Birds, Rodents` eind RePtiles
Birds, Rodents` eind RePtiles
18 rBirds, Rodents' eind RePtiles OBJEGTIVES: Bl Describe the kinds of componion birds ond their monogement fl fl V Describe the kinds of componion rodenls ond lheir monogement Describe the kinds of componion repiiles ond lheir monogement Describe the kinds of robbits ond their monogement EJ ldenrify other componion onimols ond describe their keeping A. Undersleinding lerms ploce the lerer of the term in the blonk to the left of lhe correcl description. g'it g. omphibion Voviory ,f( diurnal / / .e,,bird rK bird coge fledgling ..k greenfood .(quill e': birdkeeping .gr hutch kinoclurnol ff reptile /. rodenl ;xsolitory C l. An onimol wilh feolhers' 2. The proctice of roising birds in coptivity. -" g 3. A young bird thoi hos left the nest but is not old enough to feed itself. _v1 4. Non-dried vegetobles wiih iuice still present used os bird food. i s. Finely ground obrosive moleriol needed in the gizzord of birds. d O. A box-like enclosure thot keeps birds coptive' b 7. A house-like enclosure thot is used for birdkeeping' n 8. A mommol with two lorge front teeth designed for gnowing. { g. Animols thot sleep during the night ond ore owoke during the doy. K 10. Animols thot sleep during ihe doy ond ore owoke during the night' n1 I l. An eciothermic onimol with dry, scoly skin qnd lungs for breothing. A 12. An onimol thot spends porl of its life in woler ond port on lqnd. A coge speciolly designed for robbits. +-t t. I t a. A modified hollow hoir thot is sliff ond hos o point' O 15. Animols thot live olone. r35 B. Undersleinding Concepts Complete the following stotements using the informolion in Chopter 18 of the textbook; is o lorge robbit thot hos long block-tipped eorg. l. A{nl hOf e 2. A femole guineo pig is colled o(n) Ent r month(s) old before she is bred. 3. A femole guineo pig should be ot leost 3 month(s) old. 4. A femole rot is reody to breed when she is 3 5. A mole ferret is colled o(n) L-,r.,b ond o femole is colled o(n) j ill 6. A rqbbit coge is colled o(n) hr tl-c h where the bird con sit. 7. All bird cqges should hove o(n) L An exomple of o fruii commonly fed to componion birds is o(n) o{T\teS week(s) old. 9. Boby gerbils ore weoned when they ore week(s) old. I O. Boby guineo pigs ore weoned when they ore .? week(s) old' I l. Boby mice ond rots ore weoned when they ore 3 weeks of oge. ond 8 12. Boby robbils ore weoned between ofter they ore l0 months old. 13. Femole ferrets breed in the '<pring 14. Femqle guineo pigs will mote ogoin o few l-*t rrS ofter giving birlh. r 15. Femole homsters over 20. Give on exomple of o moteriol commonly used os o source of gril for o bird's digestive rorely hove offspring. yeor(s) old very --crfg16. Ferrets ore susceptible lo conine rJisternper- , which is o fotol diseose. should noi be used on rodents. 17. Fleo powder used for doc, < month(s) of oge. 18. Gerbils ore old enough to breed ot 3 19. Gerbils eot obout I -$+ t^te=.p.rOn of food per doy. syslem. 21 . 22. q rnt'-ny' Grit is q source of the oY.qle.-r .{rell minerol c.o. tcr r rryt Guineo pigs, humons, ond monkeys ore the only onimols ihot ore unqble lo monufoclure vitomin C 23. Homsters eot oboul % ot r.rce the of food per doy. lrf 25. Homslers should not be bred until they ore A 24, Homsters should be fed during ro 26. Hedgehogs ore notive 27. Mice ond rots moy be fed when they ore octive. n iq week(s) old. Er-rvrrfre- ond dry AFr[crr tood. dg t35 .l Nome G. Dote Applying Concepts/Criricql fhinking Cl. Bird Geogrophy On the world mop shown below, indicote the country or conlinent of origin for lhe following componion birds: conories, budgerigors, ond lovebirds. You moy hove lo use oiher books or the lnlernel to identify their counlry of origin ond on otlos lo locole lhot country. a . !t'r' ,i) C2. Species Comporisons Compore selected species of componion onimols. Use the chort below to compore ond conlrost the chorocterislics of the onimols. Species Birds Rodenls Reptiles Amphibions Robbits Equipmenl Needed Food Needs ba{d scqr ar Fiaj<rt ltght ) qiood ) \^Jod(9- hnl+ch , {<'od, ,4tP/ frrrfes tq\s sn1aj I crt'r rhoJr) Plotr1E , r r,)Stfrtf, ferncrrc.r eqRJ ert*io.lcb W0.ler &r*r tiaed lcy 'lfrc rrnle grain, see.ds, \a+l rc\- AFter- r'rxlr*irq, k/fu.B qive birtrr lo"riHcrs ef,C. s-ruJ crra_tv c,l€.o..rt cqqe, @qe- titt<r o.19ro.r-irun I Fl'l+€r)'r ut-t'l +rvt+r lrerrr€ood-, o,td 4.l/lar1, I petd.) Reproducllon lqy cryis pebt2tcJ) gJqa<-, rnse-cf Ins(-c*{ @l (olnr.r-tr'pi <-rl ro.lebit qt.t<r,r9+\n9 ),R:J).rAtrr (6od- )-g^rG. qrefrrt- oru Ezir4h & litlt-r-s 4,v<, rlea.rlal'\t I t?7 lo.rvcrfr Se.rrro.fgr lo.V e?1s C4. Moior Exlernol Ports of tl Robbit On the lines below, identify the ports of o robbit nol olreody lobeled thot correspond to the letters on the drowing. Refer to chopter l8 in the textbook ond other resources. o. eYe 9: b. t.,os(- h. la il c. rrnt'.tln i. i. k. hi d. r hest e. fi)e, f. +rrt-l+ D. l. ho<_lc ro slrcr , lcler' ve cV /Errlended Concepts Choose on exolic pei of interesl to youGdi the nutrition, feeding, ond heolth core needs of this onimol. Whot equipment is neededldT bq fhis onimol? 2. Arronge to pet-sit for o friend or neighbor with on exotic pet. Keep o w-*ri doily responsibilities ond observotions (type of food the onimol eots, etc.). 3. log of your Visit o pel store in your oreo ond observe the rodenis ond exolic pets lhey hove ovoiloble. Moke o list of the onimols ond indicote if eoch onimol is o rodent, on omphibion, o reptile, or o mommol. 140