Issue 19 - 16 November 2015 - Mount Lilydale Mercy College
Issue 19 - 16 November 2015 - Mount Lilydale Mercy College
120 Anderson Street, Lilydale Vic 3140 Telephone: 9735 4022 | Fax: 9735 0266 email: [email protected] web: A Ministry of Mercy Education Ltd ABN 69 154 531 870 Date: 16 November 2015 Issue: Nineteen This week the College will hold the Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2015 and the start of Academic Award ceremonies with Year 11 finishing and starting their Year 12 Academic Foundation Program. Graduation, and finishing Year 11 for those that leave Mount Lilydale Mercy College, marks a remarkable day in the chapter of a young person’s life. It is not only the culmination of many years of study, but is a coming-of-age, another moment of transition whereby a young person is no longer a child, but is now seen as an adult. It is what we call a Rite of Passage and for some it will be their last such formal rite . Parents too will be experiencing mixed emotions. There will be feelings of great pride, joy and thankfulness in their son or daughter and their achievements. Let us pray for our Graduates and all those that depart from the Mount Lilydale Mercy College Community. Blessings for our Graduates All wise, all loving God, We thank you for all your gifts to us; for making us, for saving us in Christ, for calling us to be your people. Look with love on our graduates and bless them as they complete their years of high school. May your Spirit give them many skills and talents and help them to use these gifts for your glory and for the good of all people. In your kindness, guide them along paths that are level and smooth. We ask these blessings through Christ our Lord. Amen (National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry) WE ACKNOWLEDGE THE WURUNDJERI PEOPLE WHO ARE THE TRADITIONAL CUSTODIANS OF THIS LAND WE PAY RESPECT TO THE ELDERS BOTH PAST AND PRESENT OF THE KULIN NATION AND EXTEND THAT RESPECT TO OTHER INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIANS FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK - PHILIP MORISON Dear Members of the Mount Lilydale Mercy College Community We live in a world of constant change and the cycle never stops moving or evolving. The reminders surround us daily. At Mass over the weekend I noted that the Church Liturgical cycle very quickly comes to an end with the Feast of Christ the King next week and then of course Advent. For the graduating class of 2015 final VCE exam finish this week and graduation on Friday night. For the graduating class of 2016 they have finished their Year 11 exams, have their final Year 11 celebrations on Monday with Mass and award ceremonies. On Tuesday they start Year 12 classes with the Academic Foundation Program. For Year 10, the graduating class of 2017 exams begin this week. Constant change and evolution. Last week I was discussing this with a close friend and colleague Principal who reminded me of the Darwinian Theory when he said to me: ‘you know the answer; Adapt or die’. This started me thinking about how we learn and how learning has changed and I came across a bit of an article adapted from a TED Talk by Manuel Lima. I thought to share it with you. How do we learn? For hundreds of years we believed that all knowledge came from the top and gradually trickled down to the smallest organism. This was called the great chain of being. This kind of learning is like a baby crawling, then toddling, then walking and running. But as knowledge grows, the baby branches out into all kinds of knowledge. So we began to use the metaphor of a tree to describe all kinds of knowledge like a family tree or like saying “Biology is a branch of science”. The tree is a useful way of looking at knowledge but nowadays we are facing so much new and complex knowledge that it cannot all be understood by a simple tree diagram. The new metaphor is the network. We can see this shift from trees into networks in many fields of knowledge. Take the way we try to understand the brain. Once, we used to think of the brain as a central organ, where specific areas were responsible for each set of actions and behaviours. Now, the more we know about the brain, the more we think of it as a large music symphony, played by hundreds and thousands of instruments. By mapping only 10% of the brain we can see 10,000 neurons and 30 million connections all working together! Human knowledge is intricate and interdependent. We can even see this shift from trees into networks in the way we classify and organise species. Instead of Charles Darwin’s tree of life we now know there is an enormous network of bacteria, and these bacteria are actually tying together species that were completely separated before. This is what scientists are now calling not the tree of life, but the web of life, the network of life. Ecosystems around our planet are intricate and interdependent. Networks are all about decentralisation, interconnectedness and interdependence. This new way of thinking is vital for us to solve many of the complex problems we are facing nowadays, from decoding the human brain, to understanding the vast universe, even to working our way through our school studies. "When everything is connected to everything else, for better or for worse, everything matters” (Bruce Mau). Mount Lilydale Mercy College is a community, but it too is such a network – of people, activities, ideas and knowledge and we all learn from each other, we all depend on each other and we are intrinsically linked to each other. We support each other in our learning. In that way we are a genuine dynamic learning community and together we adapt. We should have no fear of change for without it there is no learning. Still I pray for our students at this time as such times of transition may not be welcomed equally by all. Support of the other is paramount to our success. In recent newsletters you may have seen the launch of a CD called ‘The Mercy Sessions” advertised which is the Mount Lilydale Mercy College product from a program called Kool Skools which gives students the opportunity to record and write songs and music. Please consider buying a CD at $10.00 as you will get a bargain and will appreciate the talent of so many students. This is the first year that the College has participated in this project and staff and families attended an award ceremony last Saturday night. Congratulations to Ben Brice and all involved with the project as: The College was nominated for “Koolest School”, their top award and although we did not win it, this is such an honour in Year One. Georgia McAleer won Best Ballad for her original “Piece by Piece”. Charli Lilagan won Best Female Vocalist and best alternative rock track for her original song “Fighter”. Charli and her band: Bodhi Lindsay, Chelsea Scott, Chloe De Groot and Oliver Ryan performed at the Awards Night. Below is an advertisement for an On-line safety forum hosted by Tony Smith MP, Federal Member for Casey. This is well worth your consideration. Members within our community suffer the loss of dear and loved family members. Eloise Pynaker, Aunt to Jeremy Pynaker (Year 9); Denise Rostron, Grandmother to Sophie (Year 8) and Sam Hennessey (Year 10). Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of our loving God, rest in peace. Amen. God bless Philip A Morison Principal TONY SMITH MP INVITES YOU TO PARTICIPATE IN AN ONLINE SAFETY FORUM WITH SPECIAL GUEST ALASTAIR MACGIBBON, E-SAFETY COMMISSIONER. THIS FORUM WILL PROVIDE THE OPPORTUNITY TO DISCUSS ISSUES THAT ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU. 2016 SCHOOL FEES By now, all current families should have received a letter outlining the School Fees for 2016. The College will assume that all families paying via an automatic payment plan will continue paying via the same payment method in 2016. This means all automatic payment plans will continue as they have been set up this year and will remain in place until your family has finished paying school fees at the College. Payment amounts for each plan will be confirmed on your first Fee Statement in January 2016. No further action is required from you UNLESS you wish to change to another payment plan. If you wish to change the way you have been paying your school fees, please contact the Finance Office at the College who will assist you with the process. Please ensure you contact the Finance Office if your Direct Debit or Credit Card details change. If you are not paying via an automatic payment plan, you must either pay up front at the beginning of the year or pay regular amounts to ensure fees are paid up to date on a quarterly basis. If you require any further information regarding the above, please contact our Finance Office: Margaret Kirkwood on 9237 1315 or Cathy Pote on 9739 2209. Cathy Pote Assistant Business Manager ANNUAL ART EXHIBITION This week the Mount Lilydale Mercy College Arts Faculty will hold its annual arts exhibition. This celebrates the excellent standard of artworks, with over 600 works displayed from our students in a range of art subjects such as Studio art, Art, Media, Visual Communication and Design also Digital media. There is a display of both 2D and 3D artworks and short films. The range of artworks consist of sculptures such as masks and strange characters, architectural models and design products. There is also a large range of drawings, paintings, photography and mixed media. We are expecting a great turn out for our opening tonight, which reinforces the importance and value the community places on events such as these. the students with work exhibited in this year’s exhibition, especially to those students who achieve awards and VCE students who receive a trophy. An incredible amount of work goes into the setting up of an art show. Thank you to all the arts staff and students who helped prepare the work for exhibition in framing and setting up. A special thank you to our Visual Arts Prefect 2015 Jemma Walker and 2016 Visual Arts Prefect Abigail Van Der Linden. Melinda Pollock Art Teacher It also reinforces the importance and value of the Visual Arts in enabling students to express their creativity, solve problems, express their ideas and make sense of the world we live in. The students’ work is celebrated with awards. Congratulations to all Masks by 8 Gold Year 8 students designed a mask using mixed media materials based on the theme of “My Cultural Heritage”. Painting by Emily Pierrehumbert 12 Blue Studio Arts Oil on canvas Emily’s painting is about man made objects and natural elements Contrasting in harmony. Skate board Design by Sarah McDonald Students had the opportunity to design and paint a skateboard deck as part of our after school Art Academy program. Year 10 Product Design and Architecture Cubby House Design By students Brad Van Berkel and Anthony De Francesco. END OF YEAR EXAMINATIONS 2015 YEAR 9 EXAMINATIONS VENUE: Year 9 Homerooms PWR Building Monday 23 – Thursday 26 November (4 Days) NB: Core subjects only. Elective subjects may have exam PRIOR to exam time not during the 4 allocated days YEAR 10 EXAMINATIONS VENUES: Old Gym (Bradshaw Building) Centennial Hall (CEH) Friday 20 – Wednesday 25 November (4 Days) (NB: Thursday 26 November – Feedback Day) YEAR 11 EXAMINATIONS VENUE: Old Gym (Bradshaw Building) Friday 6 – Friday 13 November (6 Days) YEAR 12 EXAMINATIONS VENUES: Old Gym (Bradshaw Building) Centennial Hall (CEH) Wednesday 28 October – Thursday 19 November FULL COLLEGE UNIFORM TO BE WORN FOR ALL EXAMINATIONS FROM THE PARENTS & FRIENDS ASSOCIATION The College has a second-hand uniform shop staffed by volunteers to help reduce the cost of fitting students in correct uniform. Uniforms are sold on a consignment basis and a small percentage of the sale price is retained and then used to support students in other ways. If you would like to sell uniform items, please ensure they are clean (skirt and blazer are to be dry cleaned with the tag attached) and attach the form available at Reception or the shop. Please bring in your items as soon as possible as new students are ready to purchase. The shop is open every Thursday from 12.30pm until 2.00pm and also from 9.00 am until 2.00 pm on Saturday 5 December and Orientation Day Tuesday 8 December. On Saturday 5 December from 9.00am until 11.00am we will provide the opportunity for parents to buy and sell their text books in the Bradshaw building. Because of the use of eBooks in many subjects and some new editions of some text books, there are not as many books that can be sold this year. I suggest your child also try to organise to purchase books from another student in the year level above before coming on Saturday. Once again we are providing an online forum for parents to buy and sell books. Please see the information below to help set up: Sellers will have to do the following 1. 2. 3 4. 5. Go to the MLMC website Click on Information Tab – Second Hand Book Forum There is a how to register information for new registration à (This is also now available in the MLMC website under Information – Second Hand book forum) Parents must use a valid student email account and will be validated. Once the account is activated, they can login and start posting or searching the forum. ** Please note that we can only activate the accounts during weekdays and school business hours. BOB STEWART UNIFORM SHOP TRADING HOURS SATURDAY 28 NOVEMBER 9.30AM-12.30PM MONDAY 30 NOVEMBER 12.30-4.00PM TUESDAY 1 DECEMBER 12.30-4.00PM THURSDAY 3 DECEMBER 12.30-4.00PM (Student’s Last Day) SATURDAY 5 DECEMBER 9.00AM-1.00PM (Book Selling Day) MONDAY 7 DECEMBER 12.30-4.00PM TUESDAY 8 DECEMBER 9.00AM-2.00PM (Orientation Day) SATURDAY 16 JANUARY 9.00AM-1.00PM MONDAY 18 JANUARY 12.00-4.00PM TUESDAY 19 JANUARY 9.30AM-1.00PM THURSDAY 21 JANUARY 12.00-4.00PM WEDNESDAY 27 JANUARY 12.00-4.00PM THURSDAY 28 JANUARY 12.00-4.00PM FRIDAY 29 JANUARY 12.00-4.00PM For all enquiries regarding Bob Stewart Uniforms please contact the shop directly on 9735 4370 FROM THE DEPUTY PRINCIPAL - MISSION - ELIZABETH KEOGH SAVE THE DATE MONDAY 30 NOVEMBER 2015 FAMILY SERVICE OF CAROLS Bring the family and a picnic and get into the Christmas spirit FROM THE ENGLISH FACULTY LEADER - ALISON SCHLUETER ENGLISH NOVELS FOR YEAR 11 & 12 ACADEMIC FOUNDATION PROGRAM The Academic Foundation Program for VCE students will commence for the Year 12s on Tuesday 17 November and the Year 11s on 30 November. Your son or daughter has received a copy of the booklist detailing the English novels. It is an expectation that the students will have a copy of the first novel for the AFP Program. For Year 12 students the novel required is This Boy’s Life by Tobias Wolff and for Year 11 students; Montana 1948 by Larry Watson. Both of these novels have been studied this year, so if you know students in these year levels a second hand copy could be easily organised. Lilydale Books is our nominated book supplier and the novels are available through them for purchase. It is vitally important that your son or daughter reads the set texts over the summer break so that they are ready to commence their studies when they return in 2016. Alison Schlueter English Faculty Leader A DAY IN THE LIFE OF THE BARAK LIBRARY A DAY IN THE LIFE OF BARAK LIBRARY USING DEVICES BOTH ELECTRONIC, PRINT AND PEN AND PAPER FOR RESEARCHING. As the Academic Year draws to a Well used Print Resources close students are continuing to coordinate a range of tools and resources to explore information and develop skills. In the 21st century our students will compete on a global stage and require skills to prepare them for further study and employment, skills including the 4Cs creativity, communication, collaboration and critical thinking. Tayla and Harriet, Year 10 students are engaged in researching Developing Countries in Barak Library demonstrating these key skills through the quest for information using technologies at hand to solve problems of accessing and sharing information. Exercise book for note making Macbook for researching topic Macbook for typing assignment Note making templates for note taking Andrea Coney Head of Library & Information Services SPORTS REPORT SPORTS AWARDS 2015 On Thursday 12 November, students, teachers and parents gathered in the Doyle Centre for our annual Sports Awards Night to recognise the outstanding achievements of our students on the sporting field throughout the year. We were joined by Mr Michael Callanan, Barak Campus Director, Mr David Holloway, Mount Lilydale Old Collegians Football President, Mr David Chioda, Mount Lilydale Old Collegians Soccer President and Mr Simon Clarke, our guest speaker. It was a fantastic night celebrating student success and great to hear from Simon, who has achieved some amazing things in cycling on the world stage. Hopefully our students can take some inspiration away from him and realise their potential in their chosen sport in the future. Thank you to all those who attended and showed their support towards the Sporting Program at the College. SWIMMING TRAINING IS BACK! Training has already begun—Wednesday mornings at Croydon Memorial (outdoor) Pool 7.00-7.45am. The pool is heated! Bus back to school—get a head start on swimming for 2016! Danni Webb Sports Coordinator 2015 SPORTS AWARDS SWIMMING AGE GROUP CHAMPIONS Year 7 Matthew Perry and Megan Wobbes Year 8 Kanit Lewis and Keilani Trewavis Year 9 Travis Rowden and Jasmine Hendricks Year 10 Lachie McGrath, Tom Royle and Chloe DeGroot Year 11 Reece Leach and Annie Dickson Year 12 Brad Ryan and Holly White Excellence in Swimming: Matthew Perry and Keilani Trewavis ATHLETICS AGE GROUP CHAMPIONS Year 7 Harrison Van Duuren and Gelina Santiago Year 8 Patrick Keating, Declan Taylor and Alana McGurgan Year 9 Jagger Cowan and Emerson Woods Year 10 Shane Barrand and Ebony Downward Year 11 Aiden Pace and Steph Durant Year 12 Charles Warren and Kayla Toomer Excellence in Athletics: Harrison Van Duuren and Steph Durant CROSS COUNTRY AGE GROUP CHAMPIONS Year 7 Harrison Van Duuren and Hollie Bourke Year 8 Jordan Jawowski and Alana McGurgan Year 9 Jackson Pitts and Emerson Woods Year 10 Shane Barrand and Stacey Fleming Year 11 Aiden Pace and Molly MacKinnon Year 12 Riley Anastasi and Angie Meyer Excellence in Cross Country: Harrison Van Duuren and Abbey Sinclair BEST AND FAIREST YEAR 9 GIRLS – SUMMER EISM Sport Best and Fairest Coaches Award Indoor Cricket Serena Gibbs Emma Thomas Softball Emily Franken Annaliese Zmegac Touch Football Georgia Macpherson Emma Fewtrell-Rush Basketball A Jasmine Hendriks Mikeely Dell Basketball B Carla Tsiotinas Jamie Hirschfeld Tennis A Laura Mattucci Emily Campagna Tennis B Danielle Virgona Bre Ruscitti EISM Sport Best and Fairest Coaches Award Ultimate Frisbee Sam Bethune Antonio Molluso Softball Eddie Clark Nick Camp Hockey Darcey Howard-Scales Tom Rutzso Basketball A Nathan Schubank Joshua Hausler Basketball B Kyle King Jay Harris Tennis A Nathan Campbell Aaron Campbell Tennis B Nicholas Salvitti Joshua Van Bockel EISM Sport Best and Fairest Coaches Award Cricket Jordan Trollope Josh McKenna Softball Leigh Chater Jarrod Konheiser Hockey Jordan Burke Daniel Kennedy Basketball A Jackson Lowe Jayden Schille Basketball B Tom Page Lachlan Sinclair Tennis Henry Staindl-Dymond Ollie Young EISM Sport Best and Fairest Coaches Award Indoor Cricket Elizabeth Kennedy Sarah Boyd Softball Ciara Hitchen Emily Corbett Volleyball Yurika Baba Kayla Day Ultimate Frisbee Jesse Lawlor Emma Deith Basketball A Holly Sutherland Belle Price Basketball B Angie Meyer Daniella Zappia BEST AND FAIREST YEAR 9 BOYS – SUMMER BEST AND FAIREST SENIOR BOYS – SUMMER BEST AND FAIREST SENIOR GIRLS – SUMMER SUMMER ALL STARS Senior players nominated for an EISM All Star Team made up of the best players at each school. Boys Basketball – Jayden Schille Boys Cricket – Jordan Trollope Boys Hockey – Jordan Burke Boys Softball – Leigh Chater Girls Basketball – Holly Sutherland Girls Indoor Cricket – Liz Kennedy and Sarah Boyd Girls Tennis – Tamara McKenzie Girls Ultimate Frisbee – Jessie Lawlor Girls Volleyball – Yurika Baba Girls Softball – Emily Corbett, Maddie McConachy (captain), Jeanette Wyngard (coach) BEST AND FAIREST YEAR 9 BOYS – WINTER EISM Sport Best and Fairest Coaches Award Table Tennis Jay Harty Liam Walker Football Mitchell Gordon Jesse Ebert Soccer Nicholas Salvitti Tom Rutzou Lawn Bowls Kyle King Darcy Hennessy Badminton Darcey Howard-Scales Nathan Campbell EISM Sport Best and Fairest Coaches Award Football Hayley Tucker Emerson Woods Netball A Sophie Faulwetter Keely McGuire Netball B Jamie Hirschfeld & Holly Munro Natalie Boxell Soccer Ana Malnar Jessica Duff Lawn Bowls Bethany Dwyer Eloise Trice EISM Sport Best and Fairest Coaches Award Football Patrick Klep Jack Furey Badminton Henry Tripp Brendon Hyunh Volleyball Corey Whitchell Damien Furey Soccer Samual Hennessey Christian Ruscitti Table Tennis Henry Staindl-Dymond Ryan Macfarlane EISM Sport Best and Fairest Coaches Award Football Kayla Toomer Bonnie McBride Netball A Steph Peters Stacey Fleming Netball B Ashleigh Bridgeman Coleman & Kahla Gossip Sarah Boyd Soccer Angie Meyer Rebekah Kelly Hockey Elizabeth Kennedy & Vanessa Clark Connie Catolico BEST AND FAIREST YEAR 9 GIRLS – WINTER BEST AND FAIREST SENIOR BOYS – WINTER BEST AND FAIREST SENIOR GIRLS – WINTER YEAR 9 RESULTS 5 NOVEMBER Sport Opponent Result Winner Best Player Boys Volleyball A Luther 0-3 Luther Jack Jordan Boys Volleyball B Luther 2-2 Draw Nicholas Sugiharto Boys Indoor Cricket Luther 119-140 Luther Liam Walker Boys Indoor Soccer A Luther 9-4 MLMC Nicholas Salvitti Boys Indoor Soccer B Luther Forfeit MLMC - Boys Netball A Luther 39-8 MLMC Josh Hausler Boys Netball B Luther 20-6 MLMC Travis Rowden Boys Touch Football Luther 0-18 Luther Jeremy Gilligan Sport Opponent Result Winner Best Player Girls Volleyball A Luther 0-3 Luther Emma Thomas Girls Volleyball B Luther 3-2 MLMC Jasmine Hendricks Girls Ultimate Frisbee Luther 11-6 MLMC Emily Franken Girls Badminton Luther 2-10 Luther Jessie Speight Girls Hockey Luther 1-2 Luther Georgia Macpherson Girls Table Tennis A Luther 4-2 MLMC Emily Campagna Girls Table Tennis B Luther 4-2 MLMC Laura Dalsanto Sport Opponent Result Winner Best Player Boys Volleyball A St Josephs 1-3 St Josephs Ricky Andueza Boys Volleyball B St Josephs 1-3 St Josephs Jesse Ebert Boys Indoor Cricket St Josephs 59-107 St Josephs Ryan Abblitt Boys Indoor Soccer A St Josephs 4-10 St Josephs Nicholas Salvitti Boys Indoor Soccer B St Josephs 1-10 St Josephs Jacob Starnawski Boys Netball A St Josephs 22-23 St Josephs Mitch Fantulin Boys Netball B St Josephs 16-14 MLMC Jay Harris Boys Touch Football St Josephs 2-12 St Josephs Daniel De Vincentis Sport Opponent Result Winner Best Player Girls Volleyball A Aquinas 2-2 Draw Chloe Sanderson Girls Volleyball B Aquinas 0-3 Aquinas Lara Wandin-Collins Girls Ultimate Frisbee Aquinas 18-10 MLMC Lily Kelly Girls Badminton Aquinas 5-7 Aquinas Serena Gibbs Girls Hockey Aquinas 5-0 MLMC Jess Duff Girls Table Tennis A Aquinas 1-5 Aquinas Danielle Virgona Girls Table Tennis B Aquinas 2-4 Aquinas Laura Dalsanto Year 9 Results 12 November WINTER ALL STARS Senior players nominated for an EISM All Star Team made up of the best players at each school. Boys Football Boys Soccer Boys Volleyball Girls Football Girls Soccer Girls Netball Patrick Klep & Jack Furey Samuel Hennessey Corey Whitchell Bonnie McBride, Kayla Toomer and Tayla Moschetti Angie Meyer, Rebekah Kelly and Chloe Fleckhammer Stacey Fleming Old Collegians Football Award: Patrick Klep Old Collegians Soccer Award: Angie Meyer Excellence in Weightlifting: Bailey Wilson and Hailee Stokes Excellence in Equestrian: Kyle Kroger and Maddi Clark Sports Person of the Year Nominees: Brad Ryan (Year 12) Aiden Pace (Year 11) Shane Barrand (Year 10) Corey Whitchell (Year 10) Angie Meyer (Year 12) Stephanie Durant (Year 11) Rebekah Kelly (Year 10) MUSIC DEPARTMENT NEWS We are very proud and excited in the Music Department to share the news that we now have a Baby Grand Bernstein Piano permanently located on stage in Centennial Hall. This magnificent instrument has a rich, reverberating and sonorous sound that will be displayed at our school’s music performance evenings and annual musical. We look forward to sharing the majestic sounds this piano will bring to one and all. CDS ON SALE 17 NOVEMBER AT A COST OF $10 CD’s can be purchased at the Kool Skools CD Launch on Wednesday 17 November in McAuley Quad during lunchtime or through Mrs Flint in the Music Department (before school, recess or lunchtime). Note: Correct money will be required when purchasing. CATHOLIC COEDUCATIONAL COLLEGE A Ministry of Mercy Education Ltd ABN 69 154 531 870 120 Anderson Street, Lilydale Victoria 3140 Telephone: 03 9735 4022 | Fax: 03 9735 0266 | Email: [email protected] INSTRUMENTAL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM 2016 Please return to Reception, Music Department or email [email protected] To encourage excellence in Music our Mount Lilydale Mercy College awards 24 Instrumental Scholarships to students equal to half the fees of private instrumental/vocal lessons for the year. This reduces the fee to $288 per semester. Scholarships are given to students who display an outstanding ability at their chosen instrument (including voice) for their age. Scholarships are awarded based on their performance in an Audition. Students should prepare two contrasting pieces for the audition. The applicant will be notified of the audition date and time in writing. You are most welcome to attend your child’s audition. Auditions will take place on Tuesday 1 December and Wednesday 2 December 2015. Successful and unsuccessful applicants/parents will be notified via email by mid December 2015 Scholarship Conditions: Students who receive a scholarship must participate in a college band or choir. Students who miss more than 3 rehearsals without due reason in one term will have their scholarship revoked. APPLICATIONS CLOSE ON FRIDAY 20 NOVEMBER AT 4.00pm Student Surname: __________________________Student Given Name: _______________________________ Postal Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ Email Address: ______________________________ Telephone Number: _______________________________ Instrument/Voice: ____________________________________________________________________________ Years studying this instrument/Voice: ______________ Previous Instrumental/Voice Teacher: ____________ Please list any exam results (eg: Grade 4 AMEB, Trinity College etc, include both theory and practical examination results). ———————————————————————————————————————————————————-———————————————————————————————————————————————————-———————————————————————————————————————————————————-Other instruments studied: _____________________________________________________________________ Other bands/ensemble memberships etc: Year __________________ Band _________________________________________________________________ Year __________________ Band _________________________________________________________________ Year __________________ Band ___________________________________________________________ MOUNT LILYDALE MERCY COLLEGE MARK PREST AWARD To commemorate our much loved and admired Deputy Principal, who commenced at the College in 1996 and became Deputy Principal in 1997, the College Executive has named an annual award for an ‘educationalist’ in his honour. Mark had a deep love for his God and was passionate educator who had a deep sense of the school community. He listened, accepted and embraced all the people he found in his life. Mark demonstrated strength during his own battle with illness and throughout his life he was willing to be a ‘shelter in a storm’ for others. He was a deep thinker and came to believe strongly in the stewardship model of leadership. The award will be presented annually to a member of staff who most exemplifies Mark’s educational philosophy and witness as judged by the following criteria which embody the spirit of Mark as an educator. It is expected that the recipient of this award will reflect many of these characteristics. Mark: had a passionate respect for the dignity of each person set a public example of integrity, love, commitment and awareness each day showed empathy and concern for the welfare of others fostered genuine, honest, authentic, compassionate and just relationships had a healthy sense of tolerance, acceptance and openness was filled with the excitement of teaching was a courageous and committed learner aspired to and encouraged excellence exhibited a quality of teaching which opened up learning to others encouraged a love of learning in others was willing to take risks and learn from experience believed that teaching mattered fostered a strong climate of community involving students, teachers and parents had a sense of civic responsibility and pride contributed to the social and spiritual environment of the school The selection of the winner will be made by a special panel. The Members of the Selection Panel will be the Principal, an Advisory Council Member, two Staff Members and one Student (a Student Leader). I wish to nominate ……………………………………………………………………….…………………….…………………….…………………….……………….. for the Mark Prest Award Signature of Nominator: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...……………………… Please attach a Statement addressing the above criteria and forward to the Principal by 20 November 2015 FOR SALE CUBBY HOUSE GARDEN SHED CHOOK SHED MONEY RAISED IS FOR THE CHRISTMAS APPEAL THIS CUBBY IS DESIGNED TO BE DISMANTLED INTO 6 SECTIONS AND WILL FIT ONTO A STANDARD TRAILER Bargain Christmas price $450 Mr C Johnson 9735 4022 Ext 401