ChemAlloy Article
ChemAlloy Article
8 longuoses obour CHEMALLOY. lt relsres ro N€V{ lDEA5, ItATERIALS AND TECHNIQUES in hundreds ot fields o{ possible opplieorion. In o singl6 yeor over 100 prizes ond qwords hove been won by Srudenrs v.ith ih i. In{ormotionond ploducr. ll!(c r tod of cl'ln.Jroy in inr.r, to!.b !n. rrcEo .r c !!l|E.r.r tc rn. rod .6d th. othnr pro6. in r|. w6r.r-r!.,tr, .55 lolt dr. Ai.ordirs to tL. inv*nro', thn p6rlrri6l tlll r.noin hd.finihly. l{ew Alloy C}|t]v|Att0Y-A fortheScience Student lowdrr.d Ci.hdlot ol.o produ.!, oyr h vlh F.r.ridl itr w.r.', bor in rddirion lib.r.r.t 0riglnrllyconrcived o: o mlderlngolloy,tlls patented subrlqn<e hqr onli-fri(tionproperlies, will oerote:oif gominolion. lmprovorsoed stimulolerplanl growlh, will genercloeleclririly,md ???? 8y SAlNUtl. flttDllAll trical propel ties (Fig. 2) as the solid rod, IIere it g€nsraies slightly more than .5 volt, and in additjon decomposesthe water, libemting hydrogen. This processis Iur- berween 3. First fill ,too" c,"dT"1."T,:'HTit:1,::t; \ A /H4I promoting \./ soldering alumilum and v the growtl -of huckleberries is hard lo see-yet in lhe broedest view, scienrists s€,v, ail-things ar€ in sofne way-intenelated, Chernallog, with its strengely diverse properties, sccms lo support this vi€w. . Pul s Chomolloy.Rodin plain water (Fig. l) _andyou hnve a battery of -55 volt poiental ftat will last as Iong as the rod is kcpt wet. ganel.atingenorrghpower to operete e vollmpter, millirmeter or oscilloscope.In diflcrcnt. liquids. voltaEc varies from almcst zero for pelroleunrlo 1.1 for certain types o[ cool, the second rirarm, and the thild hot, Add equal a,rounts of Che,lnallo! Lo eaeh graduaie. Instantly, the graduate containinp hor warer liberates hydroien (Fig.3A). Heal ts generer€d bv thc reaction so tiiat rvith thc fr'ssaqe of a fcw m;nures (Fies. 3Il and Cl the rl;ee g"adurts are cqu"ity r"r.m a'd hydrogen producrionio ati ihrce ;s the same. One of the Mosr Signifiront Uses of powdered Chenallo:r mey be the warmins .rnd looseninsol sojls tha! are too cold ol comsced fcrrnrnntitrna,,d nlcnt Dact for or)tirnum grolvth. 't'hc warnrineand acration Df soil on dry slate witbstancls lrictjon without coolant dered Ci"rnnllo! ! v *ii:;:,,?', in a glasr case. Note the p$derized roabout r,000,000 [il:itr'ff;TiJ:".Tr.T;i:";:"1,""I'itt; I,d}ticles per pound exhibits the same €lec- . on, voltage will rernaia constant, but, soiJ. A, l.a.rion rtortr rt .n.. ir th. h.r *.r.r, l'!do.r. l, mcr. .torty L r .rd ,. f, h i, td ii.lnr trydb. in shd!o{. Z .!udh leJo.t L C, A t , ninu.. |!i.4 r[ rtr.. rrodoor.. .r. bufiflr, !.. produ.ricn temperal.urewill decline and finelly stabilize at a point a lew degreesabove the envhonmental tempsrrtuie. The electrical action will conliDue and will Aeneratewar.rnth at this rcducedm.Foituda. To dare,the capability of.Crre'ralloU tg gcnarnta elcctricily in wlltcr hns hccn obscrved for seven contiduous ycars, and no limit ls known, The lioutd. rather than the metal, is tle substancewirich is consumedand mrrst be reDlaced. A Provincial Horticullure Station in Albcrts, Cfinndr, summ€rizesan exp€rimentin Seeogcrmtnauones tollows: oi 0rninrtrd tcn n, lr.rlrr) 50 96 1,4 a5 al % cr tnt.., (lrtr.kdl 16 70 A 54 t2 rate of one to five pounds per acre, ln the row or hill with the seede. It G not broadcast over th€ eDtire ffeld srea, ai thb would waste materirl. It necds to be buried where it will be ia contact wlth soil moisture lbce ltle essistsntsuperintendentsupervisingthis it is in€tt when dry. experjmentslated Lhatthe addition of Che?lrpeach and nectarine tieei In Ftg. 5 The allo?' powder resulted in _speedier geminawere planted in poor comp€ct ctay roil j; E rloll ot seeds as weu e3 larger percentsses Cajon, Calif., and stqnd in she.rF'controst to geBnlnat€d.Initiel growih of thdplsnB afier ehything €ls€ in ihe area, heving grown ln emergetrc€ was al6o more rapid in ihe case 1,1 yesrs lo the height shown. froo 1-ln. ol treeted aeedsotAmel€r slubs. for ffeld cropr, Clrernolhd is appltedrt ths The Profit With txpanding , Use ofAluminum Avoiloble a' srond.rd 8" rod, wei;hins 2 oun(65. Populorly priced oi lhe reloil level wlrh full discounts to iobbers ond dedlers. Also ovdilable wirh 2 or more rods .ord, or in bulk I lb. dnd ldrger.ortons lor . indusrriol or moior users. . Ihls produd fill! o need. lr ls proprletory and paronted. rn dddlrlon ro fluxless solderIng ot alumlnum ond tin., lt allo functions well wllh copper,, golvqnired or aluminlz€d .nelcl .urfocss ond a nuhber of ofher metcl solids or cootlngs. P,orded by U.S oPfloNAt DISPIAY RACK PRICE IO USE: Merelyheofiheoluminumlo mehins point of solderond opply. A Prod!.t oJ CHEMAI.LOYETECTRONICS CORP: Avoiloble free wirh ini. tiol quorief grG. order when Retoilerosr€esto use. Suitable lor roble, counler,woll or window mounri.s.Hold!36 cord! on th.e€ hook3contoining l2 €o(h. GII.TISPIE AIRPORT.SANIEI. CAI.IFORNIA l' ' A pildftt ot CHEMALLOY EIfCIRON'C5CORP. .S.INTTB, CAIJFORNIA IMPROVEDFUELCELLCONCEPTS rO ETECTRIFY AND AERAIETIQUIDS ANDA4O'SIAiIATER'AI.S NUMEROUS USES INCLUDE. ACIDS/ALKAI.IS HYDROGEN RELFISE AERATION/EFFERVESCEI{CE HYDROTOCY AGRICULTURE HYDROPONICS . ARCTIC .HORTICUTTURE BI,POLAR DCFORAC MTTER!ES IRRIOA1ION BOIANY L|QUtD DISASSoCtAItON BUOYANCY/GRAVITY MINERAI. /TITRATION .MEDICAI./I.IFE CRYOGENICS STUDIES DEHYDRATION OCEANOGRAPHY .PIANT ELECTROCUITURE STUDIES pHSTUD|ES ELECTRICITY [I,!CTRICAL RESPONSE PRODUCT IOEAS NON-SOIUBTE HO''ITOGENIZED POWDERED IASfAI rO EOUCAIION/SCIENCE QUALITY CONIROL .FLORlCULTURE .RODENTCONTROL .SEEO FORESTRY . A€rcie ond eleclrily woter, ocid ond olkoli liquids or GERMINATIOI.l .sortwaRMtNc/toosE FU€LCEI.LS tN0 moisi moterlols, .GAROENING SCIENCE FAIRS/CI.UBS . Moks oleciricityfrom liquids to energizeindicoting insiruGASCHROMOTOGRAP}IY WATER EVALUAIION ...AOllcUllUrE ANDcArDlNrNG! cArDlNtNGrSubJect Subiecrro to licirEhs licirEt!! Inl In, iome itst* hEvlns broad ieldlLd n;tut6 disef, on) of.!rd, lnay be u*d ln hoist ioil to ald srcwft of) v.get3!1.3,rbw.r!, sDnbsaEd ne€i t Pldn wlth ludd !ad! a! late of 5 tbs. D*.cre. horer, or ls,illpsdlns on s€€din€d€Bity, ro miee sotl; rbori userur wfi€re so ! ara too comract.r cltdetc cold or ssson too sholt. I m€nts. . Evoluole,Comporeor ldgntify modicol,hydrologicol, Induslriolor food.dqirv fluids in ierms of eleclricol resPonse. . EDUCATION P.oduceHydrog€nfrom liquids & RESEARCH. d6rivo botteries. Restorebolqnce in ocid ond olLoli situotions when pH is otherthon7 . . tromliquidsto ensrgize Titrqtionstudies.lomdkeelectricily indicotingInskuments. A FEWOF fHE COUIIILESS POSSTBILITIES WITHCHEIflALLOY OUALI]YCONTROL INDICATING ENIRGY }IYOROgENGAs ANTI.GSAVITY HYOSO?ONICs GER'IIINATION IIQUIDFIRECRAC(ERSBUOYANIMETAIs SOII.WARMTR/IOOSENER CHEMALLOYIN SEEDING IECfiNICAL DESCRIPTION: Any3ia pi*eor par ticle ol ChemalLyyieldsabout.5 rcll at 2m ni.r@mper* In waler& aiden.ed bysnnecting a hater wilhonel€adlo. singlep.rticleol melal .nd th. olhsr leada.rnher€ in the liquidor hoist ,. ' tut€ri:I. lt will andiat€hish€ror l@er in liqlids ' oth.rlhanMlerdep€ndingonrhenpH,Seaw.ler : ls about50%hi8herthan lre5hwater-Chili Sauce b abodrwaeaefruchaswater,siicechenalloy . pi*s per polnd is towderizedove. 1.0O0,00O . ' to b€.omethar many .l..tri€l €nlities. this is ' ercush lo [email protected] liquid inlo nultitudes ol 'i hydrceentai@i bubbl6. Hydroeenis the liah. -r. -:. -'sl €l€menrkn n and t€t @mprisesoneninlh -,-': ! l- ol lhe,;€i8htol mler, : IiISTRUCTTONS: Chemaloy s et.ctr,yjngpropan ti6 hreakdNn lauds to,.lpasehvdrc.enrnd dinurblh€ pH.pH 's rheunitm€;'e l;aran. tiiy of hydre.n tons fr* ii a etulion. Warefh neut€l wirh a pH ol 7. Anyacidsl b€ tow.r and aiy arkaliwill be areaterthar pH7.chemaloy mrks with liquidsand moistmatarials toundin $e hom€or oner@erysh€tresFruns,juicesand efl drinks hare a pH ol ab.ut 3, i.dicatins an eid wilh l0,O0Otimesthe lre hldrogenionsol eler. v€setables arcpH5io6 o0 ro 100rimes). Seatsd andmitkai 6 to 6.9 (nearryneut6l). Sea. @ter B arbline andabovepH7asarc lreshesss, sps, ammonia andmilkol mas.6ia.Chemaoy in contactwith aiything wet p.dides th€ intorma. ri.n rc€[email protected] elecrrrliGi'on, aeratonand!H. (BASE)pH TABLE ACID-WATER.ALKALI pH Amou.l Fre Hrd.os.. l.nt Ov.r W.t.r pHI tH2 pH 3 pH4 pH5 pH6 pH7 pHs pH9 pHl0 pH 1l pH 12 pH 13 Acid I,ooo,oootifles(semipotent) Acid r00,0ootimes(lemonjuic€) (truils) Acid l0,0O0limes Acid 1,000lin€s (b€.D Acid r0Olimes(rcgetables) Acid l0limes(milk) Neutnl (PUREWATER) Alkali I/ r olhorw.6i (seawatet) Alkari I /toothof w.ler(borax) Alkali l/loooth(hodseholdamDonia) Alkali l/lo,ooorh(6ilkofmagnesia) Alkali t/10o,0ooth(stuhl€dlime) Alkali !/r,o0o,0oolh(semipotenD