Concrete Pulverizer
Concrete Pulverizer
BodincMFG Product Guide W ConcretePulverizer includingcrushing concretestructures ldeolfor demolishing debrisfor recyclingond disposol. construction ond pulverizing ^ r\^ " tertw \ L nrh) "Engineeredfor SuperiorPertormonce. s-9/ * \-,, Buckef-linkoge Pulverizer- Directlyconnecfs in ploce of the buckef ond is octivofed by the buckef cylinderond linkoges. Engineeredto ochieve fhe moximum force required to crock ond pulverizeconcrete without odditionol hydroulics. Premium-quality stick& hydraulicpins. RecommeqdedUses Demolition o Universal, multi-position mountingplate. Heavy-dutystiffarm. 'Easy-Change' Processinq . bearingassembly leavesdevicecoupled togetherwhen stickpin is removed. bypassclose togetherto shearre-bar. Heavy-wall, large-diameter tubing. Qualityhigh-strength steelplate. Wearresistant and teeth. replaceable Teeth irregularly spacedto crack concrete. "We hove i| olll covered." Direct Connecf desiqn shown s ovoiloble Excavator Bodinc Model# Weight 1g-25k 25-34k 3446k 46-65k 65-88k 88-111k 111-160k 160.185k 1-800'269'0257 Concrete buildings, Structures,road beds, bridge abutmenfs,efc. www' Cracking,crushing and pulverizing concreteand constructiondebris by reducingthe size and the volumeof materials. Recvcling . Concretebase materials . Re-barfor scrap o Reducingthe volumeof debris and truckingor dumpingfees. Jaw Concrete Weight (lbs.) Opening Thickness APCP-205 900 APCP-210 2100 APCP-215 2900 APCP-225 3200 APCP-230 4500 APCP-235 6000 APCP-245 9000 APCP-255 11000 23" 26 30" 35" 42" 42" 55" 67" 8" 16" 20' 29" 36" 36" 49" 55" "Design and specifiactions subiect to change. 0l/09 Copyright 2009