INFORMATION - Types of Energy part 1
INFORMATION - Types of Energy part 1
Dote 5ummary: Whatis energyandhowis it used? H b hsr rnrrnry. Choosethe correctons\fferto thequestion. Ercrgf is the obilityto cousemotionor creotechongein something. Youuse energywheneveryou move,heoro sound,turn on o light,or get wormer. Energycomesin monydifferentforms.somefomiliortypesof energyore: a o o o o electricol energy:usedto powermonydevices thermolenergy:usedfor heoting,cooking,ond processing metolsond other moteriols soundenergy:usedfor heoring,creotingimogesof softtissues in the body, o n dc l e o n i n g kineticenergy:usedwheneveronythingis in motion lightenergy:usedby plontsto mokefood potentiolenergy:storedin objectsfor futureuse Energycon be convertedfromone formto onother.Forexomple,electricol e n e rg yi s ch o n g e di n tol i g h tener gyin o lomp.Thepotentiol ener gyof o bollon o shelfchongesto kineticenergywhenthe boll rollsoff the edge ond follstoword the floor. Thermolenergyis due to the movement of porticles.Heotis thermolenergy. Heotmovesfromwormerobjectsto coolerobjects.Somemoteriols, collec conductors, tronsferheotwell. Most metolsore good conductors. Othermoteriols, colledinsulotors, slowor stopthe tronsferof thermolenergy.Clothis o good i n s u l o to r. I Whot typeof energycouseson objectto feelworm to your touch? A Electricol energy B Potentiol energy C S o u n de n e rg y D Thermolenergy ;T Nome Dote Summary: Whatis soundenergyandhowis it used? Reodthelessonsummory. choosethecorrectonswerto thequestion. Soundis o formof energythot movesthrougho moteriolos vibrotions. A vibrotionis o bock-ondJorth motionof on object.Themolecules of o subsionce movebockond forthwhen soundenergymovesthroughthem. Soundcon trovelthrougholl stotesof motter-solid,liquid,ond gos-but it connottrovelthroughemptyspoce.Soundtrovelsos wovesof vibrotion.As porticlesof mottermovebockond forth,theybumpintootherporticlesond tronsfer energy.Thisenergycousesthe nextporticlesto vibrote,ond tl.resoundenergy moveson. As energytronsfers overond over,o wove of vibrotionsforms.When soundwovesreochyour eor,theytronsferenergyto your eordrum,ond it vibrotes. Yourbroin interprets thesevibrotionsos sound. Thepitchof o sounddependson itsfrequency, which is o meosureof how often wovesof vibrotionposso point.If the vibrotionsore closetogether, the soundhos o highfrequencyond o high pitch.If thevibrotionsore for oport,the soundhos low frequencyond o low pitch.Thevolumeof o sounddependson the sizeof 9 the vibrotions.Lorgerwovescouseporticlesto movefortherfrom the sourceof the sound,ond thotproducesloudersounds. 2 Why doeso thickerstringon o violinhoveo lowerpitchthono thinnerstring? F Thethickerstringvibrotesmoreslowlythonthe thinnerstring. G Thethickerstringvibrotesmorequicklythonthe thinnerstring. H Thethickerstring'svibrotionis longerthonthotof the thinnerstring. J Thethickerstring'svibrotionis shorterthonthotof the thinnerstring. Dote Summary: Whatis light energyandhowis it used? Reodthe lessonsummory.Chooselhe correctonswerto thequestion. Lightis o formof energythottrovelsin woves.It ollowspeopleond onimols to see.Lightolwoystrovelsin o stroightline.It con possthroughsomemoteriols, suchos glossond oir. Thesemoteriols ore tronsporent. Othermoteriols, suchos wood ond metol,ore opoque,which meonstheydon't letony lightpossthrough. Tronslucent moteriols, suchos frostedgloss,let somelightpossthrough. All opoqueobjectsreflectlightto somedegree.Thelightstrikesthe objectond thenbouncesoff. Thenthe lightmovesin o stroightline in o differentdirection. Sometimes the lightbends.This when lightpossesthroughdifferentmoteriols, bendingis colledrefroction. A hond lensrefroctslight,whichcousesobjects viewedthroughit to look lorger. White lightis o mixtureof monydifferentcolorsof light.When whitelight Thelightseporotes possesthrougho prism,it is refrocted. intothecolorsof the r o i n bo wT . h i si s co l l e dd i sp e r sion. 3 Whot propertyof lightis shownin the illustrotion? A Brightness B Dispersion C Reflection D Refroction : t :ll Nome Dote Summary: Whatis electricityandhowis it used? Reodfie lessonsummory/. choosethe correctonswerro rhequestion. Electricolenergyis cousedby the movementof electricollychorgedporticles. Electrons movingthroughpower linesbring electricolenergyfrom power plontsto homes,schools,ond businesses. Electricity is on importonttypeof energybecouse it.iseosyto chonge,or tronsform,electricolenergyinto otherformsof energy.It is olso eosyto tronsferelectricolenergyfrom one ploceto onother. Conductors ore moteriols, suchos copperond gold, throughwhichelectricity con posseosily.Insulotors, suchos glossond rubber,ore moteriols whichstop the movementof electricity.Electriccurrentis the movementof electricolchorges througho moteriol.An electriccircuitis o loop throughwhichelectriccurrent con move.Theconductorin o circuit-usuollyo metolwire-is coveredwith on insulotorfor sofety. . An electriccircuithos o sourceof electricolenergy(suchos o bottery),wiresto corryelectriccurrent,ond o resistor, which is o moteriol(suchos nickel)through which electricityconnotflow eosily.When electriccurrentpossesthrougho resistor,the electricolenergyis tronsformedinto light,sound,kinetic,or othertypes of energy.Most circuitsolso hoveo switchthot con be openedto stopthe eleciric currentor closedto ollow the currentto move.Electric circuitscon be moppedin c i r c u id t i o g ro ms. 4 Whichstotement oboutthecircuitshownin thisdiogromis true? F Electriccurrentis flowingbecousethe circuitis complete. G Electriccurrentis not flowingbecouseo circuitport is missing. H Electriccurrentis not flowingbecousethe circuitis broken. J Electriccurrentis not flowing becousethereis no resistor. Dote Review fcod eodr queslion.Circlethe bestonswerto the question. Thispictureshowsone of the monywoys in whichenergycon be usedin our doily lives. Whot typeof energyis Michoelusingwhenthegos is turnedon underthe pot? A Lightenergy B Thermolenergy C Electricol energy D Soundenergy 2 Thetobleshowsthe noiselevel,meosured in decibels,of somecommonsounds. Listening to soundsof 85 decibelsor higherfor morethoneighthourscon domoge your heoring. Sound NoiseLevel{dB} Lownmower 80 70 B5 Troctor 98 Vocuumcleoner 70 Woshingmochine 78 Gorbogedisposol Hoir dryer Accordingto thetoble,whichof thesesoundscon domogeyour heoringif you heor themfor morethqneighthours? F Gorbogedisposolond woshingmochine G Vocuumcleonerond hoir dryer H Vocuumcleonerond troctor J Troctorond lown mower 3 Thediogromshowson electriccircuit. Whichstotement oboutthecircuitis true? A Thebulbis notlit. B Thebotteryis o resistor C Thebotteryis chonginglightintoelectriciiy. D Thewiresore chongingelechicity intolight. ll Emiliodid on experimenf to explorelightenergy. shemodedrowings of her observolions. Oneof thedrowingsis shownhere. Whot con Emilioconcludefromthisdrowing? F Tronslucent moteriols blockneorlyoll light. G Opoque moteriolslet somelight poss,but not oll. H Lightrefroctsos it possesfrom one tronsporentmoteriolto onother. J Lightrefroctsos it posses"from one opoquemoteriolto onother.
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