Ranch and Coast Magazine - Redfearn and Associates
Ranch and Coast Magazine - Redfearn and Associates
Living In Rancho Santa Fe Country Friendsr.' Art Of 'nf. tasnron Fall Fashiorl// z6 Events r / Not To Mlss ' .. r,t. !-'t]:-''' /. :tt ,* -J Cruising With i, rhe F""ii,l$i * '.**."gfi 6- : :l'- :o __l __f :-N --o h F I I Rancho La Puerta Anniversary = € Seventy years ago, Edmond and Deborah Szekely founded Rancho La Puerta, a 2 @ retreat dedicated to health ond wellnest in Tecate, Mexico. The famed resort celebrates its anniversary with a two-day gala and symposium, o{ * titled The Sun, the Butterfly, and the Dove, on September the Hilton San Diego 24-25 at Bayfront. + 2 Aw ar d - wining j our nalist BiII Moyers is the guest of honor at 2 the Friday night gala. The Saturday luncheon and T symposium features panel discussions on physical fitness, the inner spirit and human potential, and finding a purposefilled life through social action. Profits will benefit Fundacion La Puerta, a nonprofit Wine, Women & Shoes The Sixth Annual Circle of Life roo Celebration: Wine, Women & Shoes dedicated to building a better future on the border through educational and ecological action. 653/1 64- 55lo, wwwsunbutterflydove.com) rNoqra iuvtnsr.' An Evening With Glenn Close 0n Fridoy, November the lnternotionol Bipolor Jrom Glenn obout how we con help dispel misconteptions accessories at the Rancho Santa Fe estate obout mentol illnesS the event will olso include o VIP speciol evening otThe Grond DelMor with Glenn Close ond her sister scrippshealth) ,. ,. Jessie Close. ln oddi|on to heorin$ Jirsthond reception, delectoble dinner prepored by cheJ Williom Brod ey, ond entertoinment.According t0 IBPF, one in six odu ts ond neorly one in ten children hove o diof nosoble mentc r lnesl os mony 0s one in Jive people with bipolor disorder completes suicide, ond the 0nnu0 cost 0J treoting mental illness (more thon 5150 billion) is increosinf by 20 percent 0nnuolly. The event oims to enh0nce c0re ond supportJor oll oJJecte( erose stigmo through educ0ti0n, are 9125 per person. (858/628-ZSq6, co 12, Foundotion (IBPF) ond BringChonfe2Mind present 0 of Laura and Fred Applegate. Laura notes, "This event is not onll'a fun evening out for friends, but an opportunilv to help enhance lifesaving cancer care for our sisters, mothers, loved ones, and friends. I am so proud to be a part of the event and support the health and well-being of women in our communilv." Tickets an d sho e s. 0nd work towords eliminoting blpolor disorder throu$h m/ the odvoncement oJ reseorch. Seotin$ ls extremely limited. / r. ," (8 5 8 3 42 03 2 7, wv,rw. i DeI nter nationa lbipo la rI o undation.o rg) Mar Concours d'Elegance The elegance of world-class automobiles comes home October 16-17 with the Del Mar Concours d'Elegance. Like a handcrafted art gallerl' opening, only the most rare antique and classic cars are invited to display for judging, ensuring the best of the best. The event benefits Susan G. Komen For The Cure San Diego with a lavish charity dinner on Saturday (the concours itself is on Sunday). The cars will be displayed inside the historic Del Mar Racetrack Paddock in a lush setting. The public is welcome. Advance tickets are available online or day of show. (858/ss6-q656, www. delmar c oncours.com) 15 5[PTEI\,,IBER 2010 RANCH & COAST MAGAZINE a q from 4-8pm, to benefit breast-specific garnma imagng (BSGI) at Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas. Guests will enjoy wine and food tastings while shopping for high-fashion shoes and e n z q g will take place on Thursda-v, September 16, ruwu,.ruinewom = www.ranchandcoast.com = = = r_-l I \i A Solute To Heroes The Roncho Coostol Humone Society presents o $olo to 50 yeors celebrote of nurturin$ onimols in need.0n Soturdoy, from 7-10pm, ot DelMor Country Club, the evenin$ will 0ctober 2, begin with o cocktoil reception ond rofJle hourJollowed by o tontolizin$ dinner, live entertoinment, exciti n$ ouctiont Starry, Starry Night ond more. Joson Austell of NBC Joan Waitt hosts a night of dinner and doncing beneath the stars at her Lq Jollq home on Friday, September 10, 7/39 will emcee this yeor's event, to benefit Voices for Children, a nonprofit thot Modeleine Pickens for their vost contributions ond efJorts to help onimols ocross the country. Event advocqtes for the rights and well-being of obused children in the courts, school, and community. Down and Bill Dovidson qnd Caroline ond Anthony Farwell ore event co-chairs, Joon Waitt is honorory choir. Ruby ond the Red Hots will perforn. (sss/sge-zzll, www.speakupnow.org) which will honor proceeds T. Boone ond will help the opproximote l1 1,000 onimols the shelter cores Jor eoch yeor, os well os help Jund progroms such os the Sofehouse, which provldes o sofe hoven for onimols suJferin$ from domestic violence, Tickets ore 5200 for generol seoting or 5375 Jor premier seotin$.(760/753-6413, www.rchumanesociety.org),,..-'.',' ANDREA NAVERsrN California Cleanup Day Save the date for the 26th Annual Coastal Cleanup Day, set for Saturday September 25, from gam-r2pm. Register online for one of 8o different sites across San Diego Count-v. I Love a Clean San Diego and San Diego Coastkeeper are asking volunteers to bring 0n Sundoy,October benefit to sove the 1Q Jrom 5 30 10 30pm, o roi nJorest tokes ploce ot the their own bucket and rvork gloves to reduce waste while cleaning up the community. 6 tq /z S 8 - z z+3, ext. t33, www,cleanupday.org) iANr sHto[1r Belly Up Tovern in Solono Beoch. Enjoy free solso lessons with Combo Libertod ROCK THE FOUNDATION Costo Ricon cuising o no host bat silent ouction, cnd fluest speokers The 02 For LiJe RoinJorest On Thursdar', September r5, at 6:3opm, Barney & Barnel' Foundation presents an intimate evening Foundotion protects more thOn 500 Ocres oJ lond locoted in the Oso regron oJ o1 Costo Rico "Lost yeor we roised enough money t0 purchose troil comeros thot were instolled lost suspected ond now we hove photogrophic evidence of the presence oJ some oJ the more elusive joguorg ond peccoTieS" notes Steve Blumkin, Jounder oJ 02 For LiJe ond owner of Outrofleous Rugs 0n Mir0m0r Rood For ticket inJormction pleose go 0nline (wwwl2t'orltfe.orgl ro'r will enjov a proceeds benefiting the foundation's zoto grant recipients: November rn oreos where onimol octivity wos dwellers oJ the 02 reserve like squirrel monkey5 fresco at The Grand Del Mar. Guests concert b1' San Diego native Tristan Prettyman, with fii!- The Bay Institute, Casa De Amparo, Center For Community Solutions, MAAC Project, Operation Homefront, Plal'works, The Ronald McDonald House, and Talk About Curing Autism. The Barney & Barney Foundation is committed to giving back - to provide for those in need, support the youth, advance the arts, and protect the environment. Ticket prices range between grzs-9350. (www.barneyandbarneyfoundation.org) sr,,or'.r, I 18 SEPIEI\,IBER 2OrO RANCH & COAST MAGAZINE www ranchandroast.com 7 The Chapman Collection Antiquts & Fine Furniturt Come visit us at our large Downtown Showroom. I Where we have a wide selection of European ffi Antiques, Fine Furniture, and Persian Carpets. We can ship anywhere and offer free delivery -.r ,.r ffi ffi \i www.thechapmancollection.com T'p - $ www. ra n chan dcoast.co m in the San Diego area. -a , il- :j \, -t r--t 514 Horton Plaza, San Diego, California 92101 Free Parking Validation Tel: 61 9.338.4947 or 858.349.2638 RANCH & CoAST MAGAZINE SEPTTMBER 2010 59 Invite you to An Evening of Change With Glenn Close & Jessie Close v Friday, November L2, 7pm The Grand Del Mar Please join us for a special evenlng including a VIP reception in The Crand Del Mar's private wine cellar. delectable dinner by chef William Bradley, entertainment. and keynote address by Glenn Close and Jessie Close. Together we can work towards fulfilling our mission to eliminate bipolar disorder through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support services for all affected, and to erase associated stigma through public education. International Biponar, '):i: .' '. ' -:., ":.. For information or to purchase tickets, please contact [email protected], call 858.342.0327, or go to www.InternationalBipolarFoundation.org I Cilflrr:..€ 6lm ResMeo www ranchandcoast com f$ \> ffi^n*.g'','rx^tz t;111;i;;{;rii:ir: RA|ltllSCIAtT RANCH & CoASI MAGAZINE 5tPTE[,'IBIR 2010 51 * g s JEWET BAII, Patronas'64th AnnualJewel Ball, themed Heart + Soul, took place at La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club. The 2Ol0 major Las beneficiaries include Friends of Balboa Park, Magdalena Ecke FamilyYMCA, MCASD, NTC Foundation, Rady Children's Hospital, Scripps Health Foundation, SPORTS for Exceptional Athletes, The Emilio Nares Foundation' The Old Clobe, and UC San Diego, Division of Biological Sciences' NataJha Reissand Mate€ Morsjlt SUMMER SOTSTICE The Del Mar Village Association presented its annual Summer Solstice event at Powerhouse Park, Cuests enjoyed tastings by Americana, Kitchen 1540' Pacifica Del Mar, and Sbicca, along with music by Salsa Steel. Attendees also savored culinary creations from Aarti Sequeira (just crowned the winner of The Next Food Network Sto). Randyand caron Grubel 62 www.ranchandcoast corn SEPTEIV1BER 2O1o RANCH & COAST MAGAZINE SWITCHFOOT BRO-AM AUCTION NIGHT home overlooking Black's Beach, the switchfoot For Kids' Bro-Am Auction Night benefited local chapters of StandUp performance enioyed auctions, opportunity drawinEp, a musical Held at a La Jolla Farms Cuests Sushi' by Switchfoot, and culinary creations and sips from Harney Mar' Del Pacifica Nine-Ten, Merk, The Crill, Tiuluck's, Pacific Coast Kitchen 1540, Bing Crosby's, Extraordinary Desserts, One HopeWine' and Mia Stefanko and stone Breivtng Co. Co-chairs were Robyn Denton VISTA HILTS 19TH ANNUAT FASHION SHOW LUNCHEON Viva La Moda, chaired by Laura Applegate and Tania Luviano, featured spring fashions by Cretchen Productions. Carol LeBeau returned as emcee. Proceeds benelited Don Allen ParentCare Family Recovery Center; SAFIR; and Stein Education Center. YOUR BEST YEAR EVER zoro Suze Orman, celebrity personal finance expert, was the featured keynote speaker at the third annual Your BestYear Ever luncheon to benefitTheJenna Druck Foundation's YoungWomen's Leadership Program. Ken Druck, founder of TheJenna Druck Foundation, was in attendance, alongwith Ceorge Chamberlin, money advisor for NBC 739' 64 www ran(handcoa5t (om sEPTtlr,'lBER 2010 RANCH & CoAST MAGAZINE