Vince Taliano
Vince Taliano
Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle April 2010 DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE BY VINCE TALIANO 2010 OFFICERS: REGIONAL DIRECTOR NEWSLETTER EDITOR WEBSITE MANAGER VINCE TALIANO ASSISTANT REGIONAL DIRECTOR DAN RUBY NATIONAL DIRECTOR NEWSLETTER COLUMNIST JACK MCCLOW SECRETARY ASSOCIATE NEWSLETTER EDITOR VALLEY FORGE REGION LIAISON SANDY KEMPER CAR SHOW COORDINATORS CENTRAL PA REGION LIAISONS DIANE & HENRY RUBY TREASURER HARRY SCOTT MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN NEWSLETTER COLUMNIST R. SCOT MINESINGER ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR VACANT OTHER KEY POSITIONS: SUMMER PICNIC HOST J. ROGER BENTLEY AUTOMOBILIA AUCTIONEER HAMPTON ROADS REGION LIAISON GEORGE BOXLEY NEWSLETTER COLUMNIST RITA BIAL-BOXLEY SHOW WEEKEND COORDINATOR SHELLEY CHADICK NEWSLETTER COLUMNIST CHRIS CUMMINGS NEWSLETTER COLUMNIST JIM GOVONI CAR SHOW SPONSOR AND HOST DANIEL JOBE & CAPITOL CADILLAC The Spring Car Show and Automobilia Auction flyer is included in this issue. The deadline for preregistration is Sunday May 9th. Volunteers are still needed to help with general setup, parking, etc. If interested, please contact me at [email protected]. If you have any Cadillac items, other old car items or items of historical interest that you would like to donate for the auction, please contact George Boxley, Automobilia Auctioneer, at 301261-5634 or [email protected]. The proceeds from the donated items enable the Region to subsidize events throughout the year to make them more affordable for our members to attend (e.g. summer picnic, holiday get-together, etc.). If you don’t have any items and still would like to donate, gift cards/certificates from your favorite automotive supplier work well too! Pictures of some of the items donated already are included in this issue to give everyone a sneak preview. HONORARY MEMBER NEWSLETTER COLUMNIST VERN PARKER Congratulations to CLC Potomac Region member Bryce Frey whose 1953 Muntz Jet was featured on the front cover of the March 25th issue of Old Cars Weekly. Read the article at CAR SHOW MASTER OF CEREMONIES NATIONAL CLC ADVISOR NEWSLETTER COLUMNIST RICHARD SILLS Get well soon to Margo Sisson who had surgery recently to repair her injured elbow. NEWSLETTER COLUMNIST TOM MCQUEEN CENTRAL VA REGION LIAISON NEWSLETTER COLUMNIST STEVEN SISSON Vince Taliano Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle April 2010 LETTER TO THE EDITOR February 27, 2010 Vince, I recently discovered that my 1962 Eldorado Biarritz was delivered new to Capitol Cadillac in Washington, DC. I was able to trace the delivery location based on the Outlet Code that appears on some original paperwork. Specifically, Outlet Code 420313 was used for Capitol Cadillac. The Eldorado Biarritz was part of the Eldorado Extravaganza that was held in 2006 at Capitol Cadillac and included in the February 2007 article on the show that appeared in Hemmings Classic Car (see below). Steven M. Tuck Tampa, Florida Steven Tuck’s 1962 Eldorado Biarritz Eldorado Extravaganza Photo by R. Scot Minesinger Visit us on the web! 2 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle April 2010 2010 CALENDAR OF EVENTS DATE TIME EVENT LOCATION CONTACT INFORMATION Apr 19 Mon Apr 24 Sat 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm 10:00 am – 3:00 pm Potomac Region Monthly Meeting Second Annual New York / New England Inter-Regional Spring Meet Capitol Cadillac Greenbelt MD New England Air Museum Windsor Locks CT Apr 21-25 Wed-Sun Gates open daily at 7:00 am Spring Carlisle Carlisle PA Vince Taliano at 301-258-8321 or [email protected] Dave Rubin at 845-225-5990 or [email protected] or Chris Milici at 508-384-7578 or [email protected] 717-243-7855 or Dover’s Historic District Dover DE Robin Coventry at 302 734-7511 or [email protected] Jim Barnett Park Winchester VA Holman Cadillac Mt. Laurel NJ Capitol Cadillac Greenbelt MD 10:00 am – 3:30 pm 77th Annual Dover Days Festival (Car Show Fri – Parade Sat) 52nd Annual AACA Apple Blossom Meet CLC Valley Forge Region Car Show 19th Annual Capitol Cadillac Spring Car Show/ Automobilia Auction Potomac Region Monthly Meeting CLC Central PA Region's 21st Annual Spring-Summer Show 21st Annual Orphan Car Tour 37th Annual Sully Plantation Father’s Day Car Show J. Roger Bentley’s Home Brinklow MD AACA Museum Hershey PA Overland Park KS Jul 17 Sat 8:00 am – 2:00 pm 6th Annual Picnic with Lincoln Mercury friends 4th Annual CLC Inter-Regional Meet Sponsored by Central PA Region and Upper Susquehanna Region CLC Grand National Meet Hosted by the Missouri Valley Region Wings-N-Wheels Car Show Duane Catlett at 540-869-6668 or Ronnie Hux at 610-268-3388 or [email protected] Car Show: Diane & Henry Ruby at 301-894-8026, Automobilia Auction: George Boxley at 301-261-5634 Vince Taliano at 301-258-8321 or [email protected] Art Archambeault at 717-557-6974 or [email protected] Jon Battle at 703-392-6870 or Bill Worsham at 703-250-5474, [email protected] or Vince Taliano at 301-258-8321 or [email protected] Art Archambeault at 717-557-6974 or [email protected] Rich Selg at 302-674-5365 or [email protected] Aug 7 Sat Aug 14 Sat Aug 24-29 Tue-Sun 9:00 am – 4:00 pm 10:00 am – 3:00 pm Dover Air Force Base Museum Dover DE Rohrersville MD Apr 30 May 1 Fri-Sat May 8 Sat May 8 Sat May 16 Sun May 17 Mon Jun 5 Sat Jun 5 Sat Jun 20 Sun 8:00 am – 4:00 pm 9:00 am – 3:00 pm 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Jul 3 Sat Jul 10 Sat Jul 14-17 Wed-Sat Sep 2-5 Thu-Sun Rohrersville / Boonsboro Fire Stations Car Show 36th Annual Metro Chapter Buick Club All-GM Show CLC National Driving Tour Hosted by the Pacific Northwest Region 3rd Grand European Hosted by the Cadillac LaSalle Club France Silver Diner Merrifield VA Kelly Cadillac Lancaster PA Mt. Airy MD to Hanover PA Sully Plantation Chantilly VA Montgomery College Rockville MD Washington State Richelieu France Harry Wood at 301-606-0156 or Jerri D’Angelo at 301-712-6832 Cory Correll at 240-686-0229 or [email protected] Bradley Huson at 253-761-7709 or [email protected] or Kevin Berry at 425-3580674 or [email protected] If you are planning to attend the 2010 Grand National and are interested in volunteering, please contact Nancy Wood at [email protected] or Shirley Taylor at 913-685-7419. The hotel is almost full and some events are already SOLD OUT. For updates, visit Visit us on the web! 3 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle April 2010 19th Annual Capitol Cadillac / CLC Potomac Region Spring Car Show & Automobilia Auction Sunday May 16, 2010 Car Registration: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Car Show Hours: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm 6500 Capitol Drive Greenbelt, MD 20770 301-441-9600 LOCAL DIRECTIONS: From Capital Beltway (I-495/95) Use Exit 23 - Kenilworth Avenue Rte 201, proceed South on Kenilworth Avenue to first exit - Greenbelt Road, Route 193 At light, proceed East on Greenbelt Road Rte 193 (left) At traffic light make left onto Walker Drive (TGl Friday’s Restaurant on corner) Make an immediate right onto Capitol Drive (Dealership is on your left) From Baltimore-Washington Parkway (Rte 295) Use Exit for Rte 193 (Greenbelt Road) Proceed West on Rte 193 - Greenbelt Road Make first right after underpass onto Capitol Drive (Dealership is on your right) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Diane & Henry Ruby, Car Show Coordinators 301-297-4459, 301-894-8026 or [email protected] The Region has reserved rooms at the Holiday Inn Greenbelt 301-982-0863 for the night before the show at the special rate of $94 (mention Cadillac & LaSalle Club when making reservations). Please notify Shelley Chadick at 717-368-4422 if booking a room. Visit us on the web! 4 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle April 2010 Car Show Rules Rain or Shine: The car show will take place rain or shine. No refunds. Judging Rules: Vehicles will be judged by people’s choice ballot only by those individuals who registered cars. Registrants will be able to judge cars in all classes, including their own. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place awards will be given to winning vehicles in the classes listed below. Judging Classes Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class A: B: C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: Other Awards 1902 – 1942 Cadillac 1927 – 1940 LaSalle 1946 – 1958 Cadillac 1959 – 1964 Cadillac 1965 – 1970 Cadillac 1971 – 1976 Cadillac 1977 – 1986 Cadillac 1987 – 1996 Cadillac 1997 – Current Cadillac Commercial Vehicles Modified Vehicles Dealer’s Choice Best Pre-War Best Post-War Best of Show Ladies Choice Long Distance (Driven Cars Only) A vehicle receiving “Best of Show” may also receive an award in its class, but will not be eligible to receive “Best Pre War” or “Best Post War” at the same show. Registration Form Make checks payable to CLC Potomac Region and mail registration form to: Harry Scott, Treasurer 14421 Aden Road Nokesville VA 20181-3122 Name: Address: _________________________ State: ______ City: Zip: _______ Vehicle Registration Fee: (Up to May 9th: $15/per car - After May 9th: $20/per car) (one lunch voucher will be distributed to the registrant of each vehicle) Circle Make: CAD LAS Model: Year: _______ Class: ______ Circle Make: CAD LAS Model: Year: _______ Class: ______ By registering a vehicle for the show, the registrant accepts the following terms: 1) The Region reserves the right to determine each vehicle’s judging class. 2) The Region reserves the right to determine each vehicle’s placement in the show field. Check the box if you do not want your vehicle(s) judged Visit us on the web! 5 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle April 2010 If you have any Cadillac items, other old car items, or items of historical interest that you would like to donate for the auction, please contact George Boxley, Automobilia Auctioneer, at 301261-5634 or [email protected]. Below are pictures of some of the fabulous items that have already been donated for the auction. 1959 Cadillac Johan Model 1964 Cadillac Johan Model (Friction) Donated by J. Roger Bentley 1959 Cadillac Monogram 1:25 Model Kit Two (2) 1959 Cadillac Maisto 1:18 Die Cast Donated by Vince Taliano 1957 Lincoln Continental 1:43 1954 Buick Wildcat II Brooklin Model Hallmark Ornament Production Run : 1993 - 1998 Donated by Debbie Taylor Visit us on the web! The Hemi in the Barn By Tom Cotter 6 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle April 2010 Coca Cola Poster Car Collection 1:64 1937 Ford Coupe 1959 Ford Thunderbird 1965 VW Samba Bus Donated by Vince Taliano Three (3) Framed Dan Reed Originals - 1931 Cadillac - 1955 Cadillac - 1960 Cadillac Donated by Dan Reed Harrods Scenes of London Die Cast Vehicles Black Taxi Red Double Decker Bus Donated by Debbie Taylor All proceeds of items sold at the auction go to Potomac Region CLC. Visit us on the web! 7 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle April 2010 MARCH 15, 2010 MEETING MINUTES BY JACK MCCLOW PLACE: Silver Diner, Merrifield, VA TIME: 7:00 PM PRESIDING: National Director Jack McClow ATTENDANCE: Byron Alsop; Dan Ruby & JoJo Taylor; Diane & Henry Ruby; Tom McQueen; R. Scot Minesinger; Harry Scott; Jim & Brenda George and Jeff Gurski DIRECTOR’S REMARKS: Jack McClow thanked everyone for attending. And he thanked everyone for their sympathies on the recent passing of his father. Get well soon wishes were expressed for Margo Sisson who is scheduled for surgery to repair her elbow injured as a result of a fall. A brief memorial was held for Joe Malik of Flint, Michigan who passed away recently at the age of 86 while waiting for the delivery of his 55th consecutive new Cadillac, a tradition he started when he was 30 years old when he purchased his first new Cadillac, a 1955 Coupe DeVille. The Monday, June 21st meeting will be held in a new location, Hamburger Hamlet in North Bethesda, MD. It will replace the White Flint Mall location that we have been using the past few years. The Hamlet has agreed to let us use a banquet room, order off the menu and pay with separate checks. Directions will appear in the June newsletter. ANNOUNCEMENTS: We recently learned that two great concours events in Eastern Pennsylvania have been cancelled for this year. One is the Artistry in Motion show in Lancaster that was scheduled for Sunday May 2nd. Cadillac was scheduled to be the featured marque this year. The other is the Burn Prevention Foundation concours d'elegance which has been held each year in the Lehigh Valley. We hope these events will be back in 2011. SECRETARY’S REPORT: The Minutes from the February meeting were not read since they had been published and distributed to all members in the March, 2010 newsletter. TREASURER’S REPORT: The Treasurer’s Report covered the time period from the February meeting to date. Harry Scott reported that the Region’s income was $190.00. The total expenses for the same time period were $201.71. The checking account balance as of the meeting date is $8,660.91. The CD principal balance is $5,817.26. Dan Ruby agreed to be the point person to qualify the grille badge producer / supplier that had been brought to our attention via email, while Vince Taliano has offered to contact Gelberg Signs, a local company, regarding manufacturing grille badges for the club. MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Scot Minesinger reported that our membership is at 187 members. Our newest members are long-time CLC member Charles E. Smith of Bel Air, MD and William A. Archibald of Arlington, VA. Charles & Mary Grace own two Cadillacs: a 1973 Sedan DeVille, which is currently for sale (listed in classified ads), and a 1978 Eldorado Biarritz. William has a 1964 Eldorado convertible (recently purchased from Steven Sisson) and a 1979 Fleetwood Brougham, which is currently for sale (listed in classified ads). Visit us on the web! 8 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle April 2010 ACTIVITIES REPORT: 1. Upcoming PR Events: Spring Car Show & Automobilia Auction, Sun, May 16: Henry & Diane Ruby announced that the show flyer will be published in the April newsletter. The dash plaque design has been approved and will feature Dan Reed’s illustration of J. Roger Bentley’s 1940 LaSalle convertible sedan. Volunteers are still needed to help with parking, registration, auction set-up, tabulation, etc. To date, some donations of auction items have already been received (see pictures in this newsletter). 37th Annual Sully Antique Car Show, Chantilly, VA, Sun, Jun 20: Scot provided the latest information about the show. The show will be a points-judged event following the guidelines of the Sully show officials. Volunteers are needed to help judge the Cadillac / LaSalle class. 6th Annual Picnic w/ Lincoln Mercury Friends, J. Roger Bentley’s home, Brinklow, MD, Sat, Jul 3: Henry announced that a date has been selected for the annual summer event. It will be a pot-luck event like in years past. An event flyer will appear in an upcoming issue of the newsletter. 2. Other upcoming events: The following events were mentioned: Sugarloaf Mountain Region AACA 40th Annual Indoor-Outdoor Antique Auto Swap Meet, Fri-Sat, Mar 26-27, Frederick Fairgrounds, Frederick, MD 52nd Annual AACA Apple Blossom Meet, Sat, May 8, Jim Barnett Park, Winchester, VA OLD BUSINESS: Reminders of PR events planned for later this year: 1. The Fall Car Show theme will be Fabulous Fleetwoods. A date has not been scheduled yet. 2. The Valley Forge Region is making plans to hold a Run/Meet to the Baltimore Streetcar Museum. It will be a weekend event, probably held in Oct or Nov, 2010. All neighboring CLC regions have been invited. Chuck Piel has agreed to be our Region’s point of contact. This may become a full-scale Inter-Regional event which we are supporting through our participation. NEW BUSINESS: None at this time. GENERAL DISCUSSION: 37th Annual Atlantic City Classic Car Auction, Feb 26-28, Atlantic City Convention Center Atlantic City, NJ: Everyone was looking forward to reading Rita Bial-Boxley’s upcoming article on the event, especially about Byron & Alida Alsop’s purchase of a 1929 Cadillac. NEXT MEETING: Monday, April 19, 2010, 7:30 PM at Capitol Cadillac. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM. Visit us on the web! 9 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle April 2010 POTOMAC REGION ADOPTS THE AACA MUSEUM’S RECENT ACQUISITION THE “BETTY WHITE CADILLAC” We're pleased to announce that the officers of the Potomac Region have unanimously voted in favor of “adopting” this 1977 custom ordered Cadillac Seville personally owned by actress and television icon, Betty White. This car, acquired by the AACA Museum last year, was owned by the actress for 25 years. This vehicle is prominently on display in the main lobby at the Museum along with a selection of photographs covering Betty White's acting career, including an image showing the car being used in the two-part episode "Mama for Mayor," from the television series "Mama's Family." And soon, this famous car will have the Potomac Region's name and website appearing on the display sign in front of the car! The Adopt-a-Car Program offers an organization or individual the opportunity to adopt a car in the AACA Museum’s collection. By adopting a car one provides some financial support for the up-keep and maintenance of the adopted car. A contribution of $500 helps support the car for one year. The contribution covers some of the costs of insurance, any required mechanical work, supplies to keep the cars in show room condition, and other costs. Also, adoptions are important contributions to the Museum and to the automotive hobby. Several Potomac Region members attended the adoption ceremony at the Museum held last November when the CLC Valley Forge Region and the CLC Carolina Regions each adopted a Cadillac in the Museum’s collection. With our adoption of this famous Cadillac, the Potomac Region continues to show that it is among the elite regions in the CLC. Game Show host, Allen Ludden purchased the car for his actress wife, Betty in May 1977. The car was ordered in the custom color, Seamist Green, from Martin Cadillac in Los Angeles, California. It was given to her as a surprise gift. The vehicle sported a mere 14.3 miles when it was driven off the dealership's lot and it currently has less than 18,000 miles on the odometer. After 25 years of ownership, Betty donated the Cadillac to a charity from which it was purchased by a private collector who owned it for several years. The car's last private owner, Mr. Nicholas Ferrantino, of Houston, Texas presented it to the AACA Museum. It is in superb condition and it looks like it did when Betty White took possession of it. For further information, please visit Visit us on the web! 10 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle April 2010 ATLANTIC CITY 2010 BY RITA BIAL-BOXLEY Where did all the cars go? That was the question at the 37th Annual Atlantic City Classic Car Auction. February’s weather of blizzards, one on top of the other on the Eastern Seaboard, seems to have hampered those who were either going to bring a car to auction or other related merchandise to sell. However, all the wintry mix Mother Nature threw at us could not damper our enthusiasm for our annual trip to Atlantic City. This is not just another car event to us. This is the early beginning of Spring and the car show event season. Atlantic City in February means a break in the cabin fever mentality. This trip means comradeship with old friends and acquaintances and dining at five star restaurants like The Portofina at Trumps Castle, The Primavera at Caesars or Bobby Flay at the Borgata. And, it means hobnobbing with the wheelerdealer types, and the auctioneers like Jimmy Landis and his entourage. His father ran the Dutchland collector car auction for years. Omar Landis was his name for those who remember back in the day. Now onto this year’s event held in Atlantic City from February 26-28th. As we left our home in West River, Maryland on Friday morning, we were buffeted seemingly forever by the wind and snow in our Ford 350 dually truck. We drove straight through to arrive in Atlantic City before another possible onslaught of snow and icy conditions. Finally we arrived at The Sheraton and enjoyed greeting our friend and doorman Brian, whom we have known for years and after that, we were off to the Convention Center. After all of the advertising hype that we had read over the year, we really expected to see more cars and potential buyers and sellers, and of course, onlookers. After all, this was Friday afternoon when the potential buyers and sellers would be checking out the car corral, the vendors, etc. We were surprised to see empty spaces as we walked to obtain our seats for the weekend (the INDOOR WEATHER was fine). A few Cadillacs went across the block and they brought modest prices after the owners’ dropped their reserve. The days of seeing the full classics seem to have vanished before us. The era of that so many of us remember from the past of true collectibles going through the auction line and onto the auction block is gradually fading. The muscle car era has truly come of age. The muscle cars were being auctioned off one after the other. Most of the vehicles we saw leaving the auction ramp did not sell until the reserves went off and then one heard the roar from the auctioneer: SOLD, SOLD, SOLD... After a dismal afternoon at the Convention Center, we anticipated a great evening with fellow club members and friends Alida & Byron Alsop and Julia & Harry Scott. We met them at the Bobbie Flay restaurant at The Borgata. After a great meal of steak and seafood, we were off to the auction, The Classics at the Borgata. This event is supposed to be so exclusive that you have to pay admission just to view these fine cars. And it really was worth the admission price!! The cars were one of a kind and absolutely the best of the best. Visit us on the web! 11 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle April 2010 My husband George (G.B.) loves Cadillacs but I am partial to the Pierce Arrows. Even though few classics and collectibles were on the auction floor, the evening was yet to begin. We heard that to participate in the auction area, a bidding fee of $150 had to be pre-paid. After looking at the cars, and there were many beauties to say the least, we were surprised to see that the Alsops had taken their seats waiting for the auction to begin. We did not know which cars they were interested in, but at the dinner table, they had expressed an interest in a Pierce Arrow, a Cadillac Dual Cowl Phaeton and a Duesenberg. When the bidding was over and they had made their choice known, everyone in the auction area clapped their hands and congratulated them on their choice, a 1929 Cadillac Model 341-B Fisher Sport Dual Cowl Phaeton. We could imagine them sitting in their new car in the very near future. These cars were among some of the first Cadillacs of that time to be designed under the direction of Harley Earl. These were powerful machines, each with a 341 cid 95-hp flathead V-8, sitting on a long 140 inch wheelbase and weighing in at 5,160 lbs. of pure beauty. Well, this beauty found a new home with Alida & Byron. Most of us were applauding when it was finally declared SOLD, SOLD, SOLD... These words alone probably sent shivers down their back, especially when they were the winning bidders of this outstanding rare car. Congratulations, Alida & Byron. Many full classics and collector cars went across the floor to be auctioned. Below is a partial list of some of the well-kept automobiles that were seen that evening at The Borgata. Vehicle 1931 Pierce-Arrow Model 42 LeBaron Sport Sedan Top Bid High bid of $120K – Reserve was set at $200K – No sale Comments These cars have always been another favorite marque of mine. I always liked the headlights built right into the fenders. This car was really a beautiful vehicle with an attractive color combination of silver and red. Truly this is a remarkable car of that era. 1932 Duesenberg Boat-Tail Speedster High bid was $725K – Reserve was held at $1Million – No sale As this car went off the auction floor, a spume of smoke was evident and the smoke filled the air in the auction hall. It was a beautiful car for sure and remains the only Duesenberg Boat-Tail Speedster ever built. The car has remained out of sight for more than 35 years. 1933 Ford Model 40 Standard Tudor Sedan High bid was $40K – No sale See more pictures at Visit us on the web! 12 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle April 2010 Vehicle 1934 Mercedes-Benz 290 LangPullman Limousine Top Bid High bid was $65K – No sale Comments It is known that Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini were driven in this vehicle. There is a bullet hole in the back seat. I like the Mercedes-Benz myself as an owner of two classic Benz that I drive on occasion. These cars were made to last. This Mercedes was a beautiful, luxurious German limousine, located after the war in Italy. 1938 Packard Darrin Convertible Victoria High bid was $200K - Reserve was much higher – No Sale Not quite up to the standards one would expect for a Darrin. 1942 Packard Super Eight 160 Model Convertible Coupe Sold for $83K There were around 2,580 Super Eight 160 Models built in 1942. 1947 Cadillac Fleetwood 7Passenger Touring Sedan High bid was $55K – No sale This car in its day sold for $4,517, which was a large sum of money in 1947. Only 890 of them were made. 1947 Ford Super Deluxe “Woodie” Station Wagon High bid was $100K – Reserve was $120K – No sale This was a nice car with a color combination of burgundy with saddle interior. 1951 Jaguar Mark V Drophead Sold for $74.5K During that time, the leaping Jaguar mascot was available as an option. As we all know, the hood ornaments of our classics can reach a high price. See more pictures at Visit us on the web! 13 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle April 2010 Vehicle 1955 Cadillac Series 62 TwoDoor Hardtop Top Bid High bid was $56K – No sale Comments A beautiful red color. 1955 Packard Caribbean Convertible Sold for $113K This particular Packard was white, red and black. The odometer indicated it may have been a 35,000 mile car. This was a nice looking car indeed. 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air Convertible Sold for $89.5K A stylish and sporty car of its time. The turquoise and white colors showed off its classy style for sure. 1958 Chevrolet Impala Convertible Sold for $130K This was a beautiful car painted Tropic Turquoise with a white interior. The Impala featured a 348 c.i. engine. This made me wish I would have kept my Dad’s, although his was a hardtop. 1959 Cadillac Series 62 Convertible High bid was $105K – No sale Original un-restored convertible in Beaumont Beige with tan convertible top and saddle interior. The original owner sold it to a friend in 1963 for $2,500, and the second owner kept it until 2003. The 1963 bill of sale was with the car, along with a ton of original documentation, service records, etc. 1964 Porsche 356 Cabriolet High bid was $100K – No sale Completely restored. See more pictures at Visit us on the web! 14 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle April 2010 Now, back to the car acquired Friday evening by the Alsops, a 1929 Cadillac Model 341-B Fisher Sport Phaeton. As mentioned in the auction brochure, this car had a large number of improvements. It was authentically restored to original factory specifications and captured Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA) first senior and premier judging honors. Its Fisher Body was uniquely designed with a flip-up tonneau cowl that carries a folding windshield that protects rear seat passengers. I especially liked the spot lights mounted on the running board. It adds an extra touch to the car. Alida & Byron Alsop’s 1929 Cadillac Model 341-B Fisher Sport Phaeton Photo by Dan Reed After the auction we saw that the Alsops’ paperwork and transport transactions were complete. And after the excitement of the auction, we tried our hand at slot machines before heading back to The Sheraton. On Saturday morning we awoke to a partly cloudy day. At the convention center, the auction started at 11 AM. There were a lot of Chevrolets, Oldsmobiles, Fords and very few, and I mean very few, Cadillacs. As George and Harry were at the auction, Julia and I headed out to the outlets, followed by lunch at The Tun, the restaurant in the Sheraton. It was nice, but ever so crowded. Visit us on the web! 15 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle April 2010 Saturday evening we met with the Alsops and Scotts at our hotel suite before heading out to The Primavera Restaurant at Caesars Casino. The ladies were dressed up for an evening on the town. We have enjoyed The Primavera Restaurant, where a musician has been serenading the diners for the past three years. We have enjoyed the troubadour coming over to our table and having an “old fashion sing along” of mostly Italian songs in the Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra genre. Unfortunately, we were told by the musician later in the evening that the restaurant is being sold. We realize that time marches on, but some things are so great they should never fade away. We played a few more slots after dinner with the Scotts and enjoyed a night cap at the hotel. Another view of the Alsops’ 1929 Cadillac Photo by Dan Reed Sunday morning was crispy and cold, but clear for traveling. Before we headed back to Maryland we met the Alsops for breakfast. You can imagine that the conversation centered around their beautiful 1929 Cadillac. As we said our goodbyes, George and I headed to the convention center one last time. It appeared that a few more Cadillacs were on the floor waiting to be sold. Some of the cars that were featured at the Borgata on Friday were shown on the carpeted VIP area one last time before they were transported to their destinations. At last, the weekend ended, but memories of the event are always etched in our minds. We always look forward to our yearly trek to Atlantic City and enjoy whatever adventures might be found just around the corner. Until next time, drive safe and enjoy your classics. Rita Visit us on the web! 16 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle April 2010 FIFTH-WHEEL DRIVING SOURCE: UNIVERSAL NEWSREEL [Narrator] “With new cars getting bigger and parking spaces getting smaller, in Piedmont, California an inventor has developed something to sooth the motorist’s headache by putting the spare tire to work. He calls the device the parked car and says it can be installed on any model. Watch how it works! Taking power from the drive shaft, the spare tire swings the rear end into the clear. Then, he just retracts the spare, backs into the street, and away we go! It’s handy for parking in inaccessible garages too. Here’s a narrow driveway, but with the spare tire put to work, the car can turn a complete circle in its own radius, and parking is simple indeed. Even the worst driver can make the garage without denting a fender with the aid of fifthwheel driving!” Editor’s note: Thanks to CLC Potomac Region member April Grammont for sharing this vintage video. To see the video, visit Visit us on the web! 17 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle April 2010 CADDIE CLASSIFIEDS Cars For Sale NEW ARRIVAL 1957 Eldorado Biarritz – Only 1,800 built – 71K original miles – Very good condition – #’s matching right down to the sequential numbers on the optional two brass carbs – VIN 5762045676 – Factory build sheet available – 325 h.p. – All mechanicals rebuilt – Starlite Silver with black top and Kiawah Red interior per original factory sheet – Power window, seat, antenna and trunk and all work – Interior seats and dash redone in factory correct buffalo grain pattern leather by Jenkins Interiors – Carpet, complete trunk kit door panels and rear quarter interior panels are original –– All seven pieces of glass replaced along with window frames re-chromed – All 14 pieces of chrome door panels, dash chrome done, chrome rear bumpers need to be re-chromed per original – Aluminum polished – Gold plating on hood and trunk V's redone – Three piece fiberglass parade boot included – Five sabre wheels – See pictures at - Asking $82,500 – Serious inquires only – For more info, please contact Olivier Le Ber at [email protected] – Car is located in Bethesda, MD NEW ARRIVAL 1973 Sedan De Ville – White with gold interior – All original – 33,000 miles – No rust or damage – Excellent condition – New compressor and dryer converted to R-134 – See pictures at – Price reduced to $7,200 – For more info, please contact Charles Smith at 410-569-7611 or [email protected] – Car is located in Bel Air, MD NEW ARRIVAL 1979 Fleetwood Brougham 4 Door Sedan – Probably one of the newest cars of this type in the country – This 2-owner, always garaged and well cared for car has been driven less than 6,000 miles – It has never seen bad weather, suffered any damages from other drivers or any neglect from anyone – It is finished in beautiful silver grey with a matching vinyl roof – The interior is harmonizing soft velour with plush carpeting – It is lavishly equipped with most options, shy only a Sky Roof – This Fleetwood is in perfect visual condition, runs and drives great – It even has the correct width whitewall tires along with handsome wire wheel covers – The only known fault is the Cruise Control which does not operate – See pictures at – Asking $12,000 – To arrange an appointment, please call Bill Archibald at 202-364-1617 (w) or 703-244-1310 (m) – Car is located in Arlington, VA 1981 Eldorado – 72,614 miles – Purchased in late 1980 from Palomar Cadillac/Pontiac in Palomar, California – Driven by the original owner primarily in California and Arizona until early 1994 – Shortly after his death on April 14, 1994, the title was transferred to his brother-in-law in Menasha, Wisconsin – At that time the car had about 60,000 miles – Second owner had a seasonal home in Phoenix, Arizona and used the car primarily for travelling back and forth from Wisconsin until he became seriously ill in 2000 – Car was mostly in indoor storage until July 2003 when the current and third owner used an agent to purchase it – Mileage at that time of purchase was 69,894 miles – Since arriving in Jupiter, Florida along with its maintenance records from the second owner, the car has always been garaged and well cared for – See pictures at – Asking $10,000 – For more info, contact Roy Vander Putten at 561-745-0893 or [email protected] – Car is located in Jupiter, FL Die Cast Cars For Sale Extensive collection of Danbury & Franklin Mint cars – New in the box with original paperwork – Also available is a display case never removed from original box – For a full list and pricing info, contact Rose at [email protected] Other Services Insurance information and articles at Visit us on the web! 18 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle April 2010 2010 OFFICERS NAME POSITION(S) PHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS Vince Taliano Regional Director Newsletter Editor Website Manager 301-258-8321 [email protected] Dan Ruby Assistant Regional Director 301-894-8026 [email protected] Jack McClow National Director Newsletter Columnist 301-330-5417 [email protected] Sandy Kemper Secretary Associate Newsletter Editor Valley Forge Region Liaison 301-585-0897 [email protected] Diane & Henry Ruby Car Show Coordinators Central PA Region Liaisons 301-297-4459 [email protected] Harry Scott Treasurer 703-791-3278 [email protected] R. Scot Minesinger Membership Chairman Newsletter Columnist 703-283-2021 [email protected] Vacant Activities Director Visit us on the web! 19
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Vince Taliano - Potomac Region