
After oo
Regd. No. MH/MR/South-160/2009-11 RNI Regn. No. 43675/85 MUMBAI THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011
To get ADC on your mobile, type or or
: 61%
Vegetables grown along tracks are actually safe for consumption
By Priyal Dave
n what will come as a relief to those worrying
whether the vegetables
grown along railway tracks
makes it to their habitual
market, the Central Railway
(CR) has come out clean,
with a lab tested report,
which clearly states that “in
terms of limits prescribed in
the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act 2008, all samples
are fit for consumption”.
Irked by certain media reports, which stated that the
vegetables grown along railway tracks contain heavy
metals, the administration
called for testing of samples
from ten different locations
on its suburban section.
Last month, CR sent 15
samples from agricultural
plots near Kurla carshed, LTT
terminus, Mulund, Parel, Jui
Nagar, Mankhurd, Airoli,
Ghansoli, Raoli and Panvel
to a government-approved
accredited lab, whose name
the administration preferred
to keep unknown. Samples
of radish, spinach, lady finger, ambadi, mayadu and
beans were sent for the testing.
“Recently, there were few
media reports which said
that the presence of heavy
metals in the vegetables
grown along railway tracks
Continued on Pg 6 «
Upper limit
Track veggies
390 murders, 115 rapes: No convictions! RTI exposes police failure to
file charge sheets on time, letting accused go scot-free
By Santoshee Mishra
nformation sought under
a Right to Information
(RTI) application revealed
that the last decade was
witness to over 390 unsolved murders and 115
unsolved rapes, in cases
that were handled by 85 police stations across the city.
Jeetendra Ghatge had
filed an RTI to procure the
data for cases marked unsolved by police stations
across the city between the
years 2001 and 2010.
Ghatge said, “I had
lodged an FIR about the
theft of my cell phone at
D.B. Marg police station
and was shocked to learn
that officials stated that the
case was being closed
down as they failed to trace
the culprits. In order to
find out if such an instance
had taken place in the past
with bigger crimes, such as
rapes and murders, I filed
an RTI.”
As per the data procured
through RTI, the North Region of the city tops in case
of unsolved murder and
rape cases.
Ghadge said, “These figures clearly show that the
city police have become
incompetent. The charge
sheets should be filed
within 90 days in serious
crimes and 60 days one of
mundane nature. Failing to
do so, the ACPs and DCPs
are supposed to take disciplinary action against the
investigating officials.”
Three of the 85 police
Continued on Pg 6 «
Light showers surprise city
Woman’s World Pg13-20
By A Staff Reporter
umbaikars were in for
a surprise on Wednesday as black clouds took
over the sky for a little while
resulting in light showers in
the afternoon. Despite the
intermittent showers which
brought promise of a monsoon, the stifling heat and
humidity levels remained
almost stagnant and are
likely to rise a bit in the next
48 hours. According to the
Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) officials,
the activity in the atmosphere on Wednesday was
usual as few days before
monsoon there are slight
thunderstorms and light
According to the forecast,
the monsoon is expected to
arrive by June 9 or 10. “The
humidity levels increase
due to monsoon incursion
and by the strong westerly
winds from the Arabian Sea,
while aerosol temperature
Continued on Pg 6 «
City to witness tree plantation
drive on World Environment Day
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
By Adnan Attarwala
n June 5, World Environment
Day, the city currently deprived
of its green cover will receive a fresh
lease of life, when a massive tree
plantation drive will be carried out
by citizens working together with
environmental organisations. The
day’s focus will be on the depleting
global forest cover and considering
Mumbai has only 19 lakh trees, the
drive will involve plantation of
mostly indigenous varieties, which
are conducive to city environment
along roadside and in open spaces.
Identifying spots where trees had
been chopped off earlier due to
reckless construction and redevelopment, SPROUTS – an environment trust headed by Anand
Pendharkar, would be planting
large numbers of saplings across
the suburban areas during the
week involving schools, colleges,
other citizen’s bodies and colonies.
“We’ll identify spots where there
has been massive destruction and
where the green cover has started
depleting. We’ll focus on the highways and other adjoining freeways,
across the city, that have turned
barren due to the loss of trees,” said
Pendharkar, who’s already been
The drive will involve
plantation of mostly
indigenous varieties,
which are conducive to
city environment
working on the sapling plantation
since February.
Stress will be laid on planting indigenous and fruiting trees like
Tamarind, Garcinia, Palash, Red
Silk-cotton, Indian Coral tree
among others, to ensure a natural
habitat for bird species suitable for
Mumbai’s climate.
The World Wide Funds for Nature
(WWF) would be planting saplings
at Keshav Srushti at Uttan near
“It’s the place that needs most
plantation and trees. We want
everyone to do there bit and plant
saplings in open spaces,” said Dr.
Goldin Quadros, Education Officer
and Interim State Director, WWFIndia.
“If we look at the past, in this city
more trees have been chopped instead of being planted. The BMC’s
Tree Authority claims that it plants
1 lakh trees annually but records
show that they barely go beyond
the 10,000 mark. Even if trees are
planted, their conditions are not
properly monitored,” said N.N.
Naik, General Secretary of Friends
of Trees, which has been instrumental in planting thousands of
trees in the city every year.
[email protected]
With flowers and prayers, Aruna nursed into her 63rd year
By Shwetha Kannan
t was Aruna Shanbaug’s 63rd
birthday on Tuesday, and KEM
Hospital celebrated it in its own
simple way. Aruna’s room was decorated with flowers and a ‘Happy
Birthday’ greeting card was kept for
her. And, there was a cake cutting
ceremony too.
“It was a simple, but beautiful fifteen-minute celebration. All the
nurses, students and staff of KEM
came together. We had decorated
Aruna’s room with flowers and also
cut a cake on her behalf. We sang
‘Happy Birthday To You’ and
wished her a speedy recovery. We
also gifted her a cooler and a pink
dress,” revealed a nurse.
All the nurses were super happy
on Aruna’s birthday since they consider her as a part of their family.
They just had one wish for the
birthday girl – ‘may God reduce her
miseries and may she get well
soon’. While the present staff celebrated Aruna’s birthday in their
Shweta Goud
Why not? Anybody and everybody
should stand up against corruption
and black money. This is a major
issue and should be taken up by all
possible people and by all possible
Aruna Shanbaug
own way, P.A. Kushe, who has
served in KEM from 1952 to 1990
and was the matron from 1978
to 1990, recollected the days
when Aruna was full of life and
how excited she used to be on her
“Aruna used to be very happy on
this day. She used to celebrate it in
her own way with her close friends
and roommates. They used go out
for a movie and have fun,” recalled
Kushe, “But now...,” Kushe continued, “Things have changed so
much. She has been on the bed for
such a long time and it is painful to
see her like this. I pray to God that
may she have all the strength to
bear what she is undergoing and I
wish her a speedy recovery.”
Kushe was the sister tutor in
1973, the year when the dreaded
incident took place, and was witness to everything – right from
Aruna being found in the basement
with a chain around her neck to her
being taken to the ICU and slipping
into coma. Even Jyoti Shrivastav,
whose association with KEM had
been from 1973 to 2010 – she
served as matron from March 1 to
December 31, 2010 – wished Aruna
a speedy recovery.
“I wish that God reduces her misery and gives her a natural death
without any pain. She has already
suffered a lot and doesn’t deserve
any more trouble,” said Shrivastav.
Both Kushe and Shrivastav
wanted to meet Aruna on her birth-
day, but could not do so owing to
their health, which isn’t very good
these days. But, they intend meeting Aruna some time later.
“While Shrivastav said, “Once I
feel a bit better I will surely go
and meet Aruna,” Kushe spoke
about taking a birthday gift for
Aruna. “I will take flowers for
Aruna’s room when I visit her the
next week and I will also take a
small murthi of a God for her,” revealed Kushe.
Nirmala Rajgopal, who was the
matron at KEM and retired very recently (May 31) said she will badly
miss KEM and Aruna. “I have
served this hospital for thirty seven
years and was the matron for two
months. I am feeling sad about
leaving KEM and Aruna. But, things
have to move on according to the
rules and procedures. Still, I will
miss Aruna. The birthday celebrations at KEM were really good,”
signed off Rajgopal.
[email protected]
Should Baba Ramdev get involved in the fight against corruption and black money?
Norton Rodrigues
Baba Ramdev is a known face and
has many followers. If he takes up
this issue, then it may have some
effect and something might be done
to keep corruption in check. This is
just a hope. I wish it comes true.
Ridhesh Sejpal
Film maker
Baba Ramdev is known more for his
yoga techniques and I think he
should stick to that sphere only.
Voicing his opinion about corruption,
etc., is acceptable, but not a protest
on a huge scale.
Any initiative against corruption and
black money is welcome. And it is a
known fact that when popular faces
take up an issue it has a greater
impact on the authorities
It is good initiative by Baba Ramdev
and I hope this protest does some
good for the nation and for us.
Readers wishing to participate in ‘Opinions’ may send us their name, day-time telephone number with a passport-size photograph to [email protected] Your Subject line must be: opinion
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Pics by Pradeep Chandra
Lit up but hardly inspiring, Rajabai Tower at night.
Lighting up Rajabai
cost of Rs.2 lakh, is sort of flat
painted in two colours at the time,
the spire in sodium vapour, the rest
in red, which then changes to blue
and green. We suppose we should
be thankful for small mercies,
because Rajabai and its wonderful
history has been dark for the past six
years because poor Mumbai
University has no money to pay the
electricity bills.
Still, at least it is immediately
visible across from the Oval Maidan,
this structure named after the
mother of a 19th century
stockbroker, who contributed
towards its construction.
Elvis still rocks
NOT in real life, of course, but given
the hype surrounding him, it would
not surprise us to be told that a
resurrection had occurred at
Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee!
January 6 would have marked his
76th birthday (the mind boggles!)
and he would probably have been on
Amba Mugve, an English teacher,
who has not given up on the bookreading public. Amba told us about a
grandmother separated from her
grandson, who keep in touch by
reading to him on Skype!
Another friend compulsorily reads
to her 4-year-old daughter every day,
and as she does so, her 18-monthold son picks up words and has learnt
to associate pictures in the book,
while his elder sister is being read to.
According to the teacher, children
who read while growing up, are
those whose parents read to them.
The way we see it, not only are
parents cultivating a love for the
literary world amongst their children,
but the very idea of being tucked
into bed with a story increases and
strengthens bonds.
The good news, however, is that it
is never too late to start reading –
and catching up with everything you
have missed, at any time in your life.
Then there will be fewer kids whose
vocabulary largely comprises ‘like’,
‘basically’, ‘stuff’, ‘dude’ and hand
To read or not to
(is that even a question?)
THE recent Scrabble tournament held
at Powai last week, threw up some
interesting sidelights. For one,
bookworms are, more than ever, a
minority, except that now they are also
labelled nerds apparently because
they are considered to have profound
thoughts and analytical skills!
For another, there are very few
bookstores that sell only books
(Strand for example) because there
are few who walk into a store
because it has only books. For a third
fact, commuters on cell phones or
Ipods far outnumber those who read.
While working on an article about
the tournament, we interviewed
Tihar Jail expansion plan, sir!
Extra cells to accommodate
some move convicted officials
and politicians.
Pics by David Clare
ABROAD, architectural lighting is
practically a fine and definitely a
high tech art, using intelligent lights,
kilometers of LED, colour changing
fluorescent fixtures etc.
So what is one to make of the
grand announcement that Rajabai
Tower, that 85 metre combination of
Venetian and Gothic, rising like a
sentinel above the Mumbai
University Convocation Hall?
Contributed by the Central Bank of
India as part of its centenary
celebrations at a cost of Rs.12 lakh
a year (for electricity, the tower, a
truly beautiful building constructed
around the 1880s at the magnificent
Premchand Roychand founded the
Bombay Stock Exchange and bore
the entire cost on the condition that
the tower was named after his
mother, Rajabai, a staunch Jain who
suffered from blindness and ate her
dinner before sunset. One source
says that the sound of the chime
helped her know the time. True or
not, it is a nice story.
organic food instead of his favourite
snack which was reportedly fried
bread, peanut butter and banana!
Now the National Centre for the
Performing Arts (NCPA) will pay tribute
to the Pelvis with a four day event
under its NCPA Legends segment,
calling it A tribute to the king of Rock
‘N’ Roll’. This is in association with
BSPCA and Tata Sons.
The event will relive Elvis magic
with ‘The King in Cinemascope’
show casing three short film
documentaries; The King at the
Movies — Jailhouse Rock, The King
in Concert — This Is Elvis and The
King Revealed from June 6 to 8. And
on June 11 at Tata Theatre, singer
Gary Lawyer along with Christopher
Fonseca on the guitar, Leo Mathew
and Filipe on the keyboards, Clarry
Devisser on bass and Adrian
D’Souza on drums, will perform
some of the best known Elvis hits.
As chairman of the NCPA and the
chap who moved the initiative
Khushroo Suntook said, “Thirty-four
years may have passed since Elvis
Presley passed away but his music
still continues to be very popular.
The NCPA is honored to pay tribute
to this legend through
documentaries and a performance.”
Please go dressed in theme. There
are two contests for the audience as
well -- best dressed Elvis and a quiz
on the great entertainer. Put on your
dancing shoes.
The Customs House in Circular Quay, in Sydney.
Meanwhile, Down Under
NOW take a look at these pictures,
showing architectural lighting at its
best in Sydney, Australia,
transformed into a colourful canvas
of light with the launch of the third
annual Vivid Sydney festival, on till
June 13. Over 40 light installations
were illuminated to mark the start of
the festival including the amazing
lighting of the iconic Sydney Opera
Sydney Opera House, Lighting the Sails.
House sails created by a French
design team Superbien.
Thousands lined the edge of
Sydney Harbour to watch the first
showing of ‘Lighting the Sails’ last
Friday; other attractions included a
playground of interactive and lowenergy light art displays by a global
field of artists from countries
including Germany, Singapore, New
Zealand, The Netherlands, France,
Thailand and Australia; and
FireDance, the largest fire
performance ever seen in
Australia. Around 4,00,000
Sydneysiders and visitors are
expected to attend the festival,
which also includes free public
events on the business of creativity
at Vivid Creative Sydney, and a
program of creative industry
business events aimed at fostering
collaboration and new ideas.
Match that, Maharashtra!
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
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Thank you St. Jude for all the
favours granted. St. Jude the
worker of miracles pray for us. St.
Jude the helper of the hopeless
pray for us. From Glenda.
Prayer to the Holy Spirit. Holy
spirit, Thou who make me see
everything and show me the way
to reach my ideal, you who give me
the divine gift to forgive and forget
the wrong that is done to me, and
who, in all instance of my life are
with me. In this dialogue I want to
thank you for everything and
confirm once more that I never
want to be separated from you no
matter how great the material
desire may be. I want to be with
you and my loved ones in your
perpetual glory. Amen. Pelite this
prayer for 3 consecutive days
without stating your wish, on the
3rd day it will be granted no matter
how difficult it is. Promise to
publish this prayer as soon as your
wish is granted. MR
I, Gani Abdul Suleman, have
changed my name to Abdulgani
Suleman Mistry vide Deed Poll
Affidavit dated 28-5-2011.
I have changed my name
from Mohammed aslam
abdul ghani to Shaikh mohammed aslam abdul ghani
as per affidavit.
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I have changed my name
from Mohammed Junaid
Parvez Lakdawala to Junaid
Parvez Lakdawala as per Maharashtra Gazette (U-7073).
I have changed my name
from Mohammed Areef to
Mohammed Areef Khan as
per Maharashtra Gazette (U5151).
I have changed my name
from Ali Mahmood to Ali
Khan as per Maharashtra
Gazette (U-5152).
I have changed my name from
Muquaddar Ali Firoz Ali Sayed
to Sayed Muqaddar Ali Firoz Ali
as per Affidavit Dated 30th
I have changed my name from
Nilesh Shankar Bhoir to
Niilesh Shankar Bhoir as per
Affidavit Dated 30th May’11.
I have changed my name from
Sumit Shrikant Suryavanshi to
Rohit Shrikant Suryavanshi as
per Affidavit Dated 30th
I have changed my name from
Zaver Palan Gala to Javer
Hansraj Chheda Vide Maha.
Gazette (U-27744).
I have changed my name from
Dilip Kumar Jadavbhai Gedia,
to ‘Dilip Jadavbhai Gedia’ as
per Maha. Covt. Gazette No. (X70551) Dated: 06/01/2011.
I have changed my name from
Mohd. Salim Hussain Shah, to
‘Mohd. Salim Hussain Petiwala’
as per Maharashtra Covt.
Gazette No. (X-13762). Dated:
I have changed my name from
Tulika, to ‘Tulika Srivastava’ as
per Affidavit Dated: 27/04/
I have changed my name from
Ravi Kannan to Iyer Ravi
Kannan as per Affidavit.
I have changed my name from
Bhavnaben Dhiren Dhanak to
Bhavna Dhiren Dhanak as per
I have changed my name from
Komma Poojitha Reddy to
Komma Devaki Reddy as per
I have changed my name from
Annama Manuel to Vidhya
Annama Manuel Dandakar as
per Affidavit.
I have changed my name from
Chanwani Mona Vinod to
Chanwani Soni Vinod as per
I have changed my name from
Mohamed Rafi Majid Master to
Rafiq Majid Salmania as per
Affidavit dated 24.05.2011.
I have changed my name from
Farooq to Farooq Sulaiman
Bardarkar as per Affidavit dated
I have changed my name from
Samimaben Yusufi Morbiwala
to Shamim Yusufi Morbiwala as
per Govt Gazette No. U-4099
dated 12th 18th 2011.
I have changed my name from
Imran Mohammed Zakaria to
Imran Mohammed Zakaria
Siddiqui as per Affidavit.
I have changed my name from
Gandhi Minakshi Khusalchand
to Shah Meena Lalit as per
Affidavit dated 26.05.2011.
I have changed my name from
Punit Nareshkumar Shah to
Pratik Nareshkumar Shah as
per Affidavit dated 30.05.2011.
I have changed my name from
Albert Nekhitha Gencscia to
Albert Nikhita Genescia Ralph
as per Affidavit as per Affidavit
dated 31.05.2011.
I have changed my name from
Pushpa Kishindas Chabria to
Veena Gopaldas Valecha as per
I, Sandeep Chudgar, have
changed our child’s name from
Valay to Valay Sandeep
Chudgar as per Affidavit dated
I have changed my name from
Sandeep to Sandeep Chudgar
as per Affidavit.
I,Vinod Sohanlal Chordia, had
changed my son name from
Rishi Vinod Jain to Rishi Vinod
Chordia as per Affidavit Dated
I have changed my name from
Navpreet to Navpreet Singh as
per Affidavit.
I have changed my name from
Mansukh Jethava to Mansukh
Bhai Jethva as per Affidavit.
I, Savita Chhaganlal, have
changed my child’s name
Harshadi Chhaganlal Vajya to
Harshadi Chhaganlal as per
I have changed my name from
Aftaab Yusuf Lassiwala to Aftab
Yusuf Suraiya as per Affidavit
Dated 27/05/2011.
I have changed my name from
Monty to Monty Singh as per
I have changed my name from
Iqbal Noormahammed to Iqbal
Noormahammed Sumra as per
Affidavit dated 01/05/2011.
I have changed my name from
Naresh Mansukh Jethava to
Naresh Mansukhbhai Jethva as
per Affidavit.
I have changed my name from
Salot Vaibhavkumar Manharbhai
to Salot Vaibhav Manharlal as
per Affidavit Dated 01/06/2011.
I have changed my name from
Salot Manharbhai Jayantilal to
Salot Manharlal Jayantilal as
per Affidavit Dated 01/06/2011.
I have changed my name from
Yogita Suryakant Thakur to
Sabiya Rafik Shaikh as per
I have changed my name from
Chanwani Nicky Vinod to
Chanwani Niketa Vinod as per
I have changed my name from
Jethva to Bhanuben Mansukhbhai
Jethva as per Affidavit.
I,Vinod Sohanlal Chordia, had
changed my daughter name
from Ayushi Vinodbhai Jain to
Ayushi Vinod Chordia as per
Affidavit Dated 28/05/2011.
I have changed my name from
Adil Nasir Abdul Razak to
Jahaan Ali as per Affidavit
Dated 01/06/2011.
I have changed my name from
E Shanmuga Sundaram to
Shanmugasundaram Muthu as
per Affidavit Dated 01/06/2011.
I have changed my name from
Manminder Singh to Manminder
Singh Jagdev as per Affidavit.
I have changed my name from
Sangeeta Rajesh More to
Roshni Rajesh More as per
Affidavit Dated 31/05/2011.
I have changed my name from
gorani shaileshkumar chhaganlal
chhaganlal as per Affidavit
Dated 27/05/2011.
GIRLS ONLY: Sunil Shinde, Chairman, BEST Committee along with
local corporator Sanjay Agaldare on Wednesday inaugurated new
Ladies Special Bus Route No.169 at Worli Village.
Law student complains against professor
Siddharth Sharma, a fourth year law student has made police complaint against the Controller of Examination of the
Mumbai University, Prof Vilas Shinde, in the Bandra Kurla
Police Station for physical assault. According to the student, Shinde allegedly beat him because he asked for the
delayed result of the re-evaluation, while according to the
varsity and even the court rulings; results need to be declared within 45 days. Contrary to the case, Shinde has denied the allegations and said, “There are many students
coming to me with their grievances. The student was very
arrogant and was misbehaving in my cabin. Hence I asked
my security personnel to take him out.” The Bandra-Kurla
Complex police station has confirmed receiving the NC
(Non-Cognizable) complaint.
MARD told to submit proposals soon
The meeting with the Minister for Medical Education, Vijaykumar Gavit, Dr. P. Shingare, the Director of Directorate
of Medical Education and Research (DMER), Milind
Mhaiskar, Medical Education Secretary and D.P. Sawant,
Medical Education, Higher and Technical Education, Special Assistance, and Non-Conventional Energy, with representatives of Maharashtra Association of Resident Doctors
(MARD) and Students’ Council, on Wednesday seems to
have been a good one, according to the doctors and students who were a part of it. The end result of the almost
four-hour long meeting was that the doctors and the students have been asked to submit proposals of their requirements within five to six days and have been told that
their issues would be taken care of.
HC refuses to stay release of ‘Ready’
The Bombay High Court on Wednesday paved way for the
release of Salman Khan-starrer ‘Ready’ this Friday by refusing to grant relief to a lyricist who had alleged that he
wrote the song ‘Character Dheela Hai’ which appears in the
film. Turkish Mohammed Azam had approached the High
Court seeking a stay on the release and seeking credit for
the song. According to Azam, he penned the opening four
lines of the song in July 2007, and registered his copyright
on it with the Film Writers’ Association on July 30, 2007. “I
met Pritam, the music director of `Ready’ several times
since 2007 and showed him the lines of `Character Dheela
Hai’. He said he would use them in his next film and wouldcontact me later. However, I did not hear from them and
came to know from television channels about this song,”
Azam’s petition stated.
Police ‘protecting’ Kaskar?
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Y.P. Singh’s sporting challenge
Appointed Head of ICC Anti-Corruption Unit
Within hours of shootout, Mumbai Police deputed two constables at his doorstep
By Santoshee Mishra
ours after Iqbal Kaskar’s
driver-cum-bodyguard was
killed in a shootout on May
17, the Mumbai Police deputed two
constables at his house. Confirming the move, a source from the
Crime Branch explained, “We want
to keep a watch on the activities at
present. It is not that we are safeguarding him as a part of our investigations.”
At present, the already fortified
house at Nagpada in South Mumbai is more secure in terms of security. This is because the personal
security of Kaskar has been beefed
Iqbal Kaskar
up under the guidance of his relatives. The guards have, in fact, been
equipped with hi-tech weapons.
It may be recalled that, two days
By A Staff Reporter
after the attack, Haseena Parkar
had told the ADC that she was
upset with the Mumbai Police.
Haseena had claimed, “My brother
(Kaskar) is innocent in all the cases
registered against him by the city
police. Still, despite repeated requests made by him, the police
never gave him protection.”
So far, the Crime Branch, with
the help of local police and the
Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS), has arrested four persons for killing
Kaskar’s bodyguard Arif Bael. Police
officials added, “At present, we are
on the lookout for Umed-urRehman Ishrat, who is suspected to
have hatched the conspiracy for
the shootout. Umed is wanted in
two earlier cases as well.”
he International Cricket
Council (ICC) on Wednesday
announced the appointment of
Yogendra Pal Singh as the new
Head of the ICC Anti-Corruption
and Security Unit (ACSU). Y.P.
Singh, 55, takes over from Ravi
Sawani, who is retiring from that
full-time post having held it since
November 2007. Sawani will remain involved with the ACSU as
a consultant so that his extensive
knowledge and experience will
be available to the cricket council, a release from ICC said.
Singh has outstanding credentials, having served for 30 years
in the Indian Police Service, including several years with the
Central Bureau of Investigation
(CBI). In the latter organisation,
as joint-director in charge of
anti-corruption, he was involved
in the investigation of corrupt
practices, particularly in Mumbai and New Delhi. Alongside
the Chairman of the ACSU, Sir
Ronnie Flanagan, Singh will lead
the work of the ACSU to ensure
the game of cricket remains on
top of the issues of corruption
and security within the sport.
Commenting on the retirement of Sawani and the appointment of Singh, ICC Chief
Executive Haroon Lorgat said,
“First of all, I would like to pay
tribute to the work of Ravi
Sawani. He has been outstanding in the role and instrumental
in ensuring the ICC has retained
a zero-tolerance approach and is
at the forefront of fighting corruption in the sport. We are for-
[email protected]
Three suicides within 48 hours!
By Tariq Khan
ithin 48 hours, an HSC student, a teacher and a housewife committed suicide at various
points across the city.
On Monday night, Aftab Hussain
Khan (55) hanged himself at his
cousin's house at Shivaji Nagar
after his second wife and son left
him. According to the police, his
first wife had also left him two years
ago, and he could not bear to lose
his family for a second time.
Khan was depressed, so he had
moved in with his cousin who
stayed in Shivaji Nagar. According
to PSI Shivaji Awte, of Shivaji Nagar
police station, Khan was a resident
of Jaffar Compound near Noorani
Masjid in Ghatkopar (east). Apart
from teaching at a Ghatkopar
based school, Khan also provided
private tuitions.
On Monday when Khan’s nephew
had gone out, Khan hanged him-
self. When Khan’s nephew returned,
he found the door locked from the
inside. Upon breaking the door
open, the nephew discovered his
uncle’s corpse. The police have not
found any suicide note near the
body, and the cadaver has been
sent for an autopsy.
In the second case, in which the
suicide took place a few hours after
Khan’s, K.J. Somaiya College student committed suicide at his Deonar residence after he failed two
subjects in his HSC exams.
According to the police, Ajay
Vilas Kolekar (19) hanged himself
four days after his results when he
was alone.
The son of a daily wage worker
Kolekar, a resident of Gautam
Nagar at Deonar hanged himself
on Tuesday when his father had
gone off to work and his mother
and sister left the home to go to the
Upon returning Kolekar’s mother
found the door locked from the inside, unaware that her son was
hanging from the ceiling fan behind the door.
“We have registered a case and
the investigation is ongoing. We
have recorded the statement of
Kolekar’s mother in which she said
that Kolekar was depressed because of his result,” said PSI Arjun
shankar Adangle of Deonar police
In the third case, a 25-year-old
housewife from Tilak Nagar in
Chembur committed suicide by
consuming Tik-20 rat kill after a
minor tiff with her in-laws. According to cops, Sahiya Mohim Khan, a
resident of Gulshan Baug area in
Chembur had a fight with her inlaws over making lunch. In a fit of
rage Khan consumed the rat kill.
She was rushed to the Rajawadi
hospital where she succumbed to
the poison in the wee hours of
Shiv Sena workers burn an effigy of Dy CM Ajit Pawar over his comments that Sena chief Bal Thackeray had done 'precious little'
for the common man in Maharashtra, at a Worli junction on Wednesday.
tunate to have a person of YP’s
outstanding credentials and experience to take over and I am
sure he will continue the good
work of ACSU.”
He added, “As recent events
have shown, the menace of corruption in sport is real, but with
the measures we have established over the years, the public
can be confident that we will
make certain the integrity of the
sport is maintained. We must,
however, remain vigilant and YP
will bring with him a fresh outlook to the continuing challenges that lie ahead. I am
delighted with his appointment
and am sure his presence will
help our leadership status and
provide a model for other sports
in the fight against corruption.”
Among Singh’s other professional accomplishments, he
spent five years from 2002 until
2006 as the Inspector General of
Police at the Police Academy and
of the Provincial Armed Constabulary in Moradabad. Previously, he was Deputy Inspector
General of Police at the CBI from
1998 to 2002.
NGO lambasts civic body’s
inefficient anti-Malaria drive
By Tariq Khan
n an attack on the civic body,
NGO Swabhimaan Sanghatana
has put up banners across the city
criticising its prevailing apathy towards controlling Malaria in the
city. Pre-monsoon fears have
gripped the city even as the Malaria
menace rears it ugly head.
Swabhimaan Sanghatana leader
Nitesh Rane, vehemently opposes
what he claims to be BMC’s way of
beclouding the problem with its
planned hygiene parade.
“Why is the Malaria menace not
getting eradicated at its roots? Why
do we have this problem year after
year? Are the Mumbaikars supposed to be at the mercy of BMC?
Isn’t the BMC supposed to provide
the common citizen with basic
cleanliness?” questioned Rane.
To the end of making the city
cleaner, Sanghathana activists have
themselves planned to take on certain responsibilities. Workshops are
being arranged at slums and societies which would be normally ignored by the BMC, to educate the
populace on dos and don’ts of hygiene.
The NGO will also arrange for
fogging machines in areas that
could be disease prone. In fact, the
Sangathana has already com-
menced its operations, by spraying
fog in various areas of Bandra and
Sion, especially the slums and
areas replete with garbage.
Nitesh Rane has taken a strong
stand against what he feels is the
BMC’s inefficiency in being able to
curb the spread of disease in the
city by creatively depicting the Shiv
Sena-BJP combine as the ‘Anopheles Mosquito’.
In Rane’s own words, “The SenaBJP combine that is at helm of affairs, should leave the office for
good if they cannot perform even
the most mundane of tasks.”
Struggling for shelter
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Vishwanath Salian | ADC
State’s policy change over home sale rates forces families of retired MAFCO officials to go on fast
By Kunal Chonkar
n Wednesday, 12 Vashi based
homes, schools, colleges and
small businesses, to stage a fast-untodeath at Azad Maidan.
The families include members who
were left destitute after the shutdown
of Maharashtra Agro and Fruit Processing Corporation (MAFCO). These
families have now decided to fast for
their rights to a shelter against the
“We have suffered immensely due to
the state’s continually changing policies over our homes. We have a right to
live in our homes, don’t we? If the state
government keeps jumping between
their polcieis, how are we to sustain
ourselves?” asked Jagdish Vani (name
changed) one of the policy affected
peoples. According to the families, a
few years ago, MAFCO compelled its
officers to accept the Voluntary Retirement Service (VRS). Details available
with the families verify that, the state
under orders of then Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh had agreed to allow
the officers to buy homes under the
government rate system.
“The homes we were supposed to
buy were to be on state determined
rates. We were very happy with the decision, but the sudden change in the
state’s attitude has left us nowhere,”
said Vani.
Based on an amended decision as
taken by the state, the families will
now have to buy homes based on the
current market price. The decision has
left almost all of the families in a dire
situation, forced to shell out their
hard-earned VRS earnings and saving
amounts in the purchase of these new
“Property prices are crossing new
peaks each day. We are unsure why the
state has decided to implement such a
step against us, in the wake of such
desperate times,” contemplated a retiree.
Before holding a fast at Azad
Maidan, the families tried visiting state
Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan, but
to no avail.
Explaining how the locals feel that it
was the state’s apathy towards their
problem that forced them to go on a
fast, Vani said, “We never got an opportunity to present our problems in
from of the CM. We were compelled to
this step, first by the state authorities
and then by the CM, who refused to
hear us out.”
[email protected]
Congress joins BJP to get
cleanliness tender recalled
By Suresh Golani
he standoff between
the ruling Nationalist
Congress Party (NCP)–
Congress alliance in the
Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation (MBMC)
crossed another flashpoint in Tuesday’s standing
meeting when Congress
members joined hands Steven Mendonca
with the BJP-led opposition to pass a resolution to allow rebidding for the 32crore cleanliness contract.
The face-off that began on Monday continued in on
Tuesday when standing committee chairman, Steven
Mendonca (NCP) abruptly adjourned the standing committee meeting till 5 p.m. However, when the meeting resumed in the evening, the NCP was shocked, when citing
irregularities in the online tendering process, members
of its senior alliance partner (Congress) joined
hands with the BJP-led opposition to pass a resolution to recall bids for the
cleanliness contract for all
the four zones in Mira
“There were major flaws
in the e-tendering process
which had given an undue
advantage to certain contractors, thwarting the
Narendra Mehta
chances of fair competition,” alleged BJP corporator Narendra Mehta.
It has been well known in political circles that relations
between the two allies were not cordial ever since the two
came together in 2010. Moreover, the NCP which had
teamed up with the saffron alliance to wrestle control
over the MBMC after the 2007 – civic elections was compelled to taste its own medicine, this time when the Congress used the same formula to humble the NCP.
Jewellery store owner robbed by ‘customers’
By Tariq Khan
ive unidentified armed men gagged
the 27-year-old owner of a jewellery store in Mulund (east) and decamped with gold ornaments worth
Rs.15.40 lakh from the store on
Wednesday afternoon.
According to the police, the robbers
who pretended to be customers entered the Bhagya Lakshmi jewellers located Chintamani Depot Garden and
threatened the owner of the store with
a revolver and choppers before robbing him.
The incident took place at 1.45 p.m.
on Wednesday when store owner Sanjay Kumar was about to close for lunch
when a man in his thirties entered the
shop. Kumar in his statement to the
police said that the man told him that
he wanted to buy a gold chain. Kumar
began showing him chains from the
showcase when a second man entered
the shop. Within a few minutes there
were five men in the store looking
around. As Kumar turned to attend the
rest of his ‘customers’ one of the five
robbers drew a revolver from his
pocket and threatened Kumar.
The five then tied Kumar’s limbs and
gagged his mouth before ransacking
the store and fleeing away with ornaments worth Rs.15.40 lakh.
When Kumar did not show up at his
residence, his elder brother Devendra
(37) came to the store to check on
Kumar. Finding the store shut from the
outside, Devendra lifted the shutter to
find his brother bound and gagged.
The police registered an offence
against the five persons. Shrimant
Ghule, Senior Police Inspector of
Navghar police station said that
Kumar’s store did not have CCTV camera, however, they are preparing
sketches of the accused based on descriptions provided by Kumar.
Meanwhile, in a similar case, five
unidentified men killed a 39-year-old
jeweller in Chembur and fled with the
gold ornaments worth Rs.25 lakhs on
May 20 when the jeweller was about to
leave for lunch.
When contacted Quaiser Khalid, additional commissioner of police (east
region) said that they are investigating
the cases and there could a possibility
of the same gang involved in both
TASTE OF THINGS TO COME: Just for a little while, clouds darkened the city.
Light showers surprise city
Continued from pg 1 «
in the atmosphere gradually
goes down. This activity has
resulted in thundershowers
in some parts of Maharashtra. During such time, the
sun usually gets brighter
while the dust particles settle down increasing radiation levels. Since the weak
sea breeze is increasing the
temperatures in the southern parts of the city and the
heat from the northerly
winds is not equalized by the
sea breeze, the temperature
will remain stagnant,” said
RV Sharma, deputy director
general, western region,
The IMD says that the
conditions are now favorable
for further advance of southwest monsoon over some
parts of Arabian Sea, remaining parts of Kerala and Tamil
Nadu, Bay of Bengal and
some parts of Karnataka over
the next two days.
The IMD has predicted a
normal monsoon across the
country this year. The temperatures
34.5*C Max and 28.6 Min,
while the evening relative
humidity levels soared at
72*C on Wednesday.
Track veggies get green signal
Continued from pg 1 «
make it unfit for human consumption. In all the samples,
the level of heavy metal was
found to be much below the
one prescribed by the Prevention of Food Adulteration
Act 2008. The lab results
prove that all the samples
which have been irrigated
from storm water drain are
found to be fit for consumption,” stated Vidhyadhar
Malegaonkar, Chief Public
Relations Officer, CR.
In one of the samples, the
level of copper has been
found to be 13ppm (parts
per million), which is much
below the upper limit of 30
ppm, as stated in the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act
2008. (See table for upper
limits of other metals)
The administration has allowed cultivation of 400
acres of its land, employing
239 people for the activity
under the scheme ‘Grow
More’ food. It rakes in
Rs.16.28 lakh per annum
from cultivation alone,
which the administration insists has been allowed so
that the land is not encroached upon.
[email protected]
Rotten record
Continued from pg 1 «
stations listed in the list
obtained through RTI are
Mankhurd Police stations, all
of whom have failed to file a
single charge sheet in any
murder and/or rape case.
Samata Nagar topped the
number of unsolved cases in
its region with 43 unsolved
murders and 20 unsolved
D.N. Nagar police station
copped out from taking responsibility, by claiming that
all its records between the
years 2000 and 2005 were destroyed in the heavy rainfalls
on July 26, 2005.
Ghatge revealed that a
conviction rate of one per
cent is observed. Byculla police station has falters with a
conviction rate of 0.4 per
“The majority of the criminals are either get bail or are
acquitted in the cases,” said
the activist.
Case study
The L.T. Marg police had
challenged the Nooriya
Haveliwala’s bail application.
The police told the Sessions
Court that Nooriya’s offence
was serious and since she
was an influential person she
might try tampering with the
evidence. Haveliwala was
however granted bail by a
Metropolitan Magistrate’s
Court after the police failed
to file a charge sheet within
the stipulated 90 day period
from the date of the offence.
Two persons, including a
policeman, were killed when
Nooriya’s car ran over them
on January 30 at Marine
Lines. Police said she was
drunk at the time. Four traffic constables were also injured in the accident.
[email protected]
Wait longer to be a legal drinker
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Minimum age for drinking beer will be 21 and 25 for hard liquor in Maharashtra
By A Senior Special
here will be more illegal
drinking in the state now, in
light of the state government’s Wednesday declaration
which makes it illegal for anyone
below 25 years of age to consume
or purchase hard liquor. Henceforth, the minimum age for drinking beer will be 21 and 25 for hard
liquor. The decision was announced by the Chief Minister
Prithviraj Chavan at a press conference in Mantralaya after the cabinet meeting.
Chavan said, “In an attempt to
discourage youngsters from consuming alcohol, the government
has decided to hike the minimum
age for drinking beer and hard
liquor. As of now, the legal drinking
age in the state is 25.”
Denying that it is an attempt at
moral policing, Chavan said, “This
move was intended to increase
people’s participation to control alcohol consumption. However, wine
consumption has not been barred
for any age group. The government
will now launch a campaign to curb
liquor consumption, especially
among youngsters, by releasing advertisements, publicity through different media and even in school
Miscreants burgle
RBI officer’s house
Decamp with gold worth approximately Rs.9 lakh
textbooks on the hazards of liquor.”
The Chief Minister admitted that
though it is not a perfect policy to
control alcohol consumption by
youngsters, it made it clear that the
government will continue its efforts to discourage them from
“Despite debates and divergent
opinion from different people,
there was unanimity that habitual alcohol consumption costs a lot
to society and causes stress on the
health care system. One of the
major areas of concern is to control
the consumption of illegal liquor
which kills people. If sale of illegal
liquor is found anywhere, the police and excise chief would be held
The government has also banned
serving alcohol at all public func-
tions and ceremonies.
The 25-year age limit on drinking, applicable in some other
states, including Delhi, is the highest in the world, a senior government official said. Fines will be
levied on under-age drinking and
there is also a provision for increasing the number of dry days per
year. No liquor shop will be allowed
within a kilometre of educational
and social institutions, government
offices, religious places and highways. There is also a limit on bottles
allowed per individual and a liquor
shop or bar may be shut down if 25
per cent of the residents of a municipal ward demand its closure.
Cancer and cellular: Any correlation?
By Shwetha Kannan
he correlation between the
use of mobile phones and
cancer has been up for debate for
a long time but a concrete conclusion is yet to be out. A recent
report by the WHO has stirred
this debate once again.
The WHO website states that
from May 24-31, a working group
of 31 scientists from 14 countries
has been meeting at International Agency for Research on
Cancer (IARC), which is a part of
(WHO), in Lyon, France, to assess
the potential carcinogenic hazards from exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields.
The IARC Monograph Working
Group discussed the possibility
that these exposures might induce long term health effects, in
particular an increased cancer
risk. This has relevance for public
health, particularly for users of
mobile phones, as the number of
users is large and growing, particularly among young adults and
The evidence was reviewed
critically, and overall evaluated as
being limited among users of
wireless telephones for glioma
and acoustic neuroma, and inadequate to draw conclusions for
other types of cancers.
The evidence from the occupational and environmental exposures was similarly judged
inadequate. The Working Group
did not quantify the risk; however, one study of past cell phone
use (up to the year 2004), showed
a 40 per cent increased risk for
gliomas in the highest category of
heavy users.
Dr. Jonathan Samet (University
of Southern California, USA),
overall Chairman of the Working Group, indicated (on the
WHO site) that, “The conclusion
means that there could be
some risk, and therefore we
need to keep a close watch for
a link between cell phones and
cancer risk.”
However, Mumbai doctors feel
that there is no reason to get
tensed as of now.
Dr. Dhairyasheel Savant, Cancer Surgeon, Asian Institute of
Oncology, S.L. Raheja Hospital,
said, “As of now, there is no conclusive evidence about a correlation between usage of cell phones
and cancer. And the way cell
phones are used in India, I don’t
think we have a reason to worry.”
[email protected]
Sushil Kadam | ADC
By Tariq Khan
n Tuesday afternoon, some
unidentified people entered
the residence of a Reserve Bank of
India (RBI) lady officer at the RBI
staff quarters in Santa Cruz (W)
and made away with gold approximately worth Rs.9 lakh.
Talking to the ADC, Senior Police
Inspector of Santa Cruz police station, Madhukar Chaudhary, revealed, “The incident happened
between 12:00 pm and 4 pm, when
no family member of the com-
Left: Ujjwal Dhakras, whose home was
burgled in broad daylight.
plainant, Ujjwal Dhakras, was present inside the house. We feel there
were two robbers because of the
technique that was used to break
open the door. We have interrogated five people and the case will
definitely be solved soon.”
When contacted, the victim
Ujjwal told us, “On Tuesday, I left
for my office at Mumbai Central in
the morning. My husband Anil was
also not present in the house because he had gone to Nashik. At
around 12 pm, both my daughters
also left for shopping. However,
when they returned four hours
later they found that the main door
lock was broken and the jewellery
was missing from the cupboard.”
Ujjwal’s husband Anil added,
“The robbers have decamped only
with the gold. They have not
touched the laptop, camera and silver ornaments. I also suspect the
watchman might be involved.”
A case of house break-in has
been registered against unidentified burglars. Further investigations are on.
ONE FOR THE QUEEN… Regular passengers and pass-holders who commute between Mumbai and Pune everyday by the
Deccan Queen, celebrate the train’s 81st birthday, at the CST on Wednesday.
Learn from Germany:
Gavankar to state
By Kunal Chonkar
ndia and the state
need to learn from
the Germans as we
are speeding our way into
disaster,” remarked Pravin
Gavankar, President, Janhit
Seva Samiti, Ratnagiri. Gavankar was speaking in reference to the decision initiated
by the German government
to shut all their 17 nuclear
power projects in the coming decade.
“We (India) are a developing nation while Germany is
already a developed one. If
they, after such a progressive
stride, feel that nuclear projects are going to affect their
country in the worst possible
way, how can the state still be
firm about the Jaitapur Nuclear Power Project (JNPP)?,”
questioned Gavankar.
A week back, the German
Chancellor Anjela Morkel, in
a marathon meeting with
eminent scientists and ministers, had decided that all
the 17 nuclear projects
would be shut by 2020. Making a statement to the press,
Norbert Rotgen, Minister of
Environment, Germany had
stated that the decision to
lockdown all the nuclear facilities will be implemented
starting this year, wherein six
Members of the Janhit Seva Samiti leading a protest rally against Jaitapur Nuclear Power Project, in this file photo.
reactors will be shut followed
by the 11 others by 2020.
Cuttings of international
recordings of the statements
made by both Morkel and
Rotgen are available with
Gavankar. “What’s happening in Germany is a lesson
for the chief minister and
other concerned ministers,
who are proactive about
raising JNPP in Ratnagiri,”
stated Gavankar. The strug-
gle for power (electricity) is
understandable, but why
risk millions of lives and the
generations to follow by constructing a nuclear plant?”
queried Gavankar.
He further alleged, “If the
state has ignored Fukushima
and is turning a blind eye to
the important decision
made by the Germans, then
there are definitely some
vested interests at work.”
In order to appeal to the
Rail fracture delays CR services
By A Staff Reporter
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
ervices on Central Railway took a beating yesterday after a rail fracture between Koper and Dombivli was spotted at
7.55 a.m. in the morning. Although the
problem was rectified by 8.15 a.m., the
delay led top a cascading effect on the Up
services from Dombivli and Kalyan towards
CST as the three down locals to Kalyan and
Dombivli which got held up due to the rail
fracture began their up journey nearly half
an hour behind scheduled time.
The fracture was spotted by the motorman of a down slow local bound to Dom-
bivli. According to Public Relations Officer
A.K. Singh, few services in the morning
were disrupted due to the rail fracture.
Doctor meets grisly death on tracks
Dr. Pravin Chandra Maganlal Solanki, a 58year-old family physician from Lower Parel
met a tragic death after he was hit by a local
train around 2 p.m. yesterday. According to
both witnesses and the Government Railway Police (GRP) Mumbai Central,
Solanki’s body was cut to pieces due to the
massive impact of the hit. The police have
not ruled out the possibility of suicide.
await their turn
at a Nirankari
Blood Donation
Camp held at
(West), on
Congress leaders, Gavankar
along with 5,000 Project Affected People (PAPs) will be
heading to Jantar Mantar,
New Delhi this month. “We
need to highlight our plight
to the nation and the world.
Senior leaders of the Congress,
Gandhi, should hear us out.
We will compel her to instruct the state Congress to
withdraw JNPP,” concluded
Say Indira Nagar node
residents about Sena
leader Manoj
Haldankar’s visit to
check on pre-monsoon
Panvel residents
demand extension
of BEST services
By Abhitash Singh
hile Panvel is said to
be one of the developed cities of the state, the
residents aren’t quite
pleased with the transportation facilities. Bombay Electricity Supply and
Transport (BEST) buses
arrive from Dadar and
stop at Kalamboli depot,
but don’t go further.
P.K. Bose, a resident of
New Panvel, lamented, “It
is very disappointing that
the routes have not been
extended up to Panvel.
The population of the
place is increasing by the
day, and the existing
transportation facility is
not enough to cater to the
needs of the residents.”
He added, “The transportation network is one
of the most important features of a city’s infrastructure
should give proper attention to it. As of now, we
have NMMT and ST bus
services in our city. They
are providing average
service, so it becomes
quite difficult to board
buses during peak hours.”
Sunil Chavan, another
“Working professionals
like us are the worst af-
fected, as we have to wait
for a long time for buses at
the depot. It’s time-consuming and we have to
take part in an undeclared
competition for grabbing
a seat. Needless to say, it’s
troublesome for students,
women and senior citizens going to various
parts of Mumbai.”
He further explained, “If
BEST services are provided in Panvel, it will be
convenient even for residents of Pen, Uran and
Karjat, as they have to
travel to various places via
Panvel. We don’t understand why the authorities
have been overlooking the
matter for the last many
When contacted, R.R.
Deshpande, Chief Manager, BEST, replied, “As of
now, the BEST doesn’t
have any plans to operate
its buses beyond Kalamboli. We are permitted to
run our buses beyond 20
km from our limit by paying passenger tax of 3.5
per cent. For operating beyond that distance, we will
have to pay passenger tax
of 17.5 per cent. Since it is
not economically viable,
we cannot take any action
in that regard.”Rail fracture delays CR services
‘It’s too late’
By Abhitash Singh
n Wednesday, Shiv Sena
Haldankar’s visit to Indira Nagar
to oversee the pre-monsoon
preparation took a sharp
turn when node residents
began verbally attacking
him. Residents said Haldankar’ visit was a delayed
and would not fetch any
positive result, except to his
political career.
Residents blamed the corporation for taking them for
granted, claiming that civic
officials intentionally delayed the pre-monsoon work
at the node. Ward officer,
Sunil Prabhakar Thakur
present during the saffron
squad’s visit, stated as a
clarification that the civic
body performs all the cleaning work regularly. But when
he was asked about the
pathetic situation of choked
sewage and drainage, he
Sena leaders inspect the conditions at Indira Nagar.
remained mum.
“If civic bodies perform
regular clean up work, can
someone explain why all the
sewages are choked with
garbage,” asked a resident.
Haldankar, however, did
not forget to cash in on the
situation by blaming local
corporators and civic officials for the situation. “It
seems that civic officials
have not learnt their lessons
from the previous incidents
involving the drowning
of two children when
heavy rains struck last year,”
said Haldankar.
Haldankar added, “I came
here to personally verify the
amount of work that has
been completed, but it
pained me to realise that the
civic body has not begun
work on many of the sewage
lines. Most of the sewage
network needs to be cleaned
before monsoon begins.”
When questioned about
the progress of the planning
work, Municipal Commissioner stated that around 80
per cent pre-monsoon prep
work has been completed.
‘I will fast against corruption’
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Our issues are in national interest and our fight is not against any person or party, says Baba Ramdev
EW DELHI: Despite a round
of talks with senior United
Progressive Alliance ministers, yoga guru Baba Ramdev rejected pleas to call off his planned
hunger strike, asserting that he will
begin his agitation against corruption and black money from Saturday.
"The agitation from June 4 will
spread from Delhi's Ramlila
Maidan to 624 districts in the country and, on the first day itself, more
than one crore people will fast and
participate in the satyagraha,"
Ramdev told IANS at Delhi airport.
He was speaking after four central ministers, including Finance
Minister Pranab Mukherjee and
Human Resource Development
Minister Kapil Sibal, rushed to the
airport to hold talks with the yoga
Ramdev said the first round of
talks with the government was
"positive", adding that more
rounds will take place.
"The talks will continue and the
first round of talks has been positive and we have agreed on some
issues. But till the time there is
complete agreement on all issues,
this satyagraha will continue," he
Ramdev said that the movement
was not to "bully anybody". "But,
our issues are in public and national interest and our fight is not
against any person or party. Our
motive is not to criticise anyone".
He said their "battle was to
change the system (which is) 64
years old". "It is very tough but we
will do it because the brave efforts
of crores of people are supporting
this movement," said Ramdev.
The yoga guru said that the main
issue was black money, followed by
corruption. Apart from a strong
and competent Lokpal, we have
also talked about a public service
delivery guarantee act which
should apply to all services provided by the central and state governments, he said.
He urged the government to declare black money stashed abroad
as "national asset". "There should
be a fast track court in every state
and verdicts should be delivered
within a year and there should be a
clause of providing death penalty
to the guilty," suggested Ramdev.
The yoga guru added that the
government should inspect the
record of visits made by Indian nationals to tax havens abroad.
Yoga guru Baba Ramdev holds aloft a trident presented by a follower during his Bharat
Swabhiman Yatra in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh on Wednesday.
Raja allowed to withdraw money from frozen account
EW DELHI: A CBI special court
on Wednesday allowed former
communications minister A. Raja
to withdraw Rs.1 lakh from his personal bank account to meet his
family expenses. The account was
ordered frozen by the agency after
it arrested him in the 2G scam.
CBI Special Judge O.P. Saini, after
taking note of Raja's petition, ordered the CBI to allow him to withdraw the money from his account
"only for the current amount ".
"He can sign cheques to the tune
of Rs.1 lakh for the current month,"
the judge said. Earlier, Raja`s counsel said his client's family had to
meet their regular expenses but Raja
could not access his bank account.
No plans to summon Vajpayee: JPC
Meanwhile the joint parliamentary committee examining India's telecom pricing policy from 1998 to 2008 on Wednesday denied it would
summon ailing former prime minister Atal Behari Vajpayee as witness
in its probe into the alleged scam relating to the allotment of 2G spectrum licences.
"It is clarified that no decision has been taken yet on the list of witnesses to be summoned by the JPC. The question of summoning Atal
Bihari Vajpayee as a witness before the committee was not even raised
during the (May 30) sitting of the panel," an official statement said.
The denial comes as a section of the media had reported that the
JPC had decided to summon Vajpayee as a witness.
"It is categorically stated that the report appearing in certain section
of the press regarding the decision of the JPC to summon Atal Bihari
Vajpayee is factually incorrect and is a mere figment of imagination,"
the statement said.
Meanwhile Home Minister P.
Chidambaram on Wednesday
said the government would hold
the next round of talks with
yoga guru Baba Ramdev on
Friday to convince him to cancel
his planned hunger strike for
effective efforts to curb
rampant corruption in India.
"I am told that they have
agreed to meet again June 3 to
continue the discussions and I
will advise everyone to observe
restraint," Chidambaram told
IANS after Ramdev rejected the
government's plea to cancel
his fast.
Four central ministers, led by
Finance Minister Pranab
Mukherjee, met Ramdev at the
airport here. But the guru said
he would go ahead with his
planned fast from Saturday
against corruption and black
money stashed abroad.
Notice to CBI on stamp paper scam
INCESSANT DOWNPOUR… A rickshaw puller crosses a water-logged road after heavy rains hit Patiala on Wednesday.
More talks with
Ramadev on
EW DELHI: The Delhi High
Court on Wednesday sought a
response from the Central Bureau of
Investigation (CBI) on a public suit
alleging that the agency had hushed
up a fake stamp paper scam similar
to the one masterminded by Abdul
Karim Telgi.
According to IANS report, a division bench of Chief Justice Deepak
Misra and Justice Sajniv Khanna
said: "CBI should file their reply
within four weeks."
The court was hearing a petition
filed by Deepak Anand, who alleged
that two fake stamp paper scams
were running parallel between 1998
to 2002: One, the much publicised
Abdul Karim Telgi scam, and the
other led by Hemant Dubey of
Mumbai and his syndicate.
"We have got all the documentary
proof that the Telgi scam came to an
end with the seizure of its printing
press in June 2002, whereas the
other fake stamp scam emerged
through investigation of case in New
Delhi but it was hushed up by CBI
for ulterior motives," said the petition.
"The fake stamp papar scam
hushed up by the CBI was older than
the Telgi scam. The scam was prevalent in Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkatta,
Chennai and other cities," it added.
The petition said the multi-crore
racket was operated by several influential people.
On Dec 8, 2000, the Delhi Police
registered a case against financial
company Blue Star Services for selling fake stamp papers, the petition
On Jan 1, 2005, the CBI filed a
chargesheet naming the owner Hemant Dubey and some other employees for running the racket.
However, Dubey was not only
given a clean chit by the CBI, he became a star witness in the case in
which he was the accused, the petition said.
Tamil Nadu Chief
Minister J
distributes rice
during the launch
of the 20 kg free
rice for the poor
and 35 kg for the
poorest of the
poor programme
in Chennai on
An ascetic’s absurd
Hazare will have to
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Ponder awhile…
Why seek outside that which is within
— M.K. Gandhi
go on fast again?
T has become evident now that
some of the crucial proposals by
the Hazare-led India Against Corruption group are not likely to be
accepted by the government. Members of the government in the Lokpal panel have made it clear that
they are against the inclusion in its
jurisdiction the prime minister, the
judiciary, the conduct of members
in parliament, bureaucrats above
certain levels and investigation
agencies like the CBI.
According to one of the civil society members in the panel, the government is seeking to make the Jan
Lokpal Bill into a toothless body. It
is a fact that the government did not
have any intention, from day one, of
accepting most of the proposals. All
that it wanted to do was to stop the
fast-unto-death agitation of Anna
Hazare. It agreed to have a panel to
discuss the bill but it did not say
Hazare’s proposal were acceptable
to it.
Anna Hazare naively believed that
the government was going to include all his proposals in the bill.
The government also saw to it that
it had majority in the panel. Hazare
must have become aware by now
that he has made a mistake in believing that the government’s response to his anti-graft move would
be positive while giving up the fast,
he had declared that if the government does not act the way he wants,
he will go on fast again.
The next meeting of the Lokpal
panel is on Monday and it looks like
there will be no agreement between
the government and the civil society members.
Associate Editor
Chairman of the
Board of Directors
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Vol. XXVII No. 59
EVER having had the pleasure of
meeting Baba Ramdev in person I
watched with deep interest the interview that Shekhar Gupta did with him on
NDTV last week. And, I found myself gasping at the absurd claims he made about the
Indian economy. He said that in his estimation the amount of black money generated
by our desperately poor country was more
than Rs.400-lakh crore. When Shekhar
pointed out that this was more than India’s
GDP the Baba remained undeterred and
went on to make even more illogical claims.
He said that he was convinced that if the
black money in secret bank accounts in foreign countries was brought back to India we
would be so rich a country that one Indian
rupee would be worth $50.
mand that the Prime Minister bring back to
India the money that allegedly corrupt
politicians, bureaucrats and businessmen
have hidden away in secret bank accounts
in foreign countries. How can this be done?
Does Baba Ramdev have a list of Indians
with secret Swiss accounts? Does he have
proof that they are corrupt? Because unless
he does there is no possibility of persuading
the Swiss government to start revealing secret accounts. Banking is one of the most
important pillars of the Swiss economy and
it is hard to think of a Swiss government that
could remain in power if it allowed this pil-
Tavleen Singh
biles that were definitely not made here.
On one occasion, I happened to run into
the son-in-law of a famous BJP politician in
London. He was on holiday with his family
and they were living in two suites in a fivestar hotel that would have cost them more
than $1,000 a night.
If Baba Ramdev enters politics with his
own political party, as he once hinted he
might, he will quickly find that the fuel that
oils the electoral machinery in India is all
black money. Why does he not demand that
political parties clean up their fund collection? In any case, it is not a happy situation
and there is every reason why we should ensure that black money is pumped back into
the mainstream economy, but this is not
going to happen through hunger strikes in
Ram Lila Maidan.
Speaking of which, the Mint newspaper last
week had an account of the infrastructure that
will support Baba Ramdev’s hunger strike.
There will be an intensive care unit with 60
doctors, a media centre, large TV monitors
everywhere, 1,300 toilets and 20 water tank to
store 1,00,000 litres of water. Shamianas will
spread over 2,50,000 square feet to protect the
Baba’s supporters from Delhi’s intense summer heat. Wow! It sort of makes Anna Hazare’s
hunger strike seem humble by comparison
and could this be deliberate?
lar to collapse.
Incidentally, it is not Indian money that
constitutes the bulk of these secret accounts
but mostly European, Arab, American and
Latin American money. But, the lie that the
Swiss banking system is fuelled by Indian
money has been spread by BJP politicians,
ever since L.K. Advani, in one of his sillier
moments, started demanding that the government act to bring back black money
stashed in Swiss bank accounts.
The BJP is now backing Baba Ramdev to
the hilt. Its president, Nitin Gadkari, has
come out in open support without realizing
that he is entering dangerous territory here.
With a handful of exceptions, BJP chief ministers all become suddenly, inexplicably very
rich within months of coming to power. Having visited the homes of senior BJP politicians on more than one occasion, I can
report truthfully that I have often been bedazzled at the wealth I have seen. Humble
men from supposedly humble backgrounds
have only to spend a few years in politics and
suddenly they are able to afford the finest
Italian marble for their floors, chandeliers
that clearly come from abroad and automo-
In his interview to Shekhar Gupta, the ascetic boasted about how all the people who
supported Anna in his fast were actually his
supporters. So did Baba Ramdev feel he was
outshone by Anna and that it was time he
made it clear that the real leader of the movement against corruption in Indian public life
was the great yoga teacher himself?
How unfortunate that the Government of
India should be so lacking in confidence that
it is being browbeaten by anyone who
chooses to make a show of strength on behalf of ‘civil society.’ How unfortunate that
nobody seems able to point out that every
person who gets elected to Parliament in a
democracy is a representative of civil society. Those who are leading this very dubious
movement against corruption are those who
have appointed themselves representatives
of civil society without bothering to get
elected. And, they have managed to
convince a lot of apolitical, urban middle
class people that they are the guardians of
Indian morality.
They are not!
Silly charges
Baba Ramdev’s claims are so fantastical as
to be easily disproved by even lowly clerks in
the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO). But, for
reasons that are incomprehensible instead
of the Government of India countering the
ascetic’s silly charges with real statistics, the
Prime Minister started behaving as if what
he said was true. He pleaded with our most
high-flying ascetic to call off his fast and assured him that his government was doing
everything in its power to bring black money
into the open.
When Baba Ramdev refused to relent, the
Prime Minister sent a small platoon of his
most senior ministers to receive him at
Delhi airport on Tuesday. Their purpose was
to dissuade him from going ahead with his
plan to ‘fast unto death’ until black money
in foreign bank accounts was brought back
to India.
It is worth pointing out here that in some
kind of concession to the Baba’s demands
the Income-Tax department has announced
plans to set up a new division to deal with
black money. You realize how bizarre this is
when you keep in mind that every raid conducted by the Income-Tax department is for
the specific purpose of finding black money.
And, by the way I consider it my duty to
mention here that the most corrupt officials
I have met in long years of covering politics
and governance in India, have been the inspectors that the Income-Tax department
sends in its raiding parties. They are nearly
all for sale and many have made huge fortunes out of raiding rich businessmen in
Now, let us talk about Baba Ramdev’s de-
Empathy is beyond sympathy
HE experience of empathy is very rare.
You know what sympathy means, you
also know what apathy means; but empathy
you do not know. Sympathy and apathy are
opposed to each other. Empathy is beyond
both. To help you understand it, let me tell
you an incident in Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa’s life. He was in a boat, going to the
other shore of the Ganges near Calcutta.
And just out of nowhere — he was surrounded by his disciples — he started
screaming, “Don’t beat me!” Tears started
flowing from his eyes, and one could see
that his body was getting distorted as if
somebody was beating him badly. The disciples could see nobody there, but he was in
immense torture. When they reached to the
other shore, they found a fisherman with a
big crowd surrounding him. He had been
beaten by a few people. And the strangest
thing was that the same bruises and
scratches that had come up on his back, had
come up on Sri Ramakrishna’s back too —
exactly the same. It was a very mysterious
phenomenon. They asked Sri Ramakrishna
what it was. He said, “This is empathy. You
feel so one with the other that your separate
identities lose their boundaries. The other’s
thirst becomes your thirst, the other’s
Outshone by Anna
hunger becomes your hunger, the other’s joy
becomes your joy. The other is no longer
other: some secret passage has opened between two beings, a deep connectedness.”
Man has forgotten about empathy completely, but he knows about sympathy. Sympathy is not something great. When
somebody is in misery you sympathize; but
if you look inside you will find you are feeling great because you are not in misery,
somebody else is. At least in this situation
you are superior. You can sympathize — you
can afford it. Apathy is your everyday experience. You pass people as if they don’t exist.
The servant comes in your room — you
don’t wave at him, you don’t smile at him.
You don’t even take any note that somebody
has come in the room. You remain exactly
the same as you were before — no recognition of the other’s existence. This is your
everyday experience.
— Osho
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Mumbai must increase green cover
SERIOUS THREAT: Environmental imbalance will affect the populace adversely
I AM shocked to read the news in
this daily that Mumbai city’s 1.3
crore inhabitants have a green
cover of just 19.12 lakh trees. In
effect, there is just one tree
breathing out oxygen for every
six persons. A city like New York,
which is often likened to Mumbai for its similar heterogeneous
characteristics, has an average of
five trees per person and has
managed to maintain its green
Unite to ban tobacco
Muslim Awqaf in India
WITH reference to the editorial
‘Govt under pressure from tobacco
lobby’ (ADC June 1), Government it
seems is not serious about tobacco
campaigning and working hand in
gloves with the cigarette companies for their own selfish gain without bothering about its dangerous
consequences. By giving simple
graphs of warning images to tobacco industries to escape the
route, the intentions of the government is exposed, I am sure that this
GIVEN the utter irresponsibility of
the Congress government over its
proposed self-serving legislation to
control and take over the entire
Muslim Awqaf of India, I had proposed that one of the most prestigious and dependable Muslim
organizations, that over three
decades has relentlessly and without any agenda other than preservation and consolidation of
Muslim rights in India, the All India
Muslim Personal Law Board,
should start an initiative towards
taking over the total management
of Muslim Awqaf in India, taking it
away from all Central and State jurisdiction. It is surprising that in
this age of privatization, when the
secular Indian state is shedding all
its involvement with public enterprises, why should Congress led
UPA-2 should have all of sudden
decided to nationalise Muslim
Awqaf. Whatever nomenclature or
justification, the secularised Muslim leaders of Congress may put
forward, the end result is that a
popularly degraded political entity
that has lost all credibility having
found to be harboring in its fold the
most corrupt operatives, is being
instrumental in giving a free hand
to another set of insensitive and
‘secularized’ Muslim Congress
leaders, to place the Muslim Awqaf
in such an state, where it will be
fully available for Congress operatives to play havoc with Muslim
trust properties. Congress High
Gandhi and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh should better know
that Muslims are no longer as trusting and convinced of the Congress’s
sympathies for the Muslims, especially, after its action or inaction on
Sachar Commission and Rangathan Mishra Commission or
Joint Parliamentary Committee
HAZARDOUS: Total ban necessary
campaigning against tobacco is
nothing but a stunt and is not going
to be successful. It is high time people and the various voluntary organizations come forward and
protest against the use of tobacco
and force the government to ban
— Bhagwan Thadani, Mumbai
Delay in monsoons
THE monsoons may get delayed.
here are my reasons.
not taken BMC permission
stopped by naka bandi
traffic cop, may fine it for speeding
MNS might say, outsiders not allowed
can’t furnish ration card, electric
too many potholes. go slow
use diversion. work in progress
may get sick, like* indian cricketers
will have to pay “octroi” first
salman khan is not “ready”
might wait for rajnikanth to return
— Altaf H. Ladiwala, Bandra
— Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai
Malad maladies
THE western suburb of Malad has
gained growing importance in
terms of shopping and residence.
People from all walks of life find
this a very convenient place to
lungs in spite of the fact that it
has far more high-rises than
Mumbai. This is the undesired
hazardous result of the dirty
nexus of the money greedy
builders and equally money
greedy politicians. This too is the
bitterest fruit of the nationwide
menace of anti-people and
therefore anti-environment corruption.
But why do all these money
greedy people forget so conveniently that ultimately the imbalanced environment is going
to affect their own children and
all the future generations adversely, and that too very soon?
They all have to find out the
remedy. And they know the remedy. The remedy is to plant, preserve and protect the saplings till
they become big trees; and not
to ‘plant’ buildings or towers any
more. Or the number of the
deaths will ‘tower’ in Mumbai.
early retirement from international
cricket due to “disagreement” with
country’s cricket board, a media report said. He cannot work with the
people who find it difficult to tolerate statements in favour of
cricket. According to sources,
Afridi’s disagreement with Pakistan
Cricket Board (PCB) over some issues resulted in his early retirement, the Geo News reported. He
said it was hard for him to play
under a cricket board, which pays
no respect to senior players. It is
nothing short of an honour for him
that Pakistan played World Cup
captaincy. Afridi, 31, had quit Test
cricket last year after leading Pakistan to defeat in the first Test in
England. But he remained part of
the limited-overs sides, which he
continued to lead until the recent
tour of the West Indies. He was,
— Hansraj Bhat, Borivali (W)
shop for several items be it vegetables, household items, farsan, all of
which are reasonably priced and
within the reach of the middle
class. From Malad people travel to
their place of work along the Link
Road, which has become an important hub of commercial activity.
Picnickers find Malad a very convenient junction to go to Gorai,
Essel World and other picnic spots.
To reduce the suffering of the ever
increasing human traffic, Malad
rightly deserves more trains to start
from and terminate at that station.
It is necessary that local trains originating from Malad should be introduced throughout the day as the
crowd at Malad is not confined
only to peak hours.
Apart from the local trains, the
BEST services have also to be improved. The pressure on the BEST
buses is understandable due to the
ever increasing human flow at
Malad. The BEST authorities have
to be proactive in solving the problems of the commuters. They
should not wait for people to agitate to get their hardships addressed. For example, at Malad
West, there are BEST routes 271,
272, etc that travel to Orlem and
beyond. These routes are always
seeing a mad rush of commuters.
The number of buses along these
routes should be increased as well
to reduce the overcrowding in the
buses. Moreover, there should be
regular TCs to check the queues
throughout the day.
UNLUCKY: Pak has lost a cricketing gem
however, axed as captain despite
Pakistan’s 3-2 success in the ODI
series. He was replaced by Misbahul-Haq, who has been in charge of
the Test side as well.
— Jayanthy Subramaniam, Sion (E)
Brilliant achievers
THE names Prudhvi Tej Immadi,
Shubham Mehta and Sumegha
Garg have out of the blue become
proverbial, as these youngsters
have achieved instant eminence
after achieving top positions in the
IIT-JEE results. They are all hard
working and focused, as one has to
be to achieve a rank in these tough
entrance examinations, but they
also have another thing in common — they belong to small towns.
Undeniably success has many fathers. There are countless coaching
institutions that claim these toppers as their own. Assenting action
programmers too have reason to be
contented on the triumph of their
students who belong to deprived
families. Infact, there has been a
major rise in the number of SC, ST
and OBC candidates who have
scored well enough to make it to
the open category list. Celebrating
the success of those who faced terrific odds, should, however, not
eclipse the triumph of those who
were better off significantly and lived in better LETTER OF
cities. Those who score THE DAY
high in this examination
are the finest and the brightest. It is
a symbol of the times that some of
them are already looking at this as a
stepping stone towards a career in
the civil services. Sad that students
with a future in engineering want
to shift to civil administration. We
must ask ourselves why professionals desire to become civil servants,
even as we celebrate the success of
these world-class minds with a very
bright future. The nation will, no
doubt, be richer by utilising their
talent efficiently
— K.V. Raman, Malad(W)
Intelligent venture
— Harischandra Parshuram, Juhu
Afridi should have hung on
CONTROVERSIES, shock announcements and bizarre moves
are not new to Pakistan cricket.
Even then, Shahid Afridi announcing his retirement from international cricket has come as a major
blow to a nation that is struggling
to get players and PCB on even keel
on a number of issues
Former Pakistan skipper Shahid
Afridi on Monday announced an
Readers are requested to
e-mail letters to the editor and
add their neighbourhood as
well. Please mail letters to
[email protected]
WORTHY CAUSE: The exhibition on wheels informs and educates about various
interesting aspects of Planet Earth and creates awareness of science.
WHOEVER thought of it, the
‘Science Express’, a fully airconditioned 16 coach train is a huge
hit with Mumbaikars, particularly the students and that is as
it should be at a time when the
interest in science seems to be
declining among them. This exhibition is bound to create a
greater degree of awareness of
science in general and about its
contribution to our everyday life
in particular on the impressionable minds. There is so much
the young ones need to know
about our planet and its splen-
dours like its coastal scenery,
arid zones, snow-clad mountains, the riverine tracts and
even limestone regions where
the rivers start flowing underground!
The exhibition does touch
upon many of these features.
The organisers will do well to
rope in a few experts from the
universities since this is the vacation time to quench the scientific thirst of the dreamy-eyed
kids. A wonderful idea and
kudos to the Railways.
— Dr. V. Subramanyan, Dombivli (E)
Thomas Uncles is from the
wrong side of
the tracks, but
his bond with
the beautiful
Megan White
might help the
duo realize their
dreams as they
enter in the
mother of all
dance battles.
HBO, 9 p.m.
What would you do if you were suddenly faced with the
possibility that you might die? Would you have the mental
and physical strength to push on and fight for your survival? Discovery Channel’s series I SHOULDN’T BE ALIVE
returns month with incredible stories of ordinary people
who were unwittingly thrown into dire situations but beat
unimaginable odds to survive. The series explores the very
best true stories of survival, focusing on the moral dilemmas, crucial moments, chance events and life-or-death decisions faced by these survivors. D iscover y, 10 p.m.
From the humid jungles of Borneo to the deserts islands
of Panama, the shores of Delaware Bay to the cool oceans
waters of Australia, join Nick Baker the professional naturalist as he travels the globe in search of the planet’s most
bizarre animals. Back with a brand new season, Nick
cranks up the X factor (“X” for extraordinary!), taking us to
some of the most inhospitable corners on Earth to find the
ugliest, slimiest and oddest creatures out there. An imal
Planet, 9 p.m.
From the waves and water of Hawaii to the coolest clubs
in Cabo, GET OUT grants you VIP access the top tourist
spots on the globe. Fast paced and far reaching, the show
stops at only the most beautiful places on the planet and
invites you to be part of the action. GET OUT combs the
beaches, goes to the bars, hears the buzz and brings it all
back to your home. TLC, 10 p.m.
Grub Smith visits Morocco where he must complete the
following missions: pull out a tooth, charm a snake, get to
know a melon, attend a camel mating, and surf a sand
dune. If he fails any of these challenges, he must eat two
inches of a lizard for each mission he does not pass. Join
eco-adventure traveler and host, Ethan Zohn, as he discovers hidden gems of green tourism in New York City.
History, 10 p.m.
Richard Hammond reveals the engineering inspirations
behind the tallest road bridge in the world - the Millau
Viaduct, in France. He fires three quarters of a million volts
from his finger tips to see how the power of lightning cut
the steel structure quickly and accurately. The huge piers
I Shouldn’t Be Alive, Discovery, 10 p.m.
- 340 metres high, and which would look down on the Eiffel Tower - were positioned to millimetre accuracy with the
system that located lost nuclear submarines. The longest
road-deck in the world was launched along the top of the
piers - and required the slipperiest substance known to
man - Teflon; not even a gecko can stick to it. Steel cables
hold the bridge in shape - born of a series of mining accidents. And to allow the bridge to expand a metre and a
half in the summer sun the engineers turned to an ancient
Celtic boat-building technique which can make concrete
as bendy as wood. NGC, 9 p.m.
Castle and Beckett look into the murder of a young
mathematician gunned down with a 200 year old bullet,
sparking some wild theories by Castle about a time-travelling killer. When their investigation uncovers a tricked
out DeLorean and a suspect in Victorian clothing, is it possible Castle’s crazy idea has some validity? This winding
tale twists through the towers of Wall Street and into the
world of a secret steampunk society that embraces the romance and simplicity of the past, while coupling it with the
hope and promise of the future. Star World, 10 p.m.
When Ted leaves the bar early to prepare a Thanksgiving feast for his friends, the gang winds up partying all
night with The Blitz, and old friend from college who has
bad luck. As a result, Ted is forced to spend Thanksgiving
with Zoey. Star World, 11 p.m.
When Brian decides to look up an old flame on a whim,
he discovers, to his horror, that he is the father of her
teenage son. Star World, 11.30 p.m.
Yuen Woo ping directs this classic of the period kung fu
epic. Butcher Wing is the most talented and the most troublesome pupil of Master Wong. One day while helping to
stop a robbery, Butcher runs afoul of the power, and evil,
Master Ko, resulting eventually in a duel between Ko and
Master Wong. Meanwhile, Butcher’s long lost brother Lam
Sai-kwong comes to town with his beautiful bride Yuet Mei.
Master Ko’s son Tai-hoi hoodwinks the country bumpkin
into thinking that Butcher owes him a stack of money, taking Yuet Mei as payment, Just as Sai-kwong is about to
take a flying leap off a bridge, he is saved by a wily beggar
with surprisingly good kung fu ability. Star Movies, 11 p.m.
Bunty (Abhishek Bachchan) And Babli (Rani Mukherjee)
Are Two Dreamers…Two Free Souls Born into Caged Small
Town Realities and want to make it big in life. Since their
aspirations are big so they pack Bags and set out to make
their dreams true. In the course they learn that honesty
doesn’t help them get to where they want and so they drift
to conning people and fulfilling their aspirations. bunty and
babli together create a havoc with their activities throughout the country. How these situations gives the movies different angles is what it’s all about. Max, 8 p.m.
Lakshya, an epic war drama, is set in Kargil, Ladakh.
“You never know where life will take you”, these words
could not have been truer than in the case of Karan
Shergill (Hrithik Roshan), the protagonist of Lakshya. Born
to rich, affluent parents, Karan lives life not worrying about
tomorrow. The only stable thing in his life is Romilla Dutta
(Preity Zinta), a bright and ambitious young woman. Romi,
as she is known, loves Karan and belives that someday,
he will find his calling. Here begins his journey.
Filmy, 8 p.m.
Baby George got into a plane crash in a jungle, stayed
alive and was adopted by a wise ape. Ursula Stanhope, US
noble woman is saved from death on safari by grown-up
George, and he takes her to jungle to live with him. He
slowly learns a rules of human relationships, while Ursula’s lover Lyle is looking for her and the one who took
her. After they are found, Ursula takes George to the USA.
Zee Studio, 9 p.m.
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Circa 1920 British India, Pindari leader, Prithvi Singh;
narrates his story to a Report from London Times about
The Magnificent Butcher, Star Movies, 11 p.m.
betrayal and deceit at the hands of the British and Madhavgarh’s Raj’a Gyanendra Singh which led to the massacre of 4500 Pindaris. Although Prithvi sliced off
Gyanendra’s right arm, he has sworn to avenge and behead him and two-faced Britishers - who on one hand
preach about Justice, Fraternity and Equality, but conquer
and rule vulnerable natives - fueling hate and division on
lines of religion, and caste. He sends his sons, Veer Pratap
and Poonam, to Britain to learn about their devious ways,
so that he can conquer Madhavgarh, The duo, despite of
Lord Macaulay’s malicious policy to convert foreign nationals to his way of thinking, not only pick up the relevant
skills but also slay Yuvraj Sujan Singh, the only son of Gyanendra, much to the joy of the Pindaris. But Prithvi is in for
a shock when he finds out that Veer has decided to wed
Yashodhara, Sujan’s sister, little knowing that she, after
being crowned Yuvraji, has sworn to eliminate all enemies
of Madhavgarh at any and all costs. Star Gold, 9 p.m.
Huge advancements in scientific technology have been
able to create an island full of living dinosaurs. John Hammond have invited four individuals, plus his two grandchildren to join him at Jurassic Park. But will everything go
to plan? Especially when one of the parks own workers attempt to steal the dinosaurs embryos, and have to shut
down all the electricity in the process. It’s now a race for
survival with everyone located all over the island.
Pix, 9 p.m.
2.00 Sapson Se Bharey
2.30 Chand Chupa Badal
3.00 Navya.
3.30 Maayke Se Bandhi Dor.
4.00 Yeh Rishta Kya
Kehalata Hai.
5.00 Sasuraal Genda Phool.
5.30 Saath Nibhaana...
6.00 Mann Ki Awaaz
6.30 Navya
7.00 Saath Nibhaana...
7.45 Sasuraal Genda Phool.
8.30 Maayke Se Bandhi Dor
9.00 Gulaal.
9.30 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata
10.00 Navya
10.30 Mann Ki Awaaz..
11.00 Maryada..Lekin Kab Tak
8.30 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata
9.00 Navya
9.30 Sasural Genda Phool
10.00 Saath Nibhana Saathiya
11.00 Mann Ki Awaaz…
Las Vegas
The Good Guys
How I Met Your Mother
Family Guy
Las Vegas
How I Met Your Mother
Family Guy.
Two And A Half Men
The Simpsons
Las Vegas
How I Met Your Mother
Family Guy
Sanskaar Laxmi
Chhoti Si Zindagi
Ram Milaye Jodi.
Sanjog Se Bani Sangini
Shabash India
Pavitra Rishta.
Apno Ke Liye Geeta Ka
7.00 Chhoti Si Zindagi
8.00 Jhansi Ki Rani.
8.30 Yahaan Main….
9.00 Pavitra Rishta.
9.30 Ram Milaye Jodi
10.00 Sangog Se Bani Sangini
10.30Sanskaar Laxmi.
11.00 Pavitra Rishta
9.00 Yahaan Main Ghar Ghar
9.30 Jhansi Ki Rani
10.00 Chhoti Si Zindagi
2.00 Geet-Hui Sabse Parayi.
2.28 Rang Badalti Odhani
3.00 Dhoondh Legi Manzil
3.30 Rang Badalti Odhani.
4.00 Pyaar Ki Yeh Ek Kahani
4.30 Yeh Ishq Haaye
5.00 Dhoondh Legi Manzil
5.30 Geet Hui Sabse Parayi
6.00 Yeh Ishq Haaye
6.30 Pyaar Ki Yeh Ek Kahani
2.00 Judge Judy
3.00 Oprah
4.00 America’s Next Top
4.30 Everybody Loves
5.00 King of Queens
6.00 The Insider.
6.30 Oprah.
7.30 Insider The
8.00 Everybody Loves
8.30 King of Queens.
9.00 Oprah
10.00 America’s Next Top
11.00 Everybody Loves
8.00 America’s Next Top.....
9.00 Oprah.
10.00 America’s Next Top....
Saas Bina Sasuraal.
Bade Achhe Lagta Hai
X Factor
Krishna Ben Khakhrawala
Chhange Chhange Kaa
X Factor
Saas Bina Sasural.
Bade Achhe Lagta Hai
10.00 X Factor.
2.00 Samantha Brown’s
Great Weekends
2.30 Shimmy.
3.00 Take and Break
4.00 Man V Food
5.00 Open Ticket
6.00 Project Runway
7.00 Food Paradise
8.00 Wild Weddings
9.00 Northern Thailand
10.00 Get Out
10.30 Sea Nation
11.00 Anthony Bourdain: No
8.00 Chew
9.00 Fun Asia
10.00 Everyday Exotic
10.30 World Party.
11.00 Project Runway
2.00 Rihston Ke Bhawar
Mein Uljhi
2.30 Kyunki..Jeena Isi Ka
Naam Hai.
3.00 Ganga Ki Dheej
3.30 Guru: Film.
6.30 Chacha Chaudhary
7.00 Hukum Mere Aaka.
7.30 Hi Pasodi…Kaun Hai
8.00 Shorr.
8.30 Hamari Beti Raaj
9.00 Rishton Ke Bhawar
Mein Uljhi.
9.30 Kesariya Balam Aavo
Hamare Des.
10.00 Ganga Ki Dheej.
10.30 Mata Ki Chowki.
11.00 Kaala Saaya.
8.00 Golden Melodies.
8.30 Dhoom.
9.00 Jai Ganesh Deva: Film
2.00 Home Minister
2.30 Bhagyalakshmi.
3.00 Maziya Priyala Preet
3.30 Kunku.
4.00 Abhas Ha.
4.30 Bhagyalakshmi.
5.00 Maziya Priyala Preet
5.30 Pinjara.
Castle, Star World, 10 p.m.
Animal Planet Safari
When Animal Attacks!
Up Close And
10.30 Snake Crusader with
Bruce George.
11.00 Oceans: Red Sea
2.00 Human Body
3.00 Best of My Shocking
4.00 Monster Bug Wars
5.00 Discovery Showcase
6.00 Wild Discovery
7.00 Joy Of Discovery
8.00 Engineering The World
Rang Badalti Odhani
Geet Hui Sabse Parayi
Yeh Ishq Haaye
Pyaar Ki Yeh Ek Kahani
Dhoondh Legi Manzil
Geet-Hui Sabse Paragi
Rang Badlati Odhani
Pyaar ki yeh ek Kahanai
Geet Hui Sabse Parayi
9.00 Geet Hui Sabse Parayi
9.30 Pyaar Ki Yeh Ek Kahani
10.00 Dhoond Legi Manzil
10.30 Rang Badalti Odhani.
11.00 Geet Hul Sabse Parayi
2.00 Baba Aisa Varr Dhoondo
2.30 Looteri Dulhan
3.00 Swayamvar 3: Ratan Ka
3.30 Beendh Banuga Ghodi
5.00 Baba Aisa Varr Dhoondo
5.30 Beendh Banuga Ghodi
6.00 Chandragupta Maurya
7.00 Ramayan
8.00 Swayamvar 3: Ratan Ka
9.00 Beendh Banuga Ghodi
9.30 Looteri Dulhan.
10.00 Baba Aisa Varr Dhoondo
10.30 Chandragupta Murya
11.00 Swayamvar 3: Ratan Ka
9.00 Swayamvar 3: Ratan Ka
10.00 Kumbakaran
Aise Karo Naa Vidaa.
Na Aana Is Des Laado.
Kitchen Champion
Na Aana Is Des Laado
Aise Karo Naa Vidaa
Bhagya Vidhaata.
Thoda Hai Bas Thode Ki
Zaroorat Hai
Balika Vadhu
Bairi Piya.
Yeh Pyar Na Hoga Kam.
Laagi Tujhse Lagan.
Na Aana Is Des Laado.
Weird Creatures With Nick Backer, AP, 9 p.m.
Abhas Ha
Home Minister.
Mazhiua Priyala Preet
Aabhas Ha
Fu Bai Fu Season
8.00 Good Morning
8.30 Vedh Bhavishyacha
9.00 Kunku
9.30 Abhas Ha
10.00 Fu Bai Fu
11.00 Home Minister
Hallo Bol
Ya Walnawar
Char Diwas Sasuche.
Hya Gojirwanya Gharat.
Kalay Tasmye Namah
Maharahstra Maza
Ya Walnawar
Lek Ladaki Ya Gharchi
Char Diwas Sasuche.
Hya Gojirwanya Gharat.
Kalay Tasmye Namah
Halla Bol
Aapli Mumbai.
Gane Tumche Aamache.
Lek Ladaki Ya Gharachi
Phukat Chambu
Baburao: Film, Ashok
Saraf, Kamini Bhatiya
2.00 Planet Wild
2.30 The Pack.
3.00 Life: Hunters And
4.00 Animal Planet’s Most
5.00 Wildest Africa
6.00 Fatal Attraction
7.00 Animal Planet Safari
8.00 Oceans: Red Sea
9.00 Weird Creatures with
Nick Baker
10.00 When Animal Attacks!
DDI (Main Channel)
Up Close & Dangerous
Las Vegas.
How I Met Your Mother
Family Guy
Two And A Half Men
2.00 World Wildest Police
3.00 Keeping with the
Kardashians I.
3.30 Friends.
4.00 18 To Life I
4.30 Parks and Recreation I
5.00 No Ordinary Family
6.00 Huge
8.00 Scrubs I
8.30 America’s Funniest
Home Videos.
9.00 World Wildest Police
10.00 No Ordinary Family
11.00 Park and Recreation I
9.00 America’s Funniest
Home Videos.
9.30 Scrubs
10.00 Park and Recreation II
11.00 Huge
News in Marathi.
Hasat Khelat
Maze Maye.
Chimani Pakhra.
News in Marathi.
The News.
Ek Angan Ke Ho Gaye
9.00 Mere Desh Beti
9.30 Jhoome Nachen Gayenreality show
10.30 Happy Home
11.00 Rangoli.
11.30 National Programme of
DDII (Metro Channel)
Mid Day News
Rajyon Se Samachar.
Aankhon Dekhi.
Metro Scan.
Khel Samachar.
Business Wrap.
Rangoli, DDI, 11 p.m.
Samachar Plus.
Late Edition.
Mukhya Samahcar.
Khel Samachar.
Business WRAP.
9.00 Beyond Survival with
I Should’nt Be Alive
Air Crash Confidential
Wild Discovery: Tiger
Air Crash Confidential
Time Warp
Engineering The World
2.00 Traveller Band
3.00 On The Trial of Geoghis
4.00 Long Way Down Tobruk
to Khartoum
5.00 Science and Tech
6.00 Great Battles in History:
The Battle of 73 Easting
7.00 Infamous
8.00 Travelled Band
9.00 Ever Wondered About
10.00 Travel Sick-Morocco and
11.00 Science and Tech:
Walking with Beasts
8.00 Creative Vision.
9.00 Long Way Down Sudan
To Ethiopia
10.00 Food Safari
11.00 Creative Vision.
Parate Patrol
Fight Masters
Engineering Connections
Nat Geo Amazing
Expedition Wild Week
I Didn’t Know That
Wild – Expedition Wild
Connections Week
11.00 True Stories: Predator
8.00 Wild: Triumph of Life
9.00 Predator CSI
10.00 Creative Vision
11.00 Planet Carnivore Week
Roland Garros 2011
Mobile The Grid 2011.
Score Tonight
Hot Water 11/12
Roland Garros 2011.
V8 Supercars C’ship h/ls
2.30 UCA National High
School Cheerleading
3.30 Swatch TTR World
Snowboard Tour 10/11
5.00 UCA/UDA College
Cheerleading C’ship
6.00 KIA X Games
7.00 Premier League World.
7.30 2011 National Spelling
10.30 Sportscenter India
11.00 Sportscenter Asia.
7.30 MLB Regular Season
10.30 Nanshan China Masters.
All programmes on this page are as per the official schedules of the various channels. Afternoon is not responsible for any last minute changes.
Tower of Death
Toy Story 2
Hollow Man
The Magnificent Butcher
Original Sin
1.45 Species II.
3.30 The Goods: Live Hard,
Sell Hard.
5.15 Ali G Indahouse
6.45 Legendary.
9:00 Dance Flick
10.45 D-Tox
8.15 Clifford
10.15 Legendary
Owing Mahony
Making of Water
Limca Movie Fest Locos
Porel Sexo
9.00 50 Movies Bijoy
Nambiar’s Old Boy
11:00 The Two Tough Guys
7.00 Teleshopping.
9.00 Old Boy
11.00 Along The Ridge
The Ring
Catch Me If You Can.
Bringing Out The Dead.
George Of The Jungle.
George Of The Jungle.
My Mom’s New Boyfriend
The Aviator
Jurassic Park
The Forbidden Kingdom
3.00 Aatmavishwas: Sachin,
6.30 Aaitya Gharat Gharoba:
Sachin, Ashok Saraf,
9.30 Kaal Ratri Baara
2.00 Ben 10: Alien Force
3.00 Ben 10: Ultimate
4.00 Tom and Jerry Show.
5.00 Ben 10 Alien Force
6.00 Chooha Billi Chor
7.30 Krishna and Balram
8.00 Tom and Jerry Show
9.00 Beyblade Metal
9.30 Richie Rich.
10.00 Dragon Ball Z.
11.00 Justice League
8.00 Galli Galli Sim Sim
8.30 Richie Rich.
9.00 Krishna and Balram
10.00 The Looney Tunes Show
11.00 Ben 10: Alien Force
12.00 Chhota Bheem
4.00 Pokemon DP-Battle
6.00 MAD.
6.30 Chhota Bheem.
7.30 Lohe Ka Wars
8.00 Gadbad Gadbad
11.00 Thomas and Friends
8.00 Thomas and Friends
8.30 Galli Galli Sim Sim V.
9.00 Gadbad Gadbad
2.00 Aladdin
2.30 Doraemon
Death of A President
Being Cyrus
1.15 Kahin Pyar Na Ho Jaye:
Salman Khan, Rani
5.30 Style: Sharman, Riya Sen
9.00 Veer: Salman Khan
9.30 Chalte Chalte: Shahrukh
George of the Jungle, Zee
Studio, 9 p.m.
12.00 Apna Sapna Money
Money: Riteish D, Shreyas
3.30 Baazi: Aamir Khan,
Mamta Kulkarni
8.00 Bunty Aur Babli: Avhishek
Bachchan, Rani
8.00 Dushmani-The Target:
PawanKalyan, Meera
2.00 Kudrat: Rajesh Khanna,
Hema Malini
5.30 Roop Tera Mastana:
Jeetendra, Mumtaz
9.00 Hum Se Hai Muqabala:
Prabhu Deva, Nagma
9.30 Sheshnaag: Jeetendra,
12.00 Thodisi Bewafaii: Rajesh
Khanna, Shabana Azmi
4.00 Naam: Sanjay Dutt,
Kumar Gaurav, Nutan
8.00 Lakshya: Hrithik Roshan,
Preity Zinta
9.00 Dil Maange More: Shahid
Kapoor, Tulip Joshi
12.00 15th August: Ronit Roy,
Shakti Kapoor
4.00 Haar Jeet: Anil Dhawan,
Radha Saluja
8.00 Mrityudand: Ayub Khan,
Madhuri Dixit
8.00 Ragini: Ashok Kumar,
12.00 Aare Deva: Makrand
Anaspure, Surekha
Veer, Star Gold, 9 p.m.
Art Attack
1001 Nights
Phineas And Ferb
Art Attack
Phineas And Ferb
Fox and The Hound
Phineas and Ferb
2.00 Kid vs Kata
2,30 Monkey King.
3.00 Super Robot
Monkey Team
Hyper Force
4.00 Kid vs Kat
5.00 Heroes-5 Avengers
5.30 Kid vs Kat
6.30 Super Robot
Monkey Team
Hyper Force Go
7.00 Legend of Tarzan
7.30 Kid vs Kat
8.00 Monkey King
8.30 Super Robot
Monkey Team
Hyper Force Go
9.00 Buzz Light Year of Star
10.00 Zeke And Luther.
10.30 Aaron Stone.
8.00 Kid vs Kat
9.00 Buzz Light Year of Star
9.30 XD Cinema-Air Bud
Dig is In The House.
pg16-17 Find out which celebs rocked red
and which didn’t quite sizzle...
pg 19 Lampshades can brighten up your
home. We bring you some of the best
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Do you want to keep
those curves but not
the fat? Are you
confused about when to
get that pelvic exam?
Rhea Dhanbhoora and
Henna Achhpal help
decipher some common
health and fitness
related queries...
woman’s body is complex
and there are many things
that we may not fully
understand leaving us
confused and clueless about whom
to ask. If you’re wondering how to
get rid of that unwanted hair or
don’t know whether to choose
tampons or sanitary pads, this
article might help you out. From
buying the correct fabric of lingerie
to the regular health checkups —
there are a lot many things women
should keep in mind. Dr. Suman
Bijlani, Gynecologist at Gyneguide
helps us out with some
predominantly women centric
health and fitness issues.
Keeping the curves
While we all want to lose those extra pounds we may have put on off late,
losing our curves is something we’re all afraid of. Losing weight doesn’t
have to mean looking like a stick. The best way to tone up but not slim
down too much is to have a proper balance between exercise as well as diet.
Dr. Suman tells us, “The only way to manage weight and keep curves is to
eat right with low calorie, well-balanced meals designed preferably by a
dietician. Small, frequent meals and regular exercise helps increase your
metabolic rate.” We have to remember of course, that while a good diet is
essential to lose weight, exercise is invaluable in that it not only helps
improve calorie burning, but also helps tone as well as build up muscles
and remove flab. Well-toned muscles help give you the curves.
tampons vs. pads
There are several conflicting views when it comes to choosing between
tampons and sanitary pads. People swear by one or the other. But what
works best? Dr. Suman says, “Both are okay to use, provided you use them
hygienically and as per guidelines. You may choose to use either depending
on your needs.” So how do we choose?
“Tampons are very convenient, but carry the risk of being forgotten
inside your body. They should be changed frequently and never left inside
for more than eight hours. Wash your hands before insertion. Avoid
Continued on pg 14 «
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>> It’s good to change your bra
daily, especially in sweaty
Mumbai! But, don’t look so
shocked if it goes a few days
without a wash
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Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Continued from pg 13 «
nylon InvItes yeast
overnight insertion. Use pads overnight instead,”
Dr. Suman explains.
She tells us that sanitary pads however, should
be chosen depending on flow requirements. “You
may use different pads for day or night flow or
heavy or light flow days. Opt for cotton pads to
prevent allergic rash. Changing frequently keeps
you feeling fresh as well as prevents infections,
odour and rashes,” she says.
Your favourite lingerie brand has more nylon than
cotton but you’ve heard nylon is not friendly for
your nether regions. It is true says Dr. Suman,
“Nylon is not a well absorbent material whereas
cotton panties absorb moisture better and prevent
fungal growth.” The city’s soaring temperature can
lead to a lot of sweating and if you’re not wearing
the right material, it can lead to a number of
infections. “Nylon may also cause rash in some
women and increase the risk of added infections,”
Dr. Suman adds.
When should I get my breasts
Breast examinations are extremely important
for women. Dr. Suman recommends a self
breast examination every month, starting in
your twenties. “It is better to get examined by
a doctor at least once a year. After forty, a
yearly mammography should be undergone
in order to screen for breast cancer. While
these tests may not detect all cases, they
help detect several cancers early, while
complete cure is still possible,” she explains.
So, don’t skip out on those annual checkups.
haIr and there
>> Jeans that are too
tight are not only
uncomfortable but also
increase the risk of
yeast and ringworm
“Women have lower bone
mineral density than men and
they especially lose calcium
during pregnancy and
breastfeeding. After
menopause, they tend to lose
calcium rapidly causing weaker
bones (osteoporosis) which
may fracture rather easily at
the slightest impact. Besides,
women may lose height,
develop a hunch back and lose
their teeth with advancing
— Dr. Suman Bijlani,
Gyneguide Clinic
Having hair in unwanted areas can be
extremely embarrassing for a woman.
Instead of wailing about why you’re the
unlucky one, visit a gynaecologist in order
to find the root cause. This could be
hormonal problems or PCOS (Polycystic
ovary syndrome).
Dr. Suman explains, “If you have a
hormonal problem you may need
medication. Permanent hair removal by
laser is an extremely useful method
for well-selected cases once the
hormonal imbalance is controlled.
Temporary hair removal by waxing,
shaving or threading are other
dermatologist for the same.”
too tIght
Agreed skinny jeans and jeggings are totally in
fashion but are these super tight jeans good for
your body? Dr. Suman explains, “If worn for long
hours, especially in humid and warm weather,
tight fitting jeans can increase your chance of
getting yeast and ringworm infections of your
private parts and inner thighs besides causing
discomfort and itching.”
So, give those tight jeans a break, wear loose
clothing especially in this hot weather! You can
choose from cotton and linen.
calcIum Intake
We’ve heard our elders tell us that calcium is
important is more important for women but we
rarely listen. Dr. Suman says, “Women have lower
bone mineral density than men and they
>> Tampons are
convenient but it
is better to use
sanitary pads
while sleeping
should I sleep WIth a bra?
We’ve heard that sleeping with your bra on is
dangerous and could cause various diseases.
We’ve also read that sleeping with your bra can
help prevent your breasts from sagging. Dr. Suman
dispels the myths, telling us, “While it isn’t
dangerous, it’s not recommended because it’s not
only uncomfortable, it’s also unscientific. The bra
is designed to support the breasts against gravity,
which is not the case when one is in the lying
down position. Besides one should wear loose and
comfortable clothes to bed that help maintain
proper blood and lymph circulation.”
hoW often should I change
my bra?
While we don’t wear the same underwear everyday
and never question why, there are several women
who repeat bras. While it isn’t as unhygienic as
wearing the same underwear, it isn’t a good idea...
especially during the summer. Dr. Suman
explains, “In order to feel fresher and to avoid
body odour, it’s best to change your bra and wear
a fresh one every day.” However, if you do wear the
same bra for a few days at a time, it won’t do you
any harm.
WeIghty Issues
Pretty floral dresses and hot shorts will be such a
turn off if your arms and legs are a little too
muscular for your body. The thought of a muscular
body that threatens to take away the feminity is
what keeps women away from weights at the gym.
However, Dr. Suman says, “Using weights is an
excellent way to build and tone muscles as well as
strengthen your bones. Use light to moderate
weights and alternate between weights, cardio
and resistance training. Always train under
supervision for best results.” So, don’t skip the
weights all together. Just use them right.
sonakshI sInha: the neW
face of d’damas
You heard correctly! D’Damas, one of
India’s leading diamond jewellery
brands has announced that Sonakshi
Sinha, the stunning Indian beauty, is
the new face of their brand. The
campaign revolves around the special
moments in one’s life, both the ordinary
and extraordinary. Sonakshi says, “It
feels great to be the brand ambassador
of D’Damas! I connect with D’Damas
because I personally live each moment
to the fullest and believe in celebrating
life. D’Damas adds celebration to both
ordinary and even the everyday special
occasions. When I want to celebrate
any happiness in life I turn to
D’Damas.”Shine on Sonakshi!
malaIka and arbaaz are
comfortable together
especially lose calcium during pregnancy and
breastfeeding. After menopause, they tend to lose
calcium rapidly causing weaker bones
(osteoporosis) which may fracture rather easily at
the slightest impact. One out of two Indian women
over 50 has an osteoporotic fracture in her
lifetime. Besides, women may lose height, develop
a hunch back and lose their teeth with advancing
osteoporosis.” All these reasons are enough to up
your calcium intake right away!
delayIng chIldbIrth
With changing lifestyles and women joining the
workforce, not only has the age for marriage been
put off for later, even childbirth is delayed.
Dr. Suman explains, “A woman can have a child till
she attains menopause. However, bearing a child
later in life carries a health risks to the mother as
well as the baby. Women older than 35 years have
reduced fertility, an increased risk of miscarriage,
increased chance of developing diabetes and high
blood pressure during pregnancy and certain
labour complications.” She adds, “Babies with
genetic and birth defects are more common with
advancing age and women above 35 years of age
should be routinely offered screening tests for the
same. Smaller babies, premature babies and still
births are common in this age group as well.”
This Bollywood power couple is in the
news for another reason. Rumours have
been flying that the couple has split and
Malaika is now living with her mother,
however the actress is quick to rubbish
these rumours, saying “Like any other
couple, Arbaaz and I face our share of
ups and downs because we know what
goes on behind closed doors in a
marriage. Arbaaz and I are comfortable
with one other. Such talk doesn't really
affect us.”
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
While the rest of us probably
have an anxiety attack when
we look inside our jumbled
up bags, 26-year-old Riddhi
Doshi decided she had to do
something! Rhea Dhanbhoora
talk to the charming owner of
the new company Organice
and her fast selling product
the Bag Switcher
could happen to a girl after her fantastic
bags, these Switchers can be customised
according to your needs. Pick from various
colours, number of pockets, different fabrics
and different designs. The price varies if
customised while the standard one — in
different colours — costs `399.
Do you have any formal training in design?
Someone once told me that life is the best
university. My mother-in-law, Mita Doshi
(48) is the best example of that. She may not
have a degree in fashion or fabric but her
sensibility in these fields is unmatched. She
knows how to combine a great looking
fabric, making sure it’s practical to use too.
Her creativity combined with my finance
and marketing know-how makes an
accomplished team.
Tell us what Organice is all about?
In between the hustle bustle of life, the need
to look chic and trendy inspired us to start
Organice. Our company promises to design
products that help us save precious seconds
and that very useful space.
We love the Bag Switcher. What inspired you
to make this product?
Like most inventions, this one was also
What has the response been like?
We designed the practical Bag Switcher
which was originally intended to organise
our own cluttered handbags. It worked for us
and then we started producing a few pieces
and sold it at exhibitions to check the
response which was overwhelmingly
positive. Little did I know that there were
thousands of ladies waiting for the Bag
Switcher. The popularity of it has soared to
an overwhelming level in a matter of a
few weeks.
Tell us how it works exactly. What are its
The Bag Switcher saves those, “my phone’s
ringing in my bag and I can’t find it”
moments and eliminates those “oh no,
forgot my license in my other bag”
situations. A Bag Switcher has around six
compartment style pockets along with a key
hanger and a chained compartment where
you can load your essentials. This pouch fits
into your handbag. The next time you switch
bags, all you need to do is grab the switcher
by its small handles and transfer it to your
next handbag. The moment you put your
hand in your handbag to find your compact
powder you know exactly where to look for
it. The key hanger is my favourite feature, no
more looking around and toppling your
entire bag to find the car keys, especially
when you parked in the wrong spot and
someone’s honking at you! The Bag Switcher
ensures that you don’t waste precious time
when you can spend that time doing more
important things such as deciding on what
shoes to wear. No worries about forgetting
>> The duo, Riddhi Doshi along with her mother-in-law Mita Doshi create a variety of
fashionable and utility products for women that save a lot of precious time
everything you need to know
about the bag Switcher
l it is made of light-weight polyester and
nylon fabric with lining
l it has ample pockets so you have a
place for your mobile phones, pens,
make-up kit, keys, wallet, sunglasses,
perfume bottle, business cards, ipod and
pocket book.
l it’s flexible and can fit in any regular
handbag. it can also be customised
according to the size of your handbag.
l it’s wear-resistant and dirt-proof. if
soiled, just spot-clean with a wet cloth
l choose from a selection of elegant
colours and fabrics or customise to a
colour of your choice.
created to fulfill our need for convenience
and comfort. My mother-in-law who is
never short of ideas when it comes to
amalgamating fashion with convenience
(she introduced me to ready-to-wear sarees)
came up with the idea of the Bag Switcher.
Most girls love to switch bags — a different
one for office, for coffee, for a fancy dinner
— a bag for dusk and one for dawn.
But making sure that you have transferred
your wallet or your house keys or that little
diary from one bag to another always proves
to be a hassle.
That’s how we got the idea of a pouch
that has compartments for various
essentials and which could be simply
transferred from one bag to another.
Does it come in different sizes and can it be
Apart from being the next best thing that
>> The Jewellery
Organiser keeps your
accessories neatly in
your bag
Aside from the Bag Switcher, what other
products do you sell?
After the popularity of the Bag Switcher, we
realised every fashionista loves a product
that can help her blend fashion with comfort
and convenience. We launched our next
utility product, the Bag Holder to satisfy
these fashionistas. With so many bags, in
such a small space — our heavy duty Bag
Holder is here to save the day. You can place
it behind the door, on a wall or inside your
closet and hang all your various bags so that
they won’t get deformed or lose their charm.
We have
recently introduced
products such as Travel Jewellery Organiser
and Wire Manager as well.
>> Pick a Bag Switcher (top and below) in
the print and colour of your choice
Take your pick…
Bag Switcher (12”) Standard Size: `399
Bag Switcher combo (12”+ 8”): `599
Bag Holders: `299
Travel Jewellery organiser: `199
organice Hampers: `1,599 onwards
What’s your best selling product?
Our Bag Switcher Combo (12”+8”) definitely
is something that people prefer the most.
Recently we designed an Organice hamper
which is a perfect gifting option. It is a
beautiful basket that contains Switchers, a
Jewellery Organiser, Wire Manager and Bag
Holders. It is a basket full of fashionable and
organisational solutions.
Are you planning on making any
space/time organising items for men? They
really need it too!
Yes, very soon we will be introducing Laptop
Organisers. They will be able to hold your
laptop, charger, other wires and have special
compartments for added accessories such
as hard drives and USBs. These organisers
will also have attached compartments for
credit and visiting cards.
Where can we pick these items from?
We supply all over India. If the bag is
customised it takes us about 5-7 days for the
bag to be delivered (within Mumbai delivery
is free). You can email us your requirement
on [email protected] or call us on
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
dia Mirza
We love the red
dress with just a
touch of a
geometric design.
It’s quite casual
so may be not the
best dress to pair
with gold heels.
But, we just wish
some of the
colour would rub
off on her pale-asghost face.
Mostly a’s: You do NOT dress your age at all. Sweetie, it’s about time you realised that just
because runway looks are hot in London, Milan, New York and amongst the younger generation in
Mumbai, it doesn’t mean that everyone can rock these trends. As you age, the urge to dress in a sexy
or attention-seeking manner should die down. Try to wear your classic pieces with trendy accessories
— it’s the perfect blend of sophistication and youth.
Mostly B’s: You are playing it too safe. It is great that you do not dress outrageously in a manner
that might shock people, but it seems like you might be bordering on boring and dowdy. While classic
pieces are timeless and look good on anyone, do not be afraid to experiment with trends and break
out of your shell.
Mostly c’s: You are definitely dressing right. It looks as though you have your style sorted because
you know exactly how to dress for your age and for an occasion as well. You don’t go overboard on
either side, which is a good thing. Keep mixing your timeless pieces with something fresh each
season — you are on the right track!
When you are out and about, who
do you relate to, style-wise?
a) Women who are much younger
or older. Age is just a number.
b) Similar women who dress exactly
like I do.
c) Women of the same age.
In your opinion, what should a
woman consider before choosing
her outfit?
a) She should wear something that
makes her look sexy.
b) She should wear something safe.
c) She should know her body type
and what looks good on her.
Do your friends compliment your
sense of style?
a) No, I think they’re jealous of me.
b) Not really. I don’t wear anything
that stands out.
c) Yes, they say I wear clothes well.
What not to
Wear at
each age
A recent survey showed
that women do not think
that it is appropriate to
wear bikinis after the age
of 47. The study,
conducted with over
2,000 women, arrived at
the conclusion that
women are not
comfortable in a bikini
after that age and frown
upon those who still wear
them. Fashion is full of a
lot of rules of what and
what not to wear. We
break it down for you:
What not to wear in your 30’s:
Let’s start with a popular clothing piece: the mini skirt. It is
highly inappropriate for ladies over the age of 30 to be wearing
a miniskirt which is often associated with wild teenagers. Opt
for a high waist or A-line skirt instead. You should also do away
with tube tops, leather trousers and belly button piercings.
What not to wear in your 40’s:
This is the age to bring out the classic pieces and spice up your
outfit with some trendy accessories. Sadly, it is time to throw
out leggings, skin tight tops, see through chiffon blouses and
dangerously low cut dresses. Trying details or floral prints is
also a bad idea because this look tends to suit the young and
fresh. Opt for a bigger floral or block print instead.
What not to wear in your 50’s:
The obsession with sky high stilettos will have to end. Not
because they look bad, but because you are at a higher risk of
developing problems in your joints or muscles. Stay away from
knee-high boots and ponytails too. Opt for straight leg jeans
instead of skinny ones. Do not get disheartened because by the
time you hit forty or fifty, you will have developed a personality
which will make you more attractive than clothes ever could.
We’re still waiting
for the day Katrina
disappoints us.
But, it’s not this
week ladies. She
pulls off a dress
that mere mortals
like us wouldn’t
dare to. She
keeps accessories
to a minimum...
but with a
body like
hers, who
needs bling?
Now Preeti is a
clever girl. Who
needs to flaunt
leg or cleavage
when the dress is
so hot? She’s
paired it well with
a simple gold
clutch and very
minimal makeup.
However, an updo
would have
looked better with
this dress.
Have a look at your makeup bag.
What do you see?
a) All the latest beauty products.
b) Products which you have owned
for the last ten years.
c) A few moisturisers and lipsticks.
How much do you follow trends?
a) I am always in trend — if the kids
are wearing it, why can’t I?
b) I only own basic pieces which I
have owned for a decade.
c) I love classic pieces but always
spice them up with something that
is trendy.
Who is your style icon?
a) Kate Middleton – she is the latest
‘it’ girl.
b) I do not believe in style icons.
c) Someone who is your age and
dresses well.
A much needed wardrobe cleaning
reveals that you need to buy...
a) An asymmetrical dress in a bright
colour — latest summer trend!
b) Black bootleg trousers – they
might look a little old school but
they are comfortable.
c) A new pair of jeans, although you
don’t know which style. You will go
to the store and see what suits you.
She’s paired her
outfit well and we
love that it is
perfect for the
summer. However,
there was no need
to go so matchymatchy with the
gold chain. It
looks too heavy
for the delicate
outfit and kind of
takes away from
her casual look.
But, we can’t
complain.... much.
Do you fall under the
mutton dressing like lamb
or lamb dressing like
mutton category? Or do
you dress perfectly for
your age? Shradha Bhatia
urges you to take this quiz
to find out…
>> Look through your closet to
determine whether you’re dressing
right for your age
Azhar Khan | HRM
The orange sari
looks lovely on
Rani! We much
prefer her in
Indian than her
wannabe tube
tops or minis. The
princess plait
looks cute and
shows off her
earrings and
features perfectly.
1. cuFF oFF
Cuffed jeans or trousers visually shorten
your legs as do mid-calf skirts so you
definitely want to stay away from rolling
up your jeans if you want to look like
you have longer legs.
2. go skinny
Skinny or slim jeans work wonders for
those who want to make their legs look
longer as they give them more shape
and focus. However, if you have legs
which are on the heavier side, give this
trend a skip.
herBal aloe Bath
and Body Bar
Herbal Aloe Bath and
Body Bar is going to make
your skin soft and clean
without removing any of
its natural oil. The bar
consists of ingredients
such as the soothing aloe
vera gel, antioxidant
vitamins A and E as well
as moisturising agents
such as vitamin A, grape
seed oil and pure olive oil.
price: `515
3. no long tops
Kurtis and long tops are a complete nono as they elongate your torso, making
your legs appear shorter. Instead, opt
for tops that cut off at your hips.
4. MonochroMe
Though matching too much can be a
fashion faux pas, dressing in one colour
(especially black) makes you appear
thinner and taller. Add some fun to your
monochromatic look by throwing in a
few interesting or bold accessories such
as a bright clutch or pair of shoes.
5. go vertical
Opt for stripes, piping and the like that
draw the eye up and down, making you
look long and lean. For instance, a row
of buttons visually elongates as do
pleats and creases.
lavender Floral
Modicare’s summer
special, mildly
fragranced Lavender
Floral Talc, which
has a touch of
lavender and a hint
of floral that controls
sweating and leaves
you feeling fresh and
cool throughout
the day.
price: `125
garnier Fructis
Garnier Fructis presents the all new range of
shampoo, conditioner and serum which
promises longer and stronger hair. We
especially love the serum. You need just a bit
to tame your hair this summer and it adds
gloss and shine in an instant.
price: Garnier Fructis Long & Strong
Shampoo `199; Garnier Fructis Long &
Strong Conditioner `130, Garnier Fructis Long
& Strong Serum `199
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Stretching the limits
>> Sonal
believes that it is
very important
for yoga
teachers to
practice what
they preach
Want to take up yoga as a career? Samreen Samad asks instructor Sonal Ahuja
from Clay Studio, what it takes…
onal Ahuja wanted to do something that
would benefit others. And so, she decided to
become a yoga teacher — someone that
could help enrich another’s life physically as
well as emotionally. Five years on, Sonal couldn’t be
happier. She’s currently an instructor at Clay Studio
in Bandra and is a personal trainer to celebrities
such as Yuvraj Singh. We have a chat with her and
find out more about her job…
How did you decide to get into yoga?
Yoga found me! I was discontented with the
prospect of working as an intern with fashion
designer Satya Paul and was compelled to find my
true calling. That’s when I decided that I had to take
up a profession in which I could help others. This
virtuous thought also came about because of the
faith that I started practicing just about the same
time — Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism.
For how many years have you been teaching yoga?
It’s now been nearly about five years that I have been
teaching yoga.
Where did you do your yoga training?
I mastered the asanas of yoga at The Yoga Institute in
Santa Cruz. I was also curious to adapt the modern
form and trained myself in power and Tibetan yoga.
What inspires you?
The positive feedback I get from my clients in terms
of weight loss, correction of postures and relief from
health related issues inspires me to go on.
Is it a lucrative career option?
Yoga, as we now know has become a global
phenomenon and with that a lucrative career option
due to the increased awareness of its benefits.
On an average, how much can a yoga teacher earn?
Is the competition tough?
Yes, it is, but if you have confidence in yourself
nothing else matters.
What does it take to be a good yoga instructor?
You should be able to give complete dedication to
your profession and understand the needs of your
clients and be able to provide relief to them by the
practice of coordinated asanas.
What qualities should you have to become a
yoga instructor?
Being disciplined is the most important virtue. Also
you should have a proper lifestyle. Positive thinking
is also very important. One should be able to
practice all the right things before preaching.
How many hours of your day are dedicated to
teaching yoga?
I conduct 3 to 4 batches every day, 5 days a week
because I believe in giving quality in my work.
What do you do in your free time?
I am actively involved in the practice of Nichiren
Daishonin’s Buddhism and try to devote most of my
spare time following it. Besides that I like catching
up with friends, reading books on health and fitness
and travelling.
What are your plans for the future?
I want to open a charming yoga wellness studio that
provides a holistic approach to yoga by including all
forms of yoga such as iyengar, ashtanga and hatha
yoga. I would also like to have an alfresco café that
serves food based on naturopathy, a diet I strongly
believe in and follow.
find out hoW to deal With an annoying senior
I’m having trouble meeting my deadlines. My
boss is extremely demanding and I feel as
though he expects too much out of me.
Sometimes I think that other people who are
closer to him get off the hook when they don’t
meet their deadlines. How do I explain that I’m
pulling my weight, it’s just an unfair bargain?
— Kanika das, Andheri
Perhaps your boss sees potential in you which
makes him want you to push yourself harder
than the rest. You may be overreacting about
the favouritism aspect; it is normal human
psychology to think that they have it easier
because they seem friendlier with him. Make
sure that you really are doing the best you
can. Forget about everyone else and focus on
your job. If your boss’s behaviour is getting in
the way of that, then maybe it’s time to talk to
someone about it. Just make sure you aren’t
creating a big deal out of nothing. Ask him to
decrease your load a bit instead of pointing
fingers at the way he handles his organisation
— that will only lead to trouble.
The money is good in teaching yoga. A lot of things
also depends on the clients you have. You can start
of with `10,000 to `20,000.
My colleague is always extremely grumpy and
dissatisfied. It wouldn’t bother me so much if
she kept to herself but because I sit next to
her I have to bear the brunt of her annoyance
the entire day. She tends to be disturbing,
whiney and is very unapproachable. I also
have to deal with her a lot and it’s difficult to
get work done around her. Help!
— neena rai, Khar
You shouldn’t be scared to approach her. Her
bad moods don’t have to mean that your work
suffers so much. While you can’t do anything
about her being in a sullen mood the entire
day, try shutting yourself off from here by
plugging in some ear phones and pretending
to be extremely busy. If that doesn’t deter her,
talk to her about it. Tell her that while you’re
sympathetic to her problems you have come
here to do a job, which you need to get done.
If nothing works, maybe you could talk to
someone else who could help you out. But
make sure you talk to her first instead of
running to higher authority.
send your questions to [email protected] before Wednesday
lavie’s neW holly collection
Everyone is trying to beat the heat this summer, but
constantly wearing white can get a little drab. Spice
things up with a splash or two of colour from Lavia’s
new collection called Holly. The bags are made from
quality, perforated, crocs finish fabric and come in an
array of pastel hues such as yellow, pink and blue, and
are available in a host of designs. You’ll definitely be on
trend this summer with these bags making for the
perfect accessory in the colour block trend.
Price `1,840 onwards
Where Bagzone — Andheri & Lower Parel
Mineral launches a sheer collection
The Mineral label by Priyadarshini Rao is all about
sheer fabrics in bright and earthy colours. The collection
is a combination of stripes (great for work!), polka dots,
geometric shapes and other bold prints and also
features georgette tops, ribbed knit basics and crochet
yokes. The label uses skin friendly and breathable
fabrics worked into new age, chic styles.
Price `1,095 onwards
Where Sobo Central, Goregaon Central, Shopper’s
Stop-Juhu, Shopper’s Stop — Andheri
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
>> This simple blue
lampshade from
Freedom Tree will
look great in your
kitchen and add an
earthy touch.
Price `4,200
>> Getting a multi
coloured lamp from
BoConcept will
brighten up your room
instantly, even when it
is switched off!
Price `12,550
>> This cute lampshade
made from glass from
The Great Eastern
Home will light up your
home in style and looks
vintage as well.
Price `28,000 onwards
>> These metal table
lamps from
BoConcept are great
night lamps. They
are available in
silver, blue and red.
Price `16,400
Available at:
BoConcept Store, Palladium,
High Street Phoenix,
Lower Parel.
Contact: 40802397
Freedom Tree Unit 6, Neeru
Silk Mills, Mathuradas Mills
Compound, 126 N M
Joshi Marg.
Contact: 24914433
Living In Style, 23, Opposite
Charni Road Railway Station,
Queens Road.
Contact: 23825066
The Great Eastern Home, The
New Great Eastern Mills
25-29, Dr. Ambedkar
Rd, Byculla.
Contact: 23752211
@Home, Shop No. 2, Ganesh
Housing Society, Lokmanya
Tilak Nagar, Link Rd, Sakinaka
Contact: 9967381065
Lampshades are the easiest way to brighten up your room... literally.
Samreen Samad finds you the prettiest and most unique lampshades in the city
that will enhance your room with a flick of a switch
>> Like quirky
and wacky
items? Then this
black table lamp
from BoConcept
is for you. Place
it at the center of
your dining table.
Price `14,450
>> A simple
orange lamp
from BoConcept
can be placed
against a blue or
purple wall to
add some drama
to your room.
Price `14,450
1. Go orGAnic
Non-toxic, organic soap is the
best when it comes to
scrubbing off fungus in your
home. If you have fungus on
walls or table tops, scrub it off
with some organic soap. It will
work better than all those
chemical filled cleansers.
2. Use TeA Tree oil
Tea tree oil can help remove
fungus too. All you need to do
is make a spray with 2 tsp of
tea tree oil and 2 cups of
water. Store it in a spray bottle.
You can spray it on fungus
whenever it begins to appear.
Don’t rinse it off.
3. BleAch iT oUT
A bit of bleach can go a long
way. Bleach is extremely
effective if you’ve got fabrics
that have managed to collect
fungus. Add a cup of bleach to
your daily wash or combine it
with a little water and soak
fabric in it for a while.
Remember not to use too
much though.
>> This black
lampshade with
a gold and blue
stand from Living
In Style looks
classy and can
be used as a
show piece too.
Price `3,000
4. rUB on some VineGAr
Everyone knows that vinegar is
a natural cleaning liquid. It
gets rid of stains and helps you
get a clean house. It gets rid of
fungus too! Combine it with
baking powder (another life
saver when it comes to home
remedies) and form a thick
paste. Let it dry on the surface
and then scrub the fungus off.
>> A classy black
metal table lamp
with carvings and
beads from
@Home is
definitely going to
add a glam
quotient to your
Price `990
5. Try A liTTle sUnshine
Sunshine is the best natural
cure for fungus and mold.
Keep affected objects out in
the sun for a few hours. The
sunlight will kill the active
fungus by evaporating the
moisture and drying it out.
Once the fungus is all dried out
you can sweep it off easily. Let
clothes dry in the sun as well.
Gynelle Alves
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
>> If the two of you
constantly fight and he
never tries to make up
after, it could be a sign
he wants out
Think you can fix our readers’
complicated problems? Read on...
I recently decided to tackle my long standing weight
problem. I have joined a gym where the nutritionist
completely restructured the way I look at food. She now has
me on a six mini-meal plan...
Since I have to eat every couple of hours, I have started taking
some specialised healthy snacks to office.
Guys are usually afraid to break up but there are always signs that show he’s thinking about
it. Henna Achhpal helps you find out if getting out is on his mind...
In the past few month, he’s been
‘busy’ with work more than usual...
a. His work has always been
demanding but we’re in touch
throughout the day.
b. Yes, he’s got some new assignments
that need his attention.
Your conversations are usually...
a. Fun and interesting. We always
have something new to talk about.
b. Limited to how our respective
days were.
When you make plans for a vacation
in the future...
a. He’s extremely enthusiastic and
gives his ideas as well.
b. He says ‘We’ll think about it when it
On a Saturday night, he suggests...
a. The two of you go out for a quite
dinner together.
b. That he should spend time with
“his boys.”
You tell him there’s something you
need to talk to him about...
a. He listens attentively and gives you
advice as well.
b. He’s mostly disinterested.
After a fight or argument...
a. He tries to make up for it.
b. I’m the one that makes up, always.
Mostly A’s Your relationship with your
partner is going great and you have nothing
to worry about. If you’ve taken this quiz,
there’s a possibility you’re only reading too
much into a situation which doesn’t exist.
Perhaps, the thought that he’s going to
break up with you is only a fear in your head.
However, if you’re sure there have been
signs, you can always talk it out with him.
Mostly B’s The two of you have been fighting
too much and he’s barely interested when
you want to talk. These are clear signs that
he’s probably switched off in his head. If
you’re extremely sure about the signs,
there’s no reason to be in a relationship that
doesn’t seem to be working out. Perhaps
he’s afraid of breaking up with you and it
might help if you confront him yourself.
I explained that they were high-fibre, low fat, nutrient rich snacks
(that cost the earth) and offered her some.
She reached into my newly opened bag and took a big helping and
finished my snack, leaving me so hungry that an hour later I ate a
vada pao
The weirdness began there...
And got worse...
Hey! I saved
you one!
She’s on
a diet. I’ll
eat it
And worse!
And worse...
I’ll just take
one bite!
I can eat
And stay
Not like that
motu Joanna
She kept insulting me even while helping herself to my expensive
snacks without my permission. So I hid my food in my handbag
thinking no one would go through it (not like an office desk).
The next morning he was coming over. I got my hair styled, dressed
up a bit, bought cupcakes for our coffee break, had conversations
with him in my head... Then he rang the bell and I got so nervous, I
turned off the lights and pretended not to be at home!
where’s my
soup packet?
My ex-boyfriend D. and I broke up two years
ago solely due to distance. I started dating
A. and he’s really great. We’ve been
together for a few years but occasionally I
feel trapped in the relationship. D. recently
got in touch with me hoping to give it
another shot. He’s not seen anyone since
we broke up and is serious about marrying
me. And well, so is A! I am really confused.
They are both great guys but I don’t know
what I should do! Please help.
— Anushka R., Virar
Dear Anushka,
Go with your gut. Keep this is mind. First: if
Hey Motu! What are
you munching on? I
thought you were on
a diet?
your old relationship couldn't take the
stress inflicted by long-distance, are you
sure it will endure other big things? Like if
you get richer or poorer, in sickness... or
perhaps even a day when you will be forced
into another long-distance situation?
Second; everyone occasionally feels
trapped or unsuited in a relationship. If
these feelings are frequent then you have
to concentrate on whether the current
relationship is working regardless of your
ex. Third: marriage is not some 'prize' so
don't let the promise of it distract you from
the reasonably serious dilemma you're in.
She had gone through my handbag!
"Frankly, I’m fed up of her. I am good with sharing but she has
been helping herself to my food without asking and then on top of it
she has been harassing me. Advice please!” — Joanna
a) Do I confront her and tell her it’s uncool to finish my food and go
through someone’s handbag?
b) Should I tell her if she likes me food so much that if she gives me
money I could buy her own her own supply next time (in other words
eat her own food NOT mine).
c) Should I tell her that the fat jokes are not funny, that no one
asked her to be my weight watch dog and ask HR for a key to my
desk so I can lock up my food.
LAST WEEK: Promila should pick Option A.
Send your solutions to [email protected]
© Courier Publications Private Limited. All right reserved. Reproduction in any manner, electronic or otherwise, in whole or in part, without prior written permission is prohibited.
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
By Sandeep Hattangadi
shwin Verma aka Ashwin Krishna is one
of the Delhi actors who swarmed to tinsel-ville everyday with stars in their eyes
and today he is doing a role of a lifetime in the
prestigious Sagar Art’s banner magnum opus
mythological show ‘Jai Jai Jai Bajrangbali’.
Hanuman is one of the most popular characters in Indian mythology and is revered
universally as the monkey-god and so we
spoke to Ashwin about his thoughts on
the portrayal of this popular character.
Some excerpts.
Hanuman has been an integral part of
the Ramayan. So how different will this
show be?
The daily soap produced by Anand Sagar and
Jyoti Sagar and directed by Prem Sagar tells
the story of Hanuman and the purpose of his
coming to the mortal world as the eleventh
Rudra avtar of Shiva.
Hanuman’s life and service to mankind in delivering the world from the atrocities of invincible demons like Ravan and all such
mortal agonies as disease and evil influences
as an avtar of Shiva forms the central idea of
the script of ‘Jai Jai Jai Bajrangbali’, the lavishly mounted serial from the family of
Sagars known for such outstanding works as
Ramayan, listed as the world’s most viewed
mythological soap in the Limca Book of
World Records.
is Hanuman so worshipped?
Hanuman is believed to be living even today,
responding to the call of his unconditional
believers. Perhaps that is why.
doo Dara Singh have played Hanuman
Yes. I can’t match upto them especially
Darasinghji who immortalised Hanuman
in the first version of Ramayana made by
the Sagars for DD.
is it like working with the first family
of mythologicals, the Sagars?
It has been a most satisfying experience. I
have known them over the years especially
the director Shiv Sagar, grandson of Ramanand Sagar, who will unfurl the flag of
Sagars honorably with his storytelling and
technical expertise. Prem Sagar too is an accomplished technician. Our cameramen
have captured the rugged and majestic
beauty of the places including Kishkinda
(Hammipur, Belur), Anganwadi, Varanasi
etc., which are described in Tulsidas Ramayan. We have lavish settings and beautiful
outdoors in the serial.
A rare treat for all music
lovers to enjoy the powerful
yet mellifluous voice of
Ustad Rashid Khan on Idea
Jalsa on June 5, 2011 on
Zee TV, 10.30 am and
repeat telecast 11.30 pm. A
rare chance to all music
lovers to listen, watch and
enjoy the powerful yet
mellifluous voice of Ustad
Rashid Khan” on Idea Jalsa.
The Idea Jalsa series is
being hosted by the hugely
successful duo of Annu
Kapoor and Durga Jasraj,
who started it all in the early
1990’s with ‘Antakshari’,
one of the most popular
programs. Ustad Rashid
Khan has won the hearts of
every music aficionado with
his sonorous aalaps,
intricate sargam coupled
with imaginative rhythmic
patterns, pulsating and the
cascades of powerful,
lightening and swift tans.
Wah Ustaad!
Its summer vacation and kids
just wanna have some fun.
Hero Honda Sa Re Ga Ma Pa
contestants along with Afsha
and Dhariya decided to take
some time out of rigorous
singing practices and a hectic
schedule to take part in a
children’s fair. Two
contestants, Niladri and
Pooja Tiwary took
centrestage and entertained
the audience with some
peppy live music. The duo
interacted with the audience,
called them to shake a leg on
stage while they crooned foot
tapping numbers and even
sang unrehearsed songs on
popular audience demand.
Watch out for the L’il wonders
every Friday and Saturday, 10
pm, only on Zee TV.
Keeping the spirit of civic
activism alive, “The Citizen
Journalist Show” on CNN-IBN
profiles ‘citizens with
purpose’. The Citizen
Now comes a
horror show
on Mee
called ‘Ek
One hour
capsule of horror and chills
in true late night hour style,
it will be telecast on Friday,
Saturday at 9 pm. The show
stars top artistes like Amita
Khopkar, Dr.Vilas Ujawne,
Aditi Sarangdhar among
others. A horror show in
you had any acting experience?
I have been active on the theater circuit in
Delhi for 15 years and have done theatre
in Prithvi too and have worked in serials
on Color and Star Plus.
about co-stars in ‘Bajrangbali’?
We have a great bunch of actors who live
like a family and create good content.
Any inspirations in acting?
Yes. I try to be like my acting idols Dilip
Kumar and Amitabh Bachchan. And SRK,
who, like me came from Delhi stage and
made it big, is my inspiration.
Journalist Show gives the
common man a platform to
raise issues that affect their
life and society at large. Ever
since it’s inception, it has
been a catalyst of change for
thousands of people.
Anchored by Anubha
Bhonsle, the face of The
Citizen Journalist Show, the
100th episode on June 4 will
be a one-hour special which
will have a mix of small
recaps of important CJs,
Impact of CJ reporters,
senior citizens and
celebrities. This one is sure
worth a watch.
Veteran star Dara Singh and his son Vin-
Marathi is quite a novelty
and this show is sure to grab
a few eyeballs. So get ready
to be spooked and scream
your lungs out.
STAR Plus presents BIG STAR
Indian Music Academy
Awards - Music Tujhe
Salaam. To be telecast on
June 5 at 8 p.m. While Sonu
Nigam entertains audiences
with a splendid medley of 23
songs spread across an era,
Mika Singh and Shankar
Mahadevan offer
breathtaking performances
from their most popular
albums! Adding Bollywood
glamour to the show,
Abhishek Bachchan keeps
the audiences on their feet
with some of his memorable
numbers, while Katrina Kaif
presents a revamped Sheila
in Broadway style!
Bringing joy to your week
CNN-IBN’s award winning
show ‘The Week that Wasn’t’
makes you look at the lighter
side of the otherwise serious
business of news. The show
looks at the major news of
the week in a humorous and
entertaining fashion topped
with a satirical twist.
Blabbermouth Cyrus
Broacha gives his take on all
the important developments
of the week with his
trademark tongue in cheek
humor which leaves viewers
no option but to watch the
show. Watch Cyrus at his
humorous best in ‘The Week
that Wasn’t’ on June 5,
Sunday at 2:30pm and
8:00pm only on CNN-IBN.
Mouli Ganguly, a find of
Balaji Telefilms and was
popular for her show ‘Kahin
Kisi Roz’ on Star Plus. It was
a social thriller -- the first of
its kind and ran successfully.
Then came ‘Sarkar’ on Zee.
In the meantime she also
acted in tele-films with
directors of repute like
Anurag Basu and Imtiaz Ali.
She was a part of Nach
Baliye 4, a dance reality
show. Now she is all set to
return to prime time with a
bang. Watch this space.
Disney Channel is all set to
make this weekend full of
fun and adventure for all
Doraemon fans with the
premiere of his new movie –
Doraemon in Nobita’s South
Seas Adventure. The cool cat
from the future will be seen
sailing the high seas with
Nobita and his other friends
on a voyage. The movie will
premiere on June 5, 2011 at
10 am on Disney Channel.
Arnab Chaudhuri, director,
content and creative, Walt
Disney Television
International India said,
“Doraemon is one of the
most loved characters on
kid’s television. What better
way to end the summer
vacations than to travel the
high seas, go on a treasure
hunt, fight with mysterious
creatures and pirates with
Doraemon, Nobita and their
friends!”Fun.isn’t it?
Uptrend Continues…
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
NSE India: S&P Nifty — Daily Market Report for: Thursday (June 2, 2011)
(Based on the activity of the previous trading day) by Dominic Rebello
above its 9-day Average (positive).
ADX Indicator & DI Lines:
The +DI line is above the –DI line and
both lines are diverging (positive if it
The ADX is falling while the Market
Index is rising, which indicates that
the present up trend is decreasing in
Review of the Previous day:
The Nifty rose moderately on
Wednesday (June 01, 2011) a net
31.85 points (0.57%) and closed at
the 5592 point level. The market
opened up at the 5561 points level. It
then declined marginally and
registered the day’s low at the 5559
point level at 9.16 a.m. It then rose
and turned into a range bound
movement until 2.30 p.m. The index
registered the day’s high at the 5597
points level at 3.00 p.m. and then
turned into a range bound movement
until closing at the day. The Nifty rose
for the second consecutive session
and closed just below the
psychologically important 5600
points level. The index remained
rangebound throughout the session
and moved in a narrow range of just
38 points. Sentiment was bullish and
amongst the 50 Nifty stocks, 31 were
gainers, while 19 were losers. Buying
was witnessed in capital goods,
technology, power, IT, FMCG and
banking stocks, while selling was
witnessed in consumer durables,
healthcare, realty and oil & gas
Moving Averages (Trend Indicators)
The index:
Is above its 5-day average (at 5502)
Is above its 15-day average (at 5463)
Is above its 25-day average (at 5518)
Is below its 200-day average (at
5756) Negative.
On Japanese candlestick patterns
the index has formed a second
consecutive but smal l white body
candle. This in positive.
Fur ther, the 5 days moving average
has c ros sed above the 15 days
moving average. This is positive
and a buy signal. The index is above
the 5, 15 and 25 days movi ng
averages and the 5, 15 and 200
days moving averages are ri sing.
Moreover, the velocity parameters
are also positively trended. All
these indicate a positive bias and
the possibility of a fur ther up move
unfolding. Investors are advised to
hold long positions.
Overall Market Strength/Weakness:
The indicators and oscillators
discussed here are indicating a strong
market with a positive bias.
Suppor t Levels:
For short-term traders the immediate
main support is at 5135 marked as
S1 (blue line below the Index).
The next support is at 4795 marked
as S2 (blue line below the Index).
Resistance Levels
The immediate main resistance is at
5982 marked as R1 (red line above
the Index).
The next resistance is at 6357
marked as R2 (red line above the
Volume (Qty shares) decreased
20.63%. This change is substantial
participation by investors because in
the previous session volumes had
increased by 46%.
Market Breadth:
Overall Market Breadth on the NSE
was positive. Amongst all the traded
stocks, 910 were gainers, 477 were
losers and 68 remained unchanged.
Slow Stochastic Indicator:
The Slow Stochastic Oscillator has
risen in the neutral zone.
The Slow K line in the Stochastic
Oscillator is above the slow D line
(positive if it continues).
Work with strict stop losses
on all positions.
RSI Indicator:
The RSI is above the 40 level and is
now rising (positive if it continues).
MACD Indicator:
The MACD is below zero but is now
rising (positive if it continues). It is
Pivot Point Analysis:
For intra-day traders the support and
resistance levels are calculated according
to the pivot point theory and are:
Pivot point = 5583 (This is the level
where the trend is likely to change
during intra-day).
Support (1) = 5569.
Support (2) = 5545.
Resistance (1) = 5606.
Resistance (2) = 5621.
BSE Sensex
S&P CNX Nifty
Closing Price
Closing Price
No Signal Change
No Signal Change
Open Position
Open Position
Stop Loss
Stop Loss
Disclaimer: Investment recommendations made in ‘ADC’ are for information purposes only and derived from sources that are deemed to be
reliable but their accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed. ‘ADC’ or the analyst/writer does not accept any liability for the use of this
column for the buying or selling of securities. Readers of this newspaper who buy or sell securities based on the information in this newspaper
are solely responsible for their actions. ‘ADC’ and/or its affiliates and/or employees and/or the author, his company or his acquaintances may
have interests/ positions, financial or otherwise in the securities mentioned in this newspaper.
In the business world, the rearview mirror is
always clearer than the windshield.
Warren Buffett
Elara Capital calls a ‘Buy’ on EIH
CMP: Rs 82 Target Rs 105
EIH reported above expectation topline YoY growth of 52% to INR 12.8bn vs
expectations of INR 11.4bn. This has been propelled largely from a record
quarter topline of INR 5.65bn, highest ever for EIH. The superlative topline
growth gives strong revival signals and comfort in future growth projections
of ARRs and occupancies.
Margins double to 23% levels: With high degree of control on cost and all
launched hotels well past stabilising stage, margins gained some muscle
flexing back to 23% levels, although their still exists room to grow to the
highs of 34% seen during FY08.
Higher than expected interest, depreciation and tax plunges bottomline
into red: But the home run gets interrupted when we look at more than
expected interest, depreciation and tax incidence which was the reason
behind PAT loss of INR 52.3mn vs our expected profits. With company’s
loans reduced by INR 4bn to INR 10.68bn we expect reduced interest outgo
in the coming year. We expect the company to scout aggressively for
standalone acquisitions of hotel projects.
Upgrade to Buy, retain INR 105 target price: With the sector in revival
mode, we do not see the bottom line a major concern over the medium
term. ARRs and occupancies are expected to report 8%-10% growth in the
current fiscal. In FY12E we expect margin expansion by ~400bps which
should drive valuations. At the current market price, the stock is trading at
P/E multiple of 25.3 x FY13E EPS of INR 3.3 (post rights) and 13.5mn
FY13E EV/Room. We find valuations attractive and upgrade our rating to
Buy retaining target price of INR 105.
Pinc Research calls a ‘Buy’ on Mahindra & Mahindra
CMP: Rs 674 Target Rs 836
Mahindra & Mahindra’s (M&M) Q4FY11 results were 10% below our
estimate with disappointing margins. Despite record volumes, margins
slumped 320bps YoY to 12.7% as against our estimate of 14.8%. The
decline in margin was attributable to increased purchase from 100%
subsidiary MVML as well as a 22.6% sequential increase in employee costs.
Net profit at Rs 6.1bn was below our estimate of Rs 6.7bn.
On a volume high: The automotive division volumes during the quarter
surpassed the 100k mark. Strong demand for Scorpio and Bolero led to a
12.6% growth in UVs to 47k units. Incremental volumes of Maxximmo were
instrumental in a 14.9% growth in Pickup and SCV segment. Tractor
volumes surged 26.5% to 59k units to round off an excellent year for the
segment. Revenues, up 27.8% YoY, at Rs 67.8bn were in line with estimates.
The MVML effect on margins: Increased purchase of finished products
from manufacturing subsidiary, MVML and higher employee expenses led
to 300bps YoY decline in margins. On a proforma basis, consolidation of
MVML with M&M standalone results would have boosted margins by
100bps. Net profits were higher 6.4% YoY at Rs 6.1bn.
Outlook: We have marginally increased our volume estimate for FY12 by
1%. We expect a volume growth of ~12% in FY12 for the automotive and
tractor divisions. The growth in tractor division would be primarily driven by
low power Yuvraj range of tractors. Going forward, part of the profitability of
the automotive division will flow to MVML. Additionally, the change in stance
on VAT by Maharashtra government would depress margins. We have scaled
down our margin estimates by 220bps. FY12E earnings are lower by 13.3%
at Rs 41.6. We introduce FY13E earnings of Rs 48. We have assigned a
value of Rs 34 to MVML.
Q4FY11 Performance Highlights: Scorpio and Bolero continued to drive
the volumes for M&M in the Utility Vehicle segment. Scorpio volumes were
higher by 30% while Bolero grew by 22%. UV segment volumes were higher
by 12.6% at 47k units. Incremental volumes from Maxximmo and Gio led to
14.9% growth in the pickup and SCV segments. Logan which is rebranded
as Verito doubled its volumes to 3.3k units during Q4FY11. Three wheelers
continued to do well, growing 42.1% YoY to 17.7k units. Auto exports were
higher by 31.5%.
The tractor division helped by good monsoons and increase in crop prices
had an impressive growth of 26.5% to 59.4k units during the quarter.
Automotive segment realisations were flat sequentially at Rs390k/unit.
Automotive division revenues increased 27% YoY to Rs40bn. Blended
realisations for the farm equipment segment were higher sequentially due
to higher contribution from non-tractor business. The revenues for the
segment increased 28% YoY to Rs28bn. Overall revenues at Rs68bn were
inline with estimates.
Valuations And Recommendation: We rollover valuations to FY13. We
reiterate our ‘BUY’ rating on the stock with a revised target price of Rs 836
(earlier Rs910) based on the Sum of the Parts (SOTP) valuation.
Please send all business and corporate related mails to
[email protected]
Arvind To Produce, Market ‘Geoffrey
Beene’ Products In India
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
By A Business Reporter
eoffrey Beene, LLC
has licensed Arvind
Retail Ltd. to manufacture and market its men’s
apparel and non apparel
products. Under the agreement, Arvind, a vertically integrated company based in
Geoffrey Beene
Geoffrey Beene is the
largest dress shirt, neckwear, sweater and men’s
jewelry brand in US department stores. All net
profits from Geoffrey
Beene, LLC fund critical
causes under the GBGB Geoffrey Beene Gives
Back(R) philanthropic
campaign. Since 2006,
Geoffrey Beene, LLC has
committed over $150 mil-
Bangalore, India, will have
the rights to produce and
market Geoffrey Beene
products for its own retail
format, Megamart stores,
including franchisee operated Megamart branded
stores, as well as wholesale
in India.
“Geoffrey Beene is confident that Arvind has both
lion dollars in value, including over $117 million
in combined donations to
the Geoffrey Beene Cancer Research Center at the
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Other
charitable causes include
Alzheimer’s, Heart Disease, Diabetes, CFDA and
YMA Educational Scholarships, Veterans Support,
Women and Children,
and Animal Welfare.
the expertise and leverage
to establish the brand in this
important region of the
world and expand the
brand’s presence in Asia,”
said G. Thompson Hutton,
President and CEO of Geoffrey Beene, LLC., whose
model is marketed globally
in the U.S., Canada, Mexico,
Central America including
the Caribbean Basin, Australia, Indonesia and Singapore.
J. Suresh, Managing Director & CEO, Arvind
Lifestyle Brands Ltd &
Arvind Retail Ltd said: “We
are delighted to bring one of
the world’s best designer
brands Geoffrey Beene, to
India. Geoffrey Beene, with
its unique design signature
will bring a new dimension
to formal dressing in India.
The brand will substantially
improve the value of our offerings in Megamart which
is now emerging not only as
India’s leading value retail
chain, but a value retail
chain with unmatched set
of great brands both International & Indian. We look
forward to launching Geoffrey Beene in India very
The product line includes
tailored clothing, dress
shirts, sportswear (shirts,
pants and sweaters), jeans,
active wear, outerwear, innerwear,
footwear, belts, gloves, wallets, bags, backpacks, socks,
caps, briefcases, laptop
cases, watches, sunglasses,
scarves, handkerchiefs and
cufflinks. Initial deliveries
are slated for spring 2012.
“In addition to the Business Proposition of Geoffrey
Beene in India, we are also
proud to be associated with
Geoffrey Beene as all the
profits earned by the company go to charity” he said.
BSE Begins Country Wide ‘Investor Awareness’ Programme
By A Business Reporter
he Bombay Stock Exchange after its recent
four city investor awareness
workshops has kicked off
“Opportunities Maximized”,
a country wide investor
awareness programme. It is
aimed at educating investors on many of BSE’s
newly launched products
such as Delivery based derivatives, Stock Lending &
Borrowing, enhanced features on BOLT, Smart Order
Routing (SOR) etc. It will
help bring together current
and prospective investors
and guide them to aggressively take advantage of the
power of investing through
these products/platforms.
The program will also reflect
on ‘currency futures’, ‘technological innovations at
BSE’ and ‘SENSEX on Eurex’.
Beginning its first leg
from Kolkata on 1st June,
the first phase of the programme would cover Delhi
and Ahmedabad. This is
part of the BSE’s endeavour
awareness of products that
conform to the needs of diverse market participants
and investors. Interestingly,
each workshop would have
an equity market forecast by
a celebrity speaker that will
give direction to investors in
making informed invest-
ment decisions. Eminent industry experts like Philip
Joslin, Ramesh Damani,
Deven Choksey, V K Sharma
and likes would participate
as guest speakers in the first
leg of this multi-city pro-
BSE’s leadership team
would also be present to address the concerns of the investor community and
connect with them to be
able to serve them better.
“Our thrust has always been to create
a more transparent and fair marketplace for the Indian investor Diaspora.
With road-shows we plan to reach out
to our pan-India investors and educate them on various opportunities
present in the Indian Capital Markets
today. Our aim is to effectively communicate various nuances of our
product and services range, in order to
maximize returns for the Indian investor.”
Madhu Kannan, MD & CEO, BSE
Macro conditions augur well for Ashok Leyland
By Manik K. Malakar
here is good news for
companies that operate
in the Commercial Vehicle
(CV) space, as they are passing through a phase of the
economic cycle that is good.
While there are some shortterm macro issues that may
affect the sector, generally
automotives are set to do
well. So, one such company
that is doing well is automobile major Ashok Leyland.
“Ashok Leyland’s Q4FY11
results were ahead of expectation with a profit of Rs 3
billion as against our estimate of Rs 2.5 billion,” informed analysts Vineet
Hetamasaria, Nikhil Deshpande and Tasmai Anil Merchant of brokerage PINC in
a note on the company’s Q4
FY11 results. Analyst note
that the Q4 (Fourth Quarter)
is a good period for the
commercial vehicle industry. Also since volumes in
the Q3 period were not
spectacular that too aided
good growth in the Q4 period. Sales of about 29,700
vehicles represented a 61%
Another good position for
the vehicle manufacturer
was in terms of realisations.
“Net average realisation increased by 13.2% year-onyear due to change in
product mix,” said Amit
Bagaria and Yaresh Kothari
of Angel Broking of the
There are other points too
that are in the company’s
favour. The CV industry in
FY11 has done well as the
steamed on. And this is set
to continue. “With CV de-
mand in its mid-cycle, we
believe the industry would
record double-digit volume
growth in FY2012,” said
Bagaria and Kothari.
Also the company has entered into a JV (initial agreement) with Nissan Motors
for the development, manufacture and distribution of
LCV products. “As Ashok
Leyland has a negligible
presence in the LCV space,
this partnership would be
positive for it in the long
run,” said the Angel Broking
analysts. The company’s JV
with John Deere is also expected to start production
in FY12.
There are however some
overhangs that will affect
the automotive sector in entirety. “Higher interest rates
and fuel prices, and pricing
action to offset RM costs
can be short term impediments,” said analyst Jinesh
Gandhi of Motilal Oswal in a
review of the expected Q4
performance of the entire
automotive industry.
For the moment though
things are positive for Ashok
Leyland. The overall outlook
for the domestic CV industry is positive, with volumes
expected to post a 10%
CAGR (Compounded Annual Growth Rate) over
FY2011–13E, according to
inputs from Angel Broking.
Most of the factors that
drive freight demand and
thus M&HCV demand are
positive and CV manufacturers are benefiting from
the recovery. Thus they have
Bagaria and Kothari have a
Buy rating on the company
with a target price of Rs. 64.
Tata Power launches Perpetual Debentures
Tata Power has launched an offering of Perpetual Debentures of
Rs. 1,500 Crores. The unique features of the Debentures are that
they are perpetual in nature with no maturity or redemption and
are callable only at the option of the Company. The Coupon on
the Debentures is set at 11.4% p.a., with a step up provision if
the Debentures aren’t called after 10 years. These Debentures
rank senior only to share capital of the Company.
Perpetual capital instruments are a form of debt with equitylike features and provide several benefits to issuers. They allow a
better balancing of capital structure, enhance financial flexibility,
expand the choice of instruments that can be issued to access
debt markets and enable diversification in the investor base. For
investors, such instruments offer a higher return to compensate
for the highly complex nature and subordinated position.
Polo, Vento Drive Volkswagen’s Rising Sales
The Volkswagen brand sold 6185 vehicles in the month of May
2011, a growth of 244 percent over 1796 vehicles sold in May
2010. The Polo and the Vento continue to be the backbone for
the brand with a total of 5889 units sold in May 2011.
In fact, the recently launched Passat with BlueMotion
Technologies also saw an impressive response from customers
with 184 units sold last month.
Bank deposits rise 16.9% in 12 months to May
Credit offtake from banks grew by 22.5 pc to over Rs 40 lakh
crore during the one-year period ended May 20, 2011, indicating
an upswing in industrial activity. According to RBI data, credit
offtake in the period was Rs 40.73 lakh crore, as against Rs
33.26 lakh crore in the same period of the previous year.
Meanwhile, deposits went up to over Rs 54.68 lakh crore from
Rs 46.76 lakh crore as on May 21, 2010. This is a rise of over
16.9 pc on an annual basis. The RBI had said that credit is likely
to rise at a faster pace due to the economy’s growth momentum.
“Sustained growth momentum could... continue to exert pressure
on interest rates through high demand for credit,” it had said.
Regd. Office: 146, Takai Adoshi Road, Village - Dheku, Dist. - Raigad, Maharashtra.
(Rs. in Lacs)
Corresponding Current
Months Three Months Accounting
Year Ended
31/12/2010 31/03/2011 31/03/2010 31/03/2011
Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited
1. Net Sales/Income from Operations
2. Other Income
3. Total Income (1+2)
4. Expenditure
a. Increase/decrease in stock in
trade and work in progress
b. Consumption of raw materials
c. Purchase of trade goods
d. Employees cost
e. Depreciation
f. Other expenditure
g. Total Expenditure (a+b+c+d+e+f)
5. Interest
6. Exceptional items
7. Profit (+) / Loss (-) from Ordinary
Activities before tax (3) - (4g+5+6)
8. Tax expenses
9. Net Profit (+)/ Loss (-) from
Ordinary Activities after tax (7-8)
10. Extraordinary items (net of
tax expenses)
11. Net Profit (+) / Loss (-) for
the period (9-10)
12. Paid-up equity share capital
(Face Value of the Share Rs.10/-)
13. Reserves excluding Revaluation
Reserves as per balance sheet of
previous accounting year
14. Earnings Per Share (EPS)
a) Basic and diluted EPS before
Extraordinary items for the
period, for the year to date
and for the previous year
(not to be annualized)
b) Basic and diluted EPS after
Extraordinary items for
period, for the year to date
and for the previous year
(not to be annualised)
15. Public shareholding
- No. of Shares
3095053 3095053 3095053
- Percentage of Shareholding
Year Ended
Notes :
1. The above financial results have been taken on record by the Board of Directors at their
meeting held on 31st May, 2011.
2. The following is the position of the investor's complaint as at the end of this quarter :
(a) Pending at the beginning of the quarter - 3 (b) Received during the quarter - Nil
© Resolved during the quarter - 1 (d) Pending at the end of the quarter - 2.
3. Previous figures have been regrouped / rearranged wherever necessary.
For Shamrock Industrial Company Limited
Sd/Place : Mumbai
Kamlesh R. Khokhani
Date :31st May, 2011
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Irresponsible Sex
I went out with a Marine Engineer for some
time and we had sexual relations. I am now
pregnant. He had left for sailing without giving me his address immediately after our sexual contact, and I also don’t know anything
about his family, or how and where to contact
him. Even if we were to make contact somehow, I don’t think he will take up this responsibility because he had said that he does not
believe in marriage.
Dr. Rajan B. Bhonsle
M.D. (Bom) Consulting Sex Therapist & Counsellor
Dr. (Mrs.) Minnu R. Bhonsle
Ph.D. Consulting Psychotherapist & Counsellor
I am not going to sermonise, but you know
that you made an ‘irresponsible’ decision and
you are now going to have to deal with the
‘consequences’ of that decision.
You have limited options. Either to go for an
abortion (Medical termination of pregnancy),
be a single mother, or then have the baby and
give it up for adoption. It will be helpful to see
a counsellor to have more clarity before making any decision. Hopefully, this situation has
left you a lot wiser! You probably also have unresolved emotional issues, which led you to
make an irresponsible decision in the first
place. Seeing a counsellor will help you understand yourself better and heal any unresolved issues, so that you can live with more
Managing Temper
My boyfriend and I have been going out a little over a month. He says he really likes me,
and I really like him. He reminds me of my
older brother, has the same temper, and it
worries me cause my brother has an assault
charge, cause he hit his wife. How can I be
sure that he won’t hit me, if he loses his temper? Am I worrying over nothing, cause of the
memories that haunt me of my older
brother? He’s 19+ and I’m 18+.
Firstly, history need not repeat itself i.e. your
boyfriend need not behave like your brother as
they are two different persons, BUT, one must
learn from history and be aware i.e. see
whether your boyfriend expresses his anger in
socially acceptable ways or not. If there are
signs of verbal abuse or even a push or a
shove, then beware, this could be a sign for
things to come – put an end to it immediately
by asserting yourself with him; he must know
that you will not stand for this. However, if he
gets angry due to a difference of opinion, expresses it through words without humiliating
you and attacking your self-worth, and sorts
out the difference through communication,
then he is normal and there is nothing to be
concerned about. However, both of you are
still young, understand each other better before you get serious about the relationship.
Heart To Heart Counselling Centre,
10 Jerbai Baug, Byculla (E), Mumbai-27.
Tel: 23755866 / 23778624 / 22184528 /
Email: [email protected]
What the cards say:
Time for rest
Path: Seek harmony
and peace. Don’t feel
bound to do something. Relax
Ally: Taurus will help
you relax. Be wary of
Sagittarius who could
make you hyper active
Card for the week: Tarot key no. XII The
Hanged Man. Time to recharge and
surrender to the vagaries of time and
fate. Enjoy
What the cards
say: You could regret too much laziness which could
lead to loss or
negative response
Path: You need to
put in a little more
effort into work and
relationships. Listen and learn please.
Don’t be tolerant and generous
Ally: Libra will show you what partnership
or relationship is about. Give and take is
an important lesson for you. Too much luxury is not helpful. Be grounded
Card for the week: Tarot key no. XV The
Devil indicating the pollution that you
have collected in your, mind which is
making you negative
What the cards
say: You could win
an important relationship if you
stretch yourself
Path: Be humble
and genuinely caring. Don’t quibble
or be self justifying.
Ally: Leo will show you generosity. Avoid
morose Capricorn who will pull down
your spirits
Card for the week: Tarot key no. VIII
Strength. Highlights the need to be
strong and overcome weakness of
the ego. Rise above it and you will
What the cards say: Don’t
seek temporary solutions, delve deep and try
to know the real cause of
your problem
Path: Be fair and just
with people you relate to.
Don’t play the ego game.
Look and know
Ally: Virgo will show you objectivity.
Avoid Sagittarius who could fan your self
Card for the week: Tarot Key no. XIV Temperance shows need for balance and
healing and compromise
What the cards say: Be more relaxed
and easy
Path: Have faith. Put your
trust in God. Don’t be
motivated by pleasure
alone. Letting go will
ease your pain
Ally: Pisces will understand your emotions and
will give you warmth.
Avoid Gemini who could
be critical
Card for the week: Tarot
key no. II The High
Priestess. The card indicates the need to look
inwards and know yourself
What the cards say: Be as
objective as you can about
loved ones
Path: You have come a long
way …continue and gain ascendancy. Don’t worry.
Things are on the mend
Ally: Libra will give you
grounded advice
avoid Sagittarius
will confuse you with
new fangled ideas
Card for the week:
Tarot Key no. IV The
Emperor. Do not be
afraid of the storms.
They are to help you
gain all that you
have lost
What the cards say: Just let go of all your
Path: Acceptance is the only thing in your
hand. Have faith. You will be taken care
of. Don’t brood. Take an informed decision
Ally: Pisces will soothe you. Avoid Taurus.
They could be matter of fact
Card for the week:
Tarot key no. VIII
Strength. You
have more
strength and
courage than you
think. Access that
What the cards say: Admit any mistake
that you may have done
Path: Surrender your ego
and look at what is. This
will bring relief. Don’t
please try to prove another wrong to protect
Ally: The sign Libra who
will put you at ease. Be
careful of Cancer who
could make you more
Card for the week: Tarot
key XXI. Liberation from
your weaknesses and the
ego .You could achieve anything with
your power
What the cards say. Think deeply and
work things out
Path: Humility will bring out the best.
Don’t live on the surface
Ally: You need to look within at your devil
to know what weakness you are unable
to give up that is coming in the way of
your relationship
Card for the week: Tarot
key no XV The Devil. Face
your devil and he will wilt
What the cards say: Envy and jealousy
could cause you damage
Path: Find your own path. Don’t ape another. His/her reality may be different
Ally: Sensible Virgo will give you right advice. Avoid Scorpio who will misguide you
Card for the week: Tarot key no. XVI The
Tower. Break the Tower of ignorance and
ego. You will find
great joy
What the cards say: Find out whether you
know the truth
Path: Don’t take things for granted.
Don’t get fooled or used
Ally: Libra will help you. Avoid Cancer
who will misguide you
Card for the week: Tarot key no XIII
Death. Look at change that will transform your life
What the cards say: You will be rewarded
if you have a good motive
Path: Be empathetic and sincere not
conniving or calculating. Don’t de influenced by another who has his/her own
axe to grind
Ally: Aquarius who will understand. Avoid
Gemini or all your secrets will be out
Card for the week: Tarot
Key no. 0 The Fool. Be
like the Fool, simple and
generous. You will gain a
June 2-8
W nesda
For consultation and
Tarot workshop on Self
Development, Healing
and Meditation with
Dr. Roopa Patel, contact
Jumana on
[email protected]
Not your
ordinary dog!
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
What better way to express your love for your queen than treating her
Count me in too!
e all love being treated but hold back
when it comes to our little pets?
Reasons vary, from not trusting ingredients
in readymade treats, availability, and often,
the cost.
The best one can do in this situation;
make your own treats! They’re easy, fun,
inexpensive, and healthy. Whether to help
train your pet or just make them feel special,
these are sure to do the trick, every time!
Whole wheat flour: 2 and 1/2 cup
Salt: 1/2 tsp
Brown sugar: 1tsp
Egg: 1, beaten
Powdered dry milk: 1/2
Garlic powder: 1/2 tsp
Meat drippings: half cup Ice water
Preheat oven to 350 degrees C and lightly
grease a cookie sheet. Combine flour, milk,
salt, garlic powder and sugar. Cut in meat
drippings the until mixture resembles a corn
meal. Mix egg and add enough water for
the mixture to form a ball, using your
fingers, pat out the dough onto cookie
sheets, to half inch thickness. Cut with a
cookie cutter or knife and remove the
scraps, which can be formed in a dough
again and baked. Bake for 25-30 minutes.
Remove from tray and cool. Ready to serve.
Stylish, elegant and sometimes fussy, they
want royal treatment 24/7. What better way
to express your love, than cooking
something, especially for your queen.
Whole wheat flour: 1/2 cup
Non-fat powdered milk: 1/2 cup
Canned tuna or chopped chicken (cooked):
½ cup
Vegetable oil or cod liver oil: 1 Tbs
Egg yolk: 1, beaten
Water: 1/4 cup
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
C and grease the cookie sheets lightly. In a
large bowl, mash the tuna (or chicken) into
smaller pieces, add flour, milk and mix well.
Pour water and oil, mix it again and beat the
egg in a separate dish and add to mix. Mix well.
This dough mix will be sticky, so don’t worry.
Shape dough into small bite-size balls, and
place on greased cookie sheets, flatten the
balls with your hands. Bake it for 10 minutes.
Remove treats from oven, wait five minutes
and flip them so that the other side will cook.
Bake for 10 more minutes or until its
golden brown in color.
Kalen Vaz with his pet Labrador and best friend, Rex, who he fondly calls a chocolate trouble maker
Dog Is A Man's Best Friend"
Yeah! Right! I'd rather say my
dog is my best enemy. Although, yes, he is handsome and he
acts like a model sometimes. I don't
know why... my guess is he’s trying to
show off his modeling style. I'm not
going say it feels like yesterday that we
got him, cause, well its been a year really.. When I first went to meet Rex, I
wasn't so excited, because there were so
many thoughts running in my head,
how is this going to affect my mum, will
he wake me up in the middle of the night
for a leak, or is he going to destroy my
bedroom, the moment he arrives. So
many questions simply
gave me a head ache, the
first thing I did when I
saw him run out of his
house to greet us, was simply smile.
Think about it, you're seeing your friend
after a long time and you just smile, if
you're coming back from a long trip and
your parents are at the airport to take
you home. You smile in happiness, because you know the feeling, that they are
there to receive you. I smiled, because I
knew, that this chocolate trouble maker
is going be a part of my family.
Do you know the first thing he did instead of barking at me, was go and actually hug one of my friends, which
doesn't happen a lot and he was
merely happy because instead of his tail
wagging sideways it was going round
and round, and he was excited about
seeing us, Rex isn't what you’d call a
regular dog, he's somewhat the opposite. He is a loveable brown-eyed beast,
yes brown-eyed. He loves to go for long
walks & he loves to sleep. As far as his
eating habits are concerned, if you
think he will settle for normal dog food
- no way - he wants to eat chappatis and
bhaji from my Mum's hand like a little
child. Breakfast in the morning is a
packet of glucose biscuits, do you think
he will eat them if fed, no - you have to
be polite, say please, tell him he is special, we love him and there is no one
like him, then yes he will
take his first biscuit.
Speaking of dog's instincts towards people,
we were scared to let Papa take Rex for a
walk, cause sometimes when he see
other dogs he goes berserk and starts
pulling, since my father is old and cannot walk properly himself we kept explained to Rex, not to pull away and to
walk slowly. The beauty of their relationship is, he is so gentle with my father, that we are amazed at how a dog
can understand. Dogs no matter how
small or big, their colour, when you
adopt them, become a part of your family so just give them alot of love cause
they deserve it.
—Kalen Vaz
—Avinash Koska
Be a responsible pet parent
I have a four-month-old
German Shepherd puppy. I
have tried teaching him
basic things like ‘heel’, ‘sit’,
‘jump’ etc. Though he
seems to be understanding
while I am teaching him,
and repeats it a couple of
times, he refuses to listen
to my commands, when I
ask him to, say ‘heel’, in general. Is he too
small to remember it at all or am I not training him properly?
— Shashank Pai
Hey Shashank,
It is good to know that you as a responsible
pet parent and have taken up the onus of
training your German Shepherd puppy yourself for basic obedience commands, which
will not only enhance the bond
between you and your puppy,
but would also turn him into an
obedient dog. For starters, yes,
your puppy is young, but this is the right age
to discipline him, although a lot depends, on
the kind of technique you have incorporated,
to teach him to heel. Very often, once a
puppy has a concrete idea of a command,
owners tend to forget to positively reinforce
the dog, either with verbal praise or in the
Who’s the boss?
form of toys or food. Also continue to practice on a daily basis, keep training sessions
short and end them with either a play session, treats or grooming him with a brush.
Also if your puppy is not obeying your commands during a training session, even after
repeated attempts, its best to ignore him for
a while and end the session. It’s
best not to use the choke chain
method to teach him to heel, as
you may end up gagging him. Instead one of the methods that you could use,
is a toy, to get his attention to walk closer to
you and remember to always praise him
when he does.
— Malaika Fernandes,
grooms and trains pets for Walk Romeo
[email protected]
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Each colour in our code
represents a letter.
When you have cracked the
code you will be able to
make up seven words.
The clue to first word is
given to help you get
8 Twice the man when given a beating? (3-3)
9 The fellow is not practical (8)
10 Abandoned flapper in an extreme
position (4,4)
11 Heavy vehicle packed in a cardboard box (6)
12 See a quarter in the game and
some monstrous goings-on here
13 We hear men on board making
plans (6)
14 Before a fight, what a boxer will do
at the entrance,say (5,2)
17 Uni's ego in turmoil of volcanic origins (7)
20 One cut out to become a Greenie
22 Oz with fruity environment?
Cheers! (8)
25 Processed heroin available at a
price (2,4)
26 Hardly a capital ship, but it has
great manpower (3,2,3)
27 Hamlet on stirred wood spirit (8)
28 Sound intake Edward worked to
get (6)
1 Sweet heart who finds romance
finished (5,3)
2 What a sprinter can get and knitter
drop (6)
3 I (me) hold child's clothing to catch
spills and drink (6)
4 Gutsy "dish" - "hot" or "witchy"? (7)
5 Look at cur from monitoring organisation (8)
6 For carrying one's clothes on a
motor-bike? (4,4)
7 Complete outfit for touring around,
but not the north (3-3)
15 That's the difference between a
Western baddy and a hero (3,5)
16 Finally need hint perhaps to solve
The Clue: Not worth much!
this clue (2,3,3)
18 A pun she'd bungled when not put
into form (8)
19 Pieces of improperly lit tachometer
returned with malice (7)
21 Resort of a hundred girls (6)
23 Substitute support for girl meeting
a member (3,3)
24 Said to have enough money for a
Falcon (6)
ACROSS: 8 Flambeau, 9 Anyhow, 10 Put out, 11 Pit-props, 12 Defiance, 13 Basket,
14 Have what it takes, 18 Vestal, 20 Loch Ness, 23 Microbes, 24 Retrod, 25
Bionic, 26 Icebound.
DOWN : 1 Allude, 2 Impolite, 3 Menton, 4 Rumplestiltskin, 5 Wait-a-bit, 6 Cyprus,
7 Codpiece, 15 Age limit, 16 Halfback, 17 Agnation, 19 Throng, 21 Carver, 22
1 Puts in tins (4)
5 Mormon state of the US (4)
6 Fire stirrer (5)
8 Danger (5)
10 Parlor piece (5)
12 Festival (4)
13 Wear away (4)
The goal of Math Pyramid is to fill
the given pyramid with numbers
such that the following three rules
are satisfied.
1. A cell value must be sum or
difference of the two cells below
2. A row cannot have duplicate
3. A number cannot be less than 1
or more than the grid size
1 Recipe measure (3)
2 On the summit (4)
3 Unclothed or bare (5)
4 Law officer (7)
7 This may flow for many
miles (5)
9 Toward the end (4)
11 Surfer's milieu (3)
The goal of Hidato is to fill the grid with consecutive numbers that connect horizontally, vertically,
or diagonally from first to the last number in the grid. The first and last numbers of a puzzle and
a some other numbers are already filled in.
Place numbers into the puzzle cells in such a way that each row and column contains each of the
digits from 1 up to the size of the puzzle (4,5 or 6). Like a Sudoku puzzle, no number is repeated
in any row or column. Each bold-outlined group of cells contains a hint consisting of a number and
one of the mathematical symbols + x - /. The number is the result of applying the mathematical
operation represented by the symbol to the digits contained within the domain. The solution to each
puzzle is arrived at logically and is unique.
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
MOON: Taurus
TITHI: 1st Jyesht Shuklapaksha
RASHI: Vrishubh (Taurus) B.V.U.
prosperous year lies ahead for you. A setting up of an independent venture for the
employed is sure to prove successful. If
living in a joint family, there could be misunderstanding with elders. Avoid getting
involved in domestic issues, in the interest of mutual happiness. Youngsters setting out on their own are likely to meet
many interesting people. A strong romantic attachment this year proves exciting.
BABIES BORN TODAY: Slim, attractive,
well built shoulders and striking eyes.
Short- tempered, stubborn and gullible.
Will be emotional, sensitive, healthy and
long-lived. Can be impulsive with money
occasionally. A career in export, design or
advertising would lead to gains.
Jagjit Uppal
ARIES (March 21 - April 20): Not only will you recover your dues, but
also you are likely to gain from unexpected sources, helping build a
strong foundation for your business. Sometimes it is essential to
sacrifice small comforts and give in to the wishes of the elderly or
those dependent on you so that an atmosphere of harmony prevails in
the family.
TAURUS (April 21 - May 20): Boredom or stagnation where work is
concerned is overpowering. This may be upsetting especially since
you like things new and challenging. You will have to focus on work
if you wish to meet deadlines. Try to reorganize yourself and try a new
approach. To maintain peace at home avoid any arguments which can
lead to conflict and end in a quarrel.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): You may have accepted extra responsibilities that are now interfering in your routine work. There is no
harm in getting out of this mess by accepting your mistake and withdrawing. You will make plans for a journey on work. This will be a
profitable and an exciting experience.
CANCER (June 21 - July 21): At work you may feel a bit bored with
the routine. While there are chances of a change it would be better
to wait awhile for there are excellent chances of your landing a job
that will be more interesting. In the meantime continue with sincerity and diligence. Your moods could affect harmony at home.
LEO (July 22 - August 21): You will have to really pursue a payment
you have been expecting for long. It may be essential to muster all
your resources, as expenses are also likely to mount. Plans for travel
will proceed smoothly. You will be busy attending to last minute details before you leave.
VIRGO (August 22 - September 21): An interesting proposal from
an out-of- town may make you consider making a trip. Wait until you
receive a more concrete offer. Your attitude may puzzle a person
who is ardently drawn to you. Perhaps it has not struck you at all. Discreet damage control is needed.
LIBRA (September 22 - October 22): Stick to your routine work for
a loss is likely in fresh ventures. You should hold on to your money,
which may be required for contingencies. it is no use getting anxious and agitated about an event over which you have no control. Patience and past experience will help in solving your problems.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21): Don’t get tempted to speculate or get involved in quick profit schemes. You can make handsome profits from your regular work. Personal relationships could
be strained because of lack of time. A close friend or relative could
mediate and ease the tension.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 20): You will be toying with
some new ideas to incorporate into your work. Go slow in your new
methods and without disturbing your regular schedule. Your routine
work tends to get neglected for you could be involved in too many
things all at the same time.
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 19): Financially it can work
out to be profitable day provided you cash in on a tip you receive
from an acquaintance. You are good at what you do; you will be given
an important task that will raise your stock in the organization. It
must be your endeavor to succeed at any cost. Try not to be judgmental but be good someone who may need your help and support today at work.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18): Any applications made today
will bring a favorable response. Students will do very well in their
Tests and interviews. Whatever you do may not bring about immediate rewards but if you keep on going with sincerity your efforts are
bound to bring adequate results later.
PISCES (February 19 - March 20): Work done earlier brings gains.
Look at new areas where you can increase the scope of work. Expand
your horizons. Meet new people. Be more assertive in your approach
to people. Do not be apprehensive of what others will think of you.
4 An object marked to shoot at (6)
7 In a friendly way (8)
8 Disregard or omit or overlook? (4,2)
10 _____ upon: begin? (5)
13 Zone marked out for some work, as in
the green ____ (4)
14 The tiny fertilized egg from a female
plant from which a new plant will
grow (4)
15 Quick or speedy (4)
16 British Empire Medal (3)
17 Mardi ___ : merry making on Shrove
Tuesday? (4)
19 An astringent (4)
21 Exposed to or affected by natural elements (9)
23 Record (4)
24 ... or ____ : should this be construed
as a threat? (4)
26 A plane with engines that suck in air
at the front and push it out in a hot
stream behind them (3)
27 Propels a boat, rows (4)
29 Nonsense or rubbish (slang usage) (4)
32 Male offsprings (4)
33 Bollywood's Reshma Aur ___ (5)
34 "Ran bid" anagram for ribbon used in
awards? (6)
35 Increases attractiveness or other qualities of (8)
36 Evergreen coniferous trees - "scared"
anagram? (6)
1 Founds or establishes? (5)
2 Fencing position (5)
3 Moser ____ : They manufacture optical
media (4)
4 Does a secretary's job in the office? (5)
5 A fungus; a corrosion (4)
6 A symbol of something (6)
9 Places for sacrifice (6)
11 Bird's bill (3)
12 Borders (5)
13 They bat like hurricanes? (7)
15 Obese (3)
16 A flower not developed completely (3)
Sudoku is a number
placing puzzle based on
a 9x9 grid such several
given numbers.To solve
a Sudoku puzzle, every
digit from 1 to 9 must
appear in each of the
nine vertical columns, in
each of the nine
horizontal rows and in
each of the nine boxes.
Difficulty Level CRYPTOQUIP
Today’s clue: E equals B
The Cryptoquip is a substitution cipher in which one letter stands for another.
18 Animal of North America (6)
20 Blood-sucker (5)
21 Nit - ___ : a stupid person? (3)
22 Electronic Library Sys. (3)
23 A death; a transfer of an estate by
lease or will (6)
25 Elongated fish (3)
28 South American mountains (5)
30 Extend (5)
31 Monetary unit of India (5)
32 It's a long story (4)
33 Steep rock - blemish (4)
ACROSS: 1 Batten, 5 BCA, 8 Roar, 9 Pend, 10 Past it, 11 Karnataka, 13 Dial, 15
Tex, 16 Navel, 17 Lisle, 20 Hip, 22 Mho, 23 Soaps, 24 Dubai, 26 Wet, 27 Mlii, 28
Wonderful, 31 Robots, 32 Brie, 33 Teed, 34 Due, 35 Dinghy.
DOWN: 1 Bipeds, 2 Tasmania, 3 Erik, 4 Notated, 5 Bronx, 6 A pat, 7 One kilo, 12
Rel, 14 Lapp, 18 Imam, 19 Shillong, 20 Honours, 21 Sutured, 24 Def, 25 Pigsty,
26 Write, 29 Deed, 30 Lodi.
To solve an
Irregular Sudoku
puzzle, every digit
must appear once
Each of the
vertical columns
Each of the
horizontal rows
Each of the
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
R Q D E N ,
Q D N .
YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION: It is better to be quotable than to be honest
How many words of four or more letters can you make from the letters shown in
today’s puzzle? In making a word, each letter may be used once only. Each word
must contain the letter at the top of the pyramid. There should be at least one nine
letter word. Plurals, foreign words and proper names are not allowed.
Today’s ratings: 33 average; 36 good; 40 outstanding.
YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION: ensign, ensuing, ensuring, genius, gent, genus, girt, gist,
gnus, grin, grist, grit, grunt, guest, guise, gunner, gust, ingest, INSURGENT, nesting,
nursing, reign, renting, resign, resting, ring, ruing, rung, rusting, sign, signer,
signet, sing, singe, singer, snug, sting, stinger, string, strung, stung, suing, sung,
surge, tensing, tiger, tinge, tuning, turning, unstring, urge, urgent, using.
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Brasa seeks return
as Indian coach
By Mona Parthsarathi
EW DELHI:With Hockey India deciding
to hire a foreign expert for the national
team yet again, former coach Jose Brasa has
expressed his desire to return back to the
country, saying he is open to an offer if it
comes his way.
"I am open to returning back. Indian team
is very good and I understand the players
very well. So far, I have not received any offer
from India but if I get any, I will come back
for sure. I will be very happy to be with the
Indian team again," Brasa told PTI Bhasha
from Madrid.
Hockey India (HI) yesterday decided to
form a five-member committee to look for a
foreign expert for the Indian team. During
the coaching and development committee
meeting of HI to review the team's shoddy
performance at last month's Azlan Shah
championship, the association decided to
scout for a foreign expert within 15 days
ahead of important tournaments like the
Champions Trophy and the Olympic qualifiers at home.
The need for a foreign coach emerged yet
again after the national team finished a lowly
sixth out of seven teams in Azlan Shah meet
in Ipoh, Malaysia.
OME: Former Italy striker Giuseppe
Signori was among 16 people arrested
for match-fixing in a co-ordinated sting
by Italian police today, Italian news agency
Ansa reported.
Amongst those targeted were ex Serie A
players and current players from both Serie
B and Serie C as well as club directors from
the lower leagues.
The investigation was led by the mobile
squad from Cremona but also included help
from police forces from a dozen other towns,
including Rome, Naples and Turin.
Magistrates in Cremona issued seven
arrest warrants and nine orders for
detention under house arrest, of which
Signori's was one of the latter.
Amongst those arrested were also
employees of betting shops, while the
investigation concerns around 30 people in
total. Those arrested formed part of a
criminal organisation, according to Ansa, in
which everyone had a specific role with the
view to manipulating matches in their favour.
URICH: FIFA president Sepp
Blatter was re-elected head of
world football yesterday, vowing
to clean up the body's tarnished
image following a series of explosive corruption allegations.
Blatter, 75, was given a free run
at another four-year term following the withdrawal on Sunday of
Asian football chief Mohamed
bin Hammam, who was later suspended amid claims he tried to
bribe voters with cash-filled envelopes.
Delegates at FIFA's 61st congress returned Blatter by a landslide of 186 votes out of 203 after
an 11th-hour call for a postpone-
ment of the election by England's
Football Association ended in a
crushing defeat.
"We will put FIFA's ship back
onto the right course in clear,
transparent waters," Blatter said
after clinching victory.
"We will need some time but
we shall do it. Our pyramid is
strong because the foundation is
Blatter, who took over FIFA in
1998, has faced widespread calls
for reform following allegations
of sleaze surrounding the bidding for the 2018 and 2022 World
Cups, awarded to Russia and
Several key FIFA sponsors had
joined forces on Tuesday to call
on Blatter to reform the organisation, voicing concern about
the damage being done to the
image of football by the wave of
negative headlines.
Earlier Blatter pledged to initiate radical reforms including an
overhaul of the way in which future World Cup hosts were chosen.
Blatter said tournament hosts
would in future be picked by all
208 FIFA members, rather than
the 24-strong executive committee which has awarded hosting
rights in the past.
Salgaocar extends Bencherifa's
contract till 2013
ARGAO: Salgaocar coach
Karim Bencherifa has been
rewarded for taking the side to
their maiden I-League title with a
two-year extension of his contract
till 2013, the club president said.
Salgaocar President Shivanand
Salgaocar said besides the experienced Moroccan coach most of
the I-League title-winning players
will be retained. "We will build on
this core team by plugging in the
gaps to provide a more balanced
side with adequate bench strength
to meet the future challenges especially the AFC competitions,"
the club president said.
"We have also extended the
contract of Bencherifa for two
years till 2013," he said.
Shivanand was all praise for
Bencherifa for his ability to motivate youngsters to perform well.
"Young guns Gilbert Oliveira, Cajetan Fernandes, Anthony Barboza and Francis Fernandes have
been the finds of the season.
Bencherifa has been able motivate the players to give their
best," said Shivanand.
Bencherifa, on his part, said
that the I-League triumph by his
team is the "sweetest" of his career
so far as it came= with a young
and inexperienced team.
The Moroccan, who guided
team to the national title after a gap
of 12 years, said, "I won many trophies whether with Churchill
brothers or Mohun Bagan but the
I-League triumph is the sweetest as
it comes after a long hard season."
The suspects managed to fix certain
results through verbal agreements and
payments. The investigation was launched
six months ago and investigators used a
match in Cremona to try to determine who
was behind the organisation.
Signori, now 43, was one of Italy's top
strikers in the 1990s and was top scorer in
Serie A three times with Lazio, with whom
he won the Italian Cup once. He is the
eighth highest scorer of all-time in Serie A
with 188 goals.
He made his name with Foggia under
Zdenek Zeman in what became known as
the miracle of Foggia.
He was part of an attacking triumvirate,
alongside Ciccio Baiano and Roberto
Rambaudi, who were the focal point of
Foggia's attacking style under Zeman.
Mohun Bagan signs Odafe for
record Rs 2 crore one-year deal
Mohun Bagan club
Managing Director
Anjan Mitra claps after
handing over the club
jersey to footballer
Odafe Onyeka Okolie.
OLKATA: Mohun Bagan today
signed prolific Nigerian striker
Odafe Onyeka Okolie for a record
rupees two crore one-year contract, the highest ever deal in Indian football history.
Odafe, who was already the highest paid footballer in the I-League
with rupees one crore plus a year
salary with Churchill Brothers, was
today unveiled by Mohun Bagan at
the club tent.
Mohun Bagan did not disclose
the exact sum offered to the Nigerian hitman but sources said he will
get rupees 1.6 crore as salary and
another Rs 30,000-40,000 will be
spent by the club on other perks,
including on rent for his flat.
Odafe was the top scorer in the
first three I-League editions but
ended second this season with 25
goals behind Dempo striker Ranti
Martins who netted 30.
Odafe was instrumental in
Churchill Brothers' I-League title
win in the second edition (2008-09)
and he became the most sought
after striker in Indian club football.
He joined Churchill Brothers in
2005 and with them won Durand
Cup twice (2007 and 2009) and IFA
Shield in 2009, besides the I-League
crown. He was retained by Churchill
Brothers for a reported rupees one
crore annual salary for the 2009-10
season. Last year, he reportedly rejected a Rs one crore plus offer from
Mohun Bagan to remain with
Churchill on an increased pay said
to be around Rs 1.25 crore.
For Mohun Bagan, who were
eyeing Odafe for the last five years,
the Nigerian was the biggest catch
for the club which finished sixth at
the I-League table.
Odafe's return to Kolkata after
first playing here for Mohammedan Sporting in 2001-02
season, was facilitated by fellow
Nigerian Chima Okorie, who was
also present during the unveiling.
Addressing a press conference,
Mohun Bagan General Secretary
Anjan Mitra termed Odafe's signing
as a great day in the club history.
Xavier’s brace helps HAL down
Dempo to avert relegation
MARGAO: Xavier Vijay
Kumar's second half brace
guided Bangalore HAL to a
convincing 4-2 victory over
Dempo Sports Club to save
themselves from relegation
in the final match of the ILeague at Nehru Stadium.
Xavier Vijay Kumar
scored in the 51st and
68th minutes while R C
Prakash and J Murali found
the Dempo net in the 10th
and 88th minutes.
For Dempo, the last
edition winners, Ranty
Martins scored twice -- in
the 25th and 41st minutes
-- to take his tally of goals
to 30 and win the Golden
Boot award.
With today's win, HAL
took their tally to 24 points
from 26 matches, the
same as Air India, ONGC
and JCT. With the head-tohead results counting when teams are tied on equal
points, Air India and HAL ended at 11th and 12th
respectively in the 14-team league and thus saved
from relegation. ONGC and JCT, who have the lowest
head to head points among the four bottom placed
teams, were relegated.
London 2012 to grant ranking points
PARIS: Ranking points will be awarded at the London
Olympics tennis tournament to ensure the highest
number of top players take part in an event
sandwiched into a crowded schedule, it was
It will be the fourth successive Olympics that points
will be given, the International Tennis Federation and
the ATP said in a joint statement.
As a result of the agreement, the International
Olympic Committee (IOC) will allow nations to receive
up to four entries into the men's singles and two
entries into the men's doubles, with a maximum
number of six men per country on-site.
The remainder of the places will be awarded on a
geographical and invitational basis. The women's
singles event will also offer ranking points.
Sports scribes gather for SJFI meet
PUNE: A large group of sports journalists from across
the country will be participating in various events at
the 35th National Convention of the Sports
Journalists' Federation of India (SJFI), which started
here yesterday.
Apart from cricket, table tennis, football, golf and
basketball are slated to be organised in the five-day
meet. The sports event are to take place at the P Y C
Hindu Gymkhana (cricket), Pune Football Club at
Balewadi and Oxford Golf & Country Club. The A C
Bali Table Tennis Tournament will be held at the
Deccan Gymkhana.
The J K Bose Twenty20 cricket tournament was
inaugurated by cricket legend Chandu Borde.
President of Federation of Motor Sports Clubs of
India, Vicky Chandokh will inaugurate the convention.
Mission redemption for
Fletcher in West Indies
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
By Ashish Shukla
England played 175 one-day internationals and won only 75 with a winning percentage of 47.47. Most of these wins also
included matches against Zimbabwe,
Bangladesh, Namibia and the Netherlands.
There is no such issue in Tests though
where England won 42 of the 96 matches
under Fletcher, including the Ashes triumph of 2005 which secured the Zimbabwean's reputation.
Fletcher had then bemoaned the lack
of contribution from team's number 9,
10 and 11 batsmen for England's failure
and this perhaps was the thinking which
led him to fiddle with the batting order
all too often. Even though Fletcher's real
test would be later this summer in England, he can't afford to start on the wrong
foot and emboss further his poor reputation as a one-day strategist.
ORT OF SPAIN (Trinidad) : His first
assignment as India's cricket coach
is also a redemption mission for
Duncan Fletcher as it was in the West Indies four years ago that he last left as
head coach of a national side.
Fletched resigned from his England post
after a horrible run in the 2007 World Cup
in the Caribbean. It added to the bitterness
of losing the ICC Champions Trophy finals
to the West Indies in 2004; the 2003 World
Cup loss to Australia at Port Elizabeth and
the Natwest series final where India
hunted down 325 runs to win in 2002.
Even as recent as in the 2011 World Cup
in India, Fletcher, as a consultant to the
side, couldn't help South Africa progress to
the semifinals. While Fletcher was coach,
Pargat calls for national game code on hockey
EW DELHI: Former India hockey
captain Pargat Singh called on the
government to form a "National Game
Code" on the lines of National Emblem
and National Anthem to pull the game
out of the present "confused" state of affairs. Pargat asked the government to
prepare a 100-day action plan, which will
envisage a debate on hockey's status by
the parliamentarians in the Lok Sabha, a
media aided "Save Hockey" campaign
and a hockey conclave.
"Hockey India, Indian Hockey Federation and the Sports Ministry made
hockey look like football. Nobody is willing to take responsibility, everyone is
passing on the buck. So my demand is a
National Code for hockey," Pargat told
reporters here today. "There is a code of
conduct for the National Anthem, National Flag and National Emblem. If anyone breaks them, the government can
punish the offenders.
"Till date, my proposals tabled in December last year haven't been implemented. There is total chaos in the whole
system. I still don't know whether we will
get a foreign coach or an advisor. Time is
too short but I will try my level best," the
former captain told reporters here, today.
"While searching for a candidate, we
also have to keep in mind that a coach
should suit to our system and have a
good understanding of our system," Pargat added.
The need for a foreign coach has
emerged yet again in Indian hockey after
the national team finished a lowly sixth
out of seven teams in last month's Azlan
Shah Cup in Ipoh, Malaysia.
But with almost all the best coaches of
the world already engaged, it will be a
herculean task for Pargat and Co to find a
suitable candidate who can guide India
in the London Olympic qualifiers, which
is less than a year away.
Asked if they have any thoughts of
bringing back Spaniard Jose Brasa,
whose contract expired after the Asian
Games, Pargat said, "It is still not in our
minds. Under him the team has performed well and consistently. But if situation demands we will discuss his
He also rued the absence of a coaching
structure in the country and said with
the present set up it will be difficult for
the eight-time champions to qualify for
the London Olympics.
"There is no coaching mechanism in
our country. With this set up I don't think
we will ever qualify for Olympics. It will
be very challenging but with minor
changes we can qualify," Pargat insisted.
WIPA congratulates
Gayle and co for
superb show in IPL
PORT OF SPAIN: Cold-shouldered by
the West Indies Cricket Board for the
first two ODIs, Chris Gayle has found
support from the players' association
which congratulated the dashing
opener for his exploits in the recently
concluded Indian Premier League.
The West Indies Players
Association (WIPA) sent
congratulatory messages to Gayle,
Jerome Taylor, Kieron Pollard and
Dwayne Bravo, for their impressive
performance in the cash-rich
Twenty20 league.
The special mention was
obviously reserved for Gayle, who
emerged as the top-scorer with a
whopping 608 runs - including two
centuries - and adjudged Player of
the Tournament.
"Gayle's participation was
particularly noteworthy since he was
a latecomer to the tournament, but
ended it by powering his team to the
finals," 'Jamaica Gleaner' quoted a
WIPA media release.
IOC pick up maiden title
BHOPAL: Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) won its maiden
title in the 65th All-India Obaidullah Gold Cup Hockey
Tournament being played at the Aishbagh Stadium
here by defeating BPCL 3-2 in a closely contested final
last evening.
Captain Deepak Thakur opened IOC's account in
the 12th minute through a brilliant field goal to take a
1-0 lead for his team.
Seven minutes later, forward Ramandeep Singh of
IOC again scored a brilliant field goal taking a lead
of 2-0. Defender V R Raghunath of IOC converted a
penalty corner in the 23rd minute to further
consolidate the lead to 3-0. At the breather, IOC led
However, in the second half, BPCL players played
some aggressive hockey and hit two goals in the last
12 minutes of the play.
WORLD RECORD: Jamaica's Veronica Campbell-Brown poses beside the board indicating that she set a new World Best over the 100 yards distance at
the Golden Spike Athletic meeting in Ostrava, Czech Republic.
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Ranatunga launches
scathing attack on BCCI, IPL
scathing attack on
the BCCI, former Sri
Lanka captain Arjuna
Ranatunga said the Indian Board's financial
might has turned the
ICC into a "toothless
tiger" and called the IPL
a "monster" that will
destroy international
Ranatunga, who led
Sri Lanka to the 1996 World Cup triumph,
said the ICC has become a body which is
constantly under the BCCI's pressure.
"The ICC's job is to protect the game. They
don't have to favour anyone. The game has
been nurtured by honourable men of the ICC
for decades, but at present, ICC looks to be
under the thumb of India," Ranatunga told
'The Island.'
"Not too long ago we had individuals like
Malcolm Speed, Eshan Mani and Malcolm
Grey who stood against India. But the current
ICC is weak and they simply give in. The ICC
is becoming a toothless tiger," he said.
Afridi lets fly at Alam
ARACHI: Former Pakistan captain
Shahid Afridi has launched a scathing
counter-attack on team manager Intikhab Alam terming him a hypocrite.
Afridi made no bones about the fact
that Intikhab has been giving different
versions to different people. "I don't
know what he has written but Intikhab
should be honest enough to say all
those things he has told me about
Waqar. He tells me something, agrees
with me on certain issues and then says
something else to the board. It is very
unfortunate," Afridi has been reportedly
quoted as saying by some of the leading
news channels of the country.
Referring to the report that Intikhab
sent to PCB on the Waqar-Afridi spat,
the former skipper said that he would
want to have a look at the report.
"I don't know what report they are
talking about on the basis of which they
say they stripped me off captaincy. My
question is that, if I had committed indiscipline, why was I than picked as a
player for the Ireland series. Based on
disciplinary grounds, I should have
been dropped," he counter-questioned.
The all-rounder also hinted about
possible corruption issues in the national team.
Asked pointedly by a scribe that
whether he had retired because of reports of corruption within the team,
Afridi thought for a moment and then
responded: "That is an issue on which I
don't want to make comments about
right now. But it is an issue."
Butt unaffected by Afridi retirement
AHORE: A defiant Pakistan Cricket Board
chairman Ijaz Butt today said he is not affected by Shahid Afridi's decision to quit the
game till the time he was incharge of the PCB
and insisted that the temperamental player
will have to explain his shock retirement.
"(Do it immediately) Sau Bismillah to him
if he does not want to play under my Chairmanship," Butt told the media when asked to
comment on Afridi's remarks that he would
not play under the present cricket set-up.
A stubborn-looking Butt made it clear
that Afridi had violated several clauses of
his code of conduct not for the first time in
recent times.
EXULTING: Li Na of China rejoices
after her hardfought win over
Victoria Azarenka.
ARIS: Li Na became the first Chinese
player to reach a French Open semifinal with an upset 7-5, 6-2 win over
fourth seed Victoria Azarenka of Belarus
Maria Sharapova returned to the semifinals of a Grand Slam tournament for the
first time in more than three years, cruising
past Andrea Petkovic 6-0, 6-3.
Sharapova had little trouble against
Petkovic, a German who lost in the Australian Open quarterfinals. Sharapova won
the opening eight games and overcame two
SMASH HIT: Victoria Azarenka
unleashes a smash in the course of
her loss to Li Na.
breaks to take the second set.
She now stands just one match away
from a second straight Grand Slam final,
having lost to Kim Clijsters in the Australian
Open championship match at the start of
the year.
On that occasion she was the first Chinese player to have reached the final of a
Grand Slam event.
The 29-year-old Li, seeded sixth on her
fifth appearance at Roland Garros, will play
Russian seventh seed Maria Sharapova on
Thursday for a place in Saturday's final.
Azarenka, the highest-ranking and, at 21,
the youngest player left in the tournament,
procured the first break of the match in the
third game, but she gave that back immediately with a poor service game that ended
in a double fault.
Li, who converted to tennis as a nineyear-old after an early grounding in badminton, saved two break points in a
marathon seventh game before finally taking a 4-3 lead.
The Belarusian was being made to work
hard by her Chinese opponent who varied
her shots to great effect in order to pull
Azarenka away from the baseline where she
was able to dominate with her heavier hitting. Those tactics worked a treat in the 12th
game when she twice wrong-footed the
fourth-seed to get to 0-40 and then clinched
the set with a rasping backhand crosscourt
The second set opened in identical fashion to the first with Azarenka breaking in
the third game to take a 2-1 lead only for Li
to hit back immediately with a break of her
The Chinese player was clearly the
quicker about the court of the two players
and it was footwork again that let down
Azarenka in the sixth game with two unforced errors setting up a break point which
Li took with a forehand passing shot down
the line.
The sixth seed held serve to zero as
Azarenka's confidence fell away and she
finished her off in the next game, converting her third match point when the Belarusian hit a backhand wide.
Five-time French Open champion Rafael
Nadal faces two-time finalist Robin Soderling in the quarterfinals Wednesday and
Andy Murray meets Juan Ignacio Chela.
Afternoon Despatch & Courier THURSDAY,
JUNE 2, 2011
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