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Anch AI\IGEL WiH A BESISETTNG SOIOAIBI]MAND A FACETIATPIOTOGAAPIEAS ABOIJT DAEAI"I SC'' lAS BEaC[,]E :tt S BEXTOQ A SOIIDGC-D -iATSl trCr P?:\laESS iilf..E$.'T! GLTTEt\' '?EEr', : TONYGREENWAY IATKS SI]ADO$,'') TO I]Ei?ON TIE EVEOF HEA'ONCIRTSN SI]EFFFLD !'. F T'S MANCNESIEQ, A\D NDSOlT \^/IY I'",1JRDEA C\ TIE DA\'EFIOOR ummer, 2000. Everywhere you went - I mean every-bloodyQ - you heard that song wirh the rhrobbing baseline l-rwhere and the killer funked-up guirar rift"lf this ain'r love," went the chorus,"why does it feel so 8ood...l" Grooveiet (lfThis Ain't Love),by Spiller (fealuring a certain Sophie Ellis-Bextoron vocals)was an ltalian deep house troove that notched up 220.000 pre-salesorders, and sailedslrdight in at Number One after "larginSit" (as they sayon Radio One, usually without a trace of irony) in the clubs of lbiza.Grooveiet might have made your summer,but it probably ruined Posh Spice!, becauseher first solo effon came out at the same time - and. thanks rc Groovejet, didnt make the number one spot.Amazint! Posh Spice! Beaten in the chartsll By whol Well, Spiller was an ltalian DJ,who needn't concern us too much here. But the singer was somethinSelse.So who was the Sirl in the video with the Audrey Hepburn face and rhe glass. clear voicel Ah.That would be Sophie Ellis-Bextor. Yearsbefore, at the tender age of 17,Ellis-Bextorhad been an indie pop starlet (albeit a smart, well-turned-our one), and rhe frontwoman of a band (with a self-consciouslylowercase,oneword name) called theaudience.AsBritpop waned,theaudience found fame with three top 40 hits and a best-sellingalbum before implodinSwhen Billy Reeves,$e brains of the band,walked out. Lead singer Sophie - daughter of famouslyfired Blue Peter presenter.lanet Ellisand TV producer Robin Bextor - suddenly found herself without a day job. Until Groovejer came along,that is. and made her a name and a face to be reckoned wi$. Since Grooveiet, life has been a whirl. Signedto Polydor records, Sophie! solo album - Read My Lips - was wideb/ expected to be disappointin8lyduff.After all, how do you follow B CITIJFEBFIUAFIY2OOS up Spiller! massive,Posh Spice-beatinSNumber One?Yer Sophie stepped up to the plate and hit all preconceptionsout of the park. unveilingone of the catchiest,bigSest-selling pop hits of rhe year: a massive,double-platinumtriumph that spawnedthree top three sinSlesin the UK:Take Me Home (number 2, and featuring the classicline "You deserve a girl like me"), Murder On The Dancetloor (also number 2) and Get OverYou (number three). For her trouble. Soohie was nominated for a Best FemaleArtist Brit Award. There have been well-documented hiccuDsin Ellis-Bextor! career.Theaudience(stop us if you've heard this one) was once askedto support RobbieWilliamson tour - bur they declined, much to his annoyance.Afterwards,thinSs8ot even messier when, reportedly,Sophie called Robbie"a cabaret singer" and he - not best pleasedwith this description - snappedback that, if they ever met, she would leavethe room in tears ("She! got a face like a satellite dish and me nan! ankles"). The insults about Sophie! face continued at last year! Brit Awards, when Frank Skinner and Zoe Ball - doing a passable impressionof Mick Fleetwood and SamanthaFox - were hosring the ceremony in front of a bayingcrowd. As Ellis-Bextorswayed on staSeto present an award,Skinner wisecracked:"Hello, Sophie.Why the wide facel" Lateral humour of the finest kind, ol a nasty kick in $e Britsl Whatever: but Ellis-Bextorclearl),wasn amuseo. Sincethen. Sophie has been getting on with the music.Her single,Music Gets rhe Best of Me, was another hit late last year: she publicly made up with Frank Skinner on hisTV chat show; won Best UK Singer (over Ms Dynamite and Dido) at the National MusicAwards, and then spearheadeda shockingand powerful anti-fur campaign,(featuringa poster of Ellis-Bextora crT|Jintenview Not Dannii Minogue, he doesn't. Anyway. Let's t€lk aboLrE fame. You've gone betng rnodenaEely theaudience Eo being hugely famous as a solo st€n Pnesuarrably you see fame as a bypnoduct of whaE \,ou do? Totolly. Fome meons thot f ,r t you'resuccessful whichis brilliont Butfomefor its own sokeis vetydull.I meon,big'wow'if everyone knowsyoufor no reoson. Butif it\ in conten- ondo contenyourehopry vtith'cositt itt lovely, something youie\ beengreotfot me becouse, v,/hehI go outond oboutI feel rcollyPopulor. Everyone\Iik:Hi Sophie! Loveyour music!'SoI'm reollyenjoying iL l'rc got gteot fons. 't I holdinS up the mantled remainsof a skinned fox, under the slogan: 'Here! the rest of your fur coat.') Elime)/.How does she fit it all in? When Sophie hooks up for a chat with City, she is out of breath and nearly out of time, zippingfrom TV studio and radio station to rehearsal room, and looking forward to touring the UK with her band. (You'll haveto look sharp,mind you: her Sheffielddate is hor on the heels of City! release- 25 .lanuary at SheflleldCity Hall - before a gig at the ManchesterApollo on FebruaO/l.) This is Sophie! second-eversolo national tour. One thingt for sure: it! not going to be her last because she is still only 23 years of age."l loveit," she says."l love being on sta8e..." Sophie Ellis.€exton as we li!€ and bneatihel Hovv the devil arE you? Yerywe4 thonks. ,tt busy ot the moment,though.After I've tolked to you,I'm off to reheorsolsthis oftenoon.AhdI've justmoyedhouseso thete orc boxeseverywhereot home. So l'm pushing the boot out o biL Telly,nado, conceaE venues.., you'ne popping up eve.ywher.e at the morrrenE, aren't you? Yeoh,I om, oauolly. I keep feeling thot I shouldbe slowingdown. But I'm 10 CTTJFEBFIUAF]Y2OO3 enjofingit oll. Peoplesoy:'Ooh, you mustbe rcollytrcd ond,louptobobly hotedoingoll thoseinteryiews.'Buq rcolly,it\ not tJlotbod.l justkeep rerremberingOot tiis is on interestrng sto$ein my life.And,whenI om interviewed,lnevertotollyrcpeotwhot , soy.50 it! cool \A/e'Fe not t€lking S Club Junior'S he|-€ a.e we? \n/l'rat ages ane they? They're oll over the shop, Talking of intenview€, you wer€ even on the Fa€nk Skinnen Show which is someEf ng we thought we'd only see when hell fr€ze oven Good to see thaE you've m€de up wiEh him afte. the BmE Awards deb8cle. fhere wos never o mossive feud betweenthe two ofus. I knowhe wos d bit stuprdot the Irits because whot he soidwosn'tveryfunny.But rt tokes morethon thot to offendme. Fle-€lly? Definitely. Hoveyou seenGerord Deqodieuin Cyronode Bergeroc? Well,youknowthot scenewhere someone insultsCyronotnose- but thenCyrcnotums the toblesond destrcys him with o loodof evenbetter putJowns?I fet o bit likethotAr the timeI thought'Hmmm. ls fiot thebest youconcomeup with,youngmon?'But Fronk\rcoWniceto peopleon hischot show.He\ likeoll of them-Whenthey geto bit olde\they stort beingreolly lovelyto everyone. Lr'ke JonothonRoss. He loveseverybody. 'l THINK THEFIE'S SOMEONE OUT THEFIE \ ,/HO'S WFITTEN LOTS OF DIFFEFENI NAMES ,AND OIFFEtrENI FUMOURS ON UTTLE BiIS OF PAPEF. HEF1JIS THEM ALL ]N A HAI FJL]LLS OUI THE UNFOLOS IT ANO SAYS: IT S SOPHIE ELL]S AEXTOtr AGA N THEN HE P1-.]LLS OUT ANOTHEFI B]T OF PAPER A,ND SAYSI AND TH]S \ /EEK SHE'S SECUFIED A LUCRANV'E MAKE-UP .eov Not so mu.h young, youngpeople.Th ey stort obout I 2, but the mojority ore lote teensup to mid twent?s. Thenthereore somein their30sondo sPtinklingin thei 40s. So ho\,1,do you describe youn rnusacal sEyle? 'Grcwn-up pop music',1 suppose.ltt o shomethot I hove to Put it in context like thot becouse,rcolly, whot I'm doingis'pop musi<'.8ut becousethereb so much ctop pop music out there,l find I needon enro odjectivefor iL So you'rE nolr a big HOp rool rame Acaderny fan, tl-En? It\ very entertoiningry but I'm getting o bit boted with it now. I wotched Pop Stors ond the first Pop ldol reiigiously;but the /ost iot I hoven't rcolly wotched. lt\ {eot fot telly, btilliont fot a CITH I I i .l::lr .r'r(]-'t"^/ - but I v/ishit rotingsond it'son entertoinmentphenomenon didn't existonywhereelse.When it stdrtsgering into the 'Uh chorts,it! o bit /ikei ?' becouseit's oW progromme,isn't it? lt's port of the modernworld now,so I don't think it's goingto go owo,/.It'll olwof be perceivedos o bit noff, ond it'll olwoysbe guite successful. So you'ne p eased EhaEyou've become a pop dol Ehe hand, 'tnadtional'way - ie, wiEh no help fnorn a nealrtryTV show? yesjbecouse, thot woy,it's horderon the wo,lup, but eosier on the woy down.Whereos like PopStorsmoke Progrommes it eosieron the woy up but REALLYhord on the woy down. lA much rother mokem/ own mistokesond corvemy own nichethon be dumpedofter o whileond think:'Ohmy God. Where do I go from here?'Thotwouldbe reollyscory. \n /rt i Lheaudrence you wene pd' L of I le gnoLp. Now lt's just youn narne ove. the doorl and in szeable old neon letter-s, too. \n /hch rnus! ire gneat. Buti don'E you rniss the secunrty of being in a iland? /t! the feel much more insecurebeingin o bond. Yes,it's onlymy nome over the door now - but thot woy it's onlyme collingthe shots.lno bond,yousometimesfind the other membersore hovingmeetingswithoutyou - which didn't hoppento me,but it did hoppento someonee/seir, - so it @n mokeyou reolly insecure.The theoudience solo routeis for morc sotisfyingbecauseI'm in completecontrolof my destiny.ldon't missbeingin o bond - bu\ ot the same time,l wouldn'tbe the singetI om withoutthot exPerience. I wouldn'tbe os .onfidentor os strcngtodoy,so I hove o lot of offecuonfor my time in theoudience. Let's talk l,ablods. Ther-e ar-e rnor-e newspapen r'u-oLns abouL yoL Lhd^ any oLae. pop sLai anen't lrhe.e? Reolly?I don't know. I olwoys think the rumours I reod ore rcther boring. \n/d. we I no'^, Lhey'.e not TtrlLlF Sopnre; out lhene's no denyrng Eha! !he.e's a lot of thern: Fon exarnpe, did you know yoLr'ne gorag to be appear-lng n F.ends soon? And Ehab you'ne going oLL wrt ^ a Brg B^oE'ie^ co.1Eegta.1E? Pus, yoL'erl - and you ane wnrtsing a out wrEh V ct-ona Beckh€.n cnrne novel, appa.endy. Oh, and you wene supposed !o be sEa..!ng n Ehe as! Bond movie, Shal I go on? Um, no.Very entertoining rcoding. I don't know whete they come from becduse theyie not thlngs I moke-up myself,you understond. I think thefe! someore out there whol written lots of different nomesond different rumours on little bits of popeLHe puts them oll in o hot pullsout the fitst bit of poper,unfoldsit ond soysr'lt'sSophieEl/is-Eextor oEoin!'Then he pullsout onotherbit of PoPerond soys:'Andthis week she'ssecuredo lucrotivemoke-updeol!' Ha, hal You AFIE writing a nove, though, ar-en't I wos.Whentheoudiencesplitup,I hod to thnk of other thingsthot I mightbe Eoodot os o doy job whileI wos gettingo bond logetherin the everings./ wos oPProoched by o litercryogentv/hosoid:'lfyou wtite o book,l con get you o deol for it.'I thoughtthot soundedgood,ond ld olwoysliked frction.But I'm o bit busiernowl So no nove !hen. BL,.t what alrout rno.e songwntrng? it I3 CIT|JFEE]FIUARYzOOS crTgrntervrew pop of theoudienceond then the donce tibe lil€ GroovejeL Chongeis heoltlV. So youn next album could sound completdy diffenent to tead My ups? Pehops not'completery different'.There ore some elementsof the olbum thot I hoven't totolly exploted.There might not be os mon'. singres on the nen olbum - in terms of the dbco vibe - becduse thot\ been ond gonenow. Yeoh,ldo it oll the time,oduou. I'vejustspento few weeksin the studio wtitinglotsond loa of stuf- rnostof it rubbish,I think Hopefuy o third of it will be worth puttuing;ond then,oftet he tour,I'llgo into the studio oboutMov time.Soo newolbuft shouldbe out in the outumn. Have you pbyed Manchesten and SfEfFekl befo.e? Yeoh,I hove.Goodgigs.Do you rememberthe bondlomes?Theoudience Apollo. supportedthemot the Monchestet C}oes tt€ rnood of tfie crowd cF|€nge, .€gionally? SFEfH audience diffe-€nE from a ManchesEen ls a audience? Er,no.Cawdschongeon the doyof the weeko.Tuollf:yougeto totolll diffetentotmosphete on o Mondqf nightthon on o Fidqf nightwhkh soundsobvious, but itt true.Thot\for more notkeoblethonftom whot pon of the countrythefre from.Sundoys ore quitehord goingbecouse is bockto work the nextddy everyone lsn't being on the r€ad n8then dull? No.I likeit I reollylikeit\ proboblymy fovou te thingof oll.It woswhenI wospetotmingin frcnt of o ctold thot I reolisedthot this woswhotI wontedto do with m,! Drcfessionol\ o time whenI con reopvthotI sw I suppose. Petormingis quheon o.gdnicprocess. Does get mysef thot soundrealtlnofl Nt it's tjue:I h ml ownmok€.up, reody,go out thereond nooneis goingto stopthe showholfwoythrough. It! ve.),sportoneous. Mind you,I donTlikepeformingonTV,pottkulot , becouseit\ usuolryvet'l stoged. Yes, tell us aboLrE th€t. Oon't you feel like a night wazzock rniming to carnena? \rhen you F|aVe to st€nd there is quite Thefrrsttjme I did il I feh reollyweid. Mimingon relevision o iot ofTV studiosorenTbuihfor livepefomonce:I commonbecouse meonI COULD singlive,but I wouldn\be obleto heot myself,boskolly. Sonow,if I om colleduponto mime,l olwoyssingolongwilJrthe trock Thotwoyyov breothingis cotect ondif the micrcphone suddenlycomes ogoin,I'vedone on - or if somethinggoeswrong- },ou'fest ll singing.Then loodsof livesingingonw:Top of the Pops,lonothon Ross,TFl...whenever I cdn,I alwayssinglive.h\ for moresotisfying when Forme.Sometimes you'reobroodondyoufly in ond out ogointo oTV studioond thereisn't time for o sound<heckfou hoveto remembertfiot fie songis mofe importontthon you.Sofou do mimerhen.But peopleknowthot I con petotm iive,so I hoven'tgotory hongapsoboutiL lt\ not lil;e:'Oh,God... wh6tif everyone thinksI .on't sing...?' The car€en is gEing swimmir€ly, done it betrlren if you'd planned isn't iE... lE? You coLjdn't F|aVe ,Vusickeepschongngond l'm constontt fhere\ defini&,lfno mosterplon. excitedb/ the prcgression of things:the &itpop thing,ond thenthe lndie CTT\JFEE]FlUAFIY2OOS You ceused quGe a st{n last ye€n with that ant F fun campergn po6te1 Did you say ye€ irrrnedrately to tfEt? I sordtes'to it obout firee yeots ogo when I did Grooveje\ond they (PET Peoplefot the Ethicol heotment of Animok) were 'Rothet still doing the Go NokedthonWeor Fur' compoign.lwos rcollf up for 4 but thel were doing it in ossociotionwith o mogozine; ond, ot the tme,I didn't think thot wos the wof to go.So I woited ond woited,ond it come up ogoin,We broinstonnedobout new ideos,'cosI thought the'Go Noked' thing hod been done. Mor'l Mccottne'l (Poul\ photogtophet doughtet) come on boord quite lote ond did &e shoot fhe Go Noked' compoign shone the spotlight on tle celebritls which wos good bock then;but I like the foa thot the new slogonturns on the wrong4oer - the furweotet - rcthet thon shining the spotight on me. ls Eh€t a r€al fox you ar€ holdir€ up, tf|en? Yes.l think it\ o very poweful inoge ond I really hope rt does the triL I don't know, though,becousethere ore stiil loods ofpeoph weo ng fut. Evet,loneftom Jode logget to Noomi Compbell to lennifel Loqezis weodng iL OK. Mr-rsic. What's on yo(f CD pbyen 6t the rnornerrE? The Best PunkAlbum in the World Ever2.1 lovethe woy they bing those olbums out.. ond then moke onother one ond onother one! lt\ like:'Ah yes,the EestPunkAlbum in theWorld Ever...thot wos good, buL octuolll, this nen one is really the best one...' The Pistolsond the Dommed orc on it, ond Blondie too, rother bizorrely,becouseI don't think they .onsider themselvesto be o punk bond. \n/bat did you lisEen Eo as a kid? I olwols liked listeningto older music.Andnow you'vegot bonds li,kethe Stfokesond the Hives bringing bock thot row sound i't! good to go bock ond listen to where i come fiom in the firct ploce.A lot of it is SirtlesjnfLenced, of course,but there is o punk element too. \n /ho do you like at the rnoment, then? Ihe Streets,the Eurythmics, Bestofltie PetShop8oys. Quiteechctk reoly.My tostes olwo'lshovebeen. So... get off to ael_E€nsals. And good luck wiEh ttre Eoun Hey,cool. the v/oy... hove fou got the Eig dotes...? Do you know. fE's fiJnny \,ou should rnention Ef|at... a J-Cll .Jdgt SfEffrdd Cbt Hel Liwe.pod Roy6 .,r.h aA \ /ovtrtEmpto Clw Hall Js aa
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