ELF BOY MEETS SUPERMAN@ Nome Reod the humorous nqrrotive ond answer the questions on the following poges. Yesterdoy storted out os the worst doy of my life. "But Mom, I con't do it. I just can't." "Pleose, Eden. We need you." I sighed. If it wosn't bod enough thot Mom ond Dod hod bought o children's bookstore, now they expected me to help out. Hodn't thEy done enough to ruin my life? Try hoving a unique nome like Eden. It would be bod enough for o girl, but for o boy, it's o disaster. I tried ogain. "Mom, 12-yeor-old boys just don't like elves ond tell stories to litlle kids. dress up Whot if someone sees me?" "Eden, I wouidn't osk you if it wosn't importont" There's no one else who cqn do it. The octor we hired colled in sick. Besides, you're so good ot dromo." Mom's foce wos onxious. I knew she ond Dad hod invested a lot of money into buying the business. But what if someone from school sqw me? I glanced ot the customers ond sow only Iittle kids ond their parents. the next thing I knew, I wos dressed in o green felt costume, siffing in the corner of the store in front of o bunch of four-yeor-olds. I drew the line and refused to weor the red-striped socks, but I wos weoring the sporkly shoes. I felt ridiculous, so I begon the story as soon os I could. I used different voices for the chorocters, ond the kids reolly seemed to like it. Most of them were storing up of me in owe. One kid even moved so close he wos hqlf-sitting on my foot. With only o poge to go, I was beginning to feel relieved. It was olmost over. But o sentence owoy from the end, I glonced upond looked stroight into the eyes of |osh Boxter, the toughest kid in my school. My mouth dried up, ond I froze. So "Hi, Eden," he snickered. "Or should I soy 'Elf Boy'? Nice outfit." I jumped to my feet ond tried to think of something to soy. Meonwhile, fosh wos digging in his bockpock" Before I could do onlthing, he'd whipped out a digitol comera. "I think everyone of school would like to see Eden the EIf Boy, don't you?" I wonted to run, but I couldn't. I was surrounded by litlle kids. Then, one ofthe boys stood up and tugged at |osh's ponts. "Leove.Mr. Elf olone, you meonie. He hasn't flnished the story"" Josh just ignored the kid ond oimed the camero ot me. But the boy kept tugging ot fosh's ponts. They were quite loose, and they storted to slide down. ]osh realized whot wos hoppening ond hod to grob his ponts with his free hand. But it wos too lote. The children hod seen his underweor, ond they started to giggle. Before I knew whot wos hoppening, more of them hod jumped up ond begon to tug ot |osh's pants. 'While he tried to swat them away, one of them grobbed the comero and honded it to me. |ust os fosh's ponts reoched his onkles, I snapped the perfect picture of him in his Supermqn@ underwear. He yelped, pulled up his sweotponts, ond charged out of the store, with oll the customers staring and laughing. Yesterday storted out os the worst doy of my life, but it ended up prefty weII. I octuolly quite enjoyed my doy os on elf. And I've got photogrophic evidence that Supermon@ exists. ffi #82 5 0 C omp rehendin g Text TO @Te acher C reat e d Re s ourc e s &eSErsEfies ELF BOY MEETS SUPERMAN@ Find the onswers directly in the text. l. Whot mode Eden think thot the children liked his storytelling? 2. Complete lhe choin of events thoi led to Josh leoving the shop. tIoel, ro,G oot ol ttre etrop Think about whot the text soys. t. Most likely, why did Eden ogree lo do the storylelling? 2. List some words ond phroses thol describe how Eden moy hove felt when Josh first opprooched him. @Teacher Cre ate d Re s ourc e s t1 # 82 5 0 C omp rehendin g Te xt Nome : .; .; " :" /;'.". . a:).. r' ':. ..4 ) ,:) ELF BOY MEETS SUPERMAN@ Use whot you know obout the l. text ond your own experience. Write whot you think'Josh might hove thought when he sow Eden dressed up os on elf" 2. Imogine thot Eden's porents osk him lo do some storytelling ogoin. Eden ogrees, but only under certoin conditions. Lisl four conditions you think he might set. 3. Do you think il's foir for Eden lhoi his porents expect him to help out of the bookslore? Give reosons for your onswer" #82 5 0 Comprehending Text 12 @Te acher Create d Res ource s
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