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26 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF VICTORIA AT MELBOURNE COMMERCIAL AND EQUITY DIVISION COMMERCIAL COURT CORPORATIONS LIST s ct 2013 2095 lN THE MATTER OF GUNNS PLANTATTONS L|MTTED (rN LIQUIDATTONXRECEIVERS & MANAGERS APPOINTEDXACN 091 232 209) in its capacity as the responsible entity of the managed investment schemes listed in Schedule I DANIEL MATHEW BRYANT, IAN MENZIES CARSON and CRAIG DAVID CROSBIE (in their capacities as joint and several Liquidators of GUNNS PLANTATIONS LIMITED (lN LTQUIDATIONXRECETVERS & MANAGERS APPOINTEDXACN 091 232 2091 First Plaintiffs and cUNNS PLANTATTONS LTMTTED (tN LTQUIDATIONXRECE¡VERS & MANAGERS APPOINTEDXACN 091 232 209) in its capacity as the responsible entity of the managed investment schemes listed in schedule 1 second praintiff CERTIFICATE IDENTIFYING EXHIBIT 31 October 2014 the Plaintiffs Date of document: Filed on behalf of: Prepared by: ARNOLD BLOGH LEIBLER Lawyers and Advisers Level 21 333 Collins Street MELBOURNE 3OOO Solicitor's Code: 54 DX 38455 Melbourne Tel: 9229 9999 Fax: 9229 9900 Ref: 01-1772953 (Kimberley MacKay - [email protected]) This is the exhibit marked "DMB-6" now produced and shown to DANIEL MATHEW BRYANT at the time of affirming his affidavit on 31 October 2014. Before me: ,/ n4oc/'y' Exh¡b¡t "DMB-6" xm*'*rffiffiåffi'Eëtter to g$Gdüne rc¡el ?t, Sfte€t mdbotrlrðùm ¡trr nu*Írs¡ian Le6al Practltiorcr rrdürln $e rnr¡an{'¡_r r.f f.h,: l..eBra.l pyohesåon Act æt}?. G rowers regard i n g Th ¡ nn ¡ ng CUNNS PI*ANTATIONS LTD nsN Registered Offic€; PO 3ó 0e1 232 20e AËSL No. 23S701 78 l^¡n<lsây St lauüceston TAS 7?50 A 8ox 588 Launceston TA5 7250 wholly owned subsidiary of Gunns Limited ABN 29 009 478 .l48 Telephone; (03) 6335 5290 lnt: +61 3 6335 5290 tacsimile: (03) 6333 0646 lnt: +61 3 6333 0646 2nd Morch 2012 Deor Grower, GPL Woodlol Proiecls Quorlerlv Grower Updole Morkels ond Horvesls Ploniino Ootions I cnd 2 Mcrkets for export woodchips into the north Asio reg¡on from Tcsmonic continue to be very light with prices continuing to be sofl os o result of the high Austrolion dollor, confinuing high ovoilobility of plontotion fibre from clecr foll plcntotions in moinlond Austrolio ond increosed competition from foreign, low cosi suppliers. The thinning of the GPL Woodlof Projects remcins very problemotic. As indicoted in Augusl, we hcve secured soles of o limited volume of wood from lhinning operotions in GPL Woodlot Projects 2O0l ond 2002. This hos included o limited number of plcntolions in most need urgent need of thinning. As previously mentioned priority is being given lo the thinning of Plonting Option 2 plcntotions thol ore in need of thinning to reduce competition from the unpruned stems on the pruned stems thot will be grown on unlil cleorfoll. lf thinning does not occur for Plcnting Option 2, this would hove o negotive impoct on the long term silviculturcl objectives of growing veneer logs os set out in the relevont PDS for eoch project. Oplion ì will not suffer if lhinning is not performed. There is more flexibility regcrding the monogemenl of Plonting Option I (lhe ì3 yeor pulp log regime), os thinnings ccn be deloyed such thot horvesis ore performed when the wood con be sold into more fovouroble markei condilions. The trees in Plonting Thinning operolions for Plonting Option 2 hod been progressing of o significonlly reduced level bul hove now been deloyed os a result of exlended shutdowns of lhe Smortfibre woodchip mill of Bell Bcy in Norihern Tosmonio due lo low woodchip export demond. For further informofion, Growers should refer to o list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the GPL web site ot: The figures below outline lhe stolus of Auslrolion woodchip exporls in relotion Jcponese ond Chinese woodchip morkets for the period Jon - Oct 201 to both the l. JAPAN: The figures show the delivered cost on o Yen/kg bcsis from the vcrious suppliers os well os the % mcrkef shcre of thcl supplier. Austrolio's morkel shore over the period Jon to Nov storting morket shore of 35.7% down lo 25,8%. 201 I hcs decrecsed by 2B%, from a Supplier Yen/kg Austrolio Chile South Africo 20.14 25.8% 18.34 26.4% 18.7 4 13.7% Vietnom Thcilond 14.64 163% 1s.55 a oø7 /.o/o Shore CHINA: ihe delivered wood costs into Chino from vorious suppliers on o US$ per bone dry tonne bosis (Note: CFR is o delivered wood cost which includes lhe cost of oceon freighi) bui excludes the cost of insuronce' The figures below show These costs demonstrcte how high Auslrclio's delivered Supplier Vieinom lndonesio Thoilond Auslrolic CFR 171.59 lBó.Bl 193.97 232.58 USD BDT wood costs ore. Shore 51.32% 15.31% 19,5% 10.1% ln oddition, soles ore increosingly hoving to be mode in $US in order to meet the morket, wilh Auslrolio being the lcst supplier in which soles were denominoted in the supplier's domestic currency. Growers in Plcnting Option I will hove received nolificotion from GPL lhct il (cs cgent for Growers) hos signed o Wood Sole Agreemenl with Gunns Limited for the wood grown in Plcnting Option l, on substontiolly similor terms to those conloined in ihe Droft Wood Scle Agreement. Refer to the following Grower updote: Mill%2O -%2OP I anlin ç%20 O pI io n%20 1 %20 only%2O-%2]F lN At. o df The GPL Boord is currently considering whct further guidcnce if con provide Growers in the GPL Woodlot Projects with regords lo lhe future vclue of their woodlols. Plcniing Option 3 The originol silviculiurol regime outlined in the Woodlot Project 2001 prospectus for Plonting Oplion 3 (Rcdioto Pine - Veneer ond Sowlogs) wos lo corry oul o non-commerciol thinning cost ct opproximotely oge 9. This would hove reduced the thinnings would hcve followed of oge l4 ond oge 20 ond commerciol to 5OO stems stond ond finol horvesi os o cleorfell of oge 25. The cost of this operciion (the non commerciol (i.e fo woste) of the Growers' ihinning of oge 9) to growers would hcve been opprox $1390 per woodlot. GPL's lndependent Foresler hos previously recommended thot the plonned non-commerciol lhinning be reploced by o commerciolthinning of oge 11 if possible. We hove secured c morket for the commerciol lhinning of oll of the plonlolions in Woodlot Project 2OO1 Plonting Opiion 3 (Rodioto Pine - Veneer ond Sowlogs). This commerciol thinning will give o benefit of o smoll cosh return os well os reducing the competition on the pruned slems cnd iherefore enhcncing their growth' Risk Monoqemenl Firebreok mointenonce hos been ongoing throughout summer. Tosmonio cnd NSW (Plonting Option 3 only) hove hcd c quiet fire seoson, up unlil mid Februory due to obove overoge spring ond eorly summer roinfolls; however this roinfoll hos leod fo increosed gross growth which hos now dried off. - Februory condilions hove dried out significontly ond severol lorge fires hcve ploce in Tosmonio including one fire (Meodowbonk fire) thct burnt in excess of 5,000 tcken ho of scrub, formlcnd ond some eucclypt ond pine plonlolions. The fire burnt through opprox 50 ho in o Ploniing Option 1 plontoiion in the GPL Woodlot Project 2008, which correlotes to opproximotely 0.35% of Plonting opiion I for thot project. Since mid Pleose refer lo our Fire Updote on the GPL website ot Gunns Limiled Pulp Mill Proiecl We cre odvised thot negoticf ions to secure cn equily investmenl pcrlner for the Bell Boy pulp mill ore continuing. Site eorthworks for ihe project ore proceeding on schedule cnd on budget cnd ore expecled to complete in Morch 2012' For more informotion refer to the ASX (ASX Code: GNS) ond Gunns Limiled Pulp Millwebsite of: h l1 o : //wwv'4. g-u n nseu p mjll o m*P u -c I Roinfoll . . Tosmonio: cbove overoge roinfoll for spring. Ocfober hod cool weother wif h some very cold nighis ond overcge rainfoll, November hod obove overoge rcinfollwith worm doys onO nignts ond December hod well cbove overoge roinfollwifh worm doys ond nights' Jonuory wos on inieresting month with bolh record worm ond cold temperolures, overcll the month wos wormer thon overoge with roinfoll neor overoge. Sou'th West slopes region of New Souih Woles: overoge roinfoll for spring ond overoge minimum temperotures. The overoll high roin ond worm lemperotures hos resulted in good conditions for tree growth fhroughout spring ond summer' Forest Heollh We ore continuing f o monitor f he plontctions cffected by the leof spot fungi onnounced to growers in lhe Qucrlerly updote of the l'1 November 2011. The offected plontolions cre õeing monitored closely ond thus fcr the weother conditions hcve been conducive to lheir ru.oúery. A further inspection of ihe plontotions will be corried out ot lhe end of Ihe growing seoson to ossess recovery, pleose do nol hesitote to visit the GPL website on www.ounns.com.ou/plontotion5' This website is full of moieriols ovciloble to Growers such os lolest newsletters, grower updotes, onnuol reports ond lolest compony onnouncements. lf you ore unoble lo occess these updotes ond would like c copy of lhese moteriols, or if you hove ony furlher questions, pleose phone us freeccll on lB00 015 023. Yours sincerely Gunns Plontotions Ltd lon Blonden Chief Execulive Officer - GPL Thinning operotions (commerciql hqrvesting) Woodlot Project 2001 Oplion 3 D00lTl3óF Thinning, North West Tosmonio Woodlol Project 2001 Option 2 Thinning DOOlTl3BC, Norih West Tosmonia .'lr * Woodlol Project 2002 Oplion 2 Thinning D03PK2304, Norih Eost Tosmonio Woodlot Project 2002 Option 1 Thinning D02SQl39J North Eost Tosmonio .$