Linking Freshwater Flows and Ecosystem Services Appropriated by
Linking Freshwater Flows and Ecosystem Services Appropriated by
ECOSYSTEMS Ecosystems (1999) 2: 351–366 r 1999 Springer-Verlag Linking Freshwater Flows and Ecosystem Services Appropriated by People: The Case of the Baltic Sea Drainage Basin ÅÅsa Jansson,1,2 Carl Folke,1,2* Johan Rockström,1,3 and Line Gordon,1 1Natural 2The Resources Management, Department of Systems Ecology, Stockholm University, S-10691 Stockholm, Sweden; Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Box 50005, S-104 05, Stockholm, Sweden; 3RELMA, PO Box 63403, Nairobi, Kenya ABSTRACT Humanity’s dependence on ecosystem support is ‘‘mentally hidden’’ to large segments of society; it has no price in the market and is seldom accounted for in decision making. Similarly, the needs of ecosystems for fresh water for generation of nature’s services are largely invisible. Freshwater assessments predominantly have focused on human uses of liquid water in rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. We estimated the spatial appropriation of terrestrial and marine ecosystems—the ecological footprint—of the 85 million inhabitants in the Baltic Sea drainage basin with regard to consumption of food and timber and waste assimilation of nutrients and carbon dioxide. We also estimated the amount of fresh water—the water vapor flow—that the inhabitants depend upon for their appropriation of these ecosystem services. The ecological footprint estimate corresponds to an area as large as 8.5–9.5 times the Baltic Sea and its drainage basin with a per capita ecosystem appropriation of 220,000–250,000 m2. This large estimate is mainly attributed to carbon sequestering by marine ecosystems and forests. The water vapor flow of the ecological footprint of forests, wetlands, agriculture, and inland water bodies for making the human appropriation of ecosystem services possible is estimated at 1175– 2875 km3 y⫺1. Human dependence on water vapor flows for ecosystem services is as great as 54 times the amount of freshwater runoff that is assessed and managed in society. Decision making on an increasingly human-dominated planet will have to address explicitly the critical interdependencies between freshwater flows and the capacity of ecosystems to generate services. We advocate a dynamic ecohydrological landscape-management approach upstream and downstream in watersheds to reduce unintentional impacts, irreversible change, and further loss of freshwater resources, ecosystem services, and resilience. INTRODUCTION others 1994). The human dimension on earth has expanded to such an extent that all ecosystems are modified by human activities (Boulding 1966; Daly and Cobb 1989; Vitousek and others 1997). The pervasive worldwide alteration of terrestrial and aquatic habitats by an expanding human popula- Key words: ecosystem services; ecological footprints; life-support systems; freshwater management; watershed; Baltic Sea drainage basin. Human societies depend on life-support systems for welfare and survival (Odum 1989; AM Jansson and Received 6 October 1998; accepted 30 March 1999. *Corresponding author; e-mail: [email protected] 351 352 Å. Jansson and others tion may lead to a drastic reduction in ecosystem services per capita (Cairns and Pratt 1995). The Sustainable Biosphere Initiative (SBI) (Lubchenco and others 1991) was a call for action to ecologists to become more active in contributing to ecological understanding for decision makers and thus for improved management of the combined human–nature system. In a comment to the SBI, Grubb and May (1993) challenged ecologists ‘‘to provide estimates of carrying capacity for human populations in all main landscape types of the world, using various assumptions about the standard of living to be enjoyed.’’ In this article, we accept this challenge, recognizing that ecosystems are complex self-organizing systems with nonlinear, multiple-stable states and threshold effects (Carpenter and Leavitt 1991; Holling and others 1996). We begin by estimating the area of forests, agricultural land, wetlands, inland water bodies, and marine systems that are appropriated by people living within the Baltic Sea drainage basin (BDB) to satisfy their present use of ecosystem services. Here, ecosystem services refer both to biomass production, such as trees and crops, and processes, such as pollination, nutrient assimilation, and carbon sequestering. They are all the result of nature’s work (de Groot 1992; Baskin 1997; Daily 1997). Fresh water is critical for industrial society (Gleick 1993; Postel and others 1996). Fresh water is also critical for the ability of ecosystems to generate and sustain services to society (Baskin 1997; Folke and Falkenmark 1998). We link fresh water to ecosystems by estimating the amount of freshwater flow that people in the BDB indirectly need for their appropriation of ecosystem areas for ecosystem services. This societal dependence on ecosystem freshwater flows is largely ignored in the usual models of water, resource, and environmental management. The article is divided into three major sections. In the first section, we estimate the appropriated ecosystem area, or ‘‘the ecological footprint’’ (Folke and Kautsky 1989; Rees and Wackernagel 1994), of people living within the BDB. We (a) analyze the area of agricultural land, forests, and marine systems required to provide the population with wood, paper, fiber, and food products, including seafood; (b) analyze the area of agricultural land, forests, lakes, and wetlands needed to sequester CO2 emissions and assimilate excretory release of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) from the population in the basin; and (c) present an estimate of the aggregated appropriation of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems by the entire human population in the BDB, taking into account the issue of joint products of ecosys- tems (for example, Costanza and Hannon 1989) to avoid double counting. In the second section of the article, we present our analysis of freshwater flows for ecosystem services in the BDB. We estimate the appropriation of renewable fresh water in industrial and domestic activities, in the form of runoff, which we refer to as ‘‘liquid water appropriation’’ by humans. But we also estimate the renewable freshwater requirements, measured as evapotranspiration, of the ecological footprints arrived at in the first section. The footprints for the generation of ecosystem services include forests, agriculture, wetlands, and lakes. We call this indirect freshwater use by the human population ‘‘water vapor dependence.’’ In the last section, we discuss our results and their implications in relation to availability of freshwater flow and ecosystem support in the region and elsewhere. We conclude that in a world of pervasive human dominance it is necessary to radically improve the management of links between fresh water, human activities, and ecosystem support. An ecohydrological landscape perspective that treats scarce fresh water and ecosystem services as interdependent may contribute to such an improvement. ECOSYSTEM APPROPRIATION BY PEOPLE IN THE BALTIC SEA DRAINAGE BASIN The Baltic area is a large region with a drainage basin of 1.7 million km2 and a brackish sea of 415,000 km2. The drainage basin includes 14 countries (Figure 1) with a total of approximately 85 million people, with varying standards of living among the countries. Land use in the basin is presented in Table 1. The region is in social and economic transformation, particularly in the Eastern European countries. Although this development recognizes environmental issues, it does not take into account the region’s dependence on ecosystem life support. Here we illustrate this dependence by estimating terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem areas appropriated by the 85 million people in the BDB for their use of some ecosystem services. Methods Ecosystem areas appropriated for renewable resource production. We estimated the agricultural (cropland and pasture), forest, and marine ecosystem areas required to produce the wood, paper, fiber, and food products, including seafood, consumed by the human population in the BDB. Data on appropriated area per capita in the different countries were obtained from a study on the renewable resource appropriation by cities in the BDB, based Freshwater, Ecological Footprints, and Ecosystem Services Figure 1. The Baltic Sea drainage basin. Table 1. Land Cover and Sea Surface in the Baltic Sea Drainage Basin Ecosystem Type Area in BDB (km2 ⫻ 103 ) Forest Agricultural land Wetland Inland waterbodies Other land use The Baltic Seaa 836 457 138 107 207 415 Source Sweitzer and others (1996). aSource Stålnacke (1996). on existing national data (Folke and others 1996). This study did not include Belarussia and Norway. Per capita appropriated forest, agricultural, and marine areas in Belarussia and forest and agricultural land in Norway were calculated in the same fashion as for the other countries (Folke and others 1996). Per capita appropriated marine area in Norway was based on Swedish data. Data on food and fiber consumption and land-use statistics were obtained from the FAO computerized 353 database Agrostat. We consistently used supply, as defined by FAO, as a measure of total consumption, rather than direct or actual per capita consumption. The use of supply is preferable to consumption because supply also includes losses incurred on storage, transport, processing, etc. The FAO-catch data used in our estimates do not include discards, which may be as much as a third of recorded fish catches (Pauly and Christensen 1995). Population data and land use in the region were obtained from Sweitzer and others (1996), data on shelf areas and marine exclusive economic zones from the World Resources Institute on Diskette Database (1992), and fish yields from North Sea data. For a detailed presentation of the methodology and statistical sources behind the estimates, see Folke and others (1996). Ecosystem areas appropriated for waste assimilation. Waste emission to air, land, and water is a serious problem in most parts of the BDB. Waste assimilation is a major ecosystem service. In this article, we focus on ecosystem assimilation of carbon dioxide (CO2 ), nitrogen (N), and phosphorous (P). We estimate the area of forests, agricultural land (cropland and pasture), inland water bodies [lakes, reservoirs, and major rivers; see Sweitzer and others (1996) for more detail], natural wetlands (bogs and fens), and marine ecosystems that would have to be appropriated by the human population in the BDB for processing of their CO2, N, and P emissions. The ecological footprint analysis of nutrient assimilation only includes the excretory release by humans of P in sewage sludge and N in processed water from sewage treatment plants. Consequently, it is an underestimate, because N and P emissions from food processing, household waste, car emissions, and other sources are not included in the analysis. Background data for part of the analysis were derived from Folke and others (1997). Terrestrial ecosystems, especially forests, play an important role in the earth’s carbon cycle. Forests have high rates of primary productivity, and thereby of carbon sequestering (Winjum and others 1992). At present, largely due to tropical deforestation, only mid- and high-latitude forests are net carbon sinks (Dixon and others 1994). The average annual net carbon sequestering rate of forests in the BDB has been estimated at 30–60 metric ton C per km2 (Folke and others 1997). Other net CO2 sinks in the BDB are natural peat producing wetlands and inland water bodies. Natural peat producing wetlands have an annual carbon assimilation rate of approximately 8–55 metric ton C km⫺2, and the annual carbon storage potential in lake sediments has been estimated at 10–51 metric ton C km⫺2 (Eriksson 354 Å. Jansson and others 1991). The inland water bodies and wetland areas correspond to approximately 25% of the region’s forested area. We assumed that natural peat producing wetlands and inland water bodies sequester carbon at maximum capacity to avoid overestimating the appropriated forest area. IPCC (Houghton and others 1996) reports that oceans absorb between 20% and 57% of the carbon from annual global CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion. The Baltic Sea is not a net sink of CO2 emissions (F. Wulff, Stockholm University, personal communication), but there are most likely marine ecosystems outside the region that sequester CO2 emissions from the region. Basing our assumption on the work of the IPCC, we assume that these marine ecosystems, on average, absorb 40% of the CO2 emissions, and that the sequestering of remaining CO2 emissions is attributed to forests. Data on CO2 emissions per capita in the region, ranging from 2 to 4.6 metric ton per year between the countries, were derived from the World Resources Institute (WR) (1995). The Baltic Sea is seriously eutrophied. Various measures have been implemented to mitigate eutrophication including use of wetlands as nutrient sinks (for example, Fleischer and others 1991; M Jansson and others 1994). Here, we focus on the capacity of wetlands to filter N, assuming that all N from human excretory release passes through sewage treatment plants with 20% or 40% purification (Gren and others 1997), and taking into account the relationship between nitrogen load and wetland retention capacity (Jansson and others 1998). The data for our estimate are based on a recent analysis of the N-retention capacity of natural wetlands in the BDB as a whole by using a grid cell-based GIS approach (Jansson and others 1998). Excretory release of N is estimated at 4 kg per person per year (SCB 1987). Sewage treatment plants generate P-rich sludge. Deposition of P-rich sludge on agricultural land is a method used in the region. Because the level of P in Baltic region soils varies substantially, and there are agricultural soils that are saturated with P due to excess use of fertilizers, we use the uptake of P in produce as a basis for our estimate of the agricultural waste assimilation footprint. Excretory release of P is estimated at 0.5–1 kg P per person per year (SCB 1987; Guterstam 1991). Background information for the N and P assimilation estimates is provided in Folke and others (1997). The aggregate ecological footprint of people in the Baltic Sea drainage basin. Previously, we estimated the spatial dependence of the human population in the BDB on ecosystem work. Provision of terrestrial food, seafood, woods, and paper products at present consumption rates was estimated separately from absorption of CO2 emissions and excretory release of N and P. Ecosystems are multifunctional because each generates several services. Forests illustrate this multifunctionality by both producing timber and sequestering CO2. In an aggregate estimate of the ecological footprint, one must account for multifunctionality, or joint products, of an ecosystem to avoid double counting. Therefore, we only count the largest of the appropriated areas of the same ecosystem in our aggregate estimate. The results of the aggregate ecological footprint presented below are based on those of Table 2 and include only the largest areas of the multifunctional forest, marine, agricultural, and wetland ecosystems. We also compare the estimates of appropriated ecosystem areas with available ecosystem areas in the BDB. Results on Ecosystem Appropriation The results demonstrate that the current level of human consumption in the BDB requires substantial support from vast terrestrial and marine ecosystems (18.7–21.4 million km2 ) greatly exceeding the size of the Baltic Sea and its drainage basin (2.2 million km2 ). The estimates of ecosystem appropriation by people in the BDB are presented in Table 2. Spatial ecosystem appropriation for renewable resource production. The estimates of ecosystem appropriation for renewable resources indicate that humans living in the BDB appropriate for their present consumption of wood, paper, fiber, and terrestrial food an ecosystem area that corresponds to approximately 20% of the forest area and 90% of the agricultural land within the Baltic Sea drainage basin. Furthermore, they require a marine ecosystem area comparable in size to three Baltic Seas to satisfy present seafood consumption. Per capita ecosystem appropriation for food and timber by the average BDB citizen is estimated at approximately 20,000 m2. Spatial ecosystem appropriation for waste assimilation. The estimates of ecosystem appropriation for waste assimilation indicate that humans living in the BDB appropriate for assimilation of excretory release of N and P an ecosystem area that corresponds to 1.8–4.5 times the present natural wetland area and 21–56% of present agricultural land in the BDB. The human population needs as much as 2.4–5.3 times the present forest area in the BDB and a marine ecosystem area comparable in size to 38 Baltic Seas to sequester carbon from CO2 emissions. This is the case despite the fact that we account for the potential of wetlands and inland water bodies within the 121.0–263.5 1.2–2.5 53.4–116.3 53.3–116.0 307.1–668.7 128.9–280.8 130.2–283.5 47.5–103.3 80.6–175.5 111.5–242.8 135.5–295.2 92.3–200.9 753.8–1641.6 2016.1–4390.5 Agriculture Wetland 51.7 0.7 22.8 17.4 131.1 173.1 171.1 20.3 34.4 47.6 93.4 30.7 350.5 1144.7 949.1 9.1 419.0 418.0 2408.9 1011.4 1021.1 372.3 632.1 874.7 1063.3 723.8 5913.5 15816.3 28.4 0.1 12.6 6.2 72.2 19.2 26.4 6.8 18.9 26.2 14.4 9.0 167.6 408.0 4.5–12.0 0.04–0.1 2.0–5.3 2.0–5.3 11.4–30.5 5.7–15.1 9.6–25.5 1.8–4.7 3.0–8.0 4.2–11.1 5.1–13.5 3.5–9.3 42.9–114.3 95.6–254.8 12.2–31.0 2.2 5.4–13.7 11.6–29.5 30.9–78.6 42.1 48.9–49.4 10.1–12.1 8.1–20.6 11.2–28.5 10.3–26.2 7.1–18.0 115.8–294.6 309.7–630.6 1111.9–1273.2 13.5–14.8 490.9–561.7 489.2–569.8 2857.7–3267.0 1227.1–1379.0 1256.7–1410.5 438.8–496.6 740.8–848.2 1024.6–1173.2 1225.1–1400.7 832.8–952.3 6954.6–8021.2 18664–21368 Nitrogen Retention Aggregate Food Carbon Food Phosphorus and Carbon Spatial Sequestering Appropriationb Consumption Sequestering Consumption Retention Marine bThe data derived from Sweitzer and others (1996) GIS database. column aggregate spatial appropriation is not the sum of the row total because the estimates of forests, marine, and agricultural ecosystems areas each concerns more than one ecosystem service. To avoid double counting, only the largest area of respective ecosystem is counted. aPopulation 6.8 0.2 3.0 1.8 17.3 37.3 35.8 2.7 4.5 6.3 6.3 3.1 38.1 163.2 4004 34 1768 1779 10162 5045 8512 1570 2667 3690 4511 3099 38,101 84,942 Belarussia Norway Ukraine Czech Republic Russia Finland Sweden Estonia Latvia Lithuania Denmark Germany Poland Total 1.2 0.9 0.1 0.05 38.6 25.5 30.1 2.1 1.1 1.0 1.6 0.6 3.9 106.8 Wood Carbon Populationa Carbon Sequestering Consumption Sequestering ⫻103 Country Inland Water Forest Spatial Ecosystem Appropriation (km2 y⫺1 ⫻ 103) Table 2. Human Population and Spatial Ecosystem Appropriation in the Baltic Sea Drainage Basin by Ecosystem Service and Country Freshwater, Ecological Footprints, and Ecosystem Services 355 356 Å. Jansson and others Figure 2. Spatial ecosystem appropriation of ecosystem services per capita in the Baltic Sea drainage basin. BDB to act as carbon sinks. The per capita waste assimilation footprint is estimated at 215,000– 250,000 m2, an order of magnitude larger than the one for renewable resource appropriation. Seventyfive to 86% of the waste assimilation footprint is attributed to carbon sequestering by marine systems external to the BDB. We present the results of nitrogen retention and carbon sequestering of wetlands in one column (Table 2) because in some cases sequestering was larger than retention, and in others the result was vice versa. To avoid double counting, we have not added sequestering and retention but consistently have used the largest of the two. The aggregate ecological footprint of people in the Baltic Sea drainage basin. The ecological footprint of the total human population in the BDB corresponds to an area as large as 8.5–9.5 times the whole Baltic Sea and its drainage basin. The terrestrial part of this appropriation is similar to half the size of the United States (including Alaska and Hawaii) and the marine to approximately 15% of the size of the Atlantic Ocean. The total appropriation of terrestrial and marine ecosystems per capita in the BDB is estimated at 220,000–250,000 m2, which corresponds to approximately 260–300 tennis courts. The spatial appropriation per capita divided into provision of resources and waste assimilation services is shown in Figure 2. The requirements for ecosystem support seem huge. Nevertheless, the estimate seems conservative be- cause we have quantified only the spatial capacity of some ecosystems to produce some ecosystem services used by the human population of the BDB. HUMAN DEPENDENCE ON FRESH WATER FOR ECOSYSTEM SERVICES Freshwater use in human society and freshwater demand for the generation of ecosystem services is seldom analyzed simultaneously. The liquid fresh water appearing as runoff in rivers, lakes, and aquifers (Falkenmark and Mikulski 1994), and used directly in human activities for drinking water, industrial purposes, and agricultural irrigation (Gleick 1993), has received much attention in the debate over water scarcity (UN 1997). Postel and Carpenter (1997) have identified a number of ecosystem services derived from rivers and lakes, and other articles investigate the role of fresh water in ecosystem performance (for example, Covich 1993; Gunderson and others 1995a). However, water vapor from terrestrial ecosystems for ecosystem services has received less attention (Figure 3), particularly in global freshwater assessments. Its use in food production has been accounted for partly in global freshwater budgets (Postel and others 1996; Pimentel and others 1997) and to some extent in rain-fed agriculture (Postel 1998) in developing countries (Rockström and others 1998). Savenije (1995) analyzed moisture recycling through evapotranspiration in the Sahel, and Freshwater, Ecological Footprints, and Ecosystem Services 357 Figure 3. The relationship between precipitation, water vapor flow (evapotranspiration), and liquid water flow (runoff ) in a forest ecosystem. recently, Hutjes and others (1998) addressed interactions between the biosphere–atmosphere and hydrological processes at different scales. Redirections from water vapor to liquid water flows and the reverse have been analyzed in relation to deforestation (for example, Hornbeck and others 1997; Lal 1997) and invasion of alien tree species at the watershed level (for example, van Wilgen and others 1996). Below we will estimate the water vapor flow that people in the BDB depend upon for ecosystem support. We derive the estimate by quantifying water vapor flow from the ecological footprints of forests, wetlands, inland water bodies, and agriculture, arrived at in the first section. This water vapor flow reflects the work of nature required for generation of ecosystem services appropriated by the human population in the BDB. We also will quantify the liquid water appropriation by the BDB’s human population. Methods Liquid water appropriation. The estimate of liquid water appropriation includes domestic/household (drinking water, homes, commercial establishments, and public services) and industrial withdrawals as classified by WRI (1995). Freshwater use on a country basis was derived from WRI (1995) and adjusted for the population of each country living within the BDB. Water vapor dependence. The estimate of water vapor dependence of people in the BDB includes water vapor flows from the ecological footprint of forests, wetlands, and inland water bodies. It also includes water vapor flows from the agricultural footprint (rain-fed and irrigated production as well as pasture) and water consumption by cattle. The Table 3. Evapotranspiration Data of Forests, Wetlands, and Inland Water Bodies Biome ET Forest Taiga Mixed Wetlanda 400 mm y⫺1 500 mm y⫺1 200–1020 mm y⫺1 Inland waters 508,500 aThe Unit m3km⫺2y⫺1 Reference Falkenmark (1989b) Falkenmark (1989b) Rockström and others (1999) Ljungemyr (Pers. comm.) interval includes ET data for both bogs and fens. estimate began with the composition of ecosystems in the BDB and their water vapor flows. Water vapor flow of the forest footprint was based on evapotranspiration data of taiga and mixed forest. Water vapor flow of wetlands was derived from evapotranspiration data for bogs and fens. Ninetysix percent of BDB wetlands are bogs and fens (Aselmann and Crutzen 1989). We used annual evaporation from lakes as an approximation of evaporation from inland water bodies. The annual mean evaporation from inland freshwater lakes in the BDB was estimated for 1979–1994. This was made possible through modeling of data derived from a meteorological database (P. Ljungemyr, SMHI, Norrköping, Sweden). Data and sources of information on water vapor flow of forests, wetlands, and inland water bodies are provided in Table 3. Water vapor flow in agriculture was estimated for cropland and pasture. We multiplied crop yields from the different crops grown in each country in the BDB (FAO 1997) with water requirement data 358 Å. Jansson and others Table 4. Water Use Efficiencies of Different Crops and Grasses within the Baltic Sea Drainage Basin Crop Grain b Wheat Barley Wheat Wheat Barley Barley Barley Mean Legumesc Cabbage Pea Lens Lucern Clover C3 Sunflower Mean Potatoes d Mean Sugar beets c Mean Grasses c Mean WUE a (m3 ton⫺1 ) 1131 539 787 964 640 652 1188 843 ⫾ 158 518 569 204.5 171.53 312 571 623 424 ⫾ 133 296 402 305 334 ⫾ 67 213 168 377 253 ⫾ 125 900 780 790.91 429.18 1031.3 618.75 758 ⫾ 169 Comment Reference Entz and Fowler (1991) Andersen and others (1992) Imtiyaz and others (1982) Imtiyaz and others (1982) Imtiyaz and others (1982) Imtiyaz and others (1982) Lòpez-Castaneda and Richards (1994) Irrigated Nonirrigated Irrigated Nonirrigated Brassica oleracea Vigna sinensis Endl Lens culinaris Medicago sativa Nonirrigated Bean, soya, sunflower Helianthus annuus Black (1971) Black (1971) Johnsson (1994) Johnsson (1994) Oliva and others (1994) Hattendorf and others (1988) Black (1971) June–Aug June–Aug June–Aug Tanner (1981) Tanner (1981) Tanner (1981) Irrigated Nonirrigated Beta vulgaris Brown and others (1987) Brown and others (1987) Black (1971) Stenotaphrum secundatum Dactylis glomerata Festuca arundinacea Festuca arundinacea Lolium perenne Lolium multiflorum Shih and Snyder (1985) Thomas (1994) Thomas (1994) Johnsson (1994) Thomas (1994) Thomas (1994) aWUE, water use efficiencies; 95% confidence interval. on grain yield. cBased on dry mass. dBased on dry mass. Does not include roots and leaves. bBased for different crops (Table 4). For each crop we calculated the percentage area of the total agricultural area in each BDB country (FAO 1997). We then assumed equal crop percentage areas for the drainage basin as for the country of concern. Crop and yield data (hg/ha) for the different countries in the BDB were derived from FAO Statistics Agrostat (1997). From the same database we also derived information on amount of fodder grown on pastures. We used estimates of water use efficiency of grasses (Table 4) as an approximation of water use in pasture. Water consumption by cattle was derived from IDWR (1998) and number of cattle in the BDB countries from the FAO database (1997, data from 1996). The data in Tables 3 and 4 are related to the estimate of spatial ecosystem appropriation by people in the BDB, to arrive at the estimate of human dependence on invisible water vapor flows. The inflow of renewable fresh water into the BDB was estimated as annual precipitation by country, adjusting for the part of the country located within the BDB. Results on Freshwater Dependence People in the BDB depend on a flow of water vapor 31–77 times (approximately 54) the amount of managed liquid fresh water in society (Figure 4) for their appropriation of ecosystem services. This fresh- Freshwater, Ecological Footprints, and Ecosystem Services 359 Figure 4. Per capita dependence on water vapor flows that make possible the appropriation of ecosystem services derived from forests, croplands, wetlands, and inland water bodies. Table 5. Annual Precipitation and Its Allocation between Human Direct Use and Ecosystem Requirements of Fresh Water within the Baltic Sea Drainage Basin Country Population ⫻103 Annual Precipitation (km3 ) Direct Use (km3 y⫺1 )a Crops (km3 y⫺1 ) Forests (km3 y⫺1 ) Wetlands (km3 y⫺1 ) Inland Waters (km3 y⫺1 ) Belarussia Norway Ukraine Czech. (former) Russia Finland Sweden Estonia Latvia Lithuania Denmark Germany Poland Total 4.004 34 1.768 1.779 10.162 5.045 8.512 1.570 2.667 3.690 4.511 3.099 38.101 84.942 45–90 b 7–14 b 7–14 b 5–10 b 164–328 b 136–197 c 263–350 d 23–46 b 33–65 b 33–66 b 23–34 e 14–20 f 177–203 g 930–1437 0.95 0.02 0.83 0.61 6.16 2.96 2.73 3.18 0.60 4.22 0.59 1.70 12.99 37.54 10.8 0.1 2.1 1.5 3.7 3.0 4.7 2.2 2.3 5.5 11.9 9.1 50.7 107.6 11.9 2.8 1.6 2.0 64.6 84.7 116.3 11.3 12.9 7.3 0.4 1.6 33.4 350.8 0.8–3.8 0.4–2.3 0 0 2.3–11.9 8.4–42.9 9.8–49.9 2.0–10.3 0.6–3.2 0.3–1.6 0.1–0.6 0.1–0.6 2.6–13.4 27.4–140.5 0.6 0.5 0.0 0.0 19.6 13.0 15.3 1.1 0.6 0.5 0.8 0.3 2.0 54.3 aWRI (1994). from van der Leeden and others (1990). cDerived from Statistical Yearbook of Finland (1991). dDerived from SCB (1990) Naturmiljön i Siffror. eDerived from Statistical Yearbook of Denmark (1995). fDerived from Statistical Yearbook of Germany (1996). gDerived from State Inspectorate for Environmental Protection, Environmental Information Center Grid-Warsaw, UNEP (1993). State of Environment in Poland. bDerived water demand by BDB inhabitants for food, timber, and for assimilation of CO2 and partial N and P emissions is estimated at more than twice the amount of annual rainfall in the BDB. Allocation of precipitation in the BDB. The data on annual precipitation are presented in Table 5. According to our estimate, humans directly appropriate only 3%–4% of annual precipitation in the basin. However, freshwater use by forests, wetlands, agricultural land, and inland water bodies corresponds to 38%–71% of annual precipitation in the BDB (Figure 5). Hence, the terrestrial systems and inland water bodies within the BDB need approximately 15 times more renewable fresh water than the direct human freshwater appropriation. The estimates indicate that 24%–38% of the annual 360 Å. Jansson and others Figure 5. Allocation of precipitation over the Baltic Sea drainage basin. Table 6. Annual Liquid Water Flow Appropriation and Water Vapor Flow Dependence by People in the Baltic Sea Drainage Basin Country Human Direct Consumption a Forest b Agriculture c Wetland d Inland Waters e Belarussia Norway Ukraine Czech. (former) Russia Finland Sweden Estonia Latvia Lithuania Denmark Germany Poland Total 0.95 0.02 0.83 0.61 6.16 2.96 2.73 3.18 0.60 4.22 0.59 1.70 12.99 37.54 60.5–131.7 0.5–1.0 26.7–58.2 26.6–58.0 122.8–267.5 51.6–112.3 52.1–113.4 23.7–51.7 40.3–87.7 55.8–121.4 67.8–147.6 46.1–100.5 376.9–820.8 951.4–2071.8 10.8 0.1 2.1 1.5 3.7 3.0 4.7 2.2 2.3 5.5 11.9 9.1 50.7 107.6 2.4–31.6 0.4–2.3 1.1–13.9 1.1–14.0 6.2–80.1 8.4–42.9 9.8–50.3 2.0–12.4 1.6–21.0 2.2–29.1 2.1–26.7 1.4–18.3 23.2–300.5 61.9–643.2 0.6 0.5 0.0 0.0 19.6 13.0 15.3 1.1 0.6 0.5 0.8 0.3 2.0 54.3 renewable freshwater appropriation (km3 y⫺1 ). Source: WRI (1994). needed to support appropriated area (km3 y⫺1 ). cWater needed to support present production (km3 y⫺1 ). dWater needed to support appropriated area (km3 y⫺1 ). eWater needed to support appropriated area (km3 y⫺1 ). aDirect bWater precipitation is appropriated by forests, 2%–15% by natural wetlands, and 4%–6% by inland water bodies, and 8%–12% is needed in agricultural biomass production, and 0.2% is consumed by livestock. The nonquantified 25%–59% of the freshwater flow presumably is attributed to groundwater recharge and river runoff. Liquid water appropriation and water vapor dependence by people in the BDB. The estimates presented in Table 6 show the amount of fresh water that people of the BDB consume in households and industries. Human dependence on fresh water is also revealed by the appropriation of spatial ecosystem areas for ecosystem services (Table 2 and Figure Freshwater, Ecological Footprints, and Ecosystem Services 2). Not surprisingly, the fresh water needed to support the appropriation of the forest footprint for carbon sequestering (including timber production) dominates the water vapor flow dependence (950– 2072 km3 y⫺1 ). This invisible water dependence is 25–55 times larger than human liquid water appropriation. The BDB people’s total dependence on water vapor flow is estimated at 1175–2877 km3 y⫺1, and the total dependence on renewable fresh water (liquid and vapor) is at 1213–2915 km3 y⫺1. The estimated per capita ecological footprint of forests, wetlands, agricultural land, and inland water bodies of 220,000–250,000 km2 y⫺1 requires approximately 13,835–33,870 m3 of fresh water annually (Figure 4). Without renewable fresh water the capacity of these ecosystems to generate the ecological services of terrestrial food and timber production and assimilation of CO2 emissions and human excretory release of nutrients would deteriorate and cease to exist. The water vapor flow dependence for ecosystem services is estimated as approximately 54 (31–77) times the amount of liquid water flow appropriated in society. External freshwater dependence. The average annual precipitation in the BDB region is approximately 1200 km3 (Table 5) or approximately 30 times the liquid water appropriation in society. The average water vapor dependence of people in the BDB for ecosystem services from terrestrial and inland water systems is approximately 2100 km3 y⫺1. The BDB forests, wetlands, inland water bodies, and agricultural ecosystems of concern here do not require all precipitation (38–71%; Figure 5). Therefore, the demand by BDB inhabitants for water vapor flow of ecosystems is more than twice the annual precipitation in the BDB, assuming similar evapotranspiration and water use efficiency values as used in our estimates (Tables 3 and 4). This substantial amount of renewable freshwater flow for ecosystem services, far out of sight and perception of citizens of the BDB, is needed to sustain their present standards of living. DISCUSSION We have estimated that the human population in the BDB appropriates vast ecosystem areas to satisfy the demand for food, wood, paper, fibers, seafood, CO2 assimilation, and partial P and N retention. Altogether our estimates indicate that this demand appropriates ecosystem areas approximately 8.5– 9.5 times the size of the Baltic Sea and its drainage basin. The bulk of the ecological footprint is attributed to carbon sequestering by oceans and forests (Figure 2). 361 The footprint estimate presented here is a static picture of the present situation and consequently does not account for ecosystem dynamics, technological, or other change. It is a snapshot of ecosystem demand for nature’s services by people in the BDB. The ecological footprint as performed here reflects the area wherein the essential work of the ecosystem is done but does not address internal dynamics. The objective of our ecological footprint analysis is somewhat different from that of Rees and Wackernagel (1994). Their objective was to estimate the share of global resources appropriated by a certain human population/activity. The purpose of our analysis is simply to make visible the necessary work of ecosystems, including biodiversity, for generation of essential ecosystem services that humanity depends upon (Folke and Kautsky 1989; Folke and others 1997, 1998). Trade between nations makes possible the appropriation of ecosystems from other regions for food and seafood. Of the renewable resources, only the demand for seafood within the BDB requires larger areas than available within the region. In terms of food and timber trade, the region is not necessarily a major consumer of ecosystems of other regions. Therefore, the BDB’s trade footprint does not reduce available terrestrial ecosystem support to other regions, unless production methods involved in imported food and timber for the region erodes the capacity of ecosystems in exporting nations to generate services, or transportation of traded goods itself causes costly impacts (Andersson and others 1995). Emissions behind the waste footprint are not traded, at least not so far. However, the web of human activities in industrial society, of which trade is a part, causes emissions. The size of the waste footprint indicates the widespread ‘‘hidden demand’’ of industrial society for ecosystem support extending beyond national borders. The need to address environmental and socioeconomic effects of transboundary impacts of waste emissions has long been recognized in science and policy, reflected in various conventions and international agreements. But, the need to address land-use change in one region causing transboundary impacts on ecosystems’ capacity to generate the ecological footprint support in other regions is still largely unrecognized. Examples include habitat degradation that eliminates ‘‘mobile links’’ like fish and birds that perform important functions in several ecosystems (Baskin 1997; Post and others 1998; Holmlund and Hammer 1999). Are there any potential mechanisms to reduce the footprint? Dixon (1998) estimates that, theoreti- 362 Å. Jansson and others cally, silvicultural practices can sequester substantial amounts of carbon. There is also the option of increasing the present forested area, but focusing on carbon sequestering alone may have impacts on other ecosystem services, such as crop production or wetland conservation. Planting trees out of context for carbon sequestering is treating the symptom rather than correcting the cause. Ultimately, a decrease in CO2 emissions from industrial society is necessary (Houghton and others 1996). According to our footprint estimates there are not enough wetlands in the region to assimilate excretory N release from the human population in the basin. But wetlands can nevertheless provide a cost-effective complement to conventional sewage treatment, partly due to their potential in processing nonpoint source pollution (Gren 1995). However, wetlands in the BDB seldom are located in the vicinity of urban areas (Sweitzer and others 1996). Unless wetlands are created adjacent to urban areas, using wetlands for nutrient retention of excretory N discharges requires transportation. Transportation is also an issue in disposal of P-rich sludge from sewage treatment plants on agricultural areas and may increase the demand for carbon sequestering. Reducing footprints by focusing on one service at a time will not be effective. Ecosystems are multifunctional, that is, several services are generated by each system. The multifunctionality is linked to other systems through complex interactions among the biota and biogeochemical flows, and as we have illustrated by hydrological flows. Terrestrial ecosystems, including inland water bodies, represent less than 15%–25% of the spatial appropriation for ecosystem services by people in the BDB. However, our estimates illustrate that the human appropriation of ecosystem services from these systems requires substantial quantities of water vapor flows. Water vapor dependence is estimated at as much as 1175–2875 km3 annually, or 54 times the human use of liquid water flows in households and industries within the region (Table 6 and Figure 4). These invisible freshwater flows support the work of ecosystems in other regions that generate ecosystem services demanded by the present standard of living in the BDB. The inhabitants of the BDB depend on approximately twice as much invisible fresh water than the annual precipitation asset of their own region. This aspect of human freshwater dependence has been largely neglected in global freshwater assessments (for example, UN 1997). It may be argued that our estimate exaggerates freshwater needs, because we use measures of evapotranspiration, not only transpiration. However, water vapor flows also may be of ecological importance even if not directly transpired by plants in the system. For example, there are ecosystems that require the cooling effect of evaporation to function (for example, Baskin 1997). The biota also can play an important role in the regulation of atmospheric water by redirecting liquid water flows to water vapor flows thereby recycling it to local rainfall (for example, Savenije 1995). The necessity of fresh water for ecosystem services of rivers and coastal systems has not been addressed in this article, but Postel and Carpenter (1997) provide a comprehensive overview. Available and high-quality fresh water will become one of the major scarce resources in the future (Lundqvist 1998); it, indeed, already has in many parts of the world (Falkenmark 1989a). The whole population in the BDB probably will not suffer from shortage of fresh water in the foreseeable future due to climatic reasons. But there are areas within the BDB where land-use change has caused water quantity problems (Zucchetto and Jansson 1985), and contamination of fresh water in the region is a severe problem. Many areas within the BDB suffer from contamination of groundwater, with concentrations of toxic substances exceeding limits specified by drinking water guidelines (for example, Niemczynowicz 1993). There always will be a trade-off between the use of available fresh water by households, industry, and irrigation—the visible liquid water—and use for the generation of ecosystem services—the invisible water vapor. For example, redirection of water flows for increased crop production via irrigation has generated both quantitative and qualitative change in adjacent ecosystems (Postel 1992), but such change is seldom accounted for until the impact is visible. Land-use change, such as urbanization or deforestation, in one country may redirect freshwater flows in a fashion that erodes the capacity of ecosystems in another country to generate essential services required by its people. Hence, redirection of fresh water in the landscape through land-use change also may cause transboundary impacts. To avoid costly side effects and to reduce the risk of unintentional impacts of partial management, such land-use change should be acknowledged and the trade-off between liquid water use and water vapor use should be made with the Freshwater, Ecological Footprints, and Ecosystem Services broadest possible analysis of all important components and interactions. CONCLUSIONS Our estimates indicate that the spatial ecosystem appropriation—the ecological footprint—by people living within the BDB drainage basin is very large. Although our estimate of the ecological footprint analysis may be criticized, it illustrates that the work of nature in supporting social and economic development is significant. Obviously, the value of nature’s work is not only a matter of amenity, as has been the focus of preference-based economic valuation of nature, particularly in the US. The analysis illustrates that huge ecosystem areas are required for the generation of ecosystem services. A complex web of interactions between a diversity of plants, animals, microorganisms, and their biogeochemical and hydrological environments sustains the flow of these services. Humans often are not aware of their uses of critical ecosystem services or their dependence on ecosystem support. The demand for this support is ‘‘mentally hidden’’ to large segments of society; it has no price in the market and is too seldom accounted for in decision making. We have argued elsewhere that there are many ecosystem services that meet the criteria of having economic value (they contribute to well-being and are scarce) but for which humans have not developed preferences (Costanza and Folke 1997). Ecological considerations will receive low priority if people and policymakers do not understand why they should care about ecosystem support and the interactions with the biogeochemical/hydrological flows. Accounting for ecosystem support is not just a matter of adding a few external monetary costs here and there. It is a matter of basic life-support conditions for human societies. Viewing the social and economic subsystem in its proper perspective relative to the ecosphere is crucial for moving human society towards a more sustainable relationship with its environmental resource base. Therefore ecosystem services and the work of nature behind these services need to be made visible, a major objective of our footprint analysis. Similarly, the critical links between water vapor flows and ecosystem services need to be made visible. Terrestrial and inland-water ecosystems would not be able to continuously generate services without a flow of renewable fresh water. Our analysis illustrates that the generation and maintenance of the work of nature—the ecological foot- 363 print—for ecosystem services requires substantial amounts of water vapor flows to maintain the standard of living of people in the BDB. Given the expansion of the human dimension on earth, there is a risk for a potential and unperceived scarcity of water vapor flows for ecosystem services. We stress the necessity of capturing the water needs of ecosystems both in renewable freshwater management and assessment, as well as in ecosystem management. Although links between freshwater flows and ecosystem services have been understood and intentionally managed in some areas and watersheds (for example, Gunderson and others 1995a; van Wilgen and others 1996), unintentional side effects of upstream land-use change on downstream resource-dependent activities seem to be more the rule than the exception. Such side effects generally are caused by partial management focusing on enhancing the flow of a particular resource at the expense of other invisible ecosystem services in the watershed with subsequent social and economic consequences. An engineering approach to water issues that does not fully perceive the complex dynamics and interdependencies of living systems and water flows seems to dominate the picture. We advocate a dynamic ecohydrological landscape-management perspective, where the interactions within and between ecosystems, hydrology, and human activities upstream to downstream in watersheds are explicitly accounted for to the fullest extent possible. Natural sciences information will not be sufficient for appropriate management. It has to be complemented by proper institutional design (Hanna and others 1996), where adaptive management may play an important role (Gunderson and others 1995b; Walters 1997; Berkes and Folke 1998). 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