvestment looks $11 a year. promising though. If the US utl1ities fo1lov Unions' 1ead, the nation would concievably conserve the equivalent of 290 mi1l1on bbL. of oil a year, recover up to $1 b1l1ion \rorth of recyclable metals and best of all, acqulre a final $ol-ution to our garbage-dlsposal prob 1em. Arrlv! Hlllsld€ the entire Junioi and service of who have been on the basis and ldadership To be selected with the Student Union Lg73-74 edition American nominees averaged a 3.rZL index. of of ATC Students inclusion Who Anong Studenrs activities, Director Steven A. Baker tlarriet Barley Patrlcia Baxter Louise Christensen Pamela Drake Jerald Dwyer. Michael Elpert Maria E. tr'lorini Brenda Gardner Neil Goetschius Richard tr{utchins Susan Keefe Martha King Anne Kress Stuart Laclair Joan Lenahan I'rederlck tenz Christine Locastro John Mackowiak Karen Mattoon Michael McDuffie Ann McGinnis Stephen Moore Carol Morrls Roler i\oreau Dudley Oldharn Maria Perez Joyce Ror,tand Susan Russo Mary Ryan Larry Schnitt Jane Sharlow Denise Sh.dknidine Susanne Spurchise GeraLd ,SLone AntonetEe Viscomi Fuel Forms which will allow citizens to file conplaints about fuel and gasoline price i-ncreases are available at Assemblyman Dan HaL: ey's office in Massena. The offlee is .Located at 23 Phillips Strdet and the telephone number is 3L5-769-9484 The conplai.nt forms are sent to the Internal Revenue Service rehose agents then may investigafe the cnarges. Assemblyman Haley explained that the Federal Energy Office requires that Cost-of-Living Council forrns be filled out by every 1evel of the petroleum industry each tine that a price increase is rnade. These forms, by showing prevlous prices and new costs, attenDt to shovr that the nehr price increases are just costs must be net by the company filling out the Iorns. INSIGHTMARCtt rl-, 1974 pg 4 ' . , j C o l l e g eA s s o G i a t i oE, l te G t i oln s Paula Cerra, Doro A, E-311 6-7164, ls for presldeir of CA. "I feel that there is too uuch apatlrf on thls cgFpus. . If dore. people got lnvoived, nany .more thlDgq couJd gqt acconplieirgd. I nant,tq Change thls feellng,of aud sqarr getring qtiqge ip4thy donef9u11 has gone throug!,M. trgln. lag and" hae bien ,as an selecte.d RA f9.r riext ygsg.. jofflce : Fecul-ty D,ean Parker'j _ Brrtlding, .2nd',Fl.oor, Roop 11232 Ls irurmlng for col-legd';Bciard:'of ' ."': CotrI-ege Assoclatlbn rllt is a khonn fact that the best way to leern ls to get.involved.and the best wav to have policlee a v6lce l.r'the dnd decisLoos of an organlzation is to gr.t lnvolved; I ari turitling lor electlon to the C.A.'' Cirllege ' Board becauge I sart to'dg both' .tb beco4e .better Infodneft; 'ibout 'the 'rdtfi'othl C.A. and to'pharer ers'ln forrulatltrg policy and 'in budgetary al'eclatone the best . lntereete of'a11 oernbire of thLs '. ' c€qrus comuolty.,t Dean Parker bas had. nearly 5 years ecpdrteice ag a menber. of Studeqt Affafrb Staff at this c911egpr, Se [ae 5i9tv9.4 on rn,. nirinerable ionu{tteea. . ' She has 'an . trndar5tahafne . o? organk'atLonal.'l re'ti@G latlonshlpe and governlncG attucture. -306Jin cox, 4 Sttl].Dan Ditve, 3955, ls runnlng for presldent of College Assoclation. "I would not Llke tb be one of the silent majortty, but one in the mlnorlty who ls wllling to try to better'this colJ.ege'wlth fresh. ideasr. An{ oug who 1ew 11d is wtllii! to. liEteir to the.s.tu- ' dent and hls ideas ad 16rovements to'prorlote a bettir. college 'lJfe_here at. Cao-tog A{C' foq ghose who follow dftei us.' Jin lE' active in CA el_ections and Pub Comlttees and Intranur- M.:EogLq !.9 ;r:untrLng for Greryl Non-Teachtng Faculty .Board. of CA. 11 I have.selved on the :AtC co1, Board for 2 Years legi Aseociation that . ortch and feel very qtrongly ' : doiie:'i:n tero'e ie'ydt to ti' thd of :.brl.ngLng ..CorporatLoc, re.a&Iy 'ln touch ltlth its logqbere. lI atr " :to'ictrl.eve tryl4g to comLtted thls 90a1., .' . .. i l, Hogle has been the chairnan ana 1/2 Yests. lnderof CA foftt graduate govertroent exPerl'ence as renber of Board of Dlrecstudent ';t-her ilura uiater as well ae *tors She StudeDt Co$?!ooeBt" Pleei{enq*' to AXO' advlsor. was the'forner 'tb 'Inslght, ' Adtt;fomer adriJbor and Aatvtor to Dorn Goveroenent, aor 'to Collegei Band. ErneEt K.rag 1g runn-ing forFaculty nenber of .College Assoclatioa Board. rrl conelder College Aseociatlon part constlinlty college of vltal la lts polLcy and I an.lnt.itested and decislons.rr Dlr. Krag has served on the Board 6.yeers prevlouely. Ur; Krag ls a trElnber of ColJ.ege Advlaor of, Dlscuselon Adsenbly, of Club, nefrer of IIUp, Piestdent AAIlIt, Loca1 Chapter. Joha L. Quackenbueh J,s rrmning foi College Aeso-ciation Faculty : Po8itlon.. Mr. Quackeobush 16 Lr"tereEted fulrctlotrln College AssocLatioo good of the tag for the greatest colleie coEnuni.ty. nf epeak and iead, rrlte, occaeloirally Engllsh.fluently, of dolrig ao have beea accused 'tbo :' fluently.t' STI]DEN'TBOANDC,ANIDAIESON 'PACE 12 I N S I G H T! a R C H2 1 , 1 9 7 4 p g s 5 e na t e M i n u t e s YD Speclal rreeting of March 12 Call-. to ordet 5:30 Today Venereal Disease is in the epidemic stage. grear concern to us Thls is of .l:. St"a"r,t nl.ili s...,ri"". I,rewould like t o o f f e r y o u s o m e i n f1oir m a t i o n "t""t V"o"i"al D{sease. gonorrheaare ii" IrJ^io". ,"^.. "orro' r n e y lTh11ts.1nd are usuaLly sofead by kinds of v.D. intlnate """".i ];.o;;l::,1';;jf;" n"r''"i ;;-;;p;;#'"1!1"'"il;".*l:":r::: ff: _ Synptomsof gonorrhea in men are discharge from or burnlng rn'henurinnting. the penis and/ wor."rilv-liJ.o "01r""". n".r" discharge of burn_ ing r^7hen urinaring, t.rt" .uo.ri-Iiri,ii have no synprons. rneretore, unless an infected *.n intorrns a r{ornanthat she may have -i",pir"".ro,," jilllltift ;li#:::.f""r"0 "..i."" i";;;".:-i".,;"_ not-as dependable as gonorrhea sym- 0."'":^lii::.:i ;::1111"--"" ii,"t "ie,,"-;;T#;ii::"rl:l ;ff"i:::':"H""";#i..*":;;;-; ;i" aays afrer conracr. rr lrill-aG;;;;;r""i; one to six months after r"tectrol,] w{th low fever, sore throat, ""i."'.ia nave none of these sy&ptons. V.D. is out of conrrol, especlally 1. one to five weeks. Fron ij"ir-r." 'iiuirrg apprear, po""itry t"rr. somepeople . €u'or.gyouno adults because: In the u..1"_l9l: it seened penlclllin would wtpe our V.D. programs were cui back. Ird."oqgrol )oclety's attltude torrard sex has changed. We live in a nodern pernlsslve sociew. Sone infected nen aad wiii, h.r" ,r, svmPtotnoi and some,who ":::-l: are afraid .' ""1' ;--"::::: ^ 4. e 3. 4. ril";;;1;:ii$ii:= :.;.":3:'ffi ,.:,:'iffl;*;*"it; 5. Ihon they have-be"o r" iitrr"tu-"orrt..t. Ne$, cootracepttve nethoJs f,.""-r"i"..a *" condon offer" ""r" proiliaior, f;.r;. the use of the con_ againsr spreadlng If you thlnk ---s-"'i,i... you are Lnfected, -ii. -iril]> see .a s_ tuden t ir."rit I tpr,y, "1.!"T:",.; to 9 p.e. Monday through-Thlr"d.y; I.o;: i;i;;; florn a a.n. ro 5 p.m. Dr. trone, our coltege physieian, il; ;;;: li"ry 0", for an hour and rwo evenlngs a week. throuth one of rhe corlege auraes at rhe aearii 1" 3qg.11gi.n.lli"uI"r"ae of;l;;. ;il:",, atrenrion ls avalrable to studenta at the Hea cnarge for servicea cl ,"rtil-**t:e-.wlthout -iit' r.ab oraroryr""", x_,.yja"*J ar:'#":;. T::f i; Iliii""l?,"; ".: ATC lIO OFFg,R I{CITOT,CYCLECOURSE, A rhort courr€ offcrad .t AfC Office. t?o in !{otorcyclc i}rlvcr Educetlon wtll bc dtffercnt ttncr thle ,prlnt by thc Canton Ld.:cetton. Thc courgc conrl.t, of eltht houro r.,f elassroon tretilng ln notorcycle opere_ practlcnl tion, srfety an(l nal,ntGnenca. drlvcr trel,nlng on a hocorcycle hrtll nlao be provtded. of Conttnulng, Regtrcratton f.r the r-'trct trro rreckr !e!!lon lo echedured 18, 19 anrl .lr.l. Claaaer begln the weck of r{rrch 25 through ,lpril 5. thc sccond claae wtll reglrtcr on Aprll d, 9 and 10 with sealiona runnLnS from Aprtl 22 to !.iry 3. There te r linrl: of 15 pereon! pcr claat, for l{arch Rer,lacrettonr and tuLtlon peylnents of $30.r)0 pcr ltudent wlll be rccepcec untr.r $arch 29 for the frrst clarr and Aprtl I0 for Bhc sscond qro,rp ln che ,\TC Conttnulng Educetton (_)fflce. IEEE requested pernisslon to charge admlssion of 75C-ar the IEEE fid, discussed passed. Kem Verner moved to grairt WATC 9620 to send two people to the natlonals ln l,llnn. to radiocast '1,5 the two hockey ganes March and 16. Dave Oustad seconded.Dlscussed passed with two opposltionsRick Hutchins noved to al1ow pavsonian to tra.nsfer ftmds into trave1 expenses to send a photographer to the nationals March 15 and 16. DiscussLon passed without opposltlon. AdJourned 5:55 Ed. Nrte: see edlcorial Meeting of llarch t8 Call to order 6:10 Steve Baker moved to acceDt Nursery Ed. additional ."q,r""i as approved by the budget connittee seconded by Mike Zilnik.DlscussLon Dave Fenton moved to arumend motion cutting off a wiDe end $75 for cheese party notlon secondeil by Don Agget. Discussion amrenduaent passed rnotion passed one abstention for $190.50. Steve Baker discuseed next years budget requests: Athletics 956,106.05 cuB 59,297.00 Paysonian 161000.0O ItsTK 13,5O0.0o SCA 7,750:OO I rr.-;ight 6,82O.00 I'IATC 4,223.OA {jr.irntatLon 5,300.00 r i(iiC 2 ,400.00 CantonLans IFSC V':ts CAL MSA AIBS 1;280.00 Mech. Tech. HAC Outlng Club IEEE Band Total Total I,000.00 6E0.OO 550.00 650.00 610.o0 523.00 510.00 448.00 400.00 265.00 9178,312.05 to be allocated gl3O,OOO.0O Cafeterla Advisory boald passed a miss-a-meal for needy chlldren 1n day care centers in Canton and Ogdensburg. Dave Fenton moved to approve the mlss-a-meal, Don Agget seconded. Discussion motLon paseed with one abstentLon. SASU conference dl.scussed, Adjourned 5:27. Ed. Note: Budget iequests are eubJect to cuts by the budget cond-ttee. Then open hearl.ngs wlll be held. Inslghr uil1 ptSllsh the revlsed budgets before the open hearl.ngs. Attend the open hearings nake your voice heird. 3]iJji i; iiir ..)::);:jj I N S . i H T M A R C H? J , , L s 7 4 p g " 6 ORCANIZATIONNEWSLETTERS ZAP IlelJ.o everybne! Hope everythlng is going fine _ .tor a1L of you. p-tedging was over J-ast FrLday night, as sone of you nlght have notlced frorn all it" celebration golng on, Sone of the boys and our newly accepted neo_ phytes brothers were involved in the art of streaking in and about Canton. As a matter of fact the t o r , 7 nw a s u p s l d e d o w n . L a s t S a t . nlght, patrs we celebrated St. day at the house wlth a partv in the honor of the green saint. We would like to thank or, dunr ya for his "tonsil teasers'r other_ wlse known as purpJ-e Jesus, which he made 30 gaLI-ons of, 30 gallons which included gallons 5 of straight rlrn, vodka, wine and things a couple o:[ -among other bottles of 151 rlm. This potion was so potent that Teddy, Tornrand even Eggy were conpletely 1ost. The party srarred Sat. niliht, went on all night and even at 12 noon Sunday the partylng spirit' was still in everyone. Mondav we formally inducted our new broihers. Congratulatlons . to all of thern. They really deserve it. Hope alot of you stay here this weekend because it' is revival. weekend aad we will be psyched, ' Until next week, keep happy and stay beautlful. The brothers of ZAp Vets To all members nho have paid their dues, we are planning a. dinner around the end of April, Each veteran will be allowed one female guest. It's all free exr cept for booze. But to be on our list for the dinner you must present yourself the 27th of March at the Evergreens around 7 p.m. This is our next meetlng and for us to get it together rire need a close estl.mate of the number of people tq expect. Also at the next meetLng we will be electing next yearrs club officers, work with our constitution order Jackets, formulati.on of the toad ral-J-y, and consume enormous quantitles of beer. So I guess r^7hat the oessage is show up. This 1s about the most important neetlng of the year. March 27, 7 p.m. Evergreena. Epsilon ",liJtu We11, I hope you a1l had a great weekend. I know that Wendy who won first prize in our raffll had a good tine. He won the bucket of booze and by now there is only L/2 a bottle of mlxer 1eft. Everyone is so excited about sorority weekend, April 16. We are going to Lake George. We are staying aL Sittln 8u11, where we will be havlng a forrnal dance and dinner, and it should be a reaL rioE lrhen we get Annie on a horse with her cruLches! Saturday we are going to have a picnic if. ve can ltrai(c it up. But I know that r^/e are a1J- going to have aloL of fun and can hardly wait. To help us out \rith the veekend we are going to have another raffle. Slnce Lhe last one r,ras for booze, this one wil,1 be for money. The prizes are flrst prize $20, second prize $10, and third prize $5. The tickets are stjld for g1 for 6 and 25c for each single one, We know that aloc of people missed our last one so this your is chance, to help us for sortrity weekend and pJ-us- make a LittLe cash foi yourself. So, hurry and buy your tickels now b.efore itrs . too late again. Our basketbalL tearn nade another agalnsr rhe Frary 9l?9,"00._.:.nce They r,ron 14 rc 12. Cooi going girls ! special congraLulations to the number one hockey team from all the sisters p i m U ot Epsilon and Herbie. trle are very proud of you-all. I know that at least 'l'erry Sykes was excited t""."". at 2:30 a.m. Spnday during ";; fire drill he was .offi"g i" ii. s n o w . _B u t h e d . i d k e e p h i s clothes on. Thanks, Terrv. lve never hear rnuch about the morts, but did I hear a good one. L:st week Steve Ken and John Ehought that it r{7aswarm out and screaked. But Kenrs brakes were not working and he came to a streaking hault. Now Steve is working on him in his "body b"iil_ ing class. There will be a bake sale aL the Newman Center this Salurday, March 23; So, .come and taste some goodies out of PiNurs Bake Shop. Forget your dlets fot one day! Attention! PiNu will be having a new house next year. It is on East Main Stree!, It will ,be sad to leave the o1d one, with all its memories but werl-1. have new nemories and more parties. Stop praying for snow so we do not have !o lake our snow boots wiEh us on sorority weekend. Love, Slsters of PiNu Eosilon AX0 Hi everyone! I bet no one expected to see s n o r , ra g a i n , b u t I g u e s s w e ' r e n o L finished seeing winter yet. The sooner it goes; the better. First of all Ird like to congratulate the hockey tearo for \^iinnillg lhe Nationals in Mlnnesota last rdeekend. It was a rea11y excitLng game! You rea11y deserved to win and ATC is rea11y proud of you ! Werd like to congratulate out pledges for puJ-ling their capture. Their first trv was a bit rought., but their seclnd one ended in victory. I hope Torn, Sherrill, and the rest of the girls had an enjoyable trip. Schnitty, you finally got your prayers answered. You got to be captured (you didnrt even have to parade down the sidewalk carrylng a sign sayingr"Caplure Me." Well pledges you onJ.y got a short time left to go and it will be over. I bet you never thought you'd see the day. Righc? Last weekend rr-ag parents weekend for AXO. I hope everyonets parents had a real good time. T bet they rea11y liked the Hoot Onl. This weekend Ls revlval weekend. It should real1y be a good tine. So everyone stay here thls weekend and get your out greasinr cl"othes. Itrs really a lot of fun. Well- thatts all for now. Untilnext time, Love, Sisters of AXO m e s s a g ef r o m t h e Third World Society Constance Baker Motely, a Fed_ eral judge and NAACp 1egal ioun_ sel was born in New Haven, Conn. in 1921-. She first established a practice of law in Ny City as a perlman, rnember of Motelv and Bronheim 1aw firms, and seived as regat assistanCe for the NMCp in 7946. ,.Constance Motely has won nany difficult cases concernind ^t'il rights; her most fr*;;;;;i";-;;; case of James Meredith agalnst the University of Mississippi.She was ln defense of Mereditirjs ad_ mlssion to the University and won for. him this right. By rhis suc_ cessful case the barriets of seg_ regation were broken in the uni_ verslties of the South, In 1964. Mrs. Motely won a seat in Ehe Ny Senate and then was elected president of the bourough of Manhatt_ an in 1965 and is presentty an appointed judge of the Federal Circuit Court in the Southern district of New york Srate, I N S I G H T Y A t i C h2 l , 't9:14 pg 7 RI T A 1 I S G E TY O UU & B O B BSYO C K S C a m e l oREVIVAL t u{EEKE}Ill todaY 1974 6 : 3 0& G r e a s Isl r e s s ' uI -IPa n c e 9 : 2 0p m f R t l I A YI t A R C 2H2 9 D m l a m t h e a t e r" P e r c ya nWdIt ThHe I i n C h a n sl yITi nei nagrHda rt lo p s " SPEGIAT PRESElITATIlllIS I S A T ' U R Di lAI A Y R C2H3 8 P m " T h eC r y s t a l s ' i n c o n c e ri tn t h e i G Y m i u s t r e t u r n i nf gr o ma B r i t i s' .h' ' , c 0 n c e r tt o u r F r e et o A T Cs t u d e n t s $ 2 . 0 0n o n s t u d e n t s 24 IARCH S U i l D Ai Y . After a yeat of i.nternational success as a roadshot screen pre_ sentation and w"inner of three Acadeny.Awards, the Warner Bros. Seven Arts rnulti-oll"1ion do11ar Technlcolor presentatlon of I'Camel-ot" arrlves for the flrst flme et popular prices. Agalnst the spectacular backdrop of Arthurian days, stars Richard Hanis as Arthur, Vanesn Redgrave as Guenevere, Franco Nero as Lancelot and David Hemings as Mordred create an electric excite. ment .in the poignant snd personal musical romatrce-adventure. Feclihg strcngly that Arthur'! 'aspirations at Camelot and what transpired there have much in comnron with and are padicularly perti. nent to today, Producer Jack L. ll/arner, Director Joshua Iogan and .screenwriterlyricist Alan Jay Lerner conceived their dotion picture presentation iD bold and imaginative tctms. ' Because of lhe legend's "Nowness," the trio, aided by Oscar-winning art director.costume designe! John Truseott, created a Mod.Medi"Camelot"-suspended eval in time and space, derived from their imagi nations rather lhan reference books. "Camelot" based on T. H. Vhite's "The Once and Futuft King" war written for the Broadway Stage by Lerner and composer Frederick Loewe, who had earlier collaborrted "Briladoon," "Paint on Your Wag. "lty on" and Fair Lady." The pair "Gigi" also *rote for the *reen. r . r l " s 0 c KH 0 P " n o u n g1e S t u d e nUt n i o L P u br v i l lb e o p e n 4pm nollege l n a d d i t i o nt h e C a n t o C presents b r o a d c a s yt s t e m .'High S ch o o,l co n f i d e n t i a l " N o s t a l l g i af r o mt h e ' E 0 s d a i l yi n S s t u d e nUt n i o nl o b b y INSIGHT I'lr{RCtI 8I , L974 pg 8 The puck was droppeg ul 9:3I p.n. central time, and Cantonwas its way to its fiist win'in the rvaiionar ,runi6r-doriege lthleticon Association tournament in , Thief River Farrsr- rui"""Eot.. The opponents were the Northland Northmen, place-finishers in the Minnesota state the host team and second tournament.both teams L?gk iI_easy trying to see who would makethe iirsi-misiarre. Tom a fueeu4ra rrsrrtreL 'vvv"e4s'feerrr16 protectin!--rri""r.,".iini;.*l prorecrlng n1S heaJ-ln€ '-.' L" ** -gI*l3li19l^*^:1"_i:$_3.footbal1-helmet augnt the Northland team iawr g u a r d _ a i off te fintilv--iit-rhe lamp at '11r13 of the first-period. Teryy Sykes endea ii,"-scoring in'tfie put canton. out frbnt- Z to a. Northland's-pran oi * *,:ifai,_p"llo9_t9, cninge goalies after ".,r""y-p"ri;a;".il; inii'inli ffi?lt."k',' l ' e.Afo men came out of the l_ocker room fired up and scorel i L r l l d . ..ITlthree goals within_just--as manyminutes. scoring ror'canton were S6an wrccrossin, and Jerry Stacy. the 'd]-i{'scoring. Ei-,:_{ll*"I1.*L9"y"*, the_seeond period, and the gam6, for"ihe Atc l{o;thm;; .in *i was Hlck Kemp, Jeff- Lawrenz, Sykes, and steve wilkins, euady;j '€ shutout ended at 1011? of the iin;i just over two ili"e;-'-wi;; minutes remaini4g, the Northland sqiraa Jcored--onee againg the 7fina1 goal came t*enty seconds later,* and the sr."--Jrra"a in favor I of A-tc-g to 3. rt wai aeriniieiy the finest team effort of the lyear. Ihe Championship game between Canton and Hibbing started at 9?36 p.m. central time Saturday, March 16. At the jt2L nark into the - game Lee Paradise 1et go a hard, sizzling shot from the point to ' score the first goal of the game. Sean McCrossan scored in the final minute leaving a 2-0 lead for the Northmen at the c l o s e o f period. the first At various times in the first and second periods the Northmen were short handed giving Hibbing a two man adlvantage. Canton efense continually & h N & iced or controlled the puck and Buddy Jarvis some exceptional saves when the need wa,srthere. Terry Sykes tarted the scoring in the second period. Pua,1 Hargreaves and Riicckk N o b e s s c o r e d l a t e r on in the period while,,,Hibbing had a man dvantage. At the close of the second period Hibbins was sti1l Canton now winning with a score of J-0. - . .sfc o r e l e s s , he thriid period saw McCrossan's wrist action'again with a quick Sykes ended Canton,s scoring getting ishot that lit the 1ignt. a hat trick for tn- nigiii.--Hi[ulng Itwo more goals and receiving at the LJz?L nark in the final period ending Jarvis's welf sf sdceosreerdv e d s h u t o u t . They scored. one moie lbavinE t[e, final taltv " a t B - 2 a n d C a n t o n a s t h e N a t i o n a l J u n i o r C o 1 1 e g 6 C h a r y r p i o n sf o r the second consecutive year. If rhree tur roopphr ri e esseernt Lt e d l ess w eerree p r e o tLoo tLhnee It e e.aam ms . u aann: E C t oonn lt aaKk Ii nngg' E nteh e bo i1 g g eesstt h aarrddwwaar ree f oorr f i rrsstt p o llaaccee--t thhee N Naa""cci ioonnaal 1 C Chhaammpnss oo ff !19g??4l.t - H HiSb b ibn g placed second, Henry Ford third and the host tean Northland fourth. The members of t h e a l l - t o u r n e y team were announced. Six outstanding players are c h o s e n f r o m t h e f o u r t e a m s p r e s e n t , one goalie, forwards and two defensemen. Ithree Rick Nobes and Sean McCrossan forwards selected and Lee Paradise was one of the honored. The goalie chosen was from Henry Ford and the other forward and defensemen were selected fron the Hibb- lffi;".:H3^g:,,:1" ; - F arrB + ^ ^ usaril . S;s* -''..- INSIGHTMARCTI 21, l-974 pg 9 TTE'RE N[l. I AGAIN h;,', *M sa ? a * a Ct}NGRATUT ATI(INS Dear Mr. and lvlrs. Swansonr and the two carloads On behalf of the hockey team, Coach O'rrien, to thank of fans, Nancy and I would like to take this opportunity you showed all of us. We felt the you both for the hospitality you that now grows in warmth and ki.ndness flowing fron within the hospitality Vie appreciated and again thank you. ourselves. memory of people and Thief You. have given us all a wondefful We are sure this memory wili remain Minnesota. River Falls, over. with us our lifetime Sincerely yours, Nancy and Sue and the Canton ATC Hockey Team and Fans INSIGHT MARCT'tll, 1974 Pg 1tt I I D ET 0 N l x 0 l l not want Nixon is my shepherd, I shallhe restoreth factorles' s t i l 1 t i e b e s l d e m e He leadeth l,tvdoubtintheRepubLlcanParty'heguidethmetothls for the sake' itai""i-"""tpioyo""t I fear no evil for thou are agaiust *t: Th:: anolntest my l'tages with i"tittr'-o'er mvineome RePubllcan it.."." sonv expensu sha1l f:1t?1-thu Surely Povertv ana nari-ift'l-ng rorevet' i silarr 1lve in a rented \ouse ;;;;;';; "Palk your-carnel' pick up your 51000 yeats ago Moses said' Helpd e c o r a t e t h eg a m er t l t l m P a i nat mural 0 n youass,aodr sharlleadyo''lo'li.p'ioi,r".a mount shover, th Wa e SU bm it gntf l l ies t0 Haffy RiChafds illii;;:::l3li'i,l;?"lT:il"*-:ii:i"1!-i"':H.;:ii4:ilil'" :::;iu dentunion 0trice ::i*h*:il.::j:f":*',;:: andNixon'as a tf,ee' a PuPpv s"i'r--;i'"i'that r T"as B lG A , M E R I C AJNU S T I C I i : ' l ' l l B I I O W I , R I U L TAKE CARE OF TlilllR (tWN (cPS,/zNS)--Ra1ph Wayne Taylor of oklahqna City must be muLtering Lo hi.mself after. hearing about SPiro Agnew"s sent-ence. Agnew received three years' probation and.a $10,000 fine, after being charged with accepting hundreds of thousands of in and uilh cheaLing on dollars Ag'new $ag incorne tax returns. hls federal flned and put on Probation. Iil the meanEime, Taylor began servlng He ptlson sentence thi$'monEh. a ll-year wag convicted of stealing three'dolLars cents from r:LLy perklng snd seve$ty-thtee meters. P R lZ E Knowwhen tosaywhen' . .i ru.}r-:,!ryfl Having a drink with friendsis a long-timeAmerican tradition. Happily, most peoplecarry on this tradition without overdoingit. Becausemostpeoplewho choose to drink, drink sensiblY. They know that liquor is a part of the goodlife' And that part oi enjoyingliquol is to know whenyou'vehad enough. As the peoplewho makeand selldistilled spirits,we're gladthat mostpeoplewho drink do sowith moderation' If you chooseto drink, weurgeyou toknow your limits. Knorvwhento saYwhen. lf you choose to drink, drink responsibly. "5oy, how would you like o secure . Position in rhe odninillrotion?" LICENSEDBIiV]JItAGEINDUSTRIES Divisionof DistilledSpiritsCoulrcilof theUnitedStates'Inc' NervYork,N'Y' 10017 {85 LoxingtonAvenue. I N S T G HM T A R C I { 2 1 1' 9 7 4 P g . l r Basketball REOIoNATS INSICHT {ARCH 9J.7,1974 pg L2 D av i d F e n t o n IS A LAW OREGON r.s WoRKING SMO0nILY (CPS)--The tegu1ts of Oregonre three nonttr o1d nrrarljuana reform law hBve ao far aeen€d to v:!bd iate the advocdc6e of ltberallned lane. oil offlclals t{eny 1*r enforcenent they ate pleaEed have reported proeecttorg ceaged ,ftn tUe aen lart end the courts hdve 'the cases' uariJuane rlth to bglcrordeil by oPPo$GntE effectr.r predlcted 3t8ft11ng to uaterlalhave falled of llberiXlzatloo 'havetr" gEate hagn't beconc I i;"t-.ih; dealera MarlJuaa for users and pusarcrc. eupply ecrd dcrlandhave l,Rdlcrted-prices, ebout sot.aal for thls tfil3 of are nnn{ng " Donald Agett, Snlth Ha1L, N-111 6-7710, Ls ruanlng for CA Senlor Director. Donild lrant3 to help cornrnunlcationa betneen SCA-CUB and CA and try to improve the functlons of CA. He nanrts to help overall canpus actlvLtLee and 1lfe on campus. Donald ls President of CA aad le ective ln student goverDnent. vlolatLon than a The narlnuu pelalti for posecselog of an ounce or leeg lg regardlceg of thc .;aioO irne by cltatlur,. nr$er of colvlctlorg. And tlrcre I's no record. crlulnal Previqrgly the u4ri-rnutl rac a ycar-ln prlson -antA srU $lobo for the ft'rrt convlctlon' fO ycars urd 92500 for'raPcats' Offtclals ln Portland' the strte't largFst city, 6d'Eugorc, hme -of- thc:. Li- oregon' haver sald th't the Unlierslty nes,lar li !'a good th{ng.'f 'Portlandtg eenlor diputi dlstrlct attdrney eald the courtg rt€rcntt proeeanltw:ry'' cutlng rarlJurne caaeg consirtently rney oitly bo ' rod that cmplcte leglsletlqt a fan ye.r! an.y. Accotdlng to the DA have been 18s'.:ed ln the about 40 cltatlqr! clty stncc tha lan eent I'nto effect OcCober 5r tqd.those rent to people srnoklng ln pubtrtc P1!ic3.. Uost of those cited have plceded gutlty. and recelved llght flnes' he satd. , One Portland Judge has PubllclY statcd drat he wonrt flne anyone who pleads to do ?4 hPurs of gu$ty and la wllllng : aentlce work. cmrnlty . A Portlod narlJuana dealer told the Atroclrtcd Prcss that lt ls too early'to tcll thc effeets of.the 1aw on the Barhet, plrttculrrly rlnce suppllrs are eurrently 'of qudtty ad "gcttlng eeay to c6e 'bi hlgh eg"lr brcrure of thc hervert ln lGxleo." ltt ore86t r9Dcrplc. thc llberiltzrd of p.laltlct f,or lhc Pollcslla trtor rttf! rnd'tor lt. D!. tbo & qacc of ler$uor aal,a. Steve Baker, Ruehton Hal.l N-207 6-7357, is running for CA Senior Dlrector. Steve ls preeently in student Sovernment and feels there should De_Dore coumunlcatioa between CA and SCA. Hle holiing an offlce in eaeh organlzatfon should do thls very well. Steve.llgts qualiflcations his as being VP of CA hts flrst yeai go he lqrorrg.ho itts run. Ee wae recently appof.nted to the CA board ae dtlectdr but for le:Kt y.ear be Dust be elected. Siace he has been here for thr€e years already he "toors the !o,pes.r thts ln ltself le a blg help whea worklng wlth dlfferent organizatLoas on cePua. h just 3 secondso cigoreile mokesyour heod Oiotioster, shoolsyour blood pressur€up,eploces 6xygenin youi blood with corlf,onmonoxide,ond leo/<rncer-cousing - chemicols lo spreod lhror;ghVourbocV. All lhis hoppens with e\€ry cigorelte you sri.r,oke. As the cigoreltesocH up,lhe domoge odds r.p. Becouseifslhe cumulqlive,effeclsof smoking_odding this cigorefle to oll lhe cigoretes you e\er smo&ed_ thot couseslhe houble. And iett thot to yourdog,too. U.3: D€P/lltxEXt Ot ttEAttH, Et,UCan('! ltrg wlLF iE.thi.!9scoilribgtdarhAticS.rk. t r t . , 1 , . . , :r . i i ! \ ' .)' j: INSIGHTMARCH 21' 1974 Pg t3 Maquire ALSO CANIDATE FOR COLLEGEASSOCIATXON ' l " \ , : . ,souflot Io $muru cr-o6s-uprot ,,: .. --. r::i .;i . ,u- 'O6' A. tiibledon . B. [d3Stg€ C. ilaruinn{ D. lhrcughr.y.. E. Hlatus. f. Afford Gj Cheap skates Y ll. Khru.shchev AUI|OR: Lm.'li. fliaakeny (Ihe Hfstory of) tlenry Esmnd IITLE: ouotATtoil: You do not knfl hd nuch you suffer ih those crlti@l mladles of the heart until'the dlsease i9 over and you look back on {t aftedards. 0urlnq the tlr, the sufferltrg is.t leait iltferable. The day passes ,.,... ani the night ffirs .way s@how. rtrttld:iti?ts'..i .,r,. t.' r L{.-YtDkeg.D@4!e r ff. Hawaii . ,,.ir.::6iiri .: _, .: .. , . r $r$jjjf,jli'ltl,':'.'' .a::al:t.:. '1,:,: ..". r r : : \',,: ;i, - q,.vOto**oa. ,, ..R. En!re m.s. l S. Shufflebihfd .: , , , Ti ilette ;. adlf ' rV. lifolse6ir..i;. : x.i,5,teciti9l., . : :';t: ; f ,i ir:"i; ,, iTC ]' PROGRAMSCEEDuLE I{ATC *XEDNESDAY *rroAY,"..r', ::'4 MONDAV R-10 ;: 4 ff,' - ,.., :BUSH 'I':J d'c*B#tr. B0B. . " ,+_. , M I X E r., ft r.!_j:..' . :pErsER' doRrMAN i;,lrii:;,ir*J,t:i;*:;p*;i s{}t: x;,tr;!iii r0-12 oPdi{' ..'.1::r: :, THURSDAY >( r:r*r GARY DEROUOI{IE .$.-:q:i ";:t GREG ,-: .el 'fftdfi?' q sfi.friRDAtjJ$iSUNn*S'rtj }i-: Jr*a j , *f.-i,l- D}ILLI .. GARY BATTISTON I,AIII{ROP. :r'ilnli$ _ $,3rJs;i ..i r). i i ! - ,-'1. L2-2 SBE.zu JOHN STANO JEAN DUTEAU, TOUISE. CHRISIENSEN TONY:"' JOANN BABIDEAU '. :,i"' : ,i :.r:. LEE,; r,:r:,.ri ;;r,r,... I{YD.E ., rr'r,, ,.r r.rAss0P , 1, I 4-6 TOM oirTNER ) JOHN STANO MARK DAvE FrNqI{ KI,EIN ERIC iION il ,, .:r.:!:: : ' JoHN:,,, MACKOtI.TAK, r0-12 oPE-{" SPACEMAN ":,r. !:r. ri,;'i t it',: ROJECKI 'igrLl MIKE LEISER :" LFlfrErfi'. : t . i 1 "- :,: ,1i.i. ;: l' .f,rt),i:,itj;1. ', ; lr.- -' ;'JBtIEEY'" DDY .; 'i .:r,:r. . .i.rl:,ir CnRIgIEI'ISEN tlii,!l$' .f ,]ARVIS: / : -.':;r! !i!.i r I {li;,rrf: i:.r- ; 'pqg1try.:::rJr1.:i.'-,,:,r i.{ . ) Atl(*TitfRri{s rl' I.,, r l.J. s.xEVE I'I0LANIN MARIA PEREZ l.;:' lrt' F ' j . : : : i ; " : t l ' ' . I - <\rd:.1.:1 ;;:r: ' i 8-10 :il Joyo*l,..;::,'.lr H m m:': , ' [ 1 : _ i , i ; , 1 , ' . ' ,[i:tr:, ! i.; .rirq l r . . t 6=8 :: 'DW€l{T i:' tt I 1,,1 ., I ;' MITJNE. I. " iSMITH M.rcKCf ', .!$lririrrY r: MARIAIi SANTORD iir:SURMi}f :'i, l"tl,. la,.l.. ;;';6J1, !: ,*! \IENIER:. r,i, !-rtisaij i.::.,t . &REQga.1. 'r ,-:- ;.*it . - . 1 . ! u .. - , I ; ,' ,i$ !.;.rL:i,, i '] i-;;l:;; ,:;ir,.ise i:.t.*. ***CLIP 4N? SAVE*** -ffi,,.u],r'i,i.\Rrir, 21, re74ps 14 @@effi@Reaw EDITORIAL in Chief- Bob Parry Soecial Asst. to EditorDavid Fenton Aastt Edltor - Ana gatanzaritc pfstrlbutlon - Salvatore- Bocilo CIIB.Publlclty : Sue Spurchlse Advleor - Davld Dlclilnson Photo Credtts.John Orens . Mari,a Perez Editor j',5i:3:i ;: ;iiiT*::.::J;:."i;"ilt.l;"".T.i'::""i, iil:';":.:: tnf" tlrne, descrlbe-some of the failings of last year,s ijiii.i i suggest sone possible improvements" By now it is coruron knowLedge that the senate lacked ?,b T'urther discusslon l,itrkfast year' is unnecessary because h":-1l.."dy.been. beaten inro rhe grornd. ,lij, i raaE L e s p e n tr m o n e y v e r y i n c o m p e t e n tr l y , ,; y, i+i ..,. l q D L y e 4 r s s e n I !t . ' p i , ; a irlui lb^bI .earr ' ss t a n p f o r c o m m i t t e e , . t i o r r = . One very serious senate and leadership this topic s e r v e d . a. as s problem in or-rrh. ".,,"t. ." aliy-r""a=. t;i ;;f::*::: ofrenrimes:l:_:otil.nt,unwilling,,""" thererwastit.tle or nJ dr";;";;;";:;; r,i!""'lil"il1li; discusslon', :matters such as.,,Why do you 1 . I r d . a so n p e t t y , t r i v i a l need oranges?" It, is about time tfr"t ".rr.J.-"tarted asking import_ artt questlons'1ike, what benefit i" yori-organlzatlon be a",*.T rhis benefiijusriiy tr," expendirure? :^.:_u:1.: -e"d.doesl t""".:. come-to a vore, it S:l i"'"!"riy-lr".y"-"I=;;i";;;. f the things approved ar rhar rnleting ,us .i-=.iio;.il;^;;;';;: ockey tean go to the regionals. irto. io the meeting, .lo on, President of Senare voiced opposirion ..---iti"-.iil:";;;. Dave -torg ver,_at the meeting, he did -,ot out strong]y against the rpposql(bur arleasr did quesrion a fer,r thi;c"t;-;;;-dfi;;;'";:; ymbo1i.qa11y veto.the measurie. (It would haie been only a symbol_ c yeto bepause the measure *., i."".a-r"anf-rorsfy.1 What kind of eadership is this? spending priqrities arb sail1y misplaced. Ar rhe ll:^:t1"":::te'.s senatemeering, Kemverner ""a,y".ii-p.;;";; iT^lr^:?::i:1 special aLlocation for the radio statlo" "" ttr.i i'.-"""ri^il""i: NatLonals, tJ.hara shock! TWopeople voled no. This is a il,ah. rcome cnange tron their usual crowd following but was -; a ridicu_ :h':F t: v?te lro on' rhev spent .ii"".--Fo,ood ;#";;; ". y9!: on the radio srati.on proposal. was ::l-.:-1:,T::1ona1s. I stupidiri', for itodt g6bo tne studenrs ;;;;-'.;i;';;;.;; in acriou. (financed by rh"i;;;;iy) The sludenrs re_ l:11....r. b,e1e.f+r from a smatler amount spenr than on rhe f::J:.l: e y i::l_i::: reglonals which was "::..:.:l:11-u.."t1i".. Tl^:t^,"Lt1:: U e s o f t h e ' 1 a s:: t passed without a dlsenting vote. Carybell Chlala Da{.fy Kcefe Prync ., p.opf. Tetines a bhow of hands, both inyite to fo11ow the crowd an.l not speak thbir,own ninds. I hope this year,s "";;;; ;;.;-;;; be a bunch of spineless no_.rninds. To prevent ;r;;; ::il^-:::_r"oLl0wing, r think that votes in senate should be a written ba110t ith the senators giving reasons for his ;;;;. s:na:e meering minures appeared in rnsishr.One _r::^"::::_:c:__.1: ::: ffi Maria Perez Patty Pierce Anne Smith Mike Zilnik Bonnle Ohnano T1|€r Insi8ht ie the v.ccLly publcetlon of the student of the tate Universlty Agllcultural aud lcal college at Canton; Ntr The nelrcpaper office is 1ol-n €Lase Roou Buildlng. 029 nay be reached at 386-.7556. The edl.torlal pollcy of the aper does_ qdt. necesgariJ.y repreent, the StudeDt Governrn'eat, Adtratlon, Faculty, or alry group thatr rhe-Edltor. In lCttera cf to .rhe EdLtor, oplnioua are of the author.of art{cle. A1l letterq muat be .ed. llaea' nay .bc yl.thheldtbut be rclc?eed uPorl. a ,reasonable u€et of tbc edltdr LITTLEM N ON CAMPUS The irs_ priorirles in rhe beginningof it; avotdrhe ba.kasseJ-t;iJ;;s--:;:Ti";i":;; senate. Bob Parry A new Direction and New InitiaLives llfw fib AfieR 44 :1 wouLDtJTsEcoti1i7go frr @ T@ * gAcK -U^/E CAETEA,.. I N S I G H T M A R C H2 1 , 1974 pq 15 I[TTERS . on this campus are useless and very ofterr a The fraternities .at all' fraternities dlscredl,t to Canton ATC. They are not really ny opinThls ls not.only but organized gangs with no set purpog€r ion, but the opinion of nurneious othel ATC btudents who val-ue Eheir ltfe and lirob more than I do. shake the foundaof the fraternl.tles The pledging prectices of Souie exanples behavl.or and hurnan decenyc. tlons of clvilized thls are naklng pledges act LLke a bird in a tree, get lnto garbage hat' the f1ushing of a perttucks and servels, chase cars for'th€ir shaker'on the sonre head ln fhe tol-l-etr and the puehlng of a salt Many of the. the nose. the cafeterli wlth floot around a table ln pledge did noc, ln any This a specifLc pledge. examples deal- nith but qulte a few others r^ray break the code of, secrecy he oust follow' too s-ordid to r{rite ar.e kept a secret orr are did. ocher practices about; pollcy of the fraternlties, but lt Stealing Ls not an offlciaL of thlogs they Pledges are given a list is certaLnly. encouraged. To cone back wLthout an l-teo .on the must get steal1ng. rrlthout an even greater lncur ls sbverly frowned upon and will .List though selecl the optherefore bny pledgee vlll hassle during pledging. The campue crime rate goes up during pledging' tl-on of steall-ng. I dld. ask security' nembers and pledges are supposed to keep secreE A11 fraternlfy oran making. This ls 4ir innuendo of thelr what happ.ens in the house. If they have nothing to hlde' why do they have secrecy rules? T.f you do nqt. knold.. ; duty of a .plledge. Captures are another more comnon nahe - ktd4a-pplng. what a capture is yOu may koow it's a class'that he took part Ln a eapture in r'rhich I heard a ZAP telI it is true bats. everyone had tretsr roper chains, and baseball do you ttant but fraternities, the are kept lrlthin that captures If pledges the. alts of kldnapping and violence' people to practlce .they have fai.lecl in a caPture they cail have the are- caught afte! shlt beaten out of them according to pledging rules. or pledge trho:.could - tr have yet. to."meet a member 'of, a-fraternity The best thef 19ou!d, egPt o? . for Joining. t.i1 re one good teaaon 'glouir : partying and thelhass.le they could give the next lrlth'was.ihe 1b,9o".' i euspect a requl-rement for Joining a'fraternltf of pledges. '' I both. be.a sadlst or nesochlst or preferrably taken :ntay' charters' shoultl have thelr I thLnk the fraternities leadershlp couLd then be organlzed with intelllgerrt New fraternitles in a healthy atmosphere of refornatlo4. Prograrns for device. couli be nade ':a. conatructl-ve rf.agiitg Menbers, some of could''be. organlzed. campus and cooouolty se'ntlce wouLd benef-lt: frodt whlch I knpw do not .hawe theLr heads together' th13 letmy purpose in writing It has beeo such work and ictlvlty. .some plactlces on thls caupus' change ln. fr'aternlty' ter to'simulate I could have ltrLtten Pages Lf I ltanted to and have been more spactflc and have named names, but I Just wanted to get PeoPle thihking' and I hope sone:of them agfee wtth rie al.ready I know urany.people of the fretertrity' lnstitutlon I hate the nill write theLr vlelts. but not the People ln them' Kevln sAs u A delegatlon of Eeven students attended the SASU, Inc. Thl.rd LegislatLve Conference Ln Alban1z, March 9-12. Theie seven people represented ybur vlews on topics . such,as the trhnditory Student Actlvity Fee, .the Tultion Aasistance Progran (TAp) Campus Unrest, 'of and others. Four days neetJ.rrgs -a lobbying, and epeakers filled busy schedule for theae people. Those attendlag were Steve Wl-ng Steve Moore, Tom Sextoir, Mlke Zilnlk, Don Agget aird Dave Fenton of .th,e .SCA: tand Roger Cooney of the College Assoc. We al1.learned a lot. It. is hard io put al1 lre dia in writ.lng, so rdhat tr dantt sal noq you can hear Monday nLght at the Senate Meeting.. S.acurday was rnalnly for SASU Business and dLdnrt affect us, since. we are. non-voting members. Suriday began wLth the Leglslirtive Process, than Leglslattrve Issues and,ended wlth the Lobbylng' Process. of nan)r facts, figures and 1itt1e enjoynent end- . 'ed . the eecond day of leglslative sessions. .Monday was devotted co. discusslon in groups. People fronr Legls1ature came and. we shared each others vlenr. points and educated then on the feelings of college students. Those atLendl,cg seened to hgt14e benef-ited gr€atly arid Qbalkp.d.,.uq,for. helpiag, th€ih;l i. iii ''i ' , lTues{ay w,as:.otri. day..toi Lbbbv:],' .: , ptlis was a rdress:up,,,day, wlih ' smlles and facts. It proved,'tthai College Stirdents can affect the government dnd in nost eases can help educate those that are running this stacd. To nany legislators surprise wa6. the fac_t thaf the. fAP proposal oi Costtrgan,'s cut aid to suNY students and, that it took a SASU lobbilst point to that out. It was a beneftelaL rpeekend fbr all of us and we are sure thaE it will beneflt the students here aE ATC in the near.future. 'o"". Murphy Dear Edito!: Norna1ly, I wouldnrt wrLte to our schoolrs newspaper crlticizlng the editorrs opiiilon because I belLeve anyone tit.i fs responslble for running an orgaaizatlon (1lke the, Inslght) knows the facts and would not cagse' confirs.lon and ttoirble where it wasort ' l i due. : . .. :.. As student athLetlc.d.lrector, I'played a naJor rble ln budgetJ-ng the alloCated flgure, . foi the . hoekey natl.onals and kirew ldst September thet it !0as. going to be A.. veiT trtgh cost lto send them to Minnesota. I carefully looked at-SCA's budget iod:;dlterm{-ed thet thls rnoniy for the.hgckey tean would severly cut lnto.SCArs: unal.lo(This unallocated cated account. account ls a spbilal restrrve .fund which ls used for specLel energencies and debts that are not budgeted throughout the year.) So at that rlne (laet Sept.) _ple4g were made for fund shich conslsted of non ATC=F go dents see th6 hbckey'tarnes, a dance, buraper stlckers, booster buttons and a flnal, ettenpt - urlss a.,neal. A1l of.this money nent into the tinallocated atiourt of SCA earmarkeE-to offset th" L*p.oCONT. PG. 15. r..rtl. l N S l O l l T ! ! | A R C H2 1 , L974 po. L6 DonkeY B a sekt b a l l Clarkson College of Technology faculty and adrninlstratlon wfli hop on their donkgys and challenge a tean of. students from cr.prrs fraternities in donkey basketbal.l, one of Ameriears crazlest and nosi unpredictable sports. The garne wlll be held in Clark_ -s-onr-s -Alunrrl Gym on Wednesday, U g r c t _ r . 2 - 7 ra t 7 : 3 0 p . n . T h e . . r " r r i n g should brlng plenty of laughs as the teams try to rnatch srit; r^rith thelr stubborn steeds. Tickets are available at the A1rsmi Bym, frorn nenrbers of the Clarkson basketball team, and at the daor. Proceeds from the con_ test wiJl go to Clarkson College athlet-Lcs. CONT. TROMPG 15 ses of the hockey trip. In other wor4s if money wasnrt put lnto the unal-locaDed account, lt would have been doubtful lf the hoekey team woul-d have gone to Mlnnesota. I think Ln the future before writing any more edltorials that confuse peopJ-e, letrs do some homework and find out the facts before you display your opinions on our student newspaper. A thanks goes out to the coaches., athLetlc conullttee, senate, all the people who helped with the fund raising projects, studenls and everyone that contributed t6 keeplng sports on ATC "r.prr" n,-_ ber one. Steve Moore P,S. CongratuLarions National Hockey DJCAA Champions! Edl.cors note: I an sorry you mlsunderstood rny eiltorial, it was not an attetnpt to put dor,rn your efforts but rather an 111us' ratlon of-the hray the atudents are gouged fbr rnore noney by the senete. c- .-t.',,r I VETS RATIY Every a part of spring \^reekend the Veterans Club sponsors a road ra1ly. ,_year Thls due to the qas situatj"on we are rmdecl-ded as to whether we . should hold a rally. We would like you sEudents to helD us decide. If you are . lnterested in participating in a road rall.y epring weekend, please out the quesCfill ionnaire below and place it in the book store i.n fhe box .that is provlded for thl.s purpose. I am Lnterested ln a road ra1ly ln parflcipatinq sprlng weekend. Yes I thfurk the ehould be I',;i:, no aVerage 50 - 60 niles 70 - 80 n1lee 80 - 90 ollea dlstance The tinber wolf.pictuied in the National Wildlife Week poster synbolizes a1,)- enciangered species. The llational liildlife Federatl-on will be sponsoring ics 37th annuobservance' al of National Wlld11fe Week, l'{arch 17*23, 1974.
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