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Wells Education Center 300 South Robinson Street AGENDA TEHACHAPI CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING, TEHACHAPI REDEVELOPMENT SUCCESSOR AGENCY REGULAR MEETING, TEHACHAPI PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING, AND TEHACHAPI CITY FINANCING CORPORATION REGULAR MEETING Monday, October 5, 2015 - 6:00 P.M. Persons desiring disability-related accommodations should contact the City Clerk no later than ten days prior to the need for the accommodation. A copy of any writing that is a public record relating to an open session item of this meeting is available at City Hall, 115 South Robinson Street, Tehachapi, California, 93561. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL INVOCATION Participation in the invocation is strictly voluntary. Each City Councilmember, city employee, and each person in attendance may participate or not participate as he or she chooses. PLEDGE TO FLAG CONSENT AGENDA/OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT All items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered to be routine and non-controversial by city staff. Consent items will be considered first and may be approved by one motion if no member of the council or audience wishes to comment or ask questions. If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered in listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the city council concerning the item before action is taken. Staff recommendations are shown in caps. Please turn all cellular phones off during the meeting. AUDIENCE ORAL AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS The City Council welcomes public comments on any items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Council. We respectfully request that this public forum be utilized in a positive and constructive manner. Persons addressing the Council should first state their name and area of residence, the matter of City business to be discussed, and the organization or persons represented, if any. To ensure accuracy in the minutes, please fill out a speaker’s card at the podium. Comments directed to an item on the agenda should be made at the time the item is called for discussion by the Mayor. Questions on non-agenda items directed to the Council or staff should be first submitted to the City Clerk in written form no later than 12:00 p.m. on the Wednesday preceding the Council meeting; otherwise response to the question may be carried over to the next City Council meeting. No action can be taken by the Council on matters not listed on the agenda except in certain specified circumstances. The Council reserves the right to limit the speaking time of individual speakers and the time allotted for public presentations. 1. General public comments regarding matters not listed as an agenda item. Agenda TEHACHAPI CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING, TEHACHAPI REDEVELOPMENT SUCCESSOR AGENCY REGULAR MEETING, TEHACHAPI PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING, AND TEHACHAPI CITY FINANCING CORPORATION REGULAR MEETING Monday, October 5, 2015- 6:00 P.M. - PG. 2 2. Mayor to present a Certificate of Youth Recognition to the Miss Greater Central Valley and Miss Tehachapi Queens 3. Mayor to present a Certificate of Recognition to Wes Claire 4. Oath of Office and Badge Pinning Ceremony for Tehachapi Police Department new officers William Funderburk, Alejandro Barajas, Elizabeth Alvarez, Bruce Medina and Jonathan Vielma CITY CLERK REPORTS Tehachapi City Council Unassigned Res. No. 60-15 Tehachapi City Council Unassigned Ord. No. 15-08-727 Tehachapi Redevelopment Successor Agency Unassigned Res. No. 02-15 Tehachapi Public Financing Authority Unassigned Res. No. 01-15 *5. ALL ORDINANCES SCHEDULED FOR INTRODUCTION OR ADOPTION AT THIS MEETING SHALL BE READ BY TITLE ONLY *6. Minutes for the Tehachapi City Council, Tehachapi Redevelopment Successor Agency, Tehachapi Public Financing Authority, and the Tehachapi City Financing Corporation regular meeting on September 21, 2015 – APPROVE AND FILE *7. Destruction of Records – ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN CITY RECORDS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE CITY CLERK AND CITY ATTORNEY *8. Tehachapi High School Homecoming Parade Special Event Application – APPROVE TEHACHAPI HIGH SCHOOL’S HOMECOMING PARADE SPECIAL EVENT APPLICATION AND ASSOCIATED STREET CLOSURES FINANCE DIRECTOR REPORTS *9. Disbursements, bills, and claims for September 24, 2015 through September 29, 2015 – AUTHORIZE PAYMENTS 10. Financing for dispatch service start-up cost and server virtualization – APPROVE THE SERVER VIRTUALIZATION PROJECT; APPROVE THE AGREEMENT WITH HOLMAN CAPITAL CORPORATION FOR LEASE PURCHASE FINANCING (SEVEN-YEAR TERM) SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE CITY ATTORNEY AND AUTHORIZE THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO PROCEED WITH FINANCING PROCESSES DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR REPORTS 11. East Tehachapi Traffic Signal and Street Improvements Project bid award – AWARD THE EAST TEHACHAPI TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT TO CAL PRIME, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,346,000.00 AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO APPROVE ANY NECESSARY CHANGE ORDERS UP TO A MAXIMUM OF 5% OF THE ORIGINAL CONTRACT (OR $67,300.00) 12. Notice of Completion for the Curry Street Median and Pinon Street Improvement Project – APPROVE THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE CURRY STREET MEDIAN AND PINON STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND DIRECT STAFF TO RECORD SAME Agenda TEHACHAPI CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING, TEHACHAPI REDEVELOPMENT SUCCESSOR AGENCY REGULAR MEETING, TEHACHAPI PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING, AND TEHACHAPI CITY FINANCING CORPORATION REGULAR MEETING Monday, October 5, 2015- 6:00 P.M. - PG. 3 13. Annexation No. 84 property tax exchange Memorandum of Understanding regarding a tax mechanism for the Kern County Fire fund - ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY TAX REVENUES UPON LOCAL AGENCY JURISDICTIONAL CHANGE: CITY OF TEHACHAPI ANNEXATION NO. 84 (LAFCO PROCEEDING NO. 1684) CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS 14. Second reading and adoption of an ordinance amending Handbill Regulations and Transient Outdoor Business regulations – ADOPT AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 8.12 OF THE TEHACHAPI MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO HANDBILL REGULATION; ADOPT AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTERS 9.130 AND 11.10 OF THE TEHACHAPI ZONING CODE RELATING TO TRANSIENT OUTDOOR BUSINESS REGULATION ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER REPORTS 15. Second reading and adoption of an ordinance amending the Tehachapi Municipal Code regarding a tobacco retailer's permit – ADOPT AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 687 AND CHAPTER 8.52 OF THE TEHACHAPI MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NOS. G-7724 AND G-8495 OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AMENDING CHAPTER 8.60 TO TITLE 8 OF THE KERN COUNTY ORDINANCE CODE RELATING TO TOBACCO RETAILER'S PERMIT CITY MANAGER REPORTS 16. 457 Retirement Plan Loan Program – ADOPT A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 457 RETIREMENT PLAN TO PERMIT LOANS 17. Bond Tender Agreement with Tower Investments, LLC – APPROVE THE BOND TENDER AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TEHACHAPI AND TOWER INVESTMENTS, LLC FOR SATISFACTION OF DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1989-2 ASSESSMENTS (KERN COUNTY APN’S 223-490-02, 223490-03, 223-490-06 AND 223-490-11) 18. Report to Council regarding current activities and programs – VERBAL REPORT On their own initiative, a Councilmember may ask a question for clarification, make a brief announcement, provide a reference to staff or other resources for factual information, take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda, request staff to report back at a subsequent meeting concerning any matter, or make a brief report on his or her own activities. (Per Gov’t. Code §54954.2(a)) ADJOURNMENT Agenda wells Education Center 300 South Robinson Street TEHACHAPI CALIFORNiA MINUTES TEHACHAPI CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING, TEHACHAPI REDEVELOPMENT SUCCESSOR AGENCY REGUTAR MEETING, TEHACHAPI PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORIW REGUTAR MEETING, AND TEHACHAPI CITY FINANCING CORPORATION REGULAR MEETING Monday, September 21, 2015 - 6:00 P.M. NOTE: Sm, cr, Wi, Ni and Wa are abbreviations for Council Members Smith, Grimes, Wiggins, Nixon and Wahlstrom, respectively. For example, Gr/Sm denotes Council MemberGrimes madethe motion and Council MemberSmith seconded it. The abbreviation Ab means absent, Abd abstained, Ns noes, and NAT no action taken. ACTION TAKEN CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order by Mayor Wiggins at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Roll call by City Clerk Tori Marsh Present: Mayor Wiggins, Absent: Councilmembers Grimes, Smith and Wahlstrom Mayor Pro Tem Nixon INVOCATION By Andy Walker Pastor Country Oaks Baptist Church PLEDGE TO THE FLAG Led by Council Member Wahlstrom CONSENT AGENDA Approved consent agenda Approved Consent Agenda sm/Gr Motion carried Ab Ni AUDIENCE ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 1. General public comments regarding matters not listed as an agenda item were received from: Debbie Szydlowski, business owner, requested parking signs for her October a. b. c. 9 & 10 event. Carl Gehrike, City resident, commented on the Granfondo LeeAnn Williams, GranFondo Participant, commented on the GranFondo. Agenda Tehachapi City Council Regular Meeting - Monday, September 21, 2015 Tehachapi Redevelopment Successor Agency Regular Meeting Tehachapi Public Financing Authority Retular Meeting And Tehachapi City Financing Corporation Regular Meeting ACTION TAKEN ALL ORDINANCES SCHEDUIED FOR INTRODUCTION OR ADOPTION AT THIS MEETING SHAtt BE READ BY TITLE ONLY. AllOrd. Reed Minutes for the Tehachapi City Council, Tehachapi Redevelopment Successor Approved & Filed Sm/Gr Motion Carried Agency, Tehachapi Public Financing Authority, and the Tehachapi City Financing Corporation regular meeting on September 8, 2015 and special meeting on September 10, 2015 - APPROVED AND FILED. Conflict of Interest Code amendment - ADOPTED RESOTUTION 57-15 APPROVING AN AMENDED CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE By Title Only Ab Ni Adopted Resolution 57-15 Approving An Amended Conflict Of Interest Code Sm/Gr Motion Carried Ab NI FINANCE DIRECTOR REPORTS *5. Disbursements, bills and claims for September 10, 2015 through September 15, 2015 *5. - AUTHORIZED PAYMENTS City of Tehachapi Treasurer's Report through August, 2015 Authorized Payments Sm/cr Motion Carried Ab Ni - RECEIVED REPORT Received Report DEVETOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR REPORTS 7. Certificate of Acceptance for lrrevocable offer of dedication for ingress, egress, and road ourooses on Vallev Boulevard - CITY ENGINEER JAY SCHLOSSER GAVE STAFF REPORT; ACCEPTED THE IRREVOCABLE OFFER OF DEDICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION ON THE VALLEY BOULEVARD BIKEWAY FACILITIES PROJECT PHASE II LOCATED ON VATTEY BOUTEVARD BETWEEN MUTBERRY STREET AND CURRY STREET, AUTHORIZED THE MAYOR TO SIGN CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE, AND REQUESTED STAFF TO RECORD SAME SUBJECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF TITTE INSURANCE 8. 9. Acceoted The lrrevocable ofier Of Dediaation For construction On The valley Eoulevard Bikeway Facilities Projeat Phase li Located On Valley Boulevard Between Mulberry Street And Curry Street, Authorized The Mayor To Sign Certificate Of Acceptance, And Requested Staff To Record Same Subjed To The lssuance Ot Tltle lnsuEnce G./Wa Motion Carried Ab Ni COMMENT FROM DAVID BUTLER, CITY RESIDENT; ACCEPTED THE IRREVOCABLE OFFER OF DEDICATION FOR CONSTRUCTING THE SNYDER WELL INTERTIE PROJECT TOCATED ON AND THROUGH THE TEHACHAPI UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT JACOBSEN MIDDLE SCHOOI SITE, AUTHORIZED THE MAYOR TO SIGN CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE, AND DIRECTED STAFF TO RECORD SAME Acceoted The lrevocable Offer Of oedication For Constructing The Snyder Well lntertie Project Located On And Through The Tehachapi Unified school District lacobsen Middle School Site, Authorized The Mayor To Sign certlfiaate of Acaeptance, And Directed staffTo Record same Subjed To The lssuance Of Title tnsurance SUBIECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF TITLE INSURANCE Grlwa Motion Grried Certificate of Acceptance for lrrevocable offer of dedlcation for ingress, egress, and road purposes on Tehachapi Boulevard - CITY ENGINEER JAY SCHTOSSER Acceoted The lrrevocable Offer Of Dedication For Construction On The TehachaDi Eoulevard lmprovements Project Phase lii located On Tehachaoi Soulevard Between Hayes Street And Dennison Road. Authorized The Certificate of Acceptance for lrrevocable offer of dedication for ingress, egress, and road purposes on Dennison Road and a 15' wide waterline easement dedication - CITY ENGINEER JAY SCHLOSSER GAVE STAFF REPORT; RECEIVED GAVE STAFF REPORT; ACCEPTED THE IRREVOCABLE OFFER OF DEDICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION ON THE TEHACHAPI BOULEVARD IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT PHASE III TOCATED ON TEHACHAPI BOULEVARD BETWEEN HAYES STREET AND Ab NI Agenda Tehachapi City Council Regular Meeting - Monday, September 21, 2Ots Tehachapi Redevelopment Successor Agency Regular Meeting Tehachapi Public Financing Authority Regular Meeting And Tehachapi City Financint Corporation Regular Meeting DENNISON ROAD, AUTHORIZED THE MAYOR ACCEPTANCE, AND DIRECTED STAFF TO ACTION TAKEN TO SIGN Mayo. To Sign Certlficate Ot Acceptance, And Directed Staff To Record Same Subied To The lssuance Of Title Insurance Gr/Wa Motion Cafried Ab Ni CERTIFICATE OF RECORD SAME SUBJECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF TITTE INSURANCE 10. Active Transportation Program to construct new curb, gutter and sidewalk; improve cross walks at intersections and extend bike lanes on various citv streets around local schools Program Supplement Agreement and Resolution ClTy ENGINEER JAY SCHLOSSER GAVE STAFF REPORT; COMMENT RECETVED FROM CARL GEHRIG CITY RESIDENT; ADOPTED RESOLUTTON 58-15 AUTHORTZTNG THE MAYOR TO SIGN AND EXECUTE PROGRAM SUPPTEMENT AGREEMENT 022-N TO ADMINISTERING AGENCY-STATE MASTER AGREEMENT NO. O9-5184R. PROJECT Adopted Resolution 58-15 Authorizing The Mayor To 5i8n And Execute Program - Supplement Agreement 022-N To Administering Agency-State Master Agreement No. 0!F5184r, Project No. Atpl-s1841025) Wa/sm Motion Carried Ab Ni NO. ATPr-s184(026) 11. Freedom Plaza Project - CIW ENGINEER JAY SCHLOSSER GAVE STAFF REPORT; coMMENr REcEtvED FRoM pAr DooDy, rEHAcHApt rouRtsM coMMtsstoN; AWARDED THE FREEDOM PLAZA PROJECT TO CAt PRIME, INC. INTHEAMOUNT oF 5498,000.00 AND AUTHORIZED THE clw MANAGER TO APPROVE ANY NECESSARY CHANGE ORDERS UP To A MAXIMUM oF 5% oF THE oRlGlNAt CONTRACT (OR 524,900.001 I Awarded rhe Freedom Plaza | ffi",1,t;,t;1fi:ffi.ff^'lrt* I authorizea rne ciry Manaserro I Approve Anv Necessary chanse I Otde6 Up To A Maximum Of 5% I oii" Jigi""ii.**" ro. I sz+soo.oo) Gr/Sm Motion Ca.ried Ab Ni POTICE CHIEF REPORTS 12. City of Tehachapi recently hired 5 full-time officers 13. Emergency abatement at 706 % - SWORE lN NEW OFFICERS East Tehachapi Boulevard - CODE I ENFORCEMENT OFFICER AARON PRICE GAVE STAFF REPORT; COMMENT I RECEIVED FROM TERESA ROBERTS, STAN BECKHAM ESTATE TRUSTEE; I APPROVED THE EMERGENCY ABATEMENT ACTIONS CONDUCTED BY CODE I ENFORCEMENT AT 705 % EAST TEHACHAPI BOUTEVARD Approved rhe Emersencl Abatement Aations Conducted iii"i*"il,"J-"" East o,,0, n rehachapi Boulevard GTAM MOtiON Ab Ni CATT|Ed CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS 14. Introduction of an ordinance amending Handbill Regulations and Transient outdoor Business regulations - clry ATToRNEY roM scHRoETER GAVE SrArr REPORT; INTRODUCTION ONtY ASSISTANT Introduced lif;" "'tion carried CIry MANAGER REPORTS 15. Water rate study - ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER CHRIS KIRK GAVE STAFF REPORT. I DTREcTED srAFF To rNrnATE THE pRocEss FoR upDAnNG rHE ctry,s wATER | RATES PURSUANTTO STATE LAWS Dlrected staffro Initiaterhe :.:::::'^":Iy' Water Rates Pu6uant To State lL.*' Sm/Gr Motion Carried Ab Ni Agenda Tehachapi City Council Regular Meeting - Monday, September 21, 2015 Tehachapi Redevelopment Successor Agency Regular Meeting Tehachapi Public Financing Authority Regular Meeting And Tehachapi City Financing Corporation Regular Me€tint ACTION TAKEN 16. Introduction of an ordinance amending the Tehachapi Municipal Code regarding i a tobacco retailer,s permit - AsstsrANT clry MANAGER cHRlS KIRK GAVE srAFF I REPORT; INTRODUCTION ONtY lntroduced sm/Gr Motion carried 17. Caltrans Grant Funding for SW Diagonal Taxiway Project - ASSISTANT ClTy ] MANAGER cHRts KIRK GAvE srAFF REpoRr; REcEtvED coMMENr FRoM KEN Adooteo nesolutlon ss-15 | Ab Ni il:H'i1"1'ff#:"T::ifl1" HETGE, BUSINESS OWNER; ADOPTED RESOTUTION 59-15 AUTHORIZING THE I Aibcation or runosnnd SUBM|TTAL OF AN AppttCATlON, ACCEPTANCE OF AN ALLOCATION OF FUNDS I Execution of A Grant Asreemcnr AND ExEcuroN oF A GRANr AGREEMENT wrrH rHE cAuFoRNro ] y;IJjifl:Hl':,TlT'"' DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, FOR AN AIRPORT TMPROVEMENT I Airport rmprovement lAipl M-atchins Grant PROGRAM (AlP) MATCHING GRANT I Gr/Sm Motion Carried Ab Ni CIry MANAGER REPORTS Kern County Fire Department Agreement - CITY MANAGER GREG GARRETT srAFF REpoRr; AppRovED rHE AGREEMENT wtrH rHE KERN couNw GAVE FIRE FIRE FtNAt DEPARTMENT FOR FIRE PROTECTION DUTIES AND ENFORCEMENT OF STATE MARSHAT REGULATIONS, SUBJECT TO MTNOR MODIFICATIONS AND AppRovAL oF rHE crry MANAGER AND crw ArroRNEy AND AUTHoRTZED MAYOR TO SIGN rHE I Approved rhe asreement | il;fi;"t"i[?j,.j"",""." I Duiies And Enrorcement or state Fire Marshat Resutations, I I ilffil,"#:fiY$:li::il' ManaserAnd City Attorney And Althorized The Mayor To Sign Sm/Gr Motion Carried Ab Ni 18. Report to Council regarding current activities and programs - VERBAL REPORT, COUNCIT MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS OR REPORTS 1. Mayor Wiggins commented on the success of GranFondo and informed the public of the Grant writing process. ADIOURNMENT The City Council/Boards adjourned at 7:30 pm to a Tehachapi City Council, Tehachapi Redevelopment Successor Agency, Tehachapi Public Financing Authority and Tehachapi City Financing Corporation Regular Meeting to be held on Monday, October 5, 2015, at 6:00p.m. TORI MARSH Lrry LrerK, Lrry oT renacnapl Approved this 5th day Of October, 2015. SUSAN WIGGINS Mayor, City of T wirh Agenda TE HACHAPI :rcii\l'. lA1 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD: COUNCIL REPORTS MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 5, 2015 AGENDA SECTION: CITY CLERK TO: HONORABTE MAYOR WIGGINS AND COUNCIT MEMBERS FROM: ASHIEY WHITMORE, DEPUTY CITY CTERK DATE: SEPTEMBER SUBJECT: DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS 23,2015 BACKGROUND On June 5, 2000, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 23-00, adopting the local government records retention guidelines created by the City Clerk's Association of California, and endorsed by the Secretary of State. This records retention schedule consists of a list of all records produced or maintained by an agency and the length of time such records must be retained to fulfill administrative, fiscal and/or legal function. Staff has determined that according to our records retention schedule it is appropriate to properly dispose of certain city records. The proposed resolution authorizes the destruction of these records that have fulfilled their administrative, fiscal, or, legal function. The records have been reviewed by both the City Clerk and the city Attorney and it has been determined that they are no longer required for any purpose. RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution to authorize the destruction of certain city records subject to approval by the City Clerk and City Attorney. Agenda c r'lY cf F;f TEHACHAPI €___J CAlllori\l/i APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD: COUNCIL REPORTS MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 5, 2015 AGENDA SECTION: CITY CLERK TO: HONORABTE MAYOR WIGGINS AND COUNCIT MEMBERS FROM: ASHLEY WHITMORE, DEPUTY CITY CTERK DATE: SEPTEMBER SUBJECT: DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS 23,2015 BACKGROUND On June 5, 2000, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 23-00, adopting the local government records retention guidelines created by the City Clerk's Association of California, and endorsed by the Secretary of State. This records retention schedule consists of a list of all records produced or maintained by an agency and the length of time such records must be retained to fulfill administrative, fiscal and/or legal function. Staff has determined that according to our records retention schedule it is appropriate to properly dispose of certain city records. The proposed resolution authorizes the destruction of these records that have fulfilled their administrative, fiscal, or, legal function. The records have been reviewed by both the City Clerk and the City Attorney and it has been determined that they are no longer required for any purpose. RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution to authorize the destruction of certain city records subject to approval by the City Clerk and City Attorney. Agenda RESOLUTION NO. RESOTUTION OF THE C|TY COUNCIT OF THE CITY OF TEHACHAPI AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN A CITY RECORDS WHEREAS, the City has certain old and unnecessary records concerning various matters of city business now in the possession of the city clerk of the city of Tehachaoi as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the City to destroy those records in order to utilize the space required for their storage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEHACHAPI that the City Clerk or her representative are hereby authorized and directed to destroy the records described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tehachapi at a regular meeting this 5th day of October 2015. AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: CITY OI TE}lACTIAPI LEGAL DEPARTMENI Agenda SUSAN WIGGINS, Mavor of the City of Tehachapi, California ATTEST: TORI MARSH Citv Clerk of the City of Tehachapi, California I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Tehachapi at a regular meeting thereof held on October 5. 2015. TORI MARSH City Clerk of the City of Tehachapi, California CITY OF TEIIACHAPI LECAL DIPARTMNNI Agenda Exhibit "A" Retention Content DescriPtion Senior Center old correspondence f979-20O6 CU+z Code GC34090 2acFR s7o.s02(b) (3); 241CFR85.42 & OMB CL+4 Cir.A-110, Attach' C 1979 T+4 GC34090 Tehachapi ry Cable Agreements 7973-L979 T+4 GC34090 TehachapiTV Cable Agreements f979-f994 Tehachapi W Cable Monthly Franchise 1990-1994 AU+5 GC34090; 29USC436 GC34090 High Desert Wireless Broadband Agreement 2007 T+4 Tehachaoi ry Cable Correspondence 1974-1989 CU+2 GC34090 T+4 GC34090 Time Warner Cable Social Contract 1995 cU+2 GC34090 Time Warner Cable Correspondence 1995 E+2 GC34090 Proof of Publications 2007-2010 Senior Center Agreements CDBG Grant Tehachapi Recreation and Park District Correspondence/Agreements Certificates of Insurance 2OO7 1959-1980 -2008 Tehachapi Cummings Water Agreement Urban Water Management Plan 2009 Tehachapi Resource Conservation District Agreement 2003 Tehachapi Resource Soil Conservation 1963-1993 Tehachapi Heritage League Correspondence 1998 Tehachapi t/ountain Rodeo Assoc.2002 Agreement Tehachapi Historical Mural Proposed Project 2000 Presentation Tehachapi Community Orchestra Agreements 2006- 2OOA Appraisal 2012 Steuber/Valley Misc. Correspondence So. Cal Gas Company 1961- zOfO Southern California Gas Company Franchise statements 1990-2000 Southern California Gas Company Franchise Statements, Correspondence 1970-1989 Southern California Edison Company Franchise statements 1961-2006 Southern California Edison Company Franchise statements 1941-1989 So Cal Edison Company Correspondence1990-2005 qI'IY OF TEHACHAPI T+4 CU+2 T+4 GC34090 GC34090 GC34090 T+4 GC34090 T+4 GC34090 CU+2 GC34090 T+4 GC34090 CU+2 GC34090 T+4 CL+2 GC34090 CU+2 GC34090 AU+5 GC34090; 29USC436 AU+5 GC34090; 29USC436 AU+5 GC34090; 29USC436 AU+5 CU+2 GC34090; GC6254(h) GC34090; 29USC436 GC34090 Agenda Southern California Edison Correspondence 1985CU+2 GC34090 CU+2 GC34090 aLA GC34090 T+4 GC34090 T+4 GC34090 T+4 GC34090 f+4 I+4 GC34090 T+4 GC34090 f+4 GC34090 T+4 cc34090 f+4 GC34090 Tehachaoi Unified school District 1970-1989 Corresoondence CU+z GC34090 Tehachaoi Unlfied School District 1945-1969 Corresoondence CU+2 GC34090 Counsel Agreement 2003 T+4 GC34090 Jerome's Tractor Service Agreement 2006-2008 r+4 GC34090 Jarvis and Fay Correspondence Proposal for legal servtces CU+2 GC34090 Twean Subsidiar, LLC Franchise Bond 2003 T Marketing & Event Planning 2003 Agreement f+4 f+4 GC34090 Corresoondence T+4 Kern Security Systems Agreements 2004-2008 T+4 GC34090 GC34090 Tehachaoi Unified School District Indemnification 2002 Agreement T+4 GC34090 Tehachaoi Unified School District 1990 Corresoondence T+4 GC34090 f+4 f+4 GC34090 r+4 GC34090 f+4 GC34090 T+4 GC34090 f+4 f+4 GC34090 GC34090 1992 Southern California Edison Correspondence 2010 S.A. Pump Co. Agreement 2007 RRM Design Group 2001 Nunes Ranch Specific Plan RRM Design Gt oup Downtown Master Plan Proposal, agreement 2001 RRM Design Group Agreement 2000 landscape for 58/Tehachapi blvd RV Peddler agreements 2004-2007 Carrie S. Quiroga Agreement 2003 Pyro Spectaculars Agreements 1998-2009 Nextel of California Agreement 2000 Municipal Services Group (fire truck) correspondence and master lease agreement 202 Moule and Polyziodes, lnc. Agreement 2007 GC34090 Jones hall Professional Law Corporation Bond TRS Consultants 1982-1998 GC34090 Agreement and Mayer Hoffman Mccann P.c. Agreements 20062010 Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith Alex S. Kosich, Jr Agreement concept designs for city Hall renovation Perfect Raingutters & Solarscreening Agreement 2005 Outback Heating and Air Agreement 2O05-2OO7 carol Onsum Agreement 2003 oak Creek Energy Agreements 2003, 2005 CITY OI TEIIACHAPI LEGAL DEPAITMENI GC34090 Agenda License Agreement Senior Citizens Center 1997 Nutrition Program CDBG Grant for supplies at Senior Center 1982 Tehachapi-Cummings County Water District Watershed worki ng docs !97 3-797 7 T+4 GC34090 T+4 GC34090 CU+2 GC34090 UB Water Billing Records Ll72-61L2 AU+2 GC34090 UB Water Billing Records 7/Il-12/72 AU+2 GC34090 UB Water Billing Records 1/11-6111 AU+2 GC34090 A/P vendor files/invoices 7/09-6/10 A-B AU+4 GC34090 A/P vendor files/invoices 7/09-6/10 B-F AU+4 GC34090 A/P vendor files/invoices 7/09-6/10 G-L AU+4 cc34090 A/P vendor files/invoices 7/09-6110 M-5 AU+4 GC34090 A/P vendor files/invoices 7/09-6/10 S-T AU+4 GC34090 A/P vendor files/invoices 7/09-6/10 T-z AU+4 GC34090 Deposit Receipts 7 /09-6/IO AU+4 GC34090 A/P Vendor files/invoices misc 1996-2007 AU+4 GC34090 Deposit Receipts AU+4 GC34090 Airport Grants 1987 CL+5 GC34090 Kern County Air Pollution Control District Correspondence 1968-2000 C+2 GC34090 7 /09-6/tO Kern County Air Pollution Operating Permits for GC34090 Generator 2000-2002 CL+5 GC34090 Kern County Air Pollution District Snyder/Tehachapi Blvd. Brant correspondence/copies 1998 CU+2 GC34090 Kern County Air Pollution District MVERP Grant Gem Cars Working File CU+2 GC34090 CU+2 GC34090 CU+2 GC34090 Kern County Air Pollution Control District Grants 2004 Kern County Administrative Office Proposed 80/20 tax split 1994 Kern County Administrative Office Correspondence 1984 CITY Of TEIIACIIAPI Agenda Kern Countv Air Pollution Control District Grant 2003 ZEV'S one Tovota RAV 4 and Ford Ranger CL+5 GC34090 Kern County Air Pollution Control District Snyder Ave and Tehachapi Blvd drainage project CL+5 GC34090 Kern County Air Pollution Control Board corresoondence CU+2 GC34090 CU+2 GC34090 CU+2 GC34090 Pickuo 1999 1994 Kern County Auditor-Controller Correspondence regarding participation in alternative tax distribution Dlan 1994 Kern County Auditor-Controller Correspondence regarding City Tax Rate 1978-1984 Kern County Auditor/Controller Agreement for Collection of Special Assessments by county Correspondence 1982 f+4 cU+2 1975 Kern County Auditor/Controller Contingent Tax Liability Rule 468 and Transfer of property tax revision 1980-1981 Correspondence Kern County Air Pollution Control District DMV Vehicle Emissions grant program 2001-2003 correspondence and copies GC34090 Gc34090 CU+2 Gc34090 cU+2 GC34090 Kern County Air Pollution Control District DMV Grant correspondence Dennison/Tehachapi 1999-2000 completed) Emission Reduction Project Report Kern county MOU for Property Tax Sharing 1995 cu+2 CU*2 CL+5 I+4 Kern County Agreement for participation in the operational area emergency management organization T+4 GC34090 CU+2 GC34090 improvements Sun Edison CCI Project (never 1995 Kern County Auditor/Controller Correspondence 1959-1998 Gc34090 GC34090 GC34090 Gc34090 Kern County Auditor/Controller City Tax Collection correspondence and copies of checks 1979-1980 cU+2 Kern County Agreement for collection of special taxes 1995 Kern County Board of Supervisor's Correspondence L937-L99L CITY OF T!IIACIIAPI Gc34090 f+4 GC34090 CU+2 GC34090 Agenda TEHACHAPIr.-l l: J. l:'lir'! APPROVED oepnnrrvrrr'rr Hrno, i\{ ') COUNCIL REPORTS MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 5, 2015 AGENDA SECTION: CITY CLERK TO HONORABTE MAYOR WIGGINS AND COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: ASHTEY WHITMORE, DEPUTY CITY CTERK DATE: SEPTEMBER SUBJECT: SPECIAL EVENT APPIICATION 30,2015 - HOMECOMING PARADE APPTICANT AND ORGANIZATION Amy Watkins, Tehachapi Unified School District EVENT DESCRIPTION The Homecoming Parade will be held on October 16, 2OL5 from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm and proceed down Dennison Rd to Anita; from Anita to Snyder; from Snyder to Valley and end back at the high school APPLICANT REQUESTS . Street barricades from the Public Works Department STAFF CONDITIONS Administration: There are no conditions for this event RECOMMENDATION APPROVE THE HOMECOMING PAMDE SPECIAL EVENT APPTICATION AND ASSOCIATED STREET CTOSURES Agenda Gt17fi201s $sl tillE$ ,f,gCEIVED (61) !azl22o0 r* I (a6!) 62;l't55t SEp trs south Bot'|soh srlei rEh.d]pr', CA 94561'Ua s+H+ffi# t z ZOIS P.0011007 ffiqsl@18 www.tehadla[tGittlttLsr Cityof T SPECIAL USEIEVENT APPLICATION High Oryanization Tctrachrpl Unlfed fthool Esttlctfiehadrapi B/€nrcfitrt Amywa*lns (Dlndor of fthod stt'|d*t ftititntio'T"ht"h"p' Phone Number High) 6612033889 Addrrss cty state TehadlsPl FmilAddres Evant Ap Code 93561 CA amytfatklns@hJtt2'ca'us TtlS thnecomlBg Pande l|rme Ev6nt Locrilon Tucker) Tehrah.pi (Str cts oi' Dcnnison. Anita Snyder and hrem Odets) d?r162015 DElsib. Event EventTimc(s) 1lfo.m.lzlx)Pm gtCJ (SFeet Ctosul€s. Asdvltl6, Prrtklpadon' Ttra Homecoming l}rrade, Conslsttng on flortt in thE bffks of pkk-up truclG ot Fddrv' octtb'r 16 2015 and t t oo C"tptt parade will cnd "-Jp-tr."n"F "i sn-ia-i''rtt; and lift onto valley extension' Tfte offlorts pulledty plck-up truclB and stud€nts tiding *i ii*,[rr.p, n,git sAAr utr||dng h.rt to $e f,oa. wlt Ocprri left onlo Anlta; turh r"rt ottm tum Ann4 Rd to Dcnniron orocccd dwm ttc tttgn tat*t at apProxhately I 400 pm' l*t "t oP€n to the PuHk? ElY"r ENo Is $e arslt lf Y:* rvh* wlllthe proc:ed: bc usrd for? Wilt u-,* then be wndors at Y r evErt? Wll elooholic barereges be served? Will rlcohdic barcngn b€ roH? ff Yas. wtrat is A.B.C ls event Yes ENo EYes EINo EY* Ei,lo E for money ralshg trJrPoJCs? f EYes ENo yes, how many? Pemit No? Pag6 1 of 5 ,-d- Agenda @t1?I201s @$1 CSE$ Eirnt lwn€ THS Home€oming Delrdb. Hotn P.0021007 fAffil8ZSl8 EventDste(s) Ocotbsr P .de 15, 2015 Tlrl Followlng Wlll Br AccomPlbh'd! $rrcr Eafikads J('t palt THS on D.nnlsoo at Tohrchrpi Pdke DePrnfi ont Tr.ftc Control School oorxd Coilrol Sdrool Pemnnel t dity sarvices: Water. S€tYEr. Etstti( Ught! DuEt€ofitsol Slh Clern uP & Meintsmnce slqllty $t Frdlldcr ltcrhh oc*. chan thc above r.qu.sted fscility, by cmoving dl rubbich, I und.retrrd th.t if | .m utilizing r citlF$,ned facility I am understrnd-.1 may be rcqukd to pay a tol a*tt aird ordely codttion' lfunhergfoundsfacllttv, debri+ atq and rustor* th€ g*tu#iriry the 'leporlg mv be tullv uion rnipeoon ot the ,. the dde! dlrsetto,L for d;;;;-of ;he ,r;rLda.$w, 1a d.pcndl4 upon the cordltion the hclllty ls hfr In by the u!€r' J-piilrii n n l.* "a.a, thit I undcr$and I und.Ebnd drc i?st I ci[ pou,er wlll not be avrllabh unle$ pFan?nged. A fre may be charyed at dre cltl€5 dls'rfilo|a crll out fui servlces wlll be rt my €xpense and.l wlll be chaEed 4.3 hour minimum change' to (g190.62fof ihe flr$ call out dthe day) and ls subjrct onr ofdre aay. rrre arntni rel Ir s6354 per hour ttrt r call out to city etflPloyael undcnbrd thrt thlt rPplicrtion '15 not I gu8rrntGr fEe fol of G\Gnt approvd' e d Insuranca regul|€menB attadrrd to tfils cont|rcL enc l, $G undarslgned have read thc rbove sEEmefis, gEneral reguladone undrrstand thcm and agce fullY. Applicant SbnaErr E List ofvendors E pmpun nnv fleu flco ou l-l ^ fl HD flr lrt ELc Ea !r !c Pagc 2 ofs Agenda tp117r2015 m:fi tF[:5S fAn66ilZm8 P.OmrmT GEI{ERAL REGULATTONS Feci|ltyusc€rermrfibarebsue.|inlcco'd|ncEwiihthtpo|iciesoudinedbrlowasecttblishedbyth€cityofTehaEhspi.A||tion use ap'pron"t' buaMsgot{ or REsEslAtrlotr sigrxd and rcturneo, along wtth fter and deporrs, uerorc-JirrJe"*roior fiorrmr murt be REOUESI DOES iIOT CONSNTUTE APPROVAL. I. for 4ecirl condrtbn' to be at the clvt dircrctlon The clty wlll noa be responsibla Any authodltion and ulagE lr undeEtood of fie ulcr with resporulbnfty A;t ;pttltl needr erc $e tt'v go*ta ttqit*t ft; rcconrmodatlons or ;; ,.proiii"o1ii "c,o fior rPFovif of th. Pubf k Works Dir'@t' 2. Grutpc Or pa|sons Using t hclity ir€ rcrporulble to pry fuf propeny' any d|mage to pfopeny or loss of :lTbeGtyofTchachlpi|'notlirbhfo].GddGntr|injurytoPe6onsortogsofdah|gedgrouporhd|v|dualprcpefty.Thec|ty ttqulres Ploolof lrEutance covelagc. 4wh|ttin$€opinionofthccity,acf|vityconditionswrnantthepr€srnctofoneormoresccurityprrsonnr|,thecoetdsuchS.'viC. rhrtl bc botne by fte g|Eup 6r oryenltadon rPonsodnE lh' a(lvlry' petmiB may bc le{Okd 'lbr 5. Plrmir6bn to usE Cty of TrhadEpi farilitias ir grrnGd subirct to ob6e|vance of regulations' and Ylolrfton of Egulalions' 6 t Prmits nay nc urefs be trensf.rud, alslgned or ddle fadltter lhtll ob6cno, tublet obey and conflywlth atlrppllEable clty, coutrty, sme and F deral Lawq rules and rcguhuons' @ .L Tlre uie of alaolrollc bAreragFs by wrltten permlt only and m.u{ be |!$lested at drc trme thelaclllty-us' apPllcadon B made' The " C6;;ffi; if,tt" pf.-6. tit i"o'mr on the us€ of alcoholk be*reger in accordsnc' wlft State Law $e apprwed tunc0on' z rhc al€ohollc bcreng€ pcrmnge wlll remove all beverages from the Frefilles lmmedlat€ly bllowlng by th: city, or' 3. Food rrd ,Gfrdhmrnts, induding elcoholic baneragel mry br pcrmitH in certrin dcrignatd ar€:s as determircd 13 $e dellgnated rcPrcienutttt rn appracd lici ted c|t'rir' Nl crtrrcFs namrs and addfesses wfll b3 d Any fuEtiorr thrt is to ba crteftd will be cr$rcd bry FUvUed uPon teqllelt t en additional (55O@) deposiL Anyfuirc,tion wtrerealcotrclie benenges will be permittcd shall rcquirc AI{Y BKEFTION TO ftIE ABOVE POLKIES FEE WIII BE REERREOTO THE CITY MANAGER' Al,lO DEX'S|T sG|'IEDULE G'ty epprovab' Thr fulhflirtg guiddinrs and ruler will golern the costs and procrdum for . 2. 1 Any p.rt of an hour wltl Alfto! must b€ Paid b be €onsldetEd a Mt hout In d€&finlnlnE Clty costs ths Cw of Teh.chapiloceted at 1 15 So'uth RoHnson Struet' 9'A|l|E,|!ndrwil|bGnni|ed$soonespossib|c6o||owing$ndusionofthiect|vity. 4'i|o'rdngemcnt'canbGmadeforat|rrrecxtenconwlthp€rsonne|ondutythedeyoftheecdv|ty. tEcuEllfsrqilsEt condiuon wfftln! try ry€scn€e of one or more security r, tn fta oplnlon of rhc gq, Managc? or r d€tlgnated. rcprcscntalrvr {tht'lty Plpof of obtilnlnE the rcgulttd sEsrrlty parrcnn4 the coct of jJar $rvicc"*raliur uotil ry th"'group or pQnon spododng tfie acdvlty-, pr# to ttrc rli"ity' Pruof tho'ld be in thc fo11n of a receipt rn'yor Ecnonnd mulr bc In thc Oty Hdl no htct then lgilq working days ffi;ft;-;;r;d"di*tr,v.ei".v. lF AFrER pRooF oF sE{uRrY l{As iiiffiffir'r<rnrr rrp[fftt*"tiJolxittbvttret=quhedditsuseoffiefrcllitvmavbed€nied' BEEN SUBMTnED TO CnY, SAIDSE!:URITY 15 l'loT PRElNT-9llDl:tE-o{ AfiNIrY' IHE CIIY EMPLO'IEE cnorpro nncorrnnur icnvnljulP$;grHec8ou?ro uqvrrlle ARFq Agenda lnglnrra |tquramrnb fot pfisolts P.0041007 fAlffil@Gl8 0r17n01s (F1llru|I$ shordd be as fdlows: ol bolanizrtlons wi3hing to use city fEcilitics Ttcp6rryrcquedngtousethefacl|ltyfaPp|lcanflshaltsecwe.aldkeePlnforcedu'|ngtheendretelmofapp|icarrt'suseolthe. labllty tmutance pollcv whh bodlv rcspect to the f'cllL;t;[ilh;;;lt; l6id a-Jir-rirerifih rperrc.nts u ail covengn and co'/eflns hcltrry ih;" sr rilil*'pli **nen; and including. a comprchenrive i#6;il;G; speclel contalnlng and hsury, propefiy demrge. .no *";;iu.i ltablllty' p'auta .oria.-'o|Iouoi, iiJ i turnr, and covsages ior pnmrrecropenflo* gr*tlons "ora, .na'dotcntts pnotlding s$stant'nlly the folbwing: to be an body and each med$er'drercof at€ dechred (t) That the Gty of Te$achapt, ns agent+ office".r "tqp*j tt'--glo\|ttlng dexflbed In the pollcv' whether srrtr addltlonal polky u'fth addldond nrmed ltrsund under me terms of the of l!w; ilii; b"'i.ttt"tv . pssrhnly tr.gligslt or llEbl! by oFntion "t"nt"ioi'ii'itti'ltv and deftnd each of the of app||Gant to ho|d hrmlels, hdcmnlry (2} cofincu$| llablllty owraqre undefwr|thE the ob|tEadoG inrun& Proddrd hercin; F) 'Crc6e lbbltM ot 'Sa,eobtllty d Inter€rt" .overage for dl named Intur€ds; (4)Thatr|tchinsulanccispdmary.,arrdthat.arvothelin.slrancrmsintainedbytheaddftiona|nrmedinsurrdsisexcessandnot pollcyt conriiirtlng Insunrce wtdt rctpect to the 5ubtsd lnsurance (51 t That thg inEu€r waiws a[ rlglrts of srbrogtion against thG addlilonal named insureds; lmurcds shall not be preiudked Ttet thr ownge atuided by suclr poll€y to dre addltlonal named piiCp"f f"*,* to c.-omply wtttr aiy noticE Equir'ments of ruch pollcy; ard (6) m That h any mEnner ti o-ry, pri* to ne $c ctt, of *itt r.| ^d;;'i;itn pdlcy s'hrit f. *ntttuJ lnturance 3td1 rny prolrilbB in ancClation n" rapre tor ani nasJn-of i.lrr,v. or t[" apprrcaidiii c term rhe durtng ,nru'nce of thir nquiffinrnL AFCkant must atso d€tdmcml to the Insurance as requlred hereh 3hall cotrltltute bEa€h of lnsurance lsru€d by an lhsurance unul epp1cam ha3 prwtded ctty wlth a duly certdlcat€d certmcate witlt the foi€gohg r€quiremcnts' Gompties is efieetive. i.iiq tt* bien iscued. uy city .no glidniil[ 'nd <an be madc untilcttv hrs appovld the fadlttv a ne use io Arcyina ctry Tha feclllty ,hall nor be rpprfrrd of covefaEe excepi rftef afrJivr aatr *ruch cancelletion, rdudion or alterado{t' No su(h in-J"iogJon of the continuou,s, dury of rPPIiGEnt to furni6h aher€d such pollcy may not bG cancelcd, Go\rerage leduced or terms dcN,Eryto compa,,y In tnv way bv ahy frllure p.r,td. u.d *ff;;;t lt.itti iilil'. d";;;; F[(y' INDEMNIFICATION emdoy[es Gty, its councilp€lsont boetdr, (ommlssloffi' ornc€rt Applic.nt tnrlby.grres to indcmnifi. detur4 std hold hetmles$ ths 01 r€lEtrd to of out dpenns.rrising and cosc iamagec, arr*.,'il#-,rli*g,;uagel*nt , thunii, and agart! from ,ny and omrlcron to act on the pan or crtv' rts "u or rpnlrc.ntr tre ot ocdpaton 3:.111-f "r atysffiil ftfilfo;;i"bi{ *iil1gg d[fi];:;ft-;il;;'nirrb;;"ffi.*+""foyces,orasent+*fierherrctrveorpa$lve., - Date Foml Pagc 4 of 5 Agenda ilftsi (F11?,:2015 $'Il1 fAnfifiurFl8 TEHACHAPIHrcH SCHOOL'S HOilIECOTUIING PARADE ROUTE Tt)tAct{APl HIGH i d E+ 5 tltlIt scHoor- t- {- Vrlhy Boulcvrd I 1E AE I + 1. ++_-.} Anit| Dfive l- PJTE'M7 Agenda (En7n015 fllffilszGlS $ollns P.007,007 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY COVERAGE EilTER DISTRICT: Cd,ERAOE PROIIIDIi: IIITED lotr lnrusd Schob tf CA (tl8G ll! TrhrchrC lhllhd Sohool Dbtlct 500 f Rfrlmon 8fo.t T€hrEhpl CA 98tCl 2000 f( ttl€rt BefrrrfiaH O $9Ol tO T|T TOIED @WRED IEEER FoR mE EFFEenvE @\,ER^GE IYFE OF IIiI qt#'il'p-.tiiili-r!l--c,t COVERED ffiffi-'q EP.--ffi*^^'J1gPgHfEJIt* Br es ts [octoudY CS'BABE Cd'ERffIE olIERA|. o.n nlubryandoIrt ltt Prx{-a Elldlorr'lleel UASUTY xrToro8[,E UASUTY AFFO*DED irulrti llF 7fi1 It EFESIIVE EXFIFAI'Iox DATE(II o rElr) uum fiftlnot8 drl0tr2016 11,7!0,0m |'iUfit fkrC, rruryOrOilrld, l$rcai rttl Bot|qE.f) 6AF7tr516 otol20t5 0tttPot6 3r.fio,@ 0t otr@t5 un1tfr16 t ll,O00 D.duothb acv cortprcoll mi@cflfBEAtloll *loYHa ruruw ^tD €.L F|ct rc*m cru-5r Eddry.. ELDhr-Hqrhr lrYc fitl 16 I t E.L fi €E,Sffifr r,o00,m t,00o,m r.000,06 C(I,ERAE AllY og\,ER F NE CEftIfEATE I.B|E AEOE €nE Or F FOF iAJIEIfl AID oolrtgomrna mGtdBtrdf,tgailuonil.ocadd|dvet*da tlrffi tl|lc.ffr/F my D. fr$it lmn TH b n d.d) .u!3 orFdrbu*&!.b durtlETlhad|ad Hgh sdmd tlonstdng Prrrdq ftf dtlch ho q[^q{T*TIE*!9-{F. ;'fihrffffi d6triii niricc n *dtonl lhiuttd. T$dral UnllC Echod ll*ttfr ;ffi;nn t ,-ffi*brrtg, diimli o m'nrrrv .nd ttlr clit dT.idttPfr Furno trrix bc nononldbubry b lrb ilrttt CEiflfiCAIE HOLDIR: of ttla ldklr atratad lsrln Gm..lHo|t cf Ccru e f 'ny nod.r dl b dahlld ln *dfi! crnc.5.O mc trcir mr*oo tlta. $nh Dolry F w h htuer gVCr.h# 'll5 torth fio$slrcn drrEt gA gts0t Trldpl o,f tftb Ctdnc.i.r EElt{NEt RlD 8c|{OqaOFC (JtG ll) 1000lt fiiE€r EAKETUAHICA 9$OT P{rox! Oal 6ttt4o6 Frt (!or} Blndllt*hrrr thcJil|}rft'.|g 't**flt Agenda Accounts Payable CITY OT Checks bv Date - Detail Bv Vendor Number User: afrescas Printed: 9/2912015 Vendor 0027 CheckNo: - TEHACHAPI l:56PM Iovoice CAI-IFORNiA No Line Description CheckAmount Atco Intemational 0 Check Date: 1M42782 PWPunui!94lord #0526228/Ship #0445554 10442782-l PWPursuit-94/Ord #052 6228I Shjp #0 4 4 5 5 54 1lL.65 N -49.65 Check Totall Vendor Total: 0035 662.00 BC Labomtories Inc. Check No: Check Date: 8212699 Swrflnfluent-Ei]'luent/Project 08191 5/Lab #l 520 325.00 CheckTotal: Vendor Total: 0061 Check No: 0101 Check No: 325.00 BSKAssociates 0 Check Date: -Aug 3I 20 0074385 EngAVWTP Statjon Const Tes/Aug 0014626 Eng/Curry-Valley Intersec ImproveDroj #C I 5 I ? 4,1I L00 0074631 Eng/Curry Med Pinon ImproveDrqj #C1528661 2,0't2.00 00'74634 Eng,Encroach Permit | 2015,7 948.00 # l ls-lAug I -Aug 3 27',7.50 Check Total: 7,408.50 Vendor Total: ?.408.50 Central San loaquin Valley RMA 0 Check Date: RMA20l6,0ll0 I0-l GG/2015-16 2nd Qtr Insurance Premium GG,/2015-16 2nd Qtr Insumnce Premium WC RMA20t 6-0t I0-2 RMA20l6-0110-3 Fin/2015-16 2nd Qtr Insurance Premium F'n/2015-lo 2nd Qlrlnsurance Premium WC RMA20l6-0t 10-4 PW20l5-16 2nd Qtr lnsurance Premium RMA20r6-0r I0-5 PW2015-16 2nd Qtrlnsurance Premium WC RMA2ot6-01l0-6 RMA20t6-01l0-7 Land./20 I 5- I 6 2nd Qrr Insurance Premir.un RMA20t 6-0t RMA20r 6-0r r0-70 RMA20t6-0t 10-71 RMA20l6-0r r0-72 RMA20r 6,0r r0-73 RMA2016,0t 10-74 RMA20l6-01l0-75 62.83 403.31 100.73 4,930.20 29.42 |,'742.29 Consv2ol5-16 2nd Qtr Insurancc Prcmium WC CD/2015-l6 2nd Qtr Insurance Premium CD/2015- l6 2nd Qr' Insurince Premium WC 2,3',75.99 IT/2015-16 2nd Qtr Ins Premium IT/201s-lr,2nd Qtr Ins Premium RMA20l6-0110-78 RMA2016-01l0-79 PD/20 i 5-16 2nd Qrr Ins Prcmium PDi20l5 16 2nd Qtr Ins Premium RMA2016-0110-8 Council/2015-16 2nd Qtr Ins Premium Council/2015 16 2nd Qtr Ins Premium WC AP-Ch€cks by Date - Detail By Vendor Number (9/2912015 - l:56PM) 40.13 r05.38 I,216.35 5.20 wC Eng/2015- l6 2nd Qtr Ins Premium Eng/2015-16 2nd Qtr Ins Prcmium WC RMA20l6-01l0-80 2,223.49 Land/2o15- l6 2nd Qlr Insurance Premium WC Consv2015-16 2nd Qtr Insurance Premium RMA20l6-0r t0-?7 RMA2016-0110-76 14,330.27 123.88 1',73.97 4,14',7.94 609.20 wC 30,624.23 3.60 85.98 Page I Agenda Vcndor CheckAmount lnvoicc No Line D€scription RMA20l6-0110-81 RMA20l6-0110,82 CC/2015-16 2nd Qtr Ins Premium CC/2015-16 2nd Qtr Ins Premium WC RMA20l6-0110-83 Treas/20 I 5- 16 2nd Qlr Ins Premrum RMA20l6-01 '0-84 85 RMA2016-01l0 Treas/2015-16 2nd Qtt Ins Ptemium WC RMA20l6-01l0-86 12.15 150.66 1.80 42.99 I,683.16 Strts/2o15-16 2nd Qtr Ins Premium Strts/2015-16 2nd Qtr Ins Premium WC RMA20l6-0110-87 RMA2016-01| 0-88 Refl2ol5-16 2nd Qtr Ins Premium RMA20l 6-0 I 10-{J9 RMA2016-0110-9 RMA20r 6 0l l0-90 Wtr/2015-16 2nd Qtr Ins Premium Wtr/2015-16 2nd Qtr Ins Premium WC RMA20l6-0110-91 RMA2016-01l0-92 RMA20l6-0110-93 Swr20l RMA20t6-0110-94 RMA20t 6-0110-95 Air/2ol Ref/201 5 - I 6 2nd Qtr Ins Premium 2,',705.41 2,853.54 3'78.26 wC 5,490.57 13,928.33 Swr/2015- l6 2nd Qtr Ins Premrum 5,340.36 Qtr lns Premium WC Tran/2015-16 2nd Qtr Ins Prcmturn Trar/20 I 5- I 6 2nd Qtr Ins Premium WC 9,276.25 5- I 6 2nd 5- 1 515.50 96.27 I,466.19 6 2nd Qtr Ins Prcmium |,500.17 Air20l5-16 2nd Qtr Ins Premium WC Check Total: 108,876.00 108,876.00 0155 CheckNo: FedEx Check Date: 0 516467 t\1 t6461117-0 5 51646',7117-1 5164671t'7 -2 5t 64671 0260 Check Noi t',] l8.l l GG/Std Ovemight Shipping/Che Johnson-Licber -3 t1.15 CD/Std Ovemight Shipping/Rebecca Moore-LA GG/Std Overnight Shipping/Rick Bend€r FPSE 24.62 24.02 ENG/Std Ovemight Shipping,/Brian Nelson-AE( PD/Std Ovemight Shipping/Jesse Maddox 34.32 Check Total: 118.22 VendorTotal: 1t8.22 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore Check Date: 0 09232015 60.00 Fin/Consortium Member Recording Check Total: VendorToial: 0263 Check No: 0300 Check No: 60.00 L€beau Thelen LLP Check Date: 0 2 PD/L€gal F€es/202 BartletvPrice ProperqT 4,22t.00 35 GcrBroom Fam Trust vs City ofTehachapi 63.00 ch€ck Total: 4,284.00 Vendor Total: 4,284.00 Mission Linen & Unifom Service 0 Check Date: s008690?s PWBIk Matscov Twl Post/Linen Maintenatce 99.10 500908322 PW/Cover FenderAuto,tslk Matscov Twl Post 104.52 s00908323 SwrDust Mop^4ats 44.46 500958421 Swr/Dust Mop,4Mats 44.46 Check Total; VeDdor Total: 292.54 Quinn Company AP-Checks by Date - Detail By Vendor Number (9/2912015 - l:56PM) Page 2 Agenda Vendor CheckNo: 0362 CheckNo: Inaoicc No Check Date: 0 PC080362644 Pwcoupling, S€al O Ring, Hose PCo80362645 Pw/Bolt'Washer 04211 CheckNo: Check No Check Total: 161.09 Vendor Total: l6t.09 Unlead Gas-Di€sel Fuel 183.07 PWReg Unlead Gas-Diesel Fuel 140.69 Check Total: 921.t6 Vendor Total: 923.',]6 Thomas F. Schroeter Attomey @ Law Check Date: 0 -390.00 MI 6% of$6500.00 09282015 Pers 09282015 cc,{-egaf Services Aug 2'7 - 6,500.00 Sep 27 , 2015 CheckTotal: 6,110.00 Vendor Total: 6,110.00 Tehachapi Flower Shop 0 09t 92015 0441 1.60 Check Date: 0 0286',731-1 CheckNo: 159.49 RSI Petroleum Products 0286731 0373 Check Amount Line Description Check Date: l19.33 cF/Pasta Dinn€r Centerpieces/6o Sunflowers Cteck Total: I19.33 Vendor Total: rr 9.33 Vu'can Mateials Company Westem D Check Dat€: 0 ?088595? 350.68 Wtr/3/8" Fine PG&- lo/Env Fee-Agg & Asphalt Check Total: Vendor Total: M50 Check No: USA Bluebook 0 748829 0543 Check No: Check Dat€: Swr,4IM Cal Gas 50% Lel/20.9% Check Total: 260.52 Vendor Total: 260.52 Check Total: 182.28 BSE Rents 0 65896 Check Date: Air/Water Trailer VN# 1B9UP082X58632832 182.28 o9'72 CheckNo: The Tire Store 0 81039 Check Date: Wtr/GMC Silverado/4-P265 ?0Rl 5r0.00 7 Check Total: AP-Checks by Date - D€tail By Vendor Number (9129/2015 - l:56 PM) 530.00 PaBe 3 Agenda Vendor Invoice No Check Amount Line Description Vendor Total: 1005 CheckNo: Quad KnopfInc. 0 81898 1055 Check No: 0 4't03 1286 1430 r440 0 Check No: Vendor Total: 5,313.60 Check Date: 400.76 PD,tsuscards:Barajas, Alvarez, Medina, Vielma, GG/#10 Window Envelopes/#g Envelopes 130.08 Check Total: 530.84 Vendor Total: 530.84 Check Dat€: 58.29 34628 22.',72 34685 Swr/Long Seleeve T-Shjrt Logo Wtr/Long Seleeve T-Shirt Wl-ogo PWShirt Logo/Garment supplied by customer 34',743 CDPlastic Engraving Name Plate,/D Christensen t1.09 22.',73 22.58 Check Total: t4l.4l Vendor Total: t43.41 Sully & Sons Hydraulics Inc. 0 Check Date: Tee/Teflon Reus/Hose Assembly 48.43 1/4 T€e/Teflon Reus/Hose Assembly 48.43 0r04387 Wtr/l t/4 0104387-1 Swr/l Check Total: 96.86 Vendor Total: 96.86 Deluxe For Busin€ss Check Date: 266.8',7 Fir/2 Boxes Las€r Direct Dep Advic€ Check Total: 266.81 VendorTohl: 266.87 Grainger 0 98383388s4 1506 s,313.60 34590 2035082570 1441 Check Total: PD,Metal Nametag-J Velma,tslack Tie/SIlver Ti Check No: Check No: 5,313.60 Tl50 M&M's SDorts Uniforms & Embroidet 34628-l Check No: Check Date: Valley Bl Bikeway Project Phase II/Project Mercury Graphics 4',701 Check No: 530.00 Check Date: l18.90 Swr,Battery Pack Check Total: 118.90 Vendor Total: 1t8.90 San Joaquin Safety Sho€s 0 66765 Check Daie: t82.',7 Wtr/Safery Sho€s/T Brown AP-Checks by Date - Detail By Vendor Number (9/2912015 - 1:56PM) 4 Check Total: 182.'74 Vendor Total l8).74 Page 4 Agenda Vendor 1658 Check No: Invoice No Accelalnc #'l'14375 Check Datc: 0 INV3I5IO 1',724 Check No: 1801 1982 Check No: I 597.60 vendor Total: 59',7.60 92.50 Consrtsi-monthly Svc/314 N Hayes St Air,tsi-monthly Svc/100 Commercial Way 0 92.50 Check Total: 185.00 Vendor Total: 185.00 Ch€ck Date: 80.00 E443173 Wtr/Bug Screen E4?',7304 Wtr/Epoxy/Tubing,Gxpansion E490892 wtrExpansion CPlug,/Repair CPlug 226.38 Plg 41.t9 Check Total: 347.57 VendorTota:: 34',t.5',7 SSD Systems 0 Check Date: 11268',73-A Air/Alarm Sewice - 314 Hayes St 39.25 1126813-41 Const/Alarm Servic€ - 100 Commercial way 37.01 lL268',73-42 Eng/Alarm S€nr'ice - 129 East F Str€et Annex 49.00 1126873-l'3 t126a73-44 PWAlarm Service - 800 Enterprise Way 49.66 Swr/Alarm Servic€ - 750 Enterprise Way,^Water ' Wtr/Alarm Service - 750 Enterprise Waynvater I 33.09 Swr/Alarm Servic€ - 750 Enierprise Way^ly'ater' Wtr/Alarm Service - 750 Enterprise Waynvater ! 27.48 I t268',7 3-4',7 1126873-A8 1t268't3-49 I126U73-A90 I126873-A.9l 33.08 27.47 84.37 Depot/Alarm Service - I0l Tehachapi Bl PDiAlarm Service - 220 C Street t49.52 37.01 GG/Alarm Service - l15 S Robinson St Air/Alarm S€rvic€ - 314 Hayes St 24.61 Chcck Total: 591.61 Vendor Total: 591.61 Thomas G. Garrett 0 Ch€ck Date: 58.31 09162015 Air/Airport Confercnce Meals/Sep I 5-S€p I 8 20 Air/Airport Conference Lodging/Sep l5-Sep l8 2, 45't.65 091620r s Air/A irport Conference/Sep I 6 20 I s/Lake Tahoe 50.00 09152015 2147 Check Total: HD Supply Waterworks LTD I126873,,A6 Check No: 59',7.60 20 I 5 Check Dale: 0 11268'13-45 2052 Gc^,{onthly WebPayments/July-August Banks Pest Control Inc. 460M5 460045 Check No: ChcckAmount Line Description Check Total: 565.96 Vendor Total: 565.96 Coffee Br€ak Service Inc. Check Datc: Check No 223883 GG/CotTe€ Service-Supplies 72851 Cc/water Cooler-Chang€d Filter, Littcr Changer 334.85 5',7.18 Check Total: AP-Checks by Date - Detail By Vendor Number (9/2912015 - l:56PM\ Page 5 Agenda I'endor Chcck Amount Line Description Invoice No Vendor Total: 2833 Check No: Check Date: 0 PD/RIMS Annual Suppo( Svcs-Wananty/Jul l5 4157 2871 Check No: 2981 Check No: Check Total: 10,077.00 VendorTotal: 10,077.00 Check Date: 0 |,263.45 Medina,/E Alvarez PDruniforms/J Vielma 249701 Check No: 10,0?7.00 ProForce Law Enforcem€nt 248562 2963 392.63 Sun Ridge Syslems Inc. 631.72 Check Total: I,895.17 VendorTotal: |,895.l7 AT&T Check Date: 0 7019886 PD/9391040069/Aug 6 Sep 5 2015 1020255 PD/9391009314/Aug 6-Sep 5 2015 ?0353t8 PD/9391006708/Aug 1l-Sep 10 2015 7058819 PD/9391006709/Aug 13-S€p Burke Williams & Sorenson l2 416.91 16.4',7 294.49 2015 Check Total: 891.20 VendorTotal: 891.20 LLP Check Date: 0 1,120.00 LLD/Fees for Prolessional Svcs Rendered Throu t92992 Check Total: I,120.00 Vendor Total: 1,120.00 3011 CheckNo: Check Date: 0 ENGMobile Broadband./R Monigomery AIR Mobile Broadband/G Peierson 38.01 52504599-2 ENG,Mobile Broadband./C Arbaut 38.01 9',7 52504599,3 cc/Mobile Broadband/G Garr€tt 38.01 91 52504599-4 AIR Mobile Broadband,iToughbook 3n.01 9 7 52504599-5 AIR/Mobile Broadband/T Glassgow 29.65 9752504599 6 cc^4obile Broadband/M 29.65 9't52504599 97 52504599 -1 91 ENGA{obil€ Broadband/J Schlosser 29.65 9',7 52504599-8 ENc/l\4obile Broddband/D James-Disconnecl -1',].16 9 52504599-9 WTR,Mobile Broadband/J Curry 15.01 SWRMobile Broadband/J Curry 15.01 7 97 52504599 Check No Vance 52504599-'7 9',7 3066 38.01 -90 Chcck Total: 291.86 Vendor Total: 291.86 AECOM Technical Services Inc. 0 Check Date: 37618685 Eng/Proj-water Ratc S$dy/Proj #60334652/Jul 3?618689 Eng,4nd Pkwy Ext Project/Jul I 3,133.58 -Ar.rg 7 2015,?ro- 7,4A4.',73 37618693 Eng/Motocross Projectful l-Aug 7 2015/Prq # , 5,003.27 316ta695 Eng,4ndirect Potable Reuse Evaluation/Proj #60r 19,235.00 AP-Checks by Date - Detail By Vendor Number (9/2912015 - 1:56PM) Page 6 Agenda v€ndor 3167 Check No: Line Descripaion 3't6287 45 WtrMater Rate Study/Aue 8-Sep 4 37628747 Const/ Ind Pkwy Ext ProjectiAug 8-Sep 4 2015n 3,842.31 31628744 Swr/lndirect Potable Reuse EvaluatiodProj #602 14,ti45.96 Check No: 20 I s/Proj # 1,435.50 , Check Total: 49,980.35 VendorTotal: 49,980.35 SEMS Technologies LLC Check Date: 0 Wtr/Annual Renew SEMS Software/lvfobile App 1,483.50 A-5827-l Swr/Annual R€D€w SEMS Softrvare^,lobil€ Apf 1,483.50 A-5827 -2 PwAnnual Renew SEMS Software^lobile App Const/Annual Renew SEMS Software^'lobile Al |,483.50 A-582'7-3 A-58214 Land/Annual Renew SEMS SoftwareMobile AF 24',7.25 A-5a21 3199 CheckAmount Invoice No 24',1.25 Ch€ck Total: 4,945.00 Vendor Total: 4,945.00 Slick Fish Marketing Co0 Ch€ck Date: 2196 GF/GranFondo Map UpdatesMap Edits 2t96-l GFFTB Order 312613l 92904136373125y. of t26.66 li -31.67 Check Total: 94.99 VendorTotal: 94.99 Bright House Networks Check No: 3218 Check Noi CheckNo: 173.76 Gc/lnt€met Svc/Acct 0050644954 0l /Sep 21-O Check Total: l'73.16 Vendor Total: t'73.',]6 Hub Construction Specialties Inc. Check Dat€: 0 407005175 328l, Ch€ck Date: 0 06,{49540t 091515 98.90 Wtr/Tehachapi Bl-Green St Cross WalldJob #00l CheckTotai: 98.90 vendor Total: 98.90 Statewide Traflic Safety & Signs Inc. 0 12001645 Check Date: rr7.45 Strts/Brett Ave,{Dennison Ave Check Total: VendorTotal: 3561 CheckNo: 0 209'l 3566 Check No: 1t7.45 Lisa wise Consulting lnc. Check Datei 1,820.00 CD,4lousing Element Update 5th Cycle Through Check Total: 1,820.00 Vendor Total. 1,820.00 Blueline Rental 0 23646000002 Check Date: Pw6000 Watt Towable Light Tower/Mill & I St AP-Ch€cks by Date - Detail By Vendor Number (912912015 - l:56PM) 61',7.21 rage I Agenda vendor 3568 Check No: Invoice No 0 3816 Check Noi 3837 Check No: Check No: 6t7.27 1,403.70 Bl0lI': Check Total: 1,403.70 Vmdor Total: 1,403.70 Check Datei l5?0 I570-l Eng,^r'alley Bl Bikeway 1,000.00 975.00 650.00 Phase TI/Job #14909 Check Totaii 2,625.O0 Vendor Total: 2,625.OO Customiz€d Custodial Servic€s 0 Check Date: coTC 1015 coTC l0l5-1 CH/Janitorial Services 890.00 PD[anitorial Services t,950.00 coTcl0l5-2 Depo/Janitorial Services 250.00 coTCl0l5-3 coTCl0l5-4 APranitorial Services 280.00 WwTP/Janitorial Services 530.00 corcl0l5-5 Const/Janitorial S€rvices 280.00 coTCl0l5-6 coTc l0 | 5-7 Senior/Janitorial Ser,/ices 450.00 Annex/Janitorial Services 540.00 Check Total: 5,170.00 Vendor Total: 5,1?0.00 Carmen Lop€z 0 Check Date: 4 PD/Code Enlbrce Clcan Up/202 Badetl CtBoaI t,230.00 5 PD/Ctean Up/706 l/2 E Tehachapi Bl,tsoard Wir 2,150.00 Check Total: 3,380.00 Vendor Total: 3,380.00 CEMEX Construrtion Mat€rials Pac L Check Dale: 9431',719648 3838 Vendor Total: Check Datel Eng/Snyder Well Intertie lPtoi #02233-14 Eng/ Challenger Dr Investigationlob #15038 Eng/Tehachapi Bl Improve Phase III/Job #14909 1569 Ch€ck No: 6t1.21 Wiley D. Hughes Surveying Inc. Check No: 3708 Check Total: Provost & Pritchard 55063 3657 Check Amount Linc Description 586.82 wtr/Green & Tehachapi Bl/Job #l4l56425/Cros. Check Total: 586.82 Vendor Total: 586.82 Michael L O'Day and Associates 0 091215 Check Date: 1,260.98 PD/Pre-Empolymeni Background Investigation/, Check Total: 1,260.98 vendor Total: 1,260.98 Fnnchise Tax Board AP-Checks by Date - Detail By Vendor Number (9/2912015 - l:56PM) Page 8 Agenda vendor Invoice No 0 CheckNo: 2196 3854 0 09t 22015 0 80642 CheckTotal: 31.67 Vendor Total: 31.67 Check Date: PD/Psych-Screening Exam/B Medina, J 1,200.00 Vielma, Check Total: 1,200.00 VendorTotal: 1,200.00 Check Date: 3,720.OO Engruser Fee-Build Comparison Study Check Tolal: 3,720.00 Vendor Total: 3,720.00 Artificial Grass Liquidators Los Angel CheckNo 0 4536 3897 31.67 Capital Accounting Panners LLC CheckNo: 3892 Check Date: GF/Slick Fish Mkt Order 312613t92904136373t Mary Valenti PH.D. Check No: 3816 Check Amount Line Description Check Date: '7,683.8',7 Wtr/AGl Marathon, S€am Tape, Glue, Delivery Check Total: 7,683.87 Vendor Total: 7,683.87 Aerotech News and R€view Inc CheckNo: 0 9396li Check Date: 390.00 GG/Web Display/Advedsing Check Total: Vcndor Total: 3903 Check Date: CheckNo: 10159 10185 ENG/City Plans/l0 Sets of26 GF/ArtworkBarmers^r'inyl Signs,{-aminatiry/ V 108.24 3,407.85 3,5r6.09 Ch€ck Total: Vendor Total 3904 : 3,516.09 Cen-Cal Construction Ch€ck No: 0 R120t 0-3 39t4 390.00 South Street Digital, Inc Check Date: 183,277.96 Strts/Curry-Valley Iniersect Inprove ProjectAul Ch€ck Total: t83,211.96 Vendor Totall ta3,2'7',7.96 R.C. Becker & Son, Inc. Check Dat€: Check No: R140t 6-2 J Curry St Median-Pinon St 16r'',224.51 lmprove ProjecyAug Check Total: t64,224.51 Vendor Total: t64,224.51 I Keller AP-Checks by Date - Detail By Vendor Number (9/29/2015 ' l:56 PM) Page 9 Agenda Vendor CheckNo: lnvoice No 0 9100839580 3924 CheckNo: CheckNo: Check Dat€: 142.22 FinELP Fed & CA Eng Sub 3Y/CA Taxes Ch€ck Total: t42.22 Vendor Total: 142.22 Good Year Commercial Tire 0 230-1023300 3929 CheckAmount Line Description Check Date: PD/8 Tires 235155 t,048.55 Rl7 CheckTotal: r,M8.55 Vendor Total: r,048.55 National Assoc ofSchool Resource Ol Check Dat€: 0 M279r oCA 40.00 PD/lyr Membership in NASRO-S Arebalo #378 40.00 vendor Totali Report Total: AP-Checks by Date - Detail By Vcndor Number (9/2912015 - l:56 PM) 591,821.83 Page 10 Agenda Accounts Payable CITY OT Checks by Date - Detail By Vendor Number User: Printed: 912412015 - 5:ll PM Invoice No 3543 CheckNo: TEHACHAPI afrescas CALIFORNIA Wesl Coast Lights & Sirens 43522 | 1658 Ch€ckAmount Line Description Check Da!e: 09124/2015 7,t13.18 PD/Side Mount Ford Exp/03 & 07 Crown Vic/09 AP-Checks by Date - Detail By Vendor Numbcr (9/2412015 - 5:11 PM) Check Total: 7,1'13.78 Vcndor Total: 7,t'13.18 Report Total: 7,t'13.'78 Page 11 Agenda Accounts Payable CITY Checks by Date - Detail By Vendor Number User: afiescas Printed: 9124/2015 3066 Check No: TFHACHAPI - 5:l8PM Invoice No CAL 3762a744 Check Date: ORNIA CheckAmount Line D€scriDtion AECOM Technical Services Inc. 43523 OT- 09124/2015 Eng,DIan Check Task 0049-walk in Cooler/Proj( Check Total: Vendor Totali R€port Total: AP-Checks by Date - Delail By Vendor Number (9/2412015 - 5:18 PM) Page 12 Agenda Accounts Payable ^ Checks by Date - Detail By Vendor Number User: Pnnted: - 5)4PM Inloice No 00t7 CheckNo: TEHACHAPI afrescas 9124/2015 ITV nr \rtlt\-,/l CAL ORNIA CheckAInount Line Description American Business Machines Check 43524 2465t9 Dat€: 09124/2015 Gc/Toner-Blk, Cyan/Equip 05898^4odel IR Ad' Check Total: Vendor Total: 0155 Check No: 8.00 FedEx Chcck 43533 r 3334t95 | Date: 09/24/2015 PD/Ovemight/Track 602094730185/J Maddox L Check Total: VendorTotal: 0372 Check No: Southem Califomia Edison Chcck 43546 09172015 0395 Check No: Check 43537 09 t Check No: l20l5 Chcck No: 09124/2015 43.17 Check Total: 43.17 Vendor Total: 43.17 Date: Or,rO)rO$ 14.30 GG/00881702005/Aug 5-Sep 3 2015 AIR/01091699981/Aug |o-Scp 20.57 9 2015 09t l20t 5-l AIR-/13691700283/Aug Sep 9 2015 14.30 09112015-2 AIR/12851696026/Aug lo-S€p 9 2015 60.12 l0 Cbeck Total: 109.29 Vendor Total: t09.29 Snarkletis 4354',7 4365880090t l5 0431 Datc: Strts/800 S Curry/Aug l?-Scp 16,2015 Thc Gas Company 09082015 0399 30.24 Check Date: 0912412015 60.55 WTR,Distilled, Drinking/Hot-Cold Cooler Rent CheckTotal: 60.55 VendorTotal: 60.55 Tehachapi News 43551 2629389 2629389-l 2629389-2 Chcck Date: 0912412015 GGA{ountain Fcstival CDnlotice Inviting 744.28 HSIP/HSIP East Tehachapi Improvements 252.50 87.50 CheckTotal: AP-Checks by Date - D€tail By Vendor Number (9/2412015 - 5:l4PM) 1,084.28 Page 13 Agenda Vendor Invoice No ChcckAmount Linc Description Vendor Tota,: 10?5 CheckNo: Prime Signs Check 43543 N4660 1286 Check No: Check 34005 l3t3 CheckNo: 2446 Check No: CheckNo: 174.15 vendor Total: l'74.15 09/2412015 234.67 Armst( Ch€ck Total: 214.67 Vendor Total: 234.67 Date: 09/24120\5 2035606 316.21 2035606-l ccMultifold 476.32 2035606-2 EngMultifold TowelsBath Tissue Towles,rBath Tissu€ Legal Briefings for Building Inspeclor Check Date: 43539 Check Total: I,195.40 Vendor Total: l,t 95.40 09/24/2015 99.49 Date: Check Total: 99.49 Vendor Total: 99.49 09124/2015 96.00 Finf ingerprint-Paula Long Check 43552 402.87 CD/EMD Publishen - Renewal Department of Justice Accounting Om Check 43531 Date: Check Total: 96.00 Vendor Total: 96.00 09/2412015 9751516122 PDAVireless Broadband/Acct 471 71961 6-00001. 818.44 9 75230t',74r FinMobile BroadbaDd/Acct 30-0001/A, 29.83 9752301741-1 WtrA4obile BroadbandAcct 8722391 30-0001/A 14.92 Swr/Mobile Broadband/Acct 8?2239130-0001/A \4.92 97 Check No: Check Tolal: WtrAdultifold Towles/3ath Tissue 301| 3066 Date: Standard Cast Plaque 6"x9"/Susan Hand Check 43529 I19385 CheckNo: 174.15 Certifi€d Laboratorres 15441861 28',74 09/2412015 Swr/3x3 Aluminum Sign - Waslewater Treatmen M&M's Sports Uniforms & Embroider 43540 Dat€: t,084.28 5230r? 41-2 AECOM Technical Services Inc. Check 43523 37 62a744 Dat€: 1372239 I Check Total: 878.1I Vendor Total: 878.1I 09124/2015 300.00 Eng,?lan Check Task 0049-Walk in Cooler/Ptojt Check Total: Code 3 Uniforms AP-Checks by Date - Detail By Vendor Number (9124/2015 - 5:14PM) Paee 14 Agenda Vcndor Check No: ChcckAmount Linc Dcscription lnvoicc No Check 43530 Date: 09124/2015 5',792 PD,/BPD ClassASize 16.5/33, Sizc 14.5/33 322.47 5839 PDB-Class Twill Panls Size 30 Handcuffs, B€lt 382.09 Che€k Total: Vendor To(al: 3t99 Check No: Slick Fish Marketing Co. Check 43545 2t95-l 3252 09124/2015 705.00 CF/GranFondo Website/GmnFondo Memr/SPon! GFFTB 3 | 2613192904136313125o/. of 5105.00 2t95 Ch€ck No: Date: Knighls Event Management Check 43538 Date: -116.25 Check Total: 528.75 Vendor Total: 528.15 09124/2015 573.00 cF/Securiry for GranFondo/Travel Time 09182015 704.56 Check Total: 573.00 573.00 3428 CheckNo: Red House BBQ Check 43544 3543 ChcckNo: West Coast Lights 43553 ll8t4 Date: 09/24/2015 GF 608 Lunches @ I0.00/271 Drinks 09222015 A 6386.50 1.50 Check Total: 6,486.50 Vendor Totall 6,486.50 & Sirens Check Datc: 09/2412015 476.09 PDlPremium Passenger Sid€ Mount Pkg Check Total: vendor Total: 3&s Check No Blueprint Service 43526 851870 check Date: 4',76.O9 09124/2015 GGBase Chg/oCE, Color Scan. Bond DiSital, t 123.51 Check Total: Vendor Total: 37',76 CheckNo: Gayle Slewart 43549 o92r2015 3797 Check Noi Check Date: t23.57 09124/2015 334.',76 CF/Rest Stop Nutrition-CranFondo Check Total: 334.16 VendorTotal: 334.16 Nathan Frerichs 43535 09202015 Check Date: 09124/2015 200.00 Gc./Refund-Special Event DcposidEvent l5-16, Check To(al: AP-Check by Date - Detail By Vendor Number (9/2412015 - 5.l4PM) 200.00 Page 15 Agenda Vcndor Invoicc No Check Amount Linc Dcscription Vendor Total: 3807 Check No: 43532 15332 3444 Check No: Check No: 43534 Check No: Dale: 09/24/20i5 2,137.75 CheckTotal: 2,t37.'75 VendorTotal: 2,131.15 Check Date: 0912412015 t16.25 FTB 312613192904136373 SlickFish/25% of $' Check Total: t't6.25 Vendor Total: 176.25 GameTime C/O Great Westem 43516 PJI-0016373 3855 Check IT/Annual Anti-Virus/Software Upgradc Franchise Tax Board 2195 3852 200.00 Diamond Technologies Check Datei 09/2412015 t2,4t2.51 Freedom Pla"a Proj€ct/PlayArea,4-og-Crate Stef Check Total: t2,412.51 Vendor Total: t2,4t2.51 Central Valley Occupational Med Grp 43528 Check Date: 09124/2015 5't t7 -9 PD/Preplac€ment ExarL/A Barajas, B Medina, J' 1,464.00 5717-9-r Gc/Preplacernent Exalrr/Dnrg Screen{-Casey, E 176.00 Check Totali 1,640.00 Vendor Total: r,640.00 3865 CheckNo: 43542 052220t5 Check Date: 09/2412015 r20.68 PD/Animal Control Equipment Purchased/A Pri( Ch€ck Total: 120.6{i VendorTolal: 3919 CheckNo: Perfetto ltalian Restaurant 43541 09232015 Check Date: 09/2412015 GF/Additional D'nners-Pasta Fesl./CranFondu Check Total: 340.00 V€ndorTotal: 3925 Check No: CalPrime Inc 43527 R060t 0- I Check Date: 09124/2015 Tehachapi Blvd lmprovements Pbase III/Jul 2l-r 22325.00 Check Total: 22,325.00 22.325.00 3926 Check No: Auto Tint West Inc 43525 t69tz 169t2-1 Check Date: 0912412015 CD,f Iatglass/l 5-Window Installa(ion/Custom M EngFlatglass/l s-Window Installation/Custom N AP-Checks by Date - De{ail By Vendor Number (9/24/2015 - 5:l4Pl"l{) |,521.2',7 1.52',7.2',7 Page 16 Agenda Vcndor 3927 check No: Invoicc No Stallion Springs Gen€ral Stor€ 43548 092t2015 3928 CheckNo: Check 09232015 Date: Ch€ck Total: 3,054.54 v€ndorTotal: 3,054.54 09124/2015 4'7.30 GF/Resl Stop Nutrition-GranFondo Tacos Buenos 43550 Chcck Amount Line Description Check Date: CF/!78 Lunches Check Total: 47.30 Vendor Total: 4'7.30 09/2412015 @) 10.00. ll6Drinks@) 150 CheckTotal: t,954.00 Vendor Total: t,954.00 Report Total: AP-Checks by Date - Detail By Vendor Number (9124/2015' 5:l4PM) 57,948.61 Page 17 Agenda Accounts Payable CITY OT Checks by Date - Detail By Vendor Number User: aftescas Printed: 9124/2015 Vendor 043t Check No: - TEHACHAPI 5:21PM Invoice No CATIF'ORNIA CheckAmount Litre Description Tehachapi News Check 4355r Date: 2629389 GG^4ountain Festival 2629389-l CD^{otice ltrviting 26293a9-2 09/24/2015 744.28 87.50 252.50 HSIP/HSIP East Tehachapi Improvements Check Total: 1,084.28 Vendor Total: 1,084.28 30t I Check No: CheckDale: 43552 9751516122 3543 Check No: 97 5230t't41 9',7 52301',7 9',7 52301't 4t -2 4t- l 09/24/2015 PD^Iy'ireless Brcadband/Acct 471 73 961 6-0000 l, 818.44 Fin4{obile Broadband/Acct 8722391 30-0001/A' 29.83 Wtr^-{obil€ Broadband/Acct 8722391 30-0001/A Swr/Mobi lc Broadband/Acct 8?223 9 | 3 0-000 t /A 14.92 14.92 CheckTotal: 8?8.t I Vendor Total: 878.1I West Coast Lighls & Sirens 43553 Il8t4 Check Dat€: 09124/2015 4',76.09 PD/Pr€mium Passengcr Side Mount Pkg Chcck Total: AP-Checks by Date - Detail By VendorNumber (9/2412015 - 5:21PM) VcndorTotal: 476.09 Rcport Total: 2,438.48 Pas€ 18 Agenda Accounts Payable ntTV n tr \.Jtttvl Checks by Date - Detail By Vendor Number User: Pdnted: Vendor 2695 Check No: TEHACHAPI aftescas 9/24/2015 - 5:03 PM Invoice No tttrnDNl UALII\JI\I\I11 ^A lA CheckAmount Line Description Home Depot Cr€dit Services 43554 Check Date: 09/24/2015 64.37 A?01| 280 Strts/Simple Green AA70l1034 Wtr/s" Nails, 30 lbBucket AB70l1342 Gc/Duplex Outl€l StnsDro Striping Flat Blk Spray wtr/Scotts Landscapc Fabric Pro 85.94 I21268 BA|L21291 Wtr^fiall Block Grey Border Stone 42.89 BB15?3652 BCo103245 Wtr/GladeAerosol Spray, Softsoap, Clorox Wr/Hose, Bmss Fit, Brass Adapt 48.I3 BDl1688 Gc/Sponges, Bucket & Lid, Towles, Hand Clear 48.42 BE00t 1692 Wlr/Dripless Caulk Gun BF00t t?03 Stris/Scnrb Sponge, Quik wax wr/?5n Hose. All Purp Gloves. Sealanl. Brass AC50l1454 AD2011594 B I c00l | 715 cAo13l49s t01.00 19.38 5.s3 2.86 Wtr/TurfReplacement 1.66 't.07 t I Strts/33 Gal Trash Bags, Carpet Knife 3.07 456.34 165.21 27.26 cB0513132 CD/Hand Soap, Bottle Brush, Battefles cc0573'768 Wlr/Hammer, Bits 46.t6 cDo083169 Wtr/Adaptcr 2t.20 D9011726 Wtr^.,lat, U-Bolt 45.47 DA90l t755 PWPoly Tub€ D89573801 Wtr/Cutter Blade, Sealant, PVC Cupling, PVC A DC5103482 Wtr/Sealant, Hosrbib, Soil Scoop. Hand Pump 9.23 35.14 65.O2 t24.06 DD40r 1955 Lanal/Hose. Bmss Nozzel, Dual Conncctor DE4012005 Gcrultimatc Quik wax 19.90 E4t31785 Const4ndustrial Hose 94.27 E43012043 Gc/Swival Bolt snaps ?.05 EB3574117 WtrNokink Hos€bib EC20l2l2l 479.O3 ED1083367 AIR/BIk Power Surge, Ext Cord, Adjustable Mel Land/Spot Sprinkler, Spray Sprinkleq Trigger Nr F8103?66 Land,/Hcx Brushing Mix, Brass Pipc, Brass Fittir 28.73 FA8t 1l760 Land/Charcoal Mat 24.70 FB8574447 30.07 FC6t32235 SWMIammer Carbidebit PwTitanium Ratch€t, Power L€ver FD5012461 PWReplacement Battery 30.14 G5012415 Swrrutility Knife-Blades/Telescopic Pole/ Scrap GA5023407 Swr/Huskcy Extcnsion Cord G84581827 CD^ragnetic Tool Box Level/Reversable Screw GC1023668 Depot/Paint Recycle Feef aint/Caulk GDl13253l PWn ood Transfer Shovel H 156.f433 Strts/Painters Satin Fossil HAl5?4845 Stns.Avire Bnrsh^Vire Wheel H81592760 Swr,Elk Flcx TubinS 5.33 Mix 2',7.58 1.82 42.30 83.19 2'1.92 20.91 193.07 46.05 8.12 85.87 HC0012758 Depot/Concrcte HD002l7l I Depot?lastic Tray/Paint Brushes/Roller Covers 43.65 10023162 t1!95',74939 Depo/Paint Recycle Fee/Paint WtrAeather Cloves 11.47 tB95820?7 wrrf .rbsrwculrer 91.02 AP-Ch€cks by Date - Detail By Vendor Nr.rmber (9124/2015 - 5:O3 PM) Bladc. I 5pc Screwdrivers Page 19 Agenda Vendor lnvoicc No CheckAmount Line Dcscription AP-Checks by Date - Detail By Vendor Number (9/2412015 - 5:03 PM) Chcck Total: 3,081.21 Vendor Total: 3,081.21 Report Total: 3,081.21 Paee 20 Agenda Accounts Payable e Checks by Date - Detail By Vendor Number User: afrescas Printed: 9/28l2OtS t 869 Check No: TEHACHAPI - 2:l2PM Invoice No irY 0r a \. nA IL lrn I I \'/ D I\ Nr l\ lA | /-1 CheckAmount Line Description Stat€ Water Resourc€s Control Board 43555 092820r5 Check Date: 09/28/2015 WwTP/Operation Ce(ificalion Grade V/w Misi Check Total: VendorTotal: R€port Total: AP-Checks by Date - Delail By Vendor Numb€r (9/28/2015 - 2:12 PM) Paee 21 Agenda c .:Y :-r t TEHACHAPI CALliii-:aii:4 COUNCIL REPORTS MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 5,2015 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD:- CITY MANAGER: AGENDASECTTON: FTNANCE DTRECTOR TO: HONORABTE MAYOR W|GG|NS AND COUNC|T MEMBERS FRoM: HANNAH CHUNG, FINANCE DIRECTOR DArE: SEPTEMBER 29,2015 SUUECT: FINANCING FOR DISPATCH SERVICE START-UP COST AND SERVER VIRTUALIZATION PROJECT The City has been working toward establishing in-house police dispatch services. As the due diligenCe study is near completion and lhe set-up cost quotes are available to us, we are ready to work on financing. In order to take advantage of the historically low interest rate, staff decided to pursue the borrowing process before the Federal Reserve increases the federal funds rate. The bonowing costs breakdown is as listed below: Cost Fund Dispatch Set-up $400,000 Contingency $ 50,000 Total Dispatch Set-up Cost $450,000 System Virtual Server Total Amount to Borrow $ 45.000 $495_000 The detailed cost breakdowns are attached. FISCAL IMPACTS There are two available terms, five and seven years. Depending on the term, the interest rates varies,2.48o/o and 2.72o/o respectively. The semi-annual payments will be $52,938.29 for the five year term and $39,069.06 for the seven year term. OPTIONS 1. Choose seven-year term. 2. Choose five-year term 3. Do not finance. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Council: 1. Approves the Server Virtualization Project 2. Approves the agreemenl with Holman Capital Corporation for Lease Purchase Financing (seven-year term) with pending legal approval. 3. Authorizes the Finance Director to proceed with financing process. Agenda HOLMAN CAPITAL CORPORATION LEASE PURCHASE FINANCING PROPOSAL PAGE 1OF 4 HtrffiX Wednesday, September 30, 2015 Hannah Chung Finance Director city of Tehachapi 115 S Robinson Street Tehachapi, CA 93561 VIA E-MAIL RE: Proposal for Lease Purchase Financing Hannah: Holman Capital Corporation ("HCC") is pleased to present to the City ofTehachapi its proposal for 911 System and Server Virtualization Project financing. The terms and conditions of our proposal are outlined as below: LESSEE: City of Tehachapi, CA, Lessee is a state or political subdivision within the meaning of Section 103(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"). LESSOR: Holman Capital corporation, or its Assignee TYPE OF FINANCING: Master Lease Agreement. Said Agreement shall be a net lease arrangement whereby Lessee is responsible for all costs of operation, maintenance, insurance, and taxes. The Agreement shall be based on the annual appropriation of funds. BANK QUALIFICATION: Lessee reasonably anticipates the total amount of tax-exempt obligations (other than private activity bonds) to be issued by Lessee during calendar year 2015 will not exceed ten million ($10,000,000.00) dollars. EQUIPMENT: 911 System and Server Virtualization Project Agenda HOLMAN CAPITAL CORPORATION LEASE PURC}IASE FINANCING PROPOSAL PAGE 2 OF 4 PURCHASE OPTION: The purchase option can be exercised on any scheduled payment date. The current payment and purchase option are due should the Lessee decide to exercise the option. ESCROW FUNDING: HcC has assumed funding of an escrow account for this transaction on or about october 20' 2O15. The Equipment Acquisition Fund will be used to pay equipment vendors/contractors and any escrow expenses. Escrow Agent will be selected by Lessee subject to credit approval. Hcc to review and approve escrow disbursements prior to Escrow Agent disbursing of funds. It is assumed that all interest earnings will accrue for benefit of Lessee. This proposal also does not take into consideration the application of any interest earnings from the escrow fund of the account. HCC'S ESCROW DISBURSEMENTS: HCC will request the following information from the Lessee to authorize disbursement of funds to vendors and or the Lessee from the escrow account: . . . o . REIMBURSETTIENT: INSURANCE: Executed Disbursement Request Form Executed Acceptance Certificate Copies of Vendor Invoices; Proof of Payment (required if Lessee is requesting a reimbursement) Proof of Insurance (both Liability and Property and Casualty Coverage) Lessee intends to be reimbursed for any equipment cost associated with this Agreement, intent for reimbursement from the proceeds of this Agreement must be evidenced, and must qualify under the Treasury Regulation Section 1.150.2' If The Lessee shall furnish confirmation of all risk physical damage insurance coverage for the full cost of the property plus one million ($1.000,000.00) dollars combined single limit property damage and bodily injury insurance covering the property. HCC shall be named as loss payee and additional insured on such coverage. Agenda HOLMAN CAPITAL CORPORATION LEASE PURCHASE FINANCING PROPOSAL PAGE 3 OF 4 AUTHORIZED SIGNORS: The Lessee's governing board shall provide HCC with its resolution or ordinance authorizing this Agreement and shall designate the individual(s) to execute all necessary documents used therein. LEGAL OPINION: The Lessee's counsel shall furnish HCC with an opinion covering this transaction and the documents used herein. This opinion shall be in a form and substance satisfactory to HCC. LEGAL TITLE: Title to the equipment will be in the name of Lessee. Lessor will be granted a security interest or lien on all collateral being financed. DOCUMENTATION: Utilize standard HCC lease agreement that will cover all facets of the transaction. A copy of the sample lease agreement will be forwarded to the Lessee upon acceptance of the proposal. The Lessee will be responsible for a $5,000.00 documentation fee, which can be paid included in the financing amount or paid at closing. RATE LOCK EXPIRATION: If funding does not take place by October 29, 2015, the Lease Rate and Lease Payment Amounts will be adjusted to market conditions three (3) days prior to funding. Once set, the Lease Rate will remain fixed for the Lease Term. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: Lessee shall provide to Lessor three (3) years of current financial statements, budgets, demographics, and proof of appropriation for the ensuing Fiscal Year and such other financial information relating to the ability of Lessee to continue this Agreement as may be reasonably requested by Lessor. This proposal is subject to final credit approval by the Credit/Investment Committee of Holman Capital Corporation and approval of the lease documents in Holman Capital Corporation's sole discretion. To render a credit decision, Lessee shall provide HCC with the information requested above. Upon receipt of the signed proposal, we will endeavor to provide you with a timely commitment. Agenda HOLMAN CAPITAL CORPORATION LEASE PURCHASE FINANCING PROPOSAL PAGE 4 OF 4 It is a pleasure to offer this proposal to you and we look forward to your favorable acknowledgment. Sincerely, ,{x0g Frank L Gill IV Vice President AGREED TO AND ACCEPTED BY, SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF THE FOREGOING DOCUMENTATION r Name: Tiue: Date: Agenda SUBJEGTToANDMADEAPARToFTHATCERTA|NPRoPoSALDATEDSEPTEMBER29,20t5 LESSEE: LESSOR: COMMENCEMENT: TERM: -1ST PAYMENT DUE: RATE: L CITY OF TEHACHAPI HOLMAN CAPITAL CORPORATION 20-Oct-2015 5 YEARS 20-Apr-2016 2.4800% 4/20/2016 2 to/20/2076 5 4l20/2OL7 L0/20/2077 5 6 7 8 9 10 Purchase Option s s s 4/20/2078 70/20/2Or8 s 4120/2019 70/2012019 4l20/2O2O s s s s 52,938.29 5 52,938.29 5 52,938.29 s 52,938.29 S s2,938.29 s s2,938.29 s 52,938.29 S 52,938.29 s s2,938.29 s 52,938.29 s 6,138.00 5 5,ss7.68 5 4,970.16 s 4,375.35 s 2?7a17 q 5,105.52 ) 2,546.32 5 7,92L.46 5 1,288.8s s Grand Totals OPTION A. 5 YEARS 46,800.29 5 47,380.61 s 47,968.13 S 48,s62.94 s 49,L65.L2 5 49,774.77 S 50,391.97 s s1,016.83 s 51,99.44 .s0 s 5 46L,645.70 4L2,843.67 363,436.50 3L3,4L6.67 262,776.60 211,508.58 159,604.86 !07,o57.52 s3,858.60 Agenda SUBJECT TO AND MADE A PART OF THAT CERTAIN PROPOSAL DATED SEPTEMBER 29' 2015 LESSEE: LESSOR: COMMENCEMENT: CITY OF TEHACHAPI HOLMAN CAPITAL CORPORATION TERM: 7 YEARS IST PAYMENT DUE: 20-Aor-2016 RATE: 2.72000/o 20oct-2015 0 476,542.83 4/20/201.6 10/20/2OL6 4/20/2OL7 39,069.06 6,732.OO 32,337.06 s 39,069.06 6,292.22 32,776.44 s 442,782.64 39,069.06 5,846.45 33,222.67 4 tol20/2or7 39,069.06 5,394.62 3?,674.44 5 4/20/2Or8 39,069.06 4,936.65 34,132.41, s s s 408,563.39 34,596.61 ( 303,087.83 1 2 373,a78.72 33a,722.34 LOI20/2018 4/2012079 39,069.06 4,472.45 7 39,069.06 4,OOL.94 35,067.L2 s 266,968.70 8 10/20/2Ot9 39,069.06 3,525.02 35,544.04 s 230,358.34 4/20/2O2O 39,069.06 3,O4L.62 36,027.44 193,250.07 36,517.41, 755,637 .1,4 6 10/20/2O2O 39,069.06 2,551.65 77 4/20/2O2r 39,069.06 2,055.01 t2 rol20/2o2r 39,069.06 l,))l.oz 13 4/2O/2022 T4 lOl20/2022 10 37,O1,4.O5 s 37,517.44 ( 39,069.06 7,O41,.39 38,027 .67 s 39,069.06 s24.20 38,544.86 s Grand Totals OPTIONB-TYEARS ) 717,512.67 78,a69.71 39,701.27 Agenda TETIA POLIEE A{dd..i4.Co nfutcy wi*vsa{"ty oatts? i.1 OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE FROM: KENT KROEGER, CHIEF OF POLICE TO: CITY STAFF DATE: SEPTEMBER 9, 2015 SUBJECT: UPDATED DISPATCH COSTBREAKDOWN I have provided a breakdown of the costs associated with opening our own Dispatch Center based upon the most recent estimates I have received ln the event the State agrees to fund our agency as a PSAP, the State will absorb the AT&T 91 1 System portion. DESCRIPTION AT&T 911 System (AT&TI Vestr E911 System / 2 Position Equipment Training Sales Tax T.otal 91 1 iquipment Cost Reoeater hstallation lrFtallation of JEI Recorder Total Dispatch Equipment SC CgTqt1icatiglg 45,679.29 I 1 ,000.00 21,089.68 77,768.97 Dbpatch lnstallatbn / Server (Dhmond Tech) Server / Network Upgrade Project Total Server / Network Upgrade oA Corner Dispatch Modules Delivery / Installation Tax I Olat F umrure 45,828.00 AOO O? 96, 699.92 ,100.00 3,437.'tO 60,365.10 11 392,793.39 Agenda @ F -l €-/ TE HAC HAPI CAL ORNIA City of Tehachapi (CoT) Server Virtual ization Project Prepared by: Paul Limpias, Mike Leftwich Diamond Technologies, Inc. 8/6/20Ls Printed August 6, 2015 l lPage Agenda City of TehachaPi 115 S Robinson St Tehachapi, CA 93561 The current server infrastructure for the City ofTehachapi is made up of server hardware and software that is either nearing end of life or has passed its end of life' Many of the servers in use are not protected by manufacturer Warranty. The lack of manufacturer warranty could result in extended down time waiting for parts to be sourced, ordered and received. The following servers have Windows Server 2003 Operating Systems installed. This software is no longer supported by Microsoft making the software vulnerable to unauthorized access or vulnerable to cyber-attacks: o o CITYHALL03 o LINCPLUS CITYHALLO4 The following servers have reached end of life and/or are not protected by manufacturer warrantv: a CITYHALLO3 a CITYHALLO4 a CITYHALLO6 o o LINCPLUS COT-CAMERA02 (win 7 home) RECOMMENDATIONS DiamondlT proposes to replace the legacy server hardware and software with Dell servers configured in a fault tolerant High Availability design. This solution will reduce the number of physical servers in use from the 8 currently in use {includes CITYHALL 01-DC} down to 2 host servers. lt will also add a layer of protection against hardware failure. The proposed servers will include a 5 year manufacturer warranty maximize the life of the hardware. All Windows Server 2003 Operating systems will be upgraded to MS Windows Server 2012 Government edition. Hieh Availabilitv The Highly Available server design will protect against critical hardware failures that have traditionally interrupted businesses. Using VM Ware VSphere 6.0 virtual machine technology, physical servers are used to host multiple virtual machine servers. A virtual machine (VM) is a software implementation of a machine (i.e. a computer) that executes programs like a physical machine. Printed August 6,2015 2lFagc Agenda phtsitalgBr!,€r pByscar 361"c€' sc.!'Er The above illustration demonstrates how the redundant server system works. lf a physical host server Were to experience hardware failure the Virtual Machines are transferred to the 2"d physical host server. This is known as a server cluster. pn\.€ir5l The failover server system will consist of two physical servers and a Storage Attached Network (SAN) appliance. The two servers will host the software applications needed to manage the dispatch system. ffiffiw gEE The SAN is required in this High Availability design. The SAN serves as the area where all virtual machines are stored along with the network data storage for end users. DiamondlT proposes to utilize the new Dell EqualLogic SAN included in the Police Dispatch installation. (Pricing for d SAN will not be provided in this proposal. ln the event thot the Police Dispatch project is not opproved a SAN will need to be added to this project). Printed August 6,2015 3lP;1ge Agenda DiamondlT proposes to repurpose the existing Promise sAN as storage for less critical operations such as data backups and NUUO camera storage Benefits The benefits of this design type are: . . . o . Increased performance across multiple server head units Assurance of network availability Faster access to stored data Eased implementation of network server Increased protection of stored data An added benefit to the virtualization design proposed is the ability to upgrade the existinS servers without any additional cost. The proposed server design will allow the upgrade of the network servers, identified under the ..current Landscape" section of this proposal, without the high costs of server hardware. Also these devices will now be placed in the High Availability environment. Summary The City of Tehachapi's lT infrastructure is of age and condition that require immediate attention on several of devices including: Server condition: POOR - out of date, mixed environment and lacking industry standards e o Security: POOR - Unsupported Windows Server Operating system software is a network security risk and open to unauthorized network access to City records The recommendations in the proposal are offered to ensure safe and continuous access to City data at all times. Pricing for the proposed changes are provided in the accompanying City of Tehachapi network upgrade pricing document. Printed August 6, 2015 4lPagr Agenda Scooe of Work The following Scope of Work details the major steps involved in the completion of the recommended services included in this proposal . Prep 2 Dell R630 Server with firmware upgrades, iDrac alert notification and physical redundancy using best practices. o r Installation of Dell Open Manage for ESX Hardware monitoring Rack Equipment and perform physical installation of cables and interconnects in Citv Hall Rack . Install and Configure VMware vSphere 6.0 essentials plus virtualization software with latest patches using VMware best practices. o o . Configure VMware virtual Switches . Create up to 6 Virtual Machine servers and complete Physical to Virtual migration of the following servers: Configured Dedicated Luns with Access Security for host server access. Phvsical redundant connection with Multi patch to SAN o CITYHALLOI-DC o CITYHALLO3 o CITYHALLO4 . o o o o o CITYHALL06 LINCPLUS COT-CAMERAO2 Install VMWare integration tools Configure HA Restart priority Configure VMFS Storage for optimal lO distribution o o . Perform failure testing within the systems. Provide documentation of Logical and Physical configuration of the sytem. Upgrade the following Windows Server 2003 Operating systems to Windows Server 2012 R2: o CITYHALLO3 o CITYHALL04 Printed August 5,2015 r o CITYHALL06 LINCPLUS 5l/:!c Agenda . Repurpose hardware o CITYHALLOl I . . o o Create management server running on ESX6, this will run vCenter and a backup domain controller. Installation of vcenter Appliance, configure licensing, add host to cluser, HA, DNS, NTP, AD integration Configure alarm notification Promise SAN . Additional storage for NUUO Camera server and data backups Decommission legacy server hardware for the following servers: o o o o CITYHALL02 CITYHALLO3 CITYHALL04 CITYHALLOT o o o o CITYHALLO5 CAMERA02 CITYHALL06 LINCPLUS Assumptions o r o r o r Tehachapi Police Dept Dispatch project has been approved and will be completed prior to or in conjunction with the City of Tehachapi network upgrade project. City of Tehachapi current software will support Windows Server 2012 Std software Additional work to be performed outside of this Statement of Work will require approval by Client and will be billed as quoted. All services will be provided during 8am to 5pm Monday thru Friday. lf after hours or weekend service is required additional hourly charges will apply. Diamond Technologies staff will be allowed access to client location to complete necessary installation reouirements. Diamond Technologies does not warranty installed hardware. All equipment installed is warranted by manufacturer and subject to manufacturing warranty policies Printed August 6,2015 6lPagi Agenda 1&! DrFlYs,lJErE b We have prepared a quote for you City of Tehachapi Server Upgrade Quote # 002094 Version 1 Prepared for: City of Tehachapi Ashley Whitmore a wh itmo re @te ha ch a p icityha Agenda Agenda r)ir4lvrq_rt-tPB .& DHardware t S17,688.10 PowerEdge R630 Server (21o-ACXSI PowerEdge R630 lilotherboard (329-BCIY) Thank you for choosing Dell ProSupport Plus. For tech support, visit Dell Hardware Limited Warranty Plus On Site Service Extended Year Dell Hardware Limited Warranty Plus on Site Service Prosupport Plus: Mission Critical4-Hour 7x24 On-Site Service with Emergency Dispatch,EXT to 2 Year Prosupport Plus: Mission Critical 4-Hour 7x24 On-Site Service with Emergency Dispatch, 3 Year Prosupport Plus: 7x24 HWSW Tech Support and Assistanc€, 5 Year PowerEdge R630 Shipping- I Drive Chassis (340-AKPS) Broadcom 5719 QP 1Gb Network Interface Card, Low Profile (540BBHS) Broadcom 5720 QP I Gb Network Daughter Card (540-BBB\'V) jDRACS Enterprise, integrated Dell Remote Access Controller, Enterprise (385-BBHO) OpenManage Essentials, Server Configuralion Management (634BBWU) Chassis with up to 8, 2.5" Hard Drives, 3 PCle Slots (321-BBKL) Fresh Air Cooling, PowerEdge R630 (384-8BDT) Bezel 8 Drive Chassis (325-BBll) Performance BIOS Settings (384-8BBL) No RAID for H330/H730/H730P (1-24 HDDs or SSDs) (780-8BJC) PERC H330 Integrated RAID Controller (405-AAEF) Intel Xeon ES2650 v3 2.3GH2,25M Cache,9.60GT/s QPl,Turbo,HT,10c/20T (105W Max Mem 2l33MHz (338-BFFF) Upgrade to Two Intel Xeon E5-2650 v3 2.3GH2,25M Cache,9.60GT/s QPl,Turbo,HT,l 0C/20T (1 05W (374-BBGM) 16GB RDIMM, 2'133 MT/s, Dual Rank, x4 Data Wdth (370-ABUG) 2133MT/s RDIMMS (370-ABUF) Performance opl,mized (370-MlP) 500G8 7.2K RPM SATA 6cbps 2.5in Hot-plug Hard Drive,13G (400AEEL) Electronic System Documentation and OpenManage DVD Kit, PowerEdge R630 (343-8BDK) DVD ROM SATA Internal (429-AAOM) ReadyRaits Sliding Rails VMth Cable Management Arm (770-BBBL) Dual, Hot-plug, Redundant Power Supply (1+1), 750W (450-ADWS) NEMA 5-15P to C13 Wall Plug, 125 Volt, 15 AMP, 10 Feet (3m), Power Cord, North America (450-MLV) Intemal Dual SD Module (330-BBCL) Redundant SD Cards Enabled (385-BBCF) 16GB SD Card For IDSDM (385-BBHV) 16GB SD Card For IDSDM (385-BBHV) VMware ESXi 6.0 Embedded lmage on Flash Media (634-BDXD) 120W Heatsink for PowerEdge R630 (412-AAEE) 120W Heatsink for PowerEdge R630 (4'12-AAEE) Su btotal: s17,688.10 Pase 3 of 7 Agenda Software Subtotal: s14,840.00 Subtotal: s8,400.00 Services Agenda City of Tehachapi Server UPgrade Prepared by: Prepared for: Quote Information: Diamond Technologies city of Tehachapi Quote Michael Leftwich (561)833-s500 Fax (661)833-5508 115 S Robinson St. Tehachapi, CA 93561 Ashley Whitmore Version:1 [email protected] [email protected] 667A222200 f: 002094 Delivery Date: 08/03/2015 Expiration Date: 09/30/2015 Quote Summary Subtotal: s40,928.10 Tax: S1,326.51 ora t: 542,254.7t I Terms and Conditions The enclosed material is proprietary to Diamond Technologies Inc., and is therefore copyrighted material. This material is presented for the purpose of agreement to services and may not be disclosed in any manner to anyone other than the addressee and employees or an authorized representative of the herein addressed firm hereafter referred to as "Client". The enclosed material is time sensitive and is therefore considered firm for 30 days from date of proposal. Diamond Technologies Inc., reserves the right to modify any of the enclosed or related details thereafter. This proposal and pricing outlined herein is only valid when purchased as a complete hardware, software, and service solution unless otherwise agreed to by the Account Manager. Hardware/Software Purchases: All hardware and software orders are prepaid and will be ordered same day as payment received Invoices may be issued in advance of the actual performance of the service/ installation. A 15% restocking fee will apply to any hardware/softwa re that is returned. Returns may only occur with an RMA. RMA s may not be issued for all items. PaEe 5 0T / Agenda Drr.Jh4,=NDE This is a BUDGETARY price estimate. lt is NOT a firm or final quote. The final pricing and configuration may need to be adjusted to include items such as: additional products, licenses, professional services, shipping or taxes. lf this is a project, please budget project can up to a 15 percent contingency fee for any change orders necessary to complete the work. This is to ensure the prepare a formal you in order to accurately proceed with minimal interruption. Additional information may be required from solution quote. These may include: floorplans, network diagrams, local, long distance and Internet access bills, site surveys, etc Please submit payment to: Diamond Technologies, Inc PO Box 9007 Bakersfield CA 93389 Invoice/Payment Terms: Invoices for Services will be issued on a monthly basis based on actual Services performed during the previous Diamond Technologies fiscal month. Payment is due thirty (30) days from date of invoice. Expenses: Customer will be responsible for any Service related expenses including actual, reasonable and necessary travel and living expenses Diamond Technologies incurs, as invoiced at the time of incurrence, in connection with delivering the Services. Taxes: Diamond Technologies' pricing may not include applicable local taxes. Scope Changes: Additionalfees will apply for any; Adds/Moves or Changes, requested by client and added to the scope ofthe Services. Anv additional work that is required outside the scope of this SOW requires written approval by Customer and Diamond Technologies as described in the Change Control Process detailed in this SOW. Services Scheduling: Services may not be scheduled or commenced until the Purchase Order (if any) and signed SOW is received by Diamond Technologies. Upon receipt of a signed SOW and Purchase Order, a Diamond Technologies Project Mana8er will typically contact you within 3 business days to begin Services scheduling. Services Scheduling will be based upon Customer's schedule preferences/requirements and the availability of required resources. Pricing: The terms offered by Diamond Technologies under this SOW (including but not limited to the pricing) shall be valid for thirty (30) days following initial delivery of this SOW to Customer. In the event this SOW is executed by Customer after such thirty (30) day period, Diamond Technologies may in its sole discretion, (i) accept the SOW on the stated terms or (ii) reject such SOW and may provide Customer with a revised SOW setting forth any necessary updates to the terms of the previous SOW. Termination: Customer may terminate this SOW for convenience upon providing Diamond Technologies with thirty (30) days written notice. Upon anytermination of this SOW or the associated Agreement, Customershall payall of Diamond Technologies' unpaid fees and out-of-pocket expenses accrued through the effective date of such termination. lf Customer fails to perform any payment obligations hereunder and such failure remains un-remedied for fifteen (15) days, Diamond Technologies may suspend its performance until payment is received or terminate this SOW and the associated Agreement upon written notice. Order of Precedence: This SOW, together with the Purchase Order (if any) and the Agreement, states all of the rights and responsibilities of, and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous oraland written communications between Diamond Technologies and Customer regarding this Service. The use of pre-printed forms, such as Purchase Orders, will be for convenience only, and all pre-printed terms and conditions stated on such forms will not apply to this Agreement. Should a PaQe b oT / Agenda purchase order, sow and Agreement, the following order of precedence shall be conflict arise between the terms of the provided, however, that any terms and followed: first, the sow, second the Agreement, and third the Purchase order (if any); conditions printed on the Purchase Order shall not apply. Taxes, shipping, handling and other fees may apply. We reserve the right to cancel orders arising from pricing or other errors' of your desired Diamond Technologies will perform the services outlined in this document according to our understanding results as agreed upon by both Clier.t and Diamond Technologies, Inc. lf Diamond Technologies, Inc. encounters any configuration or migration issues outside of the scope, as defined above, we will immediately notify the Client and take the appropriate action to redefine the scope of work and adjust the time and materials required accord ingly. to the Terms and Conditions provided. I am an authorized agent with authority to enter into this agreement with Diamond Technologies Inc. I hereby confirm to you that the information and arrangements outlined and the terms of payment are acceptable to us. Our deposit is attached. This agreement can not be canceled or modified without written permissions. Support Services rates are subject to change with notification. I have read and agree Signature Date Faee 7 of 7 Agenda HACHAPI APPROVED DEPARTMENT COUNCIL REPORTS MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 5. 2015 AGENDA SECTION: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES TO: HONORABIE MAYOR WIGGINS AND COUNCIT MEMBERS FROM: JOHN (JAY) SCHLOSSER, P.E., DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR DATE: SEPTEMBER 29,2OT5 SUBJECT: EAST TEHACHAPI TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT . AWARD BACKGROUND: the Council is aware, the City of Tehachapi received authorization to proceed with construction from Caltrans Local Assistance for the above-named project. The improvements are located on Tehachapi Boulevard from Steuber Road to Monolith Street. The project consists of the installation of new traffic signals, As curb, gutter, sidewalk, curb ramps, pavement widening, and new traffic signs and striping. On August 26,2OI5 advertising began for the project. Staff opened bids for this project on Septem ber 22, 2015. The results of the bid opening are listed in the table below: Contractor Name Bid Amount Cal Prime, lnc s1,346,000.00 R.C. Becker and Son, Inc. 51,361, G ra nite Construction Company Golden Vista Construction G riffith Company 57,441,867.00 5L,s42,2O8.16 s1,585,8s1.00 FISCAT IMPACT: The initial estimated project cost at inception (including Design, Environmental, Construction, and Construction Administration) was S1,390,000. City staff submitted a grant application for the project in June 2013 and was awarded 51,250,900. This left a match remainder of S 139,100. City staff received notification from Caltrans in March 2015 of additional funds being offered as an incentive for early delivery of Cycle 5 HSIP projects. The City successfully obtained these funds (toll credits), totaling S121,100. Using the low bid value Agenda of s1,346,000.00 from Cal Prime, Inc., the total project value has grown to approximately s1,672,000. To maximize the available funding, City staff requested and was granted additional funds from the HSIP program of5348,111 foratotal grant budget of51,720,111. The City has a match component of approximately S18,OOO offunds expended before the toll credit funds were obtained. This money is to be drawn from the City's Local Traffic Fund. RECOMMENDATION: City staff has reviewed the bids as received and has deemed the proposal from Cal Prime, Inc. to be responsive. AWARD THE EAST TEHACHAPI TRAFFIC SIGNAT AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT TO CAL PRIME, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,345,000.00 AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO APPROVE ANY NECESSARY CHANGE ORDERS UP TO A MAXTMUM OF 5% OF THE ORIGINAL CONTRACT (OR s67,300.001. Page 2 of 2 L< (JI >ct F< F \., ul c 4) c) U;E ;> o- .!l g= - =u; OoAF .= l: ;i^ at !o := o) ,_: c{o;< =1 \f,! @== o 9r )E -y. yto =oS - op .-(J .-^ a ta :6 !ii 2c o.9 .-o a o'= o.v ; E' t- 1! ., r ir,r d-, =U .j;o ,l;C ,o' t-i Agenda a oN LIJ c :< d (Il 2 (g \r HIL .N ?a c o 6 q) l L! N! g9 oc @< p'E o-o ill t''! ' Agenda 1,,^..^.t e___J TEHACHAPI cntria.:nr;rA COUNCIL REPORTS MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 5, 2015 APPROVED -i=\ u*o($/ clw MANAGER: /4-----voreaF]ttwr AGENDA SECTION: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES TO: HONORABLE MAYOR WIGGINS AND COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: JOHN (JAY) SCHTOSSER, P.E., DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR DATE: SEPTEMBER SUBJECT: CURRY STREET MEDIAN AND PINON STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 28,2015 BACKGROUND will recall, the City ofTehachapi entered into a contract with R.C. Becker and Sons, Inc. for the Curry Street Median and Pinon Street lmprovement Project. Following a walk-through by City Staff and TUSD, and completion ofall "punch list" items bytlre contractor, ithas been determined that all contract items have been completed. Atthis time. a Notice of Comoletion must be filed in order to close the contract. As the Council RECOMMENDATION APPROVE THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE CURRY STREET MEDIAN AND PINON STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND DIRECT STAFF TO RECORD SAME Agenda RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk's Office CITY OF TEHACHAPI 115 South Robinson Street Tehachapi, CA 93561 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Recording Fee $ None NOTICE OF COMPLETION This is to certify that the Contract entered into on the 2nd day of June 2015, by and between the City of Tehachapi, the Owner, and R.C. Becker and Sons, Inc., the Contractor, for all work necessary to complete the Curry Street Median and Pinon Street lmprovement Project, has been completed in accordance with the requirements of the plans and specifications and contract documents, and I hereby acknowledge the full completion and acceptance on the 28'n day of September 2015, on behalf of the Owner. By Greg Garrett, City Manager Greq Garrett, being duly sworn, says: That he is the City Manager and Authorized Agent of the City of Tehachapi, the City that executed the foregoing Notice as the Owner of the Property herein described; that he makes this verification on behalf of the City; and that he has read said Notice and knows the contents thereof, and that the facts there instated are true. State of California County of Kern Subscribed and sworn before me on this 2015, by to (or affirmed) day of proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence the person who appeared before me. to be Sig nature Place Notary Seal Above Agenda TEHACHAPI APPROVED CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT COUNCIL REPORTS MEETING DATE: October 5, 2015 CITY MANAGER: AGENDA SECTION: Development Services TO: HONORABLE MAYOR WIGGINS AND COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: JAY SCHLOSSE& DEVETOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR DATE: SEPTEMBER SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF PROPOSED RESOTUTION FOR ANNEXATION NO.84 (LAFCO PROCEEDING NO. 1684) PROPERTY TAX EXCHANGE MEMORANDA OF UNDERSTANDING 29,2015 BACKGROUND: Annexation No. 84 was approved by the City Council on June 15, 2015 and the application was submitted to LAFCO on August 19, 2015. The Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) dated March 2L,2OO5, relative to the distribution of property tax between the City of Tehachapi and the County of Kern does not include a tax exchange mechanism for the Kern County Fire Fund. As such, each annexation requires the City Council to adopt a resolution waiving all property tax exchange for the Fire Fund in keeping with the MOU. Therefore, a Resolution is presented to address the Fire Fund issue and keep the LAFCO process on track. RECOMMENDATION: ADOPT RESOLUTION APPROVING THE EXCHANGE OF PROPERW TAX REVENUES UPON LOCAT AGENCY JURISDICTIONAI CHANGE: CITY OF TEHACHAPI ANNEXATION NO. 84 (IAFCO PROCEEDING NO. 15841. Agenda RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIT OF THE CITY OF TEHACHAPI APPROVING THE EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY TAX REVENUES UPON LOCAT AGENCY JURISDICTIONAL CHANGE: CITY oF TEHACHAPI ANNEXATION NO. 84 (LAFCO PROCEEDING NO' A 1684) WHEREAS, pursuant to Revenue and Taxation code section 99, the Kern county Local Agency Formation Commission has submitted its Notice of Filing of LAFCO Proceeding No' 1684 and the Kern county Auditor-controller, by letter dated september L6, !996 which is made part of this resolution, has so notified the governing bodies of the local agencies involved in the area of the proposed annexation; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid Section 99 provides that in the event a jurisdictional change would affect the service area or service responsibility of one or more local agencies, the board of supervisors of the county or counties in which the local agencies are located shall negotiate any exchange of property tax revenues on their behalf; and WHEREAS, the City of Tehachapi and the County of Kern have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") for the transfer of property tax entitlement upon annexation and this annexation proceeding falls within the criteria specified in the MOU. NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Tehachapi as follows: 1. Pursuant to the agreement between the County of Kern and the City of Tehachapi, property tax revenues which accrue within the tax rate areas comprising the proposed City of Tehachapi Annexation No. 84 for Fiscal Year 1999-00 and for each Fiscal Year thereafter shall be transferred to the City of Tehachapi CITY OI TEHACHAPI LECAL DEPABTMENI as follows: Agenda From the county of Kern General Fund, that portion determined by multiplying the property tax revenues received by the county of Kern General Fund from the area of the proposedannexationinthepriorFisca|Year40'0percentperMoUA8reement#395-2005 dated March 21,2OO5. 2. Upon approval by the Kern County Local Agency Formation Commission of the proposed annexation, the Kern county Auditor-controller is requested to effect the above determined transfer of property tax revenues. 3. The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors is requested to advise the City Council of the City of Tehachapi, the Kern County Local Agency Formation Commission, and the Kern County Aud itor-Controller of the Board's approval of the determinations set forth herein by transmittal to them of certified copies of the Board's resolution approving same. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tehachapi at regular meeting this 5th day of October, 2015. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SUSAN WIGGINS, MAYOR City of Tehachapi, California ATTEST: TORI MARSH, CITY CLERK City of Tehachapi, California CIIY OF TE}IACHAPI a Agenda I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the city councif of the city of Tehachapi at a special meeting thereof held on october 5,2oI5. TORI MARSH, CITY CLERK City of Tehachapi, California CITY OF TEIIACHAPT Agenda t,,\-^t TEHACHAPI -a:a_-_-J | :i,ra.:ial;:i:ir;l. COUNCIL REPORTS MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 5, 2015 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD:- CITY MANAGER: AGENDA SECTION: CITY ATTORNEY TO: XONTOIMELE MAYOR WIGGTNS AND COUNCIT MEMBERS FROM: TOM SCHROETER, C|TY ATTORNEY DATE: ocToBER 1,20X5 SUBJECT: HANDBITT AND TRANSIENT OUTDOOR BUSINESS REGUTATIONS BACKGROUND prohibiting them The City,s ordinances relating to peddlers and handbill distribution contain provisions either outright or restricting them in a way which is u nconstitutional. The City's ordinances were challenged by who attorneys for Kirby Company. The challenge was referred to special counsel, Richards Watson and Gershon, confirmed that provisions in these ordinances made them unconstitutional. The attached amendments allow for peddlers to obtain business licenses but prohibit certain types of solicitation. Both peddlers and handbill distributions are prohibited where a property owner or vehicle owner displays a "No Solicitors" sign or decal. RECOMMENDATION ADOPT AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 8.12 OF THE TEHACHAPI MUNICIPAL CODE RETATING TO HANDBILL REGUIATIONS AND AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTERS 9.130 AND 11.10 OF THE TEHACHAPI ZONING CODE RETATING TRANSIENT OUTDOOR BUSINESS REGULATIONS Agenda ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINAI\CE OF'THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEHACHAPI AMENDING CHAPTER 8.12 OF THE TEHACHAPI MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO HANDBILL REGULATION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEHACHAPI DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section l. Amendment to Section 8.12.010. Section 8.12.010 of the Tehachapi Municipal Code is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: "8. 1 2.0 I 0 - Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, have the meaning ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning. A. 'Handbill' means and includes any printed or written advertising matter, any sample or device, dodger, circular, leaflet, pamphlet, newspaper, paper, booklet, or any other printed matter or literature. B. 'Person'means and includes any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind. C. 'Unsolicited handbill' a Section CITY OF TETlACHAPI LEGAT DEPARTMENT 2. means and includes any handbill that is delivered to private property in the absence of a subscription agreement." Amendment to Section 8.12.030. Agenda its Section 8.12.030 of the Tehachapi Municipal code is hereby amended in entirety to read as follows: "8.12.030 Distributing handbills - A. It is unlawful for - On private property - Restrictions' any person, either directly or indirectly, to distribute, deposit, place, throw, scatter or cast an unsolicited handbill in or upon any yard, grounds, walk, porch, steps, mailbox, vestibule, house, residence, or building of any private property that contains a "no solicitation" or 'ho solicitors" sign conspicuously posted on or near the front door or entrance to such property. B. It is unlawful for any person, either directly or indirectly, to distribute, deposit, place, throw, scatter or cast an unsolicited handbill in or upon any yard, grounds, walk, porch, steps, mailbox, vestibule, house, residence, or building of any private property that contains an unremoved unsolicited handbill of the samepublisher." Section 3. Amendment to Section 8.12'040. Section 8.12.040 of the Tehachapi Municipal Code is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: "8.12.040 - Placing handbills in vehicles. A. It is unlawful for any person, either directly or indirectly, to distribute, deposit, place, throw, scatter or cast an unsolicited handbill in or upon any automobile or other vehicle that contains a "no solicitation" or "no solicitors" sign conspicuously posted on such automobile or other vehicle. CITY OF TEIIAC}IAPI LEGAL DEPARTMENT Agenda B. the handling, The provisions ofthis section shall not be deemed to prohibit transmittingordistributingofanyhandbilltotheownerorotheroccupant of any automobile or other vehicle." 4. Section Severabilitv. Each of the provisions of this ordinance are severable. If any provision shall be declared to be invalid, the remaining provisions shall not be affected thereby but shall remain in full force and effect. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after the date of its adoption and prior to the expiration of fifteen (15) days from the passage thereof shall be published in the manner authorized by law in the Tehachapi News, a newspaper of general circulation, published and printed in the City ofTehachapi. INTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tehachapi, Califomia on the 21't day of September, 2015. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council ofthe City of Tehachapi, California on the 5ft day of October, 2015, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members: NOES: Council Members: ABSTAIN: CouncilMembers: ABSENT: CTTY OF TEIIACHAPI LEGAL DEPARTMENI CouncilMembers: Agenda Mayor of the City of Tehachapi, Califomia Susan Wiggins, ATTEST: City Clerk of the City of Tehachapi, Califomia I hereby certifu that the foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Tehachapi by a regular meeting thereof held on October 5,2015. City Clerk of the City of Tehachapi, California Published: CIIY OF TEIIACT]API LEGA! DEPARTMENT Agenda ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEHACHAPI AMENDING CHAPTERS 9.130 AND 11.10 OF THE TEHACHAPI ZONING CODE RELATING TO TRANSIENT OUTDOOR BUSINESS REGULATION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEHACHAPI DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Amendment to Section 9.130.020. Subsection B of Section 9.130.020 ofthe Tehachapi Zoning Code is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: "B. Section 2. No permit shall be issued for any prohibited transient outdoor business'" Amendment to Section 11.10.020. Subsections P and T of Section 11.10.020 of the Tehachapi Zoning Code are hereby amended by adding the following definitions: "Prohibited Transient Outdoor Business: Any of the following transient outdoor businesses: (i) motor vehicle sales, except for recreational vehicle sales which are otherwise not prohibited by law; (ii) fireworks sales; and (iii) food and push carts. 'Prohibited transient outdoor business' shall not include any farmers market certified by the Kern County Agricultural Commissioner. Transient Outdoor Business: Any business which is not operated for at least cnY ol TEIIACHAPI LEGA! DEPARTMENI Agenda a hve days a week for 12 consecutive weeks and which is not operated from structure constructed on does not include: a permanent foundation. 'Transient outdoor business' (i) a peddler conducting business pursuant to a valid city of Tehachapi permit; (ii) garage sales as otherwise regulated by the Tehachapi Zoning Code or Tehachapi Municipal Code; (iii) occasional sales of non- alcoholic beverages or food stuffs by persons under the age of 18 years adjacent to the residence of the person involved in such sales; (iv) sales of beverages, food stuffs, arts and crafts or other similar products at the annual Tehachapi Mountain Festival and other similar community events sponsored in whole or in part by a local nonprofit organization or govemmental entity; or (v) mobile sales from commercial vehicles where such vehicles travel from place to place on public streets during the course of a normal work day and when the sales are made primarily from the public street or by temporary access to a prospective customer's property". Section 3. Severabilitv. Each of the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. If any provision shall be declared to be invalid, the remaining provisions shall not be affected thereby but shall remain in full force and effect. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after the date of its adoption and prior to the expiration of fifteen (15) days from the passage thereof shall be published in the mamer authorized by law in the Tehachapi News, a newspaper of ,) CITY OF IESACEAPI LEGAL DEPARTMENT Agenda general circulation, published and printed in the City of Tehachapi' INTRODUCEDataregularmeetingoftheCityCounciloftheCityof Tehachapi, Califomia on the 21't day of September,2015' PASSEDANDADoPTEDataregularmeetingoftheCityCounciloftheCity of Tehachapi, Califomia on the 56 day of October, 2015, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members: NOES: Council Members: ABSTAIN: Council Members: ABSENT: CouncilMembers: Susan Wiggins, Mayor of the City of Tehachapi, Califomia ATTEST: City Clerk of the City of Tehachapi, Califomia and regularly adopted meeting thereof held on by the City Council of the City of Tehachapi by a regular October 5,2015. I hereby certifr that the foregoing Ordinance was duly City Clerk of the City of Tehachapi, Califomia Published: CITY OI IEHACIIAPI LECAL DEPARTMENT Agenda TEHACHAPI r:: .r'. I i. ai: t':.'. DEPARTMENT HEAD: COUNCIL REPORTS MEETING DATE: OctobeT 5, 201.5 AGENDA SECTION: ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER TO: HONORABTE MAYOR WIGGINS AND COUNCIT MEMBERS FROM: CHRIS KIRK, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER DATE: ocToBER 1,201s SUBJECT: TOBACCO RETAITER]S PERMIT REGUTATIONS BACKGROUND ln 2007 the City Council adopted an ordinance adopting ordinance nos. G-7724 and G-8495 of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern relating to tobacco retailer's permits. In June, 2014, the Board of Supervisors amended the ordinance to include electronic smoking devices and paraphernalia. The Environmental Health Division, which is the designated agency implementing the tobacco retailer's permitting program in our jurisdiction, in order to ensure uniform policy countywide, is recommending the City amend its ordinance to include the same language. The amended ordinance would require retailers selling electronic smoking devices and paraphernalia to obtain an Environmental Health Permit. These retailers would also be included in the Division's compliance check process to ensure children are not sold tobacco products. RECOMMENDATION ADOPT AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 687 AND CHAPTER 8.52 OF THE TEHACHAPI MUNICIPAT CODE TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NOS. G-7724 AND G-8495 OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AMENDING CHAPTER 8,60 TO TITTE 8 OF THE KERN COUNTY ORDINANCE CODE RETATING TO TOBACCO RETAITER S PERMITS Agenda ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEHACHAPI AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 687 AND CHAPTER 8.52 OF THE TEHACHAPI MUNICIPAT CODE TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NOS. G-7724 AND G-8495 OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CATIFORNIA AMENDING CHAPTER 8.60 TO TITTE 8 OF THE KERN COUNTY ORDINANCE CODE RETATING TO TOBACCO RETAITER'S PERMIT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEHACHAPI DOES ORDAIN AS FOIIOWS: Section 1. A. Section 8.52.025 is hereby added AMENDMENTS. to Chapter 8.52 of the Tehachapi Municioal Code as follows: ''8.52.025 IncorporationbvReference. "Pursuant to Government Code Section 50022.1 et seq., Ordinance Numbers G-7724 and G-8495 of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern of the State of California relating to the requirement for a tobacco retailer's permit and each and every term, provision, rule, and regulation therein are hereby incorporated by this reference as if fully set forth herein verbatim which provide for the following: replacing Subsections D and F and adding Subsections l, J, and K to Section 8.60.010 of the Kern County Ordinance Code and replacing Subsection 2 of Section 8.60.090.B and Subsection D of Section 8.60.100." B. Ordinance No. 687 and Tehachapi Municipal Code Subsection D of Section 8.52.040 is hereby replaced with the following: "D. When this chapter allows the director to administrative penalty, the following penalty may be imposed: impose an Agenda "3. For the third and each subsequent violation within one (1) year from the date of the first violation, a penalty not to exceed one thousand dollars (S1,000.00)." Section 2. SEVERABITITY. lf any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance held to be invalid or unconstitutional is such decision shall not affect the validitv of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect 30 days after the date of its passage and within 15 days of its passage shall be published in the newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Tehachapi. INTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tehachapi on the 21't day of September, 2015. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tehachapi on the lst of October, 2015, by the following votes: AYES: Councilpersons NOES: Councilpersons ABSTAIN: Councilpersons ABSENT: Councilpersons SUSAN WIGGINS, Mayor of the City of Tehachapi, California TORI MARSH, City Clerk of the City of Tehachapi, California Agenda a iY ai TEHACHAPI ar!?!iA irit_l' COUNCIL REPORTS MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 5, 2015 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD:- CITY MANAGER: AGENDA SECTION: CITY MANAGER TO FROMI DATE: GREG GARRETT' CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: AMENDING 457 RETIREMENT PLAN TO PERMIT LOANS HONORABLE MAYOR WIGGINS AND COUNCIL MEMBERS SEPTEMBER 24,2015 BACKGROUND 457 plan is a type of qualified tax advantaged deferred-compensation retirement plan that is available for governmental and certain non-governmental employees in the United States. The employer provides the plan and the employee defers compensation into it on a pre{ax basis. \he The Council approved a 457 deferred compensation plan for City employees on April 6, 1998 by adopting the Resolution 21-98. Although a loan program was available to offer to employees at that time, the City did not permit the loan program. Making a loan program available in the 457 plan will provide eligible plan participants the ability to borrow money from their own accounts. The maximum amount a participant can borrow is up to 50% of participant's balance but not more than $50,000. By allowing the loan program, it will only benefit employees with no adverse effects to the City. FISCAL IMPACT There is no cost to the City. The employee will pay all fees associated with the loan. OPTIONS 't. Allow the loan program under the 457 plan 2. Do not allow the loan program under the 457 plan RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that Council allow the 457 loan program by adopting the resolution. Agenda Loun lrnplemenlolion Potkoge for 45ry401 Plan Sponsors butr0t|{6 fuBllc strT0ft t[1tRiilfi{i st(|JllTY I TABtt 0t collfiilIs '.... fnlrodrdion ond Summory lnfudions [Nk kflnltim ud id$)diors lor twhnwttiry yur plon\ I-oon Oddeliner Agroomenl goryn. . ..".'..3 ond hnmfiill fat anpkfu tn lun Gddeltas Ag*rwt itMbn lmportwrt In$rutfiom. . . ' ' , . ' . , . . ' . . . . ' ' ' ' . ' .2 loon [oonGuidelinesAgromsnl.,.,...,....... ','.'..'-I trllnphte lhi llurimm a$eilnnt n xnffir the gfuefirw loon Amount l{orbheet. . . . , . lJte lhk *u*shed la &)hb ke naxinun lu yu funls los pwn. , laon ' ' . . . . ' . . . . '. . . . . ' . . .13 mwnt that o potiri n't ls eligiile W EGIIB. luggestdtesolulion for w by plors ylws rovening Ml ...'-'..11 wins tM s twliiqt he Nsld, l5TPlontoonAdminisfcfonAgroemont....'.."....'........".15 15/ flas 1ily. tl rw lwe wlqle 151 fun provilr,a yw mst anplde rd alurn ilisMmentnl(NAt. loonAmendment(40lP10nr0n1y1........ .....'."..".....'..16 4al ilus &ily. lt twl @r,lhh and onornedhgloulatr?try/0n b ild nlwfi tli,s doorne# b lfi{lrtf. ysa o kn pryw4 pu Agenda lntroduction ond Sunmory Intfructionr lar 45f and 401 Plun Sponsors with rhe abiliry ro lrorrow Makinga loan program availablc in your rcrirenrenr plan will provide eligible plan participants rhe amount of d;;*ouna. As rhc aiministrator of your loan program, ICMA'RC will atrcmpt to mirrimizc associared ;;?;; with to the program, However, there arc administrative and fiduciary responsibihties ,"*uia"a f,, n*a ao devote oFering loans which, as a practical matt€r" €antro{ be delegared ro ICMA-RC' forms to implcment lleatc rcvicw all of thc information in this packct carcfully prior ro submitring rhc applicablc che loan program in your plan. 'Ilre below insrrucrions provid.e you wirh easy-to-follow steps to implemeat STEp L 2r $TBp 3: STE? a loar prognm in your ICMA-RC 457 or 401 Plan' ro implcmcnt Review the Loan Guidclirrcs Agrcemcnt instructions carcfully prior to rcturning thc rcquired forms your plant loan Prograrn. Complete rhe Loan Guide lina Agrccment' Determine wherher any fbrmal action is rcquircd by your legislative body andlor plan admlnirtrative committce to implcmcnr a loan program. Ifformal action is requircd, you may want to tlJc rhc suggesred rcsolurion in this packct. STEF 4r Complcte the followlng documcms (ifaqplicabh) . . $TEP 5r 1i7 YlaaLosn A miaistreiion Agrcemeor and rcturn rhb docurncrt to ICMA-RC' * If you havc muhiplc 4Jl plan providers, you must complac If you arc amending yout cxisting 401 plan to add loan provisions, Loen Amendment (401 Plans Only) you must complete and rcurn this docurncnt to ICMA-RC. Rcturn copics of thc following docurnenr.s m ICMAIIC (please be sure originals for your recordc); t<t submit all pages and retaln the . Loan Gui.delincs Agrcemmst . Loan,{.mcndmcnt to thc 401 Plan Adoption Agre ement (if appkcablz) . 457 ?lanl-ozn AAminisrarion Agree mew (if appkmbh) . Suggpsted Rcsolutiot (if alllicabb) fnxtor '\fork oR M,u[:'o: ICMA.RC fiow Managernent Team 2A2-587-6419 AfiN: lfork{ow Managemeut Team P.O. Box 96220 'W'ashington, DC 20090-6220 STEP 6: Plca:c allow 5-7 business days for ICMA-RC ro cstablish your phu's loan progratn' ?l*sc reuia origina! eopia of ary Ifyu havc an1 qxettiou rahti'tg to tln edoptton dactmants los rctt t'fl to ICMA'RC for yat procass, pb$e cofltact lots rucords' PL/t t Sgottsor Senticet [0^f lrfinn at 800'326'7272, r0{ Ucn0r ror 451/1ll ltrl Jro$0tl |2 Rw t/20t5 Agenda loan Goidelines Agreement Inrtructions The inforrnation in this packet is intended to assist 1'ou rvith implemcnting a loan progtam wirhin your ICMA.RC 457 or 401 plan(s). The packet provides en ovewiew o[ the issues and complexities ofcsu.blishrng aad maitrtaining a loan progmm under *re mos! common rypes of rctircmcru plan arransemcnts. It is not irucndsd to be all iriclusive. Spccial situati"ons aud/or solurions not discussed in this documcnt will need to bc rcviewed on a case-by-case basis. The insnuctions contain information thar will help you undcrstand rhe decisiotrs you will necd ro rnake whcn you csablish your loan program and hclp you complerc tbc Loan Gxi&Ina Agrecmazr' Plcasc carefu.liy rcview the information in this section and complcte all applicablc secdons of the lzaz Guifulinas Agretmcrtt. Here arc a fcw ofthc clccdons that you will ncsd ro make: . !fill loans be available for all purposcs ot only in hardihip situationsl . How many loarx will participants bc'rllowed to have outsta[ding al one rime? {up to five) . How long will Participants havc to . Section llk lom Purpose Specify whcther loans may bc trkcn for (A) ali purposcr or (B) only in rhc case of hardship. If you choose chc "all purposes" optlon, morc ofyour cmployccs are likcly ro requcst loans than ifyou scleu thc "hatdship only" option. (A) All Purposes (B) Hardship Only 401 Pltas: Under rhe Codc, only employers can arthorizc a loan for hardship purposcs. Gcnoally, for loan purposes, thc IRS defines "hardship" situations fot these purposcs to include, but not to be limitcd to: unreimburscd mcdical expenscs, buying or rehabilitating the participands principal residence, aod paying for college educ*tioa for the participarrt or his/her quahfied dependents' Car loan, car rcpairs, and the purchase or repair ofa v"catiotr o! lcntal property would not be inclrrded in the hardship definition. Employers bave thc ability to makc their plao's loan program morc rcstrictive under both ofthe above options. repay a loan uscd to Applkdion Proeesr purchase a new primary ruidcncc? (up to 30 years) Section lV: How will particrpanr repay thcir loans? (payroll dcduction, ACH paTmerts from rhcir bank accounts, or both) No action is tequired in this section.'Ihe ePpiication In ordet to offer loans within your retirement plar4 the Internal Rcvcase Codc rcquires that you establish wrirteo guidelines that govern thc ?laa's loan program' You rnay clcct ro usc the loan Gidelius Agrernfl, ro s.!ve lhis purposc for your Plal. proccss available tr: parricipants opdon you selcct in Scction III will vary depcnding on rhe (Loen Purposc), Sedion V: ltlcxinum llunber of Loons Spcci$ whcthcr participants may havc olly onc (l) or up rlating to the proccs of loan program, plsase oontact your Plan Sponsor Servlces t erm a! 800-326:7272. ro five (5) loans outstanding ar one rime, The oprion you choose in th is section will lrave a significanr impact on the number of loans made frorn your plan. Rrgardless of your elecrion, a parricipana rnay receive a maximurn ofone (l) loan per calcndar year, Sedion L lrnployer ?lun Infomotion Notet lFyou select Payroll Dedu*ion for your participants in Section VIII, Ifyor have aay qucstiona implernenting a Enter the neme ofyour cmploycr plan. Also spcci$ the plan type and your ICMA-RC plan numbcr. as a es repaymcnt oPrioo rcpalmcnt ch loan eac$ paX pniod mxst b< atcountclfot sepanrely. As sudt, repayments of mulriplc loans are a much larger burdcn on your payroll system (and personncl) than a rcpayrncnt ofa lir singlc loan. Sodion lL lllgibility & [oon Sourte Vk Loans are available to ell ectivc employecs, except those $ection with No action is requircd in this sectlou. "Ihe Maximurn Loan Arnount Vorksheet includes instructions you can use to calculate rhe maximum loat.r amount for a participanr. The loan rnodeling oprion on ICMA-RC's Accouut Acccss websitc can also tre uscd to calculatc a parricipaut's maximum loan amount. arr cxisting loan in default Usc this section to specify the sourccr that l,oan Source for patticipanr loans. will bc arailable - Loon Amounf l0Ar lrrrf{r|rfir0r t^(|rfi ror 151/401 frrt lfoilur I 3 rwry20t5 Agenda Section Loans rnusr be rcpaid in subsr:ntially cqual inrtallmcnts of orincipaland interest ove. n Period that does not excted five i5) y""rr. Ho-"""c ifrhc petriciprrrr will bc using thc loan residence rhc 6tc (iJ 1'c:r r Lime linrit " of rhc form, you spccify thc chis scccion -,ly nor "pply. ln for principal rcsidencc loans, pcriod maximurn rcpaymcnr to p.,..h*" pnn.ipal with 30 ycars bcing thc maximum tctrn. In determining rhe maxitnum rcpaymcnt period for rcsidential loans, you should be section), rcpayments would continuc by thc participalr, tbrough you.'for the cndrc tcrm ofthc loan (c.g, 30 ycars). Evcry payroll pcriod, thc parricipanr (formcr cmploycc) will be required ro give you a chcck fcr thc poiodic loan rcpaytucll anrount. You then include rhis arnount with your ncxt conrribution submirtal m tCMA-l{C. l.oan rcpalnentt ma! not bc nad.c dhectlL to ICMA-RC by thr ACH dtbi, 4s tt rc?Llnratt ?drriciprant, u zx |ot cboose oprion in Srctios VIII" Vllh loon Repoyment Process Specify rhe repayment merhod(r) and rcpayment frcqueircy your plan will usc. * You can allow repaymcnts to bc Repayment Method madc via payroll &duction and/or ACH payments from a pardcip ant's bank account. (l) tAY'0tF A prrti.ipnrrr may ;tay ofrall ot n 1'orrion o[rhe prinrip'rl rnd jnrcicsr carlywithout pcrrelty or additi,rn.rl fcc lxtru payrncres art applicd forward to both principal ard intcrcst in the origitral tepayment schedule, ttnless rhe addirional pa1'mcnt is for the full balance duc' ?lease note rhar no paymenl date may bc "skipped" cvsn if ihc as "pecified cnrployec has madc a large paymcnt or submincd rnultlplc palmcnts, nindful that thc loan tcrm may exrcnd bq,ofld the pcriod rhc parricipant is employcd by you, l{you allow enrployccs co continue tc pay thcir loans after thcy scpuatc fiom scrvice (sse rhe Accelcration Seclion {il0 tlniY ADD|Il0l{At t0Al{ REPAYfiiilm Vll: length of Loan ri(/ith this option, you will Payroll Deduction include thc ioau rcpaynenr dcail when you remit c-ortribudon dctail to ICMA'RC via the EZLink websirc. I ni tiating ?ayroll D eda*lon Payroll dcduction should begin within rwo payrofl qcles following rhc employee's receipt of thc loan' Employees using rhis merhod rnusr notify thc Employcr immediarcly so rhar repaymcnes rrill bcgin as roon as pracricable, on a datc determined by the Enploycr's payroll cyclc. Failurc ro begin peyroll dcducriotr in a ttftcly man er could lcad ro the employee's loan entering delinqucncy status. participanrs autholizc (2) ACH - \firh this option, ICMA-RC to debit loan repaymcnts dircctly from tbc participant's bank accouut via Automated Clearing House (ACH). This feature trees you ofthe burden ofcsrablishing and monitoring leln rcpa;'menrs via payroll deduction. Section lX: loon lnterest Rqte No acriou is requircd in this section. ii simPly dcscribes the inrcest rarc that will bc used for participant loans. Sedion X: Setudty(ollaterol No artiou is rcquired in this section. It simply describcs thc amount ahar will be used as collateral for parricipanr ioans. Section Xl: Atolelolion Specify rvhcrher participatts who havc scparated from scrvice will hc ablc to conrinuc loau rcpaynrcnts ulrtil thcy have withdrawn (helr entire accouna balancc fronr rhe plan, or ifourstanding loans will be due and payablc at thc time paraicipants $cpara(e from ocrvicc. You should considc the optioru in this seccion carcfully, sirce your ehction will impact when ourstauding loans bccome taxablc ro participanas' Ifa parricipant docs not rcpay the ourstnnding loan amount at the rimc it is duc, rhc loan is "forecloscd," and thc outstanding loau anrount must bc rcporrcd by ICMA-RC as a raxablc distribution in the yncar of rhe foreclosure. Given rhc burdcns xsociated with collectiog loan repaymcnts ftom formcr cmployccs, you may not wish to rnainrain a potcntially long term 'tclatiorrship" wirh fbrmcr employees (cspccially ia the case ofresidetrial loaos), Sedion Xlft lermorfizollon No acion is requircd in this scctjon. lt simply providcs information rclatcd to the reamo$izatiotr of participanr loans. te*ion Xlll; Relincnte No acrion ir rcquired in tbis scction. k simply providcs information relatcd to the rcfins.ncing ofparricipant loans' toAr lrrlflr tr]0r p^crrlr r0r {5//401 prri 5ror50ts I{ irv 720t5 Agenda SeCion XIV: Reduclion ol Loon No actiotr is rcquircd in this section. It simply dcscribcs how outsranding loans will bc handlcd in thc cvcnr ofa panicipantt dcath. associatcd with thcir retircmcnr plan, rcgardless provisious govcrning rhc loao program. c0il$0u$,l(rs 0f 0itMtD No action is reqrrircd in rhis scctiotr' Howcvcr 1rcu should familiarize yourselfwith this infornration and nore that loan rcpaymcnrs rnust bc made in accordancc with thc plan docurnent, plan loar guidclincs, and as tc$ected in the promissory notc signed by rhc parricipant. Farlurc to ml[<c ior., ,"pny,t,"o,s accorditrg to rhc loan tertrts will result in thc ouutanding loan balancc bcing deemcd disrributed and DlSrRtBUTEo l0Alls (PARIIGPAI{Ts} The principal brlancc, in addirioo ro any.rccrued irtrcrcsL. is iistribution to thc IRS' Howcver' thc taxablc disrribution is noe thc only evcnt in conjunction wirh a rcponcd Settion XV: Deemed 0istributions ofrhc a^s a "lhe foilowing ncllative consequences dcemed disrribtltion. occur . as a rc"uh ofdecmcd distribution. 'lhe deemed disrribudon !s a rarable evetlt. Hqwever, ir is not an acrual distribution and thercfole rcnlains an ,rsset of the participrnt'$ account. The outsranding loan baLancc and accrucd intcrcsr continuc to I'c rcportcd on chc participanr's accoulll statcments. taxablc to thc particiPalt, . Rcpayment ofa dccmcd distribution reverre thc raxablc cvcnt, flilt]t6 . 'Ilre loan continues to be cotrsidered outstanding until ir is repaid or "ofset" using the palticiPart\ account balance. An ofset car occur only ifthe ParticiPant is cligible to rcccive a disrriburiol fiom rhe plan rs ourlined in your plan document. . Participants arc rcquired to rcpay any oustanding deemcd dbributcd loan bcfore rhry can bccotnc cligible for a ncw loan. The deemed distributed loan and any intcrcst accrued since the dare ir bccamc a texrblc cvcnr is rrkcn itrto accounr wheu dctcrminitrg the maximlm amount availablc fot a ncw loan. . A participant who has had a prior dcemed distribucion A loan will bc dccmcd disributed whcn a schcdulcd payment is still unpaid at the eid of thc cdcndar qrrtcr following. rhe calcndar quarter in which the paymenc was duc. For er<amplc, ifa panicipanr does not rnakc a loan payrncrrt that was schedulcd to bc madc on February l, thc maximum curc pciod for the repaymenr is June 30 If rhc toral anrount of all delinqucot paymems is not reccivcd by the cnd ofrhe cure period, thc loan is dcemed distributed. (01{5I0uE1{G5 0t Df$lED DlSlRlBUIt0 toAlls {tlilPl0Yn$ Employcrs who do not cnsure propet loan rcPa)' tcnt practices in rhcir rctircmcnt loan programs risk not ooly having individual participant loans bcing decmed distributcd, bur extrcme, plans e high occurrcncc of decmcd distribrrtcd loans, and/or program prrticipantr in may be di"qrralified (in the case default, for example of 40'l plans) or classified as ioeligible (For 457 plans) by rhe lRS. Disqualifcation results ilr rhe loss of tax-deferrtt sintrs for all contribucions and a possible incrcasc in the taxablc incomc for pareicipating employccs. '/::Ffi"?ffi-1ffiTWfi"'r' - - plan sponsor's Fduciary oliligation ro properly manage the retirernent plan atrd its benefits' Mismanagcment of a lran prograrn may be considercd failurc to mccr this fiduciary cbiigation and may expose a plan sPonsox to litigacion, in addition rc being in violarion ofapplicablc laws and regulations, It is will oot changc or musr makc repayments to a lew loan through payroll dcduction, or provide proof of adcquatc sccurity. Section XVt leal No action is reqrrired in this scctiqn. L simply provides that fecs may bc chargcd for various serviccs rssociated u'ith thc application for and issuancc ofloans. Participants should revicw rhe Annual Service aud lee Disclosurc noticc(s) for your plan for more inforrnarion on thc applicablc fces. a Emplol,ers, es plan rponsors aad fiduciaries, have an obligarion to comply with plan dccutrre.nt and loan guideline requirenents applicablc ao participant loans, In this regard, loan payments must bc madc in accordance *ith rhc plan docuntctn, plan lotn guidelirrcs, and a-s teflccted in the promissory note sigued by the participantEnrploycrs rctain rhis obligation ifrherc is a loan program Sedion XVlh Signolures Plcasc havc an aurhorizcd plan rcptesetrative sign and dare tfiis sccrion of,the agrcemcnc. sPtclAl. clR(utt l$rAllff s lnergency $lithdrawols {457 Plons 0nly} 457 Plans: Loans must bc coordinatcd rvith unforcsccable emergcncy withdrawals.'lhe etuergeucy rvithdrarval !0rr lrffrr$tdror htrritw 451/401P(ri 5f0$0rt RW |5 U10t5 Agenda thar an res[larions uDdcr Section 457 ofthe Codc rcquirc ulasr lf of tltc rcsort'" a resource bc withdrawal cricrgcncy the participant is able ro takc a loan or refinattce a current loan from vosr ICMA'RC 457 plao or any otl.rer plan you sponsor, rbc panicipam has resol rces :tvailablc to mcct' or 'ftrerefore' a prrticipanr meer, rhe 6nancial need. olnirllv 'will b" requir"d to take or re6natce cmergency withdravral. a loao belore raking an Many cmergerrcy witidrawals arc not approved bccaltsc thc financial need, while serious, may not meer rhe couditions 'Ihe ability to take a loan iremized in rhe 457 regulations. allow: participanrs to hlve acccss io rnoncF tlr"?t is not orherwisc availablc. And tic rcpaymcnt process For loans ensurcs tlat pardcipants rcplenish rhcir accoults' thcrcby prescrving thcit reritement seviltgs. and Survivor Annuity the a.s rhe dcfault forrn of obtain spousal consent cmployec's spousc must the conscnt must bc notary public, Such conscnt ICMA-RC no more than uses a loan- lhe in writing, to the loan and a plan rcprcscntative or be reccived ia writing by &ys beforc thc loan Access. In rhc case of the Direct loan alorg with thc applicetion. Pleac bc alvitcd, tha amt statct civil union or reg*tcrcd bmcstie ICMA-RCwill activities plans, or (c.9. if 457 detetrd involvemenr will depend ou your situadon, 1.t{u$rruruils The Code sets a loans from all pa*icipates. [fyou plan providers, no the aggregate of all plans in which thc crnployce retirenrcnt plans through mr.rkiple .will bc ablc to calculatc, by /on 2. Sll{Ott Ifyou R[IlRfl'ltN Pl"{ltlilUffi PU lR0vl0tts have adoptcd a siagle rctiremenr plan with onc mastcr plan documenr under which ICMA-RC and your orhcr administrator(s) mu$ opem&, lhcn you may ultimately havc to self-administer your loen program, unlcs you rcquirc; thar thc maximum that may be boffowcd from any provider is 50 pcrccnt of rhc balance wirh that providcr and rhat :he loan mu$ be rcpaid only ro the providcr from which rhc loan was madc, 3. and secrion 401 plan). The degree are arry outscanding ICMA-RC, cur online program will takc them into account, . to your cmployees from ruch as two separate quali6ed types of retirement plans several like erc asked to input in rheir onlinc workshcet calculare the maximum caa so thar afe on "honor system" whcn rhey b gnaSle to veri& loan amounts; any;li&n amoue(. associated wr plans edministered lfyou cicct all l*u. rfyour loan program in your buc you will h*rc to perforn some You will ueed to perform rhese if usc t0 plans, you u,ill bavc to rhat may bc boro*cd. all loau amounts cutrently the last 12 months, Piea-sc refer Amounr ! for insuucrions thc maximunr loan arnoum fol a Parri.ipant. itstar, ttrcll ar 4 to ctrry thc umc n plan which offers " or "co-providcr" plans. ose Ioans, plan(s) *ith Ioan veri fication yo[ can . tlultiplo Plm:f Providors tha n will outsraldilg and to rhc l4aximum conscnt should bc seot and obligatiorc as mo/ *nder tlate Ifyou hevc This paraicipa0ts mu"st rcqucst is nrbmittcd rigl* from all loans from anY calculate rhc ly'other providers. However, if lolns in slhgr plans adminislercd Ouclified Join cnd Survivor Plcns {Applier to Sone If your plarr may borrow itsclf, che maxirnun rLmoutr! lhat a hc cnrployer, car ar rny point in rimc. Sirrce onlY balance and thc &rerminc thc currcnt pasr 12 months !n rhc loan highest oursralding f,tullPu lfyou make all ofyour $lfllIli{E}lI ?Rol,tDtRs from avaiiable to your plans (e,g. 417 dcferred quali6ed plan), by itself, the be ablc may borrow rr any maxlmum amouff the Code sets a maximum poirrt in time. This is from al{ 401 and 457 plans on r[c aggregatc ofall Sincc only you, thc in which the loan cgrrcnt outst&nding cmploycr, can loan balancc in thc balancc and the past 12 n:onths ircS all loans \om any 401 or 457 plans, amount that may !hc you will have to all loao amounts compensation plan no administrator currcniJy lleasc refer to rlre Maxirnum l-oan Amounr Workshcs for instructions you can use to calculate the maximurn loan amoun{ for a ParticlPanr. L r l{rlrrrrlr0r Pr(rr6( rot l57A0l frl lrlr:ott | 6 RtY r/20t5 Agenda 8{'t[0tx6 f|Jgllt *r1ntff*I LOAN GUIDTTINES AGRTTTIIIENT 5f(l0t slclll lfY rngloyer wili gra ut loa ns to prreiciprnts- You 'Ihe purposc of rhis agreenrcDt i$ to cstiblish rhe rsfrrs .r nd. cond itioos u nder which the ! scleciiofls lvill lP'ly ro all loans madc rvhile tle shoutd consider eacb oplion cfl(efully b;fore makidg yout selc,.lons bocauc lour apply only t<' loans made aftct the cha' adoptcd- L'ans sclcction is i' elfcct. lfyoo t".., .tt..,g. ;nf pro"i'it''r', tht thangs will 2t (hc tinlc thc loar wdJ guidcliaes tha. *'ere ir in cxi.rtcnce at the timc ofany futore.h"og.'. vill to o]reratc under the 'fkct originally made. Plcae teal tbe lntazcttots and carefullT coflPletc dll tcctioat of frfc*'Lo"n Progranr N*oe of Plan (Earar I ngn'm'xl "it Antcndmcut to l-oan lrograo ri t com2lztt Employr ttatt., in r..littg t 4t )t plan,lypc: Ka5Z D"ft.r.d ICMA-RC Phu Nnm ar, Z O- Co^pcnsarion 4 -b 6 Plan l40t(a) Moncy P'rrchasc Plan n 401 Pro6t-Shaling Plan -& l'oans arc nveiteblc ro all acrivc emplolecs' except rhorc with ro erisring loal in &fault' Ifyour 401 plan is fundeci bl a combinarion of llmploycr and lirnployee conrdbutiotrs, you lnosr specify whctber one or 401 Plur both ofthe foflowiag can bc used as n source f,or participlrn loans. lsdet o* or botb aptiot ldo*) I I Employ'er Contribqtion Account 0at/ Bnlit' a 1) tt- attd |ort"arx, ifapvlkabb, inckdtng Eu2loyc Mat/ato;7, En2lzyc volanary, Enph2t Rolhver, Arcol,,t!, lnt.xthdhry tb. Dc/u*ibte fmphTct contributionlQzzl;fzl Yol'/"k!ry ED'PL|JN C'R*;bttion A$e'or) Partlcipant coottibution Accounw anl po)ablc balmtca {2 457 or 401(k) phn altolrs Rorh comrihudons, a participant's De.rignarcd.Roth Accounr balanca will wltrhcr ot noc a perliciprm's be includ.d cdculartng the amoun: a p+fticipanr is etigible ro bo$orv. Ho$'€ver, you nrusr specify (Slta belou) olttiot oxc loanl lot Dcriggared Roth Accourr can bc used as a soutce ParriciPanr *oah Atsett (ifa?pbc,ttb)* Ify,our (A participem's l)csiglarcd l{orh Account rtill nnt bc avallablc as e soutcc for loans under the plan (default option) I A participant's Desigmred Rodr Accouot sill be available as a sourcc for loens under rhc Phn' Natz: lfRorh as*r: ar atalable li;trilrttion rf lloth ,t:ttt. 7hb as a rcor* p' hau, a loan at b y'cazc,! rny rc:ult h pnttitiNrk ?tling ra!.' porp**, fflll'rcfiurncc - \0ich this oprion, prrriciprors car rcquecr cxisting loans using thc Online Loans oPtion. ttistril*,| uil! nat *risfi ttu ryuiacntrJbrz bc tu;hblz ta+frt' qtal;J;cd (u-fz4 ox,lsex tbat uouLl othcra'tu a loan fqr r$I rcaion. Parricipanrs will be able to reqlrst ner' loans or olenabling n lhtdrhtp Only - 191rh this oprion, loans sbalt only be granrcd in thc evenr ofa participrnr's hardsbiP ot for rhc purpose your plelr form for thc lonu appllcation coorplete will need to - o p.rri.iplt ro m.ct ccn.rin spccific{ financial situationslParticip,urts and obtain your rppraoej (Adin l-odt t i, nat t vailabl). thc parri-ipam'.s loan applicatior afier detcrmiuilg, bascd ol ell rclcvnnr fects aud circtrn"rencer char thc thc crnployer shall approve -not of r[,e arrourr rcquirc,l to rdievc tbe fiuancial necxl, as dc6ned by rlre employcr. For tlris purposc, in omouni ofrh" loan is "*.... bc limitc<l to: unreimburscd rncclicnl expcnse" of rhc p,rrticiprnr or mcmttrs of thc prrcicipaor! but oot shall iacl$dc, inencial nced fot a collcge cducarion immcdiate faorily, ctarblishjng or subsraruially rchabilitating rhe principal residcuce ofrlc participanr, or p:ryiog (iocluding gaduate studics) for tLe participant or bis/her dependents. [0rr ir*rrirrlr,r hc$Gtti.157/101 flrl !r0lloll It rrv r/2015 Agenda toAN GUlDEtll{ES AGREEllltilT tv. APPllcAIl0ll Pl()ffss thc loan agplicatioa ptocoss will wry depcnding on the oprion yor'r selcctcd in Setrion lll above (l-oan Purpose)' (A) ALL PURPOSI]S . Particlpantt carl rcq$cst i new lo'1D ot to rffinarlcr: en cxisting loau usitrg Online laanc rhe ICMA-RC wcbsite tt w'&w.icftt rc,otg (Ouli,t. Lodtts), . ICMA-RC sends loan dncumcotr wirh thc loan chcck to rhc peteicipam. When thc participant Dircce Chc<.lt lgsuanEe siglri6es acceptalcc ofloan terors' endorscarecr cndoncs rbe chcci<, thal {,9) ITARDSHIP ONLY . . p.pcrApplication * A loan applicerion rnust bc complered, signcd by the parriciPanr and approved by you, rbe cmploy$' Upon rcceipr of ar': approved lorn applicetion, ICMA-RC wilt preparc the required loan documcnts {i'c., thc ptomissory norc rnd loan disclosure sratem.nt), :rnd send rhcm to thc cruploytr with rhe loan chcck' Chec,k Issuancc * - 'lhc loan clreck may nof bc giycn io thc puticipa[r until tlc ioao <iocumetrts h.rve bcen signcd by thc participant. Beclasc n pl"n urr"c, uli losn ,lo"un,cats tnust bc complcted and preserved for_ar leaJt thc life ofthe the promissory rorc i, "onrid"r"d thc origiual loau retain documcnts and scld copics ofall docurnclrs ro ICMA-RC lo".r. 1lr" .*ploy", "hould T[c loan amount will gcnerally bc rcdeemed from rhc cmployeat account otr the s' me day as cithcr ICMA-RC receipt ofa ioen rcquestl n'ill be applicatioo (complerc lnd in good order), ifir is s,lbr$iared piior ro 4:00 p.t". till on e business day. lf nor, thc loan amount the ncxr busiuess on is gcncally purpose lo.rn for an all chcck submis$on, Thc loan #o.r,"d oi ,h. n.*t businci d:y following ro thc employer. trc scnt loao will a hardship chccl for Thc loan arnploy".. ro the day following redcmptio+ urd wrll be rnailcd direcdy 'Ih" .*ploy..'" p."r.ornreot ofthe loau check for payo-rclt consrkutes nl achtowlcdgmtnt thet tLe ernployee has rcccivcd and reed thc loan disrlr*urc jnformarion provided by lClrlA RC and ;rgrees to rhe term. thercrn. Partlcipanrs mn), reccivc ouc lolo pcr calcndlr ycar, Plcare spccif whcthcr paticip.llas rn'ry have outsnlding at one tinc. D Onc (l). Panicipancs may heve only one (l) outstanding loan at a time. I Fivc (5). Parricipants may hale uP to &ve {1) loans ourslnrdiog at one tirne. (Other. Panicipanr. rn"y hn". *p rt L (snter 2, 3, or 4) loans outrtanding olly one (l) or up to frvc (J) loao'r at oue tinrc. loans to r participar:r fro m rhcPlan aad all othctlku of the Enployr thar erc eicher eligible 451b) ofthe Code or quall6ed crnploycr plans urder Section /2(p)(4) of thc Code in sccrion pians campensarion describcd 4cfarcd (c.g-, 40lta) plans) $ all rot cxcted th laser of Meriruumr 'lhc maxiururn amount ofall (l) $50,000' or (2) Onc-halfof rhc wluc ofthc Participanc's inrerest in all o[his or her Accounts under rhis Plarr. Vhcn cdcularing the maximurn amo{ ( paricipan. is cligiblc rc borrow from hislhcr eccount, the bc rcduced by rhe perticiprnri higiusr outstroding loan bahocc over the Prsc i2 ntorrh$ Itllninrrmr'lhc mioilrrrm loal amount is lesser valuc of (l) or (2) ebovc must $1,000. A loan canoot bc issued for morc thrn the maximunt arnoutrt. Tbe p{.ticipenl's requcsted loen amount is subject to downward adlstrncnt without notice doe to market flocturtion betw€ctr the time ofapplicrrion and rhc timc thc losn is issucd. Loan smorDrswill bc ta&er pro-rata frotn all ofa participanr's inYcslnl€n$, lorr funrrrr tror ficrror r0r 457401 Prrr Sr0rrofi | 8 lav t/20r5 Agenda IOA}I GUIDTII NTs AGREEfIIIENT vlt. t$lcfi 0r t0All irttcrcst over a pcriod thar docs not cxcccd 6r'c (5) 1'ears' Loens must bc repaid in srrbstantially equ.rl irrrtallrueDts ofprincipll an<t Pdncioal Rcsidcnce Loeos (imc linit ma)' oo' a'Ply' Pnrticipr.'s can .,.i"g ,t'. t*" .. purdrase a priucipal rcsiderce' the $w (5) ycat ";;;,lli" fcFayrneff period for principal residcncc maximu' t6e specify ,.pay r principal .csi&nct loan ovcr a p*iod ofup to 3O yc.s, llcrsc ;il;;tp. loane from your plan below. Maximum Eplynrert period for priociprl residence loans = .a-l- lEutr d nttmb'r ofl'ntt' uP to 30) plus inrcrcst, minus lpplicrblc reprynrco( mcrhod(s) aod repeymcnt frequenry yoqr planrvilllse- Nore rhar loan amouats to be made via payroll :rllow rcpayments You can ,o riil,r-nc,.r" ."p"id .o poiriripor,, r.Juu,.'",rd not .oICMA-RC. lcar( montblr 657] ol at mldc mus. be ll,i".ion *d/o.ecHpuyr.n6 f,oir, prrcicipami lrank rc.count. Loan repaymcnts speci| thc ii. fia qurccdy " (401). *r. t:. :*.Y:!* !* !::: 9.9:....... I Payroll dcductioo only. D ACII debit oaly." (Employcc may choose cither payroll dcductlon ,ACH laymcat Rejccnd F.. ;,rfirrut;on, o, o"lorot |,til "i.. ACH /cb;t is r:jcacl /tt. tn intuf;d.rt jnl"-it'wlil bznh accvuat !,c iharyl ta fu ynicip,rttt! e*mt. Ihtfc tu 520lu tnc.fa occttrztrcc anl $J0lor catl uhtqua* lon" ftpdfr.n, - Ifd cbotc, if,.;lt '?h.&.I?d Repaym€nts rhrcugh payroll dcducrion will be seur D Vcekly ! or ACH dcbit," vil to lE chcck or wirc by thc Employer to ICMA"RC on thc followingcycle {cbootc ont)t (52 per yeer) Bi-wrekly (26 per year) fiSerui-monrhty (24 per ycar) I Monrhly (12 per yeer) ltrltietlog ft cpeyrnents: . qnPloy€e's ACH dcbirs from rhc employec's designated bankaccounrwill begin approximacely one monrh foliowing rh€ dstc rhe ooe nronrh loens, approxirnatcl/ in ofonline or, thc casc ICMA-RC, form is receiwd and processed by slgned ACH authorizarlon foilowing thc dae rhc loar chccL bas bcen clearrd for paymcnt Debits vill nolnelly be made ol a monrhly basis. . Pryrotl deducion should bcgin widrin rwo payrolt cycles following the enrployee's receipt oflheloan Ernployces using rhls nrirhod musr notifu rlrc Employer immediatcly so chat rcpapnena will bcgin os soon ar Ptacrictblc, on a dale de(ermi[cd by rhe Employer's pa1'roll cyclc. Frilure ro begin paytoll deducrion in a rimcly rnrnncr could lcrd o dre employce's loan cnrcdng delinqoelcy rtatur. tcvcstmcnt of l,oan Rcpeymcnre to his/het loal1 rq>aym.lts u.. invast.d a..ording to ihe insrrtlc(ior$ rhc parricipant Las on Fle for thc investmcnt ofconrribrtioix All accou ot. Additiooal Loal Repaymcrts rnd g:]dy P.y-Off A pardcipant m{y pny of all or a porrion of thc prirrcipal lnd intcrest elrly \vithont pcn.rlty or addirional l'cc. f,rtra paynrelrs arc lppllc{ forwani to borh prlncipal an{ intcrcst a,r spco-ificd iu t}rc origtn:rl rpa;'men: schcdulc, unlcss thc additional paymcnt is for rhc full balence duc. lllcese nore rhrt no ptymcm dare may be "skipped" evcn ifthe urnployee has m'rde a large paymem or submined muhiple DaYmcn$, [0 l$ruflTlfl0r Pr.utl rtt {5//{01 lw 9t0$!r! |I tlv 7/2015 Agenda toAl,l 6u lDfl.l]lts AGR$mENT ltlll. t0All RtfAYt'tt$ Pt0$5S (ornrup,l Loroc in Ddauh ir lo:r ns for lack of repaymenr mote frequcnr ll rlr'rn thosc tuing tbc ru ,.quirc rhar .ertain prtticrpanrs u"c the pavroll dcducrion r'ptvmeff Pafticipants using rhc Ae H rep:rymerrr opr,on ntay dcfault on r";;il ;."*;, ;.;'Jtfiil;;;i;;. rnahod. Mdtrpk Loenr ilJfnlrrap"it r,^ .ultiplc lens lormcr Employcc end ;;;;;;-pit;, continued -d y.ou ^Ly.hoo". r he ICMA-RC' oursranding from rhc plan, erch ioar tcpaytncnr mtrsr be scpatarely rcpo^cd co Leavc ofAbsencc on i".r. of abstnce musr repay rheir loaos on r6e ss'e schedule that "rp1oy"", cmploynrent. tould hwc applied had they " Acl{' or by Siving/scrrding yotr a chcck cach repay loans by givinglscndilg you a cbeck' you to employeer allow tetminared rp.yi..t.* p"',"a tt* th" Accelcrarion ICMA-RC. remictancc ro contriburion employee your nert rcgular in willincludc tl,c rep"yoreor amounrs or nrilltary lcave' may suspend loan repayrncnts for a period of rime fot cmployccs on a leave of*bsencc Your plan may ellow rernioatcd employeei ro cqnrirue .o repay their loans eirher rhrough s".tioo) lfyou ln cenain sirutious, cnrployer Please refer to jnformacion' Tre$ury Regulatiol socrion I.72(p)"1, Q&A-} fot more Rcpaymcntr Mu$t Coothu. of sornc parricipantr In imptcmenring a loan program you should be awarc thar some e.rploycn havc had to conrcnd wirh rhe inlbiliry evel ifthe peychc* thc coplolcc\ 1o reosv st eir loin(s). Yo,r slioukl bc ewarc thar you may noc srop t"king lu"u t"prymems lioo eligibilitl'or thc cculd both ott schcdule feopardize .rk" ,hu, ..paymcnts be sropped. F*ilure nr payrnll-dcducr loln rep,rynrents loal thmuglr repaying the "*plo1." ifru cmploycc isLikewisc, parti(ipant. ihe a taxableevctri for quili6catton ofth" .mtr. plon ,.di "" "s "reatc rctircmcnt eif the eligibiliry rhis c<ruld peyrnenrs, ro arakc 1'our ieopardizc of6i"lho bank accoqnt, and rhc crnployc* hils ,iCH d"bi, phn. Employcrs are uhimarely rcsponsible for ensuring thar loans are rcpaid according ro rhe loan rcrms. iCMA-RC will norify both lnou;rnd rhe enrployee ifa paymcrr ht$ not bcen !e€ei!cd' 'Ihc loan intcr.cst ratcs arc sct for non-rcsidcndal loanr at tLe primc rate plos 0.5%r, and for grincipal rcsidencc loaus at thc FHA/VA ratc. 'Ihc intercst rate fo. Dcw loans ffuctuatcs from monrh-lo-month, Thc ratcc fbr the following monrh arc dctermioed on rhe last busincss dry ofrhc month using www.molcycefe.conr/library/primcrarc.htrn (prime r*c) and www.citimortgagc.corn (principal residence r*tQ^ l,I/hcn a ncw loan is approved' thc intcrest tare is losked in and rcmajns consrant throqghour rhe life offie loan' At the rime a loan is r{kcn, 50 p€.c*nr oflhe participant's accorrnt balance or thc amount ofthc loao, whichevtr is less. rvitl bc uscd as colhtenl 6r tbc loln. speciiywhaher participaors who havc separat<J lcrom service will bc rble to conrinue loan rcpaymems until thcy have wirhdra-wn rireir entirciccouttr batrnce fron rhe plan, or ifourscaoding loeos will bc due and pa;nble at thc tine rhc parricipaot scparatcs fipm servicc. Plcasc All oursranding loans shall be duc and payable by a panicipant upon: I Separadon from service, All lorn repaymcnrs muse *op following rn crnployec seprratiag from servicc. Dirttibution of hic/her entire accouor balance, !mplopcs can continuc m:rking loan repryn:ctts uoril they hrve widrdravn lheir EJtcntirc ' accounr balancc. Oucranding loan balances thu arc nor repald rvill be reported as djscribrdonr ro the participant. Sec the Deerncd Disrriburions sccrion for addirional informa.ion, lur lt rntrror Prc*rt rot {57/101 ftrt t?0[i0t! I l0 Rtv 7/2015 Agenda LOAN GU IDTI,I IITS AGRIEIIIE}IT x||. (c.g,, replymcnr peti(}d, interest rac, trequcncy of repa,vmcntsi' Any Rcemonizarion changcs the trms ofan outrtaotling loun oursnrdiug loan may be reamortircd. (Ji ycars from tlrc date rhc loan was origllally issucd' or, in tbc case of Rcemoftization cennot c)\.tend tbc repsynrent ptriod bcyond 6r"c <iare thc lomr rvas originally isstcd' ao^n", b.yon.{ [,lrJnnn',blr of 1,ea.s rpecifi.d in-Sc'ction vII] y:ars from thc ;;,;;;;i'*; owsranding lorn be rcatno'rizd' UPon piocessing rhe requcsi' a ?ar.ricipanu can use a loan amonizatiou form ro requecr thar end rpproval by tht cmployer' 1te executed ncw disclosurc stereficot \vill bc scat r(} the crnploylr tbr endorscmcnt by rbl p,r.tictpanr u disclosurcsratcrncntnrustbercrurnedto!b"p1".,nd^irri.rrr,.r,*ithini0c,licndarda1'sfromrbcd'rreitis.sig ,*t -"nt i, "onrl&r.d ln ameodmcnr to rhe original promlssor], noac; rh€refrIr a nelv promissory nore vill ed'I1-rcncwdisdosurc noc be required' Note:Alotttlte,tnlott1rltt,1ottuiIlstotlernit!ctcla,tau,|aan|*1lttt1olaofta!cnI,ttittgthraamba'>fhatsautttaldingor$eolela must bc rcprid over a period rhat does Rcfiaanciog iurolve's a new loau rcplacing al emplolnce's ourstandhrg loan' Thc refinetccd loan not cxcqcd 6ve (5) ,'cars frorn drc dare whcl thc originel loan wos irsued' for an additional amottnt, Activcly crnploycd pnticipants with orre (l) o0rstarrding ioau may elcct !o re6nauce tlrc outstaoding loln our.a loan during the not;"er taken has purtlcipalr s.rblc.ito rh" lor' rrnoulr limiradonc ourlincd in Secrio' VI, provided that thc to reSn'rnce an arc oor eligiblc employed, arc rro longcr vho ca[nder ycar- Participants wirh nuhlplc oursranding loans, and thosc exi$ing loan. Nott: ltdnripal mi&ntt h,os arc nor cligibh for tf *wc. ihc oursraodiDg loan balancc(s).will be dedscted lrom rLe account a trxrbic dirttibudon and may bc sub,oc. to c;rrly \vi$drs\|r'al penaltics. lhe participenr's esretc is respons.ibic for taxcs and pcoaltics on rhe unpaid |:an eoroutt, ifany. A burcficiary is rcsponsiblc lor tn*"s do. on rbe arnount hc or shc rccciveJ- A Form 1099 will bc isstrc<l to both the bcreiciaryand tbe esratc for tax rcporting purposcs. lfa panlciprnr dies prior m full rcpaymcnr o[ rhe oursranding loan(s), ptioi m distribrtion to thc bcncficiary(ies). Thc unpaid loan amouot i.s A loan will be dccmcd disrributcd thsn a scheduled paymcnr is srill unpaid at tlrc end ofrhe calendar quaner followiog rhe calcndar js quarrcr !n rvhich rhe paltnent rns due. Vhen a loan is deemcd disrribrrcd, the principal balaace and any accroed irrrercsa r.Po.tcd to paid to thc no nroncy is acrually previously, loan amount rhc participrnt re<rivcd tL IRS ,r^, o rax"blc d-istriburion, Howcver, sircc chc parricipanc as pan ofa deenred disrribution fhc loan is decmed dinibuted for tax purposcs, bur ir is not an asrual dirtr'rburiou aud tbercforc rcmlins an assct ofthe parricipant's account accoun(. lot.rc$r co[inues to sccluc. ihc ourstanding loau tnlancc arrd accrucd iltcra5l s.c rcPo(ad ofi the participarrt's $rtamcnts. Repayment ofa dccmcd distriburion will not changc or reversc thc taxablc evctrt. _.[hc loan contilucs to bc outstalding, nod ro accruc interest, until ii is rcpiid or o{f$e! using thc particigant's accounr balancc. An Pa*iciplnrs offgct can occur only if the p:rricipant is eligible ro reccivc a <lirniburion frcot thc pleu es outlir:ed in thc plan documentloen' Thc decmed eligiblrfor a new bc thcy cln before o,rt*rodi.rg loon whicb ha. d."mcd distributed orc rcquired to rcpay "ny js mlxintcrn derennining thc whcn into accounc raken disrriburion and any ioreresr ac.ruJdncr rhc dare it trcame a taxablc evcnt arnount arailablc for a ncw loan. Ncw loarrs must bc rcPaid th.ouglr payroll deducrion lm2ortaltNotc:'|hcalploytnoblig*tedl7fcdttelrpLntonnanplyuit'th.tuzg"i/clnurq"wna*applket'|tapat.tirtllbl.a agiiutdzcn,zd/ilttibuionl2noniixngroi",cp,?.,ni''".ngo,d!,"i!n"*"hodofrt7n7nlnlandb7otauingntplo7et;ifk, *r;'" pLr nr to 't'nlc/ it ca'a cf./irr1tat 4aynmt 'tdin o, aigilit;ty icaa:d db*ib*,!. 'Ih, u*"4"alif ,/ "tat* "|tt', try To assirt plan spolsors whose plan opdons include loans, ICMA-RC wilt pmvide rcaot$ ofPafliciPattts *ith paynreuts delioqucnt is commitrcd to iCMA-RC deemcd djsributtd. havc becn loans yer ;md cftose whose not decmed, or mote deys bur 30 to 8g &ys, irO lo:rns end decrease supporring crnployets who rcguesr assiscancc rvith rhcir loan programs iu order o reduce the nunber ofdelinqucnt rhe occurrence of deemed distributions. Lo.x lrrrrrrrrfi,ot Pl{r^er for 15ry{01 lult Sforsort nrf I ll 7/2015 Agenda L0Al{ Gu |tttll{ts tYt fls Fca mey be chergcd fDr vadour c?tvkc! ,Jrociatid whh thc ;;;;"ip;;G."* to thr psrtlip.nt's h*tr*" uod;oi i-* the app- lic.tioa for and pa*ticlpan*Lrn issuancc ofloans' rcg*yments pdor o A0RIttIilT All applioblc &ts xill b€ dcbired *cditing the cp:ym*nt of pdncipel 'td fmm ln:rrst rcaotlBt. cotnpb' with any gs it dcmr ncc*'sery fot lY.* ftT.e" Pl"i Thc Eroploycr h.' tlc righr to sct ctbcr tcnns and conditlons l" :1110 mrnncr' nofl'discrlBioetory unllolm 1!d in a bc edministcrcd lcgei rcqutrcmctrtr. EmpL,"cr c*ti6cr tLrt dl termt and condltionr wlll q,.rtu*d In t$gttocrs Vhcrcol the cnployer hcIrdy ceucd thcsc Gsiddiias to br ttls*I,nd daY of 2{}_* ---.-- EMPLC'YER 3p Titlr: Attesc 10fi lnrtfinrrrfi ?rctur tor,lslll0l pur trorior I 12 rwr/?9rt Agenda illoximum loon Amount Wolksheet ofthc accor'rnt balrnce, wlriche'cr is less' 'rbc marrmum amounr a girticipr.t c.n borrow from his or her ecco$nt i$ $50,000 or )0{o thc paet 12 months (which, obvlouelS over lorn bahncc Howcvcr, thc:mounr .-t b" ,"d*"aby ol"*icipantk highor outstaoding minimum amount t Patli(iPRu' tal phn).1hc 401 ."fi *p".r" p""",parrt" who have prc*i'ou"iy t.k* .lo*o-g*- a 4J7 or qualificd borow is 51,000' tXAltlPtt I yesrcrd:y was from his accouat bcfore lnd his 457 plan accouur belancc at rhc close ofbusincss reccivc, wt need to dctcrmine if50% ofhi6 nc'4unr balar:cc $g,1,000. To <alculirc rhe mexirnum loaa amount hc is cligiblc to ofhis accoult balancc is les than 550,000' i$ai,ooo * :Os6 = S+2,000) is grcara rhan or lcss than $5i,000, In this casc, 50% so tic roa:cimum loen smount Michdel k cligible to rcccive is ${2,000' Michacl ha.c nwe! $kcn e loan t)(&{Pu? at the closc of burines ycsrcrdry was Kathy has ncwr Ulcn a loan from hcr arcount before and hcl 40.1 plan lccour:r belance than $50'000' so the meximqm loan is greatcr $240.000. ln this case' 50% ofKlthyb balancc ($2d0'000 x 50% = $i20'000) amounr iQrhy ls digible ro rcchr ir $5O000 (thc lcsscr of thc wo amounts)' TTAilPTIs her 457 phn account balancc ae the Pam took e $15,000 toan from hcr account cighr monrhs ago (in drc prwiour caleudar ycrr) and l< ($130'000 qasc, 50% = $65'000) ir geatcr than $50'000' 50% of Pamt balancc close ofbusiucss ycsrrday was $130,000' In *is past 12 months, so thc meximum lcan wcr thc but thet arnount murt also bc reduccd by her highcsr outstandirg loan balance * ($50'000 $t5'000 = $35'000) amount Plm is cltgiblc ro tccciw is $35,000' orod l9o.kL.t l) Entcr 50% of thc participant's ror:l plan eccount brlaocc' 2) tntcr rhc answcr to #1 or$J0,000, whicluwr k less. 3) Enrcr thc panicipanth highest outstmding loerr balence ovcr thc 12 months (from all ofyour plans combined), ifaPplicable. 4) Srb*rct #3 *om *2 end you havc thc merimum amount thr plrticlPant is cllgible to recciw as a nsw loan. 1\ t tr C r) ,'\ n) *9 dl s hr$imtfi $65,000 3) 6\ bnn 4mat n [0 lnu{tt nor kilrsil'' $50,000 * $15,000 $35,000 ) 451/1ll,,,, ttl;{;lol: Agenda ullflrc ruSu( rtrnt{flll troor SUGGTSTED RTSOTUTIOIITOR A LTGISTATIVT BODY RTTATING TO AMENDII{G A RTTIRffiTI{T PTAN TO PTRf!|IIT IOANS st(utllY * *- * *" -.* lO---401 ProGt-Slrariug lten # {57 Doferred Compcnsrtion Phn s 30 L h- 5 e 401 Morcy Purchuc Pbn fO s,..,C Namc of Employer: ft Rcsoluion ofthe abovc namcd Employer ("Employcr") !{HEREAS, thc Employcr has employees reldcring veluable serviccs; and Employcr rhc inrcrcst ofrhe !(HEREAS, thc Employcr has csraOlished a rerircmcnt plan (rhc "Plan") for surh employces which :ervcs in its pcron ncl malagcnrent flexibiliry iucrcascd providing by ior lts employccs, rec*riry rctiremcnt raronable p-tia. i. r" iy "-tii.g sfsr.n. and by assisting il thc attractioa and retcntion ofcompeteut persorrnel; and VHEREAS, the Enployer har derermined rhat pcrmlning pa[icipants in r.hc reritcmeut plaJl to teke loanc from the Plen will scrvc thcsc ob.jectives; NO\C THEREFORE 8E IT RESOLVtrD rh:t thc Plan will permit loans. Clcrk ofrhc (City, CountS erc.) tic forcgoing rsoludon, proPoscd bf (Council wrs duly pasrcd and adoptcd Membcr, Trustcq, ctc.) ia thc (Courrcil, 8nad, ctc') ofrhc (City, County' erc) day do hercby ccrd$ char of ol ar a rcgular of 20 - - meedlg rhereofarsemblcd thts by thc followilg rorc: AYOS: NAYS: ABSENTI Cr.rnx oprnr (Crv, Cout"rr, t:lc") Mail or &x coplcs of ell completcd documcntr to ICMA-RC. Frxtor Workfl ow Management lAam 202-68L6439 aR Mdl xo! ICMA-RC ATTNI \florkffow Management Team P.O. 8ox 96220 '\)?ashingmu, DC 20090'622$ loir h?ur uxor f^uls*a,451/101 hn 5rorlor: Il{ rryr/mr! Agenda 457 PI.A}I TOAI{ ADIilINISTRATION t0lt!!r6 flltllc sfn0r f,r it{flrT stt||xl AGRETTIIITNT or 2) morc than one plan providcr ocb wirh its own plan Thls Agrcemeor is uot rcquired ifyou haw l) only ooe 4Jl plac ptovidcr lf you havc rdoptd I s11elc.!57 plan documc't applic documtt and proviriorr $ique !o erch ProYi&i. Th" Agt""t*' ooly ref.t to the Multiple Planr/Providcrs scction of thc Plea$a oPGn; ru&r rllct ICMA.RC ana onc or moie ot|t* p.o"idi.(s) *-t laan Guidclincs Agreemcu( IDscuctioos for mort derails' Employcr idcurifi"d ltlow-and as an Addcndum to Thir Agrccment shell *crvc ar an Addcndqm to the Lo{r cuidElines esrablishcd by dre CorPot4tion (!CMA-RC) and thc Enrployer' Rltil€ment the ICMA (ASA) bcrv.e.n by aud madc drc 43minl3gfarive scrvir€s Agr4mrnr by two ot morc pmviders (co'providcr plan)' Thc Eoployrr curcntly rpolsorr a r.siion {97 dcferrcd compelsaiio! Pl.n adminiJrc*d ,o'.*o." ,f" .micnr adrninistretion of dre loan program crtabllihcd by the Employer, thc Ernplolcr lcrcby agces and declerco oJ. (l) lo thrr ICMA"RC rvill bc trcarcd as though For purposcs ofisruing loens frcm rhe plen, rhrt portion ofthc plan's rscts adminisrcrcd by plan. and d&rincr were r scPalarc it rhell calcul{(c thc amount e parricipant may borrow fmm thc lcMA-RC edministcrcd Portioo ofthe p{an' No loan rpccificd in Intcmal Rcvenue Code scction 72(PX2XA) or (b) 5090 o-o.rn. *ry.1aod rhc lcsecr of(a) thc rr,n*im,r- lo"n "rno,rn: ofthe panlcipant's ICMA-R,C-rdnr in istercd account balance' (2)- TLc Emplolcr ' (3) All lo4n rcplymeoc musr AGREED as be ma& ro rhc perricipenr's lcMA-RC-sdmlnilteted accoufi ofthc r.atn"orn'npry*, day f,r! 9f 6l thc life of<he loan. 20 of *-t 'llh Ar"he{' sutffi. Emptoyer Phn Numbcn 30{- LLa Authotizcd 06cial Pzrir}Vzaai: Signatu* of Alrhodzcd Offi cjal: Mdl or ler copies of all cornpletcd ilocumoG to ICMA-RC. Fax tor Mri! to: Vorlcflow Menagement Team ICMA,RC ATTN: \florkHow Manegemcnr T€am 2A2-682-6439 P.O. Sox 96220 Ifluhingtoo DC 2009a-(420 forr flnrrrrnnor Prtrre, $ 451/1ll PIit SrorJort tiv I l5 7/2011 Agenda RESOTUTION NO. A RESOTUTION OF THE CITY COUNCII- OF THE CIW OF TEHACHAPI AMENDING A 457 RETIREMENT PIAN TO PERMIT TOANS WHEREAS, the employer has employees rendering valuable services; and the Employer has established a retirement plan (the "Plan") for such WHEREAS, employees which serves the interest of the Employer by enabling it to provide reasonable retirement security for its employees, by providing increased flexibility in its personnel management system, and by assisting in the attraction and retention of competent personnel; and WHEREAS, the Employer has determined that permitting participants in the retirement plan to take loans from the Plan will serve these objectives; NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Citv of Tehachapi as follows: 1. That the Plan will permit loans. PASSED AND ADOPTED on the 5th day of October, 2015 at a regular meeting of the City Council ofthe City ofTehachapi by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: CTIY OIJ TEHACHAPI Agenda SUSAN WIGGINS, MAYOR City of Tehachapi, California ATTEST: TORI MARSH, CITY CTERK City of Tehachapi, California I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Tehachapi at a regular meeting thereof held on October 5, 2015. TORI MARSH, City Clerk City of Tehachapi, California CIIY or TEHACHAPI LEGAL DEPARTMENT Agenda a :i li l./.a-\L TEHACHAPI a ^l t r 3:l \ iA COUNCIL REPORTS MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 5, 20L5 DEPARTMENT HEAD:- CITY MANAGER: AGENDA SECTION: CITY MANAGER TO: HONORABTE MAYOR WIGGINS AND COUNCIT MEMBERS FROM: GREG GARRETT, CITY MANAGER DATE: September 2a,zots SUBJECT: APPROVED Approval of Bond Tender Agreement ("Agreement") for Satisfaction of Delinquent Assessment District 1989-2 Assessments on Kern County APNs 223-490-02, 223-490-03,223490-06 AND 223-4go-t]- (the "Property') between the city of Tehachapi ("clTY"), on behalf of Assessment District No. 1989-2 ("District''1, and Tower Investments, ttC ('"Towe/') On or about February 5, 1990, the CITY, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal lmprovement Act of 1913 and the lmprovement Bond Act of 1915 formed Assessment District No. 1989-2 (the "DISTRICT"); and, thereafter. the DISTRICT levied a special assessment and imposed a special assessment lien upon all property within the DISTRICT, including the unimproved Property (referenced above). When the special assessments secured by a specific property are not paid and become delinquent, then the CITY is obligated under the bond documents to bring an action to judicially foreclose the special assessment lien on that property. DISTRICT special assessments that have been levied on the Property are delinquent and unpaid for a variety of Tax Years starting from t99L/92 through 2009/10 as more specifically At this time, installments of set forth on the spreadsheet marked as Exhibit "A" to the proposed Bond Tender Agreement attached to this Staff Report. The CITY previously requested these installments be removed from the Kern County Tax Roll and forwarded to the CITY's foreclosure counsel to conduct foreclosure proceedings and judicial foreclosure judgments have been entered in such proceedings and recorded against the Property. On June 4, 2007, the Clry adopted a Policy and Procedure to Facilitate Payment of Assessments and Development of Property within City of Tehachapi Assessment District No. 89-2 (the "Policy"), and the Policy was subsequently amended on January 2I,2OO3, and September 2,2OO3. Pursuant to the Policy and State law, the CITY is authorized to permit the redemption of delinquent property within the DISTRICT through the tendering of DISTRICT bonJs in lieu of enforcing foreclosure judgments through execution sales at considerable cost. Tower, which currently owns the Property after acquiring title through County tax sales, acknowledges that the delinquencies set forth in Exhibit "A" to the proposed Agreement remain unpaid and, in lieu of a total cash payment, wishes to tender certain DISTRICT bonds in satisfaction of delinquencies in order to redeem the property. Tower currently owns DISTRICT bonds as set forth on Exhibit "8" to the proposed Agreement, with a tender vaf ue of 5546,157 .O7, and of which Tower wishes to tender 5542,OOi .O2 in satisfaction of the delinquent assessments for the Property leaving a residual credit of 54,080.05 to be held and used for the Agenda paymentoffutureassessmentsorde|inquencies.Towerwil|a|sopays50,o0otooffsettheC|TY,sfeesand i"iir'."0 Tower will pay all escrow fees, recording' title and closing costs' cause problems for the clTY and DlsTRlcT bondholders' staff notes that defaulted properties like the Property must payments they are supposed to be receiving. Also, the clrY First, the bondholders rr" noir"."iuing the General CITY's the costs. These costs are advanced by continue to pay administratrve and judicial foreclosure bondholders are paid and costs are recouped by the Fund. When there is a ,r.."rrirt foreclosure sale, the foreclosure against the Propertv and Staff sees no ClTy. However, to date, ,n" inY has not had a successful property value.relative to the special assessment light at the end of the tunnel due to the PROPERTY's low delinquencies, properties lay unused, delinquencies. second, while burdened with the high and uncollectible business ventures due to lack of available and undeveloped. This causes a problem in attracting potential properties. lt also perpetuates the lack of payment being suffered by the bondholders' OPTIONS 1. Approve the proposed Bond Tender Agreement' 2. judicially foreclose the Not approve the proposed Bond Tender Agreement and continue to seek to assessment lien judgments against the Property' RECOMMENDATION staff recommends that the council approve the Bond Tender Agreement which provides for the waiver of all accrued DISTRICT penalties and interest and approves the satisfaction of the principal of the special assessments secured by the Property through the redemption of DISTRICT bonds with the cumulative value of 5542,007.02, on the terms set forth in the proposed Agreement' Execution of the approved Bond Tender Agreement will result in the satisfaction of all delinquent DISTRICT assessments against the PROPERTY, satisfaction of the outstanding DISTRICT judgments recorded against the Property and settlement of all judicial foreclosure actions by the DISTRICT against the Property, and will leave Tower with a residual credit of 54,080.05 to be held and used for the payment of future DISTRICT assessments or delinquencies Page 2 of 2 Agenda OF DELINQUENT BOND TENDER AGREEMENT FOR SATISFACTION ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1989-2 ASSESSMENTS 223-490-ll\ (KERN COUNTY APN'S 223-490-02, 223-490-03' 223-490-06 AND ThisAgreementismadeasofSeptember25,20l5,-byandbetweentheCityofTehachapi (hereinafter "DISTRICT"), and Tower c.clTy) or, 6',"ndf of Assessment Disirict No. 1989-2 of Kem County Assessor's in r"rt-"nt., LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, owner *OWNER'), parcel Numbers 2 23-490-02,223-490-03,223-460-06 AND 223-490-11 (hereinafter ( the "Property")' ."ga.a to tne outstanding special assessment delinquencies on these parcels *iit RECITALS WHEREAS, on or about February 5, 1990, the CITY, pusuant to the provisions of the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 and the Improvement Rond Act of 1915 formed Assessment DistriciNo. t-sae-z 1"eo 89-2"); and, thereafter, the DISTRICT levied a special assessment and imposed a special assessment lien upon all property within the assessment district, including the property which, pursuant to the CITY's obligations under the bond documents, must be foreclosed upon when delinquent; and WHEREAS, on or about July 19, 1990, the DISTRICT issued the City of Tehachapi Limited obligation lmprovement Bonds, Summit Assessment District, in the amount of $2,874,000; and WHEREAS, on June 4,2001, the GITY adopted a Policy and Procedure to Facilitate Payment of Assessments and Development of Property within city of Tehachapi Assessment Diitrict No. 89-2 (the "Policy"), and the Policy was subsequently amended on January 21,2003, and September 2, 2003; and WHEREAS, installments of Special Assessments have been levied on the Property and are delinquent and unpaid for a variety of Tar Years starting from 1991/92 through 2009/10 as more specifically set forth on the attached spreadsheet marked as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference; and, on this basis, the cITY previously requested these installments be removed from the Kcm County Tax Roll and forwarded to foreclosure counsel to conduct foreclosure proceedings andjudicial foreclosure judgments have been entered in such proceedings and recorded against the Property; and ryHEREAS, pusuant to the Policy and State law, the GITY is authorized to permit the redemption of delinquent property within the DISTRICT in lieu of enforcing foreclosure judgments through execution sales at considerable cost; and WHEREAS, OWNER acknowledges that the delinquencies set forth in Exhibit "A" remain unpaid and, in lieu of a total cash payment, wishes to tender certain AD 89-2 bonds in satisfaction ofdelinquencies in order to redeem the Property; and WHEREAS, OWNER currently owns AD 89-2 Bonds as set forth on Exhibit "8" atiached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, with a tender value of $546,157.07, and of which OWNER wishes to tender $542,007.02 in satisfaction of the delinquent assessments for the RIv #4821-7213-8023 vl Agenda for the payment of future Property leaving a residual credit of $4,080.05 to be held and used assessments or delinquencies; and of the WHEREAS, CITY acknowledges that, if it declines this proposed satisfaction to continue to spend delinquent AD 89-2 assessments agains:t the Property, it will be obligated given the history f, pro"""a with judicial foreciosure actions against the Property, however, ofthe Property sales execution of failed sales in such actions and the cunent value ofthe Property, *"*lik"ly to t"sult in satisfaction of the delinquent assessments, penalties and interest. NOW, THEREFORE, finding it to be in the best interest of the Bondholders, the the DISTRICT, the cITY, and the owNER (collectively, the "Parties"), and to facilitate foreclosure, satisfaction of the AD 89-2 delinquencies and the redemption of the Property from promises contained and in consideration ofthe above iecitals, and the covenants, conditions and below, the Parties agree as follows: 1. The cumulative redemption price for the Property is $542,007.02 which includes waiver of all accrued AD 89-2 penalties and interest as delineated on the spreadsheet attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. On or before september 30,2015, OWNER will (i) submit the Bonds listed in Exhibit.,B" to the AD 89-2 Trustee for handling, and (ii) submit a cashier's check in the amount of $50,000.00, payable to the City of Tehachapi, along with (iii) a signed copy ofthis Agreement to the escrow for this transaction open with First American Title Company. 3. On or before September 30, 2015, CITY will submit (i) a signed copy of this Agreement, and (ii) Acknowledgments of Satisfaction of Judgment (partial or full) with regard to ali judgments against the Property entered on behalf of the DISTRICT, to the escrow for this transaction open with First American Title Company. 4. Upon receipt of OWNER's cashier's check and the signed Agreement, and upon OWNERS' tender of tne Bonds listed in Exhibit "B" as provided herein, (z) the AD 89-2 Trustee will cancel the tendered Bonds in firll satisfaction ofthe outstanding AD 89-2 delinquencies on the Property leaving a residual credit of $4,080.05 with the DISTRICT for the payment of future assessments or delinquencies, (y) the escrow shall release the Acknowledgments of Satisfaction of Judgment to OWNER for filing with the Court and/or recordation with the County Recorder's Office, and (x) the escrow shall release the OWNER's cashier's check to CITY. 5. OWNER shall be responsible for paying all escrow fees, recording, title and closing costs. 6. This Agreement is entered into by each of the parties without reliance upon any statement, representation, agreement, arrangement, or understanding, oral or written between and among the parties hereto, relating to the redemption of the Property which are not fully expressed herein. This Agleement constitutes the entire arrangement between the parties and supersedes any prior written or oral Agreement or understanding between or among said parties conceming the settlement of all claims between the DISTRICT and OWNER. RIv #4821-7213-8023 vl Agenda T.ThisAgreementprovidesforthepaymentandsatisfactionofalldelinquentAD upon, nor shall it be 89-2 assessments relating to the above referenced Property, and has no effect liens against the subject construed as affecting, ihe ad valorem property taxes or any other Property. This Agleement shall not be amended or modified except in a writing expressly or stating its amendment and signed by each of the parties affected by such amendment modification. 8. g. The drafting and negotiation of this Agreement has been parlicipated in by each of jointly by the Parties; thus, for all purposes, this Agreement shall be deemed to have been drafted each of the Parties. 10. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the Constitution and laws ttre State of California. of The signature pages of this Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but such oounterparts, when taken together, shall constitute but one Agreement. 11. ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO BY: Steve Marks, Jr., Senior Vice President Tower Investments, LLC A Delaware Limited Liability Company City of Tehachapi on behalf of Assessment District 89-2 By: Greg Garrett, City Manager RIV #4821-7213-8023 v1 Agenda :388q l- J @ !l 'l $ sg ;i$Ris bl: o ele Jls l- @0l I r.) tl 3t: pl 'l ]tlrl -l :ls gli E.-s='si<fFdd 33385h{i I cEqssE-q ;BBiitE 3o-6-3Bqq :gH; :;;- &1" t-tl et\ t*tl et\ q Co"l 't-tl ttl ltl tll -l ;::3so -l -tl | $ H.*.e s5; E iii8 tt ;g$; It: o aE s3rq8E $ B F.E d dd8 R i:6 es:sEqqE 3lH .0 IFll lq It-ll I I ^loll qt:il glEtl ;gR stgtl -l-ll -(06NCo)': ExeSSRS ot- ol o!l .ltl !:PR::3 Dl fl !l ea3333333 PPRF38333 atstsE6o6o ci -ESsBBEg3 E d o 'l I 9P I eio :: o E?. EE vt F E: '.t I qq o :; BB E_E lid FF 3 i ? 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