FEBRUAR\a -' a il|il1 HOilE CtltEtAS 139 he home cinemo is os much of o musthove in todoy's big-budget projects os the home office wos o decode ogo, ond even modest fomily homes con incorporote on oreo thot con be turned ot the touch of q button from o snug into o cinemo experience. But the kit required to tronsform o basement or box room into the flicks or o Deon Street-style rushes theotre is complex stuff ond it's not just obout the technology. Decor ond layout hos o big impoct too. Which is where speciolist componies con help. idFX osked o ronge of instollers ond retoilers of home cinemo equipment to give their top recommendotions for what you need in o voriety of price ronges. Roll credits. or Steve Mortin, moncging director of Mortin Kleiser: f, roo,ooo-f, r4,o,ooo budget 'With this budget you con creote o high-end, dedicoted home cinemo with oll the lotest goodies,' soys Mortin, who olso chqirs CEDIA, the trode body thot represents leoding componies in this field. For such o budget he would choose o Koleidescope medio server, controlled by o Crestron touch pod. For the projector, he would opt for Sim, o compony which he soys offers 'ultimote performonce', in conjunction with on onomorphic lens ond o projection screen by Screen Reseorch. The onomorphic lens elimotes the block strips seen when o movie shot in ultro-wide CinemoScope formqt is shown on on ordinory wide screen (for o full description of how it .comtthedtertprism.htm). works, see www,zuggsoft For the oudio he would choose Linn.'These products will give you o reol cinemo experience ond my clients soy thot the picture ond sound quolity is better thon going to the movies,' he soys. LUREOFTHE BIG SGREEN Home cinema'sappecilisjust as great for wannabe ftlm producercas it is for movie and sports fans.Wehavethe technology but, as we shall see,there'smore to it than that WORDSKAY HILL oz Ioin Browrr, director of Kensington Home Technology: f, rzo,ooo budget For o big-budget, dedicoted home cinemo room, Brown would stort with o projector by Digitol Projection.'They hove very bright projectors thot ore eosily configuroble. It's not o thing of beouty, but gives cinemo quolity imogery'he soys. For the screen he would recommend o slightly curved version by Supernovo, which ensures there is no distortion in the viewoble oreo, used in conjunction with on onomorphic lens. He would build the screen into o stond-olone speoker system, Aeriol Acoustics System r, which conceals the speakers behind fobric thot con be chosen to motch the decor. A Koleidescope medio server, Denon Blu-Roy ployer, ADA video processing ond omplificotion system ond q Crestron touchpod controller complete the job. ruurw.k-ht.couk uruu,idfxvrncgczine.conr I Februory zoog HOME CIIIEMAS I41 ':)j Mott Pulloro, shop monoger ot Loservision: f,8o,ooo budget Pulloro would stort with on Infocus IN83 projector.'It's o reolly good projector ond good volue for money,'he soys. He would go to Lexicon for its RT-zo DVD ployer, MC-rzB HD EQ processor ond ZX-7 power omplifier, ond would select the CleorPix z THX Certified screen from Screen Reseorch.He would opt for o 5.r speoker pottern using Revel Ultimo speokers ond Revel Performo sub-woofer. He doesn't feel the need for o medio server. 'I like putting my disks on,'he soys, but he would definitely find room for o PloyStotion 3 ond Denon Blu-Roy ployer.A Philips Pronto remote control, Roko lighting control, CinemoTech Equinox seoting ond Middle Atlontic rock complete the set-up. ,; Froser Stride, morketing director of Finite Solutions: €6o,ooo-f,7o,o(x) budget Stride would opt for o lorge fixed screen by Screen Reseorch,set onto the woll with the speakers behind it. His choice of speokers would be Signoture 7NT from Bowers ond Wilkins (B&W) with two Rotel Power Amp ro95 amplifiers and o MC-rz Lexicon processor. For the projector he would select the Runco RSgoo. To complete the project, he would specifiy o Koleidescopemedio server, Pioneer Blu-Roy ond o TPMC rz Crestron controller. 'It's obout giving people the moximum omount of functionolity but moking it very eosy for them to use,' he soys, wruw.finites ci; Andy Jock, director of Isis Integroted Systems: f,6o,ooo budget Jock would choose o tob-tensioned GroyHowk screen mode by Stewort Filmscreen, powered with o silent Lutron motor to bring it down from the ceiling. For the projector, he would selectthe Runco RSrroo.'The picture quolity is up there with the best there is, ond the compony hos been oround the longest ond offers reolly good reliobility ond customer service,'he soys.It's o lorge projector,so he would built it into the bose of o custom-mqde sofo. For sound, he would choose Triod Bronze ond Silver speokers to recessinto the ceiling, ond o Sunfire omplifier designed to keep heot to o minimum. Finolly he would odd in on Imerge medio server,Ponosonic Blu-Roy ond an AMX Modero touch ponel controller. www.i Februory 2oog urLru.idfxrnnogozilte.covn
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