4tpet Racru" Steci4tt


4tpet Racru" Steci4tt
4tpet Racru" Steci4tt&.)
Mey 25.2012
\A{nd{oNer a{ CvR HOA, klc.
Attn: Mr. Terry J€nett
Th€ Best Manag6ment Team
19751 Mainstreel Suile 390
Perker. CO 80138
Dear T€nt,
P6r your request, pleaselind enclos€d a copy ol our proposal to pr€pare a ReseNe Study lor Wn(mower
at CVR HOA, Inc. Thetollowing are th€ levels ot service and products that arc available to meet your
clients ne€ds:
I Repoat Pertom a physicrl observaUon of the propeny. From lhe inspection, we will generate a
component list, inventory, measure, and estimste the life expeclancy and remsining life of all common
area assets. We willal3o prepsre an analysis ofthe Reserve fund, providing e recgmmended Reserve
allocatjon. This levd ol service is gear€d toward associatjons who do not have an exisling study in dace
or has nol had an pfoporly observation conducled in the past 5 years.
.7 Week Tumaroundi
5 Week Tumaround:
31,980.00 2WeokTumaround:
Perform a physical crbservallon ol the prcperty. We will verily the accuracy of a
2 Rcpon
previously geneaated list of common aree components (quantitjes must be available), estimate the life
expectancy (ifn€cessary) and remaining life expectancy (remaining useful life) ofthose components, and
reseaach their rcplacement costs. We will also prepare an anelysis of the Reserve fund, providing a
recommended Reselve allocation. This is 6n update to an existing reseave study 5 years or newer
7 We€k Tumaround:
Level 3
5 We€k Turnsround:
2 Week Tumeround: 12,160.00
This update without site obgervalion is only available to ossocjaiions who3e level
2 reserve study has been completed by ARS vrithin the past 5 years. Wewilt verify the
acclrecy of a
previously genorated list of common area components, estimate the life expectency (if necessary) and
lnaining usc{r*lit?ot lha cd'npoienl3, and.caliirsta thc.Epbcrman colt ol tlir coitponcrft tt crfiing
vendo6 and protessionals lhat have prefomed work on the dssociation In recent years. We will also
prepare an analysis of the Reserve fund providing a recommended Reserve allocation. This level of
seruice is not rccommended for an association whose Resetue Study is grealerthan 5 years old.
7 Week Tumaround:
2 Week Turneround: 1900.00
Aspen Reserve Specialti€s is in business to meetthe Resetue Study needs ol your association. We are
here to answer eny questions you mey have regerding Reserves, Call us wilh any questions, or concems
you mey heve regarding your associalaons roserve funding. Please indicate which level of s€rvice you
would like to have performed by filling out lhe contract provided below.
G. Michsel Kelsen. RS. PRA
P.O. Box 1752.
C.stlc Rock,
Phone (303) 79G7572.
{303} 68&3083
4tpee Reuzue Speciztttot
May 25,2012
\Afind0oirer €t CVR l-tOA, Inc.
Atln: Mr T€rry Jonett
The Best Management TeEm
19751 Mainstr€€t, Suite 390
P8rker, CO 80138
Doar T€ny,
Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to meet the Reserve Study needs of Windflower et CVR HOA,
Inc. We are excited to olYer you the expenise and professionalism you ar6 looking tor in a Reserve Study
provid€r. Pleas€ choose l.om the following Levels of SeNjce (circle on€):
Level 2 Repon
u...*o rtnaranet
proposal provided
'7 tDteb
at rhe cosi or
was serected hom
The tlrmaround time begins once the following informatjon is obtained in our offrce:
\ t
\ .
! .
\, .
Signed Agreement Form pErmitting Asp€n Res€rvs Spociallies to perfom the abovementroned
seNice lattached)
Propeny/plat map (if available)
List of convaclors/v€ndors (with contact names and phone numb€rs)
Copy of current Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restnctions (Bylaws are not required)
Copy of c{*r3nr budg€t
Copy of current balance sheet
A copy of the pr€vious raserve study if choosing a l€vel 2 or 3 (only if ARS did not perform the
previous study)
A Reserve Expenditure History (pasl 2-5 years, if possibl€)
Contact name and numbor or email of a curent Board Member
Failure to provrde these items will result in a delay in the delivery of the report. For every week hat the
alems are not received aller the requesled date, a week willbe added to lhe due date ofthe Reserve
Study. lf you have any questions pleese do not hesitale lo call.
G. irichael Kelsen, RS, PRA
P.o, Box
l?52. Cffid.
Rock, cO 8010,4. Phonc (303) 73G7572.
(303) 68&3083
Specaztt :ot
Contract Agreement
Scope of Work
Client (Windfowcr at CVR HOA, Inc. 8572) understands that Contractor {Asp6n R*erve Sp6ciahi6} will b€
providing s LevelJL_ Reserve Analysis (as described in thc reserue study proposal) (the "Wo*") to b6
comdeted and mail€d within approximat€ly
we6ks trom the pfoject stan date. Cli€nt understands and
agrccs lhat wlathef msy play a significant role in th€ compl€tion of Sitc Obscrvations b€tw.ln thc monrhs ot
October lhrough Apnl. Any Reserve Study contracted during those months mey be detsyed due to w€ather
condilions such as snow, hail, wind, €in, snolry and/or ice cov.r on Rescrve Compon€nts or eny conditions
exisling on lhc propcrty which render the propeo unsete to employees or ropreBentatives of Contractor.
ConLacto. will be unable to acccss any .ool that is greabr than 18 feet in heigt( unle$ eccess is providcd by
m.ans ot an attachGd roof lEdcl€r or steiMell. Cli€.rt adrbd€dg.s lhat thc requ€sted tumerd]nd timc for thcir
Resewe Sludy does rolbegin unlil Conlractor rec€ives 44L items requested in the contract cover tetter. Ctient
understands lhatany specialrequests for additjonal services or change ordeB may further delay the delivery of
the r€port. Addiijonally, th€ Cli€flt agrees that failure lo provid6 any requested or n€cessary information or to
rclum phone calls oremails senl to the Clienl in a lmely manner Wll dolay the delivery of the report. Further.
th. Client understsnds th6 fe€ quoled was bascd on informetjon provided to Contactor by th6 Clisnt at the
time of requestino e propo5al. lf it is lat?r found that lhis Info.matjon is either inaccurate or incompl€te,
Contrector has the right !o adjust the fee accordingly. No furher wo* will b€ performed unlil e writtcn change
order is received with a Eoard Memb6/s signature, d6tailing the egreed changes lo the contract. The d6lav6ry
of lhe Drall Reserve Sludywillb6 ddayed by ths amount of time it takes to receive lh6 ex€cuted chsnge ordff.
t /JtrO
.A 50% depo6il ($
t |6 C!€ at th€ $d€ ol
'6 balence is due €nd payeble within 45 deys ol delivery ol th6 Dreft
submitling ell required informetion. The
Vorsion of the R$e.ve Study. Final reporls \trill not be rel€ased unlil the account is paid in full. Lat€ cherges
6ro incured fo. accounts pasl 90 days of Dreft d€livery at the rete of $25.00 for every 30 deys pest du€.
Th. r.e tr. yet r F.quesl€d €cprio.e
Plcase thoroughly reMarv our revisions poljcy oudined in Artjcle 1.9 b€lot /. We allow uts days for the cli6ot to
review the drait and provide any necessary feedback lf feedback is nol received within 90 days of delivery of
trrsMtvErsion, tts r4'ortwilttE cDrisifficomlrhe arlttffi. Afiy cfrzng€srEqueEtetraftergo ddF and
wilhout pfior teodback rlill b€ made st an sdditional fee to the associelion. ll your sssociation will noed more
lhan 90 deys to r6vi6x the report, notify us via phone call or email so that we may make a note in lhe
essocielron's file.
Thc Contrector will proide on€ ('1) color copy of th€ r€port 6nd a disc contsining an electronic fil! of th€ drefl
and find llport3 and all photograph3 taken during the sito obsoNalion aller receiving approval of the drait
wrsion. Additimefiy, 6 pdf copy win be €mail.d to the communv3 manager and/or board pr.lidont at lhc
emailaddress listed on this contract. Additionalhard copies ofthe Reserve Sh.idy are available lor a nominal
fee of 675 per repo.l
Cli€nl understands that Conhctorwillnot us6 invasive or destructive measures to oblain inlonnatlon r€garding
spdnkl€r systems, plulnbing syst€ms, €lectricsl wnng, tel€phone wiring, or underground public utilit lines
(sew6r, drainage, water. etc). Contector will concenbate on Reserve Compon€nls lhEl have been properly
built and anslelled snd have pr.diclable life expecrencies. R€serve Studies do nottyPically eddress issues
ovolving frorn unpa€dictsble nsturtl evenb (hail, windstorms, etc.), €nvironmental he2ards (eed peint,
asbestos. radon, etc), oa coislructron dctect concems.
By initialing lh.3e pages, you agr€e to alltems and conditions and lhst the chorc€s sel€cted abova were made
by the boerd ot dlractors or an edhori2ed agent of the board.
Bor l7a2 . C..tle Rock, CO 80'tlx . Phonc (303) ?SG7572 . Frt (303) 688-30t3
s4t pea Rarczu<
Contract Agreement
Terms and Condillons
Artcl€ t - Cont'rcto/6 S.rviccr, Cli.nf5 R.spon iblliti.s, SFcific Elclu.ions
1.1 Cli.nt D.fincd. Th. Clienl npresrnts that it l.galy o' ns lhc property orcon non arrs upon lrhich ttc Wo* i3
lo b€ p€rfonn€d orhes dghts io exccule agrc.mcnls for such \ Drk. For he purpose oI administnlion, whlrlv.r
in lhk Agr.cmcnt thc wod 'Cllcnt'is us.d, it shrllinc/ud. ,ny duv aulhoriz.d .lp.cscnuliw of lhc Oicnl.
.2 Conlraclor Oalincd. Thc Conlr.ctor
is Aspen
Rescrv! Spccislti€s,
1.3 Clicnl undeGtandi lhal lh. scrviccs proMd.d by li. Contnclo. sh.ll consist of developing a componenl lilt by
idcnfting thos. common arua conpon.ni! lhat, in Conlraclois oplnion, msy rlquira r.$rv. tundng based on
Conlredo/s phydcal obscNslion of the propcrg. The Conl|.ctor willthen d.tlrmin8 th. R.maining Us.ful Ufe
of.edr component.nd allo ddtcminc curfil lldeccft€m co.t3 ('CurEnl CoBf). Conlrac,tor will Ecommlnd r
Fully Fundcd Balanc. and a Funding Plen, bas€d on th. compon€nt lasl, and th. cunlnt tinanci.l infonnation
providcd by Cli.nt.
.,1 ilcthod3 of Ob.nn6on. Cli.nl undcEtands and ackno\ il.dgcs thrt ConrEdor will nol usc intrusiw, invrsiv!
or d.strucliv. torun6ic obs.NaUon m.6sur* lo oblain infonmton r.gording sny eruas ol lh! community,
indudins brrt nol finitcd tu, 3pinkl€r syftms, plunrbing lysllrE ehctirri ltring, Wrns viing, t,r
undlrlround public ulility linsB, induding bul notlimited to, s€!E( dmineg. sndvralerfin.s.
1.5 Spccillc Exclutloru. By signing lhc Agroemenl, Cliont .clno\^ledg* lhat re3€Ne study enetsi! llvill incldt
ont rcacN€ componlnls thal haw bc.n pmpady built€nd inslallod and have prBdictable lifc ep€clano€3.
1.5.1 R.s.rvc studi€s conduclcd by Conlraclor spccjfcally rxclude issues h.ving lo do wlh unpredidsH. n5l'rral
.vrnF (including but not lirited lo urealhlr cven$ 3tch es hail, win*loms, etc.) end cnvironm€nt l
hezards (nduding bol notlimilcdto lcad p.ini esbcslos, ndon, .lc.).
1.5.2 Rcoc+rr. sl:urfice coidc€i.d bt C6n*r€ior $.€ifc.ry lrdsdc .ny md .S colrlti'elion dc{c€l tcl.€d
conc.ms. Conhcror shall not b€ liauc to any pary, induding bul not limircd to Clienl, hom.oficrc
rssocislions, individLral propcrty owlcr!, build.rs, subconlractoE ltmncial institulions, .lc. for eny claims
thet involv. conslruction dcfcct relai.d i6so.B. Cli.nl acJoo\ r.dge3 lh8! il is awac thet it is impossiu. lor
Conuector to know of any conslructron d.f.cts unle$ d€fecb ar€ disclosed lo Conrector Even il 3udl
di3do6uru is madc lo contrdctor, il ir noi inl€nd€d lhat re3€rue 3tudias conducrcd by conr.c,tor tat. ,ny
con6truction dafccb into consid.r!lion, $ih.th.r disclosod or undisdosad,
1.53 Cli.c undorsl|ads srd .chora.df€t lhc tr'r. protision. ot Artch 2 conc€ming ind.fi|odk;.lbn md
ltomcy'r tc€! lhal apply to €ny 5nd ttl slrvices Pmvided by Contr.ctor 1lllh.tner or not Pre3enled a3 .
claim for bruach of contact or any olher cause of aclion orclaim againsl conlraclor.
1.6 Clicnl undlrstands th.t the r6.crve sludy shall not b! uscd .s ! tinencirl tudit. This rclarw 3iudy 3hall nol b.
u!.d tor lhc FDose of di3Foving anolh.r r€3cNc sludy, t\tthoul prior winon agrc?rr'fit b.i^Ecn cla€nl .nd
Contrsdor. Th€;!erv. study shal not bc us€d as.vidcnc€ of constructaon dalects, damag., potlntill damage,
h.alih and ssf.ly conc.ms, or as a construction-quelity obs.rvation- Th€ €s.Nc 6ludv shtll nol lslrblish
l.!aay. tuadin! Ior thr rlpria, 6d...a.nr oI tlait loaacr ot LA."l it rls.t itltrs covdld radltln inalsra
srrvic! conlrecl orin inottlerp€rt olthc sssocialion'! budg.l
1.7 clicnt und.rst nds and ecknow.dg.s lhat Conlrector shall nol bc auditino lh. tnanclal informaton rcc.o.d
fr6m Cli.nr
b. rlsPonsiHe tor rny inl6nlionel or uninlenlional misr.p€scnhlion to Contracio. bv
clilni, or eny plrson or enlity on b.half of Oicnt, rugerding lhc cli.nl ancluding bul not littit€d lo
Conlreclor shal not
infom.lion rEgsrttn! Cli.nts financisl standing, sotuenq, and aveii.bility offun&.
vil nol ahlr or verit infodnalion rlqaRtanq th. common arEas rcccrwd
from Clcnt or 6ny p.rson or lntity on bchalfofCli.nt, induding but not limiled lo ag.nts and v6ndoB
Contr.clor 3htll not b€ relponsiblc for int nlional or uninl6ntonal misGpr*entalions rcgarding th. common
rrsss m.d. try cli€nt or sny pcBon or enlity on blhaf of Cli€nl, indudjng blt not limilld to 3g6nts tnd
dicnt undeBtands lntt Conlractor
1.6 cli.nr undcFlends thallh! toii.l .!s.rv. sludy lcc is based on infomaiion providcd 1o conracto. al thc lime ol
obraining lhe pmposal. I it i3 laler found thet th! intormatjon providcd to Coniraclor is lilhd ineccur.i. or
inmmdate, ConlEclor 63crvcs hc nght lo sdiust thc f€! accordingly 3nd clicnt sgtles lo pay .djuslcd f.c.
conlraclor rnd clientmist egrue upon sllciangca to tha contrecl end sign a \Mitlan ch6n9e ord6r
1.9 c|i.nl is enti[cd lo onc tre revision of lh! rescrvc study rcPo( geneGt.d by contlctor. Revision ruqu.s8 are
lh. Fully Funded aahnc! orlhc
R.;offincnrhd Re$n! conlribution. Clicnt und.rslands thal e difflr.nc. of oPinion is nol t vtlad rueson to
rcV3c th. study unlcss Cli.nt Providls s potussional opinion lrom an .xpcn in 3 dGclly rulatld f.ld Conlracior
rcs.rvls h. right lo u!! Conlractois opinion in Contdcto/s r!.eM stucly rlgardloss ot anv oulside oFnion'
P,O. Box 1752 . C.3tlc Rock, CO 8010L . Phonc (303) 79Gt672 . F.t (303) 88&3013
subject to Contracto/s appovaltnd csnnot be uscd lorlhs purPos€ ot lolv.ring
Atperc Rarctue Spec<alaa,t
Any llrthcr rcvisions othcrlhan
th. on! tr!! rlvsion rddrcaled in rhis pa'lg|aph wittbo
bitted at
rn hourv mte
1.l0lt r!q!.st!d by Clhnt, Contradols inyoiyrment in 6v.nlr inctudirg blt not tinil€d ro board m..thg6,
Fcs.nl.lion3, End hypothetical anatsas will bc sep.Eioly billod at in hourt rer€ of 9150, including ddvc rim€
endvith a
Mlcl.2 -lntunnc. end Ind.mnity; S!.nd.rd ot C:E
PE-.xi.tng Cl.imt. Clienl shell fully ind.mnit, dcl.nd, snd hotd Contreclor
h6rmt.ss for any pr}.
.xisiing daims, lirbili0es, lolsc3 or d€mag€s, including conslruction defects, rt ch \N!re idenlifr.d or initiat.d
pnor to th. clY.ctive dd! oflhis Agrc.mcht.
2.2. Stln&rd of C|r!. No varent.s.prcss or implicd ar! made by Cont-.ctor and its rcsponsibility is timited
to th. Bervicai it pmvidc! io Clirnl und.r this Ag€.m.nl Contractor sgrtcs to pGrtotrn th€ s.rvicli dca.ribcd in
thi. Agrl.mcn! in good Lilh. Conlr.clor is not r.$onsibl. tor acis or omilsions of Cliant or any oth.r Thid
Party. Thc Conlrac,lor ropres.nis thlt it is tully qualif.d and accrcdit.d, to th. .xt.nt n.cessary, to do business
in he vici. ty if lhe projecl, has lie requisile exp€nise, skill end caFbilty to p.rtorm the Wo in th. mann.r
conlemd8les by this Agreemenl, and ihat it shall rnainlain thc rcqui8its gkillcd .rnploycc6 and oth€r \rorker6,
matcdah, cquign nl and tools ncclss€ry lo p6dom lhe V1/o* as end \ ,llcn required under this Agreerfient and
will pcrform sudr Work and prcvidc auch services in accor&ncc wih induslry stendads,
Ind.mnliy. Th. Contractor hcdy ind.mnifcs 6nd s€v.s harmless lhe Client againsl any end all loss,
d6magc, lirbility, claims, demand3, cosl orexpcns€, induding Enomeyfe.s and costs otltigation adsing lroln or
in any \ay et[ibulabl. to thc activllie3 ol thc Contaclor or any of
Confacio/s lnFioyccs, th.
Conrracto/swo* orthe Contracror's pr.s.nc! or actvilics in the corrnunily, within! limitalion,
lo persons and damagc lo properly.
Llmildioo ot O.rn g.!. Cli€nt €gB€3,
or dcaths
lo th€ fulen en€d permitr.d by bw, to limir thc liabiliry of
Conlraclor for any and alldsims, losse3, costs, and damagcs ofsny naluc lrom eny causc, including eltomcys
.nd cost6, ..prxl \dilrllls f.as and cods. and atbjtalior la.s rnd co6t{ so lid th. lald a€€rqela li3bili4
of lh€ Contraclor lhall nol erceed Conlracto/s lolel b ing tor lhis reseNe sludy. Conlractor 3hall nol be lirblc tor
any sp.ci8l, indiEcr or conscqu.nlial d.magca of Ciicnl Th. ConlEctor shr{ b. r.sponsid. tor ai d8m€gc or
iniury.rising from lh. Conirsclor's p.rlodnrncc oflh6 Work of olhotwise r.laling to this Agr..m.nl
Work PEduct Clacnt acknowlcdgcs lhet conlr.ctois pnf.ssional oprnion is brscd on informalron medc
sv€il.blc lo contrsctor at thc lim€ ol phy3ic.l ob3c rtion ol ltr. propcrly. clicnt irrher eckno edoe! lhal
conditions Eportcd by lh! conlreclor aru epplic€bla lo th6 tme tB.nc of lhc repo( and lhlse condiirons, ovar
timc, inay ctt.ng.. Ther. i3 no imdied wananl6. or guartnt.. in any of the Conlt&brs work pmducl.
conlractor will p€par. rll Epods in good Lilh €nd in .ccordanc. wilh lh. skill 3nd caru u3.d by rEmbcrs ol
Coniracto/s p.of!3sion und6r similar circumst ncls in a similsr lim. fram! and in ih. $tn lo.5lity. Should
Cli.nt uliize lhe $/ort pmduct other lhan s3 pad ol Conlractols paid seMcls during or atler the lerm of lhis
Agrlerrnl. Conlrsctor shall not bc li.blr for enors or omissions in lhe $E* product, and Client shsll mak! no
daim egainst Conlractor tor such cnols or ombiions and shall \/Biw any claim againsl Cont€dor and
ind.mnily, dcf.nd .nd hold Contractor helml.s| rDm iny dritn or lislility lor iniury o. lors thal n€y eri8. fom
any r€u.e ol th! vrct* prodocl by Cli.nt.
Artlcl. 3 - Di.Dula Rarolutlon
Cli.nt and Contnctor shall n€gotiate in good ftilh to rasolve any daim3 and disputes rclatd io thi!
Any ctaim or conlrovorsy for smounts in exc.is of 115,000.00, adsing oul or or r.lsted lo |nis AgtE€mlnl
or the hrlach therrol shall tirst b! submitl.d lo rn6di.lron. Thc Lls tnd cosls of m.diation shell b. bomc
cqullly, but any a$ocirtcd rttomcys'te.s shallbc !cp.6rcv bom. by lhc ptfty incuning such amount3.
3.3. Attom.F'F..r .nd Cot$. Notwithsl,.nding anything hecin to lh€ conl'8ry, in lh. .wnt ot any l.gal aclon,
.rbitr.tion, or m€dielion underlhis Agrc.ment or by rEason of rsscri.d br.ach h.reol, the prE!€iling pe.ty shsl
bc lndd.d to rlcowr all costs and c)ecnses, induding rcasonsblc attomcF lccs and coun costs incumd in
.nlorcing or alllmpting to enforee any of sais t nns, covcnanls, or condilrons, including cosls incrir€d Fior to
commcnc€mcnt ol lcaal sclion and all cosls and .xPcns* induding lla3onablc 6ttom.y f€?s tnd coori @.il
inornrd in iny rpp.allrom an action bmughl !o .nforc. 5ny of $id lclms, cov.nanls and conditions.
. thtntcmn f.mt-cotftt:|tu nalcli.rn rytlFl'l,'i tfrradedft tilb. pravl./i'dfor.v.ry.4* tt tuPwt l31aE, fi*
Nof b.gin ud .n..4E bd t|gn.
7!,''*!c e,r ,Ethrldgs .|'d.9r.. tn r di nq|gr.d tu,neurd dh. ooEs
.E rFcv..l by con|'..toL cLnt.lto.E!8 th.t Lllut ro .nu€f Io o*uP qualont Pbvi<lc lolo*up .locuharhtlon
or .ny othd lnaon.doa |!q6.t <l by tL c@tr*ror id otd.r ro @DP,.i. lh. G.m tn dt it . nndf n.nn.' .twlry fi.
or ttE c-ntt-to. '
nqon pnpnuon Froan* dll <H.y tt <hllvcry of .ad BM Etudy to N
Bor 1762 . C.sdc Rock, CO 8ol0.a . Phon. (303) 79G7572 . F.x (303) 688-3083
,4lpet Petetoz Spectatt:et
Article a - Additlon l Proviilonr
Gohmint Lrw rnd Forum. This Agr.lment and ail pot nlial Uig.tion arising trom Ihjs Aor!.mmt shel
b. go\,!mcd by lh. b\r6 ol lh. Stalc of Colorrdo, and eny liligalion fil.d by the Clicnt .glinsl lhc Conlr.ctor
shallonly bc 6l!d in lhc colns of th€ County of Dougla3, Stal€ of Coloredo.
4.2. Endrc Agrt.m€nl This Agr€lm.ni r.pres.nls lh. cniar€ int.gral.d agrccn|cnl b6tslcn Clicnt.nd Contrector
rnd sup.Bcdcs sll prior ncgoljston3, rcprcsentetions or egrc€m.nts, eith.r orel or \^'itt.n. This Agcemcnt
shall not be amended, aller€d or t mrnalcd lxcrpt by witten instruftent, signed by bolh pani€s.
4.3. Elinding Eltcc! This Agra.ment, inctusive of iB lcrns 8nd provisions, shall suNiv€ tho closing and shall bc
binding on and inurt lo lhc bcn.fit ol and b. .nlorccau€ by, th! r€lp.diw hcirs, l.g.l ruprcsentativ€s,
succcssors and sssigns ofth. partcs.
.{.4. S.\nr|biliry. lf any ponion of this Agrc.m.nl i3 hlld Es rEt.r ot hw lo b. un.nlorcreblc, lhc rcmlind.r of
fti3 A€rlcrne snrll b. lrforc!.U. ritttout suci provisions.
4.5. R.prr3.nLlion. Th. padi.s r€prcseni thal ln.y haw caretully rcad lllis AgEcment, undcrsllnd lhc conl.nts
wlhin, have bocn rcpr.sent.d by 6n altomey or have chosen nol to b€ r.p.es.nted by rn attomey, enter this
agrc.m6nl oul of lh.ir ov\/|l frc. will, and ar! nol r.lying upon any rcpEscnlation or induc.mcnls, cxpr.sa or
iqCi.d,lrom any othcr pa.ty ercept Es eptr.ssly srl forlh herein.
4.6. Tool., EqulpnEnl, Elc. Th. Contr3dor sh6l tumi3h ell lool3, lquipm.nt, suppli.s 3nd mrlcrisls n.c!$ary to
pcrfom th. Wort. Th. cli.nt shall not bc EsponsiHe or liad. tor eny loss ol lh. conractois tools, cquip.ncot,
suDdies end m€lenals.
S.f.ty. Thc conrecior shsll rake ell rea3ondbh sefoly precau$ons \Nilh r.specl to lhe Work, sh6ll comply \^;lh
.llap$clble lar6, ordinrnc.s, ru|.s, rcqulations, r€quir€ments rnd ord.6 ofsny public aulhofity forlh. srfcly
ofp€Bons or propcdy, as \ /Gllas.ny rulcs and rlgulalions impos.d by th. cli.nl.
4.8. D.finiton3. D.tinilions of terms us.d her€in are as follou6:
4.&1. R.scrur Slrdy - A budg.r planning iool\4iich idenlii5ad lhe cu.rcnt slatua oflh! r.3!rv. tund and a
st.b|t and.quilabl. tunding plan to ottscl thc anticipalcd tulurc 'major common ere. cxpcndiur.s'.
R.s.rw Conponent - An individu.l lin. n m in lh. R6s.|l/! sludy d€v€lop.d or updslad in lhc
phFicrl anelysis. Thess slern€nB tolm lhc buildang blocls of he Rasone St dy. ComPonlnts
typicslly arc 1) Alsocislion r.Bponsibiliiy, 2) sih limled Usetul Uf. Expect,.ncie3, 3) predid.d!
Rcruining Usctul Lir! .p.ctancils, 4) sbow 3 minimum lhreshold cosl, End 5) a3 requircd by local
us.lul lif. of allcommon erca Ess.ls.
Drrn Vlrsion - Th. tirsl copy of he rescrv€ sltidy to bo dlliwr€d lo lho clicnl. This copy can b.
r.Msld onc! fr.e of cia€.. Furthlr clanges to subscqu.nl ruPotu \ al b. chatgts a fea of $200 per
Bor l?82. C.3tl. Rock, CO 80104 . Phon. (303) 79&7572. Frr (303) 68&3083
obrervdlion - A plrysl.5t insplclion ot lhc associalioris assdt3, Frcm tha obsarvrlions, tht
Conttclor gencrals a compon€nl li3t, inv.ntory, and eltrmat65 lhe life cxpectancy .nd r.rr|aining
4a lea Rea eaaa SPeciatttos
Contract Agreement
- Windflower at CVR HOA, Inc. 8572
I certily that (1) the undersigned has full authority to sign this Contracl Agreement, including the Contract
Agreement - Scope of Work and the Contract Agreement - Terms and Conditions (cdlectively, the
"Contract") on behalf of the entity identilled below and (2) I have read, understand and agree with the
Contract on behalf of the entity identified below. I authorize Aspen Reserve Specialties to perform the
scope ot uork ouflinecl rn the Contlsat Any request loa cianges l,o lhe Contrad mustbe made in lrlriling
and agreed upon by both panies.
Furlhemore, by signing this contracl or by heving the Contract signed by my cofimunity
manager/6anagemenl cohpany, I agfee to give said manager/management company full authonty to
make deoslons on my behalt/behatt of the board of drectors/assooation as they .elate to this project.
agree to hold Contraclor harmless frorn any dispute that may adse €5 a result ot 6ny decisions made by
the comrnunity manager/management comp6ny or any of its representatives.
Pnnted Name of Bo€rd
Menter 'fJ
K' ??l
n"* l0 h(-irg'al
a^o, ldv'u<' antz-
Community Management Company Name:
Community Manager
Daytime Phone
to coordinate a sre
iJifi,""Hil,lHj.i"ii:i"'"":ff ?:ll?":"Sf$"lil3l"JiLl"ii'illlind
than above)l
NamelTi e (lt different
Oaytime Phone
or Instruclons:
Reqlests' Inclusigng'
Any Special
Phore (303)
P.O. Bor 1762 '
FtrtSO3) 68&5083