CFM Board Chairman Resignation and New Appointment
CFM Board Chairman Resignation and New Appointment
i Stotementlo fhe South Pqcific Stock Exchonge CFM BOARDCHAIRMANRESIGNATION AND NEWAPPOINTMENT Februory15,2012 The diversifiedcommerciol rodio r^onrrlomarniaCommunicotionsFrji Limited(cFM) hos oppointed o new choirmonfollowingthe resignotionof ffiPU,6 Mr H o riP u n j o . To conformwith crossmedio ownershiprequirements of the Medio lndustry @f&rrus DevelopmentDecree, Mr Punjo hod to sell his Hori punjo ond SonsLtd (HPSL) shoresin CFM.Hisresignotion os choirmoniseffectivefrom todoy. Mr Mo tt Wi l so nh o sb e e n o ppoiniedby the Boor dto succeedM r punio. On beholf of the Boord,shoreholders ond stoff,Mr Wilsonpoid tributeto Mr Punjofor his27 yearsof leodershipin CFM,ond his mony contributions to Communications Fiji Limited parent company of: Fiji:FM96, Legend, Navtarang, RadioSargam, VlTlFM, TotalEventCompany & PNG:NauFM& YumiFM SUVA HEAD OFFICE 231Waimanu Rd, Suva,Fiji. Private MailBag,Suva (679)3314766 Telephone: Fax (679)3303748 Email:[email protected] Website: LAUTOKA GrndFll SugarCaneGrowers Council Bldg,Drasa Avefiue Lautoka, Fiji (679)6664966 Telephone: Fax (679)6664996 LABASA 10Rosawa Street Labasa, Fiji Tefephone:(679) 8812791 Fax (679)8812177 th e co mp o n y'sg ro w th.The compony,he soid,will missM r punjo' sobi r i ty ond experience. Mr Wilsoniso foundingDirectorond shoreholder of Communicotions FijiLtd, olong with MqnogingDirectorMr williomPorkinson, ond Mr punjo.He is on o cti ve B o o rdme mb e rond hosocted os choir m onon monv occosionsH. e is o speciolistin corporotecommunicotions ond strotegyond hos ployed o key rolein ihe growthof CFM. In o p p o i n ti n gMr Wi l so n, the CFMBoor dwos conscious of ihe impor tonc eof felt thqi Mr Wilsonwould continueto providethe stondordof l e o d e rsh ith p o t C F Mh o d become occustom edto of Boor dlevel. - Fiji's Homeon the World WideWeb Mr Wilsonsoid CommunicotionsFijiLtd hqd come o long woy qnd its future wos bright os the compony continuesto exploreinnovotivewoys to delivervolue to its shoreholders. For more informotionor clorificotion,pleose contqct WilliomPorkinsonon phone 33r \7 66 or [email protected] WII.IIAMPARKINSON JYOTISOTANKI Monoging Direclor Compony Secrelory