Academic Calendar 2015 - chaudhary ranbir singh university (jind)
Academic Calendar 2015 - chaudhary ranbir singh university (jind)
(Established by the State Legislature Act 28 of 2O14) . NOTIFICATION It is notified for information of all conccmed that the Vice Chanccllol has bccn plcased to applovc thc Cornrnon Schedulc of Academic Calendar for Post Graduatc Courses l'or thc Acadeuric Session 201516 as decided in the meeting of the Comrnittce comprising rcpresentatives ol'various Univclsitics of Duration Adnrissions ins (Odd Semes Examinations Winter Vacations 0l -07-201 5 ro 2l-07-2015 -l l-201-5 l7-l l-2015 onwardl___* 22-07-2015 to 16 3l-12-201-5--- 1S-12-2015 to 0l -01-201 6 to l9-04-2016 ---- -l i 20-01-2016 onwards Sutnmer Vacations 05-0-5-201 6 to 30-06-201 6 The next Acadcmic Session 2016-17 will start from 01-07-2016. Note: 1. I1'thc numbcr of tcaching days lalls lcss than lS0days (90 days in ctch Scrncstcr) in thc Acudomic Scssion 2015-16 due to somc unforcsccn rco$ons. it rvould bc thr.: rcsponsihility of caoh l)cpurlnlcnt to :. Award of Degrees: Dcgrcc shall bc arvardcd $'ithin make good thc loss by. aranging cxtra classcs. 1tiO days li'orn thc dlrtc of notillcation of rcsult. Endst. No.CRSU/Academic /2015 Copy of above is forwarded to the following for kind information and necessary action: Dated: 20.05,2015 l. 'flrc Sccrctary to Govcrnor (fbr kind inlbnlation of hon'blc Govsmor-Chanccllor) Ilaty'ana l{aj Bharvan. ?. 3. 'lhe Sccrctary. l.jniversity Grants Comurission. Ilahaducr Shal'r Zalar lvlalg. Ncrv l)clhi.. 'fhc Secretnrl,, Association of Indian Llniversitics. Kotla Marg. Ne$,Dclhi. Clrandigarh. .1. 'lhe Director Gcneral Highcr lrducation. Haryana. Shiksha Sadan, licctor-O5. Prnchkula. 5.'fhe Director'Iechnical liducation Dcpaltrnent. Ilary'ana. Chandigarh. 6. l-he Financial Cornmissioncr & Principal Sccretary to Govt. o[' I-laryanu, I-Iighcl l:iduoation l)ept. Chandigarh. 'lhc l{egistrar. Kutukshctra lJnivcrsitl-. Kr.u'ukshetra (Ilarl,ana). MD l,tnivclsit;*. tr{ohtak. CCS llar;"anu Agticultural lJnivcrsitl" IIisar', GJ tjnivcrsill' oi Scicncc and Tcchnologl', l,ala I.a.ipat I{ai lJnivclsity of Vetcrinarl' and Aninral Soienccs. Ilisar. Ch. Du'il Lol University. Silsa. lll,S iv{ahila Visauo Vidyalya. I(hanpur Kalan (Sonipat). Chaudhary Ilansi l-al Univclsity, llhirvani and Indila (iarrdhi [Jnivolsitl'. Meerpur. Rcrvari. DBCRUS'I'. Murlhal. Statc lJnivcrsity of Visual and Pclfirrnring Ar1. Rothdk. r\ll Inchnrges. Llnivclsity Tcaching Dcpartmcnts. Chaudhary Itanbil singh lJnivclsitl. Jind. 9. All Branclr Olllccrs. Chaudhary Ranbir Singh lJniver.sity, .lind. 10. Secretary' to Vice Clhanccllor (ior kind intbrmation ol' Vice Chanocllor). Chaudh.rry' Rarrbir Singh 8. I l. I..lnivcrsity. Jind. Notico llourd. Chaudhaty Rcnbir Singh l-lniversiti . Jind. Assistant [tegistrar (Acadcmic)