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'Trou6[es Qotfra-(Dot 'fea1anf I ffustrations E1 '/ictor cPavfor., 9cl "rI ', (1 t-o I POLKA-DOTTROUBLES Copyright@VictorPavlov- 2011 Web:www.victoroavlovcom CoverandIllustrationsby Victor Pavlov Library andArchivesCanadaCataloguing in Publicatron Pavlov. Victor.1958Polkadot troubles/ Victor Pavlov. rsBN 978-l -92694s-t7-0 I. Title. PS8631.A8865P6520t1iC813'.6 C20ll-901782-2 qJ\ Published by: BaicoPublishing Inc. 294 AlbertStreet,Suite103 Ottawa,OntarioKlP 6E6 Tel:(613)829-5141 E-mail:[email protected] Printedby DocumentsMajemtaInc. To my sons,my wtJb,und my nrother Ackn owIedgements an d Bib Ii ograp hy I startedthinkingof wrilinga bookfor fhe storyof the bookis r bit unusual, I children$ith the bjrthof my first son,Martin.Two yearsago,I returnedto Bulgaria1ora shoftvisit. I was goingthroughmy old booksat the cottagewhen a f-ewhandwritten pagesfell outfrom ore ofthem,Thiswastheun{inished manuscript ofthe "Polka-Dot Troubles" storyI hadstarted 25 yearsago. I broughtthepagesbackwith meto Canada with theintention offinishingthestory. just Eventually, I did that,translated it intoEnglishanddrcwtheillustrations for it. I sincerely hopcyou will enjoyreadingthe Ladyhird's storyasmuchas I cnjoyed writineit. I ivouldliketo thankthefbllowingpeople1brtheirhelpwith thisproject: My sorls,MartinandDavid,1'orbeingthesourceo1'myinspiration fbr thisstory; My wi1'eSuzanne lbr hercreative inputandhersupport; Ms.JoseManntbr hersuperb editorialworkofthe Englishversion; Mr, Raymond Coderre andall thestafl'atBaicoPublishing Inc.1'ortlreirguidance throughout process; thepublishing Prol'essor Dr. SteveMarshall, entomologist liom lhc University fbr his o1'Guelph, generosity in oli'eringinfbrmation on lady beetlesin NorthAmericaalongwith photographs liom hispersonal liles, Ms. RandiJoncs,entonrologist, artist,andownerof Butterfly& NatureGili Store in theUSA,whokindlyol'I'ered someof herarticles related to theladybuglilt cycle from her web site at rvrvwLadvbugl,adtr.conr: All niy lriendsandcolleagues fbr thcir helpand encouragement. Victor Pavlov I ) o rK A I ) o l l R o u t s l E s ("/omeoneis cryingin thcwood.ShouldI checkwhom?I thinkI should. Letmc pcek undertheblackbcrry bush.Whata surprise! Oh LadybirdlHush,hushl "Why areyoucrying?PIease tellmewhyl" askedtheantwhowaspassing by,slowlyrollinga grain. big wheat Because theantsdon't havea trainto cany wheatfor all theirneeds,theypush golden by leetthese seeds. "Thankyou lbr asking,Mrs.Ant! To stopcryingI reallycan't.Splashed by raindropsyestcrday, I think my dotswerewashedawayi'rornmy shinycoatanddress.This is why I'm sodepressed. I canfly andI canevencnwl. but I can'tdrawblackdotsat all. lt wouldbe wonderlil right now, ifyotr coulddrawthernbacksontehow' [)oLti{ Dor TR(JrrBLEs A Few of the most commonLady Beetlesin NorthAmerica or C-7)is theoriginal The Seven-Spotted LadyBeetle(Coccinellaseptempunctata ladybirdofEurope.It hasthreespotson eachel)'tronandoneright behind themiddleofthe thorax.Overthelastfive decades. effortshavebeenmadeto to theUnitcdStatesandCanada. introducethis species (around7mm)is oneof TheTransverse Lady Beetle(C. transversoguttata) Ontario'smostbeautifulladybeetles. This species wasoncewidelydistributedin NorthAmerica.extcndingfrom Labradorto Alaskaandsouthto California.It is stillcon'rmon in western Canada. tredccimpunctata) is oneofour TheThirteen-Spotted Lady Beetle(Hippodamia probably is the most common lady beetlein mostwidesprcad ladybeetles, and thefront spotfuse) northernOntario.It usuallyhasthirtecnspots.but sometimes Y-shape. with two othcrsto form a sortofbackwards gP/ fffi TheThree-Banded Lady Beetle(Coccincllalrifasciata)(4-5mm)is a widespread species thatseemsto havebeconrcrarein reccntyears,but perhapsthatperception specics ofrarity is only because ofthe rclativeabundance ofrecentlyintroduced liketheSeven-Spotted LadyBectle. maculata) is probablythemostcommon The SpottedLadyBeetle(Coleomegilla breakfastof nativeladybeetlein eastcrnNorthAmcica. Oncatheygetseasonal springpollen,Spolted LadyBecllcsdispcrse lo feedon a v0rietyofaphids. E E mali)(9-l0nlm)is aptlynanrcdfor its TheEyc-Spottcd L.rdyBectle(AnAtis yellow-ringc4eyeJikespots.Look for thisspecies on pinctrees. canbe seenfrom TheNorthernPaintcdLady Beetle(Mulsantinahudsonica) This sDccies hasa Labradorto NorthCarotinaandwestto BritishColunrbia. middlcblackline wheretheelytrameet. m venusla) Thedistinctivelypatlerncd V-MarkedLadyBectle(Ncoharmonia (5-6mm)is nowa commonbeetlcin thc southcrnpartofthe provinceofOntario. This species hasa tastefor beetlelarvaeratherlhanaphids.Look for themon willowtrees. W T (6-8mm)usually glacialis) LargeParenthesis LadyBeetle(Hippodamia Ourlargest hassomeofthe spotson its wing coverfirsedintoa singlemass. ursina)(3-4mm)is themost Theomnge-Spotted Lady Beetle(Brachiacantha commonlyblackbcetlewith orangespotsfoundin Ontario.Theirlarvaearerarcly Manyofthe blackladybeetleseatscale seenbecausc theystayundorground. red ladybeetles. insectsandmealybugs,unlikethemorefamiliaraphid-eating, nilh the Thc inlomotionan.l pic tts a,e takcn [ron] http:l/ltrir.bru.lph.Lat/lebt/h4/lalt-heetles.hnn pemisliotl.fProlissorD:StercMarsha,cntonobgist.litr,ttheUni,ersil,olGucbh,Onturio,Cdnada Por l..\-D(rr TRorir]Lrs (.,/ome pcoplc bclicvc that when a Iadybuglandson one'sbody it brings good Iuck. I believethxt a wish rvill conrctrue when a ladybugclarvlingon my llngcr is blown awaywith the words 'Co back honrc"l Ifyou rcadthc story.I anrsureyou will agree. Ladybugshavecliii'erentnan'lcsjr1diff'crcntcultures: a ln Cmadaandin thc USA thcy call it "ladybug" a ln Englancl and-Australia theycall it "ladybird" l In Bulgariapcoplccall it "kalinka" I In Cireece it is called 'paschalitsa" I In Scrbiapcoplcknow it as "bubamara" I In Ukrairrcit is callcd"sonechko" I In Polandit is callcd"bicclronka" I In Ituly theyorll il "coccinclla" I l n S p a i nt h c yc a l li t ' l r a r i q L r i l a ' I In liancc it is knownas "coccinellc"or "b0tcii bon Dic ' f In Porlugallnd Brazil il is callcd".loaninha" I Thc scicrltisls frclcr to crll lhcrr ladybcctlcsor ('occincllirhc. insidc. Findnrorcilnazingl:rclsilboulladybLrgs l s | l \ r r t - t - 9 1 6 9 l l5r ( l @:*'I?::11,.-",^. illtiltltttttt