W6VIO Calling February 1991
W6VIO Calling February 1991
W6VIO CALLING FEBRUARY - STAND UP FOR FREEDOM SOMEONE HAS TO By Eileen McKinney, KAGDGV Whenever the world's been in trouble It's called on the old USA With danger and strife on the surface We're called to again save the day America's always been faithful To principles no one can see We fight for the freedom of others And are always the best we can be No one wants dying and suffering No one wants war in the way But sometimes there's no other choice When freedom is threatened this day FEBRUARY 1991 Volume 20 No. 2 Jet Propulsion Laboratory W6VbO CALLING MIS 264-479 Attn: Elleen McKlnney 4800 Oak Gmve Drlve Pasadena, Callfornla,91109 BOARD PRESIDENT: ART ZYGIELBAUM WA6SAL VICE PRES: CARL DE SlLVEIRA KGGLG SECRETARY: WALT DIEM WAGPEA TREASURER: JIM KESTERSON KA618F CLUB TRUSTEE: STAN SANDER NGMP EMERGENCY COMM COORD: WALT MUSHAGIAN KGDNS DIRECTOR AT LARGE: MARK SCHAEFER WBGCCA CLOSED REPEATER TRUSTEE: WALT DIEM WAGPEA EDITOR: EILEEN McKlNNEY KAGDGV Club Meet?ngs: Everyone Is welcome - Brlng your lunch. 12 Noon Program - Buslness Second Wednesday of month In 238-543 Fourth Wednesday of month In 180-7038 Newsletter Artlere Deadline: The 5th. day ol each month. If the 5th. falls on a weekend, the following Monday wlll be the deadline. Your artlcles, ads, photos, diagrams, Letters lo lhe Edltor, or technical Instructlone should be subrnltted to Editor at address abave. EXCHANGE CLUBS: PLEASE NOTE ADDRESS ABOVE Permlsslan Is granted to copy enclosed artlcles provldlng credlt 1s gfven to "W6VIO CALLING". We all want an end to the conflict There's no one denying that core But an end without saving the freedom Is not the reason for ending a war It's not about money and oil wells It's not about which one can fight It's about living a peaceful existence With no one denied his own rights So get mad all you want at the system Go yell at the man in the moon But give your support to our Forces And pray that they all come home soon For we live in a land of such freedom Everyone's allowed their own say So stand for the peopIe in far lands That have no freedom to speak of today PAGE 2 W6VIO CALLING PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE by Art Zygielbaurn, WAGSAL February 8, 1991 Well thls is the second time I%ahad a chance to wrlte ihls column. It sure seems like It was just last week that Idld the flrst l l m e ffles when ... The flrst order of buslness Is to announce the appalntment of cornrnlttee chalrs. The commlttees will rernaln as they were last year wlth GI1 Yanow headlng the education cornmlttee, Jan Tarsala heading the Repeater Comrnlttee, Walt Mushlglan bsadlng Emergency Communlcatlons, Jerry Hocks headlng the Radlo Shack Commlttee, and Courtney Duncan headlng the (new) Advanced Projects Cornmltlee. These are good people who are Interested In thelr hobby and In contrrbutlng to the club. You wlll be hearlng more from them at the meetlngs and In "VIO Calllng". Iurge you to glve them your support. We all become very proflclent at ldentlfylng problems and polntlng them out, here's your chance to be part of the solution! The board held a retreat and a speclal meetlng over the last month. There are several Issues t o grapple wlth. One of them Is the slze of the board. We dlscussed how t o accommodate the fact that thereare two trustees for the club Ilcenses; the Bylaws accommodate just one. We're golng to look to the club members l o r some help here. You wlll see two proposals. One that we shrink the board to just the offlcers plus the past year's president The other Is that we let the board grow t o Include all trustees. Elther can work. The maln thlng Is to brlng the Bylaws up to date. Speaklng of the Bylaws, you wlll hear of other changes lncludlng a proposal to move the electlon of owleers up by one month. Starting the process In November wlll allow the new offlcers t o come "up to speed" earller. That wlll help the annual budgeting process. It's golng to be a l u n year. We are already belng asked to supporE several events, you'll be hearing about those; we have fleld day to plan for; there 1s a lot ot work golng an In the shack; and we expect a small Influx In members as the no-code comes to reallty. Igot to operate ML7 earller thls week up In Fairbanks. Itwas mlnus 25 degrees on Monday nFght. Two meters stlll worked. I talked to several nlce folks up there. Ham radlo can be fun when you have to remember not to turn the beam when It's below -10. The coax can break! On the other hand, durlng the summer they have days wlth only a couple of hours of darkness. If you want to have an antenna party at 4 In the mornlng, no problem (wlth the llght that is[). Remember the emergency and club net on Monday at Noon on 224.08. - BOARD MINUTES January 1946 By Walt Diem, WABPEA MINUTES OF BOARD MEETING - 1/23/91 Vlce-President Carl deSllvelra, KG6LG. led the meetlng In the absence of the Presldent The rnlnutes ol the 117191 SpeclaA Board Meetlng were amended to read: "John Tallon volunteered to b e responslble for the food for the flrst half of Fleld Day"; and approved. The rnlnutes d the 119191 Mernbetshlp Meetlng were approved as published In YIO Calllng. Board members present: Carl desllvelra, Jlm Kesterson, Mark Schaefer, Stan Sander, Walt Mushaglan, and Walt DIem. Other members present: Courtney Duncan, Jerry Hawkes, SEd Johnson, Jlm Marr, Jan Tarsala, and Sam Weaver. In llght of the previous Board declslon to set the dues at $10.00, the Board vated 5 to 1 to set the dues for lrnmedlate famlly members llvlng In the same household as a full dues paylng member at $5.00. Courtney Duncan dlscussed the posslblllty of the club part!ctpatlng in Amateur 7V upllnkto astronauts on the Space Shutlle. W6VIO Is llsted on the STA; so we are authorized, H we want to do It. W6VIO wouEd be a secondary slte. However, the club does not presently have adequate facllltles for the operation. Itwould be a major effort and does not flt Into the current club strategy. Therefore, i t was declded that we would not participate. Mark Sehader proposed that the Presldent appolnt a representative to provlde llalson to the SW Dlvlslon of the A R R L Jan Tarsala dlscussed HR 73, The Amateur Radlo Spectrum Protection Act of 1991. It Is a blll before Congress to help protect the Amateur bands from belng taken over by commercial Interests. The blll wlll amend the Communlcatlons Act of 1934 to raqulre the FCC to provide equlvalent spectrum for any spectrum deleted from Amateur Servlce. Jan also dlstrlbuted an lnformatlve report on the club's repeater systems. All members present partlcfpated In plannlng the agenda for the plannlng retreat to be held on Saturday 26 January at 1O:DO am. Recorded by Walt Dlem, WASPEA, Secretary MINUTES OF SPECIAL BOARD MEETING - 1131191 Board members present: Art Zygietbaum, Carl deSllwelra, Jlm Kesterson, Mark Schaefer, Stan Sander. and Walt Dlem. Other members present: Jan Tarsala, and Bob Wengler. Presldent Art Zyglelbaum, WAGSAL, Ved the meetlng. The mlnutes of the 1123191 Board Meetlng were approved. Treasurer Jlrn Kesterson presented a detalled spreadsheet accountFng of the Income and expenses for t 990. At the end of 1990, the General fund had a balance of $211.31, prlor to recelpt of the $500.00 ERC rnatchlng funds for the HF r l g whleh was purchased In 1990. The rnatchlng funds were received In January, provldlng an effective carv-over for 1991 ot $711.31 In the General fund. The Autopatch fund had a balance of $597.52 at the end of 1990. President Alrt Zyglelbaum, WAGSAL announced hls Intent to reappolnt the same cornmlttee chalrmen as last year and wlll check wlth each one to verify that they are wllllng to serve for another year. Jan Tarsala was present and agreed to contlnue for another year as Repeater Commlttee Chairman. I t Is requested that each chalrrnan prepare and present to the Board, cornmlttee plans for the year. Currently, the repeater cornmlttee Is the only comrnfttee that has a wrltten chatter. The other comrnlttees are asked to prepare a charter for Board approval. A prellmlnary budget was prepared lndlcatlng addltlonal sources of money are needed t o match the planned expenditures. JFm Kesterson agreed to ldentlty large tlcket Items and prepare a request l o r rnatchlng funds or a grant from ERC to cover these Items. Jlrn wlll prepare a balanced budget based on requested ERC funds and submit the budget to the Board members tor revlew prlor to presentation to the members for approval at the February Program Meetlng. Recorded by Walt Olem, WAGPEA, Secretary PAGE 3 W6VIO CALLING SATELLITE NEWS by Courtney Duncan, NSBF January and early February of 1999 were a busy tlme for amateur satelllte followers around the world. The AMSAT-NA Paesat (that I'm In charge 00, AO-16, has been In full BBS-llke servlce slnca before the holldays with only a few breaks for s o w a r e upgrades and llxes. Occasionally, the software crashes because of some new problem lnvolvlng Interaction between the spacecraft and several ground stations, but the problems are analyzed, corrected, and the spacecratt Is placed back on the alr wRhln days, sometimes hours. The operational command statl Is now In "under ilre" tralnlng and Is perlormlng well. A poEnt wlll be reached shortly where we wlll start to see some of the more advanced terrestrial BBS operators uslng pacsats as a forwarding path. Already, I've recelved notes (vla pacsat) and telephone calls from remote places llke arctlc Canada, Anchorage, Alaska, and Paclfic Islands, telllng me that thelr locat networks (such as AKNET In Alaska) are now recelvlng news, amateur radFo Informatlon. and mall much more often than they had been before. AKNET, lor example, currently relles on a tenuous chaln of HF stations across Canada whlch Is sublecl to the anomalles of auroral flutter and operator equlpment problems lor thelr connectlons to the "lower 48." As thls Is belng wrltten, LUSAT, or LO-19, Is bslng commlssloned wlth Its BBS sottware whlch Is ldentlcal to that In AO-?I. The system wlll remaln closed for a few days durtng checkout and untfl commemorative messages, lncludlng one from the President o l Argentlna, hlmself a radlo amateur, can be uploaded. The AMSAT-LU Mlcrasat Is virtually ldentlcal to the AMSAT-NA pacsat, but Its launch and operation are a very slgnlflcant event In Argentlna, this Is the flrst satelllte that Argentlna has ever placed Bn orblt, of ANY kind? Also runnlng slmllar pacsal soitware Is the Unfversity of Surrey's UO-14. It 1s a llttle more popular because It runs 9600 baud whlch Is much more satlstylng and efllcient for ground users. AO-16 and LO-19 have 4800 baud settings whlch wlll make them much more usable at some tlme In the future, but 9600 baud modems (and Instruetlons on how to Intetface them to regular ham rlgs) afready exlst, the 4800 baud modems for pacsat still have to be developed. I've been hefplng club member Owen Robblns, KB6WYU, t o get his 1200 baud PSK modem tuned up for AO-76 work. My nelghbor Ted Pfelffer, KGOEF, has been looklng over hls shoulder looklng Interested hlmseK I'd llke to hear from other club members who are dolng amateur satellfte projects or operatlon. H you need help, AMSAT has many very actEve operators In thls area who are more than glad to help others along. - The Strategic Plannlng Commmee Autonomous, Is no longer autonomous. The club's new Board of Directors has offlclally recognlred the commFtte6 and Its goals and has provlded It wlth a budget Flrst thtngs first, we wlll be upgrading parts of t h e satelllte statlon for more autonomous operatlon wlth an ultlmate goal of dolng automatic mall forwarding and handtlng or sateltlte gateway lunctlons. The dlgltal work o l the commtttee wlll move toward wlth exlstlng equlpment and software development type efforts. H you haven't been to the shack ln the last couple of months, a 24 hour a day connecllon to the local DX Packet cluster Is runnlng at one of the HF posltlons. Just turn up the brightness on the monltor to see what the latest DX heard In our area Is. At the satelllte posltlon, another computer Is mnnlrvg Instant Track and Fs usually 'left on all the tlme tracklng the current posltlon ol AO-15, the hlgh o h l t analog transponder workhorse satelllte that Is most popular among DXers and anyone wantlng t o "just talk." Data for all the other amateur satetlftes and same weather satellltes Is available wlthln the program and Is malntalned regularly. Other upgrades are planned or are In progress. Soon the beglnnlngs of our local servlce packet node will be on the alr. Watch W6VID Cakllng and come to club meetlngs for the latest! There are two new Soviet amateur radto satellltes. On January 29, AMSAT-OSCAR-21 was launched from Pleselzk. Thls Is the flrst eastern bloc satelllte to carry the AMSAT-OSCAR desfgnatlon, the result d years ol work tin bulldlng brldges between amateurs and particularly amateur satelllte operators En the Sovlet Unlon andother countrlss IncludEng the Unlted States. Of course, as amateurs, we've all been talklng casually wlth our frlends In UA land for decades, Indeed, the flrst satelllte communlcatlon between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. was made on OSCAR-4 In the 1960s. T h e step of glvlng a Sovlet bullt and launched satelllte an OSCAR number Is slgnlfleant. There was major AMSAT-DL input t o the project, the German's provlded a RUDAK dlgital system for AO-21 slrnllarto the one that has apparently falled on AO-13. Then, on February 5, RS-12113 was launched. Thls satelllte Is very slmPar to Ute popular RS-1OH 1 whlch Is stlll operatsng In arblt and Is Intended to tunctfonally replace It, although It appears that both wlll be operated as long as they are capable. Nelther satellrte had yet been heard transrnlttlng at the tlms of thls wrltlng. As wlth most Sovlet Amateur payloads, they are piggybacked on government or sclentlflc prlmary mlsslons and take a back seat to these benefactors when It comes to check out and actlvatlon. By the tlme you read thFs, they should both be on the alr and In sewlce. Llsten In the two meter satelllte band (145.8 - 146.0) for AO-21. It's passes occur around noon and mldnlght currently. Llsten I n the ten meter amateur satelllte band (29.3-24.5 MHz) for RS-1W13 as well as Its older brother, RS- 10H1. RS-12H3 passes occur around flue In the mornlng and live In the evenlng, RS-?OH1 shows up about the same tlme as 60-21 except that It Is traveltng In the opposlte dlrectlon (southto north In the nlght Instead of north to south as wlth AO-21). Ihaven't forgotten my promlse to you and t o Jay Holladay to revlew the brand new d l t l o n of the Satellite Operator's Handbook by Marty Davldofl. I'llbe wxltlng a plea about that for some upcoming W6VIO Calllng. Perhaps It wlll also show up In the AMSAT-NA Journal, as my report on the last AMSAT Symposlum dld! 73 and see you on the satellltes, Courtney, NSBF 238-600 354-8336 ANTENNAPARWREPORT By Jerry Hawkes, W G W L The Antenna Party, held on 2 Feb aecompllshed Its main objectlves. The TH-6 Is on the ground ready to be repalred. The reparr wlll conslst of loosening all joints and cleanlng same, cementlng lrap end caps back on and stralghtenlng some elements. The tower 1s on the ground and wlll be hauled down the hlll when the new tower Is brought up to the site. Thanks to Jlm Lumsden WAGMYJ, fellow tower cllrnber Walt Mushaglan KGDNS, Lls Schwltters NGNDC, Randy Hammock KCGHUR, Bob Deem NSBPU, Jerry Person, Peter McClosky N6TGZ. Help wlll be needed for the antenna repalr and rotator checkout. Next party wlll be: announced when the above Items are completed. PAGE 4 W6VIO CALLING EDITORIAL NOTE: As usual thls Edltorlal expresses The oplnlon of the Edltor. Thls Is In no way the general oplnlon of the membership. -*-*------ I A M MAD A T THE 1990-91 JPL ARC BOARD!!!! In this time of one of the greatest recessions this country has known - what mads you RAISE our DUES to $10.00 each. I realize that the bylaws give you this right but common sense would have thought that you would have taken a stand against raising our individual spending and given us a break. WE ARE IVOT A YUPPIE let's spend it as fast as we make it club. Most of us have families and LOTS of expenses. While a $4.00 Acrease might not sound /ike a lot to you, $4.00 might be a lot to some af the members. How about the refired members who are on a FJXED hcorne? - AND FOR WHAT? 1 don't want fo hear how other clubs are more expensive than ours. Who cares! Other clubs also have pins, hats, T-shirts, lunches that they pay for, Christmas parties, etc. E think with important issues you should send home a ballot and ask the general membershr;o what they want to do. I'll bet if you did, you'd find that NOT MANY wanted a raise in their spending because of your decision. The ERC traditionally has been generous whenever we needed funding for special activities. Ws should return the favor by encouragingas many JPL employee's and their families as possible to join the club b y keeping dues at a minimum. Do you realize thaf our club i s currently one of the biggest, if not the biggest on Lab? We are representative of MANY of JPL ' s employees. We also provide services such as schooling to get new members to join and become licensed. We provide slow scan capability, we give JPL an Amateur Radio name throughout the world with the Encounter coverage, etc. We are well loved b y the ERC and the Lab. Not all members need or want to be "super active" in expensive 8ctivities such as repeater, autopatch, or sfation equipment. Many just want to stay in touch with fellow HAMSandget the newsletter. Why shouldn't they be able to do this at a minimum cost? f think the $6.00 fee was bad enough but with it almost doubled, many of these people will drop out of the club, and 1 feel that is unfortunate. When we find people drapping out of the club, and count the casualty list, the message is that people are fed up and they 're not gonna take it any more. If the Board feels it needs special funding not covered b y ERC grants and dues, well maybe the time has come to decide how to earn more through special fund raisers - NOT DUES; for example, selling ads in the newsletter, e fc. MOST OF THE 0THER CLUBS DO IT! /sn't fhaf one of the raiiunafes for raising the dues? MOST OF THE OTHER CLUBS DO IT! Lsrtrs sea some "letters to the Editor" gang, if you silent majority agree. If you don't, /'/I sfif1 listen. But when dues almost double in the space of one year, you'd better beware because we can expect more in the future and i t 3 not going to stop. Next it'll be pay for the nawslefter, pay for the postage to receive the newsletter, pay for any autopatch local call you make, raise the autopatch dues, raise the regular dues again. When will it stop? BOARD - obvious/y you don't have to budget your money or you'd be more considerate. If them's a giant secret reason we need the money, bow abaut telling us. If 1hadn't been Editor for almost 70 years and love the club, let ma tell you me and my increase woufd be out of here. Every three years I'll be pa y h g $60.00 (for member, and two family members). 1 think the dues are TOO HIGH. Maybe nobody else will have the guts to tell you. But through the years m y editorials have always made someone mad so why break tradition? Eileen McKinney KA 6DG V ENTOR .................................................. FOR SA'LE AD TWO 150-Pole Antennas. One for 2 meters and the other for 220 MG. $20 each. Contact Jerty Hawkes WGWXL. ............................................... Washingto4 PAGE 5 W6VIO CALLING 21027. and 28027 kHz. JPL AMATEUR RADIO CLUB MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL -1991 by Rlck McKlnney, KAGDAN - 1991 Membership Renewalforms have been sant to all members of record on 12-31 -90. To RENEW your JPL Amateur Radlo Club membershlp lor 1991, please complete these steps: 1. Revlew and If necessary c o n e d the membership data shown on the renewal lorm. 2. Return the form wlh your 1991 Dues as IlM below. PIeass Make Checks Payable to JPL-ARC. Check dues category on Form. FRA'NZJOSEF LAUD 4 K m C C has been qulte actlve all over the $0, 15 and 20 meter ssb bands. The Bulletln reports that he usually operates on fO meter ssb from 2000 to 22002 Good luck? - ITU GENEVA taok lor 4UlITU ?o be a d v e from 28 February through 3 March. Before the ARRL Contest, he may operate cw. During the contast he wlFI be on ssb. - JAN MAVEN JXlDFA has been qulte active from thls out of the way far northern location. He frequents 74023 kHz from OW0 to 01002 and has had much Arctlc flutter on hfs signal when I've heard hlm. MARLOH ISLAND 34025 kHz. NOTE: Na Separata Autopatch Dues In 1991. - ZSBMI has been actlve from 0000 to 01002 on - PAKISTAN Wlnter time Is a good tlms to work thls country over Regular, Redred, Off-Lab and contlnulng Autopatch Members: $SO.MI the South Pole. Both AP2fR and APSHQ have been reported Imrnedlate Farnlly Members llvlng at the same address with a Member above. (Includes Contlnulng Autopatch): $5.00 RWANDA 9XSHG operates from 2200 to 02002 anywhere between 21025 and 21060 kHz. It's rumored that ha llkes 21035 kHz best. Newly Llcensed Amateurs, First Year only: 3. Free between 14165 and 14200 kHz from 0130 to about 03M)Z. - - WESTERN KIRIBATI T30? wlll be put on the alr by 3 German amateurs through 20 February, all bands, all modes. Hope you get this bulletln before that. Return the form and dues to: The following contest Infarmatlon Is provlded so you can schedule R. P. "Rlck" McKlnnay 168-327 PLEASE RITURH FORM wlth dues. H you have not r e c e l v d your t o m or have questions 1 can be reached at 4-3968 or 4-2871. 73, Rick KAGDAN your time at home: ARRL CW OX Contest $6 17 February ARRL SSB DX Contest 2 3 March CQ WPX SSB Contest 30 - 3t March - I're way overrun my one column thls month, but there Is so much golng on I thought I'd try l o r two columns. I'm somy flleen, please humor me! 73, Bob, NGFT DX NEWS By Bob Polansky, N6ET Condlttons continue excellent, lndlcatlng to ma that perhaps ?his sunspot cycle Isn't on the way down yet. HF bands from 80 through 10 meters have been really great A number of DXpedltlons hare been simultaneously actlve for some weeks now and they're all pretty easy to work. Enjoy It whlle you can! The DX Bulletln continues to glva us good wl~lbllFty Into what's comlng next DX-wlse. And now for the news. - ALGERIA 7X2AB operates on 40 m from 2230 0 03002 We should have West Coast propagation irom 01302 or so. I'm cerTalnly golng to Ilsten. - AUCKLAND & CAMPBELL ISLAND a 9 D X MI?be aactle e r n here from 6 March lor some undeknnlned perlod (probably the order of 2 weeks). Look lor all band, all mode opsratlons. - BANGLADESH S21U, S2tJS, or perhaps some other unexpected S2t call should herald the arrlval ofVKS'NS In thbs rare spot. He has permlsslon to operate phone. m,and R m (for the fir* tlme) from S2-land. Look for Jlm to open thls operation a b u t 25 Februaw, hopefully for several weeks. - BHUTAN From 1 to 14 May, VK9NS plans to conduct ham radio operatlons from thls very rare c o u n m under the shadows of the Hlmalayan rnountalns. CAMEROON - TJ1W meets with hls QSL manager, K4UlE, on Saturdays at 19002 on 21303 kHz. - CENTRAL KIRIBATI T31P wlll be actlve from here for 6 b 8 weeks as he ends a 22 week PacMc DXpedltlon. The dates are a blt Imprecise. Look lor Karl on cw from 3500-3510, MOO-7010,14027, Bob thinks he went over his "'one column limit". Actually Editors have sneaky ways so get articles tocfir into limited space. In any case, this Editor would never place a one colunalz limit on Bob2 wonder-1 DX articles. I would like to thank Bob for his consistent and timely support of the newsletter over the years. We look forward to many more (as long as he likes) articles in rhe fictllre. Eileen, KA6DGV Editor JPL AMateur Radio Club Roster AS Of 2-1-91 --------- ------ Mail Stop --------- Extn ADAMS, JON T. A N G L I N , RICHARD L. NW6W 238-528 4-3445 N6lWB K6GPK OFF-LAB 301-433 7-7089 WB6GCI OFF-ZAB Name APEL, WARREN ATKISSON, JAMES B. AUMANN, HARTMUT H. BALZER, SCOTT BARNES -ROBERTS, PHIL BATHKER, DAN A. BEAUDRY, BRUCE BEDNARCZYK, STEVE M BILLITTI, DOROTHY BLLLITTT, JOE BLAKELY, ROBERT B . Jr. BOLLINGER, KEN BOOTH, RICHARD BRIDGEFORTH, ARTHUR B R I D G E S , LAURA E. BRODKIN, ROBERT *BOBt' BROKL, STAN S. BUNKER ROBERT L. CALDERA, MANUEL G. CAREY, GRANT CASSINGHRM, RANDY CHALFIN, NORMAN CLARK, DOUG CLARK, GILBERT CRANE, IRV CRAWFORD, GORDON A. CUNNINGHAM, GLENN E. CURLEY, TOM DEEN, BOB DENGLER, BOB DESILVEIRA, CARL DEVAULT, ALAN DEWIT, GREG DIEM, 'WALT DOW, RUSSELL C . DUNCAN, COURTNEY Call KEGFE 179-220 300-243 EX-WA6DZS 11-116 KGBLG 238-725 N6IRZ 264-114 NJGJ 125-I318 KBGVOG FAMILY KAGSMO 201-106 N6MTI 300-241 KBGVGS 230-2 16 WGNZK OFF LAB KC6JHS 368-227 N6QWB 230-301 WAGTBH 503-150 NZYQ 502-308 W6MWP 198-231 111-208 KCGHWT CS-530 KA6FDS 601-237 K6PGX 156-211 WA6IFY 12 5-17 7 NGFHC 180-500 W6WK 511-102 WB6DRH RETIRED KC6NRP WAGTPT 264-627 ------ 584-2934 3-6284 4-3350 4-3436 4-7047 4-8045 4-6566 4-8082 3-7937 4-7671 3-5855 584-4623 4-3912 4-1670 4-1273 4-2240 4-2529 4-5374 7-9851 125-112 168-427 168-314 KGGLG 103-106 NOV CLASS 301-250 WAGJAD 107-104 WAGPEA 198-326 4-5319 4-5518 4-7492 4-1711 4-1456 4-1363 4-6508 4-0081 N5BF OFF-LAB 238-600 4-8336 DUNCAN, VLANN DUNDAS, JOHN A. 111 DUMDAS , MARIAN KAY WDSEHM KCGNRM KCGNRN FAMILY 510-202 FAMILY E D E M A N , HARRIS BOLDT KBGOWB OFF-LAB ENMARK, HARRY T ERICKSON, DANETTE ERICKSON, JIM ERICKSON, KERRY FANSON, JAMES FESLER, WILLIAM C. FINAMORE, BRAD FLEMMIMG, GORDON FLYNN, WILLIAM GAUTHIER, MARGARET A. GAUTRIER, MIKE WA6IUR N6IRC 11-116 FAMILY 264-829 NGXBV N5DPU N06B KJGBS NGPGC N6DSG KC6LPX KAGTCL KC6LPT WA6VIY N6IZI WA60UD K6ICS 301-235 157-316 OFF-LAB 238-528 126-3 10 OFF-LAB FAMI LY OFF-LAB 7-9520 4-3106 3-0757 4-3567 4-7014 4-8933 4-6009 4-8369 I JPL AMateur Radio Club Roster AS Of 12-31-91 Name - Page Call --------- ------ THOMAS N. " N I C K " GOLDSTEIN, PAULA A . GOODWIN, KATHLEEN B. AA7R GAUTIER, GOODWIN, PAUL S . GOSLINE, BOB GOSLINE, LINDA GRAHAM, NELLIE A . GUERRA, ABEL G. GUERRA, ANNA M. HALL, JUSTIN R. HALL, MICHAEL HAMMOCK, RANDY HANSEN, GEORGE R. H A R T L E Y , BARBARA HARTLEY, R. BOOTH HAWKES, JEROME HOLLADAY, J A Y HUMPHREY, VINCE IVLEV, ROBERT V. JACKSON, JENKINS, SHANNON GEORGE ''BUD" Mail S t o p --------- 169-327 NOV CLASS 168-327 KF6GW FAMILY K06D RETIRED AE6S 150-300 N6IJT FAMILY NF6W CS-530 300-24 1 KB6ZCG FAMILY WB6 PTX 303-401 EX-WAGPAU 168-222 KC6HUR 301-35s NJ61 156-246 N6TQR 301-355 N6BH W6WXL W6EJJ WGRNO KB6ANJ NGGCC KA6CBI J E N K I N S , J . STEVEN I'STEVE" N 6 U N I JOHANSEN, CARL A. W6DLK 100-22 125-177 264-728 OFF-LAB 301-490 300-329 T-1703 301-260 RETIRED JOHNSON, KIRK KAGRKX SID JOHNSTON, EDWARD J. " J I M ' " J O H N S T O N , JOHN W. JOHNSTONE, RANDY WBGVWH FAMILY 300-3 14 WBGDNO 186-134 N6ZZJ 168-222 OFF-LAB JOHNSON, JONES, ED D, WBGQWR N6KCB KAO, J O H N N Y Y. NGPXN KATZMAN, STEVEN K A Z Z , GREG J. WAGMUQ KC6LPV 251-6 138-212 303-308 301-235 KL70E 507-120 KELLER, WENDELL L. KELLOG, KENT H. KENWORTHY, BZANCHE V. KENWORTHY, FRANK J. KESTERSON, J I M K I L L I A N , RUDOLPH "RUDY" K I N N E Y , LAURENCE R. KUCHLER, ALBERT M. KUSHNER , LEONARD LAWSON, BETTY M. LAWSON, DONALD B. LAYNE, ROBERT W. (PADGETT) L E S L I E , J E R R Y R. LORD, DON LUERS, EDWARD B. (ED) LUMSDEN, JIM LYMAN, PETER T. LYNCH, GEORGE D. N6KR 161-213 FAMILY FAMILY KAGIBF 301-320 NOV CLASS 11-126 WAGHOB CALTECH RI6IE 179-109 144-201 KA6HW KAGJEX WA6SQF W6LTC FAMILY AH2AN NGIXB 230-109 301-433 KEGSU 303-403 WAGMYJ N6LGV 171-242 180-904 WAGWDX OFF-LAB RETIRED FAMILY Extn ------ - Page ------ J P L A M a t e u r Radio Club Roster Name Call --------MACMEDAN, DANIEL J . MACEIEDAN , MERV MAW, NANCY M . M A W , RICHARD MARR, JAMES C. "JIM" MARR, MICHELLE MASON, PETER V MATHISON, RICHARD P . MCCLOSKY , PETER MCKEWEN , THOMAS MCKINNEY, EILEEN M C K I N N E Y , JOHN C . MCKINNEY, LEONA MCKINNEY, MICHAEL MCKINNEY, RICHARD P. MILES, RALPH F . Jr. MORRIS, BILL MORRIS, CONSTANCE L. M O R R I S , GEORGE A MOSHER, JOEL MUDGWAY, DOUG MWSHAGIAN, DIANA MUSHAGIAN, WALTER H NELSON, GERALD "JERRY" NOLTE, BRUCE NOLTE, SCOTT O'HARA, TOM . F M Y D "PETE" PARKYN , JAMES F OLSON, . PATTISON, JACK PATTON, PETER PAUL, FLOYD A. PERSON,JERRY PFEIFFER, THEODORE "TED" PFEIFFER, VALERIE PIROUMIAN, MAURICE A PLOSZAJ, RONALD A. POLANSKY, ROBERT G PRESLEY, CHARLES E Q U I N N , REX B RAUCH, LAWRENCE REDER, LEONARD REPAR, JOHN REYMANN, JOSEPH "SKIP" RETCHIE, DONALD W . R I T C H I E , JAN JESSIE ROBBINS, J U D I T H ROBERTS, MEL N. ROSS, PAUL RUPLE, LARRY RUPLE , PATRICIA "PATTI" ---*----- NGHJZ N6NO KBGIGN FAMILY 301-280 KF6FK 514-100 156-142 WBGLOA KCGFPS N6BBP KG6Y -----4-7004 7-7617 4-2974 198-326 KCGADG N6TGZ Extn FAM I LY 157-507 238-540 CS-530 OFF-LAB 4-2300 4-3924 4-6916 KAGDGV FAMILY NGAVW KA6RHH N6TJL 264-419 KAGDAN 168-327 4-3968 171-258 103-106 FAMILY 144-201 OFF-LAB 303-404 4-1066 4-3676 KAGJAM WGABW KBGRXE FAMILY K6DNS N6TDK 238-343 17 1-53 NGTFS N6CUV W60RG NGIWT 168-222 168-222 OFF-LAB 168-327 238-420 83-204 301-455 WA6QMH WGPOP WOEWQ W6THU KK6TS K60EF WAGOPB WAGTPW N6ET KAGMHE 103-106 CS-530 183-900 OFF-LAB 157-205 264-728 264-519 RETIRED KB6DVG OFF-LAB WAGLWD W6PAJ 125-112 T-1162 303-210 180-900 238-528 NGUSE KBGWYV KB6WYU W60C WAGKNZ NSQZI KBGVPO 4-0035 4-4026 4-0071 4-3036 4-8051 4-2894 4-6082 4-5587 4-4165 4-6692 RETIRED N6SGK W8FDG K6PGT 4-6610 FAMILY FAMILY KCGLPR RIVERA, ROBBLNS , OWEN 3 Mail Stop 238-733 4-4598 4-6916 4-2668 4-7447 4-4940 4-9380 4-4677 4-7262 4-9465 4-6305 4-3410 4-7560 OFF LAB OFF LAB 126-234 RETIRED 233-103 CALTECH 4-1001 4-2202 161-6860 - Page 4 Mail S t o p Extn JPL AMateur Radio Club Rosster Name Call --------- ------ --------- ------ SANDER, STAN SANTANA, M I K E SARTURE, CHARLES M. SCHAEFER, MARK M. N6MP 183-901 4-2625 WB6TEB KGGNF WBGCIA SCHMITT, D E R I L M. SCANEIDER, HORST W SCHWITTERS, L I S SEIDEL, DAVID M. SHEBEL, DENNIS KAGYIX WB6INZ NGNDC OFF-LAB 11-116 161-23 1 OFF- LAB KCGNRL WBGIZR WBGDPE SIMMONS , CLINTON SKALETSKY, JEFFREY SMITH, J A M 1 H. KCGETJ SMITH, LARRY D. SMITH, PHIL SMITH, ROBERT STAPLETON, BRIAN STAPLETON, MARY E. "MIMI" NGPBS WBGLQP STEVENS, GARY STEVENSON, ALAN WD6FLU K. STEWART, JAMES M. "MIKE" STEWART, PAMELA KAY STIMPSON, A B I G A I L STOCKETT, MICHAEL H. SUTTON,Jr. JIM C. N6JKQ KWGJ WA6CWR PENDING N6PLM RETIRED 111-81 180-205 233-302 303-200 OFF-LAB OFF-LAB OFF-LAB 300-243 230-107 OFF-LAB OFF-LAB 238-343 11-116 230-225 183-601 KCGLWO WA7DYX FANILY ND6X RETIRED TALLON, JOHN N60MB TARSALA, J A N A . WB6VRN 103-106 183-701 TIEMANN, BRUCE TUCC I, MARGARET N6URH KCGKAZ CALTECH TUCCX, WBGCUB OFF-LAB K6KCY FAMILY WBGLNO 264-654 CS-530 301-345 168-514 238-528 OFF LAB 198-B9 180-602 T-1182 158-200 MICHAEL E. , D. C. ULRICH, RICHARD L. "DICK" VESCELUS,FRED VOSICKY, GENE WAGNER, DAVID WAINIO, LISA WALSH, GERRY WEAKS, KENT C. WEAVER, SAM WEBER, WILLIAM J. WETZEL, RICHARD WHITE, WILLIAM R. WIGGINS, CECIL P. WILDMAN, BARRY WINTER, HARLEY R. WIRTH, VINCE YANOW, G I L YEE, STEVE YOUNGER, HERB KCGFPO NGGGJ KBGOOC WAGJKM WBGEMO N6CI WAGJBZ N6RBW KEGGB KCGBIA WR6BZB KGTOS KCGLPW WGOJA ZENONE, RON W6TUZ ZYGIELBAUM, ART ZYGIELBAUM, CHRISTINE WAGSAL N6WEP 510-264 OFF-LAB RETIRED 230-109 125-818 179-206 CS 530 301-375 510-202 264-648 180-701 125-161 Page No. 1 JPLARC MEMBERSHIP BY CALL 12/31/90 CALL NAME CALL NAME KCGLPT AA6QI AA6TV YAZZIE, ARNELL MARR, JAMES C . (JIM) RUPLE, LARRY GAUTIER, THOMAS U."NICK" FINAMORE, BRAD. KAZZ, GREG J. YEE, STEVE FANSON, JAMES GOSLLNE, BOB LESLIE, JERRY R . KCGLQN KCGLWL KC6 LWO GRAHAM, NELLIE A. KCGNRL KC6NRM KCGNRN SEIDEL, DAVID M . DUNDAS, J O H N DUNDAS, MARIAN KIM KCGNRP KEGFE KEGGB KE6SU AUMANN, HARTMUT H . WIGGINS, CECIL P . AA7R AEGS AH2AN EX-WA6DZS K6BLG KGDNS KGGPK K6ICS K6KCY K6OEF KGPGT K6PGX K6TOS KAGCBI M6DAN KA6DGV KA6FDS U6HW KA6IBF KAGJAM KA6JEX KAGMHE KA6RHH KAGRKX KASSMO KAGTCL KA6YIX KB6ANJ KB6DVG KBGIGN KBGOOC KB60WB KBGRXE KB6VGS KBGVGW KB6VOG KBGVPO KBGWYU KBGWYV KCGFPO KC6FSP KCGHPW KCGHUR KC6JHS KC6KAZ KC6 LPR BARNES-ROBERTS , PAIL BATHKER, DAN A . MUSHAGIAN, WALTER H. APEL, WARREN GAUTHIER, MIKE ULRICH, RICHARD 5. PFEIFFER, THEODORE (TED) RITCHIE, DONALD W. CHALFIN , NORMAN YANOW, KC6LPW KC6LPX XF6FK KFGGW GIL JENKINS, GEORGE "BUD'" MCKINNEY, RICHARD P. MCKINNEY, EILEEN CASS INGHAM, KCGLPV RANDY KUSHNER, LEONARD KESTERSON, JIM MORRIS, CONSTANCE L. LAWSON, BETTY M. PRESLEY, CHARLES E MCKINNEY, LEONA JOHNSON, KIRK BILLITTI, JOE FESLER, WILLIAM C . SCHMTTT, DERIL M. IVLEV, ROBERT V . REDER, LEONARD MALM, NANCY WALSH, GERRY EDELWIN, HARRIS BOLDT MOSHER, JOEL BOLLINGER, KEN MORRIS, BILL BILLITTI, DOROTHY RUPLE , P A T R I C I A (OB) ROBBINS, OWENS ROBBINS, JUDITH VOSICKY, GENE MARR, MICHELLE CAREY, GRANT HAMMOCK, RANDY BRI DGEFORTH, ARTHUR T U C C I , MARGARET MUSHAGTAN, DIANA KG6LG KG6NF KGGY KI6IE KJ6BS XK6CU KK6IV KL70E K06D KW6J N53F NSDPU NGAVW N6BBP N6BH N6CI PFEIFFER, VALERIE STIMPSON, ABAGAIL BRLZER, SCOTT LUERS, EDWARD B. (ED) MALM, RICHARD GOODWIN, KATHLEEN H. DE S I L V E I R A , CARL SARTURE, CHARLES M. MATHISON, RICHARD P. KUCHLER, ALBERT M. DUW, RUSSELL C. SMITH, JAM1 MUDGWAY, DOUG KELLER, WENDELL L. GOODWIN, PAUL S . STAPLETON, BRIAN DUNCAN, COURTNEY DEEN, BOB MCKINNEY, J O H N C . MASON, PETER V HARTLEY, R. BOOTH WEBER, WILLIAM J, N6CUV NGDSG NOLTE, SCOTT N6ET POLANSKY, ROBERT G CLARK, GILBERT WAGNER, DAVID MAC MEDAN, DANIEL J. GOSLINE, LINDA ERICKSON, DANETTE BEAUDRY, BRUCE LORD, DON NGFHC N6GGJ N6HJZ N6IJT N6IRC NGIRZ N6IXB ERICKSON, KERRY N6KR N6KUB N6LGV SMITH, ROBERT JONES, ED D. KELLOG, KENT H. ANGLIN, RICHARD L. LYMAN, PETER T. N6WP NGMTI SANDER, STAN BIAKELY, ROBERT B. N6JKQ N6KCB Jr. Page No. 2 JPLARC MEMBERSHIP BY CALL (12/31/90) CALL N6NO N6NDC NGPBS N6PGC NGPLM N6PXN N6QWB N6RBW N6SGK NGTDK NGTFS N6TGS NGTJL N6TJO N6TQH N6UNI N6UNY N GURH NAME MAC MEDAN, MERV SCHWITTERS , L I S SMITH, LARRY D. ERICKSON, J I M STEWART, JAMES M. (MIKE) KAO, JOHNNY Y. BRIDGES, LAURA E. WHITE, WILLIAM R . QWINN, REX B NELSON, JERRY NOLTE, BRUCE MCCLOSKY, PETER MCKINNEY, MICHAEL J. SKALETSKY, JEFFREY H. HARTLEY, BARBARA JENKINS, STEVEN J. WINTER, HARLEY R. TIEMRNN, BRUCE CALL WGRNO W6THU W6TUZ WGWMK W6WXL W8FDG WAGBZB WAGCWR WAGHOB WAGIUR WAGJAD WAGJBZ WAGJKM WAGKNZ WA6LWD WAGMVO WAGMYJ WA60PB WA60UD WAGPEA NGWJX NGXBV RITCHIE, J A N DEVAULT, ALAN ZYGIELBAUM, C H R I S RIVEKA, J E S S I E CURLEU, TOM N6ZKP WAINIO, LISA N6ZW NDGX NJGP NJ6J N06B STEWART, PAMEZA KAY SUTTON,Jr. J I M C. HANSEN, GEORGE R. WAGTPT BEDNARCZYK, STEVE M DENGLER, BOB WI LDMAN, BARRY WA6WDX WA7DYX WB6CIA N6USE N6WDX NGWEI NONE NONE NONE NONE KENWORTHY , BALNCHE V. J A C K S O N , SHANNON P. KENWORTHY, FRANK J. WAGQMH WA4SAL WA6SQF WAGTBH WAGTPW WA6VIU WBGCUB WBGDNO WBGDPE NONE WBGDRH NOV CLASS WBGEMO WBGGCJ GOLDSTEIN, PAULA A. KILLIAN, RUDOLPH E. NOV CLASS JOHNSTON, JOHN W . NWGH ADAMS, JON T. WOEWQ PATTON, PETER WGABW MORRIS, GEORGE A W6DLK JOHANSEN, CARL A . WGEJJ HOLLADAY, JAY A . WGLTC LRYNE, R O B E R T W. (PADGETT) WGMWP BUNKER ROBERT L. WGNZK BOOTH, RICHARD W60C ROBERTS, MEL N. WGOJA YOUNGER, HERB W60RG O'HARA, TOM WGPAJ WGPOP R E Y M A N N , JOSEPH ( S K I P ) PATTISON, JACK WBGINZ WBGIZR WBGLNO WBGLQP WBGPTX WBGQWR WBGTEB WB6VRN WBGVWH WDGFLY NAME HUMPHREY, V I N C E PAUL, FLOYD A . ZENONE, RON CRANE, IRV HAWKES, JEROME RAUCH, LAWRENCE WIRTH, VINCE STAPLETON, MARY E . (MIMI) K I N N E Y , LAURENCE R . ENMARK, HARRY T DE WIT, GREG WETZEL, RICHARD WEAKS, KENT C. ROSS, PAUL REPAR, JOHN KATZMAN, STEVE LUMSDEN, JIM PIROWMIAN, MAURICE A GAUTHIER, MARGARET A. DIEM, WALT PARKYN, JAMES F. ZYGIELBAUM, ART LAWSON, D O N A L D B. BRODKIN, ROBERT (BOB) CUNNINGHAM, GLENN E. PLOSZAJ, RONALD A . FLEMMING , GORDON LYNCH, GEORGE D m STOCKETT, MICHAEL H. SCHAEFER, MARK M. TUCCI, MICHAEL E., D . C . JOHNSTON, EDWARD J. SIMMONS, CLINTON CRAWFORD, GORDON A. WEAVER, SAM ATKISSON, JAMES B. SCHNEIDER, HORST W SHEBEL, DENNIS VESCELUS, FRED SMITH, P H I L HALL, JUSTIN R . JOHNSTONE, RANDY SANTANA, MIKE TARSALA, JOHNSON, J A N A. SID STEVENS, GARY