Daltile - County Ready Mix
Daltile - County Ready Mix
EVOKE T he b e au t y o f sto ne is t im e les s . Un ique. Evo cativ e. Its un pa ra l l el ed n atura l b e au t y c a n t r a n s f o r m a n y sett ing in to a rustic sanc tuary. Wi th the look o f sto n e , a n e ntry b e co m e s more invi t ing; a firepl ace sparks conversation; A DENT IST ’S OFFICE SE TS PEOPLE AT EASE ; A CORPORATE HEADQUART ERS INSPIRES CREAT IVI T Y. A nd now, w ith the a dditio n o f ma n ufactured sto n e to o u r co lle ct io n o f p ro d u cts , creatin g that s impl e a mbiAn ce that sto n e b ring s to a spac e ha s beco me ev en mo re acces s ibl e. MANUFACTUREDSTONE EVOKE TABLE OF CONTENTS C H I S E L E D R E A D Y S TA C K . . TEXAS MISSION STONE . . T E M P L E L E D G E . . . . . . . . . S C U L P T E D L E D G E S T O N E . . WINDSWEPT EDGE STONE M E S A L E D G E S TA C K . . . . . R I D G E D F I E L D S T O N E . . . . G R E C I A N L I M E S T O N E . . . . WAT E R F R O N T B R I C K . . . . V E L V E T R I V E R R O C K . . . . . T I D A L S T O N E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 5 . . 6-9 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 . . 3 0 . . . 31 . . 3 2 . . 3 3 T R I M / A C C E S S O R I E S . . . . . . . . . . . . T E C H N I C A L D ATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C A R E & M A I N T E N A N C E . . . . . . . . . . WA R R A N T Y & L E G A L I N F O R M AT I O N GALLERY/SSC LISTING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7 . 3 8 . 3 8 . . 38 40-41 C H I S E L E D R E A DY S TA C K MOON GLOW MS80 AUTUMN BRONZE MS70* Photo features Chiseled Ready Stack in Spring Moss MS81. 04 AMBER SUN MS76* GOLDEN DAWN MS84* HARVEST BLEND MS75 TORCH LIGHT MS85* DAPPLED SHADE MS72 MYSTIC SILVER MS82* SPRING MOSS MS81 Sizes Random Sizes: 8" - 20" long by 4" high Average Thickness: 1.19" Installation RECOMMENDATION Dry Stacked Coverage: 150 sq. ft. per pallet, dry stacked Random SHADE Variation Extreme color and texture variation from piece to piece and within each piece for a random look. The look of the final installation will be unique. Please review range of product before making final selection. TRIM/ACCESSORIES Corners available. See page 37 for our full line of accessories. Application Walls/Backsplashes Residential Light Commercial Commercial Exteriors x x x x Suitable for exterior walls in freezing and non-freezing climates when proper installation methods are followed. *Special Order daltil eMANUFACTUREDSTONE eMANUFACT UREDSTONE .co .co m m daltil 05 TEXASMISSIONSTONE Clockwise from top left, photos feature Texas Mission Stone in Oyster Pearl MS71 and Autumn Bronze MS70. 06 PEPPERCORN BLEND MS77* OYSTER PEARL MS71 MOON GLOW MS80* TORCH LIGHT MS85* SPRING MOSS MS81* GOLDEN DAWN MS84* daltil eMANUFACTUREDSTONE eMANUFACT UREDSTONE .co .co m m daltil 07 TEXASMISSIONSTONE DESERT WIND MS87* AMBER SUN MS76* INDIAN CORN MS83* DAPPLED SHADE MS72 COPPER SUNSET MS73 AUTUMN BRONZE MS70 08 SIERRA SUNRISE MS86* TIDE WATER MS79* ROASTED NUTMEG MS78* HARVEST BLEND MS75* CANYON FOG MS74 MYSTIC SILVER MS82* Sizes Random Sizes: 4.5" - 19" long by 1.75" - 9" high Average Thickness: 1.4" Installation RECOMMENDATION Grouted (grout joint: 1/2") Coverage: 150 sq. ft. per pallet, grouted Random SHADE Variation Extreme color and texture variation from piece to piece and within each piece for a random look. The look of the final installation will be unique. Please review range of product before making final selection. TRIM/ACCESSORIES Corners available. See page 37 for our full line of accessories. Application Walls/Backsplashes Residential Light Commercial Commercial Exteriors x x x x Suitable for exterior walls in freezing and non-freezing climates when proper installation methods are followed. *Special Order daltil eMANUFACT UREDSTONE .co m 09 TEMPLELEDGE Top left and bottom right photos feature Temple Ledge in Copper Sunset MS73. Bottom left photo features Dappled Shade MS72. 10 OYSTER PEARL MS71* MOON GLOW MS80* PEPPERCORN BLEND MS77* HARVEST BLEND MS75* DESERT WIND MS87* AUTUMN BRONZE MS70* daltil eMANUFACTUREDSTONE eMANUFACT UREDSTONE .co .co m m daltil 11 TEMPLELEDGE COPPER SUNSET MS73* TORCH LIGHT MS85* GOLDEN DAWN MS84* INDIAN CORN MS83* CANYON FOG MS74* SPRING MOSS MS81* 12 ROASTED NUTMEG MS78* AMBER SUN MS76* SIERRA SUNRISE MS86* TIDE WATER MS79* MYSTIC SILVER MS82* DAPPLED SHADE MS72* Sizes Random Sizes: 1.5" - 5" long by 6.75" - 19" high Average Thickness: 1.4" Installation RECOMMENDATION Dry Stacked (recommended) or Grouted (grout joint: 1/2") Coverage: 150 sq. ft. per pallet, dry stacked; 170 sq. ft. per pallet, grouted Random SHADE Variation Extreme color and texture variation from piece to piece and within each piece for a random look. The look of the final installation will be unique. Please review range of product before making final selection. TRIM/ACCESSORIES Corners available. See page 37 for our full line of accessories. Application Walls/Backsplashes Residential Light Commercial Commercial Exteriors x x x x Suitable for exterior walls in freezing and non-freezing climates when proper installation methods are followed. *Special Order daltil eMANUFACT UREDSTONE .co m 13 SCULPTEDLEDGESTONE Top left photo features Sculpted Ledgestone in Canyon Fog MS74. Bottom right photo features Sierra Sunrise MS86. 14 MOON GLOW MS80* OYSTER PEARL MS71* AMBER SUN MS76* DESERT WIND MS87* INDIAN CORN MS83* AUTUMN BRONZE MS70* daltil eMANUFACTUREDSTONE eMANUFACT UREDSTONE .co .co m m daltil 15 SCULPTEDLEDGESTONE SIERRA SUNRISE MS86* COPPER SUNSET MS73* GOLDEN DAWN MS84* TORCH LIGHT MS85* CANYON FOG MS74 TIDE WATER MS79 16 HARVEST BLEND MS75* MYSTIC SILVER MS82* ROASTED NUTMEG MS78 SPRING MOSS MS81* DAPPLED SHADE MS72 PEPPERCORN BLEND MS77 Sizes Random Sizes: 4" - 19" long by 1.5" - 6" high Average Thickness: 1.65" Installation RECOMMENDATION Grouted (recommended; grout joint: 1/2") or Dry Stacked Coverage: 130 sq. ft. per pallet, dry stacked; 150 sq. ft. per pallet, grouted Random SHADE Variation Extreme color and texture variation from piece to piece and within each piece for a random look. The look of the final installation will be unique. Please review range of product before making final selection. TRIM/ACCESSORIES Corners available. See page 37 for our full line of accessories. Application Walls/Backsplashes Residential Light Commercial Commercial Exteriors x x x x Suitable for exterior walls in freezing and non-freezing climates when proper installation methods are followed. *Special Order daltil eMANUFACT UREDSTONE .co m 17 WINDSWEPTEDGESTONE Top left photo features Windswept Edge Stone in Har vest Blend MS75. Bottom right photo features Mystic Silver MS82. 18 OYSTER PEARL MS71* MOON GLOW MS80* AMBER SUN MS76* GOLDEN DAWN MS84* SPRING MOSS MS81* HARVEST BLEND MS75* daltil eMANUFACTUREDSTONE eMANUFACT UREDSTONE .co .co m m daltil 19 WINDSWEPTEDGESTONE COPPER SUNSET MS73* DESERT WIND MS87* SIERRA SUNRISE MS86* AUTUMN BRONZE MS70* CANYON FOG MS74* TIDE WATER MS79* 20 DAPPLED SHADE MS72* INDIAN CORN MS83* TORCH LIGHT MS85* PEPPERCORN BLEND MS77* ROASTED NUTMEG MS78* MYSTIC SILVER MS82* Sizes Random Sizes: 7.25" - 19.5" long by 2" - 7.25" wide Average Thickness: 1.4" Installation RECOMMENDATION Grouted (grout joint: 1/2") Coverage: 150 sq. ft. per pallet, grouted Random SHADE Variation Extreme color and texture variation from piece to piece and within each piece for a random look. The look of the final installation will be unique. Please review range of product before making final selection. TRIM/ACCESSORIES Corners available. See page 37 for our full line of accessories. Application Walls/Backsplashes Residential Light Commercial Commercial Exteriors x x x x Suitable for exterior walls in freezing and non-freezing climates when proper installation methods are followed. *Special Order daltil eMANUFACT UREDSTONE .co m 21 M E S A L E D G E S TA C K Clockwise from top left, photos feature Mesa Ledge Stack in Amber Sun MS76, Copper Sunset MS73 and Tide Water MS79. 22 MOON GLOW MS80* OYSTER PEARL MS71* DESERT WIND MS87* SPRING MOSS MS81* GOLDEN DAWN MS84* HARVEST BLEND MS75 daltil eMANUFACTUREDSTONE eMANUFACT UREDSTONE .co .co m m daltil 23 M E S A L E D G E S TA C K AUTUMN BRONZE MS70* DAPPLED SHADE MS72* AMBER SUN MS76 TORCH LIGHT MS85* INDIAN CORN MS83* COPPER SUNSET MS73* 24 TIDE WATER MS79* CANYON FOG MS74 SIERRA SUNRISE MS86* PEPPERCORN BLEND MS77 MYSTIC SILVER MS82* ROASTED NUTMEG MS78* Sizes Random Sizes: 4.5" - 18" long by 3/4" - 4" high Average Thickness: 1.5" Installation RECOMMENDATION Dry Stacked (recommended) or Grouted (grout joint: 1/2") Coverage: 150 sq. ft. per pallet, dry stacked; 170 sq. ft. per pallet, grouted Random SHADE Variation Extreme color and texture variation from piece to piece and within each piece for a random look. The look of the final installation will be unique. Please review range of product before making final selection. TRIM/ACCESSORIES Corners available. See page 37 for our full line of accessories. Application Walls/Backsplashes Residential Light Commercial Commercial Exteriors x x x x Suitable for exterior walls in freezing and non-freezing climates when proper installation methods are followed. *Special Order daltil eMANUFACT UREDSTONE .co m 25 RIDGEDFIELDSTONE Top left photo features Ridged Field Stone in Mystic Silver MS82. Bottom right photo features Sierra Sunrise MS86. 26 MOON GLOW MS80* OYSTER PEARL MS71* CANYON FOG MS74 DESERT WIND MS87* TIDE WATER MS79* GOLDEN DAWN MS84* daltil eMANUFACTUREDSTONE eMANUFACT UREDSTONE .co .co m m daltil 27 RIDGEDFIELDSTONE SPRING MOSS MS81* PEPPERCORN BLEND MS77* AMBER SUN MS76* TORCH LIGHT MS85* AUTUMN BRONZE MS70 SIERRA SUNRISE MS86* 28 DAPPLED SHADE MS72 INDIAN CORN MS83* HARVEST BLEND MS75 ROASTED NUTMEG MS78* COPPER SUNSET MS73* MYSTIC SILVER MS82* Sizes Random Sizes: 3" - 5" long by 16" - 18" high Average Thickness: 1.3" Installation RECOMMENDATION Grouted (grout joint: 1/2") Coverage: 150 sq. ft. per pallet, grouted Random SHADE Variation Extreme color and texture variation from piece to piece and within each piece for a random look. The look of the final installation will be unique. Please review range of product before making final selection. TRIM/ACCESSORIES Corners available. See page 37 for our full line of accessories. Application Walls/Backsplashes Residential Light Commercial Commercial Exteriors x x x x Suitable for exterior walls in freezing and non-freezing climates when proper installation methods are followed. *Special Order daltil eMANUFACT UREDSTONE .co m 29 GRECIANLIMESTONE MYKONOS WASH MS17* Photo features Grecian Limestone in Mykonos Wash MS17. STATUESQUE WHITE MS16* Sizes Approximate Size: 24" long by 12" high Average Thickness: 1" Installation RECOMMENDATION Grouted (grout joint: 1/2") Coverage: 168 sq. ft. per pallet, grouted Random SHADE Variation Extreme color and texture variation from piece to piece and within each piece for a random look. The look of the final installation will be unique. Please review range of product before making final selection. 30 CHARIOT BRONZE MS18* MEDITERRANEAN OLIVE MS15* TRIM/ACCESSORIES Corners available. See page 37 for our full line of accessories. Application Walls/Backsplashes Residential Light Commercial Commercial Exteriors x x x x Suitable for exterior walls in freezing and non-freezing climates when proper installation methods are followed. *Special Order WAT E R F R O N T B R I C K HYANNIS PORT DUSK MS22* BOSTON HARBOR TWILIGHT MS20* Photo features Waterfront Brick in Boston Harbor Twilight MS20. Sizes Approximate Size: 7" long by 2" high Average Thickness: 3/4" Installation RECOMMENDATION Grouted (grout joint: 1/2") Coverage: 30 sq. ft. per pallet, grouted Random SHADE Variation Extreme color and texture variation from piece to piece and within each piece for a random look. The look of the final installation will be unique. Please review range of product before making final selection. CAPE COD RED MS21* TRIM/ACCESSORIES Corners available. See page 37 for our full line of accessories. Application Walls/Backsplashes Residential Light Commercial Commercial Exteriors x x x x Suitable for exterior walls in freezing and non-freezing climates when proper installation methods are followed. *Special Order daltil eMANUFACT UREDSTONE .co m 31 VELVETRIVERROCK Photo features Velvet River Rock in Mystic Silver MS82. AUTUMN BRONZE MS70* Sizes Random Diameter: 2" - 13" high Average Thickness: 1.4" Installation RECOMMENDATION Grouted (grout joint: 1/2") Coverage: 150 sq. ft. per pallet, grouted Random SHADE Variation Extreme color and texture variation from piece to piece and within each piece for a random look. The look of the final installation will be unique. Please review range of product before making final selection. 32 MYSTIC SILVER MS82* TRIM/ACCESSORIES Corners available. See page 37 for our full line of accessories. Application Walls/Backsplashes Residential Light Commercial Commercial Exteriors x x x x Suitable for exterior walls in freezing and non-freezing climates when proper installation methods are followed. *Special Order TIDALSTONE Photo features Tidal Stone in Sea Floor MS19 and Temple Ledge in Har vest Blend MS75. SEA FLOOR MS19* Sizes Random Sizes: 3.5" - 15.75" long by 3.5" - 11.75" high Average Thickness: 1.25" Installation RECOMMENDATION Grouted (grout joint: 1/2") Coverage: 150 sq. ft. per pallet, grouted Random SHADE Variation Extreme color and texture variation from piece to piece and within each piece for a random look. The look of the final installation will be unique. Please review range of product before making final selection. TRIM/ACCESSORIES See page 37 for our full line of accessories. Application Walls/Backsplashes Residential Light Commercial Commercial Exteriors x x x x Suitable for exterior walls in freezing and non-freezing climates when proper installation methods are followed. *Special Order daltil eMANUFACT UREDSTONE .co m 33 TECHNICAL INFORMATION T E C H N I C A L D ATA ( F P O ) T R I M/ A C C E S S O R I E S 36 TRIM Corners are available for all product lines except Tidal Stone. ACCESSORIES OPTIONS Quoin Corner Hearthstone Pyramid Cap Window Sill Keystone Cobble Accent Stone Light Box Headerstone Pyramid Coping AVA I L A B L E A C C E S S O R I E S C O L O R S Bone MS67 Gray MS68* Tan MS66 Taupe MS65 S U G G E ST E D ACC E S S O RY CO L O R S BY P RO D U C T L I N E C hiseled R eady S tack A utumn B ronze M ystic S ilver T exas M ission S tone , R idged F ield S tone , M esa L edge S tack , S culpted L edgestone , W indswept E dge S tone , T emple L edge Ta n Ta n Gray Gray Bone Ta n R oasted N utmeg Ta n / Ta u p e D appled S hade Ta n Ta n A mber S un Ta n Ta n C opper S unset Ta n P eppercorn B lend Bone Ta n Ta n M oon G low Bone Bone S pring M oss Ta u p e Ta u p e H arvest B lend Ta n Ta n Ta u p e / Ta n Ta u p e / Ta n C anyon F og Ta u p e / G r a y T ide Water Ta u p e / G r a y S ierra S unrise D esert W ind S ea F loor V elvet R iver R ock Ta n I ndian C orn T orch L ight G recian L imestone Gray O yster P earl G olden D awn T idal S tone Bone Ta n Bone M editerranean O live Bone S tatuesque W hite Gray M ykonos Wash Bone C hariot B ronze Bone The chart above suggests which accessory color best coordinates with each product line color. Waterfront Brick product line colors are not listed as selection should be based on personal preference. daltil eMANUFACT UREDSTONE .co m 37 T E C H N I C A L D ATA A P P L I C AT I O N Walls/Backsplashes Residential Light Commercial Commercial Exterior X X X X Suitable for interior and exterior vertical surfaces. Appropriate for use in exterior wall applications in both freezing and non-freezing climates when proper installation methods are followed. Not for exterior use below grade. Not for use in direct contact with pool chemicals or in wet areas such as showers. T E C H N I C A L D ATA Test Name Test Number Test Result Density of Structural Lightweight Concrete Freeze Thaw / Efflorescence Compressive Strength Flexure Strength Tensile Strength Water Absorption Shear Bond Strength ASTM C-567 ASTM C-67 ASTM C-192, C-39 ASTM C-348 ASTM C-190 UBC Std. 15-5 & 32-12 ASTM C-482 15 psf maximum Less than 3% mass loss in 50 cycles/ None visible Minimum of 1800 psi in 28 days No more than 10% deviation No more than 10% deviation 22% average maximum Minimum 50 psi I N S TA L L AT I O N M E T H O D S Application method will impact the overall look of the final installation. Please visit daltilemanufacturedstone.com for visuals of different application methods: grouted (standard 1/2" grout joint); dry stacked; over-grouted. CARE & MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE (Any special considerations): Care should be taken to avoid smearing mortar on the surface of the veneers. Accidental smears should be removed using a dry whisk broom only after mortar has dried completely. Never use a wet brush or wire brush. Do not power-wash, sandblast, use acid or acid-based products. Dirt or other materials may be removed with a strong solution of granulated soap or detergent and water with a bristle brush. Do not use a wire brush as it will cause damage to the surface. Rinse immediately with fresh water. Regular maintenance only requires to rinse the wall with water occasionally to remove dirt. SEALING Seal with a breathable, non-film forming masonry sealer, to prevent staining from rusty downspouts, splattered mud, etc. Sealing is strongly recommended for dry-stacked applications and/or for harsh environments. WA R R A N T Y & L E G A L I N F O R M AT I O N 7 5 Y E A R L I M I T E D WA R R A N T Y Daltile Manufactured Stone carries a 75 year limited warranty when used on structures that conform to all local building codes. Material must be installed according to manufacturer’s installation instructions. Warranty is limited to replacement of defective materials only and does not cover labor to remove or replace stone. Warranty does not cover damage resulting from building settlement, wall movement, contact with chemicals or paint, discoloration due to airborne contaminants or stains caused by material applied to or allowed to come in contact with stone. Warranty is nontransferable and is limited to original purchaser. M I N E R A L C O M P O S I T I O N U N I T S C L A S S I F I E D B Y U N D E R W R I T E R S L A B O R AT O R I E S I N C .® A S T O S U R FA C E B U R N I N G C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S F L A M E S P R E A D 0 A N D S M O K E D E V E L O P E D 0 O N L Y 38 39 GALLERY&SSCLISTING Alabama Birmingham (205)941-1233 Loxley (251)964-8771 Arizona Flagstaff (928)556-0583 Lake Havasu City (928)855-4747 Phoenix (602)258-9390 Phoenix Pool Center (877)325-7665 Phoenix Stone Showroom (480)345-4233 Scottsdale (480)443-1057 Tucson (520)748-7411 Arkansas Fayetteville (479)361-5825 Little Rock (501)812-4800 California Anaheim (714)634-2546 Anaheim Tile & Stone Gallery (714)634-4794 Anaheim Stone Showroom (714)937-8951 Auburn (530)888-7622 Bakersfield (661)834-6714 Cerritos (714)521-5224 Chico (530)343-6425 City of Industry (626)968-5022 Corona (951)371-8181 Culver City (310)559-8680 El Cajon (619)447-7700 Escondido (760)743-7404 Fairfield (707)429-4592 Fresno (559)291-9638 Irvine (949)260-0488 Lancaster (661)942-2968 Livermore (925)449-0338 Los Angeles (323)257-7553 Martinez (925)957-1051 40 Modesto (209)543-0924 Palm Desert (760)772-1298 Palm Desert Stone Showroom (760)772-1298 Redding (530)221-8453 Redlands (909)796-3466 Sacramento - East (916)364-0741 Sacramento - North (916)338-1170 Sacramento Stone Showroom (916)646-8705 Salinas (831)758-9473 San Diego (858)565-7767 San Diego Stone Showroom (858)571-0283 San Diego Tile & Stone Gallery (858)571-1957 San Francisco - South (650)873-8526 San Jose (408)435-1566 San Juan Capistrano (949)661-3654 San Leandro (510)635-7673 San Leandro Stone Showroom (510)357-6197 San Rafael (415)454-8610 Santa Clara Stone Showroom (408)855-0950 Santa Monica (310)453-9112 Santa Rosa (707)588-0842 Stockton (209)948-4083 Temecula (951)676-6881 Thousand Oaks (805)642-2122 Torrance (310)323-4632 Upland (909)949-1227 Van Nuys (818)787-3224 Ventura (805)642-2122 Victorville (760)245-1502 Visalia (559)739-8810 Colorado Colorado Springs (719)260-7000 Denver Stone Showroom (303)722-2800 Denver (303)744-1743 Denver - East (303)373-2051 Denver - Northwest (303)469-7733 Fort Collins (970)622-9741 Grand Junction (970)241-9418 Connecticut Danbury (203)207-0100 Hartford (860)293-2900 Stamford (203)323-9490 West Haven (203)230-8315 Delaware Wilmington (302)999-9545 Florida Boynton Beach Stone Showroom (561)375-8887 Brandon (813)621-9443 Clearwater (727)546-0833 Dania Beach Stone Showroom (954)920-6331 Daytona Beach (386)767-9561 Destin (850)837-5508 Fort Lauderdale (954)975-9555 Fort Myers (239)275-1919 Jacksonville (904)262-0444 Lakeland (863)510-0234 Melbourne (321)951-8284 Miami (305)477-3303 Miami Stone Showroom (305)477-7363 Naples (239)643-1823 Ocala (352)351-2922 Orlando (407)297-8997 Orlando Stone Showroom (407)857-5884 Port St. Lucie (772)871-0304 Sarasota (941)355-2954 Sarasota Stone Showroom (941)351-8185 Tampa (813)886-2222 West Palm Beach (561)848-3507 Georgia Atlanta (770)623-9477 Atlanta - South (770)631-0218 Atlanta - West (404)355-3180 Atlanta Stone Showroom (404)355-0258 Atlanta Tile & Stone Gallery (404)355-0158 Kennesaw (770)528-1145 Macon (478)474-8882 Savannah (912)236-5516 Hawaii Honolulu (808)523-3660 Idaho Boise (208)375-4466 Illinois Burr Ridge (630)789-1400 Chicago (847)228-9911 Chicago Stone Showroom (847)593-9008 Chicago Tile & Stone Gallery (312)467-0642 Naperville (630)428-2433 Springfield (217)726-6931 Indiana Evansville (812)471-0019 Fort Wayne (260)489-8799 Indianapolis (317)841-0883 South Bend (574)232-8933 Iowa Des Moines (515)252-0212 Quad-Cities (563)388-6116 Kansas Kansas City (913)599-2987 Kansas City Stone Showroom (913)438-6500 Topeka (785)272-2112 Wichita (316)941-9800 Kentucky Lexington (859)294-7452 Louisville (502)968-0558 Louisiana Baton Rouge (225)291-3585 New Orleans (504)818-0118 Shreveport (318)687-5511 Maine Portland (207)878-8520 Maryland Baltimore (410)636-7012 Frederick (301)620-8643 Lanham (301)306-5109 Rockville (301)948-2496 Salisbury (410)546-1015 White Marsh (410)574-0579 Massachusetts Boston (781)297-3730 Boston - North (781)932-6622 Worchester (508)842-4145 Michigan Detroit (248)471-7150 Detroit - East (586)739-0370 Grand Rapids (616)464-4417 Traverse City (231)946-4568 Minnesota Minneapolis (763)694-9700 St. Paul (651)770-6643 Mississippi Jackson (601)853-2714 Missouri Springfield (417)883-4600 St. Louis (314)997-6970 Montana Billings (406)248-8700 Missoula (406)549-1021 Nebraska Omaha (402)597-2800 Nevada Carson City (775)883-4200 Las Vegas (702)365-6265 Las Vegas Tile & Stone Gallery (702)871-8453 Las Vegas Stone Showroom (702)361-6873 Reno (775)358-8720 New Hampshire Manchester (603)434-0507 New Jersey Cherry Hill (856)489-3335 Cranbury (609)655-0333 Fairfield (973)808-9696 Lakewood (732)364-3552 Lyndhurst (201)729-9169 Lyndhurst (New York) Stone Showroom (201)729-0203 New Mexico Albuquerque (505)884-0017 Las Cruces (575)647-2001 New York Albany (518)452-4771 Brooklyn (718)788-6096 Buffalo (716)684-2336 Harrison (914)835-1801 Hicksville (516)933-2552 Manhattan Tile & Stone Gallery (212)471-0256 Maspeth (718)894-9574 Mt. Vernon (914)667-2500 Rochester (585)292-0870 Syracuse (315)432-0295 North Carolina Asheville (828)654-7979 Charlotte (704)588-0153 Charlotte - North (704)799-3705 Fayetteville (910)323-3004 Greensboro (336)274-7647 Raleigh (919)544-1000 Wilmington (910)251-3731 Ohio Cincinnati (513)791-7832 Cincinnati Stone Showroom (513)554-1330 Cleveland (216)661-4994 Cleveland - East (216)464-4470 Columbus (614)433-9181 Dayton (937)294-0150 Oklahoma Oklahoma City (405)685-3526 Tulsa (918)459-0640 Oregon Bend (541)317-9301 Eugene (541)686-0217 Portland (503)236-4585 Salem (503)588-3333 Pennsylvania Allentown (610)266-6688 Bensalem (215)633-6420 Harrisburg (717)795-0154 Lancaster (717)397-1282 Philadelphia-South (215)546-8453 Pittsburgh - North (724)776-2767 Pittsburgh (412)787-2040 Plymouth Meeting (610)825-5381 Scranton (570)342-3381 Rhode Island Providence (401)461-5775 South Carolina Charleston (843)824-1970 Columbia (803)739-5677 Greenville (864)288-8090 Hilton Head (843)815-6511 Myrtle Beach (843)839-0033 Tennessee Chattanooga (423)892-0605 Knoxville (865)588-2155 Memphis (901)794-1891 Nashville (615)297-7518 Tri-Cities (423)283-4875 Texas Amarillo (806)371-0982 Arlington (817)784-3853 Austin (512)837-7080 Austin - South (512)312-5666 Beaumont (409)840-9447 Carrollton (972)245-3185 Corpus Christi (361)855-4558 Dallas Tile & Stone Gallery (972)484-0334 Dallas Stone Showroom (972)620-8427 El Paso (915)593-3161 Fort Worth (817)831-6935 Houston - North (713)956-1900 Houston - South (281)481-0919 Houston - Southwest (281)568-3740 Houston Stone Showroom (713)681-7625 Houston Tile & Stone Gallery (713)533-9305 Houston - Woodlands (281)296-2992 Lubbock (806)793-4484 McAllen (956)618-3267 McKinney (214)726-0143 Mesquite (972)613-4711 Midland (432)520-0071 Plano (972)578-1600 San Antonio (210)490-1502 San Antonio Stone Showroom (210)403-0298 Southlake (817)251-0774 Waco (254)751-1331 Virginia Alexandria (703)971-8485 Dulles (703)996-0241 Manassas (703)393-0334 Richmond (804)359-8851 Roanoke (540)563-4881 Virginia Beach (757)460-2900 Virginia - North Stone Showroom (703)961-8425 Washington Everett (425)355-1645 Seattle (206)762-6620 Seattle Stone Showroom (206)763-3004 Spokane (509)534-0202 Tacoma (253)581-1130 Wisconsin Green Bay (920)337-1887 Madison (608)242-1816 Milwaukee (262)781-4590 Canada Calgary, AB (403)255-2566 Edmonton, AB (780)489-9490 Toronto, ON (905)738-2099 Vancouver, BC (604)251-8995 Puerto Rico Carolina (787)791-6618 Utah Ogden (801)394-7701 Orem (801)226-2170 Salt Lake City Stone Showroom (801)487-3590 Salt Lake City Tile & Stone Gallery (801)487-9901 St. George (435)634-9777 Vermont Burlington (802)951-2030 For more information or for answers to any questions you may have, call one of the more than 200 Sales Service Centers nationwide and in daltil eMANUFACT UREDSTONE .co m 41 dalt i l e MANUFACT UREDSTONE .co m ©2 009 Dal-Tile C o r p o r ati o n ( 5/ 0 9) MSLI T BR0 9
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