Kbgtreke 6y hetley MwpIV Qrede, 5 Doreen frtotery EehooI
Kbgtreke 6y hetley MwpIV Qrede, 5 Doreen frtotery EehooI
Kbgtreke 6y hetley MwpIV Qrede, 5 Doreen frtotery EehooI G'daythere I'm Lennr l,izar.d ancl I lile on X,It. Sugarloaf. _ \\4ren thc bushfires happenecl nl Ih hone got burnt dorn. lt ilas dreaclful and reallt. scan. faloulite things \\ere thc ferns bLit thpr got brLr nt clorrr. But norr thel are beailtiliil agair. On the dal the fer.ns lere all turning brou.n ancl black ancl *ere crtLmbling awal, but nor,- thcl are nice and green. Tho are also \.,-ry talj and the ieales oi the tmnli look lilie a sillr'hat. On the cl:i\ it $'as scorching hot not likc T m r,r"d to, but no\\ it i5 fi-eczins L.old So ,'lt\\:r\' rl goiltglu tin.lr ni,p\\Jr.n,.octi ir,,n-.rrn Cir,,. l'hr: Forr:sl storv This chrrrr.h slnrrrls in the loncl;- ln:r:s- ll rrscd lo br: colorrrfrrl ond qreen grlss:rn.l rricr: lrr:r:s usr: 1o rurrorrrrd il. I|rr1 ns rr'<r r::rn see in lhr: pholo lhal llrc rrcrv lrees rrrrl sprouling up. l'he lr:rrberl wire rnahes this place look sr:ar.r orrd ubarrdonc . Ilul lhcrc is alrvnys a brighi sido to somethirrg rlrrd lhis is tlrol thrr lrocs.rr1) sproutilg rrgain. l1 is amnzinq horv lhis church survived lhe fire. S('on i1 E'ill be sprorrling sith colorrr'. Mat's Li le lli rtrre m1 nante js Mttr the O,r f BlaAck S,i,tlrrdr) I urrch..d ,n: irec. rli m1 tiiend. 5n j1rle i .r)n c,1 in5 Ir \\d.n.r ,,",".;.;1..: l."l l:.1:,,0,.h i.-l.l rr,."..,,flji,i*r";.,.,.n""r. nice,,., o, into .r necp,lccp. I,rla5 lhc,,nlj onr ;o uhodiiJtt.r c. to a dcep .lcep. I u a. lonely rbr' .r ,'. ir",. ...,i'nli ": '.in ,) n,),',e J: ;: F'ed.rie I rm arn.,(... rr .-i, ;;;;, ;;,: '' :::5l"i to'"* ,o,/;:" :.,1:":1, lTl"i:, "*"^J l:: ,^,. ,.J":, 0.i",'";),t1, 1o.r rh.n.rherc J repl\ \(: "-.^ ,-. rra. trll'ir; ," r,i".'"r"rii';l';lil,llrl,',_*'"," a 'na, ae.f .tq.i.'\ii,;,. cl the cory er' ' "'ro ;:ill"liT":" rhere *,as .,"",.'r.-,Jffi u n ""., rt nli,lif,T.i,liiiilo """he aft teacl,-'r. Good i'-oun by but not lbrevei O IteLLo, l'w- MLc MoMush. lwthefLye I lost 7) of vug by}thers. ttwas a tragLc accLd,ewt. Evt we qot 3a vwore byothers. Not MeawLwg ^av,t to brag bv,t we are aLL yeaL fw-qL's whew we da^.c,e wLth the Lad,U wass. eaoh of ta*g brothers take,s r4awu wowths ta Orow. (ve stayted a seLf het4 group t0 aLL the v^ushLes that bst theLr favwLLLes. ug b,.<ddg R.Uaw tpr,grow has Let us LLve ow hLv* uwtLL ewough regrow k arov,wd ta statt a wrw cLtU. I dwav.t I daw't grav.r hLgh bwt t tak<e a Lowg (LVvLe to grDw . R-e.aLLA I do . folli'ng pod' the ond topilng lying writings os the f the tell You obout the f ires ond r egeneroF ion ot Ki n9 loke' our leoves bock ond of some grow to We storted ond hove t1":*"1^t:1:"^Y" oru"botk tn" ni,. ogotn' doncing with the lody moss ;; ;;'.;;. it^ O".n "^iX*p HeY Bro's, l'm Ryon Regrow, ond l've been through o lot' My bro's ond I hove grown bock, bul some just didn'i moke i1 know my mote Tommy Treeiop, he hos grown o bit but not much, bul he is siill growing. The doy of the fires wosn't good. lt wos burning, seriously. I know my litlle living on me f ungi friends ond Mic McMush hove been foi o while. My life hos chonged, I hove new friencls ond I love it now. l'm golng to moke the best of lhe rest l of mY lif e. Fire. En1otion, Ash. ltub|1c, Ch:rrcoal. Snokc, Sadness, Black. Sadness, Saplirrg-:. Tr,aqedj', \'Ioss, Re,-rnio r't, Reglor";t,h. l'urrgi. Life. Det . Puclclles, Snggr, Regeneration. This tree used to be happy and alive. As you can see, a major bush fire wiped out millions of these. Although, the background shows you that there will be another time where the forest is happy and alive again. I think that anyone who sees the forests that were once burnt will feel hope and happiness fill their hearts as they see the regrowth of not only the nature, but the people of the community.