Our Batrlet Limhers {-TP - The Dance History Project of Southern


Our Batrlet Limhers {-TP - The Dance History Project of Southern
were Dianns May-er,
TIIEY MADE lT:successful ln ballet auditions b-efore peolga Balanchina
were at the€ff:h
;i-t-- e;;;*", krq"""J"s";;Wtlii"*0,
19, otr l-oe Ang"l:ea. Tryouts
Our Batrlet Limhers {-TP
Tlmc! Stat Wriler
Angeles, & eompany of trocals to }eap lnto Tho
The glrls arr{ved wlth eearves pulled around
their h-eads, sweaterg over their leotards and
strange woolen tights wrapped around *their
iu*p?" At 10 a.m., It was aE S-parta at the. Greek
as neariy 250 female dancers auditioned'
for George Balanchine.
The master trooks
like Hurnphrey
lined with
had -Bogart lived ","{ shrunk
- Georgi Meiitonovich Balanchiutint ttr. But
vaiize,"a1, trim, 5 feJt 8 inches, is recognized as
the most' important' ehoreographic force-- and
ieaching for6e-in bailet" Ai dir,ector o-f the New
v""rf ii'ty nauei, 16 years ago he took elas$iealt
dance oiit of its'romantic tutus and frou-frous,
Center on March 27.
' Hutidted
in fur and fu1} coats, an audience of
120 parents, relatives and friends sat out front
ln the fresh, 50-degree air and wa+'ehed while
Balanchine itudieA ttre aspirants, d"ivided into
nr""ou of 10. Diana Adams, one of the best' of
ballerinas, conducted the
ffr" il"* York City
tights and-a.-neutratr
**Lr*i*us wearing
trench eoat. Hal-f danseuse, hatrf driilmaster,
fri.* eA"*t called out the orders, her breath
igainst the blaek leotards in the back'
have looked
;irouettinc it onto the modern center 6lqge'
ifow nc iJeuiling people to'for1n Baliet of Los
", Ths pr.anist did not thaw untll 1S'BS' blowJ+g
u"-t i. ?i"gut. to make them respond' A handcome redfiead kregan her audition in:a heaqr
ri.:::r '' r
Please iuin t@ Pt;?, eor..ii'"