SHRINKFAST. The Shrinkfast'Model 998 is the leading heat tool for both shrink-wrappingand shrink-film processing.When time is of the essencethe power of the 998 will get the job done - quicldy and efliciendy. UL Approvccl (UL CiLrarciNot Picturcci) MooBL 998 Fnnrunns ANTD BnunFrTs The advantages of shrink-wrapping with shrink-film and the patented Shrinkfast@I{eat Tools Powerfuli Ofl-eringl5% more powerthar-rits leac'ling compctitors,thc rnoclcl998 will shrinkthe toughestjobs nrorequickll,aucl ecouomicall,v. With 2I2,000 BTUs of pollrcr)a pcrsoucanshrink-wrap a 40" x 48" x 60" pallctin lessthan2 minutcs. Lightrveight: Wittl its sleekdesignandwcighingonl.v2.2 lbs., the 998 is perfbctlybalanced fbr opcratorcomfbrt.Thc 998's crgonomicclesignand fhn shapcdcor.nbustor lcacito ur evcnancj steadyheatpattcrnfbr consistant shrink-wrapping. Safg With its UL''' listing,the 998 is designccl to hancllcthc toughcstindustrialjobs with several bLrilt-insafbwmechanisms: A "deadman" triggeris designed to automatically shutoff the flameoncethc triggcr is released. Also, the Sl-rrinkfhst'" patented combustioncyclcallowsthe flameto burn outsidethc nozzle, r.r'hichremainscool to the touch, cvenafterextensiveuse. In addition,the regulatorhasan trutomaticsafbtvPOL tlut shutsofT the propanesupplvin casethe hosegetscltt or develops a leak. l ' l t o t ot r r r r l t o l l | m - t r i t P l n n i i s c ' S u p p / : * I u r Flexiblq Wrer-rshrink-wrapping largeequipmentor difficult to reachareas,the ShrinKlstu'ir-rtegrated extensionsystem providesunlimitedshrinkingpossibilities. With a 2',4', or 6' extension no job is too big fbr the model998. available, The 998 comeswith a ftill l-vearmanufhcturer's Durablg warrantyon all partsand labor.Shrir-rkfhsto'also offersa ftill servicerepairfacilitythat can anslverany technicalquestionand rebuild any Shrinkfhst@ heattool or extension. Versatile: Shrink-r.vrapping resultsin a five-sidedprotectionfiom the elements.Shrinkfilm alsoproducesa stronger bond than eitherstretch-wrap or banding.This additionalprotection is criticalduringthe transportation and storageof everlthingfrom thoseodd-shaped palletsto largeindustrialcquipment. Skid Packaging Pltoto cortrttg o.l'l\'o-tcct Plnstics c+ Srtpph, Iuc Pboto cotrttn, of l)r. Shrink, Inc Photo courttsy 0f Shrinhnn'np Inttrnntionnl, Irrc. l'boto corrttw o.l'BrtJl'nloShrinh Wrnp, Inc heattool) Lengths & Weights ( 2' - 4lbs 4'- 5 lbs 6'- 6 lbs - Quick push button disconnect/connect - Standard Arm Assist Clip for shrinking large jobs and "one handed operation" - 75 degreeangle of combustor for shrinking curved surfaces Shrinkfast@Marketing 603.863.77L9 * Fax 603.863.6225