
for outline masks,negative-mounting
and art work
preparation.For step and repeatmachines,CADmasksand plottercutting.
FOTECMASKis available:
as universalquality with standardtack level
in red or orange
on 75 or 125p polyestersupport.
'1.Toolsfor culting (see reverse side)
The better the cutting tool, the more occurote ond foster con
the film be cut.
peeler con be used to peellhose ports of the film
where on exposure rsneeded. Certoin fopes con be used fo
peel off the film.
2. Cutting
Cut olwoys on o flot, hord supporl; wotch for good working ond
Iight condffions.Protectfilm emulsionogornsfperspirotion.A
shorp knife mustbe used for culting (trythe ideol FOTECSwivel
knife). Cut completely through the film qnd not into the supporf.
Overcufs c/ose fhemselyes.
3. Outline
red, using o punch
Overloy film-negotive with FOTECMASK
regrsfersystem.Cutthe desired outline with the FOTEC
knife ond peelthe emulsion.
Contocting the mosk resulfsin o pefiectly filting poslfive mosk
4. Negotive mounting
or oronge, emulsion
Overloythe loyoutwith FOTECMASKTed
side down. Mount filmportson it.Turn,cut ond peelthe emulsion
where desired.
Atthe some time you con cut /ogog fromes,tintwindowsetc.
5. Forms
Uslngthe d ouble culler (0.2-Z.Omm) together with the [p9d,
pertect borders ond formscon be cut directly into FOTECMASK.
work is possible.
Eithernegotive or postTtVe
6. Art work preporotion, oir-brushmosks
Usingthe cutting technique you can work over o rough skefch.
Pertect edge shorpnessond so/ids ore the result.
Precise oir-brushmosksore cut with the FOTECprecision culting
fool sef.
FO - 1-987-3000 E - grlso 007
FOIECprecision ailting lools for FOIECFüASK
masking ond FOIECUT
hsnd-cuf films
o fronspq rent knife-cutmoskingfilm ovoiloble in
red ond orange. Themembrone is cut qnd peeled from the
cleor polyesfersupportwhere fhe exposurefokes ploce.
con be used in contoctwfih orthochromotic photogrophs os block or grey depending on the lithtilm ond exposure time. Use FOTECMASK
red whenever the
workis done in o dqrkroom.
FOTECMASK ora ng e p rovidesbeffe r see -thro ugh on d is fherefore prefered on mony jobs. lt is not quite os "lighf-sofe" os
red but con be used in contoct with screen
emulsions, indirect screen process stencil films, copillory
screen process filmson d mosf ofi setp I otes os /ong os the work
con be done undersubdued photogropfrsosblockor
grey depending on the lith-tilm ond exposure time. When
contocting or projected through on enlorger,it will print white.
Precision culting fools
srng/eor os sef
1 FOTECswivelknife,
with stqndordblode
2 FOTECswivelknife,
with osymmetricblode
It is simple to mqke o hond-cuf screen process stencil from
hond-cut films.The tronsporent green film is ploced
over the drowing or the skefch ond then cuL lhose po rtsof the
membrqnewhere the finolsfencil hos fo print ore peeled off
from the plosfic supporf. Thenthe film is odhered to the mesh
ond the supporf peeled off. Thesfencr7is reody to print.
Good worhing condifions ore importont. Alwoys cut with o
shorp blode. ldeol c,re the FOTECprecision culting tools. If
corrections ore nece ssoryduring the peeling, the membrone
pieces con be sfuck bock becouse they ore outo-odhesive
c;ndcon be re-cut.
3 Peelingknife with shovel
(needle pointin the holder)
4 Composswith,,,
5 Adoptor to hold No.1
6 Doubleculter 0,01-0.08"
7 Tripodfor double ctlter
B Spore b/odes for
Phone:(1) 91030 00,Fox (1) 91045 25,Switzertand

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