Vince Taliano - Potomac Region
Vince Taliano - Potomac Region
Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle June 2013 DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE BY VINCE TALIANO 2013 OFFICERS: REGIONAL DIRECTOR NEWSLETTER EDITOR WEBSITE MANAGER VINCE TALIANO ASSISTANT REGIONAL DIRECTOR CAR SHOW COORDINATOR DAN RUBY NATIONAL DIRECTOR NEWSLETTER COLUMNIST JACK MCCLOW SECRETARY ASSOCIATE NEWSLETTER EDITOR VALLEY FORGE REGION LIAISON SANDY KEMPER TREASURER HARRY SCOTT ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR NEWSLETTER COLUMNIST R. SCOT MINESINGER MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR DEBBIE TAYLOR OTHER KEY POSITIONS: SUMMER PICNIC HOST J. ROGER BENTLEY AUTOMOBILIA AUCTIONEER HAMPTON ROADS REGION LIAISON GEORGE BOXLEY NEWSLETTER COLUMNIST RITA BIAL-BOXLEY SHOW WEEKEND COORDINATOR SHELLEY CHADICK NEWSLETTER COLUMNIST CHRIS CUMMINGS NEWSLETTER COLUMNIST JIM GOVONI CAR SHOW SPONSOR AND HOST DANIEL JOBE & CAPITOL CADILLAC NEWSLETTER COLUMNIST TOM MCQUEEN HONORARY MEMBER NEWSLETTER COLUMNIST VERN PARKER Congratulations to Potomac Region National Director Jack McClow (pictured right) who has been appointed as the new CLC Treasurer. He will be just the third Treasurer in the entire history of the CLC. Jack will transition to the new role effective immediately and will assume the new responsibilities starting October 1, 2013. Our condolences go out to Juan and Luis Aranda on the passing of Betty, their wife and mother, respectively. Betty, pictured with the family’s 1947 Series 60 Special, was a founding member of the region. Also, our condolences to the family of former CLC Potomac Member Bruce Bell, who recently passed away in Florida; to Craig Perrotty on the recent passing of his father; to Bob Mantz on the recent passing of his brother and to Harry & Julia Scott on the recent passing of Julia’s brother. Thanks to everyone who helped make our Spring Car Show another successful event. The volunteers included Chuck & Debbie Piel, Scot Minesinger, Bob Norrid, Robert Meekins, Randy Edison, Brenda & Jim George, Jack McClow, Harry Scott, Derrick Fisher, Richard Sills, Shelley Chadick, George & Rita Boxley, Dan & JoJo Ruby, Franklin Gage, Bill Hilliard, Dora Forry, Debbie Taylor and many others. Special thanks to Daniel Jobe and Capitol Cadillac for their continued support and generosity. CENTRAL VA REGION LIAISON NEWSLETTER COLUMNIST CHUCK PIEL Sunday October 27th will be the date for our Annual Fall Car Show at Capitol Cadillac. The theme will be Colossal Convertibles. More details to follow! CAR SHOW MASTER OF CEREMONIES NATIONAL CLC ADVISOR NEWSLETTER COLUMNIST RICHARD SILLS Vince Taliano Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle June 2013 LETTER TO THE EDITOR May 5, 2013 Hi, My father had a “baby blue” (Breton Blue – Code 20) ‘59 Coupe de Ville. I am now building a model to commemorate that car. One of the steps is making custom decals - which are printed on special paper for that purpose. My father was a manager for State Farm Insurance and I recall that he had a State Farm bumper sticker on each of his vehicles, including the Caddie. I have gotten much of the needed detail from online pictures but I still need to document the moulding on the sides as I will have to hand craft this 1/25 scale. I am from Colorado visiting the DC area for a few days – leaving Wednesday, May 15, 2013. Do you know of anyone who has one locally that I could look over and photograph? Thanks, Stephen & Beatrice Szadokierski Golden, Colorado [Editor’s note: We were able to connect Stephen with region member Randy Edison, who owns a 1959 Coupe de Ville. Stephen was able to get the pictures that he needed to move forward with his tribute to his dad. Below are pictures of his work to date. To see a picture of Randy’s Coupe de Ville as well as a Breton Blue 1959 Cadillac, see page 10.] Visit us on the web! 2 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle June 2013 2013 CALENDAR OF EVENTS DATE May 30Jun 1 Thu-Sat Jun 1 Sat Jun 1 Sat Jun 3-7 Wed-Sun TIME 9:00 am – 3:00 pm 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Jun 8 Sat Jun 8 Sat Jun 8 Sat Jun 15 Sat Jun 16 Sun 9:00 am – 3:00 pm 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm Registration from 9:30 am - 11:00 am 10:00 am – 3:30 pm Jun 17 Mon Jun 22 Sat 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Jul 6 Sat Jul 12 Fri Jul 13 Sat Jul 20 Sat 11:00 am – 4:00 pm 9:00 am – 3:00 pm 9:00 am – 3:00 pm 2:00 pm – 7:00 pm Jul 28 Sun 10:00 am – 3:00 pm Jul 31Aug 3 Wed-Sat Aug 3 Sat Aug 10 Sat Aug 29 Sep 1 Fri-Sun Sep 1 Sun 11:00 am – 4:00 pm 10:00 am – 3:00 pm 10:00 am – 3:00 pm EVENT LOCATION CONTACT INFORMATION AACA Eastern Spring Meet Carlisle Fairgrounds Carlisle PA 2013national.html 8th Annual Spring BOPC Car Show Presented by Delaware Valley Oldsmobile Club CLC Valley Forge Region Annual Fall Car Show CLC National Driving Tour Hosted by the Northern California Region 24th Annual Orphan Car Tour Granite Run Mall Media PA [email protected] Delaware Cadillac Wilmington DE Starting from San Francisco CA Starting from Williamsport MD Jon Battle at 540-364-1770, [email protected] or Joe Manna at [email protected] CLC Raritan River Region Car Show Celebrate Gaithersburg’s Classic Car Show Southern Maryland Sun Music Festival Poker Run 40th Annual Sully Plantation Father’s Day Antique and Classic Car Show Potomac Region Monthly Meeting AACA Museum Annual Car Show celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Museum 9th Annual Picnic with Lincoln Mercury friends 4th Annual Collector Car Appreciation Day 7th Annual CLC Inter-Regional Meet 8th Annual Surf &Turf/ Summertime Fun Festival 10th Annual VCCA Free State Region's Annual Car & Truck Show CLC Grand National Meet Hosted by by the New England Region The Annapolis Car Show Royal Cadillac Florham Park NJ Old Towne Gaithersburg MD Calvert County Fairgrounds Barstow MD Sully Plantation Chantilly VA AAA Car Care Center Rockville MD AACA Museum Hershey PA J. Roger Bentley’s Brinklow MD All across the USA AACA Museum Hershey PA Carroll County Farm Museum Westminster MD Meadowbrook Regional Park Lutherville MD Boston MA Annapolis MD 39th Annual Metro Chapter Buick Club All-GM Show CLC Grand European Montgomery College Rockville MD Noordwijkerhout Netherlands Vern Parker's 25th Annual Invitation Antique Car Show Spring Hill Recreation Center McLean VA Visit us on the web! Laura Sharp at [email protected] or 301-258-6160 Jim Zirakian at [email protected] or Bill Worsham at 703-250-5474, [email protected] or Vince Taliano at 301-258-8321 or [email protected] R. Scot Minesinger at [email protected] or 703-283-2021 CollectorCarAppreciationDay Art Archambeault at 717-557-6974 or [email protected] Bonnie Hood at 410-386-3880 Hank at 410-377-8331, [email protected] or [email protected] 443-693-SHOW or Cory Correll at 240-686-0229 or [email protected] 3 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle June 2013 DATE TIME EVENT LOCATION CONTACT INFORMATION Sep 4-8 Wed-Sun Fall Carlisle & Auction Carlisle PA 717-243-7855 or Sep 7 Sat Sep 14 Sat Gates open daily at 7:00 am 9:00 am – 3:00 pm 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Italian Embassy Washington DC Suttle Motors Newport News VA Johnny Monzo at [email protected] Sep 15 Sun 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Gold Coast Cadillac Oakhurst NJ Doug Lansing at [email protected] or 609-466-0687 (evenings) Sep 21 Sat Sep 21 Sat Sep 29 Sun Sep 29 Sun Oct 9-12 Wed-Sat 10:00 am – 2:00 pm 10:00 am – 3:00 pm 9:00 am – 3:00 pm 10th National Cadillac Allanté XLR Car Show 17th Annual CLC Hampton Roads Region Car Show 4th Annual CLC Raritan River Region Car Show Fallen Heroes Memorial Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show 38th Annual Edgar Rohr Memorial Antique Car Meet All-GM Show Hosted by the Royal GTOs CLC Valley Forge Region Annual Fall Car Show AACA National Eastern Fall Meet FOP Lodge #89 Upper Marlboro MD Manassas Museum Manassas VA King Buick GMC Gaithersburg MD Peddler's Village Lahaska PA Giant Center and Show Grounds Hershey PA Rockville Civic Center Rockville MD Fauquier High School Warrenton VA Capitol Cadillac Greenbelt MD Paula Speiden at [email protected] or 301-772-4760 Nicki Hudson at 540-522-6533 or Bill Sandusky at 301-570-3517 or 301-801-7519 (Day of Show) Oct 19 Sat Oct 20 Sun Oct 27 Sun Gates open daily at 7:00 am 8:30 am – 3:30 pm 8:00 am – 3:00 pm 9:00 am – 3:00 pm City of Rockville Antique and Classic Car Show Annual Fall Spectacular Car, Truck, & Tractor Show Annual Capitol Cadillac Fall Car Show: Colossal Convertibles Bob Geiger at 757-253-6501 or [email protected] 240-314-5022 or Chris at 571-437-3752 or [email protected] Dan Ruby at [email protected] or 301-894-8026 Visit where show flyers can be downloaded. “Super Fly” cars appearing in AACA Museum pop culture exhibit Likely appearing at an AACA event for the very first time, the Dunham Coach “Corvorado” – as featured in the films Live and Let Die and Superman: The Movie – and the Dunham Coach “Super Fly” Cadillac Eldorado – as seen in Ft. Apache the Bronx – aren’t typical AACA fare, but both played a significant role in 1970s pop culture. The Les Dunham Corvorado Photo courtesy Dunham Coach The AACA’s Pop Culture and Cars exhibit features far more than just Dunham’s “Super Fly” creations. Other cars to be shown include the 1932 Ford Roadster driven by 1950s icon Ricky Nelson, the 1978 Pontiac Trans-Am Y-84 presented to Burt Reynolds after filming Smokey and the Bandit, a 1977 Chrysler Cordoba (complete with “soft Corinthian leather,” as advertised by Ricardo Montalban) and much more. The exhibit will run from May 17th through October 13th. For more information, visit Visit us on the web! 4 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle June 2013 9th Annual Pot-luck Summer Picnic with Lincoln & Mercury Friends J. Roger Bentley’s Tudor House 20110 New Hampsire Ave Brinklow, MD July 6, 2013 (Saturday) 11:00 am to 4:00 pm Rain Date Sunday July 7, 2013 (based on lawn conditions) Phone: 301-924-6331 Please bring your favorite picnic food, and if you have a favorite dessert you want to share with others, please bring that as well. The club will provide soft drinks, water, ice, serving tables, plates, cutlery, etc. Feel free to bring special beverages of your choice. Please RSVP by July 1st indicating the dish that you will be bringing. Also please bring folding chairs or a blanket to sit on. Parking is on the grass under the trees in the front yard. DIRECTIONS: from Capitol Beltway, 1-495, take exit 28 north towards White Oak. Continue on route 650 (New Hampshire Ave) about 25 minutes, past Ashton, past Goldmine Road. On the left about 1,000 yards is 20110 New Hampsire Ave. Turn in the driveway and veer off to the left to find a parking space under the trees. Buffet will be set up inside the Garage-Mahal. Visit us on the web! 5 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle June 2013 MAY 20, 2013 MEETING MINUTES BY SANDY KEMPER PLACE: Silver Diner, Merrifield, VA TIME: 7:30 PM PRESIDING: Secretary Sandy Kemper ATTENDANCE: Chris Cummings, Jeff Gurski, Jack McClow, Scot Minesinger and Harry Scott SECRETARY’S REPORT: The Minutes from the April meeting were not read since they will be published and distributed to all members in the May, 2013 newsletter. TREASURER’S REPORT: The Treasurer’s Report covered the time period from the April meeting to date. The Region’s income was $ $2,190.51. The total expenses for the same time period were $1,468.44. MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Our current 2013 membership total is 197 members. Based on archived files that were provided by Bryce Frey, our Region’s first secretary, the late Steven Sisson, our Region’s first director, and others, we were able to trace, as best as we could, each Potomac Region member’s and/or their spouse’s, significant other’s or father’s initial year of joining the region. With this information, we will establish a Membership Recognition program to celebrate members’ length of membership in increments of five-years with the Region as part of our 45th Anniversary celebrations in 2014. Each member will have the opportunity to review the year listed for them and provide an update to assist us in establishing the baseline information. ACTIVITIES REPORT: The following activities were discussed: 1. Recent Events: 2013 CCCA Re-Discover America CARavan, May 4-26th. Byron & Alida Alsop and Tom Alsop are driving their 1936 Cadillac in this cross-country tour from New York City to San Francisco. They provided an email report last week and the tour is going well. Annual Spring Car Show & Automobilia Auction, Capitol Cadillac, Greenbelt, MD, Sun, May 5th. 58 cars were in attendance at our show. The auction netted over $1,000 for the Region. Red, Hot & Blue was a big success as our food vendor. Thanks to all who attended with a vehicle, volunteered to help with the show, submitted photographs for our website and newsletter (over 600 pictures to date!), or donated items to the show (Ladies Choice award, dash plaque illustration, breakfast items or proceeds from the 50/50 raffle) or to the auction. Special thanks to Daniel Jobe and Capitol Cadillac for their continued support. A full report, including list of winners, will be published in the June newsletter. Crusin’ Ocean City, MD, May 16-19th. Dan & JoJo Ruby attended with their 1953 Coupe de Ville and won the Cruisers People’s Choice Award at Justine’s Ice Cream Parlour (pictured right). CLC Central PA Region 24th Annual Spring Show, Kelly Cadillac, Lancaster, PA, Sat, May 18th. Chuck & Debbie Piel and Oscar Jobe attended. The Piels took a 3rd place in class with their ’67 DVC and Oscar won a first prize in class for his ’90 Brougham. Further coverage in an upcoming newsletter issue. Visit us on the web! 6 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle June 2013 2. 3. Upcoming PR Events: 9th Annual Pot-luck Summer Picnic w/Lincoln & Mercury Friends, J. Roger Bentley’s House, Brinklow, MD, Sat, Jul 6th. Please bring your favorite picnic food, and if you have a favorite dessert you want to share with others, please bring that as well. The club will provide soft drinks, water, ice, serving tables, plates, cutlery, etc. Feel free to bring special beverages of your choice. Also please bring folding chairs or a blanket to sit on. Parking is on the grass under the trees in the front yard. Please RSVP by July 1st indicating the dish that you will be bringing. Annual Fall Car Show, Capitol Cadillac, Greenbelt, MD, Sun, Oct 27th. Vince has announced that the Fall Show will be held on Sunday, October 27th. The theme for this year’s show will be Colossal Convertibles. Our goal will be to have a car at least one from every decade. More details to follow. Other Upcoming Events: The following events were mentioned: AACA Eastern Division Spring Meet Carlisle, PA, May 30-Jun 1st. Region members are making plans to participate in this meet, possibly forming a caravan to drive from the Baltimore-Washington Area to the event. Further coverage in an upcoming newsletter issue. CLC Valley Forge Region Car Show, Delaware Cadillac, Wilmington, DE, Sat, Jun 1st. This show is only 97 miles and just under two hours driving distance from Capitol Cadillac. It is very accessible from I-95. Further coverage in an upcoming newsletter issue. 40th Annual Sully Plantation Father’s Day Car Show, Chantilly, VA, Sun, Jun 16th. Carlisle GM Nationals, Carlisle, PA, Jun 21-23rd. 7th Annual CLC Inter-Regional Meet, AACA Museum, Hershey, PA, Sat, Jul 13th. This is a popular show with several of our members. Besides the show, there is access to the Museum and a post-show gathering at the home of CLC Central PA members Art & Jan Archembeault. CLC Grand National Meet, Boston, MA, Jul 31-Aug 3rd. An informal poll was taken of who plays to attend this year’s Grand National. OLD BUSINESS: Reminder - The April issue of The Self-Starter included the election ballot for the Board of Directors of the CLCMRC. PR member Bill Anderson is on the ballot. Completed ballots must be submitted by May 31. NEW BUSINESS: Vince has made the following proposal. The new AAA Rockville facility at 718 Rockville Pike in Rockville has agreed to let us use their facilities for our next Region meeting on Monday June 17th. AAA closes for business at 7:00 PM and would be able to set up tables and chairs for us for to have a 7:30 PM start time. They have offered to serve coffee and tea and to provide cookies. We would bring in food like we do when we have meetings at Capitol Cadillac. More details to follow in the June newsletter. NEXT MEETING: Monday June 17th at AAA Office, 718 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM. Visit us on the web! 7 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle June 2013 22ND ANNUAL CAPITOL CADILLAC / CLC POTOMAC REGION SPRING CAR SHOW AND AUTOMOBILIA AUCTION STORY BY VINCE TALIANO PHOTOS BY RITA BIAL-BOXLEY, JACK BROWNELL, BOB CRIMMINS, RANDY EDISON, DAN RUBY, VINCE TALIANO AND MICHAEL VEILLEUX Despite a weather forecast for sunny skies and mild temperatures, Sunday May 5, 2013 began as a cloudy day with a mild threat of rain. The clouds finally parted and bright sunshine took their place by Sunday afternoon. By that time, 58 Cadillacs had filled the showroom, the service lane and the spacious parking lot of Capitol Cadillac, including six 1941 Cadillacs. There are more 1941 Cadillacs listed in the CLC International Directory than any other model year, and our show was a representation of that fact. Cars represented the states of Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia. While the morning weather undoubtedly reduced the number of cars present, no one could have hoped for a more outstanding variety of cars, including rare models and cars of extraordinary quality. Visit us on the web! 8 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle June 2013 DJ Mikey Veilleux of Music Madness officially opened the show at 10:00 AM with the playing of our National Anthem. For the first time, Red, Hot & Blue was on-site to provide lunch to our attendees and spectators. By all accounts, they were a big hit as they ran out of most items, including their famous potato salad based on an old family recipe. We look forward to having them back at our fall show. The six 1941 Cadillacs on display was definitely something special to see. The model year was represented by a Eureka Carved Side Hearse displayed by Jay Donaldson; a wooden-bodied station-wagon with coachwork by Bohman & Schwartz, belonging to Daniel Jobe, the President of Capitol Cadillac; two Series 75 sedans owned by Prime Tour & Travels and James Spina, respectively; a Series 60 Special driven by George & Rita Boxley and last but not least, a Series 62 sedan brought by Prime Tour & Travels. Visit us on the web! 9 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle June 2013 The next most represented model years at the show were 1959 and 1978 with four cars each. The 1959 model year was represented by two Series 62 convertibles, a red one owned by Bob Brown and a blue one owned by Rick Menz, and two Coupe deVilles, a blue one owned by Randy Edison and a red one owned by Samuel Turner. A unique characteristic of Potomac Region's Spring Shows is the Automobilia Auction, in which items donated by members and friends of the Region are auctioned for the region's benefit. We had a bumper crop of auction items, including sales literature, books, scale model cars and parts. Thanks to the expert auctioneering services of Derrick Fisher (pictured left with white hat) and the other volunteers, the auction raised $1,065 for the Potomac Region. Donations were made by Rick Menz –'57-'59 Cadillac Parts, Richard Sills – Magazines and Publications, Vince Taliano – Various, Dan Ruby – Various, Mary Lightbown – Various, Margo Sisson – Various, Roger Bentley – Magazines and Publications, Frank Lindberg – Magazines and Publications, Scot Minesinger – Cadillac Climate Control Evaluation and others who brought items and dropped them off prior to the start of the auction. Thanks to the donors. Visit us on the web! 10 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle June 2013 In addition to the auction items, attendees also had the opportunity to purchase vintage jewelry and vintage women's accessories just in time for Mother’s Day. Shelley Chadick and Dora Forry, pictured left to right, managed the merchandise tables in the showroom that also included club items such as Cadillac pens and region grille badges. Dora also presented the Ladies' Choice award donated by Brenda & Jim George, which reflected the selection of the ladies among the registered car owners. This year’s winner was Jack Lowry for his 1948 Series 75 Formal Derham sedan (pictured below left) that he drove from Phoenix, MD, a northern suburb of Baltimore. Visit us on the web! 11 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle June 2013 The 50/50 drawing produced $300 for the Region and a like amount for the winner, Jim Govoni, who donated half of his winnings back to the club. Thanks to Scot Minesinger for selling the 50/50 tickets and to Jim for his generosity. Following the Potomac Region’s current practice, the judging was done by the owners of the cars registered in the show (peer judging), except for the Dealer’s Choice Award. Throughout the day, many of the owners could be seen walking among the cars with their pencils and ballots in hand. When the deadline for voting was reached, over 70% of the attendees eligible to vote had submitted a ballot. Richard Sills did another masterful job of announcing the winners while Daniel Jobe distributed the awards and congratulated the winners. Below are pictures of a few of the winners. Full list of winners appears on the next two pages. Visit us on the web! 12 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle June 2013 CLASS Class A: 1902 – 1942 Cadillac 1st PLACE WINNER George & Rita Boxley 1941 Series 60 Special West River MD 2nd PLACE WINNER James Spina 1941 Series 75 Five Passenger Edgewater MD 3rd PLACE WINNER Prime Tours & Travel 1941 Series 62 Sedan Camp Springs MD Class B: 1927 – 1940 LaSalle Class C: 1946 – 1958 Cadillac Class D: 1959 – 1964 Cadillac Chris Overcash 1956 Series 62 Sedan Warrenton VA Bob Brown 1959 Series 62 Convertible Leesburg VA J. Roger Bentley 1955 Coupe DeVille Brinklow MD David Urgo 1960 Series 62 Convertible Alexandria VA Joe Palmore 1962 Park Avenue Rockville MD Class E: 1965 – 1970 Cadillac Bob Norrid 1962 Series 62 Convertible North Potomac MD R. Scot Minesinger 1970 DeVille Convertible Fairfax Station VA Chuck & Debbie Piel 1967 DeVille Convertible Ellicott City MD Robert Meekins 1970 DeVille Convertible Sykesville MD Harry Goins 1976 Eldorado Convertible Alexandria VA Jim Govoni 1969 DeVille Convertible Bowie MD Ivars Jaunrubenis 1976 Sedan DeVille Washington DC Ted Dubbs 1979 Coupe DeVille Collingdale PA Joe Palmore 1992 Allanté Rockville MD Joe Palmore 1978 Eldorado Biarritz Rockville MD Jim Hartnett 1992 Brougham Kensington MD Maurice Jones 1976 Fleetwood Brougham Washington DC Lee Peterson 1979 Fleetwood Brougham Rose Haven MD Jeff & Nola Gurski 1996 Fleetwood Brougham Potomac Falls VA Ron Neff 2006 DTS Alexandria VA Fred Kott 1992 Brougham Ellicott City MD Stephen Morrison 2002 Eldorado Laurel MD Bob & Letty Geiger 2009 DTS Williamsburg VA Class F: 1971 – 1976 Cadillac Class G: 1977 – 1986 Cadillac Class H: 1987 – 1996 Cadillac Class I: 1997 – Current Cadillac NO CARS Lynn Gardner 1975 Sedan DeVille Arlington VA Visit us on the web! 13 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle June 2013 CLASS 1st PLACE WINNER 2nd PLACE WINNER Class J: Professional Vehicles Jay Donaldson 1941 Carved Side Hearse Clarksville MD Class K: Modified Vehicles LADIES CHOICE WINNER Dan Ruby 1953 Coupe DeVille Washington DC Jack Lowry 1948 Series 75 Formal Derham Sedan Phoenix MD James Spina 1941 Series 75 Five Passenger Edgewater MD Jack Lowry 1948 Series 75 Formal Derham Sedan Phoenix MD BEST PRE-WAR (1942 and Earlier) BEST POSTWAR (1946 to Present) BEST OF SHOW – OVERALL DEALER’S CHOICE AWARD LONG DISTANCE AWARD Jack Lowry 1948 Series 75 Formal Derham Sedan Phoenix MD Samuel Turner 1959 Coupe DeVille Fort Washington MD 3rd PLACE WINNER Prime Tours & Travel 1941 Series 75 Limousine Camp Springs MD Debbie Taylor 1965 Coupe DeVille Frederick MD Bob Brown 1959 Series 62 Convertible Leesburg VA Harry Goins 1976 Eldorado Convertible Alexandria VA Bob & Letty Geiger 2009 DTS Williamsburg VA The Potomac Region extends its utmost appreciation to Capitol Cadillac and Daniel Jobe for their generous support in hosting Potomac Region shows since 1992. The Fall Show at Capitol Cadillac is scheduled for Sunday October 27, 2013. In keeping with the tradition of special themes at Potomac Region Fall Shows, this year's Fall Show will honor Colossal Convertibles. Stay tuned for more details. To see more than 90 pictures from the show, visit Visit us on the web! 14 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle June 2013 CINCO DE MAYO LADIES LUNCH AT 22ND ANNUAL SPRING CAR SHOW STORY BY RITA BIAL-BOXLEY PHOTO BY DEBBIE TAYLOR Hola, Cinco De Mayo! The Ladies First Annual Car Show Luncheon was held at the TGIF Restaurant next to Capitol Cadillac on May 5th. The Potomac Region’s Membership Director, Debbie Taylor had this great original idea for the ladies of the club. This was a welcome alternative and a chance for the ladies to get together after the preliminary club activities and duties were done. It was also great to talk about something other than cars. Although the weather at first was cloudy and crisp in the earlier part of the day, the sun broke through as we headed over to the restaurant, and we decided it was a good omen for great times to come. Debbie had our reserved table spread out with hats, beads, noise makers, and jewelry. This was a terrific idea for such a festive occasion. I am confident that this pleasant alternative will be a continuing tradition. Cinco De Mayo is not only a May day celebration, but we think a good theme to start out our spring car show. Maybe in the future we can continue with theme based luncheons for car club ladies. Until the next time, Rita L to R: Debbie Taylor, Debbie Piel, Mary Moscati, Crystal Jobe and Rita-Bial Boxley Rita Bial-Boxley Visit us on the web! 15 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle June 2013 CAR SHOW REWARDS? STORY & PHOTOS BY NICK FERRANTINO A lot of antique and classic car owners enter car shows expecting or hoping to take home an award for the efforts to keep their cars in the best shape they can. When I take my young 1993 Cadillac Allanté to car shows, I do so, not so much for an award, but for the rewards of seeing people’s faces when they learn that this car was driven by two-time Indy 500 winner, Al Unser Jr., at the 76th Indy 500 in 1992 to start the event. It was his first Indy 500 win. Also, Bobby Unser, his uncle, and likewise an Indy 500 winner, was Cadillac’s spokesperson for Allanté that year and drove a 1993 Allanté Pace car at that race. Al Unser, Jr., also drove this Allanté two weeks after the Indy 500 to the opening of the new Belle Isle Raceway track in Detroit, Michigan, to start the XI Detroit Grand Prix. L to R: Lil’ Al Unser 1992, Nick Ferrantino and Al Unser, Jr. 2013 For the past two years I have taken this all original 1993 Allanté Pace/ Parade car to the huge Keels & Wheels Concours D’Elegance at the Lakewood Yacht Club in Seabrook, Texas, to show. In 2012 Bobby Unser was Grand Marshall of the event, and my reward was having him sign the dashboard just above the glove box of this Allanté. Now in 2013, the Grand Marshall of the event was none other than Al Unser, Jr., and this year’s reward was having him sign his name to the dashboard next to where his uncle signed his name. Both Unsers did me a great honor by doing so. Al Unser, Jr. signing the dashboard is far more rewarding than any award. Every time I sit in the driver’s seat I can look over at those two autographs and remember the honor of meeting and speaking to both Al Unser, Jr., and his uncle, Bobby Unser, both legends, not only at the Brickyard track, but of race car fame nationally and internationally. Another reward was that by speaking with both Bobby Unser and Al Unser, Jr. the mystery of the third 1993 Allanté Pace car that was at the Indy 500 has now been solved. One 1993 Allanté Pace car is at the Indy 500 Museum in Indiana, one is at the Petersen Museum in California, and the third is being stored in a warehouse in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It was given to Al Unser, Jr., after winning the history-filled 76th Indy 500. It is the rewards of finding out historical facts like this that makes the reward far outweigh any award I might have gotten. Visit us on the web! 16 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle June 2013 RE-DISCOVER AMERICA CARAVAN 2013 STORY & PHOTOS BY ALIDA, BYRON AND TOM ALSOP Starting in New York and ending in San Francisco, the 2013 Re-Discover America CARavan was a once-in-a lifetime opportunity to see great Classic Era Cars as they drove across the nation May 4-26. The CARavan travelled through thirteen states, nine cities and many small towns and villages along the way. This event commemorated the 60th Anniversary of the first CCCA CARavan and followed many parts of the Lincoln Highway, which is celebrating its 100th Anniversary this year. After 3,900 miles on the Lincoln Highway, we arrived in Tiburon, CA in our 1936 Cadillac V-12 Series 85 convertible sedan. Three weeks of repairs kept the car going thru the elements, terrain and altitude. We ran out of spare tires and managed to correct an overheating problem with a large bottle of vinegar. The valves and brakes had to be adjusted periodically. We drove without a gas gauge and wipers for most of the trip. Would you believe that after arriving at our final destination in Tiburon, CA and taking the luggage to our rooms, the car would not start? The voltage regulator was over charging and fried the battery. We had a back up in the trunk and started it after; you guessed it, more wrenching. A special congratulations needs to be extended to Pete Sanders, as his outstanding workmanship became evident on this trip. Pete builds one darn rugged car. By the end of the journey, we were exhausted, but felt a tremendous sense of accomplishment. Visit us on the web! 17 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle June 2013 CADDIE CLASSIFIEDS Cars For Sale NEW ARRIVALS 1929 Cadillac 341-B Phaeton – Been sitting about 10 years since some restoration work completed by White Post Restoration – See picture at – Asking $80,000 obo 1959 Series 62 Six Window Sedan – Car was originally Pinehurst Green (Code 30) but was repainted to its current dark green – Body is solid, fender skirts missing, otherwise complete – Chrome is good, not great – Only option is six-way seat which works – Dash top is pretty bad, and of course the horn ring is broken – Carpet is fair to good with original rubber floor mats – Driver's seat showing wear, headliner is discolored – See picture at – Asking $7,000 obo – For more info, contact Dave Long at 301-302-9634, 301-766 8058 or 301-582-3819 – Cars are located near Hagerstown, MD 1965 Pillared Sedan deVille – 11K original miles – Some rust – Needs restoration except for interior which is in immaculate condition – Three-owner car – Original owner was a Vice President for Baltimore Gas & Electric – Current owner has had the car for approximately 15 years – See pictures at – Asking $3,500 – For more info, contact Bud Gahs at 443-695-4417 – Car is located in Nottingham, MD (northeast suburb of Baltimore) NEW ARRIVAL 1976 Seville – Brentwood Brown (Code 67) with beige interior – One owner car with 56k original miles – Car has been well maintained, only downside is it sits for too long – Repainted some time ago due to rust from the half vinyl top – Clean vehicle history with documentation available – Only damage is a crease in lower left rear door – Overall car is very clean – See pictures at – Asking $8,500 or best offer – For more info, contact Steve Martin at 202-997-7991 or [email protected] – Car is located in Washington, DC NEW ARRIVAL 1983 Eldorado Coupe – Approximately 9,500 miles – Mint condition – Woodland Haze with landau top and flawless dark Briar Brown leather interior – Matching plush carpet with color keyed carped mats – Dash has no cracks or imperfections – Trunk perfect – Engine detailed, including chrome valve covers that were only featured with the 1982-83 HT 4100 engine – Engine starts right up and runs quietly – All options work including power windows, power locks, AM/FM radio, electronic climate control, digital fuel management system, automatic transmission, 6-way power driver seat, delay wipers, automatic trunk pull down and much more – Car cover, literature and manuals – Air condition blows ice cold and the heat blows hot – Radio and antenna work perfectly and the speakers all play clear – Tires have less than 1,000 miles and are correct for the car – Purchase includes extra set of wire wheel covers, all original manuals including warranty information, gold keys and two sets of silver keys, custom fit car cover, merchandising guide for all 1983 Cadillac models, all of the brochures from the 1983 model year and two service manuals – Multi-award winner, including 2011 CLC Grand National First Place Primary – More photos in The Self-Starter, March 2012 issue – See pictures at – Asking $12,995 – For more info, contact Jeff Montgomery at 732-406-9120 or [email protected] – Car is located in Edison, NJ 1991 Brougham – Midnight Blue – 5.0 liters – Approximately 193K miles – Excellent running/mechanical condition – Work done over past two/three years includes brakes, front end/suspension, exhaust, replacement steering column, power windows, and more (have documentation for repairs) – Needs cosmetic attention to bring to show condition – See pictures at – Asking $4,250 – For more info, call Adam or Nate at 301-762-6917 – Car is located in Potomac, MD Parts Wanted 1939 LaSalle Ash Tray – For more info, contact Jack Brownell at 202-638-6300 (office), 202-746-3070 (cell) or [email protected] 1947 Series 62 Convertible Rear Fender Spears – For more info, contact Robert Schilling at [email protected] Visit us on the web! 18 Cadillac & LaSalle Club Potomac Region Caddie Chronicle June 2013 2013 OFFICERS NAME POSITION(S) PHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS Vince Taliano Regional Director Newsletter Editor Website Manager 301-258-8321 [email protected] Dan Ruby Assistant Regional Director Car Show Coordinator 301-894-8026 [email protected] Jack McClow National Director Newsletter Columnist 301-330-5417 [email protected] Sandy Kemper Secretary Associate Newsletter Editor Valley Forge Region Liaison 301-585-0897 [email protected] Harry Scott Treasurer 703-791-3278 [email protected] R. Scot Minesinger Activities Director Newsletter Columnist 703-283-2021 [email protected] Debbie Taylor Membership Director 301-228-2442 [email protected] Visit us on the web! 19
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