Vol. !9 , No. 3


Vol. !9 , No. 3
Vol. !9 , No.
From Under the Stcirs
Octobe? 2072
Dear Friends ond Fomily,
f wish so much thot we could tronsport eoch
From my heort...
of you here to WOLBI Jeju...to meet the stuWhen missionaries write newsletters, there
dents f ace-to-f ace, to be port of a doily Quiet
is a delicote bolonce between shcring the good
Time shqring group eoch morning, to sit in on
cnd being trcnspcrent. Mointoining thot bolclqsses, to interoct with the visiting profesance is something that Steve ond f toke very
sors, to eot o meal with our stoff qnd stuseriously. There is no woy we could hove mcde
dents, to see the compus first-hqnd, to work
it this for in ministry by seeing the gloss of
side-by-side on the grounds
life os holf empty insteod of
or in the kitchen... Thot would
half full. We reolly do hove
We really do have so much
be sooooo much better than
so much to be thonkful forto
forony letter.
especially f or friends like you
sfonding with us for so long,
especially for friends like
Since the last Tapesfry...
througl.i thiik ona fhin.
you sfanding wifh us
But f would like to shore
ft is alreody mid-October.
some chollenges with youfor so long, fhrough
The lost time we wrote to you
things we really need for you
thick and fhtn.
wos in Moy. Wherz hos the
to proy with us about. They
time gone?!
are below in the form of
We've spent the summer
praises cnd proyer reguests.
on seeing lhe 2Ot2 grods off qnd beginning the
PRAISE: One of our WOLBI Jeju groduwork projecf on the cof etorium. Mid- otes, Nelson Buchoncn, hos just osked Steve's
Septembet we began our 3'd year of the
odministrotive ossistont, Cheryl Gredlein, to
WOLBI Jeju progrom.
mcrry him! They are porl of q teom thot is
As you know, Benjomin is now o student
forming to open SyME in Hong Kong ond on
olong with Doniel Howkins ond Jordon Spolding
mainlqnd Chino by 20t5.
(olso sfcff kids) olong with 8 other Americons,
REQUEST: Cheryl needs to leove ot the
13 Koreans qnd 4 Jcpcnese students.
We've golten off to a great stort. Agoin,
the Lord hos sent some reolly speciol young
people our woy. ft truly is o good work to have
o part in their troining f or the future.
end of Morch to prepore for their wedding.
Thot leaves o huse qop in our staff ing here at
WOLBI Jeju. Not only does Cheryl help Stevz
with scheduling guest professors and other
importont correspondence but she also handles
c lot of organizctioncl tasks here at ihe school
My life is but a weaving between my Lord and me; I do nat choase the colcrs, He works steadily, Aft fimes He weaves sarraw and I in faolish pride; foeet that He sees the
upper and I the underside. Not until the loam is silent and the shuff/es cease to fly; wil God unfold the pattern and explain the reasan why. Far the dark threads are as needful in
the weaver"s skillful hand; as the threads of gald and silver in the pattem He has planned.
cs well os discipling f emole studanfs. Plqose
pray thot 6od will send sorneone with secretoriol ond odminisirotive obilitias by the end of
February to be troined to toke Cheryl's place.
Please pcss the word os r,vell of this graot mis-
ordering ond negotiations. lvith vendors
folsintenance Director
To oversee evzrything ralcted to physiccl
plont and development
sion opportunity ond urgenf need.
Ministry Dean
PRAISE: 6od hos sent vorious short-term
staff to
help ot WOLBI Jeju. We hove Jon
Gillette helping in the kitchen, Eugene Webster overseeing the building project, Dovid
Kim, Graerne Buchonon ond Seo helping with
counseling, mointenonce, ministries ond octivities omong other things and several young men
helping eugene on the building. We exlremely
thonkful f or these friends ond helpersl We
could not operotehere wif hout them.
REQUEST: The chollenge is the need for
long-term stoff. Short-termers ore a huge
help but there is q limit to whot they con do.
Consequently, our full-time stoff (the Howkins,
Cheryl ond us) ore still needed to oversee ond
be involved in eqch of the short-term-stoffed
qrecs. As needs orise, our full-time stoff continue to odd jobs to their olrecdy long lisf of
responsibilities. Thot is definitely manageoble
for short periods of time. ft is another thing
to continue doing it yeor-ofter-yecr.
fn addition fo on odministrotive ossistant
pleose pray thot 6od will send long-term workers for the following jobs:
Bible Survey Frofesscr
To reploce Steve so thot he can focus more
on odministration ond development of sfoff
Business MoncAer.
To oversee the WOLBI Jeju off ice ond oll
Deon of Men and Warnen
To oversee student discipleship
Food Service AdnT inistrctor
To overseethe food budget, menu plcnning,
To oversee student troining ond oll the
scheduling related to weekend ministries
These are the needs directly reloted to
WOLBI Jeju. However, very sirnilar needs exisi at SyME Korea, Jopcn and Taiwcn. Please
earnestly proy Motthew 9:38 with us--fon truly the horvest is grecf but the laborers are
f ew. We know that if will only be o nriroculous
work of the Lord to f ill these positions.
PRAfSE: God hos been so good to us.
There hove been times when He hos provided
in amazing wqys-from strength to help to finonces to encouragement. When times ore
hord, it really does draw us closer to the Lord
and we hove found Him foifhfui in every woy.
REQUEST: Please proy for us qnd the other full-time staff here. Proy for our spirituol,
emotionol. physicol ond , relotionol sfrenqth.
The omount of pressure that we live under
from doy to doy can very eosily become overwhelming. None of us would trade whot we ore
doing for onything. But we ore mode of cloy
ond simply need your prayers now more thon
we ever hove.
Verses fo use in Dra.ver
this ltood work:
tulatfhew 9:38
Colossians 1:9-13
Thessa lonians 2 : I 6 -1 7
Hebreyts 13:20-21
Philippians 4:19
My life is but a weaving between my Lord and me; I da nat chaase the calors, He works steadily, Oft tines He weaves sorrow and I in faolish pride; forget fhat He sees fhe
lhe weavers skillftl hanrl as fhe t'hraeds
.f d.ld en.l
silver in fhc nellem Hc hAs hlenne.l