Summer and FalI 2OlO - Kelly`s Magical Garden
Summer and FalI 2OlO - Kelly`s Magical Garden
Kelly's Magical Garden Products and Seruices for your Spiritual Quest 43 Essex Road Camp Hill, PA 17011 717 -737 -7 623 Summer and FalI 2OlO Class Sehedule The Magical Garden has exciting courses to offer for the Summer - Fall 2010 sessions. Whether you want to learn the ancierrt. art of Tarot, magical arts, working with herbs, crystals and gemstones or speak to the animals, the Magical Garden is the place to be for the summer/fall season! "l look forward to guiding ynu 0n ynur spiritual qurast! Blessingsl" Classes - Kelly [. Weaver are small and intimale. We meet onee a month for a six month period from 7:00 PM - B:45 PM. [aeh elass is $35.00 per month. Pay as you go. Cfoss informotion ond dotes: The Cguldron Speoks xxSept. 7 (Tuesdoy), Ocf . 4, Nov, t, Dec 6. Mondoy's - **July 5 (Tuesdoy) , Aug.2, x* Two of fhe classes will be on a Tuesday due fo the holiday schedule. to use oround the home ond in the workploce with simple items. Whot arethe mogicol properties of hoir? Learn how to do oncestrol mogic, moke o mogicol emergency kit ond more. This closs will empower you in your everyday life. Closses will includ e'everyday mogic' techniques The Furry Journey Tuesdoy's truly 27, Aug.3t,Sept 28, Oct.26, Nov. 30, Dec.28. Would you like to know whqt your onimols ore trying to tell you? f will provide one on one experiences with rescue dog's in severol closses. You will be tought how to give onimols heoling energy, whot to do when your pet is lost, hoving behoviorol issues, etc. We will qlso work with oll types of qnimols smoll ond lorge. This is o greot interactive closs. Advonced Mediumship Thursdoy's July 22, Aug. 26, Sept. 23, Oct. ?t, Nov. 18, Dec.23. the heoling work of the medium, contocting our qncestors, ostrol trovel, working with your spirit control ond more. This closs is intensive ond powerful. Kelly is o groduote of the Morris Prott fnstitute of Mediumship ond will show you how 'reol mediums'do their work. fn this odvonced closs we will focus on The Heoling EorthThursdoy's July 15, (Wednesdoy) Aug. Ll,Sept. 23, Oct.14, Nov. 18, ond Dec. 16. This closs is full of octivities that con be used to drow money, love, personol protection qnd enchontment into your life. We will be moking personolized tools for your energy work. I will show you the power of herbs ond stones ond how they con be used to drqw whot you desire into your life. f will teoch you how to ovoid mogicol mishops ond moke q divinotion boord. You con hove more control over your life thon you ever thought possible! The Art of Torot - /lAinor cords (continuing) Mondoy's, July 26, Aug.30, Sept. 27 , OcI.25, Nov. 29 , Dec. 27. You will need the lAaite-Pider deck. We will focus on the Swords, Pentocles, Wonds and Cups. I will teoch you how to do severol loyouts f or diff erent types of reodings. You will be oble to do vorious spreods when this closs is is o great skill to earn extro moneyl finished. ft Tolkino Stones! Tuesdoy's - July t3, Aug.10.Sept. L4,Oct.12, Nov.9, Dec. 14 Kelly wilf teoch you obout the ancient ort of gemstones ond crystols ond how they interoct with the humon world. We will moke our own personolized set of 'rune stones'. Tinctures ond other vorious techniques will be discussed. You will qlso leqrn steps for summoning the spirit world with your crystols. Which stones orebest for heoling? How do you weor your jewelry for the moximum energizing eff ect? Don't miss this closs! Exploring the Post - Who were you??? Thursdoy's July 8, Aug.5,Sept. 9. Oct.7, Nov. 4,Dec.9 We shqll ond will live ogoin! Why do you do the things you do? Areyou ofroid of the dork, high ploces, certoin people? Join me qnd discover who you were ond why you qre here right now. How cqn you overcome your phobiqs? Whot mokes you 'tick?' Toke this clqss qnd f ind the onswers. We will do mediotions ond other exercises in order to help you discover your post lives. The informotion con help you moke better decisions in thislif etime. You moy be shocked to leorn who you were qnd how you died. This is o populor closs so sign up eorly! The Art of Divinotion Tuesdoy's, July 20, Aug. 24, Sept. 2t, Oct. 19, Nov. 16, Dec. 2t For centuries peoplehave sought out the orqcles to tell them whqt is in store for the future. fn this clqss, you will leqrn the ancient qrf of DfVINATION ond how diff erent cultures throughout the world f ind wisdom obout the future in ordinory woys. We will discuss Tea leaves, rocks, crtwork, body mogic ond more! This is o new qnd exciting closs where history meets mogic! clqsses ond receive o t0% discount off of your monthly totol. You must inclement weothe? or illness, your closs will be sent to you. You ore ottend the six closses. responsible f or the six month poyment. Poy of once or monthly. Cosh, personol checks, Moster Card / Viso qccepted. Speciol offqr: Toke two You must sign up ff for the classes by ,Iune 30, 2010. KELLY's MAGTCAL GAPDEN CLAS5 RE6I5TRATION FORA^ Nqme: Address: Phone/doy/evening: E-Moil: Closses: A fen dollar deposif (applied fo your firsf class) is required fo hold your seaf. ogrees to porticipote in Kelly's Mogicol Gorden closses: f understond thot f om responsible f or the entire poyment of the closs ond ag?ee to moke the poyment on time eoch month. If I qm absent or the closs is canceled T will receive my clqss vio the internet or US moil. f agree thct ony disruption of the closs moy result in my dismissol ond poyment is still expected. Signature/ Dote:
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