Pages 31-35 - Springfield


Pages 31-35 - Springfield
Cartoonist's Review
~ t r iand will
B. R. Reyor two an?
s reported that cause was on account of
having a family washing t o do. I s that
sufficient warning to the singIe fcllov~s?
Ve are very sorry to have lost our
~nographerin the Master Mecllanic's ofl l i s s Norine Polsorn. ~ 4 1 ohas taken a
ition with some other compally. W e
wish her success in her new work.
ilso have a ncw face in tlrc kIcchanical
nartment, Miss Mable Steward has acted thy positLo?as F e e Cl:rl<! tak-ing t h e
~ d ,who has
I left vacant
quarters a t Sapulp:i. This appoint
fectivc March 1, 1920.
( W.
J. Findley.)
James liruce ha* just rctrtrned f'rotn Topeka, ICansxs, where he claims t o h ave gone
t o hear a mini?tcr. There is sc>mething
wrong with Jim. T h a t cxcuse won 't g o for
liansas City \:as too many churc:hes and
ministers of h r r own.
bliss Nellie Davis, our efficient stcnographer in Ihe Car Uepartnlcnt, 1?as been
OR duty sevcral days lately on ac count of
the illness of her m o t h e r , but is 11low back
in her usual plarr axaln.
T h e Store l)cpartt?ent !ias add!? l another
tace t o therr o ~ b c etorce, ivltss Helen
Uogard, comptometer opcrator.
0. L. Butler, formerly c n ~ p lycd
o a t Rosedale, has been transferred to Clhaffce, Mo.
W e hope he \\;ill lind as many Ilriends therc
as he Icft. and xvc wish for hi s cvery success in his new location and p remotion.
Messrs. MI. J. Folcy, C. 1). 'roler, Frank
Ellis. T. A . Flenshaw and A. \V. Nelson
were' in Kansas City Tuesday, March 9. to
m a k e out the usual 104 report . Ask Miss
Forster whcthcr they evcr cau se any commotion or not.
Miss Eleanor Forster's mothler has been
quite ill again, rcsr~ltingin thcI ahstnce of
Eleanor, whom we missed per) much.
\Ye understand that I,. J. 1x t g h is the
proud owner of a new car, but the girts all
cmphis girls
a n d the Kansas L I I ~grrrs nave a t least creatcd a bit of mutual interest between them
over tbis little "Dispertscr of Knowleclge,"
alias Dispenser of Sncets." and as our
girls are of a very optimktie nature they
still feel thcy have somcthiug t o look forward to.
Rut here comes the greatest disappointment. \Ve understand from very good authority that another point on the System
has entered this "Candy Race," namely; the
hlastcr lIcchanick oftice a t Sapnlpa, and
they, too, are recciving a n occasional box
of sweets from this particular party. However, knowittg I<ansas City to he such a
popular place, we fcel confident our titnc is
close now, s o somc across,
H a s anyone lost a dog? C:all No. 39, as
that is headquarters.
Machinist Apprentice GIlen Reynolds
claims hc is qutte a busincss rnan. For particulars see Glenn.
C. R. Kew, Martin Whel,an., and Ir-oe
Bruce have bee11 s e r v i n ~on t tte jury. W h a t
is all the row about? Comc ;icross and tell
the truth.
We arc wonberina where Mrs. Irene Plenler got her new blouse. Oh, yes, someone
~ e p o r t sthat it was taken out of a box containing sonre cilk shirts belonging to this
particular party.
T. H. Curry, mil1 foreman, has asked
For a leave of absence to visit his home
for a while. Have a good time and regain
your health while gone.
THE F R I S C O - h l ~
& D. F. C. DEPT.
E. Martin.)
H e r e we are, uncicr t h e colors of the
I.'risco again, a f t e r b r i n g under the guiding
hand o f Uncle Sam f o r s o m e considerable
spcll. S o t h a t placcs 11s all o n o u r h o n o r
to work likc the n1ischic.f i o r the good of
the company, if we d o n ' t want t o get talked
almrt-grandly explosively a n d detrimentally txlked about. l\'e don't even have the
y a r R S a scapegoat for o u r sins of oniiss o n , or c o m ~ u i s s i o n . Possi1)Ey some havc
i ~ tthc p : ~ t a t t r m p t c d t o pass the buck a l o n g
:vhcn things were rotton. by l a y i ~ i git o n t o
t h e Govcrnrnrnt a n d a s s r r m i n ~t h a t ivr, the
indivklrtal, it1 come n.ay xvcre not to I h n i e .
I<ut from here o n o u t t h r traveling public
xnd the s l ~ i ~ > p~rl)lic
~ ~ i t ~will
, ~ rcasc "blankety
l l l a ~ ~ k e t i n gthe
" Clnited States Railroad Administration a n d c c ~ ~ t r z l i zand
their views o n t h e individual railroad a n d
railroadcr. So we have g o t to h u m p s o m e
to kecp the p t ~ b l i coff o u r hump, f o r t h e y
a r c s u r c s o m e spoilcd, and rightly so. by
tlie trite saying. "The F'uhlic Be Pleased."
\Vhat a g r a n d and glorious fecling we all
will havc if we can turn o u t t o he thc hcst
puhlic plcasers in the s c n s e of riyliteo~ls
Since last issue, Miss Jewcll Jones and
Bob Tistlale have been vainly t r y i n g t o qualc c h a n l p i o ~ rclass sneezers,
ify as ~ r ~ i i r p tant1
to st~cccetl J1. C. flarlcss. Jebvell has a
~voirdcrful s ~ ~ c c zall
c richt. a n d if properly
c~rltivaterlantl wit11 a littlc prunin,? it !nay
Ix that s o m e t i n ~ cit can equal Mr~lo's."
Tisdale's s u c r z e is cntirely t o o "mnch," a s
t o quantity a ~ l t l not c n o u g h a s t o q ~ r a l i t y .
- I-lis o u g h t to he f a m e d o u t in a 1)oilcr
s h o p o r a similar q ~ ~ i corner,
w h e r c it will
n o t s t a r t l e the natives t o o much.
T h c famous CaI. S t e w a r t library of F r e i g h t
Claimism is s t r a y i n g promiscuously a r o u n d
t h c officc. C. J. B o w m a n a n d C. F. Smith
a r c custodians, b u t they don't kecp it in
v c r y g o o d custody. T h c y will gladly sho\v
you t h r o u g h t h e wonderful five-foot library
if tlicy think there is a n y chance of selling
it to you. A s for C. J. B. and C. I:. S.,
t h e y have all of it storcd a w a y In t l t e ~ r
ccrehellum. P r o m here o n suspensc a n d
r1cl)its will hc o n a strictly cash basis.
T h c sevc.!iteenth of March is n o reasonable excusc o r alibi for R. T. Tisdale t o
icopardizc, harass a n d otherwise e n d a n g c r
t h e eyesight and mental equilibriunl of ye
corrcsponctcnt, b y wearing s u c h a disgraceful, d i s t ~ ~ r b ia n d~ distracting g r e e n neck
tie. T h e r e is such a t h i n g as green. A l s o
thcrc is a green t h a t is g r e c n c r than green.
N o w said tic h a s none of t h e s h a d e s of Old
Erin o r t h e shamrock, a n d it is disturbing
t o t h c p o o r pulse of s o m e t o be shocked
b y such suddcn rcvclations of color. 1:urthcrmore, w h o said R. T. T. w a s entitled
t o wear g r e e n ? .\.~ain. furthermore, C. F.
S m i t h had t o g o consult D r . C a m p o n the
m o r n i n g of the sc\-entecnth of ?darcIi conccrning thc condition of his eyes, which
helps my contention a lot t h a t neckties with
such a loud rrputation should hc ahrog;rtcrl.
eliminated, squelched and s a t up011 and
othcrwisc discouraged.
\V. A. Cripps should he required t o wear
a skirt, sl~ectaclcsand procnre a ccrtilicate
i f IIC iritrntls t o act as a pedagogue. H e is
s u r c a busy 1111mana m o n g the 0. S. k L l .
Tisdale i ~ ~ s i ~ i u a tMclCinuel
is a bum
horrsekecper. \Vhen T i s moved into Xlcl<.'s
desk, it took him two days t o move the
Carncgie lil)rary annex. clcan o u t the hardware novcltics a n d rcnlovr the bird nes:r
il-o~nthe tlran.ers and in~niecliate environs
of the dcsk.
\I'hcn C. F. Smith moved t o his rtcw
c!esk hc took his trick f r o g along. H e was
afraid to Irave it for Scwell a s he (Sewell)
Girls of t h e File Department. Ii%eisht Claim
Office. PlwlnsAeld. A Smile for every purpose.
is a qttict s o r t o f fcllow. and it would not
Ilc iuzt r i r h t t o cxcite him t o o much, cspccally d u r ~ n gwork hours.
.\fter a s o i o a r n of a h o u t a ycar, J. C.
( I l i q h ) Ilichherjicr has lcft us to move his
habitat t o K a t ~ s a sCity. S o H. C. \\'chking
is l o o k ~ n qlor a new side-kick. "High" WOII
tlie c5teein a u d friendship of the fellows
from thc word go. II'hen it c a m e t o l o n g
black s t o ~ i e s "High" w a s thcrc, o r the
dignity of a town m a r s l ~ a l"High" had it,
antl the ~ i i of
t g a b found "High" a world
I>catcr, a n d t h a t he always had s o m e t h i n g
t o say. S o t only sonlething, h u t s o m e t h i n g
I I O R E t o say. Way hc be kind t o K a n s a s
City a n d n o t trcat them rough.
.\I1 aboard! Stoutland hound! Since a
certain circular h a s g o n e the rounds, stlch
a call a s this d o c s n o t even caiise tlie quiver
of a n eyelash b y \\:. N. Doss. All a t once
the Stoutland stock h a s taken a n awful
s l u n ~ p . H o w e v e r , by stickilly t o it, a roundtrip c o r ~ l dhe made in a b o u t eight d a y s o u t
o f each weck and W.N. D. could spend the
A Bigger Job Yours-If You Master
Traffic Management
Reconstruction work t o be done. in
Europe and expans~onof o u r foremn
trade means a greater demand than ever
before tormen trained a s traffic experts.
Great plants working o v e r t i m e - r a w
materiala shipped in-finished products
shipped out-carloads, trainloads. shiploads, going North. East. South. WestContracts placed not on price basis. but
for quick delivery-thnt i s thecondition
we are facing.
"We must have etlcient traffic men"
say manufacturera. jobbers. railroadn,
ship owners. Hundreds are needed whcre
one is available. This is the chance fol
ambitious men to rise t o higher positions
-to g e t intn a n uncrowded calling-to
have the specialized knowledge which
commands big salaries.
Train by Mail Under
LaSalle Experts
This oooortunitv i s vours now. Train
while y d i hold y&pG&ntjob.
your spare time required to become proficient in every branch of trallic.
Learn from men who have held or a r e
among those now holding the hizhest
positions In t h e field. Get practical tmining-the training which e q ~ i p eyou ro
step into one of t h e highest places. This
i s what the LaSalle experts offer you.
They will explain every point concerni n g F r e i g h t R a t e s Classifications.
Tariffa. Bills of Lading. Routing. Claims.
Demurrage. E x p r e s s Rates. Ocean
Traffic. R. R. Organization. Regulation
and Managemenf Lnws of C a r r i e r s .
Interstate Commerce Rulings, etc. etc.
How many men a r e expert on even
one of these subjects? You will be made
proficient in all.
And here l a something more-your enrollment give8 you free the ~xivilegesof
o u r Budness Consulting Service. This
meane advice from o u r s t a f f whenever
you need help on any mecia1 business
Over 960 wovle here-450 buainesa ex.
pert8 among them-are ready t o put you
on the road t h a t leads directly t o ndvancement. Get t h e complete, combined
experience of many authorities, all niven
in easily understood form.
No Large Fees
The total coet in small.
Your increase
in earnings will s w n pay i t (see in n e x t
column what McMullen. Wright and
other membera say). Then also you can
pay on easy terms-a little each month
if you wish. No hardahip In getting this
training. Any man can afford it. And
the time i s now-when the great movement In business is beginning. Give a
few hours weekly of your spare time for
a few months-and get a larger salary.
Send the CmPn and
the Facts
Your request will bring complete information. W e will tell you just what
t h e course oZers in every detail; all
about the opportunities open to trained
traffic men. We will also send you our
book. "Ten Years Promotion in One"
which has shown thousands of
- - men
- - - - - - the
short road toiromotion. If you are ambitious to rise-if you want to enter a
paying and uncrowded field of business.
g e t these facts. Sending t h e coupon
implies no o b l i g a t i o n upon you.
Mail i t today.
B. S. MeMullen was a freight checker on t h r
docks at Seattle.
Two yean nfter bminninw the L a l a l l c
Course in Interstate Commerce and Traffic
Mn n a s e m e n t he was auwinted Crnersl
Frcight'nnd Passenger Agehi.
Hc said that it would probably have taken
him 3 or 10 years to make thw advnnes irlw had
dewndcd merely
. uDon
. work and exocrience.
LnSnl:eexpcrts h~lpedhim to rench tb- 'In Lhe space of months.
T. J. Wright. an lllinols member. I
three pmmotrona since takrnp the mum^
I.Watson or Miehiaan figures b n
c ~ e u ~ eearnmy'enpsc~ty
at 40d percent.
fi,d H
600 pcr cent prdfit on h ~ sjnvestme~t%j
Amona tho many LnSalle trained men who
we now TrafficMonngera or E x ~ e r lon
r Inbrstatc Comnrerce are:
Wm Kitehie Vic,ePreslcIent nnd Trnme
&fans&, ~ h i l ~ d e l ~Laan
l u a Mawcr Co.
F. E. Combs. TralIie Direeta. Twin City
Traffic Lesme, Benton Harbor, ~ichiaatl.
F. E. Hamilton Trnffie Manager. Retail
Merchants ~ssoci&ionof Canada.
Mr. Hami!t?n nays: "I cannot speak taa
hiuhly of t h ~ matltutlon.
The courac is up-tadntc authentic and easily understood. M y
cnly'reeret in ihat I did not take it up five
years ago."
T h e success these men have made can
be paralleled by a n y other ambitious
man who will do a s they did-train!
Plcase acnd me your catalw aud full Information on your Course
and Consulting Service in lnlerstatc Cammenv and Hailway Traffic.
Also n copy of your valuablc book for the ambitious man "Ten
Years' Promotian In One." This without obligation on my'port.
Addrers ..........................................................
Present Position.................................................