Flyer - School Assemblies | School Shows
Flyer - School Assemblies | School Shows
Toddgliver and Friends ToCd @@@ g1ivef.,. h Joey & Miss Lilly! Popsn HE POSITIVETY POSITIVE DAY PIAY ond porents from hundreds of schools ocross the counlry obout THE POSITIVELY POSITIVE DAY PIAY ond lcdd Oliver. Reod the lefiers of high proise provided in this pockoge. ,And, of course, osk the children. You'll heor proof of why this progrom is rored #] by so mony kids ond odults! THE POSITIVELY POSITIVE DAY PIAY feoturing Todd Oliver, weoves fun ond loughter into messoges of selFesbem, discovering one's trlent ond skills, using one's time wisely, work ethics, os well os other timely imporlnnt messoges concerning lhe youth of todoy. Reloting to children, communicoting noturolly ot the opproprioe level with the right moeriol is one of Todd's mony secrets in working with young people. Or os Todd soys, 'lMe moke them lough, then they list'en, then they leorn." Just osk school odministrotors, leochers, TODD OLIVER --Musicol Ventriloquist-- presents o motivotionol progrom you'll never forget. His combinotion of outrogeous ventriloquism, oudience porticipotion, ond music from his three olbums, 'l THE POSITIVELY POSITIVE DAY PLAYS, Vol. -3 produced by Grommy oword-winning Dennis Morgon, is in o closs by itself. A superb ventriloquist with yeors of experience, Todd shores the sirge with Joey Clork-+he lovoble, wisecrocking kid; with Pops--the crozy, confused old+imer; ond with Miss Lilly Tilly, world-renowned substitule ieqcher. Todd's humor is situotionol with o contemporory floir. Together, Todd ond his oll-shr cost offer three different progroms oppeoling to children of oll oges--Elementory level, Junior High ond High School level. Wiih his criticolly occloimed olbums now in o quorler of o million educotionol coblogues ond stores, Todd hits the rood with o one-of-o-kind, polished, professionol pro- grom thot receives rove reviews from coost to coosl. And now this prcgrom con be yourr. Jusr pick up the phone ond coll. It's going to be q POSITIVEIY POSITIVE DAY! qliveI @ 6-fi i"(>') \g) )J) wi^/ h Pops, Joey & Miss Lilly! HE POSITIVETY POSITIVE DAY PLAY RAVE REVIEWS! "l've worked in educotion lor 17 yeors ond I con truly soy your show is the most oppropriote ossembly for students thot l've experienced. The response wos fonlostic! We will definitely be scheduling your show ogoin in the future." ATICE YEAGER Drug Prevention Counselor Louderdole County School Syslem, Alobomq 'Todd Oliver hos spent port of eoch of the lost severol yeors touring the upper Midwest for Dokoio Assemblies. His progrom is olwoys the highest roted progrom we deliver. To the schools we serve in our six stote oreo, Todd's progrom is synonymous with excellence." GAIE F. JOHNSTON Director, Dokoto Assemblies Wesl Forgo, Norlh Dokoto "Thonk you for coming to Mendoto School to perform for our students. Your work wos excellent. The children were coptivoted by your tolent, humor, ond obility to relote philosophicol explonotion. On o scole of one to ten you deserve on eleven roting!" DONNA MONTGOMERY Principol, Mendols Elementory School Mendolo Heights, Minnesolo whot on inspirotion ond delight it wos to hove Todd Oliver moke his presentotion...The positive comments I heord from stoff ond students were mony, not only becouse o[ the fine presentotion but his wholesome ottitude is most refreshing indeed lor oll of us todoy." CHARTES A. McCONVILLE "...1 wish to let you know Principol, Woite Pork lntermediole School Minneopolis, Minnesoto 'Todd is o tolented young mon with o positive messoge for young people. ln todoy's world thot is o voluoble combinotion. He is obsolutely, positively our fovorite performer." NANCY CROWEII Principol, fhomos lnlermediqle School Shelbyville, Tennessee
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