aus Sonderdruck Hllergolog Dustrivedag DrKa tuistie vereinigtmit rAllergieund lmmunologie" lmmunbiologische Grundlagen Diagnostik undTherapiefirr Praxis undKlinik T h i s j o u r n a ll s r e s L l a r l yl i s t e di n C u r e n t C o n l e n l s / C l l n l c a Pracllce Resultsof a retrospective study on the efficacyol an allergen-and miteproof encasing D. Mallerschevenr,F. Kniest' [,4 Disuel, M Hollman-weckel 1M D. lntenal, Lung and Bronchial Medicine/A eryology, Hambury '?AllergapharnaJoachin Ganzer KG, Reinbek, Gernany A uthonzed TI z n sIati an f rantAIIe.galogie o":iz':,4 Allergophormo Withcompliments Allergophormo GonzerKG Joochim A etgotoie.Jahryang 21,Nt 1l/1998,5.534540 Resultsof a retrospective study on the efficacyof an allergenandmiteproof encasing D. Milller-schevenr. F. Kniest2. M. Dislef. N4.Hoftman-WeckeF 1M.D.,lntenal, Lungand BtohchiatMedicine/Altergology, Hambury 'AllergopharmaJoachimGanzetKG, Reinbek,Getmany None of the patientscomplainedof odour or additional weigbt.In moslcases the€ncasings werewashed twiceayear.Atleast20different Mite and allergenproof pro- brandsof encasingsare oll the Germanmar encasings videa:iuccessful prophylactic me$urein the ket. Although nany claim to be mite- and treatmenr of houseduslmiteallergy.A ques- allergenproofas well as being comfonable, tionnaire(multiplechoice)was senito 300 the majorityhave not beenthe subjectof publishedstudies.The resultsof the present palientswhopurchased encasings in theyears 1993 1994.in order to evaluarcclinical studyenableus to concludethat encasings producedfrom tightly-wovenpolyesterfabric efficacyof mattress, duvetandpillow covers efficiendy reducethe concenFationsof airmadefrom a tighllywovenpolyesterfabric bome mite allefgensemanatingfrom ma. (Allergocover) . A totatof300 quesdonnaires tresses and bedding withoutiDfluencingthe wercdispatched, but 20E ofthesecouldnot comfon in a way such thatthe users'symp, b€ deliv€red. Ofthe renaining240queslionwere toms decreased dramatically within a naircs, I I I (46./o)were retumedand evalufew days. This benefit was maintained overa ated.Themeanageofthe userswrs 23 years -4 years. (range5 72 yeart. 629. of the userswere periodofal leasi3 childrenand young adolescents. The most imporlantsymptonrsrecordedwere ,sthma andrhinitis-Patients documented theirclini- Introduction cal slal€beforeandafteruseotlhe encasings using! linearanaloguescalefrom I 10. The useof miteproofencasings for bed Only3%ofrespondcnts reponed th€irclinical (rnattress, pillow, ding duvet) as aprophylacstateashavingbeengoodor verygood(score greater I -.1 on theanalogu€ scale)beforeusingthe tic orsupponingmei;ureis assuming cncasings, but this improvedlo 86",1after impon.ncein ftescopeof derapyofallergies (p < 0.001). This objec- altibutableto housedust mites [161.The usingthc encasings tiveimprovement wASobserved by 59. of the lherapeulicobjective of improvementor patientsafteroneday,3l 9. after.tfewdays, 27%afiera few wecksandafurth€r2890 after eliminationof symptomscausedby mite alwith symptomatic or a fcw monlhs.Only 99. of the reipondents lergy,throughFeatment medicalion,is achieved recorded no improvement. Clinicalimprove- immunostimulatory menthasoccuredon thebasisoia numberof rnorequicklyandabove allmoresafelywhen performedmeasures Ganihtion,medication, theinlakeof allergens is reduced,or in thebest AuihorlEd T.ansl.ii desensitisation) and can be seenas an out- caseeliminated. Encasings pro rcpresentone on. Ouotation only accomeofall measurer together. However,thc phylactic measure in addition to sanilation. linearanalogue scaleshowsthatpatients'im' Eeebnisse ener retrc- provement occunedmainlyafterapplication i.e.all€rgenremoval,or theuseofacaricides speklivenstudie ilber of th€cncasings. The influenceofth€ encas- (mirc killing agents)and allergenreducing die Wnksamkeit eines ing on thecomfono[ thebedwasa$sessed in preparations.Current allergologicalpractice termsof sweating, odour.weightandnoise dictatesthat sanitationand prophylaxisare level.Morethan8070ofthepatienlsreporied carriedoutin additionto theusualtherap€utic tbat thcrcwasno increase in disturbance oi (Encasns). when treatingallergicrnanifestatheirsleep,especially in respectof sweatin8. measures tions alrributable to m;res.Trearmenr of |he Thc majoriryof complaintsconcemedthe 21, Jahrgang noiselevel associalcd with duv€t covers. synptoms with Nr.11/1998, d.!gs or specificimmunoS 534-540 palionts' En@sng evalualion- aslhmaininitis- conjunctivilis dermalilis- hous€dusl - all€r mile- pr€venlion Results of a retrocpective sludy on the eflicacy of an allergen- and mileproof encasing Miiller Schever, Kniesl.Disler und Ho{lman-Wecker Tab. 1. Frequencyol clinicalsymploms(ienosp6live interogatio. using a queslionnaire, N = lll palienls). (including aslhma) FespiEtoryobslruclions 32 68 9l 32 1 29% 61% a2v" 29v" Morerhanonearswerwaspossb o Tab- 2. Frequencyof slrongesicomplaints(relrospecliveinleffogationlsing N = 111parienls). a ousslionnair€, (including asthma) Fespi€ioryobstructions 5 5v" 69 624/" 15L 54" 6 Mo€ lhan one answerwas mssible therapy!k)nc without simultancoussanitatron aDdprophyhclic neasufesis lcssellective. banier tunctionand the highestpossiblelevel ol air cxchange,which nccessitatea ccnain pofosity of lhe fabric'151. Furthermorerhe h igh-tcch-nuterialof lhcseencasingsis washxble ri 60'C, dries quickly aod does nol Unlil I 995 the cncnsingstestedherecould only be purchaseddirecrly from the manulic turer. A roralof 300 cu(omers who had prrchNed encxsingsin 19.)4/1995werc writlcn to ( l60 who bought a m ttrcsscncasingonly. l4O who bouShtthc colDpleteseo. Il proved lo be impossibleto dclivcr 207. ofthc ques' lionnaires-But fron rhe rcm:dning2.r0 qucs' IionnairesI I I (46%) sc.e answeredand returncd and included in fie statiltical evalu tion. The responsctale of nearly 507.1 is considcrcdlobe very good fbr sucha mail ing inquiry t131.The resullsofrhis study arc brscd upon the rhtments of ! standardized 4 pagequesdonnairewith 15questionsin to ul.The answe.swerctobegiven by checking oll oprions(sometnnesm(xc rhanone checkofl w.rs possible),nnd thereforca statislic l evalua(ionwas greatly sirmplified.Thc slalisticrlcvaluaiion ofihe slmploms was madeby applyirS the Wicoron SiSnedRants Test l6l. Thesignificancelevelwas setat 0.001.Quesri{)nswere askcd nbort medical complaintr. etfectilcncss,direct application,i.e. comtbrt ol lying and sleepiog,as wcll as about frc qucncy of use and washinlgof the single en- Materialand methods Thc cncasingscxrmined Arc rnLrdetionr a tightl) woven l0(l'l. polyester microfabric. There is no dditionalchcnricrl enhancement (c.g. colrin8 with plastic Durtcrialsuch as polyucrDrhrneor poly!iny1),but rarbon fibers are woven into the fab.ic in orde.lo prerent the btrild-upofan elecrostaticch rge. Unde. normal slccpingconditionsthc cncasings.in cludingzippeN m d s e a n s s, h o u l db e i m p e n e trlblc to n)itesand their allergcns.ln accord ance$ nh hlgienic limir !rlucs serfordlcrgic persons.thee)ichangeof warer!apoL'randai.. necessary lbfsleepconfon andhygicne.Inust guarantced. also be These prope(ies havc been clalLurtedtechnicrlly rnd r(csled fbf encasingsrrrde of tabric ft)f prctectivegirr menls: ]'hc $idely used banicr proteclilc grrment (clean'roon clothnrg) isbasedetlec tively on a compromisc betweenunlimil€d Results In respectof thc initidl complaintsques' rhns were askedregard;rglhe frequcncynnd selerily otsymptonrs.and thenmorethrn one answerwas possible.Evcn (houghthe qucstions were posedrctrospectively,it musl be lakcn iito accountthat ll prtientspurchascd thc encasings bccruse of thcir symploms (qucslionl5 of thc qucsrionnairc) and in nrcsl cirscspaid lbr them thcnrselves.Respiralory synrproms(cough.congcstion.asthmn)were thc nrost trequenrnnmed by 827. of the rcspondcnts.followed by rhinitis wirh 617. and coniunctivitisandeczcrr.rwith297,,each(Trblc l). 627. of the Flicn(s consideredthc rcspiratorysymplo s.rs thc most disturbing. folk)wed by rhinitis (371z) and eczema!vith l5t1 (Table 2). lhe dirgnostic cxaminatbn Fesuilsol a retrcspeclve sludyon the eiiicacyof an a erger- and mileprooiencasng l. B.lo€ oppliane ol All€lgo.d€r I h I 2. Afi€r opplionca of A l.rsoo.r f.h Tab.3. Diag.oslicexaminations donewilh the palient(ietrospeclive interrogalion usinga quee l o n n a i r eN, = 1 i 1 p a r i e n r s ) . 2 99 62 40 Fig 1 L fearanaloguescae (most mporlanlqueslion ol lhe quesllonare). 89% 56% 36% I 0 linearanaloguescale 100 97 tx&{t, ******* te.ent (487. temale,527. m!le). The average agewas23years(5 to 72 yer.9. Childrenand adolescenlsaccouDtedfor 607. of the subjects. Ther questionnaireswere filled in by .1rr**r** theif parents.Maltrcss cncasings were the nost $,idcly usedpfoduct with 72E. Duvct cncasrngswerc used by 327omd pilbw en ttt Ittt casingsby347, of lhe rcspoDdents. 687. ofdre ll doctorsprescribingcDcasnrgwere allergists, 327. were lanily doctors.About half of ihe respondcntswashed!he encasinglwice a ycar ttr at 60'C. l5a/. washedthen monthly or only bad (5 10) sood (1 4) once lt yc,tr respectively.Those qoeslioncd wcrc askedto assess the severilyofthcircom slepson lhe scale plaints rctrcsFctively belbre and aftcr rppli crtion ofihe encasingsusingr lnrerranalogue b e t o r ea p p l r c d r r o nI a f t e . p p h . a n o n scale (Figure 1). Thc rcsuk can be seen nl Table 4. Trkmg poinrs 5 l0 ( 'bad") on rhc F g 2 S c a i n go i r h ec o m p a n t so i t h ep a l t e n t s (s1epI - 4:verygoodro good/ srep5 t0 badto linear symptom-scorescalc, 99 patie.ts (= verybad)beforeandafrerappicalonof the enca 977d) gradcd thenrlelvesin this area bcforc using covers.and a maximun of 3l pcrsons (= 30%) gmded themselvesat poinr 8. After appti.rtion of the encasings88 prtients (= relencd to thc organs:skin - blood lung 86%) graded thenseh,csiD the range I :l (Trblc l). lhe divisionsbetweenthc gcDders ("good").rDd only l4 perions(= 147.)graded of ihe test personswcrc not substantiallydit' thcmselvesinto the area5 10 ("bxd") (Fig rt 60 40 2A *rr**** .***r*** ****r*, *rr***, Tab.4. Assessmenl{in q/a)oithe pal enls wel-being beforeand atterapplicalonoi encasingsusng a lneaf anatoguescae irom 1 lo 10 (verygoodloverybad). N = 102 pallerts, Esl mationoi wellbeing ( iiea. sca e) very !ood 12 0% 17" 35./" 47" 2% 50/o 19% 19% 30% a"/" 17. 100q/" 100% 102 102 Miillerscheven. Kniesl.Oislleru.d Hotlman-Wecker 4 months(median:3 months)irom thc lime they strted to use the encrsings.Only 9% felt no improvemenl(Table5). Weregardthescfindingsasvery impofian! astheyslrcssthelheralmprov6m6nl oi thecompalnlsaner... on6day days we€ks months pcutic valueofthe encasings.The pfeventi!c and medical mersurcsmcnln)ncd ir the rbl lowing were obviously strooglysupponcdby 2A7a 100% 96 277" 9% rheapplicalionofthe encasinBs. Convcnlional preventivernd medicalslcpswcrc inil ialedby practicallyall palients(only one paticntgalc no rnswers). iD most ot the c s€s p.obably Tab.6. Prevenlivemeasuresundenakenbefo€ applkrtion o, encasings(N = werc used( l'ablc6).507. beforetheencasings of the paticnts had thcir liltcd crrpels and Funhefprsvenltsmeasures curtainsremoled, and 57 - 78? boughr n€w nuttresses,synthelicdulcts o. pillows. 45% used rnit killing prepararions.Additional medicalmeasuresare listed in lable 7. 619. 6l 55% spfuys.55% of the respondcntsusedLrsrhnm c!.lainsandolh€rlextieobjecls 55 s0% usedeye or nosedrops, and 2l% ol tbe lest mie kilingpfepa€lons 50 personsunderwentaddirionalspecificimmu speclalwash ng addilv€slor mileklling 5 5% nolherapy(SIT). The quarrliticsol-drugsuscd 63 suggestthat the paticnls had sullered fiom 86 considcrablesymptoms.Anorherdspcclofthc 87 queslionnaireconcernedthc comlbn ol sleepalleQyvacuumcieaner 30 ing a decisivemark lbr rhe complimcc ol 27 1 the use..93'l. of the palicmlsq ucslionedrated fie comfon oflying and sleepingon (hc maG oore lhan one answerpossible lressencasings asgood. ard wcrcol the opin' ion thar their slccp was nor disrurbed.or ifso only a lirle (Table8). The useolduver cncrs ings led to dislu.bcd slccp rlt.ibutable to cithe. Tab.7. Msdcalm€asoresLndenakenbeioreapplcationotlheencasings(N= noiseorrhe slipperynrrurcollhc libric for 28% ofthc rcspondenls.Usc ol the €ncrs ings did not give rise to .rn) odou .rnd tlrFudhermedca measures thermoretheir additionlrlwcighl wlrs seenas Patents Perc€nt Thc conclusionth l iJ:tr% of no consequencc. purchasedtbr nr uresses.pilolall encasings 25 23% specilicmmunoiheapy ldvs and duvctsdid nol gi!e risc kr iicrcascd 55% 347, sweatingis of great nnportancclar the conr codisonecoilainingsprat€(lorttrelung) 37 33"/. pliaDcc.Thc queslionnaire!l{) eontrinedtwo conisone containing creams 21 openquestions.The questionaboul.rddilional 30 positi!e characlcristics ol lhc cocrsingswhich 6% uses considercd $orrh{ hilc mentioning morelhanoneanswerwasposible drelvconnnentsffom 56.l of rlrcp tienls.The €ifectivcncssofthe encasingsresultingin bec ter health was thc most imporlrnt point sfessedbl .10%of the respondcnrs( = 2l ?; of rhe entiregroup).The easycarc ol tlre encas irgt wls mcnrioncdby 36S?,(= 20{ oI lhc u f e2 ) .T h i s r c s u l ti s s t a t i s t i c r l lsyi g n i f i c a n( tp cntiregroup)ol the paiients.167 (= 9./. ofthe < 0.001 ). This i proveruell wLrsscenby 5% entiregurp ) rcferred1othe rgr0crblccon1pliance.and 87. (= 57. ofthc enlirc group) men ofthe patientsrftcr onedry only. hy 30% dfiel a few days. by 279t rftcr a Duller of weeks tioned posiiive propenies ol lhc cncasings (nrcdian:3 weeks).and b) 28.1 rlicr a lew when using them during lralcls (T,rble9). ol lhe compainlslookplace Tab.5. Timoduringwhicha clinialimprovement (N = 96 palients). afts|application oi lhe encasings Fesuls ot a rerospecrv6 studyonlhe efli€cy ot an atlergen, andm ep.@iencasing 5 of encasingsis not only dcpendenlon thcse facors. but ahoonth€ permeabiliryro airand water vapour md on crireria such as sleep comlo'1. handling. nrainlcnance.durabilily, Comforlol lylngandslo€ping nodislubance appr6cable washing propenies. etc. 1101. These lasl /]iltr€ dislubance slatenent poinls crn only be evaloatedby a retrospec, distu6anc€ tive study. A number ol studies have been p u b l i s h e dw h i c h d e m o n s t . a tteh e c l i n i c x l e l 2Ao 1 0 0 % a7 11% 100% 45 ficacy of encasingsmnde of foil or coatcd 65"/" 247" 43 texlile aswellrs iighdy wovenmicrofabric14, 85./, 54" I 0 0 % 20 8 , l l , 1 5 , l 6 l . I n 1 9 9 . 1t h e e n g l i s hN a t i o n a l AsthmaCamp.rignpublishcdan encasinglcsl in cooperarionwith rhc Brirish Consumel Associationin which ihe watervapourpermeTab. 9. Lisl ot positivopropeniesot en@sings ability was analysedas.rcriterion lb.comfort wonhwhile (openqu€mentioning bythecuslomer during sleep 13l.l-urthcrmore.rhercare techs l i o nN , = 111). nical studies using small piecesof fabric in which auemptr havebcen madero rdve al a conciusionin respectofelficacy (prrticle pcrmcabilily) and sleeping comfon (water va25 23eh pour p€rmeability) [, 91. The authorscon10 cede that the use of rhesetechniquesonly 22 20.4 5 allow statementsto be nradeabout Lheprop10% eniesof the m:rterialand nol abourtheclinical efficacy.Fi.sdy, conplete encasingsembody other propenies ovcr nnd abov€ those of morothanonsanswerwaspo$ibl€ pieccsoffabricalone,and secondly,rhesimu, lation ofcondirions during practicrl use was overkbked duriDg these lcchnical studics. Discussionsare currenlly b€ing conductedin an atlcmpt to define conditions of prac(ic.rl Discussion use of complelecncasingswhich will cnable an inrematioDalsrandaJdoi quality to be esMeasureso I allefgenaloidincr rcondir r o s r n e q u a n o ns h o u l dh eu n d e n a k c n s n n u l - tablished (Round Table Talk, Bem, May tancouslywilh causrl lrclrtmenror imnruno, 199E).l'heresultsof the prlient-qucstionnaire p.esenledhererfe,lts far as we are aware.the thcfup). lhey should begin ,s carly rs p o s s i b l e( b i n h l ) l l 4 l . l , r o p h y l a r i si s o f g r c a r first which rellect the efficacy and subjec, livcly lelt.omli)ft of entire encasingsafrer importancefor high risl infots lnd fbr pre ventlrg a proSressionol dkase in sensitiTed couplc ofyears use.The questionnaireswere 4 ycars aftcr acquisition of lhe persons.Mite xnd allcrgenproofencasings issued 3 encasings.In yiew of the lengthyexperience are thc nrethodofchoicc in thesecNes l2l. In addilion othcr potential $urces of allergens of lhe usersone hasto presumethal the eval - (notdistu&inglo verydistubing)of comtonot Vinsand Tab.s. Assessmenl sleeping w'lhdiFerenr lypesolgncasrngs {N - 20 871. en€sing shouldbc elinrinated.The useofenclsings in thc bdddnrghrs no allcrgen .edLrcingeffccr upon lhe carpcriving on thc floor bcnearhit. This was shoq by \ .n dcr Heidc cr al. [7 ] irr a study with n gr)up ol 59 palicnls divided into 3 subgfoups.This pubiicrrion, in comnron $ith olhcrs.also shdlvedlhrl rbe use ol encasingscould Iower the air$,!y rcsistancc s i g n i l i c a n t lw y i l h i n6 m o r u h s l.h e r c a r e v a r i ous p.odu.ers ol encisings iD (;ermany. and mosl of lherr claim lhrl rhcir p()ducts are 'nite- and allcrge proof. IIowe\cr. thequality atior ofefficacy. comfon of lying nd sleeping as well as complianccare sornd. Il nray be considereddcsirableir(nn a scientiiic poinl ofview to recordclinical pdnmeters.such!s skin tcst, RAST. provocaliontest,lung function lcsr etc. ii additionl() anamnesis,beforc andespeciallyduring.tpplicationof rheenc,s ings. Nevcftheless,the advaniageol lhe present stLrdyis that it achicvcs a conctusivc resrlr which finally gnins grealcr nnd rhus decisivcvalue. na|llei) a statisticallysignificant und definitc rrte ofirnprovcment during 6 Miill6rsch6v6n, Knl€si,DlsllffundHotlman-w€ck€. which was 4 y€arsof use,an improvement appreciatedby most usersafter only a short periodof applicationof the encasings. Anlies in theexclusionof psyotheradvantage influence, asno "disturbing"inlerchological rogationswere conductedduring the whole periodofuse.Thecomplaints beforeusewerc very considerableandcould be describedexwerccomactly at the time the questionnaires pletedwhich is demonstrated by the fact that, for €xamples,the useof medicationcould be given clear'y and that the encasings wer€ mosdyboughton thepatienfsown accounl. Prospectivestudieson the efficacy of encasingsmadeof foil, coaledfabric or microfabric textiles have been published. The prcsent study may be se€nas a supplementto these studiesbecaus€of irs r€trosp€ctivepoint of view. Adyantagesof this retrospectiveassessment lie in the fact that the final resultswer€ gdinedv,/i(hou(anyinfluencebeingbroughtto b€aron the patientsand that a full statistical evaluationwas possible.One dnwback of to include sucha studyis thatil is notpossible group. placebo a Feferences aou./ Ce j Hau$uubnilb.f,all.rgicr Asp€kc z!. scnsibilisicrung&d All.rg.Nduldon. Piidiatri' *hc All.rSolo8i..i, 6-12( 1998), t2l A.rsrum KCr,j Sind Milbcnb.zitg. sinnvoll ? AucreoJoumalJ, l2?-130(194). t l l British Conswrt' Astuciatim ia colkborution 'f6tihg *ih he N4noMI a{hm c@npaien: of miElss covc^. Fol{hr ocroh.r 194. I4l Ehn t 8., S. Lu-Schad.dod A. W.bcr et al: Rcdrcin8 domstic .rpos@ to dut mitc alLreen cdues blpftnial hyprocdvity in e.sitilc childiEn wnh s6tu. J. Allergy Clin, Im@d 90. r 3 5 - 1 3(8t 9 2 ) . t5l ttrl€' Ar Tcxtiltcchnishe B€wenungvon Erc6ines. In: Allcrgopnma Sclrifi.neihc Bad 20 "AktucucEntsicklunecni.dcrAlle.8ologi.,allergophma Worlihop 14.3.199?,Hdbug r998,93-t06. 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