ponics - Sketching in Hardware


ponics - Sketching in Hardware
(Why Google is suspects that my kids are drug dealers
and why we’re looking for a food-safe fencepost)
Roger Meike (pronounced “Mike,” FYI)
PARC - but not what this project is about
Saturday, July 20, 13
Roger Meike
• Currently working at PARC
• Technologist/Maker/Entrepreneur...
• ..and I have the ham radio license to prove it!
Saturday, July 20, 13
keyword: spaughts
Saturday, July 20, 13
The challenge
• Advice from Mike: Pick a topic that interests you
• I now work on a software project at PARC, so I don’t have HW to talk about
• I’m busy so I don’t do as much fun stuff at home as I would like
• Everything I do in hardware these days is more sketchy than a sketch
Saturday, July 20, 13
Slow Jam Sketch
• If you use really slow material, is it still sketching?
• i.e. working with biological and chemical constraints
• The story: Why Google is pretty sure my kids are drug dealers and why I’m
looking for a food-safe fencepost
• Let the children lead the way
• And so the story begins...
Saturday, July 20, 13
Items of Interest
Saturday, July 20, 13
Saturday, July 20, 13
Saturday, July 20, 13
Saturday, July 20, 13
Saturday, July 20, 13
Items of Interest
Saturday, July 20, 13
Saturday, July 20, 13
Hydroponics System
Reservoir with pump and float switch
Saturday, July 20, 13
Types of Hydroponic Systems
• Ebb and flow system
Water level is fluctuated
• Wick System
Simplest System
• Drip system or Dutch Bucket
Bucket with a drip system type water supply
• Deep water culture (DWC)
Roots hang in root chamber full of water/nutrients
• Nutrient film technique (NFT)
Thin film of nutrients
• Bubbleponics
Deep water culture system with water pumped to
the top
Saturday, July 20, 13
• Aquaponics is the cultivation of plants and fish in a recirculating
• The waste materials of the plants are being fed to the fish while at
the same time the waste of the fish is used in fertilizing the plants
and vegetables
Nutrient rich water
Plants clean
and filter
Fish muck up
Clean water
Saturday, July 20, 13
• Aeroponics is the process of growing plants
in an air or mist environment without the use
of soil.
• A nutrient solution is used to provide food for
the plants
• A fogger or mister is used to aerosolize
nutrients and water in the root chamber
Types of Aeroponic Systems
• High pressure aeroponics
• Fogponics
Saturday, July 20, 13
Tribe Awesome Aeroponic Garden
It is a combination fogponics and deep
water culture system.
If you trim the roots, you can make it a
strictly fogponic/aeroponic system
Foam Plant Holders
Saturday, July 20, 13
Root Chamber & Fogger
Fogger Technology
• Piezoelectric disk vibrates water at 4 megahertz
• Fogger fills air with microscopic drops (5-10 microns)
• Plant pores absorb the nutrients and water from the droplets
• Allows for very controlled amounts of nutrients to be dispensed to
Saturday, July 20, 13
Benefits: Requires less water, nutrients, and
• Reduces water usage by 98% (uses up to 65% less water than
hydroponics according to NASA)
• Fertilizer usage is also reduced by 60%
• No pesticide is typically needed
...all the while maximizing crop yields!
Saturday, July 20, 13
Benefits: Fast Plant Growth
• 13 crop turns in aeroponics vs 5 crop turns in soil per year (http://
• Grows twice as fast a hydroponic systems (http://how-to-x.info/2038335-aeroponicsvs-hydroponics.htm)
In only 12 days!
Saturday, July 20, 13
Benefits: No Weeds
• You grow only the plants you want, not 'weeds'
• No herbicides required
Saturday, July 20, 13
Benefits: Control
• Precise control over
o nutrient concentration and composition
o moisture
o diseases that can kill or harm the plant
Saturday, July 20, 13
Benefits: Little space required
Little space required
• Aeroponics gives you the ability to grow plants in places that you
would not otherwise be able to with regular gardening and
• Aeroponics does not use soil which saves space-and a mess
• Because aeroponics does not
use a lot of space plants can
grow inside
• This is helpful in places where
weather is unpredictable or
unfavorable for a garden.
Saturday, July 20, 13
Benefits: Mobility/Portability...
• Aeroponics systems require little space
• Systems are self contained
• Entire system can be moved
Saturday, July 20, 13
Benefits: Educational Value
• Great way to learn the biology of a plant
• The roots of the plant are visible
make more acute observations of roots
Saturday, July 20, 13
Benefits: Easy System Maintenance
• Systems can be highly automated
• Your system will require only
occasional maintenance
Change water every few weeks
Replace nutrients
Clean the fogger
Saturday, July 20, 13
Workshop Weekend
Saturday, July 20, 13
Live Data
Saturday, July 20, 13
Saturday, July 20, 13
Saturday, July 20, 13
Raul from Valley Verde
Saturday, July 20, 13
Saturday, July 20, 13
Saturday, July 20, 13
Saturday, July 20, 13
Saturday, July 20, 13
Where are they headed from here?
• Build a system for Raul
• New form factors - Go vertical
• Solar Power
• More sensors - Monitor pH, Salinity etc
• Dispense nutrients and water autonomously
• Sense gases
• Use cameras to sense growth phase
• Aquaponics
• What does it mean to give plants a virtual life
Saturday, July 20, 13
Projections - looking forward
• All the systems, tools, sharing, business models that we are working on is
stuff the next generation takes for granted (so we better make it work!)
• They assume that they are inheriting a “used” planet and it’s gonna need
some work
• Don’t be distracted by the CPU - You can sketch in hardware that has no
• Growing plants without soil is kind of like teaching kids without school Homeschooling is verrrry interesting
Saturday, July 20, 13
• http://www.tribeawesome.com
• http://digitaldiner.blogspot.com
Saturday, July 20, 13
Saturday, July 20, 13