Retaining Wall Systems Solid Solutionsl
Retaining Wall Systems Solid Solutionsl
RetainingWall Systems Solid Solutionsl' SYSTEM. S OL IDP, IN NED T H EON L Y RetainingWall Systemis the only solid, The VERSA-LOK@ pinnedsystem.So it's more durableand design-friendly than its hollow-corecounterparts. Ideal for residential,commercialand agencyprojects, the VERSA-LOKsystemis routinelyspecifiedby state transportationdepartmentsand the U.S.Arrny Corpsof Engineers. Mo. S t,C harl es , SENSE. MA K EMORE S WH YS OL ID Solid unit constructionprovidessuperiorresistanceto chippingand crackingbefore,during and after construction. Solid systemsalso allow you to designa seeminglyunending numberof curves,corners,columnsand steps-even freestandingwalls-with just one unit. contractors can modify units right on the job site to create a limitless array of angles and corners.No special-sized units are needed,unlike hollow or "cored"systems that can't be split. Solid unit systemscan even help you saveyour client bottom-linedollarsby shaving materialand labor costsbecausethere are no coresto fill. Pa. Pittsburgh, UNITSPECIFICATIONS VERSA-LOK Height: W idt h( f ac e) : W idt h( r ear ) : Depth: Facearea: Weight: area: Weight/Face ,.6inches(152.4mm) i n c6h e sU 0 6 .4 m m ) ..........1 ,.......,1 4i n c h e sp 5 5 .6 mm) . . 12 inchesPo4.8mm) foot' P 062nr) .............213 ,,.^82lbs. 1sz.rsxgl. (5ee.84ks/rff) .123 lbs./fool2 16" Standard Unit B Cap " ExactweightmayvarybYregion. Forcompletecolorselections, contactthe VERSA-L0K producernearestyou. $,.,,," FAST, EASY TOP.DOW N PINNING. Unlike other pinnedsystems,the VERSA-LOK@ systemutilizesa top-down pinning methodthat allows faster, easier installation.Pins are insertedinto holes in uppercourseunits and tappeddown into slots in lower courseunits to allow variablebond construction. Nylon/fiberglassVERSA-TUFF pins Plymouth, Mass. also help keep walls perfectly aligned and properlyinterlocked,too. YOURCOMPREHENSIVE ONLINE VERSA.LOK RESOURCE. Downloadthe latest AutoCAD details,specifications, product literature and other technicaldocuments on You'll also find a wealth of installation information. projectapplicationphotosas well as a "whereto buy" sectionthat enablesyou to find the VERSA-LOK producernearestyou. HOWVERSA.LOK WALLSWORK. 0n manyprojects, VERSA-L0K retaining wallsworkpurely asgravity provides systems-where unitweight al0ne resistance to earthpressures. Maximum allowable wallheight forgravity wallsvaries withsoilandloading conditions. Generally, withlevelbackfill andn0excessive l0ading, VERSA-L0K gravity wallsmaybebuiltto heights of fourfeet. Whenweight of theunitsal0ne is notenough to resist soilloads, horizontal layers of geosynthetics areusedto reinforce soilbehind walls. VERSA-L0K wallscanbebuiltupto 40feetor higher withproper soilreinforcement and professional design assistance. lf youhavequestions reinforced about walls, VERSA-LOK engineers arealways preliminary available to provide estimates, design details andothertechnical information. Call1.800.770.4525 to reach theVERSA-LOK engineering department. VERSA.tOK Gap Unit VERSA.LOK Retaining Wall Unit lmpervious Fill Drainage Aggregate Soil Reinforcement Compacted Backfill Drain Pipe Leveling Pad FORMORE H ED E MA ND ME E T INTG WALLS RETAINING NATURAL.LOOKING we've listened carefully to feedback,commentsand suggestions from architects and specifiersfor more natural, stone-like retainingwalls and onceagain,we've respondedby developing two new innovativeproductsto meet the fast-growingdemand. Our new Mosaict system usesthree different-sized VERSA-LOK'units (oneStandard,one Mai ne W i l ton, Cobble'and two Accent') to form a randompattern reminiscentof 18th century European-stylewalls. The unique four-unit panel makes installing Mosaic easierthan any other random-patternwaii system.Plus, the Mosaicsystemis the ONLYrandom-pattern system capableof buitding walls as high as 40 feet. option Usinga unique"tumbling"process,our new Weathered'" is designedto lend a quaint,rustic look to any VERSA-LOK wall. The aged,weather-beatentexture makesthese systems ideal for historical and renovation-typeprojects. 0r, specify buildings thesetimewornwalls to complementstate-of-the-art and contemporaryoutdoorspaces. Mosaicand Weatheredsystemsare producedby a select group of VERSA-LOKmanufacturers. Mi nneapolMi i s ,nn. CADDetails, andplintable downloadable including Retaining WallSystems onVERSA-LOK intormation Forlhe mostcomprehensive you. producer nearest for theVERSA-LoK 0r call1.800,770.4525 literature, andothertechnical soecitications Ol(" UERS RetainingWall Systems Solid Solutionsl" , N5 5 1 2 8 6 3 4 8H w y.3 6 ,Su ite1 . 0 a kd a leM fax 66 . 651.770.4089 651.770.31 www.versa-lok,com GRANDBLANCCEMENTPRODUCTS 10709S. CENTERRD. GRANDBLANC, MI 48439 P. 800-875-7500F. 810-694-2995 www.g D346,667' U.S.Patent D341,215, D321 D319,885, U S. Patent U.S Patent ,060,U.S.Patent WallSystems. fromVERSA-LoK'Retaining underlicense Madeworldwide No.63929, Registration pending; Design Industrial canadian 0439,678 andotherU.S.patents D435,302, U.S.patentD430,680, U.S.patentD3g1,376, u.s patentD378,702, @ 2002Ki l ti eC or por ati on Pr i ntedi n tJ .S.A' VLS- 202' 7 5 K 8 -0 2 andN 0.82288.LCB.0. N o 4625 No 77816,N0.790 58, N0.73912, 73910,N0.23911, N o .7 1 4 7 Z .No