Weekly Magazine - Antique Automobile Club of America www.aaca
Vol. 18, No. 1 The Official Newsletter of the Staten Island Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America Ragtops & Rumbleseats Jan 2011 • Awards and Donations at Holiday Party • Time to Renew Dues • Atlantic City Trip is February 19 Vintage Advertising A Marilyn Monroe look-alike is positively ecstatic as her Cary Grant look-alike husband has given her the keys to a brand new Cadillac for Christmas. Today’s Lexus holiday commercials come from a long line of such ads. The idea of giving a car as a present is most likely as old as the car itself. What better gift than a new car come Christmas? And now, for most of us, what better gift than an old car come Christmas? (Aren’t you wondering what she bought him?) In This Issue Awards and donations mark our Holiday Party festivities. A reminder to pay your dues for 2011. Inside the SIRAACA Garage is a smaller garage known as Tony’s Toybox. Here’s a closer look. Happy Ne w Y e a r ! Trivi a Qu e s t i o n : In 1 9 5 6 , w h a t names were used to distinguish the Eldorado conver tible from t h e El d o ra d o c o u p e ? Answer: The full name of the ragtop was the Eldorado Biarritz, while the new coupe was known as the Eldorado Seville. RAGTOPS & RUMBLESEATS January 2011 Volume 18, Number 1 SIRAACA Who’s Who EDITOR Paul Arena, Jr. - [email protected] PRESIDENT Paul Arena, Jr. - [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT Mike Signorile - [email protected] SECRETARY Tony DiAngelo TREASURER Phil Boffa MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Fred DiGiovanni SERGEANT-AT-ARMS Jeff Tucker WEBMASTER - [email protected] Frank Nathanson www.aaca.org/siraaca Minutes of the 428th Meeting December 5, 2010 1. An abbreviated 428th meeting was held at our annual Holiday Party at Cafe Bella Vita on Sunday, December 5, which began at 5:00 PM. 2. Fred DiGiovanni offered a champagne toast to the memory of Steve Trotto. 3. President Paul Jr. welcomed all and introduced Debbie Parsons from Staten Island Project Homefront as our guest that evening. He invited Phil Boffa to join him in presenting a check to Ms. Parsons in the amount of $2,500 as a donation from our fall show. Ms. Parsons indicated that they collected an additional $1,000 at the gates on the day of the show, and offered her sincere gratitude for our support. 4. After thanking all of the members for another successful year, Paul Jr. presented service awards to Jeff Tucker and Phil Boffa for their outstanding contribution to the club. 5. Paul Jr. also presented the top trophy donor awards for 2010. Third place was a tie between Sal Gatto and Mike Signorile, second place was Paul Arena, and first place was Steve Trotto. The club agreed to pass Steve’s award along to his wife Michele. 6. A 50/50 was held, with all monies collected given away among nine prizes, followed by five additional door prizes. 7. The party wrapped up by 9:00 PM. Respectfully submitted, Tony DiAngelo, Secretary, SIRAACA c lub happe n i n g s FE A T U R E Tw o M e m b e r s H o n o r e d a t H o l i d a y P a r ty The club’s success in 2010 was the sum of so many individual efforts, and the membership should be thanked as a whole for the region’s achievements. Two specific members, however, were honored with service awards at the Holiday Party to recognize their long time contributions to the club. First up was Jeff Tucker, who tirelessly volunteers for all of our events, regularly mans the raffle table throughout the year, promotes our shows by attending other shows in the area, sets up our flea market vendors, and always shares his cooler of cold water with others. This year, Jeff also volunteered to pick up and store over 100 donated trophies on behalf of the club. The second honoree was Phil Boffa, who has been club treasurer for quite some time now (he doesn’t recall how long himself). The job might appear thankless and full of headaches, but it’s a critical one that deserves recognition. As we move forward with greater aspirations as a 501(c)(3) organization, his role takes on greater importance. Please Re n e w Yo u r D u e s By now all members should have sent in their AACA national dues for 2011. Please remember to bring your new national membership card to the next meeting and renew your local dues, which are $20. As with the national, our local dues include a spouse where applicable. Be aware that local dues need to be renewed by February, as we are required to submit our official roster to the AACA by the beginning of the month. If for some reason, you will not be attending either of our upcoming meetings, you can mail a check payable to SIRAACA for the $20. Please send it to Paul Arena’s attention, at the following address: 60 Endview Street, Staten Island, NY 10312. Please enclose a copy of your 2011 AACA membership card for verification. ELIQUAT SIR AC A AEUGUER Ab ove, J eff Tucker receives a sp ecial ser vice award from President Paul A rena for his track record of volunteering for and par ticipation in all that the club do es. B elow, Phil B offa shows off his ser vice award as Paul lo oks on following his presentation. Phil was reco gnized for his long tenure as club treasurer, which he returns as for 2011. (photos by S andy A rena) Cover : Win te r ’s h e re. . . o rd e r u p yo u r co a l, u n l e s s t h a t ’s what you’ve already gotten in your sto ck ing! (Nat ’l Photo Co. via Librar y of Congress). From the P r e s i d e n t Under normal circumstances, this column would be from a new president, as I have just completed two successive terms. Yet I return for a third, as do the rest of the officers, as the membership has decided to postpone elections and retain those in charge as we continue with the key housekeeping items that position us to move forward with our 501(c)(3) transformation. I thank all of you who place their faith in me to continue in my role, and I challenge all of the members to continue their efforts in 2011. - NEXT MEETING - January 4 Our January meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 4 at 7:00 PM, upstairs at The Manor House at 917 Manor Road. As usual, $5.00 is collected from each member in attendance to help cover the cost of the meeting. P r o p o s e d B y - L a w A m e n dments The following changes to our by-laws have been proposed and will appear in print for three consecutive months before being voted on for ratification. A. Article I, Sec. 2. Current: “The purpose of this Region shall be to supplement the activities of the AACA for members residing in the region.” Proposed: “The purpose of this Region shall be to supplement the activities of the AACA for members of the Region.” I hope all of us have had a wonderful holiday season and that 2011 proves to be a fruitful year for all of us at home, work and B. Article V, Sec. 4. Current: “Twenty members in good standing shall constitute a quorum, and unless otherwise provided, a majority play. - Paul Jr. vote shall rule.” Proposed: “Twenty percent of the then current membership shall constitute a quorum, and unless otherwise provided, a majority vote shall rule.” From the E d i t o r C. Artcile VIII, Sec. 1. Current: “The members shall not, as a group Hey, it’s me again! What’s a third under the Region name, participate in any activity with any commeryear as president compared to the cial or charitable organization.” Proposed: “The members shall not, start of my 18th year as editor of as a group under the Region name, participate in any activity with our newsletter? I hope that each any political organization.” issue of Ragtops & Rumbleseats D. Article XIII. Current: “As approved by the Founding Members, a serves as a way to both inform budget of three hundred fifty dollars ($350) will be set aside for each and entertain the membership Region President to handle the expenses for the year.” Proposed: As with a combination of club busiamended by the current members, a budget of one thousand dollars ness, tales of the hobby, and won($1,000) will be set aside for each Region President to handle the exderful photography. penses for the year.” I’d like to remind all of you that member contributions are always S h o w D a t e s Ta r g e t ed welcome. If you attend an event and want to write about it, send it The club is targeting May 1. 2011 for it’s Spring Dust-Off, with a rain to me. If you want to see your car date of May 15 (allowing us to skip Mother ’s Day in between on May featured in the SIRAACA Garage, 8). Also note that Spring Englishtown is April 15-17 to avoid Easter, let me know. Contrary to appearwhich is April 24. We also expect the Fall Show to land on September ances, I certainly can’t do it all by 18 with a rain date of October 2 (skipping Fall Englishtown, which is myself! - Paul Jr. September 23-25. SIR AAC A LOREM IPSUM Inside the SIRAACA Garage The SIRAACA Garage houses our members cars, both big and small. One of the more extensive “small” collections belongs to Tony DiAngelo, who collects old tinplate, pressed steel and diecast vehicles. Many have been featured in an impromptu “show & tell” at our monthly meetings. When you speak to Tony about his collection, the obvious thrill for him and his son Anthony is the hunt and the deal. Over and over, they will tell stories of hidden gems at bargain prices as they comb local estate sales, flea markets, online auctions and toy shows. While buses remain the topic of your thought at this moment, glance below for details of the upcoming bus trip to Atlantic City. Rest assured, we’ll make that trip in a bus that’s much newer (and larger) than Tony’s fine toys. A p a i r of tinplate toy buses recently joined Tony ’s ever- growing collec tion. Attempts at i d e n t i f ying the makers haven’t b een successful, but most agree thay they weren’t made in t h e US A. (photos by Paul Jr.) Do you have a car (or had a car) that should be featured in the SIRAACA Garage? Let me know at the meetings, or via [email protected]. Mark Yo u r C a l e n d a r s f o r t h e A t l a n t i c C i t y B us Trip The 2011 bus trip to Atlantic City will be on Saturday, February 19. We will look to return to our original arrangements at Trump Plaza, which had a later arrival time than our option last year. As such, details on departure times and costs for members and non-members will be forthcoming. As always, the club will be selling discounted admission tickets to the Atlantic City Convention Center to attend the car show & auction at $15.00 per person. SIR AAC A LOREM IPSUM
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