Comp Stoff Applicotion
Comp Stoff Applicotion
Comp Stoff Applicotion Form 3 Reiurn lo: Developed by Americon Comp Associofion@ (Pleose lype or print.) Dote o{ Applicotion Sociol Security Number Nome Permonenl Address zip Slreel & Number Fox- Phone- E-moil Areo & Number Areo & Number School or Business Address Street Phone E-moil Fo Areo & Number Areo & Number Dotes ovoiloble Ci, & Number From To Whot type of position do you wonl ol comp? Solory desired? Do you meet or exceed ony minimum oge requirements for thot position? [ Don't know minimum oge IYes E N" Con you perform lhe essentiol functions of the lob for which you hove opplied, with or without reosonoble occommodotion? flYes flNo lf you ore hired would you desire or need housing {or ony person(s) other lhon yoursel{ ot the comp? flYes n PostWorkHistory Provideo{ull recordof oll employmenl-poidondvolunleer-ondexploinonygopsinemployment. No lnclude ony positions on comp stoff. Use o seporoie sheet, i{ necessory. Doles Employer/Supervisor Address & Phone Noture of Work Reoson for Leoving lndicoie ony employer you do not wish us to contocl, ond the reoson This {orm hos been drofted to comply with federol employment lows; however, ACA ossumes no responsibility OmefiCOn 4lqVOtSOCiOtiOnt or liobilily {orlhe use o{ihis {orm. copyrishrlgTgbyAmericoncompinsAssociorion,tnc.Revisedlggo, 1991, 1992,1994,1996,1998,1999,2004,2007, 201 3 References Give nomes ond oddresses o{ three persons [not relotives] hoving knowledge o{ your chorocter, experience, work hobits, ond obility. Address & City Nome Phone Comp Experience Dotes Comp & Direclor Locolion Comper or Stoff? Educolion High School ond Beyond Yeors School Moior Subjecis Degree Gronted Write o brie{ biogrophicol sketch, including speciolized troining in comping, ond experience or troining in other fields whlch might hove o beoring on the position(s) for which you ore opplying. Attoch o seporote sheet i{ necessory. Comp Progrom Skills ln the {ollowing list, put o "T" before those octiviiies you con orgonize ond teoch os on expert, ond on "A' for those octivities in which you con ossist. Put o "C" o{ter lhose in which you hove currenl certificotion ond ottoch o copy o{ your certiiicotion. Adventure/Chollenge _ _ _ Donce (list) chollenge/ropes course climbtng/roppelling spelunking/coving Dromo _ _ Arts/Crofls _ _ _ _ _ clowning Woterfront Activities _ _ _ _ _ _ _ oerobics/exercise orchery boseboll/softboll bosketboll bicycling/biking theoier boxing _ -_ _ ceromics/pottery drowing/pointing leoiher crofl Sports/Fitness _ _ _ _ _ Music metol work singing photogrophy instrumenl {lisl) woodworking {encing {ishing diving koyoking rofting rowing soiling SCUBA {ootboll _ -_ gol{ _ -_ boord soiling/wind surfing conoeing gymnostics swimming synchronized swimming woler skiing hockey (icelin-line) horsebock riding (English) Compcrof/Pioneering Nolure bockpocking _ _ _ _ compcrofl outdoor cooking outdoor living skills _ _ overnights wilderness lrips Miscelloneous informol gomes _ _ _ _ modiol orts _ _ onimols/onimol core birds soccer _ _ _ _ _ environmentol studies snow sporis (lisl) oslronomy hiking orienteering _ _ _ _ horsebock riding [Western) ri{lery sko'ling (ice, roller, in-line) insects rocks/minerols weolher oviotion community service iorming/ronching/gordening {oreign longuoge _ {lowers {orestry ocodemics leodership developmeni/ClT rodio/TVlvideo _ _ _ _ tennis trocV{ield _ _ volleyboll storytelling teom building worehip seruices/religious s.iudies wrestling Skills ln the following list, pleose check ihose items in which you hove experience ond skills. Mork with o "C" those for which you hold curreni certiiicotion ond ottoch o copy of your certificotion. Certificotions ond Comp Support Sloff Business/Administrotion _ - Heolth/Sofety bookkeeping/occounting compulerlechnicol Moinienonce CPR {irst oid compuler/so{twore {list) _ oulo _ li{eguord nursing Food Seryice mechonics cooking/meol preporotion corpenlry Food Hondler's Pemii/Certif icotion menu plonning electricol _ plumbing _ purchosing sonilolion Answer these questions onti{ Do you hove o volid driver's opplying {or o position requiring driving license? Do you hove current chouffeur's-iype Do you hove o commerciol driver's license? license? nYes E No EYes ENo EYes ENo Stote Whot coniributions do you think you con moke oi comp? Whot contributions do you think o well-run comp con moke to children? Horossment The comp's policy is to prohibit oll forms of horossment by our employees. This includes sexuol, rociol, religious, ond other forms of horossment. Hove you ever been occused o{ horossmeni of ony person including, but not limited to, workploce horossment? (Note: o prioroccusotion is noton outomotic borto employment. Thetype of occusolion ond when itoccurred will be E Yes n No evoluoled by ihe comp before ony decision is mode.) Exploin o crime, other thon o minor troffic offense? li yes, pleose describe. (Note: o prior conviction is not on outomotic bor 1o employment The type o{ conviction ond when it occurred will be evoluoted by the comp Criminol Record Hove you ever been convicted oi EYes before ony decision is mode.) nNo Exploin I ouihorize investigolion of oll stotements herein, including ony checks of criminol records, ond releose the comp ond oll others {rom liobllity in connection wilh some. I understond ihoi , if employed, I will be on ot-will employee unless ihere is on ogreement or low which olters thol stotus. Furthermore, I understond thot ony ogreement must be in writing ond signed by the designoted comp officiol. I olso underslond thol misrepresentotions or folsi{icotlons herein or in oiher documenis compleied or submitted by the opplicont wlll resuh in dismissol, regordless of the dote of discovery by ihe comp. Signoture A// sloiements become pori o{ ony future employee personne/ files. Dote