
After oo
Regd. No. MH/MR/South-160/2009-11 RNI Regn. No. 43675/85 MUMBAI THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 2011
To get ADC on your mobile, type wap.afternoondc.in or m.afternoondc.in or mobile.afternoondc.in
By Vishnudas Sheshrao
he Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation
(BMC) is the parent organisation of the
Brihanmumbai Electricity Supply and
Transport (BEST) company, which provides
electricity to the city and advises people to go
green by using solar energy during regular
business hours. Shockingly, it has neither a solar
energy system in place, nor a simple battery back
up in case electricity supply goes off.
On Wednesday evening, electricity supply to all
departments at the BMC headquarters, including
the old building and the administrative building
went-off during working hours, for about one and a
quarter hour.
Consequently, everything came to a stand still in
the civic body after all the computers were shut
down. All officials and employees went about
searching for old candles preserved in drawers and
lockers. It was third incident of electricity supply
conking off in the last six months.
Beleaguered civic officials and public
representatives, committee chairman of various
bodies including Standing Committee Chairman,
Rahul Shewale, were seen working in candle light.
Interestingly, only the Mayor, the Municipal
Commissioner and the Additional Municipal
Commissioner’s cabins have back up power
apparatus. The rest of the building, including
chambers of various committee chairmen, Joint
Municipal Commissioner, Deputy Municipal
Commissioner and other heads of the
departments were functioning mostly in the dark.
Rahul Shewale commented, “I am surprised with
the electricity supply problem in an organisation
that supplies electricity to the city. It is the second
incident in recent times. The BMC is Asia’s richest
civic body and money is not a constraint for
He was surprised to learn that the Additional
Municipal Commissioner’s cabin located right
beside his, had power back up, while he was in the
dark. He said, “This is worse.”
Civic officials stated, “There was a minor
problem in the substation. Electrical engineers
from the BEST sorted it out and restored supply.”
: 71%
Woman’s World Pg13-20
Sushil Kadam | ADC
[email protected]
By Asadullah Hanfi
he Ishrat Jahan fake encounter
case took an interesting turn on
Tuesday with a group of tainted
Gujarat cops seeking CBI probe.
The step has amused the petitioners seeking justice for the nineteen
year old college student from
A group of fourteen senior cops
including P.P. Pandey, the Director
General of Police (DGP) filed an application before the division bench
of the Ahmedabad High Court on
Tuesday. The cops alleged that
Satish Verma, the investigation
chief of the court appointed Special
Investigations Team (SIT) was trying to implicate them in the fake
encounter case by producing
bogus evidences.
Standing Committee Chairman Rahul Shewale working in candle light in his chamber at the BMC HQ on Wednesday.
The cops jointly requested the
bench of Justice Abhilasha Kumari
and Justice Jayant Patel to rid the
SIT of the investigation. They also
appealed to the high court to hand
over the probe to the central
agency. The court is yet to issue notices to the petitioners to seek their
opinion on the subject.
Abdul Rauf Lala, the petitioner
for the slain college girl expressed
pleasant surprise over the subject.
“We had been seeking probe from
the apex agency from the very beginning. At that time these cops
were opposing the move. They are
now seeking what we had been
wanting for years,” he said. Lala
however added that he welcomed
the request of the tainted cops.
The sudden turn of events took
place from April 8 onwards when
Verma filed an affidavit before the
division bench alleging that Mohan
Jha, the Gujarat SIT member, was
not allowing him to move with the
case in the right direction. He also
alleged that Jha was putting pressure on police witnesses whom
Verma had interrogated to register a
false FIR against Verma. Two such
FIRs had been lodged against Verma
in Ahmedabad police station.
The court revamped the SIT in
the next hearing held on April 21.
Verma was given sweeping powers
to investigate the case while the
wings of Jha were clipped. The role
of Jha was confined to the administration of the SIT. Karnail Singh,
the SIT chairman was rid of the responsibility as he was transferred
to Mizoram by the Gujarat home
Notably the Gujarat crime
branch led by D.G. Vanjara, the
then Additional Commissioner of
Police (Addl CP) had shot dead
Ishrat and three others in an encounter on the Ahmedabad highway in the early hours of June 14,
2004. The cops claimed that the
four were members of a terrorist
outfit out to kill state CM Narendra
The family members of Ishrat
and Javed Shaikh Pillai moved the
Ahmedabad high court alleging
that the incident was a case of cold
blooded murder by the police.
Kumar Pillai, the father of Javed,
hired the service of Mukul Sinha
while Vrinda Gaur represented
Ishrat Jahan. Sinha requested the
court to include Satish Verma in the
SIT. Gaur however wanted the case
to be handed over to the CBI as the
incident related to two other states,
Maharashtra and UP.
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Varsity’s African safari
Specialised course to be developed to train employees
to understand the African market
By Pallavi Smart
Signboard at Dahisar Check Naka shows Bandra is 9 km away when it’s actually 19 kms
hide the mistake, but after that it was removed and
since then it’s again as it was.”
Prajapati admitted, “The mistake sometimes conotorists passing through the Western Ex- fuses my passengers too as they think that Bandra is
press Highway (WEH) find themselves con- nearer, but it is around 19 km. The authorities
fused and amazed wherever they pass by should rectify this mistake.”
When questioned about the glaring error,
the Dahisar check naka. The signboard put
Dilip Kawathkar, Joint Project Director,
up by the authorities on the check
MMRDA pleaded ignorance. “I am
naka shows that Bandra is 9 km
unaware of this mistake and will
away, when it is actually 19 km.
let you know after discussing it
Again, near Andheri (Gunwith my officials.”
dawli) on the WEH, a signDahisar check naka is an
board shows that Bandra’s
important spot for Mumdistance is still 9 km.
bai on many counts. VehiFor the past year, the
cles exiting and entering
signboard put up by the
the city from different
MMRDA has been disparts of the western
playing wrong informastates pay toll taxes here
for using the road. And,
Ram Prasad Prajapati,
a taxi driver who drives
for security reasons, the
daily from Virar to Mumvehicles entering and exitbai, said, “I have also been
ing as well as passengers
witnessing this mistake
checked here. There is always
since a long time, but notha high security deployment. At
ing has been done by the auFor the past year, this MMRDA
present, construction work of the
thorities. Last monsoon, they
signboard has been displaying
gate of the naka is also on.
put up a cloth over the signboard to
wrong information.
By Kaptan Mali
Sajeet Nair
Project Manager
Fletcher has led the English team
successfully. Although filling the
shoes of Kirsten will be a tough one,
I am sure he will just do fine provided
our players accept him gracefully.
ndustrial houses like FICCI, World Trade Centre, different pharmaceutical companies, who are catering
to the African market, have approached the Centre for
African Studies, Mumbai University to develop a specialised course in order to train their employees to understand the African market. The short-term course
will help candidates understand the socio-cultural and
economical conditions of Africa, which has emerged
as a potential market for Indian enterprises. While the
course’s outline is ready, it is awaiting nod from the
council to start it from the coming academic year.
According to information provided by Dr. Aparajita
Biswas, Prof. and Director, Centre for African Studies, University of Mumbai, the course is specially designed considering the needs of companies
catering to the African market. “As a part of our ongoing masters’ course as well as PhD programmes,
we have been arranging several seminars to enlighten our students about the opportunities available. The seminars have been a meeting point
with different industrial figures for us. Sometime
ago the companies proposed the demand for
such a course, which will concentrate on understanding the African market and will be flexible
at the same time, so that their employees can
take lessons. And that’s how the course talks
were initiated,” said Biswas.
According to her, the course is likely to be
called ‘International Trade (Africa)’ and it
will be targeted mainly at existing employees of several companies catering to
the African market. “For their convenience, the course is designed to be a
short-term weekend course. However,
even other interested candidates will be
allowed to join the self-financed
Shumanto Chaudhury, pharmaceutical consultant in international marketing, who has spent a significant
amount of time in Africa understanding core marketing in the country, is
among the industry figures who have
come forward proposing the need of
the course. “The African market is
growing. We want more people to
be aware about it. More companies
will now have to think of entering
African market, not only pharma
but even other industries. So the
employees are required to understand the country and its conditions; how it was historically, how
it has evolved, etc.
“The business will increase
and the tie-up between the two
countries will be enhanced, ultimately auguring well for
both the countries. In this
case, a specialised course like
this is certainly needed,”
stated Chaudhury.
Can Duncan Fletcher fill in the shoes of former cricket coach, Gary Kirsten?
Amey Jaju
Fletcher has been a good player and
has also had a good record as a
coach with England. So, I hope the
same happens with the Indian team
and the team gels well with him.
I guess he can, but only time will tell
us. Let us see if he is able to give us
great wins like he gave England in
2005, then his achievements will
speak for him.
Varsha Ganesh
I don’t know which coach can fill in
the shoes of the current coach. I just
want my team to win and if Duncan
Fletcher is able to do that, he is
perfect for the post.
Rekha Iyer
C.A. Intern
One cannot comment on whether
Duncan Fletcher will be able to
perfectly replace Gary Kirsten, right
now. He may be better or worse,
you never know.
Readers wishing to participate in ‘Opinions’ may send us their name, day-time telephone number with a passport-size photograph to [email protected] Your Subject line must be: opinion
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Azad Shrivastav | ADC
Ask the f--ing question!
Here’s hoping that the undoubted mess of yesterday’s rehearsal of a police march at Shivaji Park turns into the perfection and precision of
a May Day parade in time for this Sunday.
Permission liya kya?
THIS business of permissions for
photographers is reaching painful
proportions, especially for those in
the media. Our photographer Azad
Shrivastav had a small run-in with a
uniform yesterday at Shivaji Park,
and came out victorious (sort of) only
because he never lost his temper.
He was watching a dress
rehearsal of the police and its
various divisions on the grounds, in
preparation for the May Day parade,
and an almighty mess it all seemed,
with little synchronicity, without spit
and polish.
Suddenly, seeing him fiddling with
his camera, a police officer came up
and in a bullying tone asked him if
he had permission to shoot.
“What permission,” our
photographer inquired mildly, “For
the function, we will get an invitation
from Mantralaya, but for a rehearsal,
you need no permission as there is
no question of this being a high
security area. After all, there are no
VIPs here today.”
Taken aback, the police officer
said, “Never mind all that. Our senior
officers have told us to allow no
Azad reasonably responded, “So
take me to your officer and let me
speak to him.”
To which the former replied, “I will
not do that and what I have said
At which point, our photographer
went 50 metres away, took his
pictures, including one of the
bullying policeman, and went
equably on his way.
Still bhi itna mehenga?
He is optimistic!
ON Easter Sunday afternoon, we
were outside InOrbit Mall, off Link
Road at Malad in the western
suburbs. We were stuck at the traffic
island and were waiting to cross the
road when we witnessed a sight that
made us wonder.
A woman driving a Honda City car
approached a roadside vendor. The
vendor was selling stuffed yellow toy
chickens, priced at Rs.30 apiece. He
himself appeared to be in his sixties,
perhaps older, and was in visibly
poor health. And yet Madame in her
Honda city, attracted by his wares,
proceeded to haggle with the poor
fellow. She drove down the price first
to Rs.25 and then to Rs.20, all while
the ageing vendor stood under the
blazing sun.
Not satisfied with a 30 per cent
reduction, she drove off with a
contemptuous, “Still bhi itna
mehenga?” to the vendor.
There she was, dressed to the
nines, driving an expensive car,
imported sunglasses and all and she
saw no aberration in driving a brutal
bargain with a poor man, simply
trying to earn a living off the street.
Still later, we saw the woman
shopping to her heart’s content in
InOrbit mall… She was on a shopping
spree, with bags loaded to flowing.
And yes, InOrbit is expensive and no,
you do not bargain with the
establishments there.
We wonder at the humanity or lack
thereof, that feels nothing for the
plight of the poor in the face of an
unashamedly consumerist society
where the mantra is more, more and
then some. Here’s hoping she never
wants a small, stuffed toy from any
other street vendor struggling to make
ends meet in the afternoon heat.
Sometimes, we’re ashamed of our
fellow Mumbaikars.
Putting the boot in
ON a related subject, the Allahabad
High Court has issued a notice in
respect of a special petition, asking
some private airlines (including
Kingfisher and IndiGo) to explain why
they up their fares randomly on
special occasions.
Apparently, some airlines had
upped their fares to Puttaparthi five
times because of the rush of
devotees to see their godman buried
A doubling of the fare one can
understand, even if one does not
condone it, but five times?
That’s putting the boot into grief
with a vengeance!
THE word should read – flying – and
is an appeal to our passengers using
domestic airlines to ask the crucial
question, “Is your pilot’s licence
genuine?”, before they embark.
Perhaps we should start asking to
see documentation, considering that
neither the airlines, not the DGCA,
which is supposed to be concerned
with regulation and safety, is
bothered about us.
After all, the latter is a government
institution populated largely (it would
seem) with people only bothered
about getting their children
fabulously paid jobs in the airlines,
never mind if they are suited for the
job, whether they have a brain in
their heads, whether they
understand the first principles of
aerodynamics or not.
And in particular, questions about
Jet Airways must be put forth with its
track record for having a large
number of politicians’ children
employed as staff, starting with the
Mahajan siblings, Poonam and
Rahul. My God, can you imagine
being flown anywhere by either
Last week, we heard, travellers on
a Jet Airways flight had a hard
landing at Mumbai, and the cabin
crew had to face embarrassing
questions from an irascible group of
passengers, the more polite among
them being, “Does your pilot have a
proper licence?”
So, what did you answer, we asked
with considerable interest.
“Yes sir, she has”!
We can just imagine how it all
comes about in the first place. Little
Miss Garima Passi or little Miss
Rashmi Sharan turns to daddy over
the breakfast table and pouts,
“Pappa mujhe pilot banna hai.” And
Daddy doesn’t even blink as he
answers, “Kyun nahi beti. Bana
denge.” And that’s it. Even if Pappa
Sharan has to set up a special
school for his aviation-challenged
daughter or Pappa Passi has to forge
her documents since her record in
regular flying school is so bad. At
least, no one can accuse our
politicians and babus of
discriminating against their
We wait with bated breath
Julian Assange
IS anyone surprised that Julian
Assange should say that the
Indian government’s response to
Wikileaks cables on the subject
of black money should be ‘one of
the worst in the world?’ Not in
India, at least, where for over six
decades we have been resigned
to the huge torrents of money
that have slowly left our land (all
thanks to dirty politicians).
Incidentally, in 60 years our
‘bhoore sahib’ took out more
wealth out of this country than
the Brits took out in over 200
years and they were (at least
posing as) a trading company,
here to economically exploit the
land. What’s our politicians’
So, we wait breathlessly for
the first Indian names on the
long list of those who have
stashed away monies in Swiss
banks, either to evade tax or to
hide ill-gotten gains, or maybe
Incidentally, readers will be
interested to know that almost
as many people want to know
how to pronounce Assange, as
want to see the Indian names on
the list.
A Google search of ‘assange
pronounced as’ produced
3,35,000 hits and what we
found out is that no-one seems
to be claiming the ‘definitive
pronunciation crown’. So it is
‘Ass-anj’ or ‘Ass-onj’ or ‘Ah-sanj’.
One thing it is not is ‘Assangay’,
that’s for sure.
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I have changed my old name
Najma Begam Mahmood Ali to
new name Nazma Mohammed
Rafiq Shaikh as per Gazette No.
I have changed my name from
Sadaf Asif Baig, to ‘Sadaf Imran
Shaikh’ as per Maha. Govt.
Gazette No. (X-5301) Dated:
I have changed my name from
Naiker James Louis to Naekar
James Louis as per Affidavit.
I have changed my name from
Rama Devi Malla Reddy Reddy,
to ‘Priya Vinod Reddy’ as per
Maharashtra Govt. Gazette No.
(X-82508) Dated: 10/02/2011.
I have changed my name from
Miss Nidi Nitin Shah to Miss
Nidhi Nitin Shah as per
Affidavit dated 26-4-2011.
I have changed my name from
Kherawala Hozefa Hussain to
Khedawala Hiozefa Hussain as
per the affidavit.
This is to announce that I have
changed my name from Parth
Nikhil Joshi to Parth Sudarshan
Vaidya as per Maharashtra
Govt. Gazette No. X-8248.
I have changed my name from
Fatima Azher Abdul Husain
Kachawala to Fatima Ali Asgar
Dalal as per Affidavit Date 25th
I have changed my name from
Kachawala Alfiya Azher
Alfiya Ali Asgar Dalal as per
Affidavit Date 25th Mar’11.
I have changed my name from
Rashmi Narayan Joshi to
Anamika Atul Joshi vide
Maharashtra Gazette (U-1065).
I, Manekiya Ismail Usman
Ghani, have changed my
Daughter’s name from Madkiya
Uzma Ismail, to ‘Manakiya
Uzma Ismail’ as per Affidavit
Dated: 23/04/2011.
I have changed my name from
Mulla Mohammed Sohel, to
‘Mulla Sohel Altaf’ as per
Affidavit Dated: 26/04/2011.
I have changed my name from
Mohammed Anis Mohammed
Ibrahim, to ‘Mohammed Anees
Mohammed Ibrahim’ as per
Affidavit Dated: 20/04/2011.
I have changed my name from
Mohammed Iqbal, to ‘Memon
Maimuna Mohammed Iqbal’
as per Affidavit
I have changed my name from
Vinod Raja Rao, to Vinod Raja
Reddy’ as per Maharashtra
Govt. Gazette No. (X-82507)
Dated: 10/02/2011.
“Shreeam Packers & Movers”
Thane: 25428587, 21722891
Mulund: 65057128. Vile Parle:
26176879. Mumbai: 23705335.
Dombivali: 9870409267.
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
I have changed my name from
Dr. Matvar Singh, to ‘Dr. Matvar
Singh Meet’ as per Gazette
Dated: 01/03/1997.
I have changed my name from
Priyanka Timmappa Patil, to
‘Priyanka Thimmappa Patil’ as
per Maharashtra Govt. Gazette
No. (X-83902) Dated: 17/02/
I have changed my name from
David Das Chellapan, to ‘David
Maharashtra Govt. Gazette No.
(U- 20064) Dated: 14/10/2010.
I have changed my name from
Nisha Raj Singh Rohilla, to
‘Nisha Ravi Verma’ as per
Maharashtra Govt. Gazette No.
(U-35934) Dated: 17/03/2011.
I have changed my name from
Rumayya Begum Shahid Khan,
to ‘Ruqaiyya Shahid Khan’ as
per Maharashtra Govt. Gazette
No. (U-4130) Dated: 13/05/
I have changed my name from
Ahmed, to ‘Bilquees Banu
Maqbool Ahmed Ansari’ as per
Affidavit Dated: 27/04/2011.
I, Mahesh Godhwani, have
changed my Daughter’s name
Godhwani, to ‘Divya Mahesh
Godhwani’ as per Maharashtra
Govt. Gazette No. (U-13392)
Dated: 10/09/2009.
I have changed my old name
Mohamed Hanif Moh Husen to
new name Mohamed Hanif
Mohamed Husen Ansari as per
Gazette No. (U-1698).
I have changed my old name
Mohammed Ayub Mohammed
Mohammed Ayub Mohammed
Ismail Ansari as per Gazette No.
I have changed my name from
Jyostna Laxman Ravrane to
Jyotsna Laxman Raorane as per
We, Joseph Christian Melvin
Gladstone and Mrs. Merlin
Sujatha, have changed our
son’s name from Kevin Melvin
Jose to Kevin Melvin Gladstone
as per Affidavit.
I have changed my name from
Ebrahim Khan Mohammed
Shafi Khan to Ebrahim
Mohammed Shafi Khan as per
I have changed my name from
Mehboob Alam Mohamed
Yusuf to Mehboob Alam
Mohamed Yusuf Shaikh as per
I have changed my name from
Aditya Sarang Rajan to Sarang
Aditya Rajan as per Affidavit.
I have changed my name from
Mayekar Sujata Mahadev to
Mayekar Sangeeta Mahadev as
per Affidavit.
I have changed my name from
Mansuri as per Affidavit.
I have changed my name from
Ayub Khan Sikandar Khan to
Sikandar as per Affidavit.
I have changed my name from
Maithii Rahul Agasti to Maithili
Rahul Agasti as per Affidavit.
We, Maganbhai Kalubhai
Jadafiya and Mrs. Geetaben
Maganbhai Jadafiya, have
changed our son’s name from
Zeelkumar Maganbhai Jadafiya
to Zeel Maganbhai Jadafiya as
per Affidavit.
I have changed my name from
Mehta Prakashkumar Chimanlal
to Mehta Prakash Chimanlal as
per Affidavit.
I have changed my name from
Jadafiya Pravinkumar Kalubhai
to Jadafiya Pravinbhai Kalubhai
as per Affidavit.
I have changed my name from
Mehta Chetankumar Kantilal
to Mehta Chetan Kantilal as per
Affidavit dated 26.04.2011.
I have changed my name from
Shantaram to Gawand Rajan
Shantaram as per Affidavit
dated 27.04.2011.
I have changed my name from
Jain Chandrakumar Vidyakumar
Vidyachand as per Affidavit
dated 23.04.2011.
I have changed my name from
Gawand Bharati Rajendrakumar
to Gawand Bharati Rajan as per
Affidavit dated 27.04.2011.
I have changed my name from
Alpana Krishna Sawant to
Priyanka Vilas Kadam as per
I have changed my name from
Aarti Popatlal Gandhi to Aarti
Popatlal Oswal as per Affidavit
dated 27.04.2011.
I have changed my name from
Abhijeet Chandrakant Angolkar
Angolkar as per Affidavit.
I have changed my name from
Hemendra Laxman Shilvant to
Hemendra Laxman Shilwant as
per affidavit Dated 26/04/2011.
I have changed my name from
Mujjafar Abdul Hamid Mapari
to Muzaffar Abdul Hamid
Mapari as per Affidavit Dated
I have changed my name from
Dcosta Celestine Rocky to new
name — Dcosta Celine Rocky
as per Affidavit.
I have changed my name from
Mohamed Nadeem Mohamed
Usman to Shaikh Nadeem
Usman as per Affidavit.
I have changed my name from
Asgar Ali Mohammed Ali to
Ansari Asgar Ali Mohammed
Ali as per Affidavit.
We, Mr. Mohideen Sahib Kader
and Mrs. Mohideen Najma,
have changed our minor son
name from Mohideen Irfaan
Sahib to Mohideen Irfan Sahib
as per Affidavit.
I have changed my name from
Pandey Rajesh to Pandey
Rajeshkumar as per Affidavit.
I have changed my name from
Mustaq Ahmed Gulam Rasool
Pandole to Mohammad Mukhtar
Gulam Rasool Fandole as per
I have changed my name from
Altaf Kayumali Bhartu to Altaf
Kayumali Electricwala as per
Govt Gazette No. X-34034
dated 30.03.2006.
I, Abdus Salam Abdul Dayyan
Zariwala, have changed my
name to Abdul Salam Abdul
Dayyan Khan Vide Govt.
Gazatte No. (U-26346).
Rs. 250/- for 25 words, Rs. 8/each extra word
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Janmabhoomi Bhavan, 3rd Floor Janmabhoomi Marg, Fort,
Mumbai 400 001 TEL: 40768999 FAX: 40768916
MbPT gardener attempts suicide
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
His colleagues say that the suicide attempt was an outcome of harassment at the hands of his superiors
Pics Sushil Kadam | ADC
By Shwetha Kannan
he demand for extra
working hours and
pressure from seniors
got better of Santosh Ramchandra Giri (38), a Bombay
Port Trust hospital employee
who set himself ablaze in the
Wednesday morning.
Giving details about the
incident, S.K. Shetye, General Secretary, Mumbai Port
Trust Dock and General Employees Union said, “Giri
doused himself in kerosene,
set himself ablaze in front of
the Chief medical officer’s
cabin, and then walked in.
He then entered the ICU,
next to the CMO’s office.
Scared staff immediately
wrapped a mattress around
him to douse the fire, injuring a cardiologist and a female patient in the process.
Giri was rushed to Masina
Giri’s attempted suicide is
being attributed to alleged
harassment by senior officers in the Sanitary Medical
department and Giri’s refusal to work overtime.
“There is a severe shortage
of staff in the hospital because there has been no recruitment in the hospital in a
long time. So, staffers have to
put in extra hours. Giri told
them that he can not man-
age extra work hours as gardener and was ready to do
some other work. This did
not go down well with the officers and they started
harassing him. They
threatened to issue
him a memo. Giri
took this threat seriously and attempted
about Giri’s condition, V.S. Shangari,
Chief Executive Officer, Masina Hospital
said, “He is suffering
from hundred per cent
burns. He is very critical and
is on the ventilator.” Shangiri
also revealed that Giri had
also consumed poison before setting himself on fire,
but the toxins had been
cleared from his system.
Dr. Arvind Vartak, the doctor who was treating Giri at
Masina hospital remained
unavailable for comment
but at the time of going to
press, Vandana Mahindra
Giri, a family member informed that they have not
been told anything as yet
and the treatment was still
Giri’s grief stricken wife,
Neha Giri (30) said, “Never
even in my dreams I had
imagined that he would do
something like this.”
By A Staff Reporter
Policemen at the spot where Santosh Ramchandra Giri (inset) attempted
suicide inside the MbPT Hospital, on Wednesday.
Giri’s mother, Ratnamala
Giri (65) said of the events,
“Santosh generally comes
home at around 12.30 for
lunch. But he didn’t come
home on Wednesday, and an
employee from BPT hospital
informed us that he had attempted suicide. When she
reached BPT hospital and
heard what had actually
happened, she fainted.”
A case has been filed at
Wadala police station.
Unauthorised agents, taxi drivers and motor training school staff, protest against
the policy of sending driving licences through Speed Post
rotests against the new
Regional Transport Office
(RTO) policy entered the
third day as the strike by
unauthorised agents, aggrieved taxi drivers and staff
from motor training schools
continued at the RTO,
Tardeo. According to them,
after the implementation of
the new policy of sending
driving licenses to customers
via speed post, their businesses had suffered a steep
Protesting against the new
step, Hazir Asif Shaikh, one
of the aggrieved said, “People have not received their license as a result of which
they have to ultimately come
to the RTO. Cards are being
sent on the old addresses. We
want the RTO to stop this
practice as it is not helping
Dumper driver Rama
Shankar Jaiswar, who was
given an acknowledgment
slip on April 1, is yet to receive his renewed driving license. He alleged that he was
caught by traffic cops for not
carrying a license and only
after paying a ‘fine’, did he
get the acknowledgement receipt back.
Quashing these allega-
AI declares
strike illegal
National carrier derecognises ICPA
Don’t send driving licence by Speed Post
By Priyal Dave
tions, Deputy Transport
Commissioner, U.S. Alsi
said, “The law mandates that
whenever a driver changes
his/her address, he/she is
Dumper driver Rama Shankar Jaiswar complains that his licence has
been delayed by a fortnight, badly affecting his livelihood.
supposed to intimate the
RTO about it so that the new
address is taken note of.”
Of the 2,000 smart cards
that were sent by RTO,
Tardeo since April 1, 27 have
come back, which according
to Madhukar Jadhav, Regional Transport Officer,
Tardeo, is because the addresses are bogus. “This
way (by sending driving license by post), the RTO is
ensuring that the license is
not being issued to a bogus
person,” he clarified, adding
that the RTO will take some
time to get used to the new
On April 1, Chief Minster
Prithviraj Chavan had inaugurated the scheme at
Tardeo. As per the new law,
new smart card driving licenses will be sent to drivers
on their postal address, instead of giving it to the individual at the RTO. In the
earlier practice, drivers usually approached unauthorised agents to help them get
a license, or renew the old
one. The new scheme has
brought the business of
these agents to a halt.
[email protected]
lthough Air India insisted that it was doing
everything to accommodate
stranded passengers, the
scene at the domestic airport was dismal, with
many complaining of not
being accommodated at
all in the 11-odd flights
that took off from Mumbai, till 8 p.m.
At the time of going to
the press, close to 22
flights in Mumbai and a
similar number in Delhi
were cancelled due to the
strike undertaken by
around 700 pilots from the
Indian Commercial Pilots’
Around 40 per cent of the
services were delayed
without any further notice.
The striking pilots of the
erstwhile Indian Airlines
were in for a tough time
too, as terming the ICPA’s
strike as illegal, the Air
India derecognised the
union and also sealed its
offices at Delhi and Mumbai. Captain A.S. Bhinder,
president of ICPA and
ICPA secretary, Captain
Rishabh Kapur lost their
job with the airline, while
four others were sacked
and two others suspended.
In its statement issued
yesterday, Air India said
that since the ICPA continued to go on a strike,
despite reference of the
dispute being made to the
Tribunal, the strike was
considered as illegal.
According to Air India,
on February 23, this year,
the union had given a
strike notice to it, demanding higher emoluments, and parity in pay
and allowances with the
erstwhile pilots of the erstwhile Air India.
The only silver lining for
In order to ensure that
the already inconvenienced passengers were
not subjected to further
difficulties, the airline decided to refund the full
amount of the ticket in
case of flight disruptions,
cancellation, combination
or delays of more than one
Also, no penalties were
being levied on tickets
that were refunded, re-validated, re-issued or rebooked on a subsequent
flight due to flight disruptions for more than one
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Drunken brawl turns fatal!
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Youth gets life for
brother’s murder
Friend shot dead in Nallasopara
By Suresh Golani
drunken brawl that
erupted following an
argument over a girl,
between two friends turned
fatal for one of them at Gass
village in Nallasopara (West).
Anand Lopez Fose (30), shot
his friend, Swapnil Rodrigues, 23, at the civic playground in Gass village in the
wee hours on Wednesday.
According to the police,
Swapnil along with Anand
were reportedly drinking with
some youths of the locality at
one of the cornes of the play
ground in the village on Tuesday night. After some time an
altercation broke out between the duo over the issue
of Anand’s girlfriend, for
These chors
were too hot
to handle
By A Staff Reporter
persons allegedly attacked a 19 year-old by
throwing chilli power on
his eye and decamped
with valuables worth
Rs.16,000 at Nivetiya
Road, just opposite the
Bank of India branch at
Malad, earlier this
Vinayak Kakade, Senior Police Inspector of
Dindoshi police station,
revealed, “The incident
occurred around 3 pm
when the complainant
Sandip Gajanan Mandawkar was on his way
to repair the A/C. Out of
the blue, three unidentified persons came infront of him and threw
chilli powder in his eyes.
After that, when Sandip
started fighting with
them, they beat Sandip
and decamped with
Rs.10,000 and one mobile
Kakade added, “We
have managed to arrest
one of accused, identified as Sunil Yadav (20).
He is a resident of Shivaji Nagar in Kurar Gaon
in Malad and was arrested with the help of
local people.” Yadav has
been booked under various sections of the IPC
while his two friends are
still at large. After the incident, Sandip had
some injuries marks
and was taken to the
near by civic-run Bhagwati Hospital.
Swapnil Rodrigues
Anand Lopez
whom Swapnil claimed that
she was into a relationship
with some other boy and he
(Swapnil) would support the
couple. This triggered a scuf-
fle, with Anand pulling out a
country-made revolver and
shooting Swapnil before fleeing the spot. Swapnil who received a bullet injury on his
By Asadullah Hanfi
he Thane district and
sessions’ court, on
Tuesday, sentenced a
youth from Wagle Estate
to life imprisonment in
connection with the murder of his elder brother
some three years ago. The
accused has also been
held guilty of attempting
to murder his nephew in
the same incident.
According to the prosecution, the incident was
the result of sharing of ancestral property of Krishnan Pillai at Hajuri slums.
The widow of the deceased
had four rooms in a chawl.
She handed over her three
rooms to her three sons
and kept the fourth one for
herself. Ashok alias Chinu
Krishnan Pillai, the accused and the middle son
of the deceased, wanted a
greater share of property.
He sold off the room given
to him by his mother and
wanted a share in the
room which his mother
held with herself. This
often led to heated altercations between him and his
family members.
One such incident took
place on May 7, 2007
when the accused tried to
stomach, somehow managed
to scramble to friends house
in the locality who rushed
him to the Allainze Hospital.
declared dead before being
A case under Section 302 of
the IPC has been registered
against Anand who has gone
absconding, police said. Senior Police Inspector Sriram Korgaonkar, is investigating the
case. Meanwhile a pall of
gloom descended in Gass village as Swapnil who worked
for a private company in Goregaon was busy preparing for
the marriage of his two sisters,
the marriage ceremony was
scheduled to be held on May
22. Moreover, Swapnil’s killer is
said to be a distant relative.
Police hunting for gang that
thrashed BEST employees
By Kunal Chonkar
he Versova police are on lookout for nine
people in connection with beating up of a
BEST bus conductor and driver. According to
the police, at around 10 am on Tuesday,
Deepak Kanan (conductor) and Pravin Kubal
(driver) were mercilessly beaten up by a
group of youths in their 20s.
Statements recorded by both Kanan and
Kubal suggested that, while on their daily
duty onboard bus route no. 210 (Yari Road–
Dahisar), miscreants who boarded the bus
beat them up. “As per available details, a
slight altercation between Kanan and the
group over tickets resulted in a fight,” said an
assistant police inspector, Versova.
Requesting anonymity, an employee with
the Andheri BEST depot informed the ADC,
“While the bus was on its way to Dahisar,
around the Four Bungalows area few youths
didn’t purchase tickets and refused to do so
take forcible possession of
the room belonging to his
mother. He tried a similar
attempt just one week
later. Taking the May 14
incident seriously, his
younger brother Chandrasekhar and nephew
Ravindra Murthy Pillai decided to bring the incident
to the notice of their relatives in a bid to get their
Both Chandrasekhar
and Ravindra went out of
the house to call up their
relatives on telephone. On
the way Ashok accosted
them with a stick. He brutally assaulted the duo,
leading to the death of
Chandrasekhar on the
spot and grievous injuries
to Ravindra. The incident
took place in front of the
eyes of scores of onlookers, but no one tried to intervene. The accused was
however caught immediately after the crime and
handed over to the police.
Apart from being sentenced to life, Ashok has
been fined him Rs.2,000
for murder. He was also
sentenced to seven years
in jail and fined Rs.1,000
for the attempt to murder.
Both the sentences are to
go concurrently.
Powerless in
even when Kanan insisted.”
Kanan then instructed Kubal to stop the
bus and both got into an argument with the
group, who overpowered the duo. After the
fight, the driver and conductor drove the bus
to Versova police station and registered a
complaint. “We have arrested two people in
connection with the incident and are searching for the others,” informed a police official.
Vishwanath Salian | ADC
Spicy, clean and hygienic paanipuri... Congress MP Sanjay Nirupam relishes paanipuri at a workshop
conducted for vendors of Mumbai and Thane in Borivli on Wednesday. The vendors were given special tips on
cleanliness and hygiene with use of shower cap and gloves, also customer-friendly tips at the workshop.
Residents allege load-shedding happens for
seven hours and not the official five hours
By Santoshee Mishra
f residents of Kalyan-Dombivli are to be believed, the
Maharashtra State Electricity
Distribution Company Limited (MSEDCL) has increased the load-shedding
duration, unofficially, from
five hours to seven hours.
D. Koli, Executive Engineer of MSEDCL, maintained, “The power cut is
only for five hours during the
Sakharam Complex did not
agree. “If it is just for five
hours we can understand,
but it is actually no less than
seven hours.” He added, “Although they have fixed a particular time, you can expect
the power cut anytime. In
fact, last Saturday there was
no light for more than 12
hours. When we called up
MSEDCL, they just banged
the phone without any
Gayatri Iyer from Devi
Chowk is equally aggrieved.
She said, “The water does
not reach our tanks if there is
a power cut. The KalyanDombivli Municipal Corporation also doesn’t supply
water at the same time
everyday. We are losers from
all sides. We have been staying in this city for more than
20 years and facing all kinds
of problems.”
She further lamented,
“Generators and invertors
are not an option since they
also need decent electricity
MSEDCL is helpless in the
matter even though many
customers are paying their
electricity bills regularly, but
preferred to dwell on some
positives. “The issue of load
shedding is imminent in the
state and it can be only
curbed through recovery and
cutting down power theft. The
theft in the twin cities is taking place on an extreme level,
but Kalyan has now come up
to grade ‘B’ from ‘C’ for load
shedding while Dombivli has
moved up to ‘A’ from ‘B’.”
[email protected]
For smooth sailing...
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
By Amlan Home
t a juncture when the
Indian economy is still
recovering from the
global economic downturn,
piracy at sea has emerged as
a major challenge to the
country’s trade and commerce. The ship owners,
stake holders in the Indian
maritime industry and seafarers yesterday staged a
massive rally at the Royal
Bombay Seamen’s Club to
press for their demand of initiation of immediate actions
by the Indian government to
ensure that the exim (exportimport)-trade is carried out
uninterrupted, without the
fear of raid on the ships of Indian flag by the pirates from
Somalia and other countries
dotting in the troubled waters of Africa and Asia.
Addressing the seafarers
and representatives from different shipping companies,
Abdul Gani Serang, General
General of National Union of
Seafarers of India (NUSI),
made an emphatic demand
from the government of India
to take urgent steps to ensure
that the Indian, seamen held
as hostage for ransom by the
Somalian pirates, are released
at the earliest. Serang said,
“Indian seafarers are putting
their lives into jeopardy, yet
the Indian government is not
showing the concern it
should have to protect them.
He added, “Piracy has
emerged as the single biggest
Merchant Navy cadets take part in the protest march.
challenge to the national
economy and if the actions
against pirates are not taken,
it would keep on holding the
‘national economy at ransom’
for the years to come.”
Parents accuse Vikhroli school of charging illegal fees
Allege they are not issued receipts or break-up of proposed fee hike
By Pallavi Smart
arents of students studying
in Shri Siddhivinayak English Medium School, Vikhroli
have filed a complaint with the
education department against
the establishment, alleging they
are not issuing receipts for the
charged fees and also for not
providing bifurcation of the
proposed fee hike.
According to information
provided by parents, the proposed fee hike has jumped from
Rs.550 to Rs.950. The hike is
proposed to be implemented
from the academic year 201112, which begins in the month
of June. Alleged a parent, “The
school charges an additional
amount of Rs.8,900 from
parents seeking admission
in first and fifth standards
for their wards. The school
does not provide any bifurcation of this amount, as to
under which head it is
The parent continued,
“Many of us are unable to
pay the increased fees, considering our financial conditions. The deadline for
payment of fees is April 30.
The school has declared
that, if parents fail to pay
the fees, their wards will directly be issued the school
leaving certificate.”
Another parent, on condition of anonymity, added,
“The school also charges
Rs.2,000 as book money.
Isn’t this book money and
the unexplained amount of
Rs.8,900 part of capitation
fees? And collecting capitation fees does not abide by
the Right to Education
(RTE) Act. We should at
least be given information
about what we are being
charged for. Whatever fees
we pay, we are provided receipts only if we ask for it.”
However, the school
principal, who refused to
reveal her name, refuted all
the allegations. “We have
hiked the fees only by
Rs.100. No parent has come
to us with any complaint
yet,” said the principal.
Sunil Chavan, Deputy Director of Education, Mumbai was unavailable for
comment over the issue.
However, if sources from
department are to be believed, they are inquiring
into the matter.
“The parents had also
participated in the hunger
strike by parent bodies at
Azad Maidan a few days
ago because nobody was
giving them an ear to their
complaints,” stated Jayant
Jain, President of Forum for
Fairness in Education,
which headed the strike.
[email protected]
he state Anti-Terrorist Squad
(ATS) trapped and arrested
major Naxal leader, Anjali ‘Angela’ Sontakke (42) at Thane
along with her aide, Sushma Hemant ‘Aarti’ Ramteke (27).
The two were produced at the
Mazgaon Court and given police
remand till May 3. Anjali is the
wife of Naxal leader Milind Teltumbde and the senior cadre of
the state committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist).
Anjali is highly qualified; she is
B.Sc. (Microbiology), M.Sc. (Zoology), B.Ed from Chandrapur
and M.A. in sociology and is
originally from Nagpur.s
ATS Chief Rakesh Maria said,
“Anjali along with her aide,
Sushma was in Thane at Talaovpali, we netted them on a tip
from a source. After her arrest,
the fact came to light that Naxals are now spreading their foot
into the metros.”
Ship owners, seafarers hold rally
demanding that the govt act against
pirate threat
Talking to the ADC, Capt.
Kamal Chadha, the Managing Director of Marex Media
Pvt Ltd., India’s largest maritime publishing house, expressed great concern at the
colossal loss that the country’s exim-trade is suffering
due to the pirates. “Nearly 90
per cent of all commodities
that you consume come
through the ships. Naturally,
if the supply channel is disrupted by the pirate raids on
the cargo-carrying ships, it
inflicts a huge blow to the
national economy.” Capt.
Chadha explained.
The purpose of the rally
cum peace march was also
to “wake up the sleeping
governments across the
world” to the need of protecting the high seas from
the invasion of the pirates on
the ships. Those who attended the rally included the
CMD of Shipping Corporation of India, Capt. M. M.
Saggi, Nautical Advisor to the
Govt. of India Sabyasachi
Hajara and Capt. Vinay Singh
of Anglo-Eastern Maritime.
A costly affair
According to a survey conducted by the One Earth Future Foundation, the seizures
of ships and taking hostages
drive up shipping costs in the
Indian Ocean. Pirates’ damage to global economy
reaches $12 billion a year. The
direct costs of piracy include
ransom, piracy insurance
premiums, rerouting of vessels away from risky waters,
piracy prosecutions and organisation budgets aimed at
fighting piracy. Navies from
the US, European Union
countries, China, India, Russia and Japan have been deployed in joint efforts to fight
piracy, adding expenses to
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Tender Notice
Naxal duo nabbed
By Santoshee Mishra
Tenders are invited for the execution of the following works
Tender No.
Name of Work
Cost Rs.
Renewal of electrical wiring in Staff Quarters Building I,J,K and L at Ghatkopar Phase - III
Carrying out related electrical work for connecting electric supply for ETI Machines (6 Racks) in T& C Dept. at various Bus Depots
in the Jursidiction of Electrical Works Department, Western Suburbs.
Carrying out related electrical work for connecting electric supply for ETI Machines (6 Racks) in T& C Dept. at various Bus Depots
in the Jursidiction of Electrical Works Department,Eastern Suburbs.
Carrying out related electrical work for connecting electric supply for ETI Machines (6 Racks) in T& C Dept. at various Bus Depots
in the Jursidiction of Electrical Works Department, South Zone
Cleaning and disinfecting all Underground and overhead Water Storage Tanks in the various premises under the jurisdiction of
Wadala, Anil/Pratiksha Nagar Bus depots and Dadar Workshop.
Price of
Tender Form Rs.
Copies of tender forms will be issued to only those contractors.
1. WhopossessregistrationfromtheSalestaxAuthorityonworkscontract.(ApplicableforSr.Nos.1to3only)
2. Who possess electrical contractor licence (LEC) (Applicable for Sr. No. 1 to 4 only)
3. Whohavecarriedoutworksofsimilarnatureandmagnitudeinthepast.(Applicablefor allSr.Nos.)
4. Preference will be given to those Contractors possessing valid registration certificate with Government or any StatutoryAuthority for the work of similar nature
Remaining works are open to all provided they have carried out works of similar nature and magnitude in the past.
On submission of the list of works carried out during last five years with supporting documents, copies of tenders forms can be obtained from the office of the
Chief Engineer (Civil), B.E.S.&T. Undertaking, Electric House, 1st Floor, Colaba, Mumbai-400 001 between 10.30a.m.To 12.30p.m. and 1.30 to 3.00 p.m.
from Monday to Friday on payment of the price (non-refundable) indicated against each item of work plus M.VAT. Copies of tender forms will not be sent by
post and only unconditional tenders will be considered.
SealedTenders will be received upto 3.00 p.m. on 06.05.2011 and will be opened immediately thereafter.
The Earnest Money in the form of Cash or Demand Draft (Drawn in favour of the BEST Undertaking) should be deposited in Cash Department of the
undertaking before 12.30p.m. On 06.05.2011
General Manager
Diversionary tricks?
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Clueless over the Ghansoli double murder case,
Navi Mumbai cops brag about smaller achievements
By Abhitash Singh
n Monday, the Navi
Mumbai police held a
press conference in
an attempt to prove that they
were doing a competent job.
During the conference,
Deputy Commissioner of
Police (Crime) D.T. Shinde
informed the media about
their achievement of arresting a man, who stole mobiles
worth Rs.4.78 lakh. However,
the fact was that the police
had only done half the job,
recovering mobiles worth
Rs.1.35 lakh. When this ADC
reporter questioned him as
to where the other mobiles
were, Shinde replied, “We
have only arrested a man
and are in search of his associates.” Apart from the
abovementioned catch, they
also arrested two others for
robbing truck drivers at
However, the public isn’t
too impressed with the police’s show of supremacy.
People of Ghansoli Gaon,
where the gruesome double
murder took place in a jewellery shop earlier this
month, believe they are too
busy praising themselves.
One of the residents, on condition of anonymity, told us,
“The police have not yet re-
solved the double murder
case. Apart from that, many
other incidents like chain
snatching and gambling are
also taking place in our
vicinity. But no one is bothered about it. However, if
they succeed in arresting one
or two persons in any small
case, they have the habit of
calling a press conference
and praising themselves.”
It has been two weeks
since the Ghansoli double
murder. And while the police
have investigated the different angles like personal enmity and robbery as the
motive, there are yet to come
to a conclusion.
Naked corpse found near
Palm Beach Road
By Abhitash Singh
n unclothed corpse of an unidentified
thirty-something man was found in a
nullah at Palm Beach Road opposite
Haware building, on Tuesday, April 26 at
around 6:30 p.m. According to the police,
the body was uninjured, making it difficult
to conclude if murder might have been the
cause of death.
On the condition of anonymity, an official from Vashi police station said, “While
Sardar Suleiman Khan arrested
Accomplice of Session’s Court shooters nabbed, confirm police sources
By Neel Shah
Residents protest against
beer campaign in Vasai
there is no blunt trauma on the body, the
fact that it was found naked does not allow
us rule out the possibility of murder. There
is a possibility that somebody might have
killed him, then stripped him and dumped
the body to destroy the evidence. The body
has been sent for autopsy and once the report comes, we will register a case.”
The official also informed that the deceased was aged between 30 to 40 years
and that he may have been a Hindu, as a
black thread was strung around his waist.
n Monday, crime branch
officials arrested an accomplice of the three shooters who had come to the
Session’s Court at Kala
Ghoda on April 8, to either
free or kill the accused involved in the murder of
lawyer Shahid Azmi.
According to information
from within police circles,
Sardar Suleiman Khan was arrested by crime branch
sleuths. Significantly, Joint
Commissioner of Police (JPC
crime) Himanshu Roy refused
to comment on the matter.
“The arrest of Khan,” informs the source, “is in con-
nection with the trio, who
were arrested by the police
on April 8, in which one of
their accomplices managed
to escape.”
ADC also learnt from the
source that the accused,
Khan, was also involved in
the shooting of well known
cricket bookie Chetan Bundela a few years ago. The accused belongs to the Santosh
Shetty gang that has crossed
swords with the exiled mafia
head Chhota Rajan.
On April 8, crime branch
sleuths from Unit-6 arrested
three shooters belonging to
the Santosh Shetty and Vijay
Shetty gang, and seized two
revolvers and few live
An official had confirmed
that Ravi Shetty and Karan
Jagtap, two among the three
arrested in the premises of
the court, had actually come
to release Devendra Jagtap.
Investigations revealed that
Karan is the younger brother
of Devendra Jagtap.
Associates of the Bharat
Nepali gang, Jagtap, Pintoo
Deoram Dagale, Vinod Yashwant Vichare and Hasmukh
Solanki, who were held by
the crime branch for allegedly killing Azmi in February last year had come to
the MCOCA court for the
hearing on April 8.
[email protected]
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macro and art photography to practice photography as hobby/career at Vineye Photo
School. The workshops will be conducted by
Vinay Parelkar and Ambika Mehra on April
30 & May 1, from 9.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.
Venue: 15, Hamzu Terrace, Gokhale Road (S),
Dadar (West). Contact: 98201 47993, 98198
63141, 24226801.
A resident of Vasant Nagari holding a placard denouncing the campaign.
By Suresh Golani
oncerned about the future of their children,
earlier this week residents of
Vasant Nagri in Vasai came
together to protest against a
sales campaign organised by
an alcoholic beverage company to promote their new
beer product in their locality.
A teenager displaying the discount coupons.
launched a campaign to
highlight the association of
the brand with fun and
music at an open ground on
Sunday evening. Discount
coupons and free samples of
amongst under-aged youths,
alleged locals, who then
got together and decided
to act.
Shouting slogans and carrying placard protesting
against the illegal activities,
residents barged into the
venue. Soon the police
reached the spot and the
event was brought to an end.
However, no official complaint was registered.
“There is a growing concern about the fact that these
companies are trying to destroy the moral fabric of the
younger generation through
these campaigns.” alleged a
Kids Theatre Workshop
Latent Wings presents Shining Star Children
Theatre Workshop. Conducted by National
School of Drama Graduates and Theatre Experts. The workshop: From May 4 till 15. Venues: At Planet Kids, 190, Aaram Nagar; and at
Maharashtra Economic Development Council: Inauguration of
Golden Maharashtra event by Governor K. Sankaranarayanan, CM
Prithviraj Chavan, to preside over
the function, MMRDA Ground,
BKC, Bandra, 10.30 a.m.
NCPA Centre for the Promotion of
Arts and Culture Trust: Mudra
Dance Week, Indian dance festival,
(Kuchipudi), Little Theatre, 7 p.m.
NCPA-Mehli Mehta Music Foundation: Paino recital by Victoria
Picnic Cottage, Ahead of Gurudwara, 7 Bunglows, Andheri West. Call: Jaswinder at
9930920702 and Chandan at 9821284098.
Film Making Workshop
Pomegranate presents Screen-Play: Filmworkshop for kids at Dadar in May. Kids can
write, direct, shoot and act in their own film
under guidance from expert faculty. Call
Vacation workshops
Kinnari Cultural Centre is happy to announce special programmes arranged for
children during vacations. These programmes seek to develop physical and mental skills of children of age group 2-14 with
the help of experts. Call: Asmi Shah on
9821043501, 23673914.
Nariman Point, 7 p.m.
Jehangir Art Gallery: Exhibition of
paintings by Satyasewak Mukherjee, till May 4, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Pradarshak Art Gallery: Presents
debut solo exhibition of photography
by Huzefa Rangwala, 100 Kalpana
Bldg, Plot No 338, 12th Road, Khar, till
May 7, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Gallery Art and Soul: ‘REEZE’ recent works on canvas and installations by Roul Hemanta, 1, Madhuli,
Shivsagar Estate, Worli, till May 26,
10.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m.
Art Musings: Presents ‘Quarto’, a
group show featuring contemporary artists Smriti Dixit, Viveek
Sharma, Ajay Dhandre, Sharmi
Chowdhary, Admirality Bldg, Co-
laba Cross Lane, May 20, 11 a.m. to
7 p.m.
The LOFT: ‘Nature as Imagine’ exhibition curated by Subushi Jiwani.
Behind Blue Frog, Lower Parel, till
May 3, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Nehru Centre AC Gallery: Exhibition of paintings by Aparna Telang
and sculptures by Shashikant
Mundl, Nehru Centre, Worli, till
May 2, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Nehru Centre Circular Gallery: Exhibition of paintings by Hariralal
Misari, Nehru Centre, Worli, till
May 2, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Artist Centre: ‘An exhibition of
paintings by Sanjay Kumbhar,
Harshal Kumbhar and Yuvraj
Patil titled ‘Art & Reality’ Artists’
Centre, Ador House, 6K Dubhash
Marg, till May 1, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
HC asks agitating pilots to
withdraw strike forthwith
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
EW DELHI: The Delhi High
Court on Wednesday asked
the Air India pilots, who
went on strike since Tuesday midnight seeking higher pay and better
conditions, to call off their agitation, says a PTI report.
Justice Gita Mittal barred the pilots from resorting to any kind of
demonstration, following an urgent hearing an AI management's
plea against the srtike.
Justice Mittal asked the striking
pilots to resume work for "larger
public interest."
During the hearing, AI management's counsel Sanjay Gupta submitted the strike was illegal and not
Air India pilots shout slogans during their strike demanding hike in their pay, outside
Indian Commercial Pilots Association office in New Delhi on Wednesday.
only caused loss to the company
but went against larger public interest.
Appearing for the Indian Commercial Pilots Association (ICPA),
advocate Sanjay Ghosh contended
the issue of pay parity of agitating
pilots, largely belonging to erstwhile Indian Airlines, with those
who originally belonged to Air
India before the merger of two airlines, has not been considered by
the management.
He said the pilots have been demanding implementation of Justice S C Dharmidhikari's committee report on pilots' pay issue
but the management has failed to
consider it.
At this, Justice Mittal pulled up
the management for the delay in
considering the issue but asked the
striking pilot to withdraw their
strike forthwith.
The 800-odd pilots, who belong
to the erstwhile Indian Airlines and
owe allegiance to the ICPA, have
gone on strike alleging there are
differences in salaries and working
conditions of pilots of Indian Airlines and Air India.
Devotees bid tearful adieu to Sai Baba
UTTAPARTHI: Hundreds of
thousands bid a tearful farewell
to Sathya Sai Baba on Wednesday as
the spiritual leader was laid to rest
with state honours at his Prashanti
Nilayam ashram, his base from
where he presided over a mass
global following.
The coffin of the 85-year-old was
lowered into a grave during the
nearly two-hour ceremony at Sai
Kulwant Hall, where the godman
gave "darshan" to his devotees and
delivered discourses for decades.
The burial was in keeping with
the practice for Hindu spiritual
gurus. Amid chanting of Vedic
hymns and Sai mantras, a team of
18 priests led by Kandukoori Kondavadhani performed the rituals.
While nearly half the ceremony
was open to those present in the
hall, including a litany of politicians
and bureaucrats, the burial was
performed by only a handful of relatives and disciples besides priests.
Outside Prashanti Nilayam and
across the town, despite the searing
weather, hundreds of thousands of
men, women and children watched
the last rites on giant screens. Many
broke down, knowing they would
Students perform during the centenary celebrations of Mission Sisters of
Rajasthan at Sophia College in Ajmer on Tuesday.
Polling ends, 74 per cent votes cast
KOLKATA: Polling came to an end in 75 constituencies spread over Kolkata
and two adjacent districts in the third phase of the West Bengal assembly
elections on Wednesday. A total of 73.56 per cent polling was recorded till
5 p.m., when the scheduled time got over, an Election Commission official
said. "However, the number was likely to increase as people are in the queue
at several booths, the official said. A total of 14,419,669 people in Kolkata
and the neighbouring districts of North and South 24-Parganas were eligible to elect their representatives from among 479 contestants.
Goa legislator gets one year jail
PANAJI: Controversial Goa legislator and former tourism minister Francisco
alias Mickky Pacheco was sentenced by the Margao trial court to one year
imprisonment for assaulting a government employee. The court, however,
suspended the sentence for a month, allowing the Nationalist Congress
Party (NCP) legislator to file appeal. In 2006, Kapil Natekar a junior engineer, had filed a complaint against Pacheco, after the latter assaulted him
in his office. Pacheco has several complaints registered against him ranging from bigamy, culpable homicide, assault, extortion, money laundering,
human trafficking and the like.
Lobsang Sangay elected new Tibetan PM-in-exile
DHARAMSALA: US-based Lobsang Sangay, a 42-year-old who considers
India his second home after Tibet, was on Wednesday elected the new Kalon
Tripa, or the Tibetan prime minister-in-exile. Sangay, a senior fellow of Harvard Law School who was born in India, has been chosen in the third direct
elections for the Kalon Tripa that were held March 20. He will succeed the
incumbent, Samdhong Rinpoche, who was chosen twice to the post. Sangay's five-year stint is expected to be full of challenges, with the Tibetan parliament giving a nod to the transfer of political power from Tibetan spiritual
leader, the Dalai Lama, to the newly elected political leader.
Man jumps off highrise, dies
Policemen placing a Tricolour on the casket of Sri Sathya Sai Baba during his last rites at
the Prasanthi Nilayam Ashram in Puttaparthi on Wednesday.
never again see in flesh and blood a
man they viewed as god. Many
more devotees in India watched the
burial live on television.
Sai Baba's nephew R.J. Ratnakar
sprinkled holy water brought from
seven rivers on the mortal remains.
He also performed 'dasha danam'
or donation of 10 items including
cow, land and clothes as per the
Hindu customs.
Ratnakar, son of Sai Baba's
brother, became emotional while
performing the last rites. Sai Baba's
caregiver Satyajit was seated near
the coffin.
NEW DELHI: A 51-year-old man committed suicide by jumping off the 11th
floor of Akbar Bhawan, which houses various departments of ministry of external affairs (MEA), in the Chankyapuri area on Wednesday, police said. Dinesh Pandey, who was working as messenger in the MEA, jumped off the
building around 1.30 p.m. He died on the spot. "He was in depression and
was undergoing treatment. He hails from Uttarakhand and was living in Netaji Nagar area," a police officer told IANS.
2G scam: ED to attach properties of errant telcos
EW DELHI: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on
Wednesday told the Supreme Court that property
worth Rs.2,000 crore each will be attached against two
companies which are involved in the 2G scam during
the tenure of former telecom minister A Raja.
"Property worth Rs.2,000 crore has to be attached relating to these companies," senior advocate K.K. Venugopal, appearing for the ED, submitted before a bench
comprising justices G.S. Singhvi and A.K. Ganguly.
Venugopal, who was reading the excerpts of the
fresh status report of the ED submitted in a sealed
cover, did not mention the names of the company but
assured that attachment proceedings will be initiated
soon and will be completed within two months, says a
PTI report. He hinted that attachment orders will be
issued shortly under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) and Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), against the two companies against
whom the ED has so far registered the complaints.
"It will be done in two months time against the companies whose names have been mentioned in the
Tamil Nadu CM M. Karunanidhi along with his daughter and Rajya Sabha MP
Kanimozhi arrives for the party's high-level meeting in Chennai on Wednesday.
Of Indian black money in Swiss banks
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Ponder awhile…
Two roads diverged in a wood and I took
the one less traveled by — and that has
made all the difference.
— Robert Frost
Terrorist threat
along Pak border
AKISTAN is not likely to end its
proxy war in Kashmir. During the
last couple of years, its operations in
Kashmir might have been on a
smaller scale but that could be because of certain domestic developments. The training camps in PoK are
very active.
According to an intelligence report,
there are as many as 42 camps near
the LoC. After training, the terrorists
are pushed into India. Just now, some
450 terrorists are getting set for infiltration into Kashmir. It is the security
force along the border that keeps a
watch over the movements of not
only these terrorists but also Pakistani
soldiers. The situation has always
been tense all along the border and
there can be no move for any reduction in the size of the Indian army in
There have been demands by some
prominent leaders in the state and
elsewhere in the country that part of
the army should be withdrawn. This
demand has come particularly after
the stone-pelting agitation last year.
What has become quite evident is
that withdrawal of soldiers would be a
big misstate. It is not surprising one
of the main demands of the separatists in Kashmir is that the army
should be withdrawn. Evidently they
want to make it easy for Pakistani terrorists to sneak into India.
So long as the Pak threat is there
along the border, the Indian army
has got to be there in full force. The
army may be sometimes called upon
to deal with violence by separatists
but its main work in Kashmir is to
keep the Pakistani army at bay
along the LoC.
Associate Editor
Chairman of the
Board of Directors
Afternoon Despatch & Courier office is located at:
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Printed by Shashikant Jadhav at Journal Press,
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Nariman Point, Mumbai-400 021.
Vol. XXVII No. 30
VER since word spread, some months
ago, that Indian money forms the
largest component of money in secret
Swiss bank accounts, I have been following
the story closely. My interest came from
finding the news hard to believe in the first
place and heightened steadily because I
began to see it as a red herring being fed to
gullible news channels to distract them from
investigating big corruption in India. So last
Tuesday when Julian Assange was interviewed on Times Now, I listened carefully. He
said clearly that there were Indian names attached to Swiss accounts and that these
would come out in some future instalment
of Wikileaks. He said that the Indian government should be more aggressive in investigating these accounts because per capita
India was losing more tax money than Germany.
The largest stash
The largest stash in secret Swiss accounts
is from Germany. What Assange did not say
was that Indians had the largest number of
secret accounts in Swiss banks but most
newspapers that I read the next morning reported that this is what he had said. The
Navbharat Times made the story first lead
on its front page and its more financially literate cousin, the Economic Times, reported
the story less dramatically but had this
headline, ‘More Indian Money in Swiss
Banks Than Others.’ It was supposedly quoting Assange but when I read the story I discovered that he was not quoted as having
said this.
He could not have said it because, as the
world’s current super-sleuth, he would know
well that Indian money does not constitute
the largest component of the Swiss banking
system. Even cursory investigations will reveal that most of the money in Swiss banks
comes from Europe, the Middle East, Latin
America and the United States. India comes
after these countries and possibly even after
China and Southeast Asia. But, in recent
months Indians have been led to believe
that if the money salted away in secret Swiss
accounts comes back to India then it would
be the solution to all our economic problems. Prominent opposition politicians have
gone on record to say this on national television and leftist journalists have repeated
the story endlessly in their columns and
their TV shows.
What is interesting about this emphasis
on Swiss accounts is that the people who go
on and on about bringing India’s money
back seem not to notice that a whole new
breed of Indian politicians has come to
power and they have no interest in depositing their loot in foreign banks. They need it
in India for political purposes and to make
sure that their families roll in wealth for generations to come. With this in mind they use
their ill-gotten riches to start up businesses
in India that in the shortest possible time do
remarkably well. If Jagan Reddy’s tax returns
are anything to go by, this young scion of the
late Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh is a
business genius. Within three years his annual advance tax went from a paltry Rs.3
lakh to a mind-boggling Rs.84 crore. Why
does he want to be in politics, you may well
ask, if he is such a business genius.
He is not alone among India’s political
heirs in exhibiting this extraordinary talent
for business. It requires only the most basic
investigative journalism to discover that in
Tavleen Singh
nearly every big political family there is at
least one so-called business genius. A son or
a son-in-law who suddenly becomes head of
a big corporation or a big group of companies without anyone being completely certain where the money came to fund these
mysterious new businesses. How is it that
nobody seems interested in investigating
sources of such huge new wealth?
Clues to its origins lie in the spate of scandals that have recently unravelled. Suresh
Kalmadi out of one small job of organizing
the Commonwealth Games managed to
favour a whole range of companies and contractors causing losses to the Government of
India and allegedly big gains for himself.
Similarly when A. Raja was in the Ministry of
Charity is unconditional sharing
SHO, Indian mystic, guru and philosopher, and founder of the Rajneesh
movement, reminds us of a Sufi story. He
said: Charity simply means you have something; you should enjoy to share it. Don’t be
a miser. Don’t hold on to it because this
whole life is going to end one day and you
will not be able to take anything with you.
So while you are alive, why not share as
much as you can? Things which can be
taken away any moment...it is better that
you share them. And it is a great joy to share.
The man who learns the art of sharing is the
richest man in the world. He may be poor,
but his inner being has a quality of richness
that even emperors may feel jealous of.
I have always loved a small Sufi story: A
poor man, very poor, a woodcutter, lived in
the forest in a small hut. The hut was so
small that he and his wife could sleep...only
that much space was in the hut.
In the middle of one dark night, it was
raining hard and somebody knocked on the
door. The wife was sleeping close to the
door. The husband said to the wife, “Open
the door. The rain is too much and the man
must have lost his way. It is a dark night and
the forest is dangerous and full of wild animals. Open the door immediately!”
She said, “But there is no space.” The man
laughed and said, “This is not a palace of a
king, where you will always find a shortage
of space. This is a poor man’s hut. Two can
sleep well; three can sit. We will create space.
Just open the door.”
And the door was opened. The man came in
and he was very grateful and they all sat and
started talking and gossiping and telling stories to each other. The night had to be passed
somehow because they could not sleep; there
was no space. And just then, another knock...
The man, the new guest, was now sitting
by the side of the door. The owner of the hut
said, “Friend, open the door. Somebody else
is lost.” And the man said, “You seem to be a
very strange fellow. There is no space.”
He said, “This was my wife’s argument too. If
I had listened to her argument, you would
have been in the forest, eaten by the wild animals. And you seem to be a strange man that
you cannot understand that we are sitting just
Telecommunications he favoured certain
companies when he handed out 2G Spectrum and they favoured his family and
friends with generous dollops of cash for ostensible investment. What may have been
made as profit in these scandals is small
change compared with what the Chief Minister of a state can make. It is in his hands to
change land use and hand out government
contracts and there is big, big money in
these activities. So one of the most effective
ways to reduce corruption in India would be
to reduce the discretionary powers that high
officials enjoy. Another way of reducing corruption would be to lay down clear rules by
which contracts are handed out instead of
keeping the process so vague and nebulous
that they can be tailored at will.
Corporate geniuses
The reason why I continue to believe that
the Swiss accounts story is a red herring is
because even when it comes to big businessmen stashing their black money abroad
there is less need than there used to be in socialist times. In those days when businessmen were made to sometimes pay taxes that
were higher than their profits secret stashes
in Swiss banks were almost necessary. Especially since there was in those dark, impoverished times, such strict restrictions on
foreign exchange that the amount allowed
by the RBI for Indians traveling to foreign
lands was often less than you needed to pay
for the taxi that took you into town.
The times have, mercifully, changed. Indian businessmen are allowed not only to
take out more than enough money to be
able to stay in fine hotels in London and
New York, they are even allowed to buy foreign companies and open legitimate accounts abroad. So instead of chasing after
Swiss bank accounts, those who want to reduce corruption in public life in India
should be paying more attention to finding
the holes into which black money disappears inside India. Real estate is a reliable
parking spot because it is almost impossible
to buy property in our towns and cities without black money. The corporate geniuses
that have sprouted in the homes of our big
political dynasties are full of black money
secrets and then there are political leaders
like Mayawati who flaunt their new wealth
with pride. This is without even going into
the thousands of crore rupees of black
money that fund elections in India.
because of you. We are tired after a long day. I
am a woodcutter — the whole day I cut the
wood and then sell it in the market and then
we can hardly get food once a day. Open the
door. This is not your hut. If three persons can
sit comfortably, four persons can sit a little
closer, with a little less comfort. But we will
create the space.” Naturally he had to open
the door, although reluctantly. And a man
entered and he was very grateful. Now they
were sitting very close; there was not even a
single inch of space left. And then suddenly,
a strange knock, which did not seem to be a
man’s! There was silence from all three; the
wife and the two guests were afraid that he
would say open the door.
And he said it. “Open the door. I know
who is knocking. It is my donkey. In this
wide world he is my only friend. I carry my
wood on that donkey. He remains outside,
but it is raining too much. Open the door.”
And now it was the fourth guest to be allowed in, and everybody resisted and they
said, “This is too much. Where is the donkey
going to stand?” This man said, “You don’t understand. It is a poor man’s hut, it is always
spacious. Right now we are sitting; when the
donkey comes in we will all be standing and
we will keep the donkey in the middle so he
feels warm and cozy and loved.”
— To be continued
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Landslide victory for Jayalalitha
IF the CBI proceeds ahead and
names the nearest kin of the
DMK chief in the 2G scam
charge-sheet, then the latter is
likely to ask its ministers in the
UPA II cabinet to quit the coalition. If the things come to that
pass, then the matter may culminate in the withdrawal of support by the Dravidian Party.
Nevertheless, the Congress can
be assured of completing its full
term in office. A few suitors like
the AIADMK, BSP, SP and the
RJD are waiting in the wings to
pounce upon the earliest opportunity to jump on the bandwagon. Of course, their support
is not going to come without a
few strings attached; may be, in
the form of an assurance of immunity for their respective party
— Arun Malankar, Santacruz (E)
WHATEVER said and done, Tamil
Nadu elections showed very high
percentage of voting and the re-
Empower the women
IT is a proud moment for every citizen of the country that India is developing in every aspect,
but it is unfortunate to LETTER
read that when it comes
to violence against women, the reports and facts are very disturbing.
The latest report of the National
Crime Research Bureau of India
shows that there is a crime committed against women every three
to four minutes, with rape every 30
minutes and a case of dowry death
every 80 minutes. The act of cruelty
against the wife meted out by husband and the in-laws is recorded
every 10 minutes. All these crimes
are increasing at an alarming rate.
We see more such cases in rural
areas as compared to urban areas,
owing to education and independence given to women.
The main cause in a majority of
the cases is dissatisfaction with
dowry and continued demand for
it, leaving a strain on the relationship. I strongly feel that if the
woman does not react in her defence, such things will continue. It
is high time awareness must be created among suffering women to
come forward to register their complaints and the law also must be
made very tough so that the accused or culprit should not go scotfree.
coming into power in Tamil Nadu is
certain, especially with the public
favoring the AIADMK over the rival DMK
sult will be a landslide victory of
AIADMK and its allies. The
AIADMK General Secretary
worked very hard for the victory
with hectic campaigning, which
done about these looters. A drop
may be nothing but billions of
drops make a mighty ocean from
where a tsunami can rise. Corrupt
politicians have made laws to protect themselves. All this has to be
rooted out now.
— Harischandra Parshuram, Juhu
You’ll live forever
SATHYA SAI BABA will be remembered by millions of his followers. It
when Sai Baba’s last rites will be
performed and a samadhi will be
built over his holy body, similar to
his last avatar at Shirdi.
Even though not in physical
form, but Sai will be ever present
with his devotees, guarding and
guiding the people towards right
The ideals of compassion, kindness and love propagated by the
spiritual guru during his lifetime
will always stand in good stead to
those who will live by the preaching of Sai.
— S. Venkatnarayan, Matunga
Set your priorities
THOUGH there seems slow and
steady economic growth in the
country, there is no improvement
in the condition of malnutrition
and starvation because of poverty
— Bhagwan B. Thadani, Mumbai
Root out corruption
IT is devastating that Julian Assange has revealed that he has the
names of those Indians who have
accounts in Swiss Banks. Assange is
right when he remarked that the
Indian government should be more
aggressive in taking action against
such individuals. These individuals
have criminally defrauded the nation
sympathy. Anna Hazare’s movement has received a big boost and
all Indians who are against corruption should now double all efforts
to bring pressure on the government to root out corruption. We
cannot sit idle or resign ourselves
to our fate that nothing can be
kids dying from malnutrition, the
Maharashtra government wants to spend
crores on nuclear projects
will yield fruits with a comeback
win over arch-rival DMK. So, Jayalalitha is confidence personified
and hopes to hit bull’s eye when
the results will be out on May 13.
To add glamour to her alliance,
Captain Vijayakanth made his
presence felt in the last elections
and this time he came out with a
successful campaign and that is
going to be the turning point for
the outcome of AIADMK alliance
winning the TN election.
J. Jayalalitha came, saw and conquered the voters with her dynamism and good governance in
the state. People are not
happy with minority DMK alliance and their corrupt ways of
giving out bribes and freebies to
lure voters. People in the state
want a change of Government
and the victory sign is already
displayed by the AIADMK in its
election symbol. 2G scam is
going to turn the voters towards
AIADMK and a landslide
victory is forecast as per the exit
— C.K. Subramaniam, Sanpada
unlimited in Maharashtra. The
Harvard School of Public Health
has noted in its recent survey that
the problem of malnutrition
among the poor is worsening in
India day by day. The above mentioned HSPH’s Professor M. B. Subramaniam adds that there seems
no end of the child-malnutrition.
In the tribal areas of numerous villages of Maharashtra, the number
of deaths due to malnutrition is increasing rapidly, and shockingly
this sad episode seems to be unending.
The state High Court has frequently slammed the Maharashtra
government in this regard, but the
latter does nothing in this very serious matter, except giving false assurances. It takes no concrete steps
to end this cruel menace and yet it
wants the nuclear project in Jaitapur to kill more people.
The economic growth is meaningful only when it ends malnutrition, starvation and poverty.
Otherwise it is absolutely useless.
What will the Maharashtra government prefer now? Jaitapur nuclear
project or end of malnutrition,
starvation and poverty in Maharashtra?
— Hansraj Bhat, Borivli (W)
Faction friction
GROUPS fighting as enemies in the
Congress Party is very common,
since High Command connives at
such activities so that strong leadership does not emerge at the State
level and leaders of factions will
prostrate at the feet of the High
Command for sustenance. The
news item that Ghulam Nabi Azad
is encouraging the faction headed
by President of PCC in Tamil Nadu,
K.V. Thangkabalu should not be a
cause for raising eye brows since it
not a new feature. In the event the
High Command is genuinely serious of rejuvenating, the moribund
organisation must bid good bye to
the system of nominating PCC
Presidents and Legislature Party
leaders and instead encourage
election of leaders by secret ballot.
— K.R.P. Gupta, Mumbai
Be careful
SUMMER vacations have started.
Many people would go out of town
to spend the summer vacations.
This is also the time of the year
when theft and burglary cases increase. It has been observed that
many houses are locked and empty
during the month of May as many
people go out station, and this is
the best time for the thieves to
strike. I appeal that the neighbour
s should be wary and alert. Not
only for the houses that are locked,
but also for their own houses, as in
many cases it has happened that
the neighbours doors are locked or
damaged to keep them from interfering while the thieves rob other
— Bhavesh Jani, Nalasopara (E)
Learn from Delhi
THE authorities of the Delhi Metro
Corporation deserve to be congratulated on completing a successful
run of the mass rapid transport system for 100 months from December 24, 2002 to April 24, 2011, over
183 km with 135 stations (100
months and still running, ADC, Apr
25). By 2015 the Delhi metro network will cover 295 km, making it
one of the fastest expanding Metro
networks in the world. For all that
the construction work had started
only in 1998 and they had to work
through tough quartzite rock along
the route.
WELL DONE: Delhi Metro is a perfect
example of how a metro rail project
should be handled and executed
In comparison, our own VersovaAndheri-Ghatkopar Elevated Corridor for 12 km, awarded to the
Reliance Infrastructure Consortium in 2007, is still in its nascent
stage and is expected to be completed by August 2012. Mumbai’s
Metro is thus lagging considerably
behind Delhi in this respect because of having started on the project very late. Our transport
planners had been dabbling with
too many flyovers and the Eastern
Freeway so much so an underground Metro railway system
which would have been accomplished without much problems
through the black basalt rock got
pushed to the back burner.
Mumbai will do well to take a leaf
out of its Delhi counterpart and attach its full attention to this important project.
— Dr. V. Subrammanyan, Dombivli (E)
Andha kanoon!
and fraudsters.
Our judicial system needs a
sea change and we must have
laws which prevent scams. Else,
the likes of A. Raja, Kalmadis
and co. would hog the limelight
for a while and be forgotten till
another scam or fraud takes
place in the near future.
— S.N. Kabra, Goregaon (W)
TIME PLEASE: Now that Suresh
Kalmadi had enough time to stash away
his loot, he has been duly arrested to be
a state guest!
ARRESTING Suresh Kalmadi
after several months of the
Commonwealth scam is a
mockery of our judiciary system.
So was the case with A. Raja,
several other politicians and bureaucrats who have been arrested in some scam or the
other, but the time lag between
the scam and arrest is a matter
of debate leading to suspicion
and controversy.
It’s like catching a lion after it
has eaten the zebra. The zebrameaning the loot- cannot be recovered now and it is an added
responsibility of the state to now
feed and look after the well
being of the lion- meaning the
V.V.I.P. arrests.
Police and our judiciary system comes into the picture after
everything is done and over with
and arrest people involved
knowing well that the booty
cannot be recovered, thus giving
a safe passage to the criminals
THE arrest of Suresh Kalmadi,
chairman of the spectacular
Commonwealth Games is indeed a pathetic sight, as it
clearly proves what greed and
corruption can do to people in
high places.
Suresh Kalmadi has done a lot
for sports activities in India and
has a fabulous career, but the
greed to make a fast buck at the
cost of the nation put him behind bars!
The CBI is now planning to
target Sheila Dixit who jointly
organised the Commonwealth
Games with Kalmadi. Several
important ministers and officers
from the Delhi government
could be arrested any moment.
Corruption in high places has
assumed alarming proportions
as even in the 2G scam, the minister for telecommunications A.
Raja along with industrialists
and even the family members of
the Chief Minister of Tamil
Nadu, Karunanidhi was deeply
Whatever be the reason,
whether it is greed for money or
misuse of their positions, corruption needs to be checked
and drastic action needs to be
taken against the culprits to set
a fitting example to others.
— K.V. Satyamurty, Juhu
London and the royal
household are a frenzy of
activity as Prince William’s
and the royal family’s big
day nears. A one-hour special feature gets you an
overview of the hectic
preparations from traffic
management to what’s
being cooked in the royal
kitchens in preparation for
the Will-Kate wedding.
TLC, 9 p.m.
A daredevil loses his battle against a tropical storm and
nearly loses his life. A cameraman covering a hurricane
becomes part of the story. Million dollar homes fall down
in the middle of the night. Discovery, 10 p.m.
Rukmi convinces the family that she lied to all about
Ranveer’s whereabouts since she did not want to stress
the family. Rasal is shocked that her own mother suggests
that she marry Vikram. Sahara One, 9.30 p.m.
RIVER MONSTERS host and biologist Jeremy Wade travels across the world to solve some of the freshwater mysteries, debunk myths and track down harrowing tales
about the most monstrous fish on the planet. In this
episode Jeremy travels to Alaska and explores his face-toface encounters with mysterious flesh-eating predators,
gargantuan fish and other RIVER MONSTERS.
Animal Planet, 8 p.m.
Jamana Lal will question Meena on ‘what is it that, his
family seeks’. To which Roli quickly replies that everyone
would be happy if they could get some pakodas. Meena
agrees to the request and everyone is pleased. Further in
the episode Diwakar comes home and tells Jamana Lal
that there’s a proposal for Simar, which makes Jamana Lal
happy. On the other side we will see Simar start rehearsing but realizes that she won’t be able to rehearse because of the pravachan sabha. Now what will Simar do?
Colors, 7.30 p.m.
Richard Hammond reveals the surprising engineering
connections to NASA’s Space Shuttle - the world’s first
reusable space craft. He goes backstage at Kennedy
Space Center, in Florida, to discover how the most technologically advanced machine ever engineered by man
could not exist without a church organ pump, tram tracks,
a WWII anti-sonar device, a camera iris, and a cannonball.
The Shuttle’s main engines produce 37 million horsepower to reach up to 650 km above Earth, and Richard
demonstrates how the craft survives engine combustion
temperatures exceeding the 3300°C at launch by using
its own cryogenic liquid hydrogen (at minus 253°C) for
cooling - an idea he successfully borrows to boil water in a
kettle made out of ice cream. He also shows how aluminum is the secret to solid rocket fuel, and the way to
make a rocket go faster.NGC, 9 p.m.
Rampage, Discovery, 10 p.m.
As Gopi tells Koki that she was unable to tell the truth,
Koki asks Gopi that she has to change ahem’s perception
about herself and make him realize that she really cares
for him. She tells Gopi that she will send her to Switzerland with Ahem. Star Plus, 7 p.m.
In this final episode, Kate Humble concludes her remarkable frankincense trail from Oman, across seven nations to Jordan, and on to Israel and Palestinian Territories.
She flies with a daredevil female pilot over the magnificent
Wadi Rum desert valley, and reveals the secrets behind
the ancient carved rock city of Petra of the famed
Nabataean traders. She then crosses religious, cultural
and geographic boundaries into Israel and learns about
the Jewish observance of Shabbat. She continues on the
trail through the Makhtesh Ramon crater in the Negev
Desert and onto the sacred city of Jerusalem to learn why
a small plot of land is the most contested site in the world.
History, 10 p.m.
Lois becomes the high school sex ed teacher, but is
fired for having `radical’, views. So she is replaced by a
Christian group that uses fear, misinformation and lies to
promote abstinence. Star World, 11.30 p.m.
Dexter is facing some marriage and parenting challenges.
Rita is mothering him somewhat after the accident and is
not allowing him to drive, as per the doctor’s orders. Stepdaughter Astor is growing up and everything Dexter does
seems to be the wrong thing. The neighborhood watch committee goes into action when someone vandalizes property.
Dexter soon has a bead on the likely culprit and decides to
put his own skills to work. Star World, 10 p.m.
A fabulously successful divorce attorney, Miles Massey
marries a revenge-seeking gold digger,Marilyn Rexroth,
who plans on making a killing from their divorce. What follows is a hilarious, all-out battle of the sexes. Starring
George Clooney, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Geoffrey Rush, Billy
Bob Thornton. HBO, 9 p.m.
Xander Cage is your standard adrenaline junkie with no
fear and a lousy attitude. When the US Government “recruits” him to go on a mission, he’s not exactly thrilled. His
mission: to gather information on an organization that may
just be planning the destruction of the world, led by the nihilistic Yorgi. Pix, 9 p.m.
Two mutant brothers, Logan and Victor, born 200 years
ago, suffer childhood trauma and have only each other to
depend on. Basically, they’re fighters and killers, living
from war to war through U.S. history. In modern times, a
U.S. colonel, Stryker, recruits them and other mutants as
commandos. Logan quits and becomes a logger, falling in
love with a local teacher. When Logan refuses to rejoin
Stryker’s crew, the colonel sends the murderous Victor.
Logan now wants revenge. Star Movies, 11 p.m.
Lakshya, an epic war drama, is set in Kargil, Ladakh.
“You never know where life will take you”, these words
could not have been truer than in the case of Karan
Shergill (Hrithik Roshan), the protagonist of Lakshya. Born
to rich, affluent parents, Karan lives life not worrying about
tomorrow. The only stable thing in his life is Romilla Dutta
(Preity Zinta), a bright and ambitious young woman. Romi,
as she is known, loves Karan and belives that someday, he
will find his calling. Here begins his journey. Filmy, 7 p.m.
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
When Kajal (Sridevi) marries Raaj (Anil Kapoor), an engineer by profession, she and her dad (Kader Khan), automatically assume that he is rich, wealthy, and corrupt.
But that is not the case. Raaj does not have an air-conditioner, a car, nor even a refrigerator. This infuriates Kajal,
and in her mind she creates a separate world, where she
is rich, wealthy, has several cars, and lives lavishly in a big
bungalow. Even with the birth of two children, and several
years of marriage, things do not change Kajal. When Jahnvi (Urmilla Matondkar) Raaj’s boss’s (Saeed Jaffrey)
daughter comes from overseas into their lives, she falls for
the honest Raaj. After meeting the greedy Kajal, Jahnvi of-
Intolerable Cruelty, HBO, 9 p.m.
fers a large sum of money in exchange for Raaj. And Kajal,
seeing this as her opportunity to wealth and a easy life,
accepts, not knowing that this decision will change her life
forever. Zee Cinema, 8 p.m.
Max Fischer is a precocious 15-year-old whose reason
for living is his attendance at Rushmore, a private school
where he’s not doing well in any of his classes, but where
he’s the king of extracurricular activities - from being in the
beekeeping society to writing and producing plays, there’s
very little after school he doesn’t do. His life begins to
change, however, when he finds out he’s on academic probation, and when he stumbles into love with Miss Cross, a
pretty teacher of the elementary school at Rushmore.
Added to the mix is his friendship with Herman Blume,
wealthy industrialist and father to boys who attend the
school, and who also finds himself attracted to Miss Cross.
Max’s fate becomes inextricably tied to this odd love triangle, and how he sets about resolving it is the story in
the film. Zee Studio, 11 p.m.
Omni-present Bollywood acting dynamo Sunny Deol
stars as Deva, the son of honest lawyer who lives with his
brother, Aakash and his beloved sister, Guddi. Imprisoned
after a man touches Guddi and sets off his violent, jealous rage, Deva falls into a life of crime, quickly rising to the
top of the city’s criminal underworld – much to the chagrin of the other crime bosses, who plot his murder. Their
attempt to frame him for the murder of an important Minister doesn’t go as planned and Deva suddenly finds himself on the run, with the minister as a hostage, and his
brother and sister murdered. Star Gold, 9 p.m.
2.00 Sapson Se Bharey
2.30 Chand Chupa Badal
3.00 Navya.
3.30 Maayke Se Bandhi Dor.
4.00 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehalata
5.00 Sasuraal Genda Phool.
5.30 Saath Nibhaana
6.00 Behenein
6.30 Navya
7.00 Saath Nibhaana
7.45 Sasuraal Genda Phool.
8.30 Maayke Se Bandhi Dor
9.00 Gulaal.
9.30 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata
10.00 Navya
10.30 Mann Ki Awaaz..
11.00 Maryada..Lekin Kab Tak
8.30 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata
9.00 Navya
9.30 Sasural Genda Phool
10.00Saath Nibhana Saathiya
11.00 Mann Ki
Las Vegas
The Good Guys
The Simpsons.
Las Vegas
Koffee with Karan
How I Met Your Mother
Modern Family.
Las Vegas
Family Guy
Las Vegas.
The Simpsons.
Best of Koffee with
2.00 Marco’s Kitchen
3.00 American Funniest
Home Videos
4.00 The Middle
4.30 18 to Life It.
5.00 Britannia High I
8.00 Scrubs I
8.30 America’s Funniest
Home Videos
9.00 Marco’s Kitchen
Bumour I
10.00 The Mentalist II
11.00 18 to Life I
9.00 Scrubs
9.30 18 to Life II.
10.00 Britannia High I
2.00 Oprah
3.00 America’s Next Top
4.00 The Insider
4.30 Everybody Loves
5.00 The King of Queens
5.30 The Talk
6.30 Oprah.
7.30 Insider The
8.00 Everybody Loves
8.30 The King of Queens.
9.00 Oprah
10.00 America’s Next Top
11.00 Everybody Loves
9.00 Oprah
10.00 America’s Next Top
11.00 Everybody Loves
Saas Bina Sasuraal.
CID Classics.
Krishna Ben
Chhange Chhange Kaa
Surya The Super Cap
Saas Bina Sasural.
CID Super Cases
9.00 Comedy Super Cases
Sanskaar Laxmi
Chhoti Si Zindagi
Ram Milaye Jodi.
Sanjog Se Bani
Shabash India
Pavitra Rishta.
Apno Ke Liye Geeta Ka
Chhoti Si Zindagi
Jhansi Ki Rani.
Yahaan Main….
Pavitra Rishta.
Ram Milaye Jodi
Sangog Se Bani
Sanskaar Laxmi.
Pavitra Rishta
9.00 Yahaan Main Ghar Ghar
9.30 Jhansi Ki Rani
10.00 Ram Milaye Jodi.
10.30 Pavitra Rishta
2.28 Rang Badalti Odhani
3.00 Dhoondh Legi Manzil
3.30 Rang Badalti Odhani.
4.00 Pyaar Ki Yeh Ek Kahani
4.30 Yeh Ishq Haaye
Balika Vadhu
Bairi Piya.
Yeh Pyar Na Hoga Kam.
Laagi Tujhse Lagan.
Na Aana Is Des
2.00 Rihston Ke Bhawar
Mein Uljhi
2.30 Kyunki..Jeena Isi Ka
Naam Hai.
3.00 Ram Aur Shyam:
6.00 Rishton Ke Bhawar
Mien Uljhi.
6.30 Ganga Ki Dheej.
7.00 Hukum Mere Aaka.
7.30 Hi Pasodi…Kaun Hai
8.00 Shorr.
8.30 Hamari Beti Raaj
9.00 Rishton Ke Bhawar
Mein Uljhi.
9.30 Kesariya Balam Aavo
Hamare Des.
10.00 Ganga Ki Dheej.
10.30 Mata Ki Chowki.
11.00 Kaala Saaya.
8.00 Golen Melodies.
8.30 Dhoom.
9.00 Abhimanyu: Film
2.00 Pinjara
News in Marathi.
Hasat Khelat
Maze Maye.
Chimani Pakhra.
News in Marathi.
The News.
Ek Angan Ke Ho Gaye Do
Mere Desh Beti
Jhoome Nachen Gayenreality show
10.30 Happy Home
11.00 Rangoli.
2.00 Best of Samantha
2.30 Shimmy.
3.00 Take and Break
4.00 Making The Cut
5.00 Open Ticket
6.00 Project Runway
7.00 Chew
8.00 Wild Weddings
9.00 The Making of A Royal
10.00 Everyday Exotic
10.30 World Party.
11.00 Anthony Bourdain
8.00 Chew
9.00 Fun Asia
10.00 Everyday Exotic
10.30 World Party.
11.00 Project Runway
Human Body
My Shocking Story
Life In The Cold Blood
Tsavo Lions: The
Saath Nibhaana..., Star Plus, 7 p.m.
5.00 Dhoondh Legi Manzil
5.30 Geet Hui Sabse Parayi
6.00 Yeh Ishq Haaye
6.30 Pyaar Ki Yeh Ek Kahani
7.00 Rang Badalti Odhani
7.30 Geet Hui Sabse Parayi
8.00 Yeh Ishq Haaye
8.30 Pyaar Ki Yeh Ek Kahani
9.00 Dhoondh Legi Manzil
9.30 Geet-Hui Sabse Paragi
10.00 Rang Badlati Odhani
10.30 Pyaar ki yeh ek Kahanai
11.00 Geet Hui Sabse Parayi
9.00 Geet Hui Sabse Parayi
9.30 Pyaar Ki Yeh Ek Kahani
10.00 Yeh Iahq Haaye
10.30 Rang Badalti Odhani.
11.00 Geet Hul Sabse Parayi
Baba Aisa Var Dhoondo
Gunhon Ka Devta
Looteri Dulhan
Beendh Banuga Ghodi
Kitani Mohabbat Hai
Nachle Ve with Saroj
and Terence
Chandragupta Maurya
Baba Aisa Varr
Beendh Banuga Ghodi
Looteri Dulhan
Kitani Mohabbat Hai
Gunhon Ka Devta
Beendh Banuga Ghodi
Looteri Dulhan.
Baba Aisa Varr Dhoondo
Pardes Mein Mila Koi
Gunhon Ka Devta
9.00 Baba Aisa Varr
10.00 Zor Ka Jhatka
Aise Karo Naa Vidaa.
Na Aana Is Des Laado.
Kitchen Champion
Na Aana Is Des Laado
Aise Karo Naa Vidaa
Sasural Simar Ka.
Sasural Simar Ka, Colors, 7.30 p.m.
2.30 Bhagyalakshmi
3.00 Maal Masala: Film
6.00 Home Minister-Jau Bai
6.30 Waras
7.00 Kunku.
7.30 Bhagyalakshmi
8.00 Mazhiya Priyala Preet
8.30 Lajja.
9.00 Pinjara
9.30 Ekapeshsa Ek Female
10.30 Pinjara
11.00 Kunku.
7.30 Good Morning
9.00 Kunku.
9.30 Lajja.
10.00 Ekapeksha Ek Female
11.00 Waras
Hallo Bol
Ya Walnawar
Char Diwas Sasuche.
Hya Gojirwanya Gharat.
Kalay Tasmye Namah
Maharahstra Maza
Ya Walnawar
Lek Ladaki Ya Gharchi
Char Diwas Sasuche.
Hya Gojirwanya Gharat.
Kalay Tasmye Namah
Halla Bol
Aapli Mumbai.
Gane Tumche Aamache.
Lek Ladaki Ya Gharachi
Navra Bayko: Film.
Ashok Saraf, Varsha
Planet Wild: Flamingo
The Pack.
Animal Planet’s Most
Wildest Africa
Fatal Attraction
Animal Planet Safari
When Animal Attack
Nick Baker’s Weird
11.30 National Prog of Dance.
DDII (Metro Channel)
Rajyon Se Samachar.
Aankhon Dekhi.
Metro Scan.
Khel Samachar.
Business Wrap.
Samachar Plus.
Late Edition.
Opportunities Overseas
Mukhya Samahcar.
Khel Samachar.
Business WRAP.
Tsavo Lions
Time Warp
Extreme Engineering
Traveller Band
Science and Tech
Deadliest Warrior
India Investigates.
Travelled Band
The Frankincense Trial.
Creative Vision.
Traveller Band: Lonely
10.00 Traveller Band
11.00 Creative Vision.
Mission Army
Nat Geo Genius
Nat Geo Amazing
Wild Week
I Didn’t Know That
Wild – Expedition
Space Shuttle.
True Stories
Big Cats Week
True Stories
Creative Vision
Croc Week
2.00 Barclays Premier
League 10/11
4.00 Full Throttle.
4.30 Engine Block.
5.00 ACE 2011.
5.30 Golf Focus 2011.
6.00 TNA Sikander.
7.00 Superleague
8.00 Nations of Champions.
9.00 Score Tonight.
9.30 TNA Sikander.
10.30 Paradise Regatta.
11.00 Game.
7.30 Hot Water
8.30 Asian Tour Ballantine’s
Rangoli, DDI, 11 p.m.
Legendary Man-Eaters
Somali Pirate Takedown
Extreme Engineering
Toughest Military
Philippine Open
KIA X Games Asia
Castol Football
Sportscenter India
Sportscenter Asia.
Bpl Express
Sportscenter India
8.30 Asian Tour Golf Show
10.00 Ironman World
All programmes on this page are as per the official schedules of the various channels. Afternoon is not responsible for any last minute changes.
1.45 The World Is Not Enough
4.25 Terminator 3: Rise of the
6.40 Bad Company
9:00 Pineapple Express
11.00 X Men Origins: Wolverine
8.00 Felow
10.15 The Graduate
12.00 Checkmate: Sanjay
Narvekar, Swapnail Joshi
3.00 Bharat Aala Parat:
Bharat Jadhav, Vijay
6.30 Gupchup Gupchup: Ashok
Saraf, Ranjana
9.30 Mee Tulas Tuzya Angani:
Ashok Shinde
Capitalism: A Love Story
Flirting with Forty
Intolerable Cruelty
The King of Fighters
The Tenth Circle
Missing In Action 2: The
Gutty Renker
Divided We Fall
The General
50 Movies Francois Ozon
– Jim and Jules
11:00 Cold Trail
7.00 Teleshopping.
9.00 Jim and Jules
10.45 La Zona
DDI (Main Channel)
10.00 When Animal Attacks!
11.00 Up Close and
8.00 Animal Planet Safari
9.00 When Animal Attacks!
10.00 Up Close And
10.30 Snake Crusader with
Bruce George.
11.00 Wild Caribbean
King Arthur
The Peacemaker
Ben 10: Alien Force
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien
Tom and Jerry Show.
Ben 10 Alien Force
Chooha Billi Chor Police.
Krishna and Balram
Roll No 21
Beyblade Metal Fusion
Richie Rich.
Dragon Tales
Richie Rich.
Krishna and Balram
Tom and Jerry Show.
Ben 10: Alien Force.
12.00 Chhota Bheem Marathon
4.00 Pokemon: DP Galactic
6.00 MAD.
6.30 Chhota Bheem.
7.00 Tutti Frutti Laugher Duty
7.30 Anpanman Breadman.
8.00 The pink Panther Show
8.30 Just For Laugh Gags.
9.00 Takeshi’s Castle.
10.00 Just for Laugh Gags
10.30 Bam Bam Bam Gir Pade
The Foreigner
Death Defying Acts
The Benchwarmers
Anaciondas: The Hunt For
The Blood Orchid
9.00 XXX
11.35 Hot Tub Time Machine
8.15 United States of Lealand
10.30 Stormbreaker
XXX, Pix, 9 p.m.
1.30 Jodi No 1: Sanjay Dutt,
Pooja Batra
5.30 Barsaat; Bobby Deol
9.00 Ziddi: Sunny Deol
9.30 Gair: Ajay Devgan
3.00 Billo Bachana Ek Duljala
7.00 Delhi Daredevils vs
Kolkata Knight Riders.
5.30 Rishtey: Anil Kapoor,
Karishma K
10.00 Veer Zaara: Shahrukh
Khan, Preity Zinta.
12.00 Tum Ko Na Bholl Payenge:
Salman Khan, Sushmita
4.00 Sone Pe Suhaaga:
Dharmendra, Jeetendra
8.00 Judaai.
8.00 Shera: Mithun C, Gulshan
2.00 Milan: Sunil Dutt, Nutan
5.30 Khel Khilari Ka:
Dharmendra, Shabana
9.00 Sahebzaade: Sanjay Dutt,
9.30 Shiva Shakti: Govinda,
12.00 Patthar Aur Payal:
Dharmendra, Hema
3.00 Alag Alag: Rajesh Khanna,
Tina M
7.00 Lakshya: Hrithik Roshan,
Pretiy Zinta
10.30 Unbreakable: Robin Wright
8.30 Khamosh-Khauff Ki
Raat: Shilpa Shetty,
Shawar Ali
12.00 Do Numri: Mithun C,
4.00 Kahani Kismat Ki:
Dharmendra, Rekha
8.00 Josh: Shahrukh Khan,
Aishwarya Rai
8.00 Apna Desh: Rajesh
Khanna, Mumtaz.
Lakshya, Fimly, 7 p.m.
The Pink Panther Show
Galli Galli Sim Sim V.
Chhota Bheem
Takeshi’s Castle.
Mr Bean.
Art Attack
1001 Nights
Phineas And Ferb
Art Attack
Phineas And Ferb
Fox and The Hound
Phineas and Ferb
2.00 Kid vs Kata
2,30 Monkey King.
3.00 Super Robot Monkey
Team Hyper Force
4.00 Kid vs Kat
5.00 Heroes-5 Avengers
5.30 Kid vs Kat
6.30 Super Robot Monkey
Team Hyper Force Go
7.00 Legend of Tarzan
7.30 Phineas And Ferb
8.00 Monkey King
8.30 Super Robot Monkey
Team Hyper Force Go
9.00 Buzz Light Year of Star
10.00 Zeke And Luther.
10.30 Aaron Stone.
8.00 Kid vs Kat
9.00 Buzz Light Year of Star
9.30 Super Robot
Monkey Team Hyper
Force Go
10.00 Buzz Light Year of Star
pg16 Find out the cool things you can
wear this summer to beat the heat
pg19 Learn how you can make your
makeup survive the sweltering sun
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
s teenagers, we’re always waiting to grow
older, be independent, try out that ‘big
bad world’ our elders keep talking about,
fed up that no one takes us seriously.
While some of our adolescent problems made us
think like it was the end of the world and nothing
could be worse, some issues were so
embarrassing that we didn’t want to show our
face to anyone. It was the time when our world
was limited to our college and peer group.
Then, before we know it, life
moved on and we reached the
phase when we are married,
have a job and babies to look
after. And now we’re in a
perpetual nostalgic mode —
missing the days gone by
only hoping if we could
have them back. There are
many silly mistakes we
make as teenagers and
“If I could go back to being 17 years
old again, I would tell myself to learn
to love and respect myself for what I
am in order to be able to stand up
against bullies.”
— Neha Saraf, 27
>> If you were 17
again, what would
you tell yourself?
while most of us only learn out of our own
experiences, we ask a few 20 something women
from across the city what they would do
differently or what advice they would give
themselves if they had the chance to go back to
being 17 again...
As teenagers, one of the biggest mistakes we
make is to look at ourselves through the eyes of
others. Be it our parents, teachers, friends or
peers, we’re always looking for outward approval
instead of our own. Juhu resident, Neha Saraf, 27,
Director of Brandzstorm India Marketing says, “If
I could go back to being 17 again, I would tell
myself to learn to love and respect myself in order
to stand up against bullies. I wish someone had
told me that there is a beautiful person inside me
waiting to shine in spite of my aggressive, untidy
and tom boyish personality.”
Neha adds, “Today, when I look at myself in the
mirror, I tell myself that I am a beautiful girl and I
respect myself for what I am. This is how I get
myself to feel absolutely empowered without
letting any criticism affect me.”
Continued on pg 14 «
Do you often wish you knew then what you know now?
Henna Achhpal asks a few twenty-something women what advice
they would like to give their 17-year-old selves...
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Afternoon Despatch & Courier
older and wiser: what do you wish you knew when you were younger?
“If I could go back to being
17 years old again, I would
tell myself to get out and
experience student life
internationally and chart
out a life plan a little
earlier in life and not wait
till I’m a graduate.”
— Kunjarani D’souza, 24
“I wish someone had told
me that when you grow up
your friends might move
away, your determination
to work hard might
alienate a few friends but
at the end, everything will
be okay.”
— Aanchal Saigall, 24
“I would go back and tell
my 17 year old self that it’s
okay if you don’t have a
boyfriend at 17 or 18 or 19
or even 35! But it’s
important to always have
a few good friends that
you can count on.”
— Genesia Alves, 36
“I would advise my 17 year
old self that it helps when
you start early in your
career rather than
exploring various options
because by the time you
are 25, you already have a
decent standing.”
— Abhiruchi Chand, 27
“As you grow older, you
realise that you are
becoming like your
mother, her views and
values become your own
and that’s when you wish
you hadn’t argued with her
quite so much.”
— Siya Malhotra, 22
Continued from pg 13 «
no Boy? no proBlem
‘Why doesn’t Rahul notice me? Everybody in school teases me with
him, I cannot go to school.’ Sigh! Only if we knew there were bigger
problems awaiting us when we grow up, these wouldn’t have
seemed so troublesome.
Of course teenage years are the time when we have hormones
raging within us so there is little we can do to avoid thinking about
the opposite sex but Neha says, “I will definitely want to tell my 17year-old self that having a boyfriend when you’re in school does not
give you an edge over the others in the long run.” To which Bandra
resident, Genesia Alves agrees, “I would go back and tell my 17year-old self that it’s okay if you don’t have a boyfriend at 17 or 18 or
19 or even 35!”
all will Be okay
When we are teenagers, no matter what situation we are faced with,
we tend to view it narrowly and think as if our world has come to an
end. Bandra resident, Aanchal Saigall, Strategy Head at RpH PR
reminisces, “When I was 17, I wish someone had told me that when
you grow up your friends might move away, your determination to
work hard might alienate a few friends, everything will keep you so
busy that you might not be able to spend enough time with family
but at the end, everything will be okay.”
Now, when we look back we can only laugh at how a certain
situation got us so worked up. Looking at the bigger picture also
makes us see all the good that came out of the situation. So, breathe!
All will be okay.
foCus, foCus
Apart from the all the very many problems that adolescents face,
one of the other important issue on their list is to make a suitable
career choice. Often teenagers are pressured with the thought that
this is it — this is the time when their decision will either make or
break the rest of their life. Due to this pressure, sometimes it gets
difficult to settle with one career option and many are left
wandering ‘trying to figure their life out.’ Andheri resident,
journalist with Zoom Television, 27-year-old Abhiruchi Chand says,
“The only advice I would give my 17-year-old self is to start early in
terms of career. It doesn’t matter what field you choose, simply get
busy with what you’re interested in at the moment. It helps when
you start early rather than exploring various options because by the
time you are 25, you already have a decent standing.”
in a new form
Zarine Khan, famously known as the
Katrina Kaif lookalike, who made her
Bollywood debut opposite Salman Khan
in Veer (which by the way flopped) is
now back in action. Well, she wasn't
really doing any movies all this while,
so she just decided to join the item
girls gang like many others. She’s now
seen shaking a leg in Salman’s
upcoming movie Ready. The song
Character Dheela has been topping the
chartbuster’s lists for its fun beats and
hilarious lyrics. The slightly plump
Zarine is looking absolutely hot in the
song in a completely new avatar. Also,
she has managed to shock everyone
with her dancing skills. Not bad, Zarine.
If not movies, we at least hope to see
you in some more item numbers for
sure, what say?
don’t forget to haVe fun
While Abhiruchi would advice her 17-year-old self to focus on
working hard, 30-year-old Janhavi Das says, “If I had the chance to
go back to being my 17 year old self again, I would advice myself to
have a little more fun while I still can.” But it’s not all play and no
work for Janhavi. The HR professional adds, “I would also advice
myself to chart out my education plans according to the career path
I wish to take.”
my mommy Bestest
Only just starting out on her twenties’ journey, Bandra resident, Siya
Malhotra, 22-year-old Fashion PR at RpH says, “At 17, you’re a rebel
and you think everything that your parents say is wrong and you
keep telling yourself and your friends, ‘Gosh! I’m never going to be
like my mother. I’m never going to treat my children this way.’ But
as you grow older, you realise that you are becoming more and more
like her, her views and values gradually become your own and that’s
when you wish you hadn’t argued with her quite so much.”
life planning
>> While writing a letter to 17-year-old, you can put this in
perspective for your daughter
Kunjarani D’souza, 24-year-old freelance Media Professional from
Juhu says, “If I could go back to being 17 again, I would warn myself
about what a waste college life here in Mumbai is and that I should
go and experience student life internationally. I would also tell
myself to have a life plan a little earlier and not wait till I’m
a graduate.”
While 26-year-old, Worli resident Aditi Gupta says, “If I was given
a chance to be 17 again, I would have studied harder and pursued a
different stream. I would have worked towards becoming a doctor
which was my original aim. Another thing I would advice my 17year-old self would be to get out of my parent’s home and learn to
become independent.”
So, pick up a pen, get out some paper and write some heartfelt
advice to your 17-year-old self. You never know, you could probably
pass on the letter to your daughter when she turns 17 in the hope
that she doesn’t make the same mistakes as you did...
out in the open
What’s there to hide now? When in
love, it doesn’t matter if you’re spotted
together or not. Well, looks like
Elizabeth Hurley believes in that
statement. No matter how many times
she may have denied her alleged link
up with cricketer Shane Warne, it really
doesn’t matter anymore. She was
recently spotted at the IPL match
where Rajasthan Royals, of which
Warne is the captain, were playing
against Kochi Tuskers Kerala. She was
seen in the VIP booth cheering for the
Royals. Well, now this is what we mean
by jab pyar kiya toh darna kya?
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
‘I want to plan Saif and
Kareena’s wedding’
Henna Achhpal talks to 21-year-old Manali Jagtap about her passion for designing, wedding planning and much more...
>> Manali Jagtap started her
career four years ago and
today, at just 21, she is an
accomplished wedding
planner and designer
aking dream weddings come
true with much brilliance, at
the age of 21, it is safe to say
that perhaps the movie, Band
Baaja Baarat is loosely based on her life.
Manali Japgtap, who recently opened
India’s first wedding store in Juhu, is also a
bridal wear designer. With a Bachelor’s
degree in Arts and no formal education in
fashion or wedding planning, Manali is
living proof that sometimes all it takes is
passion and dedication to pursue what you
truly love. We ask the enthusiastic designer
and planner how she manages it all...
How did you develop an interest in fashion?
I’ve always had an urge to use my creativity
and used to design at a young age. My
parents observed my passion and
constantly encouraged me. I began by
designing for brides at my mother, Tejaswini
Jagtap’s boutique Nupur in Bandra. It was
something I enjoyed doing and the fact that
I was getting better at it made it all the more
worthwhile. What first started off as a hobby
soon turned into a full time profession!
How long have you been designing for?
I began designing for my mother’s boutique
at the age of 17, so it’s been almost four
years till date. I had the advantage of
starting young in an extremely competitive
industry and am sure this has helped me
move forward. Although I have been
designing for four years, I still have a long
way to go in terms experience and making a
good name for myself.
How did the shift from fashion to planning
weddings take place?
I used to love helping my friends during
their elaborate wedding preparations. It
began with little things such as arranging
flowers, helping out with seating
arrangements, catering and other such
things. While helping my friends and family,
I realised that there was so much more to a
wedding than what you finally see. The
hours of planning that actually go into
creating something so amazing is quite
amazing in itself! Meticulous planning came
to me naturally. So I decided to combine
both my passions and become a wedding
planner as well as a designer.
Do you ever find it difficult to get people to
take you seriously since you’re in such a
profession at a young age?
Initially it was a little difficult to get people
to take me seriously but that was just a brief
phase. I understand the fact that given my
age, people would be apprehensive, but I
feel it’s all about projecting yourself with
confidence. Once I have my initial round of
meetings with a client, it all sorts itself out.
You must be dealing with people much
older than you. Does it ever seem to get a
little intimidating?
I have the advantage of being an outgoing
and social person so it helps in building a
rapport instantly. I was always realistic and
aware of the challenges that I may face.
Dealing with people older than me on a
regular basis is definitely a challenge.
Earlier, I was intimidated but that was at the
time when I was new. Now I’m confident
while dealing with people older than me.
How do you manage to do so much
The only thing that works singlehandedly is
my mind. To put my thoughts into action I
depend on an efficient team and hence
I credit a lot of my success to the people I
work with. The secret lies in teamwork, hard
work and attention to detail.
You have achieved so much at such a young
age? What more do you wish to achieve?
I have been fortunate to receive recognition
in such a short time, but the fact is that I still
have a long way to go before I can even
consider myself successful. I haven’t even
achieved a fraction of what I dream about.
But I have begun my mission — if Saif Ali
Khan and Kareena Kapoor get married, I
want to be the one planning it.
What is the most favourite thing about
your profession?
I am in a profession that requires the use of
multiple skills — creative skills, social skills,
management skills and negotiation skills.
So, my profession helps me develop and
shape my personality. Another thing that I
truly like about my job is that I get to
establish so many ties with different kinds
of people. We start off as complete strangers
but by the end of our association, it
transforms into a strong bond.
Visit www.weddingsatvabymanali.com to get a
glimpse of Manali’s work or step in to her store
at Turquoise Couture, Shop no. 7, Opposite
SNDT College, Juhu, Santacruz (West). You could
also contact her on 9920022204 or drop her an
email at [email protected]
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Staying stylish during summer
can be tough when you are left
with only a few styles and
materials that are suitable for
the heat. So, say goodbye to
your thick denims and satins
because it’s time to go shopping
for some cool, breezy clothes.
Samreen Samad finds you the
most fashionable summer
dresses, tops and skirts that are
comfortable and sexy. Now you
can enjoy summer in style!
Go the bArbie wAy
You can’t miss this floral tiered
skirt in purple and grey by Esprit.
Bring out the little girl in you by
pairing it with a plain tee shirt or a
hottie by pairing it with a neutral
colour racer back.
price: `3,990
red plAid
If flowers is not your thing then go
for this plaid cotton shirt by Lee. It
is smart and comfortable and can
be worn to work as well.
price: `1,499
Girly Girl
This cute spaghetti top with floral print
and lace from Allen Solly is going to
make you look like a doll. Team it will a
pair of denims and you can wear it
during the day or night.
price: `1,999
hot shorts
Throw away you denims and
leggings. It’s time to shift your
attention to these hot pants by
Kazo. Being sexy and comfortable
at the same time was never
this easy.
price: `1,500
subtle print
This simple dress by Esprit is perfect for a lazy
afternoon. It’s fuss free and cute!
price: `3,490
Sexy & Summery
comFy print
A comfortable cotton dress from
Esprit is perfect for day wear. The
subtle colours make it elegant. It has
a sash and a tie-up back to give it a
feminine and girly touch.
price: `4,490
Azhar Khan | HRM
The lovely lady
who starred in
Zokkomon looks
picture perfect in
her floral summer
dress. The brown,
masculine belt
saves the dress
from being too
girly and we love
the matching
shoes. Her hair is
swept to one side
for full effect of
the one
shouldered dress.
AvAilAble At
Kazo, Mega Mall, Oshiwara,
Andheri (W).
Esprit, Plot No.390, No.1,
Everest Clas, No.1, Everest
Clas, Linking Road,
Santacruz (W).
Allen Solly, G-14, Inorbit
Mall, Link Road, Malad (W).
Lee, Shop No. 21, 1st Floor,
Sky Zone, Phoenix Mill, High
Stree, Lower Parel.
Flower power
Floral is real big this season. So, get in to
the summer groove with this pretty floral
dress by Allen Solly. Perfect for brunch,
beach or shopping!
price: `1,799
She shows us
that she can pull
of a professional
pant-suit (as seen
in Game) as well
as a fully
feminine look. We
love that she
keeps the skin
show subtle and
follows the armsto-legs ratio
Anyone over the AGe oF 6 weArinG
The only time it is acceptable to wear these hideous jelly
beans on your feet is if you are a six-year-old by the beach or
if you are gardening. Other than that, stay far away from
these rubber monstrosities. These clumpy shoes ruin a
stylish outfit – just don’t do it.
diA mirzA
This is the
problem when you
have so many
clothes and can’t
decide what to
wear! In Dia’s
case, she’s
chosen a half
kaftan, half little
black dress for an
evening out. It
screams tacky. We
love experimental
clothing, but this
is just bad, bad,
visible brA strAps
Visible bra straps look vulgar and trashy. Transparent plastic
bra straps are no good either because they are visible and
look terribly tacky. Instead, invest in a good strapless bra
with adequate support so that you are not in an awkward
position when you have to bear your shoulders this summer.
socks And sAndAls
An inch of two
could have made
this dress so
much better. She
looks a little bit
like mutton
dressed like lamb
here even though
she gets some of
the trends right.
But didn’t you get
the memo that
big belts were out
of style, Bips?
Socks are meant to be worn with shoes, not with strappy
sandals. If you’re doing it to protect your feet from the cold –
well then you should not be wearing sandals in the first
place. It is not a good look for anyone who is even remotely
fashion conscious, so stay far away.
clothes thAt doesn’t Fit properly
If you are going to wear six inch heels or a super tight
miniskirt, do not clump around like an ogre or keep pulling
the hem of your skirt down. It is unattractive and people can
tell that you are uncomfortable. Wear clothes that look good
and make you feel good so that you can have fun without
worrying about what you’re wearing.
clAshinG prints
With a lot of prints trending this season – floral, animal
prints, nautical stripes and such – it is difficult to decide
which one to wear, however, do not try to incorporate all of
them into one outfit. Make sure your outfit has only one
printed piece (a floral skirt or a leopard print top) and keep
the rest of the outfit basic to avoid clashing prints and
looking like a clown.
— Shradha Bhatia
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
finD oUt hoW to Deal With loUD
anD noisy
My boss is a grumpy man. Every
morning when he enters office,
I happily wish him a ‘Good
morning’ with a warm smile.
Not only does he not greet
back, he ignores me
completely! I feel a little
disheartened and this
sort off spoils the
rest of my day.
Should I stop
greeting him
— Purnima iyer,
Its basic manners to greet
your seniors
regardless of whether
they greet you back. It’s a great thing that you’re a morning
person but remember that not everybody is. Don't over think
this. It’s just not in some people to greet anyone with a “Good
morning.” Keep doing it if it’s in your nature, but don’t expect
it in return. Don’t let it spoil your day.
A woman in the office who works in another department talks
so loudly that we can actually hear her at the end of the
corridor and it is really disturbing. Either she is completely
oblivious to the disturbance she is causing or she simply
doesn’t care. But a few other colleagues and I are fed up of
her and can’t understand what to do as she doesn’t belong to
our department?
— shreya saran, Khar
She probably doesn’t realise how loud she is, especially if she
works alone in her department. The best you could do is
approach your admin department and have them put up
‘Silence’ boards all over the office. Perhaps this will keep her
send your questions to womansworld@
afternoondc.in before Wednesday
Crazy in love
Is work always on your mind? Do you think of it as your significant other? Then you
may be married to your job says Glynda Alves. Read on to find out if you’re guilty...
or better or for worse, in sickness and in health,
till death do you apart. If these vows ring true to
what you feel about your job, it’s possible that
you may be married to your work life. While
being committed is an admiral trait there is a line you
need to draw to ensure that you don’t get over worked
and head for a divorce! Read on to find out if you are
married to your work.
1. Always at work: If you spend more time at work than
you do at home, there is a good chance your job is ruling
your life. You’ve even gone so far as to bring your
toothbrush to work… just in case you have to spend the
can’t live without it and have gotten so used to the
routine. Sometimes, at home… you even find yourself
waking up with work beside you.
Although being a dedicated employee is a good trait,
you should learn to draw the line between work and
home. By separating the two you can enjoy the best of
both worlds.
2. Work friends are your only friends: You talk about
work so much that you know your co-workers numbers
(mobile and landline) by heart. Even when you decide to
unwind and have a party, your home usually ends up
looks like casual Friday at work.
3. Miss work on public holidays: You hate calling in sick
and miss work so much on public holidays. You find
yourself looking through pictures of your office on your
cell phone and instead of enjoying the day, you end
up moping and wondering how you can make
up for lost time when you get back.
>> Time for
more work?
your life if you
just live to work
4. Have called your co-worker friends
other names: You hang out so much at
work that you begin to call your coworkers by your friends’ names. You
even accidentally called your boss
‘Mummy’ one day.
5. Take work home: When coworkers do manage to pry to away
from your computer screen, you
insist on taking work home. You
Motorola Defy
This rugged, android phone is what Motorola
promises to be your life-proof phone. It is a
complete smart phone for the social savvy people
with the added bonus of being dustproof, scratch
resistant and splash resistant. The android 2.1 OS
might be a drawback but it is nothing that a small
update can’t take care of. The phone has
Motorola’s own custom homescreen MOTOBLUR,
an integration of widgets, including e-mail,
weather, contacts, RSS, music player and such.
Price `18,500
Plantronics Voyager Pro Uc
This Bluetooth headset is a recent announcement of
Plantronics. Not only does this headphone deliver
good sound quality, it is also a smart headset. It has
a sensor technology that senses when the headset is
not worn properly and automatically routes the call to
the phone. It also works the other way round with
calls being transferred back to the headset when it is
put on. Other specs of this headphone include Class
2 bluetooth with a range up to 33 feet and the
AudioIQ2 technology delivering
a complete noise
.Price `4,199
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
>> Learning how
to play a new
instrument can
make your summer
more productive
Use a primer under your makeup as it
helps it stay on for longer. Besides
clinging on to your skin, it also keeps your
skin from getting oily and greasy during
the day. You can also try dabbing a bit of
anti-shine gel under or over your makeup
to take away the gleam of oily skin.
Instead of spending all summer in
front of the television or computer, try
these activities on for size,
says Rhea Dhanbhoora
t’s getting hot, hot hot! In fact, it’s so
hot that it’s easier to dump yourself on
a couch and sit under the fan or in an
a/c room all summer. If you’ve had
enough of the pool and can’t imagine
stepping out during the day, trying some of
these activities might be up your alley. Take
a look at how to keep yourself and your kids
occupied without sweating it out...
While you’ve spent all year creating
memories, spend the summer recording
some of them for posterity. Scrapbooking is
a craft that you can indulge in no matter
how young or old you are. Whether it’s a
personal scrapbook of all your favourite
memories or a scrapbook dedicated to
someone, it can be a lot of fun to make. Fill
it with pictures, keepsakes and decorate it
as you please. It’s one summer activity you
can keep forever.
Try: http://www.keepsakesindia.com/
— for a helping hand
While school, college or looking after your
kids may be keeping us too busy to try
anything new all year round, summer is the
perfect time to take up a hobby and turn it
into something amazing. Take music
lessons or learn how to sing this summer.
Images: Shutterstock
Apply your base or foundation ten
minutes after moisturising. Give your skin
enough time to absorb the moisturiser or
the foundation will wear off in a few
hours. Also always lock the foundation by
applying some compact powder over it.
Find an instrument that suits you best and
sign up for a class, and by the end of the
summer you’ll be able to show off your
musical talent.
Try: http://mumbai.teacherji.in/music/
classes — to find your class
Try: http://danceincity.com/mumbai/
instructors/ — to find the perfect
instructor or class
Learn an entire host of new crafts this
summer. Whether it’s Origami or soap
making, spend the summer learning how
to make your own little items. Arts and
crafts are a lot of fun and the rest of the year
doesn’t give us enough time to experiment.
Use the summer to your advantage and
spend it making everything from candles
to potpourri.
Try: http://www.craftbits.com/ — to pick
your craft
Love those cupcakes your neighbour
recently made? If you’ve been dying to try
your hand at kitchen skills but don’t know if
you’ll be any good, sign up for a cooking
class. While the internet is a great tool and
you can learn mostly everything that you
need to online, if you’re not very confident
of being able to teach yourself, sign up for a
cooking class.
Try: http://blog.le15.co.in/p/classes.html
— to choose your class
Taking a dance class may not be the first
thing you think of. But, think about it. You
get to shake a leg (which is always fun),
learn a new dance form and spend your
summer staying fit instead of piling on the
pounds. If you’re intent on staying at home,
try looking for a personal instructor (which
will cost you a fortune, we warn you) but
we recommend enrolling for the nearest
class and putting on your dancing shoes.
The most common mistakes women make
is dabbing loose powder on your face when
it gets sweaty. This makes matters worse
by making your face look cakey. If you want
to tone down the shine and wipe off the
grime, use blotting paper. It will absorb
excess oil without disturbing your makeup.
Apply lip liner before filling in your lipstick.
Lip liner will make your lipstick last longer.
Also, applying foundation before lipstick
always helps. Make sure your lip liner and
lipstick are similar shades.
Have a skill? Don’t let it go to waste. Spend
the summer collecting some interesting
items or making them, and hold an
exhibition from the comfort of your own
home (or in your society), to sell your
wares. Send out leaflets and flyers and
watch people pour in. Whether it’s cookies,
crafts or even art work, you could make a
tidy sum of money. If you’re feeling
generous, donate the money (or part of the
money) to charity.
Try: http://www.ehow.com/how_138317
_organize-exhibition.html — for a few
quick tips
Rub an ice cube on your face before
applying foundation as this will shrink
your pores and won’t allow your skin to
absorb makeup, making it last longer
Meet the parents
Think you can fix our readers’
complicated problems? Read on...
My friend Kyra and I wanted to do something to earn money
during our holidays. Our parents did not like us getting parttime jobs as they think fourteen is too young. Still we wanted
to do something! Then I thought...
Hey! I know! Why don't we
make 'designer' t-shirts! We
buy plain tees then paint
them with fabric paints!
Then sell them to friends
and on Facebook!
It’s always a bit of a scare when it’s time to meet your potential in-laws. Rhea Dhanbhoora
shows you how to make sure it’s an easy ride...
Gynelle Alves
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Dude! That is IT!
And my sister Becky
draws well. Maybe
she can help. We
will be RICH!
Yeah! Was
thinking of
something like
that. We can make
loads of cash.
Sure I can do this!
So that is the plan!
Will you help us?
We'll split the costs
and profit 3-ways!
I was happy! And it was MY idea we were
turning to a business!
In three days we were all set up and working hard. Then Kyra's sister turned
into a MONSTER! She yelled at us and kept cribbing and soon she was acting
like it was HER idea and business and we were slaves!
>> Meeting your partner’s parents can be frightening but keeping a few do’s and don’ts in mind will help you go a long way
hether it’s while dating or
when you’re engaged, we’ve
all had that one terrifying
moment. The moment that
is inevitably coming when your
relationship has been steady for a while
and you are the picture of happiness.
Everything is running smoothly and you
think you’ve got everything under
control and then bam! It’s time to meet
the parents. A lot can go wrong if you
don’t play your cards right, but if you do,
it will be a sure road to success. Follow a
few of these tips to make the entire
meeting easier on all parties involved…
Don’t Rush It
Make sure he is the one pressing you to
meet his parents, not the other way
round. If your boyfriend is not the sort,
don’t invite yourself over or demand to
see them. Parents know their children
better than anyone, they’re going to
know if he’s forcing himself to look okay
with you being there.
Be YouRself
There’s a reason your boyfriend fell in
love with you, so hiding your true self
isn’t going to do you any good,
especially if you’re in it for the long
haul. Of course we’re not saying be over
friendly and pretend as though you’ve
known them all your life, but don’t
pretend to be someone you’re not.
Learn a little bit about his family before
you meet them. Everyone likes to feel as
though they’ve been spoken about;
knowing their names, what they do and
what they like will reflect well on you as
well as your boyfriend. Don’t be too
inquisitive though, you don’t want to
end up looking like a stalker!
DRess to ImpRess
Avoid overdressing however, that won’t
reflect well on you. Make sure you know
whether they like a particular sort of
dressing style. To be on the safe side,
dress elegantly. It goes without saying —
stay away from anything too revealing.
While that may appeal to your
boyfriend, it won’t go down too well
with his parents. Avoid heavy makeup
and go easy on the accessories.
no pDa!
While you and your partner might still
be in the honeymoon phase of your
relationship, resist the urge to indulge
in too much PDA. It will reflect on both
you and your partner badly and might
make everyone around the both of
you uncomfortable.
Be punctual
Don’t be late, first impressions really
matter and you don’t want to give them
a bad one. Being on time will make you
seem like a responsible adult, it always
creates a better impression and wins
you brownie points. Don’t turn up too
early though, you don’t want to seem
too eager.
conveRse Well
Don’t let there be too many lulls in the
conversation. It’s always better to keep
the night active and lively. Don’t show
off and try not to make it all about you.
Involve everyone in the conversation
and be polite and well mannered. While
showering a little praise is good, don’t
go overboard with flattery or you’ll end
up sounding contrived.
BRIng a gIft
Nothing too elaborate or expensive. If
it’s a dinner, a bottle of wine or dessert
will do. Don’t go overboard, you don’t
want to seem as though you’re trying to
buy their love. If you’re the sort who
bakes, some homemade treats will work
just fine as well.
leave QuIcklY
No, we don’t mean leave in a hurry or
early. But when you think the dinner or
lunch has come to an end, don’t hang
around unnecessarily. Excuse yourself
with other commitments, say polite
goodbyes, tell them how nice it was to
meet them and head for the door.
In a week we had about 25 tees ready for
sale but, I had had enough of Becky so I told
Kyra I QUIT! She was very sad.
The next morning he was coming over. I got my hair styled, dressed
up a bit, bought cupcakes for our coffee break, had conversations
with him in my head... Then heHey
the bell and I got so nervous, I
Nice T-shirt!
turned off the lights and pretended not to be at home!
I know! Kyra and her
sis had this great
idea! They're making
and selling these for
300 bucks! I bought
2! You better buy one
quick they are being
gobbled up like
"I am FURIOUS! It was my idea and I worked a lot on these tees! I
paid my share for the plain tees! Now they are minting money on
my idea and don't have the decency to even tell me!" — Trish
a) Call Kyra and tell I know they are selling them and that i want
my 1/3rd share because it is still my idea and I worked on them!
b) Tell Kyra that Becky has to leave because it was meant to be
OUR business but she just trying to be our boss.
c) Start my own business. Since I know how to make and market
them now and it was MY idea in the first place! And sell them for
a little cheaper so that their business FAILS!
LAST WEEK: Heartbroken D. should pick Option B.
Send your solutions to [email protected]
© Courier Publications Private Limited. All right reserved. Reproduction in any manner, electronic or otherwise, in whole or in part, without prior written permission is prohibited.
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
UI GADKARI is the latest star
in the telly firmament who
boasts of a great grandfather
in the legendary litterateur Ram
Ganesh Gadkari. Jui who hails
from Karjat is in the industry taking baby steps with her shows
like ‘Bajirao Mastani’, ‘Tujh Vin
Sakhya Re’ etc. Now the shy, demure girl portrays a role written
just for her in the forthcoming
Star Pravah show ‘Pudcha Paul’.
We spoke to Juhi during her
break from a rigorous shoot.
Here is how the conversation
‘Pudhcha Paul’ sounds like an
old world tale.
No. Not at all. It’s a very contemporary show about a young orphan girl called Kalyani whose
parents have died when she was
young and has been raised by
her uncle and aunt whom she
dotes and a sister which completes her family and she is totally into her family like an
oyster. She is a simple girl who
believes in simple living without
being overtly ambitious or materialistic and her only happiness
is in her family’s happiness.
Is there any conflict in the teleplay?
Yes. The conflict is between me
and my mother-in-law Rajlaxmi
played by firebrand Harshada
Khanwilkar, the mother of my
husband Soham played by Astad
Kale and the marriage to me is
because the ‘saas’ wants a ‘bahu’
like me who can be dominated
easily. But I face all circumstances bravely and try to make
my in-laws happy too. In contrast to me, my sister Rupali is
very bold and outspoken and
known as
Ishaan, Jay
Soni has just
added another
brownie point
to his resume.
He has been signed by Zee
TV to anchor their No 1
music reality show ‘Hero
Honda Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Li’l
Champs’. Jay will be hosting
the show along with Afsha
Musani and Dhairya
Sonecha, the li’l anchors in
2009. Jay is extremely
excited to take centre-stage
on the show and broaden his
horizons beyond acting.
‘How can any actor turn
down the opportunity to host
one of India's most
prestigious shows was Jay
Soni's immediate reaction.
He added, 'I have grown up
watching Sa Re Ga Ma Pa
and Antakshari with my
‘Aap Ki Kachehri’, this April
30, will resume with Dr.
Kiran Bedi taking on the
television screen once again
and on Star Plus it is
television's destination for
real-life disputes that unfold
in an exciting and dramatic
first-person perspective and
fights for her rights and wants a
rich husband and career.
Are you like Kalyani in real
Actually, I am quite opposite to
Kalyani, boisterous, fun-loving,
and with a motor-mouth. But I
needed to work on the character
with the help of my director
Vaibhav Chinchalkar who is very
experienced and we worked hard
on my look, my speech, my body
language, etc and have tried to
enact my character as visualized
by the writer.
How did you land this show?
I had worked on an earlier show
for Star Pravah and the channel
executives found in me what
they were looking for albeit after
an elaborate audition which was
liked by my director Vaibhav,
who showed a lot of confidence
in me and my talent which was a
pleasant surprise because I am a
total novice and haven’t done
any theatre or acting school.
How is the shoot progressing?
We have a wonderful unit and
with the supervision of Sharbani
Deodhar madam, the shoot is
progressing smoothly and we
have canned 6-7 episodes and
we go on air from Monday. Initially, I was petrified of a senior
actor like Harshada madam but
from the first day of the shoot
she guided me through the shoot
and we are good friends now.
Any wishlist?
Yes. I want to make my parents
happy, progress to films and my
dream is to work with director
Rajeev Patil, maker of much appreciated film like ‘Jogwa’.
gives viewers access to
situations they can relate to
and learn from. Targeted at
audiences 18+ and across
all social strata, it’s a
unique, innovative platform
that offers an unbiased
forum for settling disputes
between consenting
individuals. The show is a
medium of timely justice
with Dr.Kiran Bedi as the
arbitrator. Premiering April
30, Sat-Sun at 10.30pm.
Karjat girl,
Jui Gadkari hailing
from a literary lineage,
has entered the
television industry.
In a relatively short
time she has become
entrenched in
the workings of this
Sandeep Hattangadi
speaks to Jui about her
passions and
upcoming projects
much fond of the actor.
Recently he went to a mall
and a lady came up to him
and complimented him that
he dances as well as Ranbir
Kapoor. His friends keep
teasing him that which song
of Ranbir he is going to
groove to next. Not Wake Up
Sid, we hope!
Nikkhil Chadha who is
playing main lead in ‘Geeta’
on Zee is one guy who is
fond of dancing and it’s a
strange coincidence that in
two shows out of three he
got to groove on popular
songs of Ranbir Kapoor. In
‘Mile Jab Hum Tum’ he
danced to ‘Jab Se Mile
Naina’ wearing a towel and
in ‘Geeta’ he danced on
‘Bachna Ae Haseeno’ title
song. He has seen most
films of Ranbir but he is not
With Maharashtra
completing 51 years of
attaining statehood, the
celebrations reach the
pinnacle of excitement as
Star Pravah brings ecstatic
experience with the rhythmic
and revitalizing ‘Dabur
Glucose-D prastut Anubhuti’.
This mosaic of exquisite
music and spectacular
performances is centered on
the illustrations of various
aspects of glory and
versatility of Maharashtra.
The splendid show is graced
by the eminent
personalitiesof the Marathi
entertainment fraternity like
Pt. Ajay Pohankar, Hari
Haran, Ameya Date, Sachin
Pilgaonkar, Roopkumar
Rathod, Devaki Pandit, Neha
Rajpal and Rekha
‘Fish Hooks’, an original
Disney animation series set
to premiere on April 30,
2011 on Disney Channel.
The show features the
incredibly talented young
comic, Saloni Dani in her
first ever voice acting role as
the voice of Clamantha, the
over enthusiastic clam in
‘Fish Hooks’. Created by
famous children's book
illustrator and author Noah
Z. Jones, the series is set
inside a giant fish tank in
Bud's Pet Shop and revolves
around three tween fish,
Milo, Oscar and Bea who
attend Freshwater High
School. Saloni plays the
voice of Clamantha,
Freshwater High’s most
unique personality, while
popular Disney Channel host
Murtuza stars as the voice of
Milo, and Ashish Juneja, who
played “Zee” in Disney
Channel’s Kya Mast Hai Life
is the voice of Oscar, Milo's
pairs comprising of VaibhavMegha, Rahul-Beny,
Santosh-Sonali and RohitSheetal will fight to win the
top prize comprising of Rs. 1
lakh. The 2nd prize winner
will get Rs.75,000, while the
3rd pair will be presented
Rs. 50,000 in prize. There
will also be some skits
presented by Kamlakar
Satpute, Nirmala Kotnis,
Sandeep Pathak, Niyati
Rajwade on this occasion.
Popular TV star Rakhi
Sawant will be the star
attraction for E TV Marathi's
'Lux Halla Bol' finale, which
will take place at 7pm on
May 1, 2011. She will be
performing on two popular
Marathi songs. The 'Halla
Bol' competition, which
began in January 2011 is
now in the final stage, with
four pairs contesting for the
three prizes to be won. The
Join us as we witness a
historic moment in British
history which will be
streamed live to BBC
Entertainment viewers
across South Asia. A 16-day
celebration of the British
nuptials. Every night at 9
p.m.: Starting April 16, BBC
Entertainment will broadcast
a series of documentaries,
including a retrospective of
royal weddings throughout
the decades; a look into the
House of Windsor; as well as
the story of Prince William
and Catherine Middleton’s
romance. This is our
countdown to the Royal
Wedding which will be
broadcast live to viewers
across India on BBC
Entertainment starting
12:30 p.m. on 29th April.
Mixed Signals Emerge…
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
NSE India: S&P Nifty — Daily Market Report for: Thursday (April 28, 2011)
(Based on the activity of the previous trading day) by Dominic Rebello
below its 9-day Average (negative).
ADX Indicator & DI Lines:
The +DI line is above the –DI line and
both lines are flat (no signal here).
The ADX is falling while the Market
Index is falling, which indicates that
the present down trend is decreasing
in strength.
The Nifty fell moderately on
Wednesday (April 27, 2011) a net
34.50 points (0.59%) and closed at
the 5833 point level. The market
opened up with a gap at the 5884
points level. It then rose further and
registered the day’s high at the 5892
points level at 9.16 a.m. It then
declined and turned into a range
bound movement until 12.00 p.m. It
then declined sharply into the red and
registered the day’s low at the 5819
points level at 1.35 p.m. It then turned
into a range bound movement until
closing at the day. Sentiment was
bearish and amongst the 50 Nifty
stocks, 39 were losers, while 11 were
gainers. Some buying was witnessed
in FMCG, consumer durables and
healthcare stocks, while selling was
witnessed in realty, capital goods,
metal, power, banking and oil & gas
Volume (Qty shares) decreased
5.68%. This change is small and
indicates a moderate participation by
On Japanese candlestick patterns
the index after having formed three
(indicating indecisiveness amongst
investors) has formed a black body
candle. This is negative and
indicates that the bias has shifted
towards the sell side of the market.
Further, the index has dropped
below its 5 and 15 days moving
averages in a single day. Moreover,
the velocity parameters, which
were positively trended, have now
turned neutral. All these indicate a
negative bias and the possibility of
a further decline unfolding.
However, the index is above its 25
and 200 days moving averages and
both the averages are rising.
Further, the 5 days moving average
has crossed above the 15 days
moving average and now all the
four averages are positively
trended. This is positive. As such
Moving Averages (Trend Indicators)
The index:
Has dropped below its 5-day average
(at 5862) Negative.
Has dropped below its 15-day average
(at 5849) Negative.
Is above its 25-day average (at 5761)
Is above its 200-day average (at 5746)
All the four averages are positively
trended. Positive.
Overall Market Strength/Weakness:
The indicators and oscillators discussed
here are indicating a neutral market but
with a negative bias.
Support Levels:
For short-term traders the immediate
main support is at 5135 marked as S1
(blue line below the Index).
The next support is at 4795 marked
as S2 (blue line below the Index).
Resistance Levels
The immediate main resistance is at
5982 marked as R1 (red line above
the Index).
The next resistance is at 6357 marked
as R2 (red line above the Index).
Pivot Point Analysis:
For intra-day traders the support and
resistance levels are calculated
according to the pivot point theory and
Angel Broking calls a ‘Buy’ on Sesa Goa
CMP: Rs 319 Target Rs 385
Sesa Goa’s 4QFY2011 net sales at Rs 3,624cr were ahead of our estimate
of Rs 2,654cr on account of higher-than-expected iron ore realisation. Net
profit at Rs 1,462cr was also above our estimate of Rs 1,281cr.
Top-line growth aided by higher realisation: Despite lower production
during 4QFY2011 due to export ban in Karnataka and termination of thirdparty mining in Orissa, sales volume grew marginally by 1.7% yoy to 7.5mn
tonnes (wmt basis). However, higher iron ore realisation led to 49.8% yoy
growth in the top line to Rs 3,624 in 4QFY2011. During the quarter, iron ore
realisation increased by 52.2% to US$100/tonne. On the operating front,
EBITDA grew by 40.9% yoy to Rs 2,118cr. However, EBITDA margin
contracted by 368bp to 58.5% yoy as the positive impact of higher
realisation was offset by increased royalty rates and higher export duty and
freight cost. Other income grew by 30.9% yoy to Rs 169cr, but tax rate
increased by 34.7%, leading to only a 20.5% yoy increase in the bottom line
to Rs 1,462cr. EBITDA grew by 40.9% yoy
Higher realisation aids top-line growth: During 4QFY2011, production was
lower due to export ban in Karnataka and termination of third-party mining
in Orissa, while sales volume grew marginally by 1.7% yoy to 7.5mn tonnes
(wmt basis). Further, pig iron sales volumes declined by 7.0% yoy to 65,000
tonnes. On the positive side, average iron ore realisation for the quarter
increased by 52.2% to US$100/tonne. Average pig iron realisation also
increased by 27.8% yoy to Rs 27,385/tonne. Thus, higher iron ore
realisation led to 49.8% yoy growth in the top line to Rs 3,624cr.
Outlook and valuation: Sesa Goa’s reserves and resources (R&R)
continue to increase annually on account of its exploration activities. The
company reported an increase in its R&R to 306mn tonnes as of March 31,
2011, indicating a mine life of over 14 years based on FY2011 production.
We believe the current stock price discounts negatives such as acquisition
of minority stake in unrelated oil business via Cairn India’s stake
acquisition, increased export duty and railway freight and muted volume
growth from Goa mines. Sesa Goa is currently trading at 3.2x FY2012E and
2.3x FY2013E EV/EBITDA. On a P/BV basis, the stock is trading at 1.7x
FY2012 and 1.4x FY2013 estimates. We maintain our Buy rating on Sesa
Goa and raise our target price to Rs 385 (Rs 382), valuing the stock at 3.3x
CMP: Rs 1316 Target Rs 1760
Slow Stochastic Indicator:
The Slow Stochastic Oscillator has
declined and has exited the over
bought zone.
The Slow K line in the Stochastic
Oscillator has dropped below the slow
D line (negative and a sell signal).
MACD Indicator:
The MACD is above zero but is
declining (negative if it continues). It is
B. Muthuraman, President, CII
Emkay calls a ‘Buy’ on Maruti Suzuki
Market Breadth:
Overall Market Breadth on the NSE
was negative. Amongst all the traded
stocks, 587 were gainers, 850 were
losers and 57 remained unchanged.
RSI Indicator:
The RSI is above the 40 level but is
now declining (negative if it
“If a project has been stopped or a project has been
stalled, you can’t put the blame on the environment
ministry. You have to see where the fault lies. Every
project in this country should be environmentally
these are mixed signals. Investors
are advised to adopt a wait and
watch policy for a day or two until
clearer signals emerge.
Work with strict stop losses
on all positions.
Pivot point = 5849 (This is the level
where the trend is likely to change
during intra-day).
Support (1) = 5805.
Support (2) = 5776.
Resistance (1) = 5878.
Resistance (2) = 5921.
BSE Sensex
S&P CNX Nifty
Closing Price
Closing Price
No Signal Change
No Signal Change
Open Position
Open Position
Stop Loss
Stop Loss
Disclaimer: Investment recommendations made in ‘ADC’ are for information purposes only and derived from sources that are deemed to be
reliable but their accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed. ‘ADC’ or the analyst/writer does not accept any liability for the use of this
column for the buying or selling of securities. Readers of this newspaper who buy or sell securities based on the information in this newspaper
are solely responsible for their actions. ‘ADC’ and/or its affiliates and/or employees and/or the author, his company or his acquaintances may
have interests/ positions, financial or otherwise in the securities mentioned in this newspaper.
Delivers in line results with APAT of Rs 6.6bn. However, 4QFY11 marked
with series of adjustments (depreciation, staff cost, higher other expenses
and lower tax rate). MSIL maintains 10% to 15% demand outlook for FY12.
There has been drop in footfall and conversion rate due to higher fuel costs
and interest rate Lower our FY12 EBIDTA by 0.7% but raise EPS by 3.6%
due to lower tax rate. Introduce our FY13 est. – volumes at 1.67mn units
(16 % YoY), EPS of Rs 122 (19% YoY). Roll over our valuations based on
FY13 est., Maintain ACCUMULATE with a revised TP of Rs 1,760 (8x
Net sales at Rs 100.9bn was in line with our expectation driven by strong
volume growth and improvement in average realizations. Volumes grew by
19.5% YoY and 3.9% QoQ to 343,420 units. ASP stood at Rs 287,221 driven
by improvement in product mix.
EBIDTA margins at 10% vs our est. of 10.1%: EBIDTA at Rs 10.1bn was
also in line with our expectations. Higher other expenses due to
increase in R&D and repair and maintenance expenses (~ Rs 500mn) was
offset from lower staff costs on account of write back of actuarial provisions
made earlier (~ Rs 200mn). RM to sales at 77.9% was lower than our est
of 78.3% due to reclassification of accounting for tools and dies given to
vendors. Going forward, this will be amortised over life of the asset
(as per IFRS). Earlier it was part of raw material expenses. This has resulted
in overstating the EBIDTA margins for the quarter by 50 bps (on a like to
like basis).
APAT in line aided by lower tax rate: Net profits at Rs 6.6 bn was due to
lower tax rate. Tax rate at 20.2% (our est. of 27.5%) benefited from higher
R&D expense of ~Rs 1850 m. Effective tax rate for the year was 25.6%
Valuations and View: At CMP of Rs 1,327 the stock trades at PER
of 13x and 10.9x, EV/EBIDTA of 7.3x and 5.5x our FY12 and FY13
estimates respectively. For FY12, while we have lowered our
EBIDTA by 0.7%, we have upgraded our EPS estimates by 3.6% to Rs 102.4
due to lower tax rate. We rollover our valuations based on FY13
estimates. We retain our ACCUMULATE rating on the stock with a TP of Rs
1,760 per share.
Please send all business and corporate related mails to
[email protected]
Higher IPO Graded Companies
Command Higher P/E
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
By A Business Reporter
n analysis of 117 listed initial
public offerings (IPOs) graded by
rating agencies reveals that companies with higher IPO grades continue to enjoy higher price-to-earnings
(P/E) multiples. The analysis by CRISIL
Equities’ reveals that companies with
an IPO grade of 5/5 (indicating strong
fundamentals) command an average
P/E multiple of 18.39x compared to
10.13x for companies with an IPO
grade of 1/5 (indicating poor fundamentals).
Companies with IPO grades of 2/5,
3/5 and 4/5 have been trading at average P/E multiples of 10.81x, 17.82x and
18.10x, respectively. This new analysis
confirms three earlier studies (May
2009, January 2010 and July 2010) carried out by CRISIL Equities.
Says Tarun Bhatia, Director, Capital
Markets, “Sustained positive correlation of P/E multiples with IPO grades
reaffirms the importance of the fundamental assessment of a company for
the investors at the time of investment
in its IPO. The market price of a stock
can be influenced by factors other
than fundamentals, such as liquidity
and market sentiments. Despite this,
the positive correlation consistently
observed between IPO grades and P/E
multiples reflects the broad similarity
in the assessment of fundamentals by
rating agencies and informed in-
vestors, thereby pointing to the efficacy of our grading exercise.”
To assess the relationship between
IPO grades and P/E multiples, CRISIL
Equities examined the P/E multiples of
117 companies that were listed between May 1, 2007 (IPO grading was
made mandatory w.e.f. May 2007) and
December 31, 2010. The closing stock
price as on March 31, 2011 was divided
Tarun Bhatia, Director,
Capital Markets, CRISIL
panies which did not publish their
quarterly results were also excluded
from the study.
Chetan Majithia, Head, CRISIL Equities, says, “Companies with higher
IPO grades command higher P/E multiples as they have better growth
prospects given their strong business
fundamentals supported by superior
management strength and governance
“Sustained positive correlation of
P/E multiples with IPO grades
reaffirms the importance of the
fundamental assessment of a
company for the investors at the time
of investment in its IPO.”
by the reported diluted earnings per
share for the trailing four quarters
(March 2010 to December 2010) to arrive at a P/E multiple for the company.
The average P/E multiple was then
found for all the companies in each
grade. Out of the 139 IPO-graded companies listed during the period, 18
companies with negative earnings per
share or P/E multiples of more than
50x were excluded as they were considered outliers. In addition, four com-
practices - the critical determinants for
long-term shareholders’ wealth creation.”
While assigning an IPO grade,
CRISIL Equities takes into account industry prospects and scalability of the
business along with earnings potential, management and corporate governance practices of the company. IPO
grading focuses on the company’s fundamentals and is independent of the
issue price.
India’s growth offers huge
opportunities: US
By Arun Kumar
ith 80 percent of India of 2030
yet to be built, there are huge
business opportunities for American
and Indian companies in varied
areas, including defence, according
to a top US official.
Despite some of the shortcomings
Robert Blake, US Assistant
Secretary of State for
South Asia
portunities in areas such as the development of airports, regional airports, of railway networks, of
fiberoptic networks,” he said, reports
IANS from Washington.
Things are now possible in sensitive areas like defence also, Blake
said noting that as India’s Defence
Research and Development Organi-
‘Despite some of the shortcomings like corruption
and infrastructure, the tremendous growth that is
taking place now in India present some quite
significant opportunities…80 percent of the
India of 2030 is yet to be built, so there are going
to be vast opportunities in areas such as the
development of airports, regional airports, of
railway networks, of fiberoptic networks’
like corruption and infrastructure,
the tremendous growth that is taking
place now in India present some
quite significant opportunities, US
Assistant Secretary of State for South
Asia, Robert Blake said in an interview with Knowledge@Wharton in
Philadelphia last week.
As he pointed out at the Wharton
India Economic Forum as “80 percent of the India of 2030 is yet to be
built, so there are going to be vast op-
zation (DRDO) has come off the IS
Department of Commerce’s entities
list, “for the first time we’re going to
be able to work with them.”
“So there are tremendous sort of
synergies that can be exploited from
that,” Blake said adding, “I think
when you add in the private sector,
which is already very well developed
both in India and the United States,
the synergies are magnified.”
As American companies compete
and hopefully win big contracts like
the medium multi-role combat aircraft contract, he said, “there will be
many many opportunities for them
to start to invest” to meet quite significant offset requirements.
“And I think there will be some
quite interesting co-development
and co-production opportunities
that will result from those,” Blake
Asked about some of the risks that
could undermine the opportunities,
he said: “one of the principal risks
that a lot of people worry about is
simply that the momentum that has
been established now in our relations will not be sustained.”
Referring to “political divisions
that exist, particularly in the Indian
parliament” Blake said: “I think that
the vast attention that has been given
to the corruption controversy has really crowded out a lot of the opportunities that could have taken place.”
“So I think both of our countries
need to just keep our eye on the ball
and remind our leaders of the importance of this relationship and to
continue to make progress.”
Noting “now the private sector has
eclipsed what the government is
doing, and that’s a good thing,” he
said: That’s exactly what we’d like to
see happen.”
Silver, Gold Prices Fall On Selling By Stockists
Silver and gold prices fell for the second straight session
yesterday on sustained selling by stockists, amid a weakening
global trend. While silver fell further by Rs 1,400 to Rs 68,600
per kg, gold lost Rs 25 to Rs 22,195 per 10 grams. Silver coins
followed suit and plunged by Rs 1,500 to Rs 74,500 for buying
and Rs 75,500 for selling of 100 pieces.
Traders said continued offloading by stockists on the back of
weakening global trend mainly led to the fall in silver and gold
prices. On the global markets, gold declined by 0.01 % to USD
1,506.90 an ounce and silver fell by 0.24 % to USD 45.49 an
CIL Facing 450 mn Tonne Coal Supply Shortfall
Coal India Ltd is facing a supply shortfall of 450 million tonne of
coal for consumers with whom it has already signed supply
agreements. “At present, we are facing a supply shortfall of 450
million tonne as per Letters of Assurance (LoA) issued so far and
our production plan for the next 10 years,” CIL chairman N C Jha
told reporters on the sidelines of an interactive session with the
Indian Chamber of Commerce.
He added, however, “The LoA for supply are linked to certain
milestones to be achieved by the respective companies.” Even,
if only 50 per cent of the LoA achieve a milestone, then we will
face a supply constraint of 200-250 million tonnes. So we have
to gear up to import coal to fulfil the production-supply
mismatch,” Jha said.
Wipro Profits Up
Software major Wipro has posted double- digit growth in net
profit and revenue in the fourth quarter and fiscal 2010-11
but projected flat revenue growth from its global IT services
for the first quarter (April-June) of the new fiscal (2011-12).
Net profit for fourth quarter (Q4) under review at Rs.1, 375
crore was 14 % higher year-on-year (YoY) and total revenue
at Rs.8, 302 crore was 18 % up YoY. Revenue from global IT
services business was Rs.6, 289 crore, up 20 % YoY and 4.2
% higher sequentially. Similarly, net profit for fiscal under
review (FY 2011) was Rs.5, 298 crore, an increase of 15 %
YoY and total revenue Rs.31, 099 crore, up 15 % YoY. The
company has declared a final dividend of Rs.4 for each share
of Rs. 2 par value, amounting to 200 % for fiscal 2010-11.
Tata Elxsi Net Dips 33%
IT firm Tata Elxsi has reported a decline of 33.39 % in its
consolidated net profit at Rs 32.51 crore for the year ended
March 31, 2011. The company had a net profit of Rs 48.81
crore in the same period last year. Total income from
operations rose to Rs 416.95 crore during the period,
against Rs 388.17 crore in the same year-ago period. The
board has proposed a dividend of Rs 7 per share on the face
value of Rs 10 to the shareholders of the company.
Castrol India Q1 Net Up 16.55%
Automobile lubricant maker Castrol India has reported a
jump of 16.55 % in its net profit at Rs 136.6 crore for the
first quarter ended March 31, 2011. The company had a net
profit of Rs 117.2 crore in the same period last year. Net
sales of the company also increased to Rs 750.7 crore in
the January-March quarter as against Rs 654 crore in the
same period last year, it added.
Dabur India Profits Up
Boosted by good growth across segments, home-grown
FMCG firm Dabur India has reported an 8.5 % increase in
its consolidated net profit at Rs 147.04 crore for the fourth
quarter ended March 31, 2011. The company had reported
a net profit of Rs 135.47 crore in the corresponding period
last fiscal. Net sales during the fourth quarter of the fiscal
grew by 30.6 % to Rs 1108.22 crore from Rs 848.58 crore.
Its board has also recommended a final dividend of 65 %,
taking the total dividend for the year 2010-11 to 115 %.
SBI Life Profits Up 33%
Leading private sector insurer SBI Life Insurance has reported
a 33 % growth in net profit at Rs 366 crore for the financial
year ended March 2011 on the back of increase in renewal
premium income. “We continue to be profitable from
operations side as we keep our expenses low. Bancassurance
(bank channels) and agency force is helping us to sustain
profits,” SBI Life Insurance Managing Director M N Rao told PTI.
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
When semen flows out
Every time we have intercourse all the semen
leaks out of my vagina. I have not been able
to conceive because of this.
What is happening with you is normal. Semen
is not expected to get absorbed inside the
vagina. A very small quantity of semen enters
the uterus, and that is enough for conception
to take place. The rest of it has to come out of
the vagina sooner or later.
Kindly have your husband’s semen examination done. An inadequate sperm count in
semen may be the cause of your inability to
Menopause and declining
interest in sex
I am a 54-year-old man in good physical
health and married happily for the last 28
years. I have a good sex drive and desire to
have sex as often as I can with my wife who
is 49-years-old. However, since the last few
years, I find that my wife is not taking adequate interest in sex. After her menopause,
she complains of dryness in her vagina, which
Dr. Rajan B. Bhonsle
M.D. (Bom) Consulting Sex Therapist & Counsellor
Dr. (Mrs.) Minnu R. Bhonsle
Ph.D. Consulting Psychotherapist & Counsellor
makes it difficult to enjoy sex. Apart from this
physical issue, I find that she doesn’t take any
initiative in sex and avoids the same on some
pretext or the other . As a result, we have sex
only once in a fortnight whereas I desire sex
at least twice a week.
Menopause is invariably wrongly blamed for
declining interest in sex in women. The cause
for lack of matching interest in sex in partners
could be physical, psychological (emotional),
situational or even out of a so-called religious
(spiritual) belief. It is necessary to find out the
cause of such sudden loss of interest in sex.
Only after knowing the cause, therapy can be
For your information a woman’s interest in
sex depends on the following factors:
Satisfaction: The level and frequency of satisfaction that she has experienced in her sexual life. If sex has been a one-sided activity by
the man without bothering much about the
needs of the woman, then over a period of
time, she may lose interest in sex.
Foreplay: If foreplay is not done correctly
and adequately, female partners do not feel
aroused enough to have intercourse. Many
husbands are impatient and want to go for intercourse after a short and hurried foreplay.
Such repeated experiences of unsatisfactory
sex gradually make the woman lose interest.
Integration of Love and Sex: A woman operates through her heart. Her sex-life is not separate from the rest of her life. She sees
everything in her life as inter-related. As
against this, man tends to compartmentalise.
He can mentally put aside stressful aspects of
his life and separate it from sex. A woman
needs good feelings and experiences during
the day to have satisfying sex. How her husband treats her out of bed, greatly influences
her response in bed. Inattentiveness, harsh
language, a rude tone, hurting words, and criticism can make it difficult for a woman to get
involved, to feel enthusiastic & to be passionate during sex. It is important for a couple to
be loving even when they are not in the sex
act. Sexuality and affection cannot be compartmentalized.
Lack of Love: This lack of love cannot be
blamed on only one partner. Love happens between two sensitive human beings. Both of
you need to deeply examine your relationship,
either on your own or with the help of a good
counsellor. Ask yourself what you can do to
bring more depth into your relationship and
make it more than sex -- a sharing of intimacy.
What the cards say: You
love will bloom
Path: Make sure you
communicate. Don’t
take any unfair advantage
Ally: Take help from
Card for the week: Tarot
key no. X The Wheel of Fortune. It is
spinning in your favour
What the cards
say: Enjoy the
good times
Path: Look at your
ego. Don’t indulge
your ego
Ally: Sagittarius
will help
Card for the week:
Tarot key no. XIV Temperance. Find the
right combination and
What the cards
say: Love is in the
Path: Follow a stable path. Don’t
swing your perspectives
Ally: Your ally this
week is Aries
Card for the week: Tarot key no. VI The
Lovers. Indicates that you need to make
the right choice and harmony will flow.
Flow with your being and not just your
What the cards say: Be
Path: Find out what is
correct. Don’t know the
Ally: Aquarius will help
Card for the week: Tarot
key no. IX The Hermit. You
need to be wise and objective
What the cards say: You will be powerful
this week and will attract love
Path: Pursue what you
want. Don’t be rigid. If
you are flexible you will
gain ascendency
Ally: Aquarius shows you
to be less emotional.
Avoid Pisces who could
fan your emotions
Card for the week: Tarot
key no. XIV Temperance
which says that balance
and healing is at hand
What the cards say: Things
will improve
Path: Slowly things will
change. Don’t be too serious
Ally: Gemini will confuse you
seek help from fellow Virgo
Card for the week: Tarot key
no. XIII Death. Change is on
the cards
What the cards say: Look at things objectively
Path: Follow one way. Don’t vacillate
Ally: Virgo will support. Avoid Sagittarius
Card for the week: Tarot key no. XII
Hanged Man. Connect to the God within.
Surrender leads to transformation
What the cards say: Connect with your
Path: Resolve yourself and
know the truth through
meditation and awareness. Don’t escape
Ally: The sign Libra who
will put you at ease. Be
careful of Cancer who
could make you more
Card for the week: Tarot
key no. XIII Death.
Change has been brewing in your life. Please
allow it to impact you.
Stop resisting change. It is good for you
What the cards say: Pleasant encounters to pep you up
Path: A good time to mend fences. Don’t
hold on. Let go
Ally: A fellow Saggi will show you just
Card for the week: Tarot key no. XVIII The
Moon. Don’t let imagination colour your
thinking or decision .Use
the creativity of the
Moon. You will have
heightened sensitivity to
all artistic pursuits
What the cards say: You need to be kind
Path: Giving will get you what you want.
Don’t be too ambitious or negative
Ally: Pisces will be a good friend. Avoid
Cancer and his clinging ways
Card for the week: Tarot key no. XII The
Hanged Man suggests sacrifice and inner
wisdom. This will help you in the future
What do the cads say: Correct judgment
will fetch you what you want
Path: Take the right decision. Don’t be
self promoting or superior
Ally: Leo will show you the warmth that
you need
Card for the week: Tarot key no. XX Judgment. You will need to see beyond the
obvious gain. Then
you will be correct
in your action
What the cards say: Feelings are good
provided they cause joy not grief
Path: Take things easy. Don’t be blind .
Ally: Seek advice from stable Taurus.
Stay away from Aries who could make
you more hyper
Card for the week: Tarot key no. XVIII The
Moon. It is a time of imagination and
emotional ups and downs,
poetry and creativity
April 28-Mayy
W nesda
For consultation and
Tarot workshop on Self
Development, Healing
and Meditation with
Dr. Roopa Patel, contact
Jumana on
[email protected]
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
General Motors’ EN-V can be a probable solution to our transportation woes feels Chandragupta Amritkar
he recent census of India has again
brought the big problem in focus.
With such rapid growth of population there will be tremendous pressure
on a public infrastructure that is already
struggling to meet the growing demand
for transportation and basic services. A
probable solution was put on display at
CES - EN-V, short for Electric Networked
Vehicle, a vision of the future of urban
personal mobility.
EN-V is a two-seat electric vehicle that
was designed to alleviate concerns surrounding traffic congestion, parking
availability, air quality and affordability
for tomorrow’s cities. Three EN-V models
were unveiled first at Shanghai showcased from May 1 through October 31 at
the SAIC-GM Pavilion at World Expo 2010
Shanghai. Trial models were displayed at
CES generating quite a bit of interest.
The Three EN-V models of General
Motors represented three different characteristics that emphasize the enjoyable
nature of future transportation: Jiao
(Pride), Miao (Magic) and Xiao (Laugh).
Using a driving course set up outside of
the Las Vegas Convention Center, GM
demonstrated the autonomous driving
capabilities of EN-V, including a feature
that would allow the vehicles to park
themselves and automatically return to
the user when summoned from a smartphone application.
At less than half the length of a Smart
For Two six EN-Vs can fit into most standard parking spaces while oneself-balancing two-wheeled EN-V provides
interior space for two passengers. Using
its sophisticated sensing technology, ENV can detect obstacles in its path, including pedestrians or other vehicles, and
automatically come to a stop.
EN-V’s platform has evolved from the
platform of the Personal Urban Mobility
and Accessibility (P.U.M.A.) prototype that
was developed by Segway and debuted in
April 2009. Segway has worked collaboratively with GM to develop and deliver
multiple copies of the drivetrain platform
that seamlessly connect to and power the
various EN-Vs.
EN-V is propelled by electric motors in
each of its two driving-mode wheels. Dynamic stabilization technology empowers
EN-V, giving it the unique ability to carry
two passengers and light cargo in a footprint that’s about a third of a traditional vehicle. It can literally “turn on a dime”
within its own operating envelope. In addition, everything in EN-V is drive-by-wire,
supporting its ability to operate autonomously or under manual control. The
motors not only provide power for acceleration, but also bring the vehicle to a stop.
Power for the motors is provided by
lithium-ion batteries that produce zero
emissions. Recharging can occur from a
conventional wall outlet using standard
household power, allowing EN-V to travel
at least 40 kilometers on a single charge.
cate with other vehicles and with the infrastructure could dramatically reduce
the number of vehicle accidents. Using
vehicle-based sensor and camera systems, EN-V can “sense” what’s around it,
allowing the vehicle to react quickly to
obstacles or changes in driving conditions. For example, if a pedestrian steps
out in front of the vehicle, EN-V will decelerate to a slower and safer speed and
stop sooner than today’s vehicles.
EN-V has been designed for the speed
and range of today’s urban drivers. It
weighs less than 500 kilograms and is
about 1.5 meters in length. By comparison, today’s typical automobile weighs
more than 1,500 kilograms and is three
times as long. In addition, today’s auto-
EN-V can also improve the efficiency of
the public electric infrastructure since the
vehicle can communicate with the electric grid to determine the best time to
recharge based on overall usage.
By combining the Global Positioning
System (GPS) with vehicle-to-vehicle
communications and distance-sensing
technologies, the EN-V concept can be
driven both manually and autonomously.
Its autonomous operating capability
offers the promise of reducing traffic
congestion by allowing EN-V to automatically select the fastest route
based on real-time traffic information. The concept also leverages
wireless communications to enable a “social network” that can
be used by drivers and occupants to communicate with
friends or business associates
while on the go.
This combination of sensing technology, wireless
communication and GPSbased navigation establishes
foundation, pieces of which
could migrate from the ENV concept and potentially
lead the way to future advanced vehicle safety systems.
The ability to communi-
mobiles require more than 10 square meters of parking space and are parked
more than 90 percent of the time. EN-V’s
smaller size and greater maneuverability
mean the same parking lot can accommodate five times as many EN-Vs as typical automobiles.
The body and canopy of EN-V are constructed from carbon fiber, customtinted Lexan and acrylic, materials that
are more commonly used in race cars,
military airplanes and spacecraft because
of their strength and lightweight characteristics. The ability to work with such
innovative materials provided a learning opportunity for GM’s design teams
to study the feasibility of future traditional automotive applications.
EN-V’s compact size makes it ideal for
use in densely populated cities thanks to
its use of advanced safety and propulsion
technologies. But good things come in
small packages, as witnessed by ENV’s innovative interior design, which
provides maximum visibility to the
world outside. A simple interface
for activating Wi-Fi-based
technologies keeps occupants connected to the outside world.
(The writer is with Global
Features and can be contacted at
[email protected])
EACH EN-V has a unique design theme
to showcase the flexibility of the
propulsion platform. The design gives
each EN-V its own personality, with a
unique opening, elegant interior and
innovative color, lighting and seat
technology. Xiao offers a more
lighthearted appeal, with its “gumball
blue” paint and nautical-inspired
design. Miao takes most of its design
cues from the consumer electronics
industry, as evidenced by its sleek,
masculine looks. Designers also used
Miao to display innovative lighting
solutions, including extensive use of
LED accent lighting. With its clean lines
and bright paintwork, Jiao takes its
design influence from bullet trains and
Chinese opera masks.
Xiao or laugh, was designed in
Australia by the GM Holden Design
Studio. Its design is intended to appear
friendly. Xiao Dimensions: 1,540 mm
(L) × 1,420 mm (W) × 1,770 mm (H)
(60.5 in × 56 in × 69.5 in).
Miao or magic, was designed at the
General Motors Advanced Design
Studio in California. Miao’s design is
mysterious and high-tech. Miao
Dimensions: 1,520 mm (L) × 1,405
mm (W) × 1,635 mm (H) (60 in × 55 in
× 64.5 in.
Jiao, or pride, was designed at GM
Europe and takes design cues from
bullet trains and Chinese opera masks.
Its design is supposed to be chic and
stylish. Jiao Dimensions: 1,500 mm (L)
× 1,425 mm (W) × 1,640 mm (H) (59 in
× 56 in × 64.5 in).
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Each colour in our code
represents a letter.
When you have cracked the
code you will be able to
make up seven words.
The clue to first word is
given to help you get
1 It's said to be true, expletives and
all (5,9)
10 Slashed one's skin (5)
11 Pub with nothing against setting up
schedule for new ideas man (9)
12 Oaks perhaps of enduring
significance (7)
13 Tranquil use leaf may be put to (7)
15 Crash after Pakistani leader made a
call? (5)
17 They see Asian river taking on
tennis beginners (9)
19 Sponsor brief description of Trinity
member? (9)
20 Provide with accommodation at a
higher level (3,2)
22 We learn different when starting
again (7)
24 He says our future is in our own
hands (7)
26 A French woman has two articles to
uncover (9)
28 One has to be constructive as God
29 Increase the revelation of
photographic error (6,8)
2 Wearing a sash rather boldly? (4,7)
3 Ventures into right sort of kiss that's wrong? (5)
4 What yachting garments are made
off? (4-5)
5 She's among the canniest of girls
6 Listen behind a door to first lady's
said fall (9)
7 Tucker tempts us to this mid-theatre
presentation (3)
8 Still, her heartless manoeuvres can
be great fun (7)
9 The opposite of a sun bonnet? (3,3)
14 Doesn't he contemplate paying for
anything? (4-7)
16 Where a leg can be broken and
used to move bigger things? (9)
The Clue: Bemoan
18 Throwing, perhaps, a hundred into
the rubbish dump (9)
19 Take a circuitous route to play golf
21 Depart agitatedly, it may explode!
23 Translate article from the French it's revolutionary (5)
25 Many a doctor have arms to end
with or maybe just arms (5)
27 Very little French money for son
going to university (3)
ACROSS: 1 Hard-up, 5 Dumb-bell, 9 Villains, 10 In-laws, 11 Ruminative, 12 Curb,
13 Quackery, 16 Stages, 17 Bigamy, 19 Car-parks, 21 Knew, 22 Wilderness, 25
Farmer, 26 Scotsman, 27 Skin-deep, 28 Filthy.
DOWN: 2 Adieu, 3 Delhi, 4 Primate, 5 Destiny, 6 Maidens, 7 Balaclava, 8 Lowerdeck, 14 Union jack, 15 Charwoman, 18 Yew-tree, 19 Calls up, 20 Reel off, 23
Nasal, 24 Swash.
1 Venomous snakes (4)
5 Mideast ruler, once (4)
6 Expected or had faith (5)
8 Hazard (5)
10 Contestant or foe (5)
12 Gala (4)
13 Liberated (4)
The goal of Math Pyramid is to fill
the given pyramid with numbers
such that the following three rules
are satisfied.
1. A cell value must be sum or
difference of the two cells below
2. A row cannot have duplicate
3. A number cannot be less than 1
or more than the grid size
1 Cigar dropping (3)
2 Mall business (4)
3 On ___ : not orally (5)
4 Western lawman (7)
7 Olympic competitor (5)
9 Behind schedule (4)
11 Bruce or Harper (3)
The goal of Hidato is to fill the grid with consecutive numbers that connect horizontally, vertically,
or diagonally from first to the last number in the grid. The first and last numbers of a puzzle and
a some other numbers are already filled in.
Place numbers into the puzzle cells in such a way that each row and column contains each of the
digits from 1 up to the size of the puzzle (4,5 or 6). Like a Sudoku puzzle, no number is repeated
in any row or column. Each bold-outlined group of cells contains a hint consisting of a number and
one of the mathematical symbols + x - /. The number is the result of applying the mathematical
operation represented by the symbol to the digits contained within the domain. The solution to each
puzzle is arrived at logically and is unique.
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
MOON: Aquarius
TITHI: Varuthini Ekadashi
NAKSHATRA: Satbhisha
RASHI: Kumbh (Aquarius) G.S.Sh.
ahead of you. Financial gains will accrue
to you through travel related work. You
will sign fresh contracts and agreements
that will prove profitable. A change of job
or work is indicated which will prove beneficial. Students starting out their career
this year will receive a lucrative offer.
Sports persons will do well in competitions. The married will face a few problems in their personal life. The ill health
Jagjit Uppal
of an elder at home will cause concern
this year. Your own health may require attention during the same period.
BABIES BORN TODAY: Will be healthy,
long-lived, soft featured, attractive, with
a broad forehead and lovely eyes. Will be
intelligent, efficient, and honest to the
point of being resolute in the pursuit of a
belief or principle. Being well educated a
career in academics, or literary field will lead to success.
ARIES (March 21 - April 20): Over enthusiasm, or taking on more
work than you can handle, could be the cause of your present
predicament. First cut back on your losses, and also curb unnecessary expenditure. There is a glimmer of hope. This may come through
an opportunity to make sudden money through a transaction proposed
by someone you know.
TAURUS (April 21 - May 20): Certain negotiations get concluded in
your favor though you may have to make some compromises. Some
of you will buy a new means of conveyance or invest your money in
a property. A letter or a phone call will convey some good news. Love
life is happy and congenial.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): New work offers in partnership are not
for you. Try to work independently you are more likely to gain in this
way. Success is assured. You will be in the mood to take it easy and
perhaps participate in a favorite pastime or hobby.
CANCER (June 21 - July 21): Work out odds for the task that could
come your way. You will come across a lucrative deal at a bargain.
Accept this proposal, especially since it is in your field of specialization. Youngsters will strike an easy rapport with a colleague of the
opposite sex who has recently joined their circle.
LEO (July 22 - August 21): You will be willing to go all out and try unconventional methods of work with remarkable success. Your efforts
are appreciated. Living in a joint family or with relatives could be trying. More so since now, that you need the time to relax and unwind.
VIRGO (August 22 - September 21): You may have to create an alternative source of income in order to sustain sudden expenses. An
opportunity arrives to try your hand at commission work. If the proposal requires you to travel, accept it immediately. An encounter with
an attractive person of the opposite sex could incite a romantic interest.
LIBRA (September 22 - October 22): Demands are building up. But
let it not shake your confidence. Carry on with your work with diligence and good fortune will smile on you. Discretion is advised in
matters of finance, whether taking a loan, making a deal or in case
of any investment. At home you could hear from a maternal relative.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21): A minor clash of opinions at
work might make you feel insecure about relationships in general.
You will be spending the evening with the family. Try not to be overly
sensitive with loved ones but look on the positive side of all that you
have. Perhaps you are taking a lot for granted.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 20): Do not give in to your
doubts or let others discourage you, even if you encounter a disappointing experience. Bide your time. Try not to react to quarrelsome
temperaments and selfish wills. You will have much more physical energy and serenity of mind. You will emerge successful in your endeavors.
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 19): Applications made for a
job will bring favorable response. Students will do very well in their
written tests or interviews. With work well under control, you are
likely to plan a brief holiday in the company of your family. Look forward to a pleasant evening with your beloved or friends.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18): There is a steady flow in your
income and you may be tempted to make some investments. Be
cautious and keep the amounts small. You need to plan your budget
at home to meet all the necessary expenditure. You will get some
good advice from someone who has more experience than you and will
also be trustworthy.
PISCES (February 19 - March 20): You will come across a lucrative
deal with prospects of immediate benefits. But you should guard
against disgruntled elements that could cause trouble. Try to handle
your work independently to avoid any mischief from others. A relaxed
evening at home will make you feel better.
4 Monstrous creatures (6)
7 Functor (8)
8 The act of choosing or the power of
choice; a choice (6)
10 Roosters; tilts (5)
13 Former coin of Spain (4)
14 One who inherits (4)
15 Second letter of the Greek alphabet
16 Cricket legend Kapil ___ (3)
17 Amer Inst. of Aero. & Astro. (4)
19 ___ Diamond : famous singer? (4)
21 South Indian state (5,4)
23 Large brown seaweed (4)
24 "The Thief of Bagdad" star (4)
26 Minute, in short (3)
27 ___ a cab : call a taxi? (4)
29 Strike on the head (4)
32 Don't lose? (4)
33 Spirited, zippy (5)
34 "Arnold" in another form but still a
man? (6)
35 Interpretative performer (8)
36 (Country) dance; William ___, craftsman/socialist (6)
1 Ruin something (5)
2 Thanks, monsieur (5)
3 Gangsters' guns (4)
4 Filling between tiles (5)
5 4-wheeled motor vehicle (4)
6 A small hand spade used by gardeners (6)
9 Mr Mukherjee, our finance minister
11 Library ref. (3)
12 South African pen (5)
13 Trades or sells, in a way? (5,2)
15 Commonly used term for a woman
in our country (3)
16 Union territory Daman & ____ (3)
18 Capital of Manipur (6)
20 Infer or deduce, draw out (5)
21 Decimal multiple? (3)
Sudoku is a number
placing puzzle based on
a 9x9 grid such several
given numbers.To solve
a Sudoku puzzle, every
digit from 1 to 9 must
appear in each of the
nine vertical columns, in
each of the nine
horizontal rows and in
each of the nine boxes.
Difficulty Level CRYPTOQUIP
Today’s clue: C equals O
The Cryptoquip is a substitution cipher in which one letter stands for another.
22 ___ Sarovar : bird sanctuary in Guhaps? (5)
jarat? (3)
30 Chose, nominated or selected?
23 Japanese robe (6)
25 Required Navigation Performance
31 Old capital city of Japan (5)
32 A massive wild ox, of southeastern
28 Officers helping or assisting officers
Asia and the Malay Archipelago (4)
33 Prank or a ruse or a scheme (4)
much more senior then them, perSOLUTION TO YESTERDAY’S QUICK CROSSWORD
ACROSS: 1 Chopra, 5 Ait, 8 Attu, 9 Aint, 10 Outwit, 11 Latitudes, 13 Crow, 15 CRO,
16 Dinky, 17 Abhor, 20 DOS, 22 Lip, 23 Vexed, 24 Madam, 26 Spy, 27 Hake, 28
Rajasthan, 31 Byname, 32 Juan, 33 Mile, 34 AKA, 35 Ethane.
DOWN: 1 Crouch, 2 Orthodox, 3 Rail, 4 Attacks, 5 Audio, 6 Tabu, 7 Envelop, 12 Try,
14 Wise, 18 Blah, 19 Himalaya, 20 Devalue, 21 Payable, 24 MPH, 25 Revere, 26
Stoma, 29 Apna, 30 Nyet.
To solve an
Irregular Sudoku
puzzle, every digit
must appear once
Each of the
vertical columns
Each of the
horizontal rows
Each of the
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION: Everyone's a hero in their own way, in their own
not that heroic way
How many words of four or more letters can you make from the letters shown in
today’s puzzle? In making a word, each letter may be used once only. Each word
must contain the letter at the top of the pyramid. There should be at least one nine
letter word. Plurals, foreign words and proper names are not allowed.
Today’s ratings: 32 average; 35 good; 40 outstanding.
YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION: adverse, ADVERSELY, aver, averse, delve, evade,
ever, every, lave, leave, lever, rave, raved, ravel, reveal, revel, salve, save,
saved, saver, serve, served, sever, several, slave, slaved, slaver, slavered,
slavery, vale, vary, vase, veal, veer, verse, versed, very.
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Insurance cos to cover payments of
English trio in IPL
LONDON:They missed the Indian Premier League but
the injured English trio of Stuart Broad, Kevin
Pietersen and Paul Collingwood is unlikely to miss
out much on of the event's riches as insurance
companies will step in to cover their payments.
Their combined salaries of USD 1.3 million will be
taken care of by the insurance companies after they
did not recover from injuries before the IPL.
"The terms and conditions of IPL insurance
payouts, taken out individually, cover 50-100 per
cent of the full salary.
Collingwood's knee operation is likely to keep him
out for at least another six weeks, meaning he had
no choice but to sit out the tournament and let the
insurance cover part, if not all, of his USD 250,000
contract with Rajasthan Royals," the 'Daily Telegraph'
reported. Pietersen is contracted with Deccan
Chargers for a sum of USD 650,000. Broad's
contract with the Kings XI Punjab is USD 400,000.
Bhupathi named as brand ambassador
of Candor School
BANGALORE: Ace Indian tennis
player Mahesh Bhupathi has been
appointed as the brand
ambassador of Candor
International School, projected to
be the country's first Green School.
Bhupathi said his role with the
institution would be a two-pronged
one. He would be associated with
the building of the sports
infrastructure at the school and in
imparting tennis training to the students through the
Mahesh Bhupathi Tennis Academy, which has over
30 centres in the country. Bhupathi welcomed the
growing importance given to sports in educational
institutions and said it would help in providing the
holistic development of a child.
EW DELHI: India's World No. 4
Saina Nehwal crashed out in the
first round in the biggest upset of
the India Open Super Series at the Siri
Fort Sports Complex here yesterday.
Saina, who was spearheading the
Indian campaign at the home event,
was stunned 17-21, 19-21 by World No.
24 Japanese Ai Goto. "It was not my day.
She was playing so well. I could not read
her game. She was good at the net and
with half court smashes. She was
getting it right with every stroke," Saina
said. With her loss, all the five Indian
women's singles players are out of the
Indian men fared better with Sourabh
Verma and Gurusai Datt pulling off two
big upsets of the day. The two youngster
made the most of the country hosting
its first Super Series event and showed
resolve in beating their rivals.
Young shuttler Verma created the
biggest upset of the day when he sent
Athens Olympics bronze medallist Sony
Dwi Kuncoro packing in straight games
in the first round. The 20-year-old
qualifier beat the former world number
three Indonesian 21-18, 21-19 in a
hard-fought men's singles match.
Currently ranked 37th, Sony had also
won the silver and bronze in the World
Championship in Kuala Lumpur in 2007
and Hyderabad in 2009, besides
winning the Indonesian, Japan Super
Series and China Masters. "It is my
biggest win. I wasn't' intimidated by his
stature. I just wanted to give my best
and see how things pan out and I am
glad, I could pull off the victory," said
Sourabh, who is playing the first Super
Series of his career.
He will take on the winner of match
between seventh seed Kenichi Tago of
Japan and French Brice Leverdez in the
second round.The Madhya Pradesh lad
have been training in the Gopichand
Academy for the last two years and is
among the talented group of young
"I have been training At SAG (Special
Area Games) but the training facilities
were not that great. After I moved into
the Gopichand academy for the
Commonwealth Games camp, I decided
to stay there ever since," said Sourabh,
who reached the semifinals of the
I didn't except him to play so well. I was
trying a few things, taking a feel of the
stadium. A few line calls went against
me but in the end it was a fair and
square match," Lee said.
Disappointed to end up on the losing
side after leading 18-15 in the second
game, Jayaram said he is planning to
balance tournaments with proper rest
so that he can peak at the right time
and qualify for the Olympics.
Up against Sho Sasaki of Japan,
Anand Pawar fought hard before going
Jap Goto zaps Nehwal; Verma shocks Sony
National Championship in Rohtak.
Sourabh won the All India Senior
Ranking tournament held at Atul,
Gujarat in February. This was his first
major ranking title on the senior circuit.
He also reached the quarterfinals of the
Scottish Open in 2009.
Meanwhile, Ajay Jayaram too
produced a gallant performance against
world number one Lee Chong Wei of
Malaysia before going down fighting 2119, 21-18 in a 37-minute match.
"It was my first match and
I was taking things a
little lightly, playing
different strokes but
down 19-21, 21-17, 21-12.
Among other Indians, Akshay
Dewalkar and Pradnya Gadre beat
Japanese pair of Noriyasu Hirata and
Miyuki Maeda 21-17, 21-17 in the mixed
doubles category but their colleagues
were not so lucky. Ye Na Jang and Min
Seo Kim of Korea put paid to Meenakshi
Nair and Mohita Sahdev's hopes beating
them 21-10, 21-13, while Pranav
Chopra and Tarun Kona lost 17-21, 1621 to Indonesian Yohanes
Rendy Sugiarto and
Afiat Yuris Wirawan
in men's doubles.
Riaz, Shafiq reprimanded by
Pak Board for posting tweets
KARACHI: Two members of the
national team, pacer Wahab Riaz
and middle-order batsman Asad
Shafiq were severely reprimanded
by the Pakistan Cricket Board for
using a social networking site
during the ongoing tour of the West
A PCB official confirmed that the
two players were reprimanded by
the team management in the West
Indies for using Twitter. According to details, Riaz
and Shafiq violated their central contract terms by
posting tweets.
"Wahab (Riaz) had even posted some pictures of
the Pakistan team bus on the social networking site
which have now been removed," a PCB source said.
Under the new terms of the central contract, the PCB
has strictly prohibited players from using social
networking sites on tours.
Pak female shuttlers will not wear
skirts, says PBF
LAHORE: Pakistan Badminton Federation has
challenged the decision of the sport's world governing
body to make it compulsory for the female players to
wear skirts in international events, saying the new
ruling is contrary to the principles of their religion.
Naqi Mohsin, senior vice-president of PBF who is
also the vice-president, Badminton Asia
Confederation, said that the new regulation by the
Badminton World Federation (BWF) was
discriminatory and would not be accepted by most
Muslim countries.
"At the moment, the BWF has suspended the
membership of Pakistan due to existence of parallel
bodies but once this matter is sorted out we will take
up this issue in the Asian and World bodies. "World
Badminton should not make wearing of skirts by
female players mandatory. Our religious beliefs and
norms do not allow our female players to wear
skirts," Mohsin said.
Goto at full stretch enroute to her conquest
of India’s pride Saina Nehwal
Man Utd gain 2-goal lead
8 bookies who threatened
Haider arrested by cops
ELSENKIRCHEN (Germany): Manchester United produced a devastating attacking performance to record a
2-0 win over Schalke 04 in the first leg of
their Champions League semi-final.
Schalke goalkeeper Manuel Neuer, a
reported United target, kept the threetime champions at bay almost singlehandedly before quick-fire second-half
goals from Ryan Giggs and Wayne
Rooney brought United a deserved victory.
The result puts Sir Alex Ferguson's side
firmly in the driving seat ahead of next
week's return leg at Old Trafford, when
they will seek to book their place in the
Champions League final for the third
time in four seasons."It was a very professional performance tonight," said Ferguson. "The concentration, intensity and
passing were all top class. They have all
done fantastically well."
Rooney believes his team could have
scored more."We're delighted but a bit
disappointed in terms of not scoring
more," he said.
"We have done very well. We have to
be professional for the second leg as
Schalke can't be taken lightly. They went
to Inter and won 5-2 (in the first leg of
their quarter-final)."
Giggs was always confident of victory.
"I thought if we kept creating chances
then they would go in," said the Welshman who, at 37, became the oldest
player to score a Champions League
"We could have been four or five up at
half-time. Before the match we would
have taken 2-0 but it's quite disappointing in terms of the final result now."
Schalke defender Christoph Metzelder
admitted his side were outplayed.
"We have to recognise that we were
dominated by a team playing in a different dimension," he said. "We still have
hope, anything is possible. We'll try and
do everything to win at Old Trafford."
Schalke upset defending champions
Inter Milan in the previous round but the
visitors' onslaught meant they were unable to cause Edwin van der Sar any real
problems as the United goalkeeper kept
his 50th clean sheet in the competition.
Neuer has been the subject of intense
speculation since he announced he was
not going to extend his contract but the
Schalke captain demonstrated why he is
so highly sought after with a string of
world-class stops in the first half.
SLAMABAD: Pakistan's police
claimed that it has arrested eight
bookmakers for allegedly threatening wicketkeeper Zulqarnain
Haider, who returned this week
after spending five months in hiding in London. Police in Sialkot recovered a cache of ammunition,
and telephone sets from the suspects. Superintendent of Police
Nasir Qureshi told 'Dawn News'
that the suspects were operating
from a building located in Sambrial area of the city.
The gang's hideout had secret
rooms hidden behind wooden cupboards from where they operated
their bookmaking operation, he
said. Police seized around 250 telephone sets, satellite transmission
equipment, mobile phones and
records of betting during different
cricket matches, Qureshi said.
Haider had created a flutter last
year by fleeing to London midway
through a series in Dubai citing
death threats from match-fixers.
He returned on Monday only after
getting assurances of his and his
family's safety from Interior Minister Rehman Malik.
Don Bosco down CRPF School, Delhi
to keep hopes alive
BANGALORE: Don Bosco High School, Matunga
bounced back from their loss to the Kolkata school on
Tuesday outplayed CRPF School, Delhi 2-0 and keeping
their hopes for a final berth alive in the Inter-City leg of
the Mahindra Youth Football Challenge, played at the
Bala Gangadharanatha Swamy International
Residential School ground, Bangalore on Wednesday.
Mumbai thus scored their second win from three
games and face Govt. Sports School Bangalore in a
crucial encounter on Thursday, which will decide which
of the two schools advance. The Bangalore School also
scored a 2-0 win over St. Joseph’s School, Calicut for
their second win from three games.
The first half of the match between Don Bosco and
CRPF, Delhi saw a lot of attacking play as both the
teams went looking for the goal. But the game stayed
without a goal, with the goalkeepers from both sides
bringing of some fine saves. Don Bosco got a lucky
break in the 35th minute of the match when Delhi
defender Amit D handled the ball inside the box,
resulting in a penalty, which was converted by Merrick
Fernandes. Ten minutes later the Mumbai school
made the issue safe with their second goal, albeit a
controversial one. CRPF defender Amit D was
declared the Star Performer of the game.
RESULTS: Don Bosco High School, Matunga
(Mumbai) 2 (Merick Fernandes 1, Neville D’cunha 1)
bt CRPF School, Rohini (Delhi) 0.
Govt. Sports School, Bangalore 2 (Mani Maran 1,
Santhosh Kumar 1) bt St. Joseph’s BHH School, Calicut
(Kerala) 0. Sukantha Nagar Vidhya Niketan (Kolkatta) 6
(Bishal Harizan 3, Nehal Ahmed 1, Sahid Hussai 1,
Santanu Das 1) bt Infant Jesus High School (GOA) 0.
Moneygram International Launches
‘Cricket for Peace’ album
MUMBAI: MoneyGram International launched the
music album, ‘Cricket for Peace.’ The ‘Cricket For
Peace’ album, launched by Kunal Ganjawala was
the culmination of a three-month-long program
from February - April 2011 during the ICC World
Cup 2011.MoneyGram's Cricket For Peace was a
multi-country, multi-lingual initiative conducted in
Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka and attracted
compositions from more than 100 bands. Auditions
were held in Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Delhi,
Chandigarh, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru, Dhaka
and Colombo. The music for the anthem, composed
by noted world-music composer Nishith Mehta, is
sung in English, Hindi, Bangla and Sinhala by a
team of 11 artists from India, Bangladesh and Sri
Lanka. The team of singers includes Megha Suresh
from Mumbai, Dipti Sharma and Jigardan Gadhavi
from Ahmedabad, Amith Sivashanmugam from
Chennai, Joel Maxwell from Mangalore, Rabiul Awal
and Kazi Nowrid Amin from Dhaka and Damien
Fernando, Leonard Vittachi, Shehan Wanigasekara
and Dilan Jayakody from Colombo.
Mahindra Racing confident of building
on success in Jerez
MUMBAI: Having scored its first points at the last
Grand Prix at Jerez, Spain earlier this month,
Mahindra Racing is confident of building on the
success at the Portuguese Grand Prix on May 1.
Competing in the 125 class category on April 3, the
Italy-based Indian-owned squad's young German rider
Marcel Schrotter, 18, made his way into the top 15,
finishing 13th to score points for Mahindra in only its
second race.
"We are pleased, but not satisfied. Our aim is much
higher. We want to keep moving forward," said Team
Principal Mufaddal Ch
The team's other racer, Englishman Danny, 20, was
a strong 11th in Spain and was in a potential sixth or
seventh position when he fell victim to treacherous
conditions and slid off. This makes him especially
anxious to get his name also on the championship
table, as he returns to the track where he previously
scored his best finish, the team said in a media
release. Mahindra said technical improvements were
made to their motorcycle and the chassis was now
ready for testing at the Estoril circuit, venue for the
Portuguese Grand Prix.
UMBAI: Duncan Fletcher was
today appointed India's cricket
coach to replace the highly successful Gary Kirsten, ending weeks of suspense on who will take over the
high-profile job.
The 62-year-old Zimbabwean, a
coached England with mixed results from
1999 to 2007, will take over the job for a
two-year period. The decision to appoint
Fletcher, whose name was doing the
rounds as a possible successor to Kirsten,
was taken at the BCCI's working committee meeting here. The announcement
came as a surprise as the BCCI had given
no indication that it would name the
coach today itself.
"The contract with Fletcher is for two
years. He may not join the team in the
West Indies as he has some prior commitments," BCCI Secretary N Srinivasan
told reporters after the meeting.
Eric Simmons, who was the bowling
coach during Kirsten's tenure, will continue in the same position, Srinivasan
said. Fletcher, who captained Zimbabwe
during the 1983 World Cup and played
just six one-dayers during the African nation's pre-Test days, had mixed fortunes
as coach for England.
The high points of his career was England's Ashes triumph over Australia in the
home series of 2005, England's first series
win in West Indies in 36 years and taking
England to the third spot in Test rankings.
Fletcher has a tough job ahead of him
as he replaces the amiable South African
Kirsten, who set a high benchmark for the
Indian team and completed his stint with
the memorable World Cup triumph earlier this month.
With Kirsten at helm, India reached the
pinnacle of Test rankings and number
two in the ODI list after conjuring up
memorable wins and draws in series
abroad. He relinquished the job to spend
more time with his family.
Fletcher was the first foreigner to coach
England's cricket team, a stint that had its
share of highs and lows. Known to be a
strict task-master, Fletcher guided England to eight straight Test wins during his
The biggest moment for him came in
2005 when England upstaged a star-studded Australian team to win the Ashes for
the first time since 1987. The Zimbabwean was honoured by Britain's Royalty
with an OBE before England's form slid
and his position came under the scanner.
WARRIORS: Yuvraj Singh adjusts his
pads even as the triumphant Super Kings
are clustered around him
Azad Shrivastav | ADC
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Batsmen not
supporting bowlers:
By Neil Joshi
Pune Warriors put on a paltry
display to lose their second match
against CSK by eight wickets,
Badrinath impresses with 63
AVI MUMBAI: Chennai Super Kings
made it two in two in a one-sided encounter against Pune Warriors at the DY
Patil Stadium as they cruised to the 142 run
target set by the hosts’ with ease to get their
winning streak back by winning the match
by eight wickets. There was little obstruction for the Chennai batsmen, as Murali
Vijay [31] and Subramanium Badrinath [63]
added 61 runs for the second wicket to effectively erase any chances of Warriors to
stage a comeback. The Pune bowlers lacked
spine and sting in their bowling with Badrinath playing a composed knock to reach
his fifty. Badrinath who has been in good
form this season remained unbeaten on 63
with six boundaries and two sixes.
Post the departure of Vijay, Suresh Raina
[34] provided ample support to the in-form
Badrinath as they went pass the finish line.
None of the bowlers proved to be effective
and the bowlers on the whole were a
marked contrast to what the Chennai
bowlers extracted from the wicket. None of
the Chennai batsmen looked vulnerable
against the insignificant Pune attack and
didn’t need to take any out of the box measures to reach the target.
Earlier, Pune Warriors got off to a shaky
start losing both their openers with only 22
runs on the board. Jesse Ryder [22] who
looked aggressive at the start failed to come
up with a big score and succumbed to
Doug Bollinger. Two deliveries later,
Bollinger struck again, this time getting the
better of Mohnish Mishra for two.
Pune experienced a couple of hiccups
with Manish Pandey [10] and Mithun Manhas [0] returning to the pavilion courtesy
good bowling by Kiwi Tim Southee and
Nuwan Kulesakara respectively. However, it
was skipper Yurvaj Singh and wicketkeeper batsman Robin Uthappa who again
got things going for Pune.
Brief Scores: Pune Warriors 141 for six in
20 overs [Y Singh 62*, R Uthappa 31, D
Bollinger 3/21] lost to Chennai Super Kings
145 for two in 19.3 overs [Murali Vijay 31, S
Badrinath 63 n.o, Suresh Raina 34 n.o] by
eight wickets.
AVI MUMBAI: Following their fourth straight
defeat, coach of the Pune
Warriors Geoff Marsh remains concerned about the
opening combination in
their batting order as none
of them have been able to
give them good starts and
the coach is waiting for the
return of Tim Paine and
Graeme Smith.
“Our top [is our weakest
link]. Our bowlers are not
getting enough runs to bowl
at. You want to score runs
and you have to be smart at
it. You can’t hit the ball to the
fielders all the while,” said
He added that with his
team losing so many wickets
up the order, it was important for the batsmen to play
their quota of 20 overs
rather than go helter skelter
and get bowled in the
“We lost a lot of wickets
early. With four to six [batsmen] down, the least we
can’t afford to do is to lose
more wickets. You don’t
want to be bowled out. With
a poor start like this, you put
a lot of pressure on the middle order,” he said.
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Sharma’s fifer knifes through Tuskers
ON THE CHARGE: Ishant Sharma in full cry as he claims another scalp in his magnficent five-wicket haul against the Tuskers.
Amount for WC winners
raised to Rs 2 crore each
UMBAI: Amid speculation that Indian cricketers are
unhappy with the prize money announced for their
World Cup triumph, the BCCI today increased it from Rs
one crore to Rs two crore each.
The BCCI, in its working committee meeting here, decided to increase the incentive to Rs two crore per player,
which is still less than the Rs 5 crore each that the players had reportedly demanded.
"The cash incentive to the members of the World Cup
winning Indian team has been increased from Rs 1 crore
per player to Rs 2 crore per player," BCCI secretary and
president-elect N Srinivasan said in a media release.
The decision comes after speculation that several top
Indian cricketers made an informal demand to the
cricket board to increase the reward money to Rs 5 crore
instead of just 1 crore for winning the biggest cricketing
event after 28 years.
However, such reports were rejected by the BCCI with
Srinivasan terming them as incorrect.
India won the ICC World Cup beating Sri Lanka in the
final on April 2 at the Wankhede Stadium. Immediately
after the triumph, BCCI President Shashank Manohar
had announced a reward of Rs one crore for each of the
15-member World Cup squad.
He also announced that the support staff would be
awarded Rs 50 lakh each.
YDERABAD: An explosive
bowling performance by Ishant Sharma saw him finish
with a five wicket haul to lead Deccan Chargers to a facile win over
Kochi Tuskers in the IPL IV league
match here.
Sharma’s five for 12 in a mere three
overs was complimented to a nicety
by South African pace spearhead
Dale Steyn who claimed three for 16
to bamboozle Tuskers and bowl them
out for a mere 74 runs.
Earlier skipper Kumar Sangakkara
scored a terrific 65-run knock after
being bowled off a no ball to lead
Deccan Chargers to a modest 129 for
seven. Invited to bat, Deccan Chargers were in a spot of bother at 20 for
three in 5.2 overs but Sangakkara in
company of Cameron White (31) rescued the team from the precarious
position with a defying 90-run stand
for the fourth wicket.
Sangakkara, when batting at individual score of five, was bowled by S
Sreesanth in the fourth over of the innings but he never looked back after
getting the reprieve and led the amazing recovery of the Chargers' innings.
His superb knock, under pressure,
came off 47 balls and contained 10
boundaries while White's 34-ball innings featured two fours and a six.
R Vinay Kumar (3/25) dismissed
both Sangakkara and White in the
last two balls of his final over, 17th of
the innings, to conclude his spell on
a superb note.
White holed out to Jayawardene at
deep mid-wicket while Sangakkara
edged the next delivery to stumper
Parthiv Patel.
The most productive session for
the Chargers was between over number 11 and 15 when they scored 53
runs while the last five overs fetched
39 runs.
Earlier, with a juicy wicket to bowl
on, Kochi paceman RP Singh (2/21)
gave a dream start to the hosts by dismissing both the openers -- Sunny
Sohal (1) and Shikhar Dhawan (4) -in his successive overs.
The left-arm paceman trapped
Sohal in the last ball of the opening
over and then had Dhawan caught by
Raiphi Gomez in the second ball of
his second over. However, he was unlucky to not have the wicket of Bharat
Chipli, who drove straight to Brendon McCullum at extra cover but the
Kiwi player failed to latch on to the
Sreesanth then bowled Sangakkara
with a gem of a delivery but that
turned out to be a no-ball. The visitors finally ran out of luck as R Vinay
Kumar had Chipli (4) caught by
Sreesanth at mid-off.
The Kochi pace trio exploited the
lively track, which offered bounce
and seam, well as they gave away just
20 runs in the first six overs, conceding just one boundary. Chargers
needed Sangakkara to stay at the
crease as long as possible and build a
partnership along with Cameron
White and the duo did not disappoint the teammates.
At half-way stage, they were 37 for
three but gradually Sangakkara and
White got into the groove and started
punishing the bad balls. Only two
boundaries were scored in the first 10
overs but then four were hit in two
successive overs with three coming
off the bat of Lankan batsman.
White then broke the shackles by
dispatching Ravindra Jadeja for a
huge six over the square leg and Sangakkara was just getting better and
better as he smashed his compatriot
Thisara Perera for a couple of boundaries.
The former Lankan skipper raised
his fifty with a sweep boundary off
Jadeja and took the team past 100run mark before being dismissed by
Vinay Kumar.
Brief Scores: Deccan Chargers 129/7
(K Sangakkara 65, R Vinay Kumar
3/25) beat Kochi Tuskers 74 (I
Sharma 5 for 12, D Steyn 3 for 16)
The Mumbai Indians led by
ace pace bowler Munaf Patel
are busy at practice on the
eve of their match against
Rajasthan Royals at Jaipur.
Afternoon Despatch & Courier THURSDAY,
APRIL 28, 2011
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