March 16, 1981
March 16, 1981
rvi ffi{$lBHIIHUt$ffiil ' cnnro$ 'annnpss tqst srATE oF THE CAtl{pus 1980-81scA PRESIDENT DEBBIE SICA JOGGING SAT'E Use you head m woll u you heels. Rernomber stop ln a dine, C.mS canrt even at dow speeds. Yol dontt have a chmco ln a colllelon, no nattel whose FAULT lt le. ..Safety tlir for you Campur Securlty Dept.', Welcome! ISince: 1981 is the official celebratioriyear for the 75th Anniversary of Canton Agricultural and Technical College, I thought .worrl.d it be apptopriate -to highlight some of our .contrihutions lthroqFhou'the yea my State of the Campus Address. It is, we, as students that inake this celebration possible and it is through our, hard work, long hours and dedication that we can enjoy Canton's many accpmplishments. In the spring semester of 1980, the five nervly elected executives of SCA met to outline our list of priorities. We discussed several issues and decided to make our top priority the improvement of campus life. Summer quickly came to a close and orientation was at our hands. We tried to make students aware of SCA's role in decisions that affecr them as a whole. Wi accomplished this through placing flyers in students mailboxes, putting pamphtets in the orientation packets, an excellent article in the Insight every week, and finally Mary and I promoted SCA from dorm to dorm with hopes of recruiting 30 freshmen senators. We achieved this goal of obtaining the necessary compleinent off(eshman senators..Our efforts as students Ieaders and the organizational fait had a tremendous impact toward getting students knowledgable of SCA. Through the aid of Senate, SCA lept into the most successful and active year on campus. Senators' attendance at meetings was astonishiag. Comments from administfation and faculty suppoted this fact. The open communication between administration, faculty and students was instrumental in obtaining valuable information more freely. The open house showed that the administration and faculty were interested in SCA happenings. We e.stablished a new status for special senators by the title of "Super Senators." Right now I would like to take this opportunity'to thank all of you and to present these plaques to the outstmding male and female senators. Will Bev Smith and MarkGarlock please step forward and accept this token of our appreciation. We broadened the horizons in the Communications Center to nake it an established place on campus for students to be informed. This includes the addition of the ridg board, propaganda, yearbook distribution and concert ticket saJis. We also triedlo establish cgmmunication wlth the four Associated Colleges by attending their senates, and Ad Hoc Town meetings, involving carnpus pride and attending several conferences with the Associated Colleges. To be specific, Mary and I Went to Monisville, Oneonta and-Albany to get ihpu!.and insight about the formation of : the SUNfCampuses Since we have mnsistently operated in the bebt interest of SCA, we ptoved by facts to the College Assoiiatiort the need for the extra allocation which, ix tum, Senate emarked for post-tournament play to such teams as soccer, hockey, skiing, and basketball. We also approached the Governoi's budget with the attiiude of what Canton could gain by the inevitable inceases. The first annual SCA ChristmasMoongate visitation was an experience that could only be felt by its parlicipants, I would like to think that this could be a tradition. Available study rpomi during final weeks made it possible for cranming during those late hours of struggling thtough finals. The responsewas.overwhelming. Our work as a group throughout the year progressed thrdugh vatious fun-raising events for the Muscular Dystrophy Associalion, Namely MDA iniss-a-meals, frat vi. dorm footbbll game, deliv{ring subs, pub events and the grand frnale- the 1981 MDA Dance-A-dhon. We are entering this evenl with S981.87 in our account to this hate. Our goal is to double last year's figure of$4300. Mary and I presCnted this check on WWNY representing the largest check from the North Country, which says alot for Canton ATC.. We also wanf the aluminumrdrive continued- 1q11he6.nefit of MDA. I t'hink thatithese activitie_shave expressed how special the students are at Canton ATC. The amount of personal satisfaction knowing ydu did something for somebody who might be less fortunate ih"n'uou ,. mundane. The addition to the list of chartered clubs is enriched by the enty ,of the Engineering Science Club, Secretarial Science Club and Student PhotographicSociety. We welcome the atendance and personal opinion of WATC, Paysonian and Insight. You were all a credit to Sendte, Thank you. It is definitely a positive linkage 04 the student's behalf. To our next door neighbors CfB, Mike, Iori and Lisa; I thank you {or without your participation y',e wouldn't be able to function as a wtfule. For we are one baoy ,rnified to preserve the bdst intetests of everyone concefn€d, ! To Anne Duncan, Studelt Urion Secretary, thanks for putting up with us, Mom. We love Y/. Greg McCue, thd.nk you for yur sup-port and cooperation. Also, I might add the guidrnce and open ear of President MacArthur fas proved hin only as a man in *hich M.rv and I respect greatly. Finally, last by r. means, Robbie Gittings, our advisor. We came into the position without any previous education and through you we have learned a great deal, not only pertaining to SCA but ablui Iife in general. Although we have had our differences, it's thrcuph vour patience that we thrive..Youropendoorwas Trffi:rt:ff#t; Monday, March 16,1981 Page 2 71th ANNIVERSARY ANNIVERSARY TENTATIVE COMMITTEE. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS REPORT SEVENTY-FIFTH EllIT0RIAI. Last week a few members from an anonymous group came prancing into the insight office making all sorts of demands and accusations. This particular group has made several appearences asking for last minute adjustments, explanationsand have gone as far as forwarding sevepalobnoxious rdmarks and accusations. Where do people get off by criticiziirg our work and what happens in this office? Maybe I should begin by saying the lnsight Staff spends As the new logo to the left ofthis report indicates, 1981is the 75th anniversary of Canton Agricultural and Technical College. ATC is generally recognized as the birthplace of public, twg-year higher education in New York State and will celebrate its Diamond Anniversary during the period of October 8, 9, and 10' 1981' ' A committee of 2l students, faculty and staff have been hard at u,ork since November with plans for a gala celebration during that couiitless hours each week producing this publication. It's not ybu Oclober weekend. Subconlmittees are at work on the program and operationsunder AI Burnhanr's leadership,budget and facilities led who has to rush t6 meet deadlinps, it's us. and we only have three by Chuck Goolden, protocol beiig coordinated by Joan Eurto and days to do it in. It is us who has to take time out, type articles up and public relations and publicity being led by Camille Howland. lay them out, so that the paper can be seDtto the bus station bv 3:00During it3 first 75 years, the college, through the efforts of a ' dedicated staff, has deyeloped a program of excellence in technical pnr Wednesday. These procedures are not easy when you have five education second to none. The progranr of activities being offered typists, two peolpe on the Layout Staff, and a few others doing all during the Octoberweekendwill give high visibility to the college,its Campus Community. the provide concerning work information to thc programs and the peopie who make the instituticin' i.e., faculty' It's not you who has to absorb all ofthe yelling and frustrationsfrom stUdentsand staff. Aclivities that have been planned to date include: "How can you be EVENT thc editor and yet I hear complaints such as The historical dinner ol the 1906period-ElizabethIsenberg "WHAT DO YOU MEAN? Where affiliated with this piece of trash? A period costune contcst-JoanPope, Judy Clark, Elizabeth Isenberg do you, the students, get offby calling lnsight a piece of trash? How A beard-growing contcst A covered dish luncheon many hours have you spent on the paPer? How else are you going to \ parade using organizational floats, anitque autos and period know what's been happening with SCA, CUB' any uP coming.job rostumes-Joan Pope-,SCA Officiers, Robbie Gittings interviews, concerts, mini-courses, College Assembly iews, or A hot air balloon festival-DaveKeller, Al Burnham anything else happening within he campus vicinity? How would you . The design of a commemorative logo-Mark Scanlin Publicationand film.Camille Howland happen to know ali dbout Greek life? This paper has improved A principal convocation speaker of national import-Robbie Gittings, -those isueg of previous years. BUT apparently, the compdqed to Dcbbie Sica papers' previous seen say haven't or let's studentshaven't seenthis, A historicalexhibit hall featuring displaysfrom each of the curricular On this camfus very few people give apprciation where it is due' areas. focusing on the contrast between what was in the past versus what is now-Dave Chanrberlain,Dick Miller' Alicia Lindgrg4 How often do you hear things conceming what is right with the Activities that normally coincide with Parents Weeken, including a paperl tVhen.was the last time you cgmplimented someone for their picnic, dinner/dancefbr parentsand other interestedguests-Parent's effons. bay Conrmittee Canton College Foundation major contributors dinner-Bryan Felitto, Jo Swift, Joan Eurto, Joyce MacArthur When was the last time you complimented the grounds crew for . As you can see, it is an action-packedthree days. STUDENT their excelte4t wirk ofteepibg the w-alki sanbedald the snow and ice' ., ORGANIZATIONS ARE ENCOURAGED TO BEGIN CONSIDERING winter? off the sl airs this THE DESIGN OF RELATED FLOATS TO BE USED IN THE This isn't .allthis campuslacks.The lack of student Participationis PARADE AND FACULTY AND STUDENTS IN THE VARIOUS, CURRICULA ARE ENCOURACED TO BEGIN PLANNINC ACTIVII *4. rn.iglitituo:riri iriterest .i".tingjfot freshmen to carry out the TIES FOR THE EXHIBIT HALL. A comPlete listing -of the dailv iil: paper-No ONE showed up.,l can understand the frustrations, but schedule is printed below for informational purposes. from the out how the heck ."n ihi.'* called pieii: of trash be carried As you can. inagine, the financial support required for these students point of view if you, the student, d.9n'ttake the time out io activitics is substantial and the Budget and Facilitieq Cgmmittee is. .i iiinuotv"o in putting ihe papEr hard at work approaching various canrpus organizatiohs for financial observe what t,ime and;effort il i$ sripport. AII contributors will be recognized ii the mmmeirorltive the ridiculing into and effort yoir put the time together? How can -o r r b l i c ai ol n . paper? You aren't helping matters bJ-criticili'g the paPer' If you Thc Conrmitteehas given many hours of thought and preparation your time to thc progranr design in hopes that it will be a campus-wide activity *oni i,,,.ad'u.b"tter publicationl why don't you volunteer that fwus-cs on thc history of the institution and provides a lestive and effbrt? Thertaft of student participation in anylorgsnization is ancl effcclive atnlosphere in celebr'ate 75 years of progress' 'The Commuters' point of view, but excuses sacl.I can understand, Irrod to this for fu,thcr information as the plans from the "l DON'T HAVE ENOUGH TIME" or "liM TOO BUSY" can't like r c s p c ( l i v c c o n r n r i l t e eas r c l ' r r r a l i z e d . r-r + ---*irlrfgtga11 be accepted.,That is probably the reason you are BORED' People' '- : ' - - -' - ' - - ' - ' ' you will realize the time you have spent wasting it. Maybe you don't "Insight" are also involved in other rgalize.thepeople who put out EDITOR-IN"Chief Roseann Schnorr . extracurtifular activities, such as,ftaternities and sororities' CUB, work study, College Association,:'VATA, Collegiate Agricultural Leaderd; ind oiher clubs. La'styear I was a commutef, but that didn't gettini involved with CA, the paper, and also having stop me liuii to work for nly parents. But I seem to have found the time and pulled ' a 3.0tthe first semester. There are people who do Put an effort into an organization.Theseare the people who get criticizedby the people u,ho fcel their *'asted time can't be of any value to us. So the next tinre you pick up an Insight appreciate us for the time we put into it' or BETTET yet, cone into the office and show your interest. We need yqu to carry on for nixt yeai, because, we won't be here, Diane Ritz and Mark Seguin strdents Are yori in need of.moneY? Have you ryplied for TAP md BEOG for this academic yesi[1980-El]? Ihe deadline is March 3l'1981' Applicatlons are avallable In the Flnmcial Ald Offle. , i LAYOUT EDITOR Mark Secuin' Thursday, October 8 1:00-2:00 p.m. Non-Traditional Students Informal Coffee Hour with Main Speaker 2:00-3:00 p.m. Class visitations by Speaker or Convocation 5 : 0 0 - 7 : 0 0p . m . H i s r o r i c D i n n e r (menu from early 1900's) Mr. Bronson's Foods Class Project 8:00-9:30 p.m. Speaker Convocarion ' Friday, October 9 7:00-10:0a 0 , m . B a l l o o nF e s t i v a 'l Rides contests, etc. (CA Land) 12:30-4:30p.m. Faculty & Staff Participation.CoveredDish Luncheon 3:00-6:00p.m. Ball6on Festival 6:00-7:00p.m. Cocktail Pary 7:30 p.m. ReceivingLine-Anniver sary Banquet in Chaney Dining Center-Chancellor Wharton Guest Speaker Saturday, October 10 7:00-10:00 Balloon Festival (CA Lan{} ., . 8:30-930 a.m. Parents Check-ln 8:30-i2:30 a.m:.p.m. Historical Displays in .Academic Areas and bym 9:30 a.m. Parade-Norwood.Brass Band-Qoncgrt gt larade End Ant,que -ars 1I :0b-1:30 a.m.-p.m. BrunchCarnival Gmes-Big Birthday Cake 2 : 0 0 p . m . S o c c e rC a m e 3:00-6:00p.m. Balloon Festival 4:00-6:00 p.m. Cocktail Party in Gym-Birthday Decorations 4:30-6:30p.m. Evening Meal LAYOUT STAFF Diane Ritz CindY Price 9:00 p.m. Dance-Chaney(Students, Parents, Guests, etc,) Ann Smith ADVISORS Gerg McCue Mark Scat.Ll' BUSINESS MANAGER Sheri Dorv By this tine mmy st[dents re wondering if there is life after mldtem, In mmY cses, the uswer is yes, abademicallY sPeak ADVERTISING MANAGER Colleen Garvey 'fYPISTS PHOTOGMPHERS Brian Markham Eric Sieber Lauta Watson Kathy Wahl Laura Lee lamic Laurie Monison' MarY E. Constance l ing. But now is the time to rct. advisor or the You instnctos' Couseling Center are cmPus contacts that might be able to help you decide what You trext move should be. Check things out wlth one of these NOW! 'i.rt 1 r;,1-.'i :r .i, .. r '' r '.,ivi . Monday.Mbrch16rl981:kge 3 DELTA SIGMA TAU scA OOIAL PAGE AI,PH,A THETA GAIViM^A Hello once again, Anoiher week has gone by and tbere seenled to be a number of Mid-terms floating arounti. The brothels at the house aced them all and we- congratulate others like us and offet condolences to the unfortunate felv. Onc goud thing about Mid-terms, -it'.jreans the year is half way over,Just hope the second half is one was. as "easy" aiiit.{irst Our mixer last WednesdaY vas a complete ilccess. We'd like to thank the ladies from Rushton, Heritage, and Smith for showing up and partying with us. We hope you had as much fun with us as we had with yu. Four kegs in four hours isn't too bad, is it? There were no casualties, were there? If you ladies want to, I'm sure we could arange to do that again. Glen Druff, stand uP much? What kind of beard are You wearing? It was kind of thick wasn't it? Because we went to see-our brothers in Alfred, they came uP to see us. We had a couPle of good days of hearty Parties and the men from AIPha Theta Gamma seemed to enjoy themselves. Black and Gold.just seem-. ed to cover the town. Till next year-guys, Btotherhmd lives ont ! Mannix - Brador for breakfast or what? rocket - We're not bleached blonds, and you're just jealous. Do T. G.'s party? Does the bear sheet in the barn? Well guys it Imks like we're. still here and we probably will be hete for many yeats to ome. Wildcat, you get bounced out ofyour own bed? You look mld ' I hope my blanket was wm. O.B. had a bang of a time on Wednesday. Ya right? Hey girls, Frat weekend is on its way and some of us (like me) afe still l@king. Get PsYdred. We're out of here, ln Bondage The Brcthers of AlPhaThetaGamma St. Patrick's Day is finally here! ! ! We're all ready to wear green, "green" beet and have a drink of April fot all full-iime There will be a referendum in the month great time. We want to se€ There will be turther ii *iit "onq"'n tlt" ttudent activitv fee' "rri;;; everyone out for the Patly's Dat be displayed' in the Insight and posters will also "'t'i."*rlt,,ruti.ns fesririties! The house is back ir- i"i"*"i"" win again to the hockey team fo! their exceptio'nal order: everyonehas a cl6ar head National Hello Everyonerlationat Plavoffs' rhev are the and thc Owl has been straighten- t" ,h"'i;;;i;;;;it"i" We'd like to remind everyone cd orrt, after our wild weekend. Chanrps. They placed Znd in again that the MDA Dance MaraConsratulationsalso go out ro the Ski-Team' Thanks to the Phi Kap's (Clark' weekend. held this will be thon natiinals. the "''n.",|",U"t Toga great morning for lhe son) lf liou have any Congratulations to those of You the dance-a-thonthis weekend pany, on Saturday. We all enPl25' hnd enough to participate. Good jbyed the gamesof quarters, Liza. questionsstop in the SCA ofhce' luck and more pou'er to you. M c e t i n s so l t h c W e e k : Penny and of course ThunrPel Happy birthday to Karen "sheets" Iookeil fanBudeet--s:00, -MondaY' SCA office Everyone's Perry, Anita (what?) Henry, and Scnate-.5r15,WednesdaY'P219 was comweekend tastic. Oir Cindy Dishaw. Killer weekend is Collegc Council--I 2:00' FridaY pleted by the all greek party at not yet over, ladies. girls are Track. The the Inside SincerelY' The All-Greek Party at the reallv excited aboui Soroity and MandY Corse Track last Sunday was a smash. We are all on Weekends. Alunrni SCA Communication Coordinator Even on Sunday, gi4ls? "edge of our seats" waiting the A Surf's Up Pariy is scheduled around. Our come for April to Hi evetyone! Well after much prepari4g and hard work the MDA br March 31, Tuesday. It will be binhday is also in APril and Dance-a-thon is finally here! It will be held in the gym -:00 p.m. a the Hoot Owl. SPecial Prices it' We preparing for is everyone Friday until 12:00a.m. Saturday.I hope we'll see a large tum out of md prizes will be readY and are all psyched for a fantastic , waiting. So grab your shorts, time, ome on down, and helP suPPort Until next weekfliterally) your local Pi Nu' Love, The Sisters of to congratulations A belated Delta SigmaTau Not Team. Hockey the Canton P.S. Get ready for Midtems bad. bad, guys, not We recieved a postcard from two Alumni in Florida. TheY're reponedly looking for jobs' however, they haven't seen too manY Greg, What's that on Your on the beach as of Yet. We'll be And you said she couldn't do itt down to keep you comPanY mn' ? Sue McMahon and Barb St. Greg, Denny, So yotr like a little salt with We all hope St. Patty's DaY youf....? will be the usual for all of You. Sit Diane back and enjoy. Skip, That's all folks. With Inve' Just remember: i{ anybody The Sisters ofPi Nu ePsilon laughs at you-it's OK. P.S. J.T.- Are you rushing St. Greg, hirick's alay PI NU EPSI,ION PERSONATS MDA Tournament Backgammon March16 Pub,8-11 ) DETTA KAPPASIGMA The house is finally back together (let's try to keeP it that' way) and the brcthers are once again united. A rather suddei ter-day vacation guys. Last week' end was lost in sme heaYy-dutll pa{tying. A few of the guys decided to drop by the DGC house (Delta Gramma Coke) and it turned out to be quite tle wasteful night, The neri day was alm lost in alcohol at the all-gteek larty. Hey JT, we. didn't know you were into St. Pltties day so much. Next time try paint - it lasts 'longer. And then there's Nick R. ' we thought you knew all about shady babes, It looks as though the one and only Joe CIo finally got the courage to ask the boys for a ride home. Joe, if you can't walk home, just stay put and keep drinkiti'. The Pi Nu house has quieted down considerably this past week. Do you girls miss us? Last, but not least the brothers would like to commend John Watkins for going above and beyond the cill of duty and cleaning our oven. Thank John. P.S. - John N. - had a hot one stuck in your pocket??? Drunk-nn-sh--, The Bmthers of Delta Kappa Sigma Did you get the hemostatsout "gerbil" from underthe Yet? Queener The more people the, better the prizes $1.00entry fee Skip, Quick costume chanSe' huh? You must have had a lot of practice ! Proceedsgo to MDA o ont'd. ftom page I Jeaming experience. I cm oniy sy thank you from the bottom of my heart. ' Now on to the five executivesr There is our Athletic Directof, Duane Shoen, who bas kept us up on what's going on with Canton ATC:S sports, Thank you. To Chris Feris, our secretery, who has Freshmrn. Wilt to got lnvol' been prompt in writing and typing minutes and also an asset to our ved next yeu, bnt utrlnre how? mmmittees, we wish you the best. We will definitely put to our in a nember of e Why not bmne next year's budget an order for a-new dic{ionary. Then therc's our of ovor r budget slth corporotlor Communications C@rdinatbr, Mafk Wilsey, I believe you outdid yourself in respect to your job. Keep optimistic view, it is like & ray. of TWO MILLION DOII,ARS? [SM sunshne. Keep smilirig smiley. Next in line, out dear Budget wold book great on You reomGl. by our Driector, John (Yogi) Custer. Our budget went smthly College of ihe. As a tnonber expertise in the accounting fi€ld. When you transfef, you can step to Assoclrtlon You wlll be dallng prerequisite. Good Il uslng SCA Budga Eirector as a Accounting wlth a varloty of losue whlcb rre luck, Yogi. And now, to my co-worker, best friend and advisor (not necessarily in that order) Mary Brainerd. Thanks for steering me in lmporhnt to the studotrt' $ch E there med tlcket Prles. A|s' You .mrY the right direction on numerous occasions and for always being "P" from' for encouragement and support. Mary, did you steal the chmse to m for a *at on the -Earl is not pleaied. fearl's? Doard of Dlrecton; whlch oncletr I leave my postion witf valuable knowledge about various of four rhdontsr threG frcdtYt expgriences which have enfanced my outlmk on life. To my nemb' md two Adnlnletradve succbssor,Mark Garlock, I hope you will carry out the job to the best of your ability. We are all behind you. I would litrc to thank you on. Flnd ort mom bY attendlng personatly for letting me serve you this past year as President ofSCA. u Interest meetlng, WednesdaYt Canton ACT has come a long way and we hope to leave Canton with lEth rt 5 P.m. ln tho Mmh progressive attitude to carry it through indefinitely. Again, I thank Albmy Rmm. you. Debra Ann Sica SCA Ptesident 1980-81 , iotrlon Monday, March 16,1981 Page 4 SPftT' LAST WEEK'S ACTION passing with deadly shots to outscoringthe opposition (l 6-3)... Their possible last chance for Dave Rock takes the league victory went by the wayside as the scoring lead with five goals Snappers had no intentions ot followed by captain Danny Emhof holding up the celler in a win over with (3). In all sevenofthe teams the winless Tidy Bowl. Bown by eight hit the cords for scores... fourteen points at halftime the Mike Edwards may have to do Bowl men but on a gallent surge some recruiting if the team ever oulscoring their opposirion the expectsto hit the win column., second half bul stil shot a few points denying them a win they UNWANTED'S COOL SEX desperatelywanted. Burrelli and EXPRESS Buckley combined for (22) in EXPRESS winning cause,Wihse takes scor" Tim Gowell and the Sex Express ing honors for the Bowl men with in. what was a must game were (9) counters.... upset by the Unwanted's (28-21) and in the process put both teams Slaughterhouseover Bulu's 41-34 at (2-3 marks). Another loss by eiiher squad would be vital, A blosecontestthe majority of the definitely killing their: hopes for way with the seven holding the any post season play. Neither Iead througholt the conlest. The team could muster up any offengame was neYer in doubt as the sive punch as the low score seven relax as the Bufu's try indicates. KeYin Peters took desperately to catch up in the last game scoring honors with (10) minutes of play. To many tum- polnts.,.. overs and poor shots cost the Bufu's a possible upset. They Power-Less Hitters pounded 94never got the points when they 22 Only The Nice Brealis Record were needed because of the No contest,. mismatch {rom the rniscued. Still both teams are start as only the Nice tunes up for playoff bound and could meet the confrontation with the spurs, again along the way. Bufu's and in doing so set a new scoring center Jay Rojek takes scoring record of 94 points, breaking the (13) honors for the night with 87 point high set by the Spurs points. Jeffery high with (9). earlier in thb season. Super Duper Joe Kausch leads the way INDOOR SOCCER with (29) counters followed by Anderson (22) and Lessane(21).. Town-ees Throw Stonz 7-3 Flyers Over Offensers 60-36 Another mismatch {or the (6:0) Fourth ranked Mike Vonschiller Flyers of Steie Janis. A practice 4nd the Town-ees in the season session for the Flyers in preparaapened outscore Paul Larocts tion for the confrontation with the (stonz) 7-7 in what was a game for (6-0) Crew and the Boys from the thirty minutes but should have Burg for all the marbles, division been a rout before halftime. An crown and a bye in post sea$n unimpressive victory at that as play. Janis hits the si'lks for (23) the Town-ees missed golden op- points to lead his team to victory, porturrities to score, committed Gray adds (10) as did Haffety. , countless.miscues and went (0)5) Bob Dawny finds the range for I on penalty shots. Maybe it was a the offensers connecting for (20) case of first game jitters, but points in losing cause..,. rookie mistakes could be the One More Spanking For Contenddownfall against the likes of ers 48-24 Seymours (Broncos) or Emhofs A year to remember for Herb (Black Rose)...Capt. Von chalks Besaw and his Contenders,again up two goals as did teammates as in past games the opposition Eric Laier and Greg Manny..Ron proved to be to much to contend Shaw finds the range for (Stonz) with as th€y go down in defeat for as he hits the mesh for two, pl,us the fifth time and hopetully the one for the opposition after a last, as they await the Classh with rebound off the wall. the (1-5) Offensers. It was Dave Raycraft and Keg A Knights that Seymours' Bronko's Buck Spaz gave the Contenders their latest 9.3 spanking. No contest lrom start to finish as the Knights put the Gary Seymour, Chet Thomas and gme on ice at halftime. Clark Jeremy Towe (two goals apiece) Rims(17) for the winners and led the mighty Broncos to victory Mulchay adds (11), Babiarz hits in their first outing downing the the silks for (8) contenders points. lorvly Spaz of Steve Pettie (9-3). Dwarfs Ambush Aztecs To much power for the Spaz to 38-34 contend with as the well drilled A must game for both teams saw Bronco's, a truly championship the Dwarfs of Futdon mme down contender, Ron Columb and Steve on top with a four point victory as Pettis score for the Spaz..... they down the tough and mighty 'Amazons (38-34) in a fight for Black Rose Leeds United 16-3 second place in the NBA. A see KOCX SCOIeS t)) saw battle all the way as both squads changed the lead.several Emhof and the Black Rose made times. Not till late in the game did things lok easy in their ftrst the Dwarfs take the advantage outing with the United as they and gain a five point lead; With scored at will and had the game breaking rmm and a slow down on ice after the first period. No game the Dwarfs were able to Contest from the start at the hold on for the final whistle. The talented Black Rose used superb press and preasure by the Aztecs Snappers Trip Tidy Bowl 37.29 l!lIUBTEDRIBBLE Between the Blue lines; Wendell Dunn and the Raidersgo all the way as they defeat the ZAPs in the champioshipgame (4.1). It was the third meeting between both clubs and the third win for the Raiders. GrepfReesewas voted "MVP" for the championshipgame while teammate Mike Compeau.tookthe honor as league "MVP". Dave Ziegler led the league in scoring with l3 goals. Vince Amigone (Brew Crew) set a single game record for scoring with 5 goals and "MVP" Reese led the league in the nets with 5 shutouts. The first year for floor hbckey proved to be pucc.essful and the program with a few changcs will be offered in the 1982 season.... Corner Kicks: fourtcen teams will challengefor bragging rights as the seasonbegan the past week for indoor six man soccer. Probably because of first night jitters play was very unimpressivebut should pick up as the season rolls along. Mike Von (Town-ees)lead his team along for an early scason win and in the process set a new record, that being hve penalties rnissed by five difterent score..7-3..,.,.. Town-ees are one of the ranked teams but league favorites steelers (Bob Quimet) ZAPS (Pettie) and Black Rose (Dan Emhof) will.have to be contended with, plus league sleeper (Broncos) of Gary Seymour.-...Then again ctranges.are pretty good one of the unknowns will make mme noise and pull sme upsets os upsets..,.as in the Hockey league the soccer league has a fantastic turnout..compared. to last, seasns (six teams) this yqars (fourteen) with maximum ofeight (8) playere per,team equals (112 participants) an unbelievable tumout at that.....Hooks and Jumpers: Only the Nice (Sinko & Co.) set new smring reord of Gonyeau,...Friction on "Noi enough.'Balls" to play the'Spurs squad...trouble is W!th',, Joe Kausch hits the silks for seasn high(29) to late and the.wrong team for "Noble Big O" awald....Unwanteds pull mini upset over Gowlett and Sex Express-.makes things tight for the ABA with six teams in the running for post seasoii play. Two weeks from the lSth and seasonal play is over. Jhe League sure has breezed along' Immediately thereafter any-/eagg; ties will be played off and following will be the playoffi,..Depending'on whether there aie any teis post season.playshouldtind March 31, or definitely in the first week of April...;Top four te4ms.iii each division make playoffs. Archer shines again in win over division surprise Rimshots taking honors forthe;night *ith (24).counters, and win number (6) to take sole possession of first plabein the ABA.;.lFlyers Steve Janis uid Co. tune up with a licking over offensers as they prepare for the divisional battlke with the Crew and the boys from the Burg'. all teh marbles are at stake..division cfown plus bye in first round of post season play...once again Herb.Besaw antthe Contendersget stomped. This tinre Dave Raycraft and Keg A kNights do the honors. Hopefully it will be the last and the Contenders may just take it out in the last game of the seasonover the (1-5) offensers...NastyNurses os Brian Gonyeau still making noise as they win number six to keep an unblenrished record. They await the clash with Ftying Fillies (5-0) and that should quiet them down some. Tammy Lesperance still doing her lhing, as she l6ads all scoresin latest win for the Nurses. Dwarfs in big win over Aztecs (38-34)to hold onto solid secondplace in NBA'..if your wondering about the Renegade Billy Ross, he is alive and well..honest????I got a 'glimpse of him in the gym thursday nite....Snappers put the screws:to Tidy Bowl mem to keep them winless in the ABAQ..possibly;d game could be scheduled between the Bowl men and ihe Loser oi (0-6) Contenders and Offensers ofthe EBA. Biggies this. week...Crew (6-0) and the Flyers (6-0).... Contenders and Offensers for the Cellbr..,Hand Ball: Emhoff and Co' did a.job on Mike Edwards and l-eeds United by a booming score of (16-3). The nets woe buming ln a record single game output...Dave Rock found the range for.frve (5) of those goals and at present leads the league in smring...... COMING UP....Floor Hockey game with the championship Raiders VS the NJCAA National Champs I'ATC NORTHMENI March 25th at 6:45.. No Admission...there will be a raffle held between periods'. gAiH$$t+1$ in the final minutes of play put the Er,,rfs in the drivers seat as they were able to score from the charity line to keep the lead. Briggs and Nicholas hit the silks for (22) points while star center for the Aztecs took scoring honors for the nigh with (18)..... Nasty Nufses Win Again 14-10 Tammy Lesperanceagain led the LUCKY Nasty Nurses to victory as they drop the Heritage Hustlers in another see saw battle (14-10a ) n d i n d o i n g s o r a i s et h e r r record to (6-0) and the Ilustiers drop to (1-4). A big win for the girls and coach Gonyeaus club which will make the showdown with the Flying Fillies(S-0) a winner take all game...the divis'ion title at stake..Tammy Netted ( 1 0 )p o i n t s f o r r h e N u r s e s . . . Brewers TipRimshots 49-43 , Behind the hot hand of star and captain Gary Archers {24) poinrs the Brewers downed the division. surptise Rimshots in a barn burner(49-43), and in the process nold onto first place in the ABA with a (6-0) record while the Rimshots drop to (3-2). The Brewers held a slim lead throughout the contest, with ihe Rimshots trying desperately io breal< the .Brewers 'hold oniy,to'grl1 O"n rO ountless times in their comeback attempts. Down to the wire as the Biuins enjoy a nine point lead with lVt ninutes remaining and cruise in for the big win, Snyder Contributes (9) points and Miller (8) from .downtown... Cunningham, Rosa and Roscoe combined for (36) in Iosing effort... I PON.TI'ANT TOCRITICIZE VOU... Auut tdANT TODOt5 YELL -*dG ^{\}' cu" FLOORHOCKEY WEDNESDAY 25th--6:45 p"m. ATC Gvrnnasiurn--March "CharnpionshipRaiders" (11-0) cfD'11,9$CB with MVP Goalie- Greg Reese [5] Shutouts Icagud MVP- Mlke Compeau Ircadlng Scorer- Dave Ziegler NJCAA NationalHockeyChamPs o$ "ATC 4u^ NORTHMEN" Ass- "f'h'"="$hT:;Ht" *q;"" , i :.i - ' NATIONAL CHAMPIONS AGAIN-'The Canton ATC Northmen recaptured the National Junior College Athletic Assciation title at Virginia, Minnesota last week by defeating the College of DuPage, lllinois by a record-breaking 14-7. Accepting the trophy are tri-captains Mark Burgholzer,.Dave Stamer,. and Steve Schreiner (from left to right). Making the presentation of the trophy is Dr. G. M. Staupe, president of Mesabi Community College, which was defeated in the first gami ofthe national tournameit by Canton ATC, 4-1. Don Vaughan was voted MVP of the tourney and Mark Burgholzer and Pete Shaughnessy.were named to the All'Toumey Team. Coach ofthe Canton ATC Northmen is Terry Martin. The ATC team has won the national title, seven tiines oJ ten championship toumaments that have been played. Monday, Marchr6.legr g lece ffi ffi .g March 15-20 1981 tg ry $$ftifft:O.{l;.; : rio'AGrd;ES-l lFifi rcrpATr AlcoholicsAnonymous & n e r i c a nC a n c e rS o c i e t y A n e r i c a nH e a r t A s s o c i a t i o n A m e r i c a nL.u n gA s s o c i a t i o n Anerican RedCross A T C- S c h o o lo f N u r s i n g Fay's Drqgs K i n n e y ' sD i ' u g s i l . Y . S . H e a l t h D e p a r te n t PlannedParenthood Reachout St. LawrenceCountyCqmunity Services Seventh-DayAdventiit Church SUNYPotsdamC o l l e g eR e l a t i o n s C o l l e g eU n i o n CounsellngCenter o i v i s i o n o f l . l e d i aA r t s & T e c h n o l o g y H e a l t h& P h y s i c a lE d u c a t i o n PACES P e e r C o u n s e l i n gP r o g r a m Security special Prograns Speechand Hearing Student Health Service Student Li fe *:For Infonnation Call : NancyLenney, Chairperson Health fufar€ness t{eek 268-2848 *#'ftrffi i . . , , : HEALTH'FAIR F]LMS . l4arch 18, 1981 9 :0 0 " C h o i c e w i t h ' U n d e r s t a n d i n g " ( C o n t r a c e p t i o n ) 9 :3 0 " L e t ' s . C a ll i t Q u i t s " ( S n i c k l n g ) l 0 :0 0 " S t r o k e - C o u n t e r S r r o k e " ( h y o e r l e n s i o n ) l0:30 "HiddenEpidemic" (V.0. ) l 1 : 0 0 "NewPulse of Life" l l : 3 0 "Heimlich Maneuver" l : 0 0 " C h a l k T a l k " ( A l c o h o l) 2 : 0 0 "Heart Attack" "Choice z:il with Understandingr' (Contraception) 3:00 "Alcohol, Pills, and Recovery" (Drugs and Alcohol) "Heimlich ?. ?o Maneuven" - CAI.IPUS TV CHANNEL 2 tlarch lS, 1981 9 - 1 2 IVTH-002 "Reading, tlriting and Reefers" ( M a rJt u a n a) VTC-002 r'Breast Cancer-Where Are }Je', (Hod to protect ourselves against cancef) VTC-003 "For a t,onderful Lifel, (Uterine Cancer) VTC-001 "Signals" (Symptoms of Cancer) WC-001 "Hor to ExamineYounEreasts,' VTC-008 'lCitrus BeyondVitamin C', VTC-004 'A Decision You Can Live t{ith,, .(Eating for Health) vTc-004 "Eat to Your Heart's Content,' (Proper Dr'et) vTc-001 "A Breath of Air" (Cigarette Smoking) l - J vTc-0t2 " I f Y o u , L o v e ld. l e " ( A l c o h o l i s m& F a m i i y ) vTc-007 "SeemsChanceto Live" (Heart Attack Vict'ims) "ThePressurc's 0n" (Hypertension) ,. -ivT:q.006 . State-UniversityCollege0f - Potsdim,N.y. Arts and.Science ' PUBLIC I{ELCOfiE HEATTH AI{AREI{ESS UEEK ilARCH15 - 20, l98l HEALTH FAIR I'|ARCH l8 9 - 4 p . m . C o lI e g e U n i o n C P RC e r t i f i c a t i b n -[aFcT-TilTfTB 7 - lo p.m. , .I M a r c h1 7 , 1 9 4:30.p.rir. C o l l e g eU n i o n- R m .2 1 0 Materials: $2.50 S h e il a C e n r o n k a ,l n s t r u c t o r . -ff*#i+*rllr,-sHres H e gtl h S - c r e g n i nS ge r v i c e s f,yperuenslon vision braucoma oral cancer IelgJtt Helght F i t n e s sT e s t i n a . Diabetes i deLounse 7 : 3 0- 9 p , . m . C o l l e g eU n i o n ' T o R e gsi t e h C al I : 269-:34g F e e .: $ 1 0 . 1 0 0 H a r d yL o o m i s ,p r o g r a mD i r e c t o r l n t r o d u q q i o nt o A e r o bci D a n c ni o Mercill9 7 - 9 p.m. Maicy - Main Gym S n e a k e r sR e q urie d v - l.laxcyHali N i e l . J o h n s o nC,h ari p e r s o n J:JU p.m. S p e e c h& H e a r i n q E v a l u a t i o n ffiqp.m. March19 7-9p.m. F l a 9 9H a l l Ca1}.268-2724for an appointnent D i c k M e r c h a n t ,A u d j o T o g i s t , A l i c b l l o o d f o r t h , S p e e c hT n e r a p t s r 7 - l0 p.m. Merritt 107 C a l l 2 6 8 - 2 8 4 8f o r a n a p p o i n t m e n t P a pT e s t : $ 2 . 5 0 0r. J. Eaker Dr. H. Lowell S t u d e n tH e a l t h S e r v i c e S t a f f Union io"u* D a n i e l H u r l e y - G e r a l dM u . l h e r i n_ JosephSarnoff 4*!i*#"rtr#s**.n ,, 8:30_ 9 : 3 0p . m . M a r c hZ 0 3:00 _ 4 : 0 0p . m . R a y n o nHd a- _ ll, gth FloorLounge ffi,, ram S:rdfir+y-+,o+rj##* Pros -l#t-#*::x#s 'ioii"gi"union2.-1^. ++*!i*]gi! o''' M u l t i p u r p o s eR o o m r o r a n A p p o i n t r e n tC a l : 2 6 8 _ ? 8 4 9 B a r b a r al . l h e a t o nR , .N., Coordinator Jo Hurley, Instructor S e n i o rC i t i z e n i s H e a l t h& F . i t n e s s -TtrcT'?ii=-'--=:--:-Tld sSls#ErS*, '0.,, 'i College - A r l e r i c a nR e dC . ross B r e a t h i l y z e rT e s t s - N . y . S t a t e T r o o p e r s H a n d i c a p p eAdw a r e n e s-s D e n i s eS c h r a d e n Nutrition - Fay Husted P l a n n e dP a r e n t h o o d R e a c h o u-t C o u n t yH o t L i n e R e s p i r a t o r yF u n c t i o n f u n e r i c a nL u n gA s s o c i a t i o n 5 t . . ,L a w r e n c e C o u n t yC o n m u n i t S y ervices H Alcoho]Referral - entalHealth - P o t s d a mS e c u r i t y SUNY Lehman H a ll L o u n g e Dpianri n e gn t h o oadn d N . y . S . r t a n n e. o Health uepartment B e t s yK e l l y - A r t S i e b e r t _ E d V a u g h n - io"ui Dr. Lou LaGrande KelIas103 M r . B e n6 r u d a , p h a r m a c i s t ffi A l 0 l D u n nH a l l T o R e g i s t e r . . C 1a :l 2 6 8 - 2 8 4 8 J a c q u e t t n ye o u n q ,H , S c . T e r r yR e e d , 0 . D . S . J o h nC a r v i l l , D . D . S . *s&5+u'*'ol-f#:,50.., R a y r o n dH a l l , **No ChargeExcept llhere Indicated Sth Floor Lbunge Dr. JamesCroccia ERITR IHETOITil PUT ' tt,.:.': ; , : ,: .- t. Monday, March 16.198l Page 7 Nobody Else Oflers So Muclr For So Little! Taksa lookatwhatyourPut hasto ofleryounoul! - Our0reatPUISUIS[t 0nly$l,?g your too! su[heated Nowyoucanhave . EnioySpecial Ni{hts hogram .Nstll Ni$htlY SPeclals [eaturin[ "ItlE t[l'L'every CR!IB'S Coms to heehot fridaylrom3to0 leaturind prices ! anislscial hors i'oeuvres PERSO}IAtS Lherre, Thanhs for knowing what to say and do, making me laugh, anC being my"Mom awaY from home. In general, thanks fot' caflng, Linda Doober, visit...(Your Stop by md brothers) sometimet guess who- Pi Nu Chris, Glad you recovered ftom the big operation. I missed You lots. Iove, Amy North lst Mohawk, . Are you going to try your luck again? 53rd Lnrts, How's the Mexichn beer? Another Mexican beer drinft-er Adam, Nice haircut! ! An admirer Sisters, Shall we tip the Owl again this weekend? A sister Evetyone at 34 Park, Happy St. Patrick's Day! How about a few green beers? Your neighbors P.S Congratulations sister Debbie and Lorie, How's Potsdam? Kelly, Have you landed Yet? How high did you fly?l Your sisters Roie, Thanks for being mY Big sister' Little Sis Katrina, Next time take care of your boot-bucket. lt's not g@d so uP! Your rmmie Koupash, I'm ashamed of you. I didn't knou you still had to be tucked into bed! I guess that's just the way the quarter bounces! &tz guesswho? Marcie G., You were great during Pledging. Thanks for letting me be one of vour sisters. Iove ' Pi Nu Ann T.G.'s, It was a super PartYand we're elad it was with You' love' Girls in Rushton 2nd floor UP TIIIEI STEP Hawkeye, Sink many ships lately. Drinking partner (LadieSnight at the track) from Rushton n204 Carol, Play with many glasses lately? ItfD StlTPONT I I0UnIi0tl I. TUE . a ' . , Lhrissy, Amy, We're apartment bound and boy am I psyched! We'll have to watch out for those pizzas. Romie to be ureg, Gt"d to see that you had such .agood weekend, but I can't stand ' here all day, my legs hurt. T.P.(r.c.), love Lisa ^ Thanks for being my Big ureg, Brother. you fe@verGlad to see that love ya, ed. I don't tnow which way I like r Ann you better! ! wally (ZAP) I love Lisa I hear you are a necrophilia. Is Jim T.G.. A nickel for your ??. lt was a that why you are up so often in great party, to bad we had to the Mort. Science lab? i The guardian Angel leave' Ann & iitt ofyour guardiai angel Dear Dad like, The kids and I reallY enjoYed Vicki, Charlie is stirll .alive, but will the trip. Iove be dead soor, unless you pay uP. Your Wife Bunny Rabbit Dad, When can we see Lake Ptacid? Mike H. Sullivan, love, Happy St. Patrickls DIV!l Your Punk'Like Linda and Sue, i Daughter I hear there are good times in P.S. Where are the train tracks? the conference toom. What do Rosie, you guys confet? t Accuallyyour not a wench but I do realize now that You have to 'write for a living. At least you get Karen (Smith, eadst( . , paid for your services' See Ya on Keep your chin up - better the comer. days are soon to come. Snort Your gurdian aigel To all Creeks, There's always a few Greeks Linda, Sue and Charis, and recently inducted Pledges Shaving crqam anyone? that ruin it for the rest. Don't be so stuck upl Come down to earth after all you Linda, were independant at one time. Help - I need $me gas. General Public , ; , 1: . fl ;]. 'r Maift, lr'.r-',"'i . . H A P P Y B T R T H D A y t ! l ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! Even though I ?tm a little late. I 5tilt Love You., .. Ann .. ney you guys , Wasn't lhat a party! Might have been th'e Whiskey muld have been the Gin Might have been the 3-4 six packs I don't know, but look at the mess I'm in My head is lite a football. ' I think I'm going to die Oh me oh me oh mi Wasn't that a partyt [..'ve, Alligator prmf-hmts Crunt, Keep it up, you strange agent, Another loser Tom, You look real gmd in your .alllgator sweater (the yelluw one) thanks for letting us have it for a while. Love, . New Pi Nu Rushton Ann Charc, to The nexttime you get the ur8e "shake it" try the dance floor; bar stools can be hazardous to your health(not to mention your reputation)!! ! love ya, ' c&c&E&K P.S. Too bad you don't remember it--you put on quite a show! You blew it I guessl!l VegI . l'hear Ddchsund's and. Beer showers don't mix to well. But you have to admit it was amusing. Veggie Monday, March 16, 19E1i Page E l t. ; ii;: . I - ., i Monday, March 16,1981 Fage l0 \. ,"'";t;t-;;;" *.I..t,t'i*.o', " su PEnt ' so r N G!ii 'i:....'J;; * inl enn r, s. w I r H E B EG I SARHLH$$ COULD MEAN fiAR'LE$S SPRING PLANT ]SALE 18 '?o-? v student union lY\ill A L L P L A N T S A T W H O L E S A L E 'P R I C E S Gqakn*,tnro Uaal 1' i 4s64V II {e/: a4-386-3760 i OUR DAILY SPECIALS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT MONDAY I I FISH DINNER i BATTEREDFISH' %:PIECESOF.GOLDEN $l'95 A ROLL FRENCHFRIES.SALAD.AND i | I I l . | WEDNESDAY rrrrr.rrzr'rrr nrrrrr! iHrcKEN DTNNER 3PIECESOF DELICIOUSFRIEDCHICKEN $1.95 A ROLL FRENCHFRIES,SALAD,AND i i THURSDAy g trCIdUO couBrNArroN DTNNER l, 2prEcESOF FISH.ANDzPIECESOF CHICKEN, FRENCHFRTES'SALADIANDAROLL $2'1e AsPECrALFoRrusrrHErwooFYou'' iI !tII I I you ptan On I tt ! YOu IJIuSt Onder ;;lrutnxs.u?##u't'"oFRIEDCHI.KEN iliil?'ft'Y#;il;''""" |i ;";;;-bampus zRoLLS,HOTANDBUTTERED w r r r l rthis-csupon rrrr lwsPurr I J . 7 7 with u lrl opy r_ _ _ _ - _ _ Ve f Attending YOUm trap sto'e Enaduation & EOwn no-. -,^.oa Mrrqr o - , PLACED o,^, aH2O. BY FRIDAY MA.R( BE MUST i:II ALL 9RDERS v^lr l^rrr I NtnI you )l F A l t To_r T O P L,_oT_l A C EA N O R D E R Y O U W I L L N O T FA.L __._jr F GD R A D i J A T I O NC E R E M O N I E S ' BE AB+E^.TO"ATI.,EN Mondap March 16, 19811Fage1l SEX DISCRIMINATION Madison, WI-UnitFd States courts are upholding the right of' emplovers to restrict jobs to men only, accordingto a law professor dt the University of Wismnsin. 1,'The fationale has changed but the result is the same." Professor Kathryn L. Powers contends. "We wouldinot candone job. discrimination based on race in; the same way we do.on the basis ol sex.",Powers' arguinbnts appeared in an article published bY the Wayne Law Review under th€ title:"The Shiftine Parameters ol N u.,l ACCREDTTATIoN::Dr. Eari'Wt .MicArthur, president irtsn AT THE FARM SITE-Canton ATC ofticials view the site for.the Affi rmative Actioi: Pragmatic of SUNY Canton ATC, discusses the Cantori ATC nursing program proposed manure conversion prcject at tbe Martin Farm. Left to right Patemalism in Sex-BasedEmploy with Mary Leary, chaiman of the-program. The Nati6nal League foi are Dr. Ed Smith, on-site coordinator; Bryan Felitto, executive ment Discriminatibn Cases." Nursing Board of Review hag continued the Cantolr ATC accreditation assistant to the president; Dr. H. David Chamberlain, project director Powers believesthe courts afe status in the nursing progiam for eight years.. and dean of the Agriculture and Life Sciences Division; and William masking sex stereotyping attituBeauvais. alson on-site coordinalor. des by claiming their'decisions "common sense." are based on . In reality, she argues, a kind of "pragmatic patemalism" has replaced "romantic paternalism". "Graduation from NLN-acnotions which held that womeni CANTON-Following an. on-site ' aedited programs is a prerequibeing physically and morally we- visit in November, and a meeting site for entry into most ddvanced aker than men, should be pmtect- of the National League for Nurs... ed .from some working envimn- sjng Board of Review, notice has educational programs and certain CANTON--Ifallgoeswell,Canton percent of which would bi me, been received by Canton ATC types of employment settinls , ments. ATC could be breaking ground for thane. This could ryreet the elec" Recent court decisions permit- that the nursing program has such as the amed senices, lyt5. its methane gas project by July l, trical requirements ofthe average received continued accreditation Leary said. job based on discrimination ting according to Dr. H. David Cham- North Country farm. pf NLN accreditation prcvides . sex have relied on the idea that status for a maximun period bedain, project director. In the Power Authority news "bona fide occupational eight y€ars. for., continued status lising in there are Following announcement of , release, John Dyscin is quoted as According to Mary Leary, prdfessional publications and requalifications" for some jobs and the pariial funding by the New having said that the Power Au"business necessities" for hiring chaiman of the nursing prograin crditrtrent literature. York State Power Authority, Dr. thority has thoroughly reviewed "The Ms. teary said, "Since the only at Canton ATC, the signilicance men only for others. Chamberlain met with Bryan the proposal and believes it to be inception of the nursing curicu. examples I can think of where sex of NLN accreditation indicates Felitto, executive assistant to the , imaginative and worthy of impleis really a bona fide occupational that the prograni"Ameets standards lum in 1966, closemmmunication president, and Dr. Ed Smith and mentation. voluntary ac- #ith the NLN has been a major qualification are the positions of of excellence. Bill Beauvais, on-site coordinaConstruction at the Canton creditation procedure .indicates leature. Reasonable assurmce of wet nurse and spem donor," tors, to discuss the tuture of the ATC Martin Fam will include a more than minimal teoirifements accrEtiitatibn ist:it'us'ivai granted Powers argues. project.. 50.kilowatt electric generator to following t!re; grldqation .of a Berleley, CA-The radical left for ptogram registtation," Ms. "The support of the Power be fueled by methan€ from cow significant, number of students. powerless in Leary saidremains essentially Authority is gratifying," Dr. manure. The manure will be Inaddition, NLNaccreditation Full accreditation status for.the govenment. Todd Gitlin, an eady "Under Chamberlain said. Chair- collected in a storage pit and organizer of Students for a Demo- is the established critqria ,for nursing piogram ,at thi State man John Dyson, it will . provide permitted to ferment for 10 to 15 -eligibility for various special University of New York Agriculcratic Society, now a Univetsity ofr one-half of the funding required days. sociologist, believes funding ptogranis. California jt on a challenge basis to implemerit As gas is generated, will be ' canton extends totheveatle88' unresolved contradictions within this demonstration project, The released into a flexible bag over .' Ig82 Paysonian New Left took a heavy toll. the college will continue to seek the pit. lnaeasing pressure with"When we said the participafurther support for the matching in the bag will feed the gas tory democracy-meant no leaders, portion of the prcject froni a through pipes to an adjacent we criated an intolerable situat' number of agencies ilcluding; to building where' it will fuel the ion for ourselves," he obsewed, date, the New York State Energy generator. Denying formal leadership resultand Research Development AuThe generdtor will be deCd in structures where indivlduals thority, the New York. State signed to run,,.flrqgto six hours a were not accountable. Some lead' Energy Office, and the New York day to supply electricity for the ers simply dropped out, while State Department of Agriculture. fam'smilking,eqyipment in pedk others became media celebrities: and Markets. It is expected that demand pdriods.and for a farm"Leaders were expected to other firms andlor agencies will house. I lead, but were trashed for doing be contacted as reouired.'f After thegas has been extracse," Gitlin said. Ways were rot 'developed The proposal developed by the ted, the residue, which will retain for acknowledging leg' college and the State Commerce all basic mineral nutrients, may . itimateauthority within the move Department's Ogdensburg Of- be used as a fertilizer. ment. The conflict between indiv"Manure is an attractive enerfice, states that a statewide dse of . idualism and collectivism-betwe' manure as a source of methdne gy purce, since it is renewable, ' en "doing your oM thing" dd for electricity production at dairy readily accessible and non-pollut"beloved community" remains farms potentially could eliminate ing and presents no waste-handluirresolved. the need to burn more than 10 ing problems," Dr. Chmberlain Community otganizers who million gallons of oil each year. said. "did their own thing" trying to The two-year project, which Developmint:6falternate'enregisterblack voters in Mississipwill be administered by ihe State ergy sources is an element of a pi were a far cry froryr Peaock' University Research Foundation, .Ten-Point Program developed by feather fanning suburbanites who will seek to determine if mhnure.r Governor Hug!'L..Gatey and M;t, adopred the same slogan in Marin 'is m economically and technically.i. Dy,s.ofhip ,c4tiNew.Iork Ststd,ls ,, .Couirtv. Gitlin noted that one of feasible energy source fot lndi- foreign oil dependence in half by the tragedies of Vietnam was that . vidual dairy farms. 1990. is diverted the antiwar movement Project planners estimate that The construction consultant from criticizing the ams race' manure from a herd of 60 cows who will provide local assislmce which has become far more could supply about 4,500 cubic when needed is John Goetze, dangerousand complex. feet of biogas daily, about 60 CantonATCDirectorofFacilities. .,.. ':':. NURSING.PRO,"GR,AM TION. RECEIVESACCR.EDITA RENEWAL CANTON ATC SETSJULY 1 FOR METHANE GAS PROJECT GROUND BREAKING Applications are=being 'accePt' ed foi positions , on the 1982 'yearbook',staff',Prefetence will be given: to those who show an interest in tlre production of the 1981 booli.''Applications may be pieked up in the, Cgrnmunications Center. Deadline foi applie?rtionsis Friday, Aprit 1fth. Positions will be filled Frido$,::iApril':? tlt,t .,gyi election (current editors have voting power). & IIIGRAII.IilGNAM ATTORNEYS criminat-and civil practice Generat 19 Market Street Potsdarh,N-Y.13676 .' Ph. 265-8680 Canton telephone 386-4635 ,l\ .l rJ ''. Bi :- and: ' Pieces Mick Fleetwood's.trip . 1. WOMAN,John Lennon(1) \ leep a loo{out lor tne flrst solo album by:Mick Flei:twood, drummer for Fleetwood Mac. It will be "Mick called Fleetwood's A{rican Odyssey..'; Recording sessions in Ghana will incorporate the work of native drummers. The sesions are being filmed for telecast over the Public Broadcastin System i! the UrS. 2. CRYING, Do:r Mclean (3) ' 3. RAPTURE, tslondie(4) 4. 9 TO 5, Dolly Parton (2) 5. THE BEST OF TIMES, Styx (5) 6. KEEP ON LOVING YOU, REO Speedwagon(?) ?. FADE AWAY, Bruce Springsteen(9) . CTIFF RICHARD In his native Britain as well as at once iD recent months("Dream in a good part of the world, Cliff, ing" and "Suddenly" with Olivia S.TREAT ME RIGHT, Pat Benatar (8) Richard is Ol! Blighty's equival- Newton-John) is a heolthy start, 9. DON'T STANDSOCLOSETO ME, The Police (16) ent to Elvis Presley. Since his first "Trying to get cridibility here hit in 1958, Richard haS rcmpiled has been my main aim for the last ' 10.WHAT KIND OF FOOL, Barbra Streisand& an impressive list of intemational five yerrs," BarryGibb6) hits, including "Dreaming" and As for explaining his recent : "We Don't Talk Anymore," a;d . American brea&out,,Richardfeels 'leither you've bu-ilt what looks like a lifetime cotne into align' cueer of rgck 'nr roll. He's !99a ment with me, or vice versa. I'm POP SCENE PICKS:,IIELLO AGAIN, Neil Diamond; successful everrwhere--except in not sure which. I still make North America. recordl for Engla.nd,an{ Europe, WhyhasBritair'smostpopulthough American has liked the SteveWinwood. ar rccker, unlike,orher English lastthreeverymuch." greats such as the Stores and the Certainly .part of Richard's . . , ' Beatlgs (who both took a cue or appealarehisboyish,goodlmkstwo frcm Richard), taken so long unusualfora'man.of4o:InBritain to make it in America? Richard he's affectionately called "the AI,BT'MS himself has no.easy answers for world's oldest teen.ager." 1. PARADISE f,.HEATE$ styx (3) that question. Cliff feels one can have a Prior to his upcoming spring lifetime career in rocli "if y-ou're 2..DOLBLE F"ANTASY,JohnLennon-YokoOno(2) tour, Richard had only cossed head's fairly straight. A lot of the Atlantic twice, in 1960 and rock 'n' rollers blow it because 3. AUTOAMERICAN,Blondie (1) '62. After that, he "put America they don't know where they're "' aside, because I didn't seem to be going. 5. SUPER TROUPER, Abba (?) "Fulfillment making the kind of records pmple doesn't come ftliked here. I figured I'd go where om rock 'n' roll alone. There are 5. HORIZON,Eddie Rabbitt (6) I was wanted, and chased off to other things in life that are just as Australia, Hong Kong, and Japan important. I've found that Christ6. CELEBRATE, Kool & The Gang({) ,l was able to sustain a career in ianity is the mainstay in my life, 7. III INFIDEIJTY, REO Speedwagon (5) those places, and it played a part in my ' "li interestdd me when ift longevity (in the music business.l. '65, 8. ZENYATTA MONDATTA, The Police (13) 1964 or one of the papers Most rcck singers end up getting printed a survey on remrd sales bored or retiring for five years 9. TRUST, Elvis Costello& The Attractions (f 0) arcundthe world, and founc that and then coming back because I was-the top male solo sin6er in they just don't treat it corfectly, 10.CAPTURED,Journey (17) the world--without America. I lt's f<jr them, and they're spld not a sausage over here." not enthusiastic about it, because POP SCENEPICKS:EVANGELINE, Emmllou But, in 1976 the tide tumed. rheir lives aren't straight. , Harris; ALL AMERICAN "I've got He released the appropriately my life in perspectGIRLS, Sister Sledge. titled "I'm Neady Famous" alb- ive--straight down the line. And 'n' um on Elton John's Rocket label, rock roll is a part of it. Ilve Copyrtht, 1981,United Feature Syndicate,Inc. and finally scored his firsl U.S. never gotten tired of it. I always "Devil top 10 hit with Woman.'r look forward to the next record or "lt's ' only a beginning," Cliff tour." YOUNG ENTERTAINERS John Driver, 33, playwright and composer, says it's best to get the duc*s young; "You have to get the duck and get friendly " with it, he says, "because th-ey do bite and it can hurt." What does duck care have to do with playwriting? Nothing, really, but the comedy revue "scrambled Feet," written by Driver and'a college buddy, Jefftey Haddow, 32, has a skit that calls for a duck to be on stage. The duck proved such an aiudiencepleaser that it's become tlle trademark for the shw. A gigantic drawing of a duck dominates the human figures on the program cover and on thd coveroftheliveLPmadefromthe show. As any experienced actor will tell you, it's a real trick to upstage an animal. so why a. duck? Because the skit is about how hard it is for actors to mpe with an animal's scene.stealing. Driver says the choice of a duck originated with him but-he's no longer clear just why. "So it mnld jump offstage and attack peciple if they didn't like the show," Haddow suggests. The two have been clowning around since, Noirthwestern University, -whire they met in drama class. As part.of his work for a master's .degree, Driver wrote a reyire called "Reflections in a Golden Bagel," which he directed. Haddow appeared in it. After college.their ways separated for a while. Haddow's incurab'le wandedust took him off on a round-the-world trip. ln the finalstagesofithefoundhimself working as a deckhand on a freighter to pay his way because he had run out of money, However, he brcught back mmething more than memories, In Spain he met a young polish woman, who subsequentlv b€came his wife when ihe camd to North America to enroll in a Canadian university. In the meantime Haddow and Driver had looked each other uD and decided they wanted to worl together again. Sincc both had wJrked pro-fesSionallyas actors, they found a mutuallv asreeable theme for the show, a sh-owthev would apper was a seriesof skits about actors and what they have to put up with, things like incompeient agents. au6ition neryesandinattentiveaudiences. Inattentive audiences haven't been a Droblem with .,scrambled Feet," as the writers decided to, call the show. Audiences love it and get involved in the ups and downs of show business as depicted bv four briehf Derformes and, at one pointl of @urse, a duck. Beatlemania film "Beatlemania," the successful multimedia Broadway show in which four unknowns acted out the career ofthe Beatles, is going to become a motion picture. Filmiirg begins March 23 at the Iong Beach Convention Center in Califoriria. The finished product will have a 10-day engagement at 600 theaters in the U.S. an Canada beginning Aug. 7. Of course, if it's a hit, don't be surpiised if the engagedrent is I extended. STEELY DAN The long-awaite{ Steely Dan album .may be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Producer Gary Katz says the two-man group, keyboard player Donald Fagen and bass player Walter Becker; are very demariding and that's why it's taken so long. They work with hand-picked studio musicians and have been at it 4 year. Katz says they have " "less spent than $1 million, but "an he admits the sum still is inexcusable amount for an alDum. Cant Stop Dancin' "You don't have to be in show busindss to enjoy wbat the show is about." Driver says. '.11's about ambitions. Anybody caridentify, whetber it's wantirig to be a doctor; a novelist or what: :' eygr." Umaay. Urrctr 16, 1931Pegcf3 J I M M Y CLIFF LAST gP' ": ,r. ,.* il*ii-tjjlij:ffi.:lJtri*,::'C0NGERT.' .l: Jimmy Cliff makes music for tne people of one world Montego Bay, Jamaica -- In hills just a few mil In the hills just a few miles outside Montego Bay. a prime Jamaican tourist spot, one could be light yeats away fiom pina coladas by the pool under a palm. The Jamaican countryside is where reggae singer and film star ("The Harder They Come") Jimmy Cliff lives, among the rough wood shacks. After fleeing the countryside to Kingston to sing, and then moving to England to start an intemational career, Jimmy Cliff retumed to Summerton, where he was bom. No longer a peasant, Cliff is still just one of the folks. Cliff's home is a mansion by Jamaicansrandards,but the spari sely furnished stucco house is merqly respemable by mainland Nestled in among the teims. hills, Cliff's home is sumoundec bv small farms. Ipcal childem GARLAND JFFFERYS EscAPEs 'Mimi Beach' is song going to be very, very PoPular,' "althouglsays Garland Jeffreys, it will not be a hit and it won't get much airplay." This piece of objectivity refers ro the fact that the song. which is indeed very sttong musically and thematically, is about the threeday race riot in Miami last summer, in which 14 people died and scores of buildings were bumed. The song is punctuated by narralion about the rit'ts, delivered in the style of news reports, by Linton Kwesi Johnson, an outstanding English reggae artist. While Johnson's own work is highly political in content. Jeffrey's material is generally less specific. both men bave built stfong followings out of the musical malnstream. Jeffreys says he is a star in Europe:"I have a real 4udience there. People are waiting for mY "My album. Kids write me lette$ about my songs; But an artist always wants to be received by ris own world. I'm an Ainsican, md what I write is relaled to Americln problems." His new album "Escape Art;ist" miy give him that remgnition. For one thing, Jeffreys has iricorporating reggae been rhrthms into his music for yeasand reggae is riding a wave of popularity in the U.S. "I wan probably the first one lo combine reggae and rock "l'm and roll." he says. likg a pioneer." Jeffreys explains the title "Escape Artist" in a poem he wrote for the album's liner notes. "l'm saying that everybody can be an escape artist," he ;ays."Escape from fear, from loneliness, from drugs, from your past, You must escape from these things, you must find a way, and no longet play the victim.'f .E include recnrding ih Lnqon, Muscle'Shoals. Ala.. and New i*. on "rffe Harder. ** come"), having a British hit with Cat Stevens ("Wil{'Wodd") aid workine with Allee Willis and uenlce wllltams lTom Earth, wind & Fire. , GARI,AND J E F F R E Y S nd"jffi"iT"J#" ;:" iil:; r,""arii"J his interuiew n"""*, . Moravec. The with Mr, LzechoslovaRlan planlst wil pert:"*n s ra$. rer' t9tT tl .:n."^ wdtingsongs andsinging' ;T-li*::;['",lXillt"irt'1i with Willis and Williams on his Helen Hosmer Hall; Potsdam newalbumispartofcliff's goalto "took i"ott"uu"? rresh p"o!I" for. "oruu"" is Derhaps best 1e1 .to work wttn. fte puts aslde the co.un:? as a r(nown. rn idea of collaboratins with EW&F llt: recordlng artlff ano tnls somemastermind Maurice White in .. ttmes troubles nlm' Loncen goers favor of "working with somebody ' are have t:*t9: .who unknown. lb l:iqst-:, o*:o netrlng. ntm play on "Mavbe we could do a sons .-'o ' ". Dertectlv .hstfu' mnoltbnql ' ; ' ' t o g e t h e r .I ' d l i k e t h a t . L a s tt i m e I , .,--l--.----;-., -,ments' wnlle concert nall Dranos was with srevie wonder he sa] tnat nlm nave a song 8or me: ago I was more desgerate," says rhings like that wouldbe nice, ' '-' ;;i* -;,- i.irlil"""y-;_:. -, f;;,;;; because I am very interested in ,'-;' .; ;-. : . o.M tool:..:o tnat t.can lmprove black DeoDle settins the under. the @noltnn ot tne pnnos r standins. Whether thev're called - :. enmunter on tour. we$ lnolans or,called Amencans Mr. Moravec made his filIeI ftu:ic ffjH:TJJ,:eccae :-T::':--I"L1' The spirit of Cliffs musical vision makes an idbal sundtmck to the scene. The view ftom his baclt lnrch: encompasses some of the lushest'niturdl tieiuty iii thi world. yet ihe hills are dotted with homes that bespeak poverty. The contrast is cler.:Jamaican country life has its stniggles but a meal is never furthei away "than one of the ubiquitous breadfruit or coconut palm ttees. It's likb.the double-edge of teggae musid -- a music of struggle and faith that transmits birth a mess. age and sheer, simple joy. . Cliff is the voice ofreggae, the most beautiful and entralling singer the medium has ever had. By exploring new sounds and expanding the boundaries of reggae, Cliff has proven himself one of the world's best poP voices. Although Clifffirst sang ln the United States at the 1964 New York World's Fair, he's yet to win the recogniron here that he's eamed in Europ, japan, Africa and Brazil. ln Jamica, he's so trrcpularrhat 20,000 pmple recently showed up at a free concert to stand in the pouring rain. kneedeep in mud, and rock with Jimmy Cliff. "lt's hard to get me to leave here," says Cliff as he suneys the beauty from his porch, taking "gmja'' ') a a drag on his spliffof cigarette of potent Jamaican mar' ijuana, which is part and parcel of Jamaican culture). "My music is,an exptession of my mul," he explains in Jamai"l pick up infomcan patois. ation from lots of philosphies and ideolofies, but I sift it out. I keep what I vant md have my own vision and my om focus on how I believe the wotld should be. "I believe in living,'says "and Cliff, liberty. I love to be happy and I love to see peoPle happy. But sometimes I feel like I'm odd man out." Cliffhas taken his own path in music, avoiding the almost inevilable alignment with one fotm ot SERIE,S (whe-rehe cuti th", ,,lu"n York M.o."y!.;,.".:pi*irt *to _City "Many gospel-tinged Riversto __::^__'-:,-_:,_^.- i, "^ ,.- :a'':--..]:-: comn trom the same source;' they,re the same peopre.,, Arerica' debutin 1e64,playing with the cleveland orchestra in Criffis awarethat in America, :^T:{: 111j1"9,]P1*:.n* regultrlv rnet"il:'""T:#ffi1"i: reggaeprimarilyappealsto mid- !f,*'j ;:H:;1" #:i,fff: ffi til-d;*'T ""l-:ii"y", on Africa' "Thbt is where I worild mrist -ricket". . ." ^ to. '-- this con€rt .:=--'-l-l=-' are ' rikernlrayryor1,ll fe,,;+rr,, li.ffi,H{ffi3ri1T',T:l# -.':-' ':' adding that he's already toured ;,--;.'* -'--.; Nigeria,and south ill'1"1i:.,Tliii:" pj|:l': '"" seneg-ar. jokesthat"my:'1'-"lii,"-',::':1qi^':1"v-1,"^** llrici.Heprouaty only two golq recoros are rom Afica." .. It s doubtlul that tne sltuaflon will stav that wav. Cliff has .o.e to Associated Colleses. -t'r.y' Potsdam rrozo. Collegb, Pbtstlam, Pleree include $.25 oer order for "oTt' Tntttl9 . c1i|i- markshoddbe ."'[. i;;;;;: il'';;;;;,h" :l*f in U'S', funds:" "Payaule "we Are national scene, anal if ld 'Tickets tre alsi aveilable at the ls any lnqrcarron,' the Llvlng ffane school of Music box offrce clitrs talJnt for crusing.iegga" ;;p";;;';'';i;e'uni.oriJ,i "'-tte'rutsott6.tarof ever. .,Bongo Man." secondfloor or. Biihbp l1,,lo"' Artist Seriesis The'CeJebrity anbwfilm, where "rhe :f:*1"";d.:tf,?1-t::t:1"$tt' rey come"wasabo'uilerys,:LlL:ll,tlll:"::-":l-t#i: Hardd"r Itt* *-on"-rik".criff ,j-Bo.l,c:yari:iJ*|i#j*;#t"'ff about Cliff himself. And who ," Jimmy criff? He's the kind of person whosq encpmpasses the musicality whole world, bul whose concems are down to earth. While growing up in the community he now lives, 'iI was what you'd call a 1rude boy.' I lived on the stra:et mtner. We didn't have no house of our own. "I see the same thing happening to the youth today, and I think, well. now I'm in the position to do sor4ething about it." Dpwn the road from his house there:s a graded field, thg futuresite of the mmmunity recfeatiof, center Cliff is giving his township. What do they say about him "1 think they're proud, locally? llke; I donft think I was one of the youths they expected to be, OK, say successful. You can say I'm successful because I caine badk and have a nice houSe, ptobably the best house in the community. But I.think'they are happy that someone from their own district can be successfuland come back to th€ district. They are plaesed.i' .:::::l::L:::.:.T1............. slt'd from page 12 . ' -: the show opened at d small off-Bmadway theater in New York City in 1976 and moved. to Chicago,in 1978. Two years ago it 'New reopened in York, at a Greenwich Village nightclib, the Village ..Ga1e. Sine then "srrambled Feet" has resulted in the LP and plans forompanies of the show in.cities thrcughout the United States. That mems getting friendly with a lot of ducks. "That's i:he's the ;'beCaure best, " Haddcnil says,."way ahead of whoever't in second place." Now they've'witten a. new play, "Chqkhov iwliicli,,was in rYalta,'l tried out as a benefit for the l00th anniversary of Northwestern's school of speech. The play is , about playwright Anton Chekhbv andr" actoijdiiestor Konstantin .Stanislavski.'Is the illay based'on "Absolutely," fact? says Driver. "AbsolutelY,l' 56y5 Haddow. Tlrey've woikid together'$ weil they've even begun to ihintr together. ' ' " "' ; ' -' , , . . t , . #i; ASSEMBLYMAN ATTENTION JOHN G,A. AII Students Reruming to ATC In The FaU O'NEIL +Get fnvolved Wlthin THe ATC Community O'NEIL JOINS IN BUDGET HEARING--AssembJymanJohr G. A. O'Ncil (Parishville) center, recently joined Assemblyman Ray Chesbro (Oswego)left, and H. Robert Notlz (Lowville) at a Budget Listen-ln in Watertown. School administratois, local government officials, and interested cilizens expressed thei5 views about the proposed l98l-82 state budget t6 the North Country legislators. A similar Budget Listen-ln will be held on March 14 in the Canton Mun-icipalBuilding beginning at 2:15 p.m. inlaltrable personalexPerien elp future studentsbetter unde olunteer to be a College TOU e n e e dY o u ! ! ! Sing Assemblynran John G. A. O'neil (R-Parishville) announced today his opposition to reinstatement of doe seasonin sonreafeas ofthe Northern ne, According to the assemblyman, the state Depattment of Environmental Conservationhas proposed that a doe season be reintroduced in certain areas of the Adirondack Mountains. In announcinghis opposition t0 the plan, O'Neil noted the negative reaction of area sportsmen and that the St.Lawrence County Board of Legislators passed a resolutionopposing the proposal. "Asasportsman,lam concerned about management, O'Neil commented. "Although a doe season may be advisable in .some regions of the state, it would not be acceptable in this area. "I also want all area sportsmen to know there will be an Adirondack Whitetail Deer Forum in Utica on March 21. This will give hunters an opportunity to let DEC know their views on this mattef." I ne lotum wlll be held rn the Utica College Auditorium from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p,m. For more information on the forum, interested persns can sntact Assemblyman O'Neil's oflice in Potsdan by calling 265"8200. ^ ; with The Cantonians ATC Chorus needsnew EveryoneWelcome! p.rn., Wednesday's the Kingston Theater you there, Gary Galo, Director EXCHANGE PROGRAM 'Claremont, Calif.(I.F.) - Six students from the Clilemont Colleges will travel to Nanjing University in China as the first undergraduateexchangegrouP to spend a semoster studying in a Chinese university in recent times. Study will begin March 31. This flrrst reciprocal progtar. will include four students fr(rm Pomona College as well as one from neighboring Scipps College and one from Pitzer College. Exchanges from Nanjing Univer' sity will be in Claremont for two years of special trainihg and research at Pomona College' One ofthe exchanges,Zhao Shuming, seryes as assistant to the presi. dent of Nanjing University. The other, Jia-Song Wang, is a professor of nrathematics. Students going to China from the Claremont Colleges will be acconrpanied by Pomona College Professor David Elliot, a nationally known Asian studies specialist. who will leach a course in Chinese politics and society. In addirion, the American students sill take an intensive language and culture course taught by llrenrbers of the Nanjing Univer sity faculty. The exclange program, with support frcm the Bertha fhabkin Gmdu in Leviton Foundation, is open to students who have studied a minimum of three seme$ers of Chinese. Joln The Student Aid Trapsport Team There is an organization,on campus,that is in need of responsible people for ihe basic aid and transport of ATC students in need of medical attention, to a medical facility. This organization is STUDENT AID/JTRANSPORT. It's purpose is to bring ill or injured students to tire hospital. No personalautomobileis needed.You are especiallyneeded if you have 'any type of first aid certification and/or CA driver clearance, but it is not required if you wish to obtain.either or both. For more inforriration, contact Mrs.Miller at the Health Center Or Call 733J TECHNOTOGYVS. SOCIETY Nonhfield, Minn, (1.P.). Preparing students to understand the complex issues which arise when technology clashes with the health and well-being of society will be the focus of a new program at Carleton College. The Science, Technology and Public Policy Program will be supported by a $236,000 grant recently awarded to Carleton by th Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Norman Vig, director of the program and professor of political science, says the new program will be unique. "Although selveral other schools have grants for undergraduate public policy programs, ours is different in being the only one that focuses on the issues involving science and technology," he explains. - Vig sees both academic and practical goals within the proggram. "On the academic side," he says, "we are trying to reach different types of students, both those in the natural sciences and those in the social sciences." A concentration under the STPPwill be offered to students in conjunction with a departmental major. A student would complete the concentration by taking six support. ing courses; tro in natural sciences, two in economics or lmlitical science and two in computer science and statistical methods, Vig says the program is designed to give natural science majors a sense of the politicai and social dimensions of scientific decisions. It is .also geared to encourage social science and humanities students to beome more involved in policymaking in technical areas. In addition to core classes, the STPP will involve a technology policy prcject. Each year, a controversial policy issue will be selected for intensive exploration by six students chosen as Sloan Fellows, UPCOMINGJOB INTERVIEWS i . CHINESE + Meet other Studenls wlro Share A Common Inter€st With You As a new seruice for students, the Placement Offrce is posting, by curriculum, any recent job openings listed in nodhern New York newspapers. Seniors are invited to mme by and check out these listings as well as othei inmming employment opportunities. Resrnres are needed if you intend to inteniew with on campus recruiters or desite to write to employers on your own. Come by the Placenrent Office and fill out a data sheet, and we will type it FREE. This nraster copy can be duplicated by yourself or by Central Duplicating in the Adminisration Building. (50 mpies for $1,50). These publications are available FREE: "Written Communications" will help you write a letter to flcconrpany your resumes and job appliaations. "The Job lnterview" will help preparg you for the interuiewing process: what cr r you expect from the interviewer, and wbat does the inlervieu er exDectfrom vou. March17, 1981 March18. l98l March19, l98l March19,t98l March20, 1981 April 28. l98l April 29, l98l April 29, 1981 Mech. Tech. & Drafting Mechanical Tech, air Co., Elect., & Mech. Tech Business Elect., Mech & Science LabChem N.Y.S. Dept. of Env. Conseva- Elecirical Tech. tion N.Y.S. Dept. Of Env. Same as 4/28/81 Conservition N.Y,S. Dept. of Agricul;ure Agriculrure & Markets Kamyr, Inc. M. Wile & Co. Newport Neu's Shipbuilding Woolworth Co. General Electric For this and more information ome by the Placement Office - CL 025 or call us at 7119. Il Monday, Maich t6, 1981 c.u.B. WedneEday,March 18 Pub Band Party Featuring805--9:00p.m. nntrt]nD Sunday,March 22 Movie of the Week "Star Trek" Theater--2:00, 6:30,and 9:00 Jlllllrltrttttttttttt trt rtt ttttrttttrtttL - -to - 't Er]trNNN Watch out fbr the special .ATC, Spring Mini - Concert Se{eq ,fDr. ssrury, April 2- John ValbyDirty' Tues. April 7 - N.y. Flyers, Wed. April 22 - Blushing Brides"A Tribute to the Rolling Stones" Tues. May 5- Mark McCollum- "t ConcertArtist Impressionist" All Shows-ATC Theatre Tirnes to be announced Tickets-$2.00each show or $7.00-seriesticket - good for all 5 shows l l I B[5 f | ! a ! | | | r , rl a| | | | r i r I i . r | | | | r I r | | r I t r a I r l l -. I a r . . a a -' I ! Page 15 Monday, March 16,1981 Paee l6 C,H.ill{,EY Tuesday March 17, 1981 Lunch Tomato soup Tuna Nmdle casserole OR Grilled Ham & cheesesandwich Potato chips Buttered cauliflower Russian Cream with Raspberries Lunch Chicken Noodle soup New Yorker on Seeded bun OR Quiche Corn curls Pari3ian Vegetables Stuffed Celery Mandrin Oranges Butterscotch Cookies! . Dinn"" ST. PATRICK'S DAY Green Pea Sogp Baked Limerich Ham OR lrish Fricissee chicken with onions & mushrooms Mashed potatoes OR Haggerty Potatoes Braised Cabbage OR Green Beans Jade Salad Hot Rolls Pie .Apple Puddenev Wedncsday March 18, 198! Breakfast Orange, grape or apple juice Fried egg Pancakes& syrup Sasagelinks Bagles and seam cheese Streusel coffee cake . Dinner . Napoli Soup Shrimp ShapesOR Baked Chicken Mashed potatoes OR Glazed Sweet polaotes Buttered Brocsli Cranberry sauce Jelly Roll Thursday March 19, 1981 , Breakfast French toast & syrup Slice ham English mufftns Fried cinnamon buns LUnCn Tonato & Macaroni Soup Hamburger OR Cheeseburger on a bun OR Chicken Salad Sandwich OR . Baked Tomato, rice cheese casserole Buttered squash Chocolate DroP cocikies Dinner French Onion Soup Surf & Turf 'OR Chef s salad Mashed potatoes OR Bdked potato Oriental Vegetables Homemade rolls Custard Cake Friday March 20, 1981 Breakfest French wafiles & syrup Bacon Bagles and cream cheeese Granola Muffins Lunch Homemade vegetable soup Hot Turkey Sandwich with gravy OR Stuffed peppers OR Eastern Sandwich French Fries Whole kemal corn Frozen Fruit Salad lce Cream Spree Dinner Potato Chowder Breaded Flounder Or Hearty Ham on Seeded Bun Mashed potatoes Brusse! Splouts Lemon Meringue Pie Saturday March 21.' 1981 Brunch Tater wedges Pancakesand Syrup Sausagepatties English muffins Plain & sugared donu+s Chicken ala King on Toast OR Assorted Luncheon meats & cheese Fruited Jello Dinner Manhattan Clam chowder Cude Steak OR Cabbage Rolls Mashed potatoes Or Rissole Potatoes Green Peas with mushrooms Gingerbread with whipped topping SunOay March 22; t9E1 Brunch Chaney muffrns Frdnch toast &\ syrup Canadian bacon Bagels and cream cheese Danish Pastery stuffed shells oR' 4ssorted Luncheon meats & cheese Snickerdmdles I)inner Chicken Vegetable . soup . Rcast Beef and gravy OR Liver & Onions Mashed potatoes OR Butteted Noodles Scalloped tomatoesd Homemade Rolls Deep Dish Chetry Pie FRIDAY MARCH 2ft1r,1981 Monday March 23, 1981 Breakfast Wafiles & syrup Sausagelinks English mriffins Sour Cream Coffee. Cake Lunch Pea Soup BLT on Seeded Bun OR Corned Beef Hash OR Broccoli Casserole Pretzels Tahitian Vegetables Applesauce Chocolate Chip Cookie, e Sociqtion Ac ea rctive mcnbcr of the Collcge Aasocletioa I Gtrcour.gc '82 to t*G e ilttc,rcst the clr33 of what the ia. CA aad diwvcl ls sll sbout, Thc cguizadon is . made up of r cguization Bocrd of Dircctors and eevcrrl snsisting of stuommittces detrts, fsculty, and edministretiog. Ile associrtioa bcncitg the campus in so many reilrccts: we pmvide the CA land fu Oriatr.tioa srd picnics, student and ifaculty bousitrg, College Asmciation vehicles, md off cempus frcilities such 8s refridgenlors, iendiag mrchiaes, trua{ry facili ties- all of this and morc to help bctter the cernpus md the omFiel free to stop by the office, downstairs in the admiaistratio.n building, rnd lct.Oruct Goolden know 5ou're intercsted in bmming a nember. You will be glad you did. Diile Ritz Fight Marathonto Dance Y MuscularDystrophy ATC GYMNASITTM CantStopDancin WE NEED YOUR HELP STOP BY SCA OFFICE TODAY JOIN THE FUN.SUPERDANCE'8I nthosewhocarft