Chip Formation in Micro-cutting
Chip Formation in Micro-cutting
Faculté Polytechnique Chip Formation in Micro-cutting F. Ducobu, E. Rivière-Lorphèvre, E. Filippi [email protected] Machine Design and Production Engineering Department Introduction Miniaturisation increasing demand for micro-components development of micro-manufacturing techniques Micro-milling = one of them Micro-milling = the fastest and flexible micro-machining process to produce complex 3D micro-forms with sharp edges and good surface quality in many materials (metal alloys, polymers and ceramics) Uses a micro-mill rotating at high speed Applications quite varied: micro-injection moulds, watch components,… Chae, J., Park, S., Freiheit, T., 2006, Investigation of micro-cutting operations, Int. J. Machine Tools and Manufacture, 45: 313-332. Université de Mons François Ducobu | FPMs – Machine Design and Production Engineering Department | NCTAM 2012 2 Plan A. Chip formation specificities in micro-cutting B. Model presentation C. Results in macro-cutting D. Influence of the depth of cut E. Conclusions Université de Mons François Ducobu | FPMs – Machine Design and Production Engineering Department | NCTAM 2012 3 CHIP FORMATION SPECIFICITIES IN MICRO-CUTTING | MODEL PRESENTATION | RESULTS IN MACRO-CUTTING | INFLUENCE OF THE DEPTH OF CUT | CONCLUSIONS A. Chip formation specificities in micro-cutting Micro- and macro-milling concepts are similar Scaling-down of the process changes in the process micro-cutting phenomenon cannot be considered as a simple scaling of micro-cutting Lead to several chip formation specificities in micro-cutting Université de Mons François Ducobu | FPMs – Machine Design and Production Engineering Department | NCTAM 2012 4 CHIP FORMATION SPECIFICITIES IN MICRO-CUTTING | MODEL PRESENTATION | RESULTS IN MACRO-CUTTING | INFLUENCE OF THE DEPTH OF CUT | CONCLUSIONS 1. Minimum chip thickness Depth of cut and feed per tooth very small no chip is formed below a critical value called “minimum chip thickness” Estimation of its value = one of the present challenges in micromilling Moreover machined material and tool geometry greatly affect its value, complicating its estimation Chae, J., Park, S., Freiheit, T., 2006, Investigation of micro-cutting operations, Int. J. Machine Tools and Manufacture, 45: 313-332. Université de Mons François Ducobu | FPMs – Machine Design and Production Engineering Department | NCTAM 2012 5 CHIP FORMATION SPECIFICITIES IN MICRO-CUTTING | MODEL PRESENTATION | RESULTS IN MACRO-CUTTING | INFLUENCE OF THE DEPTH OF CUT | CONCLUSIONS 2. Size effect Size effect, at small depth of cut = non-linear increase in the specific cutting energy when the depth of cut decreases 3. Influence of the machined material At the microscopic scale, the microstructure of the machined material takes importance Its granular structure must be taken into account The material can no longer be considered as homogeneous and isotropic ≠ macro-cutting Chae, J., Park, S., Freiheit, T., 2006, Investigation of micro-cutting operations, Int. J. Machine Tools and Manufacture, 45: 313-332. Filiz, S., Conley, C., Wasserman, M., Ozdoganlar, O., 2007, An experimental investigation of micro-machinability of copper 101 using tungsten carbide micro-endmills, Int. J. Machine Tools and Manufacture, 47: 1088-1100. Université de Mons François Ducobu | FPMs – Machine Design and Production Engineering Department | NCTAM 2012 6 CHIP FORMATION SPECIFICITIES IN MICRO-CUTTING | MODEL PRESENTATION | RESULTS IN MACRO-CUTTING | INFLUENCE OF THE DEPTH OF CUT | CONCLUSIONS B. Model presentation Lagrangian Finite Element Method (FEM) model to study the depth of cut influence on chip formation in orthogonal cutting Numerical simulations performed with ABAQUS/Explicit v6.8 Important characteristic of the model = its validity in micro-cutting but also in macro-cutting Allows to study changes in the cutting mechanism from macroto micro-cutting with one single model Ability to form saw-toothed chips in macro-cutting = one of the requirements and difficulties introduced by the multi-scale aspect of the model Université de Mons François Ducobu | FPMs – Machine Design and Production Engineering Department | NCTAM 2012 7 CHIP FORMATION SPECIFICITIES IN MICRO-CUTTING | MODEL PRESENTATION | RESULTS IN MACRO-CUTTING | INFLUENCE OF THE DEPTH OF CUT | CONCLUSIONS 2D plane strain model Take into account the chip formation area Explicit Lagrangian formulation because: Interest focused on the transient phase of the chip formation the absence of chip formation Production of saw-toothed chips morphologically close to experimental ones, which cannot be achieved with an ALE formulation, contrary to Lagrangian formulation Ducobu, F., Filippi, E., Rivière-Lorphèvre, E., 2009, Chip Formation and Minimum Chip Thickness in Micro-milling, Proceedings of the 12th CIRP Conference on Modeling of Machining Operations, 339-346. Ducobu, F., Filippi, E., Rivière-Lorphèvre, E., 2009, Investigations on Chip Formation in Micro-milling, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Laser Metrology, CMM and Machine Tool Performance, 327-336. Ducobu, F., Rivière-Lorphèvre, E., Filippi, E., 2010, An ALE Model to Study the Depth of Cut Influence on Chip Formation in Orthogonal Cutting, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on High Speed Machining, 202-207. Université de Mons François Ducobu | FPMs – Machine Design and Production Engineering Department | NCTAM 2012 8 CHIP FORMATION SPECIFICITIES IN MICRO-CUTTING | MODEL PRESENTATION | RESULTS IN MACRO-CUTTING | INFLUENCE OF THE DEPTH OF CUT | CONCLUSIONS Tool: Rake angle: 15° Clearance angle: 2° Edge radius: 20 µm Cutting speed: 75 m/min Initial workpiece shape = rectangular box Friction at the tool – chip interface implemented using Coulomb’s friction All the friction energy is converted into heat Initial temperature set to 25°C Only conduction is considered and all the faces are adiabatic Université de Mons François Ducobu | FPMs – Machine Design and Production Engineering Department | NCTAM 2012 9 CHIP FORMATION SPECIFICITIES IN MICRO-CUTTING | MODEL PRESENTATION | RESULTS IN MACRO-CUTTING | INFLUENCE OF THE DEPTH OF CUT | CONCLUSIONS Workpiece material: Titanium alloy Ti6Al4V: Homogeneous simplification of its actual granular structure Behaviour described by the Hyperbolic TANgent (TANH) law [11] = JohnsonCook law taking account of the strain softening effect Strain softening could explain the formation of saw-toothed Ti6Al4V chips taking it into account more realistic chip Tool material: tungsten carbide described by a linear elastic law Calamaz, M., Coupard, D., Girot, F., 2008, A new material model for 2D numerical simulation of serrated chip formation when machining titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V, Int. J. Machine Tools and Manufacture, 48: 275-288. Université de Mons François Ducobu | FPMs – Machine Design and Production Engineering Department | NCTAM 2012 10 CHIP FORMATION SPECIFICITIES IN MICRO-CUTTING | MODEL PRESENTATION | RESULTS IN MACRO-CUTTING | INFLUENCE OF THE DEPTH OF CUT | CONCLUSIONS Lagrangian formulation chip separation criterion needed Chip formation possible thanks to an “eroding element” method Criterion based on the temperature dependent tensile failure of Ti6Al4V Tensile failure value reached in an element deleted from the visualisation and all its stress components are put to zero Suppression of a finite element introduction of a crack in the workpiece making it possible for the chip to come off Université de Mons François Ducobu | FPMs – Machine Design and Production Engineering Department | NCTAM 2012 11 CHIP FORMATION SPECIFICITIES IN MICRO-CUTTING | MODEL PRESENTATION | RESULTS IN MACRO-CUTTING | INFLUENCE OF THE DEPTH OF CUT | CONCLUSIONS C. Results in macro-cutting Validation of the model: comparison of the modelled saw-toothed macro-chip (h = 280 µm) and cutting forces to experimental cutting results Experiments performed on a lathe Workpiece = shaft comporting flanges in the form of successive slices of equal thickness Tool width larger than disks Cutting process: plunge condition ≈ orthogonal cutting Fixation of the tool high rigidity Use of a tailstock to avoid workpiece displacements and vibrations Université de Mons François Ducobu | FPMs – Machine Design and Production Engineering Department | NCTAM 2012 12 CHIP FORMATION SPECIFICITIES IN MICRO-CUTTING | MODEL PRESENTATION | RESULTS IN MACRO-CUTTING | INFLUENCE OF THE DEPTH OF CUT | CONCLUSIONS Morphology of the modelled chip very close to the experimental one For each tooth a slipping band is formed in the primary shear zone, as expected It vanishes as the tool moves forward, initiating the tooth formation Université de Mons François Ducobu | FPMs – Machine Design and Production Engineering Department | NCTAM 2012 13 CHIP FORMATION SPECIFICITIES IN MICRO-CUTTING | MODEL PRESENTATION | RESULTS IN MACRO-CUTTING | INFLUENCE OF THE DEPTH OF CUT | CONCLUSIONS Cyclic evolution of the cutting force = typical of saw-toothed chip formation: a drop in the force = formation of a tooth Link between force evolution and teeth formation, 7 teeth Simulated force of the same order but smaller than experiments choice of TANH parameters? Same observations for FF Simulated force smaller than experiments influence of the friction, difficult to measure and model The model is able to model qualitatively the chip formation of Ti6Al4V in orthogonal cutting Suitable for the study of the depth of cut influence on chip formation Université de Mons François Ducobu | FPMs – Machine Design and Production Engineering Department | NCTAM 2012 14 CHIP FORMATION SPECIFICITIES IN MICRO-CUTTING | MODEL PRESENTATION | RESULTS IN MACRO-CUTTING | INFLUENCE OF THE DEPTH OF CUT | CONCLUSIONS D. Influence of the depth of cut For a determined material, minimum chip thickness depends on depth of cut (h) tool edge radius (r) Study of the influence of the depth of cut on chip formation with 8 decreasing values of the depth of cut for a constant tool edge radius (20 µm) h (µm) 280 100 40 20 10 h/r Université de Mons 14 5 2 1 5 2.5 1 0.5 0.25 0.125 0.05 François Ducobu | FPMs – Machine Design and Production Engineering Department | NCTAM 2012 15 CHIP FORMATION SPECIFICITIES IN MICRO-CUTTING | MODEL PRESENTATION | RESULTS IN MACRO-CUTTING | INFLUENCE OF THE DEPTH OF CUT | CONCLUSIONS 1. Chip morphology From saw-toothed chip to the cutting refuse including segmented chip chip morphology evolving away from macro-cutting 10 From h/r = 0.25: material seems to be pushed, deformed, not sheared anymore h/r = 14 h/r = 2 Université de Mons 3 Pa h/r = 5 h/r = 0.5 h/r = 0.25 h/r = 0.125 h/r = 0.05 h/r = 1 François Ducobu | FPMs – Machine Design and Production Engineering Department | NCTAM 2012 16 CHIP FORMATION SPECIFICITIES IN MICRO-CUTTING | MODEL PRESENTATION | RESULTS IN MACRO-CUTTING | INFLUENCE OF THE DEPTH OF CUT | CONCLUSIONS For h/r values under 0.125 no chip is formed and a small amount of material accumulates in front of the tool This small amount grows when the tool moves forward until it reaches a thickness greater than the minimum chip thickness It is then removed from the workpiece Critical h/r concerning the change in the mechanism of chip formation: between 0.125 (2.5 µm) and 0.25 (5 µm) h/r = 0.5 h/r = 0.25 103 Pa h/r = 0.125 Université de Mons h/r = 0.05 François Ducobu | FPMs – Machine Design and Production Engineering Department | NCTAM 2012 17 CHIP FORMATION SPECIFICITIES IN MICRO-CUTTING | MODEL PRESENTATION | RESULTS IN MACRO-CUTTING | INFLUENCE OF THE DEPTH OF CUT | CONCLUSIONS 2. Cutting forces h/r decreases teeth are less deep then disappear Same observation for the cyclic evolutions of the forces Experiments Forces ratio = FF/CF h/r decreases forces ratio increases When forces ratio > 1: change in the cutting phenomenon: FF > CF If critical ratio value = 2 minimum chip thickness value between 5 µm and 10 µm Université de Mons François Ducobu | FPMs – Machine Design and Production Engineering Department | NCTAM 2012 18 CHIP FORMATION SPECIFICITIES IN MICRO-CUTTING | MODEL PRESENTATION | RESULTS IN MACRO-CUTTING | INFLUENCE OF THE DEPTH OF CUT | CONCLUSIONS 3. Specific cutting energy Specific cutting energy = cutting force on the area of the chip section Mean normalized = mean simulated for each case divided by experiments Size effect highlighted: non-linear increase happens when the depth of cut decreases Critical h/r value: between 0.25 (5 µm) and 0.5 (10 µm) Université de Mons François Ducobu | FPMs – Machine Design and Production Engineering Department | NCTAM 2012 19 CHIP FORMATION SPECIFICITIES IN MICRO-CUTTING | MODEL PRESENTATION | RESULTS IN MACRO-CUTTING | INFLUENCE OF THE DEPTH OF CUT | CONCLUSIONS 4. Elastic recovery Elastic recovery (or elastic spring back ) of the workpiece after the tool tip passage. Increase of its value when the depth of cut decreases: from 0.45% for h = 280 µm to 25% for h = 1 µm Significant importance for small depths of cut Large value relatively to the small depths of cut Contributes to increase: Feed force Slipping force Specific cutting energy hm < 10 µm (exponential evolution) Université de Mons François Ducobu | FPMs – Machine Design and Production Engineering Department | NCTAM 2012 20 CHIP FORMATION SPECIFICITIES IN MICRO-CUTTING | MODEL PRESENTATION | RESULTS IN MACRO-CUTTING | INFLUENCE OF THE DEPTH OF CUT | CONCLUSIONS 5. Minimum chip thickness prediction It is obvious that the minimum chip thickness is less a precise and single value than a range of values with unclear limits According to the model results, for Ti6Al4V with the geometry and the cutting conditions considered: The elastic recovery sets the upper limit of the values range under 10 µm The lower limit is set around 2.5 µm by the morphological aspect The 2 others criterions lead to a value between 5 µm and 10 µm Minimum chip thickness resulting value in these conditions = of the order of 25% of the cutting edge radius of the tool with a lower limit around 12.5% and an upper limit inferior to 50% This order of magnitude is confirmed in literature Filiz, S., Conley, C., Wasserman, M., Ozdoganlar, O., 2007, An experimental investigation of micro-machinability of copper 101 using tungsten carbide micro-endmills, Int. J. Machine Tools and Manufacture, 47: 1088-1100. Vogler, M.P., DeVor, R.E., Kapoor, S.G., 2004, On the modeling and analysis of machining performance in micro endmilling, Part I: surface generation, J. Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 126:685-694. Université de Mons François Ducobu | FPMs – Machine Design and Production Engineering Department | NCTAM 2012 21 CHIP FORMATION SPECIFICITIES IN MICRO-CUTTING | MODEL PRESENTATION | RESULTS IN MACRO-CUTTING | INFLUENCE OF THE DEPTH OF CUT | CONCLUSIONS E. Conclusions Transition from macro- to micro-cutting changes in the cutting phenomenon Study of the influence of the depth of cut on chip formation with a 2D Lagrangian finite element model Chip formation evolves away from macro-cutting when the depth of cut decreases Specific micro-cutting features reported in literature like: Minimum chip thickness Negative effective rake angle Increase of the importance of the feed force Size effect are highlighted in the results Importance and role of the elastic recovery of the workpiece is highlighted and added to the micro-cutting features list A minimum chip thickness prediction has been performed Université de Mons François Ducobu | FPMs – Machine Design and Production Engineering Department | NCTAM 2012 22 Thank you for your attention Université de Mons François Ducobu | FPMs – Machine Design and Production Engineering Department | NCTAM 2012 23 CHIP FORMATION SPECIFICITIES IN MICRO-CUTTING | MODEL PRESENTATION | RESULTS IN MACRO-CUTTING | INFLUENCE OF THE DEPTH OF CUT | CONCLUSIONS Université de Mons François Ducobu | FPMs – Machine Design and Production Engineering Department | NCTAM 2012 24 CHIP FORMATION SPECIFICITIES IN MICRO-CUTTING | MODEL PRESENTATION | RESULTS IN MACRO-CUTTING | INFLUENCE OF THE DEPTH OF CUT | CONCLUSIONS Lagrangian ALE Experiments 103 Pa Université de Mons François Ducobu | FPMs – Machine Design and Production Engineering Department | NCTAM 2012 25
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