Arkansas Family Historian - Arkansas Genealogical Society
Arkansas Family Historian - Arkansas Genealogical Society
ISS!:' 0571·0472 The Arkansas Family Historian Arkansas Genealogical Society . Volume 36, Number 3 September, 1998 Arkansas Genealogical Society Officers and Directors Editor President Vice President Treasurer Rec. Sec. Historian Herald Margaret Harrison Hubbard Ed Sanders (1999) Lynda Suffridge (1998) Bobbie Jones McLane (2000) Dorathy Boulden (2000) Jan Eddleman (1999) Wensil Marsh Clark (1998) Mary Reid Warner (1999) David R. Malone (1999) Teresa Harris (1998) Margaret Ross (2000) Edwin Moss (1998) Russell P. Baker (ZOOO) Frankie Y. Holt (1999) Jan Davenport (1999) Tom Dillard (1998) Rhonda S. Norris (1999) Glenn A. Railsback, III (2000) Rebecca D. Huskey (2000) Anne W. Morris (1998) Tracey Converse (1998) Arliss Ray (199B) 1411 Shady Grove Rd., Hot Springs, AR 71901 10 Choctaw Dr., Searcy, AR 72143-5906 3801 Caraway Ct., North Little Rock, AR 72116 222 McMahan Dr., Hot Springs, AR 71913 913 Arkansas, EI Dorado, AR 71730 1807 Sunshine Mine Rd., Hackett, AR 72937 1211 Biscayne Dr., Little Rock, AR 72221 18 Fastota Ln., Hot Springs, AR 71909 2848 Club Oak Dr., Fayetteville, AR 72701 943 Ouachita 47, Camden, AR 71701 9 Nob Hill Cove, Little Rock, AR 72205 PO Box 176, Star City, AR 71667 6525 Magnolia, Mabelvale. AR 72103 5 Custer PI., North Little Rock, AR 72116 1 Cinnamon Rd., North Little Rock, AR 72120 12 Normandy Rd., Little Rock, AR 72207 805 East 5th St., Russellville. AR 72801 PO Box 7226, Pine Bluff, AR 71611-7226 1054 Ozment Bluff, Wilmar, AR 71675-9007 6801 Flintrock, North Little Rock. AR 72116 6312 Iroquois, North Little Rock, AR 72116 SOD Pa"is Rd. 2B, Hot Springs, AR 71913 (term ending) The Arkansas Family Historian is the official publication of the Arkansas Genealogical Society. It is published quarterly by the society and entered in the mails under Postal Permit 418 at Conway, AR. Membership rate is $15.00 per calendar year. Four issues constitute one year's membership. Membership may be entered by submission of dues and enrollment data to Arkansas Genealogical Society, PO Box 908, Hot Springs, AR 71902-0908. Neither the Arkansas Genealogical Society, the Board of Directors thereof. nor any individuals or committee assume any responsibility for information or materials included herein. Contributors of material are indicated, and any correspondence should be directed to those persons. Notify the Society of any needed corrections. Hit a Roadblock in Your Research? ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL 1998 FALL SEMINAR & BOOK FAIR Friday, September 11 &; Saturday, September 12, 1998 Little Rock, Arkansas at the Holiday Inn-Airport East. Take 1-440, Exit 3 (Airport Exit) Classroom style seoting fur "lliectures! Friday, September 11, 1998 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5;30 9;00 p.m. REGISTRATION & BOOK FAIR Class times: 6:30-7:30 p.m., 7:45-8:45 p.m. Select two dassesl Register early, sealing is limited. Researching African-Americans in US Military Records by Ronnie Nichols Irish Family History Research by Susan Boyle In the Footsteps of the Blue &; Gray: Civil War Research by Brian A. Brown Computers, Genealogy, &; the Internet by Tracey Converse Genealogy Research in Arkansas by Rhonda Norris, CGRS Register by August 1 - Friday only: $15.00 (Include syllabus of all handouts) After August 1 - $20.00 Saturday, September 12, 1998 8:30 a.m. REGISTRATION & BOOK FAIR begins! 9:15 - Welcome & Introduction of national speaker, LESLIE SMITH COLLIER, SA, MS 9;30 - 10:30 SOARING OVER ROADBLOCKS! SHERLOCK HOLMES & THE 'WRITE' WAY TO RESEARCH, Part I 10:30-11:00 Break time - browse the vendors! 11:00-12:00 SOARING OVER ROADBLOCKS! SHERLOCK HOLMES & THE 'WRITE' WAY TO RESEARCH, Part II 12:00-1:20 Lunch - draWing for door prizes, visit vendors 1:20 -2:20 FADED PAGES: FAMILIES 2:20 - 2:35 Break time - visit the vendors! 2:35 - 3:35 WITH FEW RECORDS CHICKEN· SCRATCH CENSUS: PERILS AND DELIGHTS OF PRE-1860 CENSUS RETURNS Register by August I for Saturday only: $30.00 Register by August 1 for- Friday & Saturday: $4(}.00 After August I - $4(}.00 After August I - $50.00 (Prices includes deli buffet lunch &syUabus of all handouts. AGS member dL<counl - see registration form.) I( ) AGS m~mber ( ) I am not an AGS member Enclosed i& ched{ in the amount of $ ""ymon''''''',( ) ENTlRECONFERENCE ( )FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY ( lSATURDAYONLY Enroll me- in aIM # _ _ and Clus # _ _ _ for Friday night 'This h1ame (Ph~ur PrbIt ftymt wkh your ~ 10 rod) Address C;~r Stple Zip phon-No { ) I have enclosed a Mll~.ddreued stamped envelope for return of receipt for registration. Mail completed form &: check to: AGS 1998 Fall Seminar, ~David Malone, POBox 1048, Fayetteville, AR 7270Zo1048 • Prices rot AGS M:em~tlI who register herON August 1, 199&: S30 - ent!.re semlnM $20. Saturday only $10 - Friday only ACCOttMODATIONS AND MEAlS: Ailscsslons will be at thO' Holiday Inn-Airport, 1-400 &- Airport Exil, in Little! Rock (across from the [jnte Rock.~). Confere:m:e participants will receive It speciaJ room ralf; ofS49 at lhe Holiday Inn~Express and $59 at the- Holid~ Inn, Be sunt to numlr.:m AGS making!!JUr roserwtm. Call 1-500-490-100Cl. Act soon to be asstt.ted of it room at this rate. The Saturday Lunch will be a deli buffet, dessert, and arink r.vr.m FOR MORE SEMINAR INFORMATION CONTACT, Lynda Suffridgo, Seminar O1Airman, 38m Caraway Ct., Nortb Lilll£, Rock, AR 72116-8575. Phone (501)771·1012 or PAX (501)771·0231. BOOK VENDORS; Space will be available ai no!c for vendors and societies wishing to exhibit or sell gene8Io~' I books and ,upplies, Regist., with JAN DAVENPORT, r CINNAMON RD:, NORTH LITTLE ROCK. AR 72120. Wk. Phone: (50 68:1-6900. Space is limited so regisiercatly. No vendor may participate in this (air unless preresisfered! SORRY· ALL TABLES ARE NO flLLf.D (June 23,1998) ABOUT TH E SPEAKERS: LESLIE SMITH COLLlEJL ?ur featured national speaker on Saturday, lives in Dallas, TX, is a fonner tea,her and school administrator. She ISBn mstru.ctor of ~nealogy for both Eastfield and Richland College:;, Dallas Community College District; guest lccturerfor the GenealoIDcal Institute of Texas and GenTech; Di.redt:Jr and Course CooTdinator for the 1996 fnstitute of Genealogical Studies; President of theDalla-; Genealogical Society for 1995-95 and 1996·91; National Program Chainnan for the 1997 Federalion of GenealogicaJ Societies Conference. Author of numerous genealogical articles, Her Saturday Iec.:tures are based on -research methodoIpgYdesi£1"1,Ccl to give J'?U a new approach to your research. Recommended for Beginner through Advanced Researchers. "Soan'ttgOi.ier Rotiilblocksf Sherlock Holmes & the Write Way to ReStoreh" 1'$ a two part lecture aesixned to help you step back orld ~ YO'" ~ fJJ clarify IUfW approaches aud records fo 5ettrch. Earnrs to guide ill lhis resurch technique lire i~cruded in the ",1I.lm" RONNIE AUGUSTUS NICHOLS, who earned a SA from UALR and a masters degree from Otis Art Institute of ~ Angeles is ~ oftli6 Arbnsas COmmemorative Commission! Old State House Museum ana: TrapnaU Hajj; past-<iirector, Delta Cultural Center; past director> Audience Development, Arkansas Arts Center; Technical Advisor and extra on the motion picture Glory; Museum Evaluator, IMLS In.stitute of Mu..;;eum an.d Library Services, Washington, DC; Founder of the Arkansas Chapter, ArroAmerican Historical &: Genealogical Society, Inc., 1997. He has appcan."ti in television documentaries on: "'The Arkansas Black Experiern:c", "The Civil War in Arl<ansas", "ROyal Fede",l Blues: The Story of Black Military Service During the War', "The Training of Siudenls for Black Soldiers: The Civil War, the making of the motion picture Glory' / and ""The BlaCK Soldier"", Ronnie is also the author of numerou:; publication" and paper.:> :relating to the Amcan American experience in the Civil War. SUSAN GARDNER BOYLE. an emfloyee in the research room at the Arkansas History Commission for 9 years, n.><:elved a BA and an MA from stale Oniversill' 0 NY at Albany and an MSE lrom Arkansas State University. She taUgf1t history and social studies. She has been doing fami y history research for 15 years in the records of Ireland, England, Gennany, Sweden, Quebec, New York, Pennsylvania, and New England, In 1996 she compleled LhC' Irish Research course at Samford University's Institute of Gcncalogy and Historical Research ana participated in the Institute's research trip to Ireland in July 1997, Both Susan and her husband nave Irish ancestors. BRIAN BROWN is an attomey in Liltle Rock practicing insurantX' and ap'pellatc law who i.s also a Certified. Public Accountant 15a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Rhodes College ani! received. his law (fegrce from the University of Arkansas. An avid Civil War buff sjnce the age of 10, he is Past-President of the Civil War Roundtab~, a lecturer, and author of the book Itl the Footsteps of the Blue and Gmy: )l Civil War &sen,./; Hamilwk, He TRACEY CARRINGTON CONVERSE majored in history at the University of Texas. a fonner award winning radio personalIty frotn utile Rock FOr several ~ars she was the youngest fema1e host of 21 po,1iti<:al talk show in the U.s, She left radio to bccomea mother and found a new vocation asa professional genealogical researcher, Tracey owns several genealogical maiHng lists including GenTipe and Sp"?ll5OT'S the Pulaski County CenWeb paj;e. She dlstributes an online geneafogy newsJetter eacfi month; l?he 15 on the Board of DireclolS of the Arkansas GenealogicafSociety and art active volunteer at the Arkansas History CommISSIon. l~~~~~~~:~~ t !. (:.rIJfi~>d Geneal~l Record Specialist of RusselJviHe is a fun time professional~nealqgisl the field of genealogy; a recipient of the Richard S. 21 She is an Lac~ Memorial SCholarsthp in 1993; an National Institute ofGenealogtcaI Research and Samford University's Institute of Genealogy &: member of the Board of Directors of the Arkansas Genealogica1 Society, and President of A~lors The Arkansas Family Historian Published Quarterly by Arkansas Genealogical Society PO Box 908, Hot Springs, AR 71902-0908 Editor Margaret Harrison Hubbard Publication Information The Arkansas Family Historian, the official publication of Arkansas Genealogical Society, Inc., is published four times a year: March, June, September and December. Commercial advertising is not accepted ISSN 0571-0472 Editorial Policy AGS welcomes contributions of family records, publ:ic record transcriptions and other information of interest to those interested in family history and genealogy in general, and in Arkansas specifically. Responsibility for the accuracy of information and for opinions, omissions and/ or factual errors is that of the contributor. Manuscript Submissions Submitters of articles and material for possible publication in The AFH are requested to send typewritten or mechanically generated manuscripts on white 8 II> x 11 inch paper, double-spaced, one-inch margins on all sides, with all pages numbered. The sources from which the material was obtained, specific statements of facts, or statistical information MUST be documented; that is, the specific, detailed source description must be listed either within the body of the text or as notes. Previous publication of material in any form must be brought to the attention of AGS. AGS encourages submissions on IBM compatible computer disks in Word for Windows or ASCII format, accompanied by a hard copy of the material. Membership AGS offers individual, institutional, sustaining, life and honorary membership classes. Membership is by calendar year and may be entered at any time of the year (late subscribers will receive the year's back issues of The Arkansas Family Historian. Individual membership is currently $15.00 per year. Queries Members of AGS are invited to submit one fiftyword, Arkansas related query each year. See the Query Section for details. Book Reviews Authors and publishers who wish to have reviews or notices of their work published in The Arkansas Family Historian are invited to submit a copy of the work with ordering information and price, if applicable. CONTENTS President's Page Box 908 Twenty Ways to Avoid Genealogical Grief 1848 Subscribers to Southwest Baptist Chronicle Certificate of Arkansas Ancestry Report Hutson Pioneer Cemetery Pension Applications for Blind Indigent Persons "We Are Cherokee" Arkansas Queries Book Reviews and Notices Index The Arkansas Family Historian - Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1998 102 104 106 108 109 110 112 121 128 135 136 101 President's Page Excitement is a common word in the world of family history. It is exciting to be able to trace one's roots, whether the family remained in one place for 200 or more years, or lived in a different state every time another decennial census was made. It is exciting to learn something of the lifestyle of one's forbears, whether they were community movers and shakers, teachers and preachers, civil servants, soldiers, or what we are likely to refer to as humble working people. That last term is awkward since it seems to assert that only a certain group has humility and is acquainted with effort in earning a livelihood. Occasionally, one may discover an ancestor who had serious, even fatal, brushes with the law or other fellow citizens. Recently, I have enjoyed reading the details of a shootout at the Union County Courthouse in El Dorado which left three persons dead and three wounded. I had hoped to be present for the reenactment of this bit of history, but that was not to be. A small book about this "Tucker-Parnell Feud" is to be reprinted soon. My interest in this tragedy was piqued when a longtime friend told me an outline of the story and mentioned that the man who was the ultimate cause of the shootout had, less than two years before, killed a member of a family to which both he and I have a connection. Excitement breaks out all over when an ordinary conversation between two acquaintances lets them learn that they are probably cousins, however distant. It is really not a wonder that genealogy is the third most popular hobby in our country. Only stamp collecting ard coin collecting have captured to attentiOn of more people. 102 As development of digital communication races on, more and more information is becoming available to more and more people. It has been very interesting and yes, exciting to watch the growth of what a few years ago we were calling electronic bulletin boards. We now have what are more accurately described as roots web lists. These are electronic Internet sites where information is stored so that it can be displayed, added to, or retrieved, by anyone who has access to a computer and an Internet connection. These resources can be any size and can involve the entire world, the United States, a single county, or a single family. Access to such lists is free, though the term subscriber is applied to each user. I subscribe to three such automatic mailing lists, and see from 40 to 85 messages per day! Many of these I will comment upon because I think maybe the comment will solve a difficulty, or encourage someone to not give up in their searches. A few years ago a gentleman with whom I share a surname assured me he had reached an absolute dead end in his research of that family. I asked him if he had traced the family to Adam and Eve. He replied, "No, of course not." "Then," I said, "you have not reached an absolute dead end!" There are difficulties, discouragements, disappointments, and seemingly insoluble problems. Actually, however, almost all these have solutions. The two of us soon made a list of 34 (!) things he might do to further his research. Within a month, he sent me a very cheery letter saying he had picked up the thread just two counties away from where he thought he had reached an absolute dead end. Today, there are more people to help and more ways to help than ever before: The Arkansas Family liisloriall - Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1998 Our publication must-- and will- grow to accommodate these newer, faster methods of research and communication. We are already publishing e-mail addresses, as well as what some refer to as traditional snail mail addresses of those whose queries are published in the Arkansas Family who have made it possible for me to serve in this way. Thank you! Let's spread the word about great fun, great people and great attitudes. THAT is exciting! Historian, Vital records are becoming increasingly easy to get at because this organization is publishing microfiche indexes to them. These indexes list by volume and number the certificates, which only the state's Health Department can issue. When one's order includes this information, it can be processed in minutes, I was recently in the Vital Records Division of the Arkansas Health Department and timed the receipt and filling of an order. From the time the signed order was received to the time the official certificate was ready for mailing was seven minutes! We have great public servants who are striving to be just that. We are investigating ways and places in which we, as members of the only statewide genealogical organization, can provide volunteers who will give free encouragement and guidance to family history seekers. In the meantime, why don't we each persuade someone to become a member of the society-or give someone a gift membership? Fifteen dollars is not a lot to pay to give a whole year -maybe a lifetimeof pleasure to a friend! They will get about 150 pages of solid information and evidence in the four issues of the Arkansas Family Historian they will receive. Ed Sanders President Seminars - Late Arrival: The Third Annual Ozark Cultural Celebration will be held Sept.18-19, 1998, at Ozark Folk Center State Park, Mountain View, AR. Registration fees: $20 per person for 2 days of seminarl Topics are: Walking on: 1ourne)Cs of an Ozark Life; Music's Easier; Ozark Herblore; Ferries on the White River; Religion in Izard Coun~, Arkansas, The Two Headed Chicken and the 1ill Flirted Mare: Ufe in the Ozarks; White River Cherokees; Rush, the Town That Zinc Built; Civil War Songs of the Western Border; Terror at Black Falls (1959) [feature movie shot in Scotland,Arkansas]. Includes admission to all Folk Center crafts and music activities). Dinner: $9,66 per person. Address: Ozark Folk Center, PO Box 500, Mountain View, AR 72560 (870-269-3851 for credit card and 1-800-264-3655 for lodge reservations.) I have Served a total of four terms (not consecutively) as president of this great organization, and am very grateful to you The Arkansas Family Historian - Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1998 103 Box 908 Federal Land Records Seminars Access to Federal land patents issued by the General Land Office (GLO) prior to 1908 for the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin are now available on the Internet. This announcement received from the U. S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, 2450 Boston Blvd., Springfield, V A 22153. The site can be reached at You can query the GLO database by state and by name, then select a record and view the corresponding patent. When you locate a record of personal significance, you can request a certified copy be sent to you for a fee (minimum $2.00) REGISTER NOW!!!!!I The databases for most of these land records are also available on CD ROMS that can be purchased from the Government Printing Office (GPO) for about $15 each. The GPO website is!,u docs and contains an order form. Publications The Holt Link, 509 CR 546, Mountain Home, AR 72654-8363, is a family Publication issued monthly. Rates are $20.00/year and the publication contains some eight pages per issue of Holt and Holt related family information. Reunions The Parker and allied families reunion will be held at Sequoyah State Park, Wagoner, OK, on Sept. 25-27, 1998. Contact Gaynel (Moore) Kirtpatrick, PO Box 191, McAlester, OK 74502 for reservation info. 104 The Arkansas Genealogical Society and Book Fair for 1998 will be Sept. 11-12, 1998, at the Holiday Inn-Airport East, Little Rock, and will feature Leslie Smith Collier on Saturday, speaking on Soaring Over Roadblocks and the "Write" Way to Research ,Part I; as well as Faded Pages: Familjes With Few Records and ChickenScratch Census: Perils and Delights of Pre1850 Census Returns. Use the registration form in this issue now, as the Friday night courses have limited seating. There will also be 40 or more vendors. The Dallas Genealogical Society will present its 1998 Fall Festival of Genealogy on 19 September 1998 at the Dallas Convention Center, 650 S. Griffin St., in Dallas. Write them at DGS, PO Box 25556, Dallas, TX 75225-1556 for a. brochure and registration info. Missouri State Genealogical Association, PO Box 833,Columbia, MO 65205-0833, has announced its Annual Conference for July 31-August 1 at the Capitol Plaza Hotel, Jefferson City, MQ. They have a number of topics and speakers on the agenda. Write them for registration form or e-mail [[email protected]. Ozarks Genealogical Society, Inc., will hold its 18th Fall Conference on September 25-26, 1998, at Springfield, MO, and will feature Myra Vanderpool Gormley. Their address is PO Box 3945, Springfield, MO 65808 for registration information, The Iowa Genealogical Society, PO Box 7735,Des Moines, IA 50322-7735 has announced its annual conference entitled "Celtic Connections" to be held October 2 and 3, 1998, at the Marshalltown The Arkan!>as Family Historian - Volume 36, Number 3) September, 1998 Community College, Marshalltown, IA. They have a'number of speakers and topics for the event Contact them for detailed information, Sevier County, A R, Genealogical Society will hold its Fall Seminar on September 19, 1998, at the Sevier County Museum Annex, with William Hodge, attorney, and James Cole, surveyor, speaking on land divisions and laws; and Brenda Hampton a genealogist for the Choctaw Indian Tribe. Pre-registration is required ($15.00) to the society, 717 Maple St., DeQueen, AR 71832. ~~i~I~~~ ,;,' ~~'w:" ~~~;~. The Arkansas Family Historian - Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1998 105 Twenty Ways to Avoid Genealogical Grief_ _ _ __ Source: The British Columbia Genealogist, vol. 17 #1, Mar/88, published by Genealogical Society PO Box 88054, Lansdowne Mall, Richmond BC Canada V6X 3T6, This material was obtained from the Internet and is located at http://www.smartlink.cQm/-leverichI20ways.html1twas reprinted with some changes by the Florida Genealogical Society in their Journal, vol. 24 #2, Dct/88, and in the Canadian Federation of Genealogical and Family History Societies Newsletter, vol. 6 #2, Dct/93. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 106 Always note the SOUrce of information that you record or photocopy, and date it, too. If the material is from a book, write the name, author, publisher, year of publication, ISBN or ISSN (if it has one), and also the library where you found it (or else photocopy the title page). Occasionally, you'll find that you need to refer to a book again, or go back to great aunt Matilda to clarify something she told you. Talk to your older-generation relatives (before they're all gone and you're the older generation!), Even a distant relative can be a gold mine of information about your ancestors. Make photocopies or keep backups of all letters and e-mail messages you send. This will save you from wondering which of your correspondents' questions you've already answered, and which of your questions they have or haven't answered Don't procrastinate in responding to letters or messages you receive. If you don't have time to write a detailed reply, send your correspondent a quick message or postcard to acknowledge receipt and tell her/him approximately when you'll send a more complete reply Then be sure to write back as you've promised, Make frequent backups of your computer disks. Store your backups and photocopies of your irreplaceable documents where you work or at someone else's home. When searching for relatives in records, don't pass over entries that are almost (but not quite) what you're looking for. For example, if you're searching for the marriage of John Brown and Mary Jones in 1850, make a note of the marriage of John Brown and Mary Smith in 1847; this could be a previous marriage in which the wife died shortly after. When writing to libraries or to genealogical or historical societies in your areas of interest, ask them for the names and addresses of out-of-print booksellers in the area. Write to the booksellers and ask if they have any old local histories or family histories pertaining to the area. Remember that just because information is on computer or in print, it ain't necessarily fact! Information in recent family histories is often based on that from older published works. If the older books are incorrect, the wrong information simply gets repeated and further disseminated. The earlier the time period in which you're researching, the less consistent our ancestors were about the spelling of their surnames. Also, some of them were illiterate and couldn't tell a record keeper how their names should be spelled. Family traditions of dose connections to famous people are usually false, but there may be a more obscure relationship involved. For example, perhaps the famous person spent a night at your ancestor's inn instead of (as the legend goes) marrying into the family. Try not to let your research get behind. Establish a filing system for your papers (using file folders or 3-ring binders) and file each page of notes, document, photocopy, etc, as you acquire it. There are few things more disheartening than contemplating a foot-high stack of unfiled papers, wondering if the birth certificate you desperately need to refer to is buried somewhere in it. Double-check all dates to make sure they are reasonable; for example, a woman born in 1790 could not have become a mother in 1600. Be on the lookout for nicknames. A request for a birth certificate for Sadie White may be rejected by a record office if the name in their record files is Sarah White, Beware of mail-order promotions offenng what might purport to be a personalized genealogy of your surname with a title like "The Amazing Story of the BLANK Family, BLANKS Since the Civil War or Burke's Peerage World Book of BLANKS. These books are not properly researched and documented genealOgies; instead they are often little more than lists of names from phone directories or other readily available sources. Notify the Better Busmess Bureau, postal authorities and consumer The Arkansas Family Historian Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1998 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. advocate agencies if you receive one of these. For more about these, see the ROOTS-L FA file FAQ SCAMS. Don't assume modem meanings for terms used to describe relationships. For example, in the 17th century a step-<:hild was often called a "son-in-law" or" daughter-in-law", and a "cousin" could refer to almost any relative except a sibling or child. Remember that indexes to books rarely include the names of all persons mentioned in the book and, in addition, occasionally contain errors. If it appears the book is likely to have valuable information, spend some time skimming its contents rather than retuming it to the library shelf after a quick glance at the index. Be precise when making notes and especially when sharing information with others. Write dates using an unambiguous format: Americans interpret 5/6/1881 as 6 May 1881, but in many other countries it would be read as 5 June 1881. If it is written as 06 May 1881, it cannot be misinterpreted and requires no punctuation. Always capitalize or underline surnames, some of which can be mistaken for given names, e.g., HENRY HOWARD. Please note place names in full, including parish or township, county, state or province, or country. You'll often encounter conflicting information. For example, you might discover that your paternal grandmother's birth date on her gravestone is different than her birth date as told to you by your father. Note the source for each piece of information, but don't feel you have to decide immediately which date is the correct one. In fact, both of them may be wrong! Further research may reveal a more credible birth date, for example, the one on her birth certificate. Take time occasionally to review and verify the conclusions you've reached concerning each of your ancestor's lives; this will prevent you from wasting time following blind alleys. Boundaries and place names change constantly over the years. Always verify them in historiCal atlases or genealogical texts pertaining to the area. For example, the boundaries of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, have changed four times since it was first colonized. Whenever you can, advertise the surnames you're researching by posting them electronically (for example, on the ROOTS-L Surname List) and submitting them to genealogical directories and surname lists published by genealogical societies that you belong to. This will put you in touch with others who are researching the same surnames - possibly for a much longer time- and save you from reinventing the wheel. After all, the most rewarding genealogical research is the kind that no one else has already done! Harrisburg County officers are preparing for circuit court which convenes Monday. One of the most important cases will be State vs. Elijah Benett, charged with accessory to murder by hiring two brothers to kill D.V. Perkins, at that time a deputy sheriff of this [Poinsett] county. '--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _A=-:::..:.Tka.nsas Gazette, 17 Oct 1887 Note that the above clipping shows the names of the people involved, occupation of one, the crime of murder, and sets a line of investigation to discover the date of death. The Arkansas Family Historian - Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1998 107 1848 Subscribers to Southwest Baptist Chronicle _ _ __ (Published in New Orleans, LA) Submitted by Russell P Baker Tune 10, 1848: W. Holliman, Lost Creek, Ark. J. Atkins, Camden, Ark. S. N. Plummer, Seminary, Ark. J. Lavender, Antoine, Ark. S. Harrold, EI Derado, Ark. Y. Goodwin, Nettle's Store, Ark. L Love, Wilmington, Ark. J. M. Meek, El Dorado, Ark. P. V. Wesson, El Dorado, Ark. J. Touchstone, El Dorado, Ark. W. H. Hill, EI Dorado, Ark. J. H. Avergt, EI Dorado, Ark. C. W. Cotton, EI Dorado, Ark. D. C. McDonald, Hillsboro, Ark. W. G. Cole, Hillsboro, Ark. H. Mitchell, Hillsboro, Ark. J. Hill, Hillsboro, Ark. S. Ward, Hillsboro, Ark. J. H. Alford, Hillsboro, Ark. H. B. Tormenter, Hillsboro, Ark. G. H. Cobb, Hillsboro, Ark. E. M. Owen, Hillsboro, Ark. C. W. Kinan, Hilisboro, Ark. Tune 24, 1848: E. B. Wesson, Tulip, Ark. Rev. C. R. Kellam, Charleston, Ark. William Wilcox, Charleston, Ark. J. Kirk, Charleston, Ark. Dr. S. S. Hazan, Charleston, Ark. A. T. Nixon, Charleston, Ark. C. McCuthera, LOUisville, Ark. 108 The Arkansas Family Historian - Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1998 _ _ _ _ _ _ Certificate of Arkansas Ancestry Report By Jan Eddleman, 1807 Sunshine Mine Rd., Hackett, AR 72937 Arkansas Genealogical Society offers Certificates of Arkansas Ancestry issued in four categories: Colonial: a resident of Arkansas before 1 January 1804; Territorial - a resident of Arkansas before 14 June 1834; Ante-bellum - a resident of Arkansas before 6 May 1861; Nineteenth Century - a resident of Arkansas before 3 1 December 1900 Send SASE with $0.55 postage (2 ounces) to AGS, PO Box 908, Hot Springs, AR 719020908, for an application form for your certificate. Colonial Dr. Lewis T. Bogy 100 Roundup Dr. San Antonio, RX 78213-2309 Ancestor: Joseph Bogy Arkansas County The Arkansas Family Historian - Volume 36, Number 3, September. 1998 109 Hutson Pioneer Cemetery______________ Lonoke County, Arkansas Tom C Martinet, 82 Hummingbird Lane, Cabot, AR 72023, advises that the Unknown Cemetery published in Volume 36, No.1, of The Arkansas Family Historian, was identified as the Hutson Pioneer Cemetery and was first found listed in Grand Prairie Potpourrri, Vol. 1, by Kay Sakaris. Cummins, Alexander Gray, b. 15 Mar 1800; d. 28 Aug 1862; no stone found; CSA, Center Twp. Home Guard Mr. Martinet states he was taken to the cemetery on 28 April 1994 by Mr. Bryan Hutson, and that the cemetery is located northwest of Walters Chapel road next to a lake. A four-wheel drive vehicle is required to get to it. Mr. Hutson helped read the inscriptions of the 12 gravestones there. The property is owned by James Young. Ms. Sakaris stays "Hutson Cemetery sleeps near the banks of Wattensas Bayou in North Eastern part of Lonoke County." She listed about 30 people buried there. It is suspected there were more but the elements and undergrowth have taken a toll. Cummins, G. Powhattan, b. 20 May 1830; d. 20 Mar 1859, m. 17 Jan 1856; husband of Elizabeth (Murchison) Cummins Listed here is the updated inventory of this cemetery, with annotations. Contact Mr. Martinet if you have additional information on this cemetery, especially any others buried there. Anderson, Margaret - no dates; 2nd wife of Ezekiel Staggs Beal, Marian, d. 10 Nov 1861; no birth date found Beal, Sarah Jane, b. 9 May 1855; d. 7 Sep 1861; no marker found I fO The Arkansas Family Historian Cummins, Elizabeth T., b. 11 Mar 1832; d. c1852; from bible records. This would be earliest known burial if 1852 is correct. Cummins, James G., b. 21 Mar 1828, d. 6 Dec 1881; CSA, Pvt. Co. K. Tran. Miss. Inf. 2; husband of Susan Cummins Cummins, Jane Gray, b. 1 Sep 1832; d. 10 Dec 1894; not found; wife of Lewis W. Hutson, Sr. CUmmins, John A., b. 11 Jan 1835; d. 16 May 1863; no stone found; CSA, Co. G, 21 Ark. Cummins, Margarett Woods, b. 31 Jan 1825; d. 25 Aug 1884; no stone found; wife of Robert C Hutson Grady, J. W., Jr., b. 10 May 1868; d. 1 Jun 1886; son of J. W., Sr. and Sarah J. Grady Grady, Louisianna, b. 31 Mar 1874; d. 16 Aug 1877; daughter of J. W. and Sarah J. Grady Gray, Jane, b. 1 Sep 1832; d. 10 Dec 1894; wife of James G. Cummins Harrison, Almer Bell, b. 2 Aug 1890; d. 5 Sep 1891; birth date may have been 22 Aug 1890 instead of 2 Aug Volume 36, Number 3. September. 1998 Harrison, Florence nee Welch, d. 18 Mar 1898; no marker found; listed in older records Harrison, Lin, b, 28 Apr 1893, d. 6 Jun 1894; no marker found; listed in older records Hill, Aluestus V., no dates; m. 7 Mar 1867; no stone found; from Prairie Co, Marriage Book D, p, 96 Hill, Josephine, b. c1854; d, Mar 1888; m. 7 Mar 1867, age 34 years; wife of Aluestus V, Hill; from Prairie Co. Marriage Book D, p, 96 Honeycutt, J. R, d. 23 Oct 1921 Honeycutt, Jo Ella, b, 7 Jan 1861; d. 10 Dec 1914; probably wife of Joseph H. Honeycutt Honeycutt, Joseph H., b. 23 Oct 1858; d, 10 Apr 1907; probably husband of Jo Ella Honeycutt Hutson, Jane Gray Cummins, b, 1 Sep 1832; d. 10 Dec. 1894; not found; wife of Lewis W, Hutson, Sr, Hutson, Lewis W" Sr., b. c1833; d. 18 Jan 1905; no stone found; CSA Center Twp. Home Guard; b. in Dallas Co" AL Hutson, Margarett nee Woods, b. 31 Jan 1825; d. 25 Aug 1884; no stone found; wife of Robert C. Hutson Hutson, Robert c., b. c1807; d. Oct 1864; CSA Center Twp, Home Guard; husband of Margaret Woods Hutson Johnson, Leonidas, b, 25 Jun 1855; d. 22 Ju11928; husband of Mary Ann Johnson Johnson, Mary Ann, b. 24 Jun 1854; d. 28 Aug 1931; wife of Leonidas Johnson Johnson, Robert Lee; no dates; son of Leonidas and Mary Ann Johnson Johnson, Thomas Ernest; no dates; son of Leonidas and Mary Ann Johnson Staggs, Ezekiel, b. c1827; no d. date; CSA, Co. C. 30 Ark. Inf.; husband of 1" Susan; 2nd Margaret Staggs Staggs, Margaret Anderson, no dates; 2nd wife of Ezekiel Staggs Staggs, Samuel, b, c1879; d. aft. 1880; son of Ezekiel and Margaret Staggs Staggs, Susan, d. aft. 1871, and before 1877; 1" wife of Ezekiel Staggs Staggs, William W., b. c1847; d. aft. 1880; CSA, Co A, 10,h Ark. Int., husband of Catherine Staggs Uuell, Major W., b, 4 Apr 1860; d. 9 Dec 1900 Webb, "Mr," (Benj.?), d, 16 Apr 1882; may be Watkins Webb; see 1860 census Welsch, Florence, d. 18 Mar 1898; see Florence Welch Harrison Woods, Woods, Margarett, b. 31 Jan 1825; d. 25 Aug 1884; no stone found; wife of Robert C. Hutson Johnson, Infant; no dates; son of Leonidas and Mary Ann Johnson The Arkansas Family Historian ~ Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1998 III Pension Applications for Blind Indigent Persons_ On March 20, 1931, the Arkansas Legislature approved Act 150, which levied a tax on all billiard and poolrooms. The revenue from this tax was credited to a fund to be known as the Indigent Blind Fund and was to be used exclusively for the purpose of paying pensions to blind indigent citizens of the state. All blind indigent citizens of the state were to perfect their claims before the Chancery Court or Judge thereof for the district where they resided. The fund was administered by the Confederate Pension Board and included both black and white citizens. Listed here are the application numbers, names and counties involved. Copies of these files can be ordered for $10.00 each from the Arkansas History Commission, 1 Capitol Mall, Little Rock, AR 72201. The balance of this list will be in the December, 1998, AFH. No. Name - County 111 Aarons, Alex - Clay 1052 Adams, James WilliamsonHempstead 97 Adams, Sidney- Clark 384 Adkisson, Rosa-Izard 705 Adtkerson, Wylie - Poinsett 234 Akins, Margie Anna - Cross 400 Alcorn, Wm. - Jackson 751 Alexander, Ella -Pulaski 1242 Alexander, Jesse - Pulaski 249 Alexander, Phillip - Desha 486 Alford, Vince- Lafayette 913 Allen, Carrie - Union 1448 Allen, Charles - Lee 157 Allen, Eli - Conway 255 Allen, Norris - Drew 752 Allen, Sadie - Pulaski 1049 Allen, Mrs. Sarah - Grant 1130 Allen, Will- Conway 158 Allen, Willis Guy - Conway 1176 Allison, Ida Belle - Columbia 753 Alsop, Bertha J. - Pulaski 944 Alvey, Willie A. - Van Buren 672 Anderson, Love Jane - Phillips 1024 Anderson, Major- Monroe 385 Anderson, Martha - Izard 56 Anderson, T. L - Bradley 427 Armour, Andrew - Jefferson 11 Armstrong, Laura - Ashley 1198 Arnold, Betty Elizabeth Independence 112 1042 1371 362 698 1465 159 374 1037 1102 754 983 959 1061 600 807 1285 %0 428 706 386 147 671 673 293 308 1387 187 35 707 183 Arnold, Mary - Crittenden Arnold, Tom- St. Francis Asberry, J. I. - Hot Spring Ashley, Cobb - Pike Askew, Oarence - Miller Askue, Charles E. - Conway Askue, Jas. Wash.- Independence Atkinson, Giddien PriceConway Bail, Fannie- Prairie Bailey, EmlJy - Pulaski Bailey, Wade Hampton - White Bain, Tom- Washington Baker, Bob- Johnson Baker, Jack A. - Miller Baker, Jula Randolph Baker, Stephen Douglas - Boone Baker, WIll. George -Washington Ball, Chas. Wm. - Jefferson Ballard, Calvin - Poinsett Ballard, Mary K. - Izard Banks, Anna - Columbia Banks, Dave Phillips Banks, Monroe-PhiI1ips Banks, R. - Franklin Barfalow, Harvey - Garland Barnes, Joseph Wiley Washington Barnett, Mrs M. B. - Craighead Barnett, Noah- Baxter Barnhill, Mary Jane - Poinsett Barrett, Sarah Elizabeth - The Arkansas Family Historian - Volume 36. Number 3. September. 199& 294 7'22 369 615 1182 129 549 304 1075 1153 10'22 755 569 130 945 808 1175 663 809 675 748 1428 1001 1081 429 1360 430 1254 219 869 431 550 551 525 256 616 1082 756 72 112 113 36 Craighead Barritt, Cortis - Franklin Barton, Ephfram - Polk Barton, Frank- Howard Barton, Henry- Mississippi Bass, Edgar Daniel- Craighead Bates, Annie - Cleburne Bates, Perry- Logan Battles, Thos. Milton - Fulton Baty, Courtney ElizabethLonoke Bays, Henry R - Ashley Bear, Erwin Sanders- Yell Beard, Celia - Pulaski Beatie, F. M. - Lonoke Bedwell, John Henry - Cleburne Bedwell, Rubin S. - Van Buren Beegle, Laura Kansas - Randolph Beene, Georgia - Columbia Belk, James c. - Ouachita Bell, Martha Jane- Randolph Bene, Manuel- Monroe/Phillips Benerman, R. N. - Prairie Bennett, Daniel- Garland Bennett, David John- Woodruff Bennett, Misouri Emma Mississippi Bennett, Sophie - Jefferson Benns, Edward- Pulaski Benson, Scott Charlie - Jefferson Berry, Columbus- Searcy Berryhill, Wm. Robt. - Crittenden Berth, Henry- Sevier Bey, Wm. Bush (Black) - Jefferson Bingham, Harce - Logan Bingham, Hirane Frank Price Logan Bilyeb, lda- Lincoln Binns, James - Drew Birchel, Joe Siah - Mississippi Bishop, Andrew JacksonMississippi Bishop, James - Pulaski Black, Harry- Carroll Black, James Thomas - Clay Blan, John M. - Clay Blevins, Levi - Benton 757 1113 1310 332 1210 570 708 1165 272 432 309 12 843 497 1067 114 13 1047 1002 1429 310 65 348 498 730 946 1126 14 242 433 897 434 870 1426 601 526 758 1405 1455 527 759 709 1202 1003 914 Block, Will (Black) - Pulaski Bone, Annie V. - White Bonta, Henry W. - Howard Boone, Mary E. - Greene Bowen, Artman - Lee Bowen, Newton, Lonoke Bowers, Andrew- Poinsett Bowie, Diana - Chicot Boxley, Richard- Faulkner Boyd, Hilliard- Jefferson Boys, Miss Mattle Lee - Garland Boykin, Mose - Ashley Bradberry, Richard Keith Sebastian Brady, Darcus Walker- Lawrence Brady, George W. - Lawrence Brandon, Margurete Ann- Clay Brandy, Maggie- Ashley Brashears, Mrs. Mary - Garland Bratton, Fannie- Woodruff Breckenridge, Martha RoenarGreene Breshears, W. H.- Garland Brewer, Everett C. - Calhoun Brint, Robbie- Hempstead Britton, ElIen- Lawrence Broadie, Mary Amanda - Pope Brock, Vina- Van Buren Brooks, B. H. - Bradley Brooks, Erma Elizabeth - Ashley Brooks, Lemmie (Black) - Dallas Brooks, Mary Ann- Jefferson Broom, Phllfell- st. Francis Broom, Thomas- Jefferson Broomfield, Henry Lewis- Sevier Broughton, Feitchel Faulkner Brown, Charlott - Miller Brown, George (Black) - Uncoln Brown, Joe - Pulaski Brown, John- Columbia Brown, John Simmon - Logan Brown, Lina - Lincoln Brown, Maggie- Pulaski Brown, Nancy Tillman - Poinsett Brown, Ola - Jefferson Brown, Owen - Woodruff Brown, Robert E.- Union The Arkansas Family Historian - Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1998 113 1412 Brown, Wm. Augl,lstusCrawford 1457 Browne, John Wood- Lonoke 1203 Brownlee, Harriett - Jefferson 571 Bruce, Elizabeth - Lonoke 295 Brumley, Mrs. C. Catherine Franklin 760 Brunn, Lula- Pulaski 984 Buckmaster, Ina Opal- White 676 Buckner, Eamest- Phillips 401 Bufford, Carrie- Jackson 1004 Bunch, T. W. - Woodruff 825 Bunt, Herbert - Saline 311 Burch, Martha ElizabethGarland 296 Burchfield, Mrs. Amanda Elizabeth- Franklin 1391 Burks, Eula B. - Ashley 37 Burgess, Elizabeth Abugail Benton 220 Burke, Jennie- Crittenden 1035 Burks, Allice - Oay 1204 Burrek, Lama - Jefferson 761 Burres, Lucy- Pulaski 538 Bush, Oliver Ivara- Little River 881 Butler, John A. - Sharp 1409 Butler, Melvin Cletus- Cr<.ighead 257 Bryant, Charlie·· Drew 137 Bryant, Josh- Cleveland 235 Bryant, Thomas- Cross 148 Byrd, Isaac Burton- Columbia 464 Cade, Arthur - Ouachita 297 Campbell, Emmy - Franklin 500 Campbell, Ida J. - Lawrence 985 Campbell, James Monroe- White 1146 Campbell, Margaret - Pulaski 1043 Caldwell, Mary Elizabeth- Desha 1441 Caldwell, Mary Elizabeth Jefferson 499 Callahan, ABe AnnalizaLawrence 710 Callahan, Mrs. Nancy CatherInePoinsett 1736 Calley, Julia -Pike 487 Calvin, Henry- Lafayette 1444 Campsbell, Sarah - Lafayette 1499 Capshaw, Callie Mae - Woodruff 114 rhe Ark"n,a, Family Historian·~ Volume 1307 Carpenter, Lewis ChristopherHempstead 38 Carr, James Harvey- Benton 1376 Carrico, Maria - Sebastian 1330 CarrolL James E. - Logan 572 Carroll, Maggie A. - Lonoke 1331 Carroll, Sarah Ann - Logan 1103 Carson, Robert Lee - Pulaski 84 Carter, Bettie- Chlcot 1101 Carter, Horace Greely - Polk 1062 Carter, James Napolin - Johnson 85 Carter, Phylis - Chicot 1170 Cary, Abbie - Clark 189 Case, Sanford - Craighead 1171 Case, Sealey Abner - Clark 829 Casey, Irene- Scott 57 Castleberry, Mary Ad - Bradley 1332 Catlett, Mrs. M. c.- Logan 731 Caviness, Dina - Pope 947 Chambers, Lucinda Ann- Van Buren 627 Chandler, Dilworth - Monroe 131 Chandler, Leah Eve - Cleburne 1063 Chenault, Matie - Johnson 948 Cherry. Mary Lou - Washington 762 Chick, Thelma Ruth - Pulaski 58 Childs, Columbus - Bradley 1397 Childs, Edna - Bradley 1 Chivers, Jimmie N. - Arkansas 435 Christian, Amanda - Jefferson 387 Churchill!, George Washington Izard 898 Clardy, Cornelius - St. Francis 39 Clare, Bonnie Mae- Benton 1445 Clark, King - Lafayette 1016 Clark, Mollie - Yell 1434 Clark, Richard A. Independence 1226 Oark, R. G. - Phillips 1447 Oark, Spencer Lerary- Lawrence 949 Clark, Winfield S. - Van Buren 915 Clawson, Mariah Eucebia Union 1372 Oay, James (Charles) - St. Francis 26 Oay, Lakie - Baxter 221 Oay, Nancy - Crittenden 36. Number 3, September. 1998 2 536 1392 1374 844 1348 1183 552 1729 1388 1083 222 1483 1199 1193 871 86 1186 732 1410 87 502 1329 388 1458 1496 763 764 349 539 99 115 837 916 149 1290 160 618 882 1337 Clay, Willis- Arkansas Claybon, John - Jefferson Clemons, Chas. Clarence- Benton Clevenger, James A.- Benton Cline, Maggie- Sebastian Coats, Ezekiel Claud- Perry Coats, John Henry- Craighead Cobb, James T. - Logan Cogdell, Wm. Lyman - Pike Coker, Mrs. Lucy OpheliaWashington Coker, Margaret Ann Mississippi Cole, Delilia - Crittenden Cole, Julia- Searcy Cole, Lucy - Jackson Cole, Matthew S. - Franklin Cole, Sandy - Sevier Cole, Tyra Ann- Chicot Coleman.. Chaney Belle Crittenden Coleman, Leander Albion- Pope Coleman, Mandy Elizabeth Craighead Collins, Dick - Chicot Collins, Eddie - Miller Collins, Frank- Little River Collins, John Henry - Izard Colvin, Amanda Virginia Lonoke Colvin, George Francis EmelineWhite Compton, Howard - Pulaski Compton, Johnson - Pulaski Conway, Emery (Black)Hempstead Cook, Alike - Little River Cooke, Easter (Black) - Clark Cook, Edgar C. - Clay Cook, Thomas B.- Searcy Cook, Willie- Union Cooper, Cape- Columbia Cooper, Mary - Oark Cooper, William - Conway Copeland, Eliza - Mississippi Cordell, Mary Jane - Sharp Corzine, John Marion- Miller The Arkansas Family Historian 1068 Cothren, Nat? - Lee 1309 Cotton, James William- Hot 872 1045 1500 765 603 350 1287 1140 584 351 223 677 209 1034 389 1154 1413 437 585 273 586 161 1473 190 1243 1333 1324 375 604 3 766 312 78 1306 1222 250 906 1384 438 Spring Colter, Anakie- Sevier Courtney, BiIl- Drew Covey, Hobson EugeneWoodruff Cox, Ardelia - Pulaski Cox, Oaude 1. - Miller Cox, Lummie- Hempstead Cox, Mary- White Cox, Mose - Mississippi Cox, Nathan- Madison Cox, Roy- Hempstead Cox, Steve - Crittenden Cozart, Frank (Black) - PhiIlips Cradduk, Jas. Presley - Crawford Craig, Bessie Lee - Clark Craig, Geneva - Izard Craig, Lela- Ashley Crane, Jim- Crawford Crawford, Edna - Jefferson Creech, Henry - Madison Creed, Meshack - Faulkner Creetch, Daniel MadisonMadison Crimes, Ben F. - Conway Criner, Mrs. Susan - Ouachita Ctittenden, Sarah Jane Craighead Crossland, Morris - Pulaski Crow, Wm. Robert- Logan Crowell, Thos. Green - Yell Crumley, Thomas c.Independence Culpepper, Nannie - Miller Cummings, Charles - Arkansas Cummins, Bob - Pulaski Cunningham, Benjarnin- Garland Cunningham.. Frank (Black) Phillips Cupps, John Henry - Greene Curry, Elisha - Ouachita Curtis, Wm. - Desha Cypert, Trithena Pairlee- Stone Dade, Albert - Union Daniels, Harrison - Jefferson Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1998 115 845 917 918 1085 679 1296 1162 139 767 1149 116 919 1166 1084 1393 1400 1361 1221 27 553 768 1334 831 98 723 274 59 402 439 573 1163 920 986 162 1104 363 921 1275 1433 333 1086 830 619 116 Daniels, James Nute - Sebastian Darden, Louie - Union Darden, Will - Union Davis, Alice ElizabethMississippi Davis, Cinderella - Phillips Davis, Henry Troulinger?Crawford Davis, Jane - Bradley Davis, Jim - Cleveland Davis, Mark - Pulaski Davis, Riley Thomas - Sebastian Davis, Sarah E. - Clay Davis, Willie- Union Davenport, Amanda- Chicot Davenport, Charles HMississippi David, Sterling Price- Benton Dawkins, Nancy - Chicot Dean, Aaron - Pulaski Dean, John E. - Newton Dearmore, Charley Cole - Baxter Dempsey, John Sherman - Logan Demus, Millie- Pulaski DensIDan, Mrs. Gustine- Logan Devore, Andrew Jackson- ':>cott Digby, Mrs. Susan Maria - '. 'jark Dillon.. Miss Nora - Polk Dillon, Sarah Emaline- Faulkner Dixon, H"zeJ - Bradley Dobyns, Salmon H. - Jackson Donaldson, Richard - Jefferson Dooley, Nancy Petna - Lonoke Dorman, Julia - Bradley Dorton, York- Union Doss, Alice Norine - White Doss, Perry- Conway Dotson, Oscar - Pulaski Dougan, Mrs. Leona Parlee - Hot Spring Douglas, Elizah Ann - Union Douglas, James P. - Benton Dowdy, Essie - Howard Dowdy, LemuE'1 Lee - Greene Downing, John P.- Mississippi Doyle, Miss Katie - Scott Drake, Louise Virginia - Mississippi 1200 Drennon, John 6.- Jackson 1358 Drew, Wm. A - Prairie 138 Drewey, Miss Obedee Cleveland 1472 Duet, Fannie - Newton 1023 Dunaway, Julian Glenn 1491 1030 191 501 258 488 352 1356 1141 40 711 648 649 334 502 513 353 883 40 335 403 832 117 1234 275 1160 733 66 243 163 404 1411 1261 Faulkner Duncan, Arlis- Stone Duncan, Earl- Benton Duncan, Louiza - Craighead Dunivent, Jane - Lawrence Dunlap, Minor Drew Dunn, H. D. - Lafayette Dufield, Elnora (Black) Hempstead Dusenbury, Mrs. Emma JanePolk Duvall, George AllenMississippi Dyson, Mary Elizabeth Jefferson Earles, Walter Hogan - Poinsett Eddings, Robt. Jobe - Newton Eddings, W. L. - Newton Edgar, Pearlee - Greene Edmondson, Maud Elizabeth Lawrence Edwards, Clara -E. - Lee Edwards, Henry- Hempstead Edwards, Laura Pocahontas Sharp Elam, Lucius Dale - Benton Ellington, Elmer - Greene Elliott, Joseph L. - Jackson Elrod, David - Scott Embry, Martha Jane- Clay Embry, Samarian T. - Polk England, Walter - Faulkner Engleman, Simon - Benton English, Hiram Reynolds - Pope Enloe, C. M. - Calhoun Ennis, Russell- Dallas Eperson, Ada- Conway Epperson, Clarence Roy- Jackson Erwin, Sidney Elmo- Craighead Essig, Christian- White Tilt: Arkansas Family Historian - Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1995 224 Estes, John - Crittenden 899 Etherly, Arthur- St. Francis 587 Evans, Benjamin Franklin 1357 3 846 210 769 1350 1205 574 847 770 259 1423 336 922 1155 140 8 634 %1 1302 405 100S 1195 192 650 441 635 313 923 884 734 1048 211 1114 73 776 Madison Evans, Mrs. Mary R. - Polk Ewell, Mary - Arkansas Fain, James Wallace - Sebastian Farmer, Alva Milton - Crawford Farmer, John Franklin - Pulaski Farr, Sarah E.- Phillips Faulkner, Henrietta- Jefferson Ferguson, Jim Tom- Lonoke Ferrier, Francis Jane - Sebastian Fields, John Edward- Pulaski Fields, Josephine - Drew Fields, Mary Lean- Dallas Fields, Mrs. Missouri- Greene Fields, Sallie- Union Finley, Marcus Joe - Ashley Finley, Mrs. Mary JonesCleveland Fisher, Ben M. - Arkansas Fisher, James Thos.Montgomery Fitzgerald, Geo. 1. - Washington Fitzgerald, Joel ShermanFaulkner Flannery, Mary - Jackson Fletcher, Eliza (Black) - Woodruff Flowers, Frank (Black) Hempstead Flowers, Oscar- Craighead Flud, Mary Virginia - Newton Fluker, Dave - Jefferson Flynn, Mary J. - Montgomery Flynn, Mary Jane - Garland Ford, Celia - Union Ford, Cordiela - Sharp Ford, Reuben Russell- Pope Fomero, John- Garland Forrest, Emma VirginiaCrawford Foster. Allen Landrum- White Fotter, James Allen- Carroll Foushee, Herman Russell Independence 987 Fowler, Dannel Wesley - White 276 Fowler, Joseph Jefferson 1377 390 28 924 442 50 1456 18 588 605 377 950 514 314 1489 925 135 885 1271 1139 1156 1398 277 554 1236 1389 315 15 555 1340 88 556 443 1275 835 50 712 Faulkner Franklin, Edgar - Sebastian Franklin, Mary Elizabeth- Izard Franks, Martha J. - Baxter Frazer, John W. - Union Frazier, Louisa - Jefferson Frederick, William DeMarcusBoone Frederick, Mrs. John AndrewLonoke Fredrick, Lucy Ann- Clay Fritts, Nannie May - Madison Frost, Annie - Miller Fulbright, James William Independence Fulks, Janneta- Van Buren Fulton, Sam - Lee Funches, Mariah - Garland Gaddis, Robert - St. Francis Gaines, Jacob- Union Gaines, Wash.- Union Gann, Fred Mack- Sharp Gardner, Mrs. Erma ElizabethAshley Gardner, Jay Otis- Lonoke Gardner, J. T. - Ashley Gardner, Mrs. Mary Francis Bradley Garlington, Lue- Faulkner Gamer, Ruth - Logan Garrett, Albert Lavert - Prairie Garrett, Robert Richard Washington Gass, Mrs. Mollie- Garland Gates, Louvenia Ashley Gayley, Mildred - Logan George, Jesse Robert- Monroe German, Sallie - Chicot Gibson, John Calvin- Logan Gibson, Mary 1. - Jefferson Gift, Florence Magdocia - Benton Gill, Maggie Elizabeth HigginsScott Gill, Sarah- Bradley Gillem, James Andrew - Poinsett The Arkansas Family Historian - Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1998 117 680 Gillen, Miss Gertrude - Phillips 406 Gilley, Nancy- Jackson 1466 Gladden, Daniel Hiram - Miller 908 Glasco, W. T. - Stone 907 Glassco, Atha - Stone 1480 Gleason, Alice - Polk 1378 Glidewell, John ThomasSebastian 1087 Glisson, Oscar 0.- Mississippi 528 1293 900 610 848 515 444 1768 1401 74 1132 316 681 849 1335 681 164 630 901 1474 873 1244 651 1338 1046 1344 1128 636 735 119 445 926 031 647 118 Glover, Lewis Thomas- Lincoln Glover, Lewis Thomas (Brown) Cleveland Goddard, Pauline- st. Francis Goff, Ana- Miller Goines, Sallie - Sebastian Gordon, Mandy - Lee Gordon, Sarah- Jefferson Gorham, Thomas - Hempstead Gourings, Charley Ottis- Clay Graham, Mamie - Carroll Graham, Mahaiey M.- Franklin Graves, Mary- Garland Graves, Mary (oIack)- Phillips Gray, Emmeline- Sebastian Gray, Frances Mahalia- Logan Gray, Mary (Black\ - Phillips Gray, Siby Ruth Grayson, Bettie- Mississippi Green, Albert- st. Francis Green, Callie - Ouachita Green, Fannie - Sevier Green, Julius- Pulaski Greenhaw, Minnie PairleeNewton Green, Mary - Miller Gregory, Charlie - Drew Griffin, Geo. WashingtonNevada Griggs, Lula - Gay Grist, Lettie Marie- Montgomery Guest, Marguerite CatherinePope Gulledge, Wm. Thomas - Clay Gunnels, Lem E. - Jefferson Gunter, Lidy Ann - Union Guyll, Oscar- Benton Hackett, Nath (Black) - Nevada The Arkan~as 1088 529 1402 225 278 100 391 850 1475 874 771 392 1476 61 1041 1430 393 1459 1492 1444 1032 1138 772 102 279 773 446 260 1245 1191 1073 5 1143 1015 851 774 1414 1219 928 1216 Family Historian - Volume 36. Hafford, Joseph- Mississippi Hagood, Henry- Lincoln Hahs, Polly Ann- Clay Hail, Hannah- Crittenden Halbrook, James Layfitt Faulkner Hail, Harriett - Clark Haley, Florence- Izard Hall, Martha Annie - Sebastian Hall, Rosie E. - Ouachita Holiman, Ursie- Sevier Hamburg, Lewis Emest- Pulaski Hames, Miss Cornelia Emily Izard Hammocks, Alise - Ouachita Hampton, Noble Dewin Bradley Haney, Mary - Crawford Haney, Lafayette WhitakerGreene Hanks, Lewis Eisner - Izard Hardister, Maggie - Lonoke Hardy, Alfred- Union Hardy, Dempsey - Jefferson Hargraves, A. M.- Bradley Harlee, Stella (Black) - Johnson Harpending, John Wesley Pulaski Harper, A. W. (Black) - Clark Harrell, Dotia (Black) - Faulkner Harrell, Ullia Rebecca - Pulaski Harris, Clara- Jefferson Harris, Joe Levi - Drew Harris, Mattie - Pulaski Harris, Phil- Desha Harris, Sallie - Little River Harris, Teresa Ann - Arkansas Harris, Tom - Mississippi Harrison, Charley- Woodruff Harrison, Chas. Gilbert Sebastian Hart, Louise- Pulaski Hart, Thomas Edward Crawford Halsey, Effie- Nevada Hassell, Shelby- Union Hastings, Minnie B. - Mississippi ~umber 3. September, 1998 589 Hatcher, Mary E. - Madison 75 Hanson, Nathan Edward 1142 575 354 1112 1258 1345 447 701 236 101 448 103 317 407 951 150 736 41 151 1223 318 165 1315 775 489 682 988 166 576 180 337 167 1124 929 1232 449 Carroll Hannon, Thomas Aubrey Mississippi Hawkins, Victory- Lonoke Hawthorne, Daniel WashingtonHempstead Hays, George- Union Hays, Livona Jane-- Washington Hays, Odis - Ouachita Hayes, Laura -Jefferson Head, Lela - Pike Head, Rachael- Cross Hearn, Sallie Walsh - Oark Hector, Will (Black) - Jefferson Hegwood, Thomas Jefferson Clark Heffner, Sarah Catherine Garland Henderson, Charlie - Jackson Hendricks, David Jones - Van Buren Hendricks, Mariah - Columbia Hendricks, Stephen A. - Pope Hendrix, Joshua Marion- Benton Hendrix, Spencer- Columbia Henry, Zettie Leonie-- Ouachita HerIanie, Arthur Anthony Garland Hervey, Columbus - Conway Higgins, Henry - Jefferson Hicks, Durward NormanPulaski High, Joe - Lafayette Hill, Ben- Phillips Hill, Emmet Melrose- White Hill, Hazel- Conway Hill, Jack - Lonoke Hill, Jim - Faulkner Hill, Nora 1. - Greene Hill, Olie- Conway Hill, Victoria- Ashley Hinson, Mrs, 1. A, - Union Hitchcock, Mrs. Amanda Elizabeth - Poinsett Hobson, William - Jefferson 683 920 238 1386 169 1135 470 104 827 776 810 1304 777 778 409 1316 1161 1485 338 1415 989 395 853 1379 370 628 1044 1208 811 812 298 152 355 503 779 684 1213 702 1007 6 Hodge, Tom - Phillips Hodges, Rossie-- Union Howell, Edna Jane- Cross Hudson, Frank - Union Huet, James Madison - Conway Huff, Henry Harrisori Independence Huffman, A. H. - Conway Huggs, Mary- Clark Hunt, B. R- Saline Hunter, John- Pulaski Hurley, William AndrewRandolph Husted, James Elnathan Garland Hyatt, Euterpia Bowles- Pulaski Jackson, Birtha- Pulaski Jackson, Booker - Jackson Jackson, Callie - Jefferson Jackson, H. 1. - Benton Jackson, Jasper Lee- Sebastian Jackson, Lou- Greene Jackson, Melvin- Crawford Jackson, Thomas Henry- White Jackson, Thomas Jefferson - Izard Jackson, William - Sebastian Jacoway, Philip Jasper Sebastian Jacques, Ted - Howard James, Annie - Monroe James, Bittie - Desha James, Charley Edward JacksonJohnson James, James Berry - Randolph James, Jehu Staten - Randolph James, Mary - Franklin Jameson, Turner - Columbia Jarret!, George Hardy Hempstead Jean, Mary Katherine- Lawrence Jefferies, Wm. Jacob - Pulaski Jefferson, Nathan - Phillips Jenkins, Jim - Miller Jenkins, Joe- Pike Johnson, Annie Bell- Woodruff Johnson, Charles (Black) Arkansas The Arkansas Family Historian - Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1998 119 141 1363 89 244 1367 212 13 450 1237 687 516 552 641 1187 1443 713 642 1078 780 1227 887 1224 1008 1172 1026 452 686 517 194 105 1416 1493 1368 226 1058 1105 1009 990 685 490 453 541 1076 120 Johnson, Cora -Cleveland Johnson, Georgianna - Pulaski Johnson, Harry- Chicot Johnson, Henry (Black) -Dallas Johnson, Jackie - Randolph Johnson, James Edgar- Crawford Johnson, James RobertCleburne Johnson, Jim - Jefferson Johnson, John- Prairie Johnson, Lee- Phillips Johnson, Leroy - Lee Johnson, Lou- Van Buren Johnson, Mary Lucina - Nevada Johnson, Nan- Ouachita Johnson, Obie - Johnson Johnson, Oscar Dill- Poinsett Johnson, Samuel Nevada Johnson, Susan- Miller Johnson, William- Pulaski Johnson, Wm. Seman - Phillips Johnston, John Houston - Sharp Jones, Buchanen- Pulaski Jones, Clara- Woodruff ·Jones, Elihu Clark Jones, Emanuel- Ashley Jones, Emma- Jefferson Jones, Frederick- Phillips Jones, Henry - Lee Jones, Hulett - Craighead Jones, James Harrison- Clark Jones, James HawkinsCrawford Jones, James Thomas - Van Buren Jones, James W. 1. - Randolph Jones, Jesse - Crittenden Jones, John - Jackson Jones, James Thomas - Pulaski Jones, Julia Ann - Woodruff Jones, James Matthews- White Jones, Lee Florda- Phillips Jones, Luella - Lafayette Jones, Margarett Lee - Jefferson Jones, Mathew Williams - Little River Jones, Nancy Luvenia - Lonoke The Arkansas Family Historian 1359 Jones, Nellie- Prairie 38- Jones, Paul- Phillips 1228 1435 Jones, Anna Rose Henrietta 1079 281 782 1064 504 7811106 454 239 455 171 854 106 962 1177 1383 320 261 1503 1486 1343 43 1297 749 1277 76 319 1380 1464 1238 505 1194 813 1131 491 Independence Jones, Silas Dupree- Miller Jones, Siller- Faulkner Jones, Sophia- Pulaski Jones, Thos. Chesley- Johnson Jones, William Stanley Lawrence Jordan, Elnora - Pulaski Jordan, Jim (James)- Jefferson Jordan, Kate - Cross Jordan, Walter (Black) - Jefferson Josey, Elizabeth Jane - Ashley Kahill, Mary Magdalene Sebastian Kaliz, Charlotte (Black) - Clark Keen, Sidney Travis Washington Keith, Classie- Columbia Kemp, George W. - Stone Kemp, Mrs. Jennie E. - Garland Kemp, Liza - Drew Kennon, Mary- Yell Kensworth, Jeannette Stotts Sebastian Kent, Rebecca Leanna Montgomery Kerns, Oliver Franklin- Benton Kens, Tom- Crawford Kesner, Felix llilther- Prairie Ketchum, Ed Everett- Benton Kile, W. H. - Carroll Kilian, Charles E. - Garland Kimball, Brunswich - Sebastian Kin, Hugh M. - Marion Kingcade, Roosevelt - Prairie Kinsworthy, Ike - Lawrence Kirby, Lewis N. - Franklin Kirby, Victoria Elizabeth Randolph Kirk, Jules - Franklin Kirkendoll, Harry Irvin Lafayette Volume 36. Number 3, September, 1998 "We Are Cherokee!" Submitted by John E. Ernest, 4407 51st st. NE, Seattle, WA 98105-4932 When I was growing up, I remember my Dad saying this whenever it seemed appropriate. His father Thomas Heruy Ernest (1884-1970) said the same thing whether it was appropriate or not. However that was all that was ever said. Not who, not when or where. Some clarification came in 1%5 when Thomas Henry told his daughter Gara Ernest Melcher that" great-grandmother 'h Cherokee." In addition, Thomas Henry provided Clara with a list of his siblingsl some of whom were unknown to the rest of the family. Our grandfather was a man of few words. The only other thing that we knew at that time was that Thomas Henry Ernest was born 4 December 1884 in Eufaula, Oklahoma, and that his father Ed Earnest had died about two 112 years later (1888). Thomas Henry also said that his brother Lewis" died." What an understatement! Actually, Lewis Edward Ernest was murdered in Lenna, Oklahoma on 17 April 1911 by his wife's boyfriend>. It was with this discovery that I started my research. Lewis Edward's death date enabled my brother Frank to get a death certificate for Lewis; that which indicated that his mother was Maude Williams'. As I began questioning my aunts about this, I found out that Maude Williams Earnest had remarried in 18924 , after the death of her husband Ed Earnest in 1888, to a Creek Indian named Chatman Riley'. In addition to the six Earnest children, Maude had four more children by Chatman6 • Now that I had some names to work with I went to the census records. I found Mauday Riley in 1910 with husband Chatman and their children'. This record indicated that Mauday was a white person, born in Arkansas and was age 55 on her last birthday". The next step was to verify that Maude's surname was indeed Williams. I sent for and received Thomas Henry's Social Security application 9• Much to my surprise, he had indicated his mother's maiden name to be Amanda Griepenkirel. How could he be mistaken, or was he? His brother Lewis' death certificate had the usual information, place of death, cause of death, the name of the doctor, etc. However, some of the information on the death certificate can only be supplied by an informant. As to this death certificate, who was the informant and how credible was this person? Well, Lewis was dead, his wife Ada Belle was in jail having been suspected of being involved in the murder, his brother Thomas Heruy was living in Stratford in Garvin County more than 100 miles away10. Their two sisters' Nettie and Bettie and grandmother Lizzie Moore disappeared after the 1900 Census11 , and their sister Myrtle Earnest Smith was living in Yeager" in Hughes County about 40 miles south west of Lenna. However, Maude Earnest Riley was living with her husband Chatman and children near Hanna only about 10 miles to the west of Lenna where Lewis was shot". It would appear that Maude Williams Earnest Riley was the most likely informant. Who then was Amanda Griepenkirel? I found in the 1860 Oklahoma Indian Territory Census, a Dr. Ferdinand Griepenkirel, a single male", According to the IGI", he was born in Brilon, Westphalia, Prussia in 1826, the son of Johann Christian Griepenkirel and Elisabeth Johanna Linde'". Dr. Griepenkirelleft Hamburg, Germany" for New York City on 15 July 1850. He was married in 186216 to Mary Louise Raper, daughter of John and Annie Raper19 • In 1865 he and The Arkansas Family Historian - Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1998 121 Mary moved to Texanna 20 , Dr. Griepenkirel died there in 1898. Mary Louise Raper Griepenkirel was on the Dawes Roll as a 112 blood Cherokee Indian, born in Indian Territory in 1840". According to her application, she had always lived in Indian territory and her mother Armie Raper was a full blood Cherokee married to a white man. Was she Amanda's mother? Mary Louise Griepenkirel died in 1902, and in 1910 there was an official inquiry as to Mary Griepenkirel's death date, Her friend Rachel Thornberry gave the following testimony22: " Q: Are there any children or are there any relatives of Mrs. Mary L. Griepenkirel?" A: "There never was any children of their own" they raised three orphans23 ." Also, Mary Griepenkirel had stated in her application for the Dawes Roll that she was born in Indian Territory and had lived there all of her life. Maud Riley was born in Arkansas, according to the 1910 Census. I found a Lizzie Moore2' living in Pottawatomie County, Forest Twp, in 190025. In her household were her granddaughters: Nettie, Bettie, Myrtle Eamest2b and great-grandson James H Earnest27 , According to that census record, Lizzie Moore was born in Indian Territory in August 1835, that she was an Indian and did not speak English. Lizzie was therefore born in Indian Territory prior to the main removal of the Cherokee Nation from the East in 1838/39 (frail of Tears), In 1851 there were two rolls established for those living in the Cherokee Nation. Those who came prior to the main body in 1838/39 were listed on the "Old Settler Roll", created in 185128 . Lizzie Williams does not appear on this rolL Those who came in 1838/39 as a result of the treaty of New Echota (1835)29 were on the "Drennen Roll" created in 185230 , The next rolls that were taken was the Dawes Roll of 1898 and the Guion Miller Roll in 190931 , Neither Amanda Williams nor Lizzie Moore were on any of these rolls. There are also the Cherokee Emigration Rolls of 1817-183532 . These were the Cherokee living in the East who filed to immigrate to Arkansas Territory33, and after 1828 to Oklahoma Indian Territory, In these Rolls are Hanhah, Tom and Jonathan Williams, but again no Lizzie Williams, The 1860 Census of the Indian Lands in Oklahoma Indian Territory lists several Williams families, but no Lizzie Williams"". In that same Census Dr. Griepenkirel was listed as a single male living in the Illinois District of the Cherokee Nation, Post Office-Fort Gibson, In checking the various Indian Rolls I discovered that Mary L Griepenkirel was listed on the Dawes Rolls". It was in her application file'" that I discovered a "truth"37 regarding Indian research which eventually led me to our Indian(?) ancestor. Mary Griepenkirel died in 1902, In 1910 the Department of the Interior found it necessary to determine Mary's exact date of death, Rachel Thornberry, a longtime friend, gave a deposition as to Mary's death date. "Question: Are you a citizen of the Five Civilized Tribes of Indians? Answer: Yes, a Cherokee by blood, but I have forfeited my rights, You see my husband, when the war'" broke out, left for the army and I went to Texas and stayed until '66," It suddenly occurred to me that Lizzie Williams was not on any of the Rolls because she had not been born in or had not lived continuously in Indian Territory Oklahoma. 122 The Arkansas Family II istorian - Volume 36> Number 3, September, 1()98 If not Oklahoma Indian Territory39, then what "Indian Territory" did the 1900 census record for Lizzie Moore refer to? Given that her daughter, Maude Williams Earnest Riley, was born in Arkansas I now believed that I was looking in the wrong place. According to the 1900 Oklahoma Territory Census, Lizzie Moore was born in August of 1835. In the 1850 Arkansas Census I found a Joel Williams in Yell County, Dutchess Creek Twp40. In his household was his wife Nancy, and daughter Elizabeth age 15 and her siblings4!42. The enumeration date was 12 December 1850 which makes Elizabeth 15 years old by that date. What about Lizzie Moore being born in "Indian Territory?" Dutch Creek is just a few miles south of the Cherokee Tract4', an area once occupied by the Cherokee Indians.The History of Yell Co. states "regardless of the Treaty of 1817, Cherokees were established south of the river (Arkansas) in great numbers, on Dardanelle plain, Checkalah, Dutch and Shoal Creeks, ... "44 It would be helpful if the 1850 and 1860 Census records would have indicated that Nancy Williams was an Indian, but alas no. The census instructions'S to Marshals directed them as follows: Under heading six entitled" color," in all cases where the person is white, leave the space blank; in all cases where the person is black, insert the letter "B," if mulatto, insert "M." So if Nancy Williams was a Cherokee Indian, the census taker would have indicated "white" as there was no instruction for "Indian". Joel Williams came to Scott Co., Arkansas sometime after 1830 as he is not in the 1830 Arkansas Census. He is there in 1835 as daughter Elizabeth is born in Arkansas. Joel Williams was in the 1840 Arkansas Census in Scott CO.'6 By 1850 Joel was in Yell County which was created from Scott in 184047 . In both Census records he is shown as living on Dutch Creek (Dutchess Creek Twp.). By 1860 Elizabeth was no longer in his household's. A substantial number of marriage records for Yell Co. have survived, but no marriage record for Elizabeth Williams was found. Nancy Williams died sometime before 1864 and Joel married Caroline Owens in 186449 . Both he and Caroline died in January 187650. A Letter of Administration was filed April 9, 1877 at the Yell Co. Court House 51 The Letter of Administration was in effect until January 12, 1888 when the Administrator was discharged52. This final entry did not indicate the disposition of the estate or mention any heirs. Could there be more Williams families in Arkansas with a daughter Elizabeth born in Arkansas in August of 1835? 1. There was a William E. Williams of Saline Co. who had an Elizabeth, age 1653 . Unable to locate him in 1860. 2. Benjamin Williams of Carroll Co. had an Elizabeth age 14, but she was born in Indiana". 3. C. P. Williams of White Co. had an Elizabeth age 16 but she was born in Kentucky55. 4. John Williams of Izard Co. had an Elizabeth age 14 but she was only 14 by the Enumeration Date of September 26, J 85056. The Arkansas Family Historian - Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1998 123 5. W. G. Williams of Madison Co. had an Elizabeth age 1457. Enumeration date was August 14, 1850. In 1860 W. G. Williams was living in Benton Co. and Elizabeth was still at home, age 2558 . There was no Amanda in that household. The 1860 Arkansas Census index" does not show an Elizabeth and Amanda Griepenkirel or Williams living together"'. There are three Amanda Williams in the 1860 Arkansas Census all born in 1855: 1. William Williams was living in Johnson Co. to the north of Yell County61. He had in his household an Amanda Williams age five. Also, in this household there is a William Hendricks, age 1662 • However William was in Scott Co. in 1870 which is west of Yell Co.'" Amanda J. Williams was still in this household, age 15, but no Elizabeth. 2. Hansford Williams was living in Crawford Co. and he had an Amanda in his household, age fourM. In 187065 Amanda was still at home but she was gone from this household in 188!J66. According to the 1850 Census for this family there is no Elizabeth in the household6? 3. Amanda Williams was listed as head of household, Prairie Co., but she was age 2868 . Where were Elizabeth and Amanda in 18607 Census indexes for 1860 for Arkansas and Oklahoma Indian Territory do not indicate a household with an Elizabeth as head of household and Amanda Williams\ or Griepenkirel69 • The 1870 Arkansas Census index has several Elizabeths'o and Amandas71 • None of these fit the facts already stated. There was however an Amanda Williams in Fort Smith, Sebastian Co., listed in the household of John Schabdach, age 38, a Bar Keeper from Bavaria72. This Amanda was age 15 and born in Arkansas. . There are two questions to be answered: 1) Is Nancy Williams Thomas Henry's greatgrand mother, and 2) Is Nancy Williams a Cherokee? 1) Is Nancy Williams Thomas Henry's greatgrandmother? a) The naming pattern of Nancy Williams's children suggest that she is: Nancy Williams' children Elizabeth Lewis E. Thomas Henry Mary David Amanda Williams Earnest's children Bettie Lewis Edward Thomas Henry Amanda's grandaughter Mary Ernest Amanda's grandson Clarence David b) There are no other families listed in the 1850 Arkansas index that have a daughter of the right name and age. c) Amanda (Maudy) Was born in Arkansas. 124 The Arkansas Family Historian - Volume 36, Number 3. September. 1998 2) Is Nancy Williams Cherokee? a) Thomas Henry's statement" greatgrandmother h Cherokee. b) Lizzie Williams was an Indian, per 1900 Census. c) Joel and Nancy Williams live in an area occupied by the Cherokee. d) Nancy Williams was born in Kentucky, once part of the Cherokee lands in the East7'. e) There is no evidence to suggest that she was not a Cherokee or an Indian. H Conclusions 1. Maude Williams and Amanda Griepenkirel are the same person. 2. Joel and Nancy Williams are Thomas Henry's great grandparents 3. Dr. Ferdinand Griepenkirel and Elizabeth Williams were probably never married. 4. Nancy Williams is an Indian and possibly Cherokee. End Notes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20, 21. Oral family history. lewis Edward, Nettie, Bettie, Myrtle and Lucy Ernest. The Indian Journal (Eufala,OK) dated May 25, 1911, p. 1, Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma City, OK Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma City, OK. 1910 U.s. Census (population) Oklahoma Territory, Hughes Co., ED 105, Family #119, National Archives Microfilm Publication T624, Roll '1255. Enrollment Cards for the Five Civilized Tribes, National Archives Microfilm Publication MIM, Roll #8', Card No. 3074, Wife Amanda Riley (non-citizen). Ibid. George. Thomas, Mumie and Jony Riley. 1910 U. S. Census (population) Oklahoma Territory, Hughes Co .. ED 105, Family #119, National Archives Microfilm Publication T624, Roll #1255. Ibid. Enumeration date was May 11,1910. Social Security Application dated March 26, 1944, 55#567-30-3150. Social Security Administration, 6401 Security Building, Baltimore, MD 21235. 1910 U. S. Census (population) Oklahoma Territory, Garvin Co., ED 83, Family #76, National Archives Microfilm Publication T624, Roll #1252. 1900 U.s. Census (populaLion) Oklahoma Territory, Pottawatomie Co., ED 199, Family #168. National Archives Microfilm Publication T623, Roll #1342. Oral family history. Oral family hisory. Carole Ellsworth and Sue Emler, compilers, 1860 Census of The Free Inhabitants of Indian Lands West of Arkansas, Gore Oklahoma, 1984, page 21, Family 11357. International Genealogicallnd"", Germany, extracted birth and/or christening record for: Katholisch, Brilon, Westphalen, Preussen, Source Call No. 936181. (The Family History Library of the Church of Latter Day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1993). Ibid. Smith, Clifford N., Reconstructed Passenger Lists for 1850, Hamburg to Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, and the United States (Westland Publications, 1980) Ship "Kossuth" 15 July 1850 for New York, p. 61. Dr. Griepenkirel is listed as a Physician. Application for the enrollment of Mary L. Griepenkirel dated 6 September 1900. Part of the file of Mary Griepenkirel, Card 1/2181, Roll 115647. (Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma City, OK, 1995) Bob Blankenship, Cherokee Roots, Volume 2: Weslern Cherokee Rolls, PO Box 525, Cherokee, NC 28749, 1992, p. 23, family group #196. National Archives Microfilm Publication M685, Roll #12. Southwest portion of the Cherokee Nation, Canadian District. Texanna is about five miles northeast of Eufaula, Oklahoma (Creek Nation). EnrolIment Cards for the Five Civilized Tribes, National Archives Microfilm Publication M1186, Roll 34. Census Card #2181; Dawes Rolis, National Archives Microfilm Publication Ml1301, Dawes Roll #5647. The Arkansas Family Historian - Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1998 125 22. Deposition given)un. 16, 1910, Department of the Interior, Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes. Part of the file on Mary Griepenkirel, Card #2181, Roll 5647. (Oklahoma Historical Society). 23. Ibid. Freddie Ferrel, Addie Low and Jennie Lacy. 24. Second wife of Moses Moore. Moses Moore (1823-1885) was a Creek Indian that had ltved in Te..s (1850 Census (population) Texas. Nacogdoches Co .• p. 84. Family #29. National Archives Microfilm Publication M432, Roll #913.) His wife Elizabeth Oswalt died there and he brought his four children to the Creek Nation in Oklahoma Indian Territory and settled in Eufaula, OK His son Tom Moore took in Thomas Henry and his brother Lewis Edward aJter Amanda Williams Earnest married Chatman Riley in 1892, Thomas Henr:( s sisters went to live with Amanda T 5 mother Lizzie Williams Moore. 25. (Oralfamily history.) 26. 1900 U. S. Census (population) Okiahomaindian Territory, Pottawatomie Co" ED 199. Family #168, National Archives Microfilm Publication 623. Roll #1342. 27 According to Thomas Henry~ Nettie~ Bettie and Myrtle are his sisters. 28. He is listed as James H. Smith in the 1910 Oklahoma Territory in the household of Isaac and Myrtle Smith (National Archives Microfihn Publication T624, Roll #1255.Hughes Co., ED 182, Visitation #194.) 29. Bob Blankenship, Cherokee Roots, Volume 2: Western Cherokee Rolls.PO Box 525, Cherokee, NC 28719, 1992. National Archives Microfilm Publication M685. Roll #12, 30. Gormley, Myra Vanderpool, Cherokee Connections. (Family Historian Books, Tacoma, WA 98444, 1995) page 21.) 31. Ibid .. pages 30-53. 32. Bob BlankensJup. Cherokee Roots, Volume 2: Western Cherokee RoUs. PO Box 525, Cherokee, NC 28719, 1992, pages 55-327, 33, Jack D, Baker, transcriber, Cherokee Emigration RoUs, 1817-1835. Baker Publishing Company. Oklahoma City. OK 1977. 34, Morris, John W Charles R. Goins, and Edwin C. McReynolds, Historical Atlas of Oklahoma, Third Edition, University of Oklahoma Press. 22 The Cherokee Tract established in 1817, was located in northwest Arkansas, north of the Arkansas River in an area commonly called the Ozark Plateau, The Cherokee Indian Agency was established at Dardanelle in Yell Co. in 1820, The Cherokees held their tract of land until May 6, 1828,when it was exchanged for seven million acres of land north of the Arkansas River in Indian Territory, Oklahoma. 35, Carole Ellsworth and Sue Emler, compilers, 1860 Census of The Free Inhabitants of Indian Lands West of Arkansas, Gore, Oklahoma, 1984. 36. Application dated September 6. 1900. Card #2181, Dawes Roll #4547. (Oklahoma Historical Society) 37. Oral interview dated August 29, 1900, between Commisssioner Breckinridge and Mary L. Grieponkirel. Card #2181, Roll 5647 (Oklahoma HistoricalSociety. Oklahoma City. OK) 38. There appears to be a difference between "treaty Indians" and" non-treaty Indians." A person could be a blood Indian, born and/ or living in Indian Territory and not be covered by a treaty, and therefore not entitled to benefits. 39. Cjvil War. 40. John W. Morris, Charles R. Goins and Edwin C. McReynolds. Historical Atlas of Oklahoma, Third Edition. (University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK 73019), page 33. 41. 1850 U. S. Census (population) Arkansas. Yell Co .• Dutchess Creek Twp., page 506. Nation.l Archives Microfilm Publication M432, Roll #31. Enumerated 12 December 1850, 42. Thomas l Henry, Lewis E., David, Judith, Joel E., Mary A., and Narcissa. 43. Thomas Heney had a son Clarence David. 44. Ami Map Plus, County Boundary Historical Atlas, Version 1.4, Adrian B. Ettlinger, 1995. 45. Wayne Banks, History of Yell Co. (Published by The Press-Argus. Van Buren, Arkansas, July 1959.) 46. U.S, Department of Commerce, 200 Years of Census Taking. Population and Housing Questions, 1790-1900 (Published by the U.s. Department of Commerce. reprinted by Heritage Quest, Inc.• PO Box 40, Orting. WA Of 98360,1992.) 47. 1840 U. S. Census (population) Arkansas, Scott Co., Dutchess Creek Twp" National Archives Microfilm Publication M704, Roll #20, p. 175. 48. 1850 U. S. Census Arkansas (population) Yell Co .. Dutchess Creek Twp .• National Arrhives Microfilm Publication M432, Roll #31, p, 506, family #29. Enumeration date was 12 December. 1850. 49. 1860 U.s. Census (population) Arkansas. YeU Co .• Dutchess Creek Twp., page 1079, National Archives Microfilm Publication M654. Roll #52. 50. World Family Tree, Voll pre-l600 to present. Tree #4461 (Broderbund Software. Inc .• Banner Blue Division. CDRom. 995) 51. Ibid 52. YeU Co. AR. Will Book B, page 53. 126 The Arkansas Family Historian - Volume 36. Number 3, September, 1998 53. Between 1876 and 1888 many entries were made in the court records concerning Joel's estate, but no mention of sale or distribution of assets or the names of potential heirs (records extracted by Rhonds S, Norris, CGRSr 805 E••t 5th St., Russellville, AR 72801.) 54, 1850 U. S. Census (population) Arkansas, Saline Co" THE District, page 389, family #88, National Archives Microfilm Publication M432, Ron #30. Enumeration date was Ocober 8, 1850. 55, 1850 U. S. Census (population) Arkansas, Caroll Co., Sugar Loaf Twp., page 241,family #206, National Archives Microfilm Publication M432, Roll 1/25. Enumeration date was Sept. 5, 1850. 56. 1850 U. S. Census (population) Arksansas, White Co., Marian Twp., page 460, family #279, National Archives Microfilm Publication M432, Roll 1/31. Enumeralion date was November 11, 1850. ' 57. 1850 U, S. Census (population) Arkansas, Izard Co., Rocky Bayou Twp., page 14, family #87, National Archives Microfilm Publication M432, Roll #27. Eumerahon date was Sept. 26, 1850. 58. 1850 U.S. Census (population) Arkansas, Madison Co" War Eagle Twp., page 293, family #635, National Archives Microfilm Publication M432, Roll 1/27. 59. 1860 U. S. Census (population) Arkansas, Benton Co.. Colville Twp., page 412, National Archives Microfilm Publicarion M432, RoIl3? Enumeration date was August 15, 1860. 60. Ronald Vern Jackson, AISI. 1860 Arkansas Census Index, 1985, 61. This suggests that Dr. Griepenkirel and Elizabeth (Lizzie) Willjams were never married as Dr. Griepenkirel was living as a single male in 1850 (Carole Ellsworth and Sue Emler, compilers, 1860 Census of The Free Inhabitants of Indian Lands West of Arkansas, Gore, Oklahoma, 994, page 21, family #357. 62. 1860 U. S. Census (population) Arkansas, Johnson Co., page lOn, dwelling #553, NationalArchives Microfilm Pu blication M653, page 44, 63. Thomas Flenry stated in his Social Security application that his middle name was "Hendrix." All other documents including his death certificate and obituary show his middle name to be Henry. His wife Wil" Sliger Ernest was referred to as Mrs. Henry Ernest. My father referred to his dad as Thomas Henry. Some possible connection. 64. 1870 U, S. Census (population) Arkansas, Scott Co , page 662. National Archives Microfilm Publication M593, Roll 1/63. 65. 1860 U, S. Census (population) Arkansas, Scott Co., page 662. National Archives Microfilm Publication M493, all 1/63, 66, 1870 U, S. Census (population) Arkansas, Sebastian Co., page 124. National Archives Microfilm Publication M593, Roll #51. 67. 1880 U, S, Census (population) Arkansas, Sebastian Co., ED 181, Sheeet 21, Line 19, National Archives MicrofHm Publication T 9, Roll #557, 68, 1850 u. S, Census (population) Arksns.s, Crawford Co" pase 335, National Archives Microfihn Publication M432, Roll. #25, 69. 1860 U. S. Census (population) Arkansas, Prairie Co., Mountain l"wp., page 90, National Archives Microfilm Publication M653, Roll #481 70. 1860 Arkansas Census Index, Rond;ld Vern Jackson, AISL 1985, p. 126. Also checked Kansas, Missouri and Texas Census indexes. 71, 1870 Arkansas Census Index, Ronald Vern Jackson, A151, 1987, p, 539. 72. Ibid., p. 539. 73. 1870 Census (population) Arkansas, Sebastian Co" Fort Smith, Ward #1. page 210, family 1/50, National Archives Microfilm Public.tion M593, Roll 1/64, 74. This statement is believable because it is a specific statement rather than a general statement. Thomas Henry knew the exact relationship and the degree of blood. Assuming that Nancy Williams was a half blood, then her daughter Elizabeth (Lizzie) would be. quarter blood and Amanda (Maude) would be one eighth blood, essentially a white person. The 1910 census record for Amanda Riley indicates that she is white. The census taker had the option to indicate "In" if that had been the case. 7S. McLoughlin, William G., Cherokee Renascence in the New Republic (Princeton University Press, 41 Wililam St., Princeton, :-lew Jersey, 1985), pBge 28, The Arkansas Family Historian - Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1998 127 Arkansas Queries_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ General guidelines for submitting queries: I) Queries are limited to members only 2) Please submit no more than one query per calendar year 3) Keep the query to approximately fifty words 4) Neatness counts! If possible, type, double spaced. Otherwise, print legibly leaving a space between each line. 5) Capitalize surnames 6) Remember the 4 W's" 7) Who - Give complete names of interest Ihnat· What do you want? Keep it short and to the point Where· Locality in ARKANSAS When· Give a time period Since we always work with a large backlog of queries, we strive to print them in the order in which they were received. It may be several months, however, before your query appears. We do use aU queries received in a calendar year by the end of that year. We continue to receive queries with no name and address included. If the query gets separated from the envelope, we cannot use it. It Simplifies the work of the allvolunteer staff of this publication if you send your query with your membership fee to Arkansas Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 908, Hot Springs, AR 71902-0908. Breedlove Need info on Frank William Breedlove, b. Feb. 9, 1913, in Patrnos, AR; son of Tom Breedlove. Frank William d. March 1, 1993, in GA; death certificate shows he was m. to Eunice Mock; need siblings, parents, dates. Frank W. Breedlove, Copse Comer, Timberley Place, Finchampstead, Berkshire, England RG45 6BB Carter, Whitehouse Need info on William Carter who m. Sarah Musgrove, b. 1845, d. 1928; dau. Ruby, b. 25 Jul1881 Van Buren Co., AR, d. 1954 Rosedale, OK Also need info on Mary Ellen Whitehouse, full-blood Cherokee; dau. of a chief. Mary Ellen m. James 128 The Arkansas Family Hislorian Penner; 13 children; resided Dughill area, now Drasco AR 1880s. Also researching McCall, Penner, Gadberry, Dorris. Will exchange. Donna Gadberry PO Box 122, Edgemont, AR 72044-0122 Grimmett Seek info on William (W. T.) Grinunett, b. 1850-52, son of Andrew and Mary (Polly) Watson Grinunett; need name of 1'\ wife, initials on stone S.A.A.c., b. 1851, d. 1877. Buried Old Philadelphia Cemetery, Larkin, AR; 2nd wife believed to be Marane F. or Francis, b. 1857; his brother was Harvy Watson Grimmett. June Gillihan Ramsey, 1194 CR 4, Henderson, AR 72544-9117 Robinson Seek death date and cemetery (Pulaski Co.) of Margueret Katherine (Kattie), wife of Thomas A., mother of Frank H., daughter of Horace H Stowe. Also need descendants of Francis Marion Robinson and Susan "Sookie" Lester Robinson who had Walter Enunett, Thomas, Frank C. (physician in Little Rock), Samuel, Bonnie, Mary Ella, Eva, Nellie. Judith Pelton, 794 N Daniel Way, San Jose, CA 95128-1315 Wynn In 1840-50, Col. Wm. Wvrm moved from Dinwiddie, VA, to Garl~d (then Lafayette) Co., AR. Dau. Martha Ann Wynn Worsham and her three children lived with him, as well as son, Robert. William built a large home and was known for his thoroughbred race horses. Want to correspond with any desc. of son Robert. Janice Parker Frost, PO Box 1444, Minden, NV 89423-1444 BallartL Young Need info on James M. Ballard, b.1849, d. 1912, m. Nancy Young in 1900; she d. 1928; lived Fulton Co. and d. Jackson Co. She is buried at Grubbs,AR, in Elgin Cemetery. Son Elmer b. Batesville; his son Jerry in Jackson Co. Brenda Ballard Brown, RR 2 Box 2662, Palestine, TX 75801 Volume 36, Number 3. September. 1998 Cooper, Fannin James Cooper, b. 1803, m.. Mary Fannin, b. 1804; came to AR from DeKalb Co., AL; settled first in Yell Co. then to Marion (now Baxter) Co.; Also searching Talburt and Hargrave lines. Julia Cooper Oldfield,441 Cartwright Ave" Toluca Lake, CA 91602-1456 Pruitt/Pruett Need records, including marriage, of Charles Wesley Pruitt/Pruett to Josephine Harness, c1900, Charles b, 1/29/1881 Stone Co" d, 1949 Morrilton, buried Oeveland, Need records of 1'( wife Josephine 1911-13; he may have also married her sister, Ben J, Pruett, 2038 Illona Ln" Merrick, NY 11566-5427 Dickens Need info on Erasmus Richard Dickens who lived Conway area and in New Hope (Pope Co,) AR 1850s through 1919, when he died, He was son of Uriah Dickens and had daughter Dora Ella, Looking for book NOur Dickens HeritageN also, Bobbi C. Green, 949 Backspin Ct., Newport News, V A 23602 Pleasant, William Francies, b. March 30, 1880, d. 1922, believe m Annie Pearl Herrel cl800; lived in Nimons; William Willard Pleasant born there 1910; is this Clay Co.?; believe they are buried there. Patsy J, Pleasant, 19155 S. Grant, Springfield, MO 65807-2407 Davis Seek parents, siblings of John Davis, b, 15 Apr 1802 NC, m, Nancy (Reese?) c1825 TN? Children, all b. Smith Co" TN: Tabitha, b. c1826; John Dee, b. 5 Jan 1826, m. Elizabeth Smith; James W., b. c1831, m. Martha Henderson; Mary Ann, b. 30 Mar 1833, m, James T, Parson; Ellen, b. cl835; Matilda Jane, b, 19 Aug 1837, m. Abner Newton Henderson, Jr.; Josiah, b, c.1839, In, Magaret Hargis; Richard, b. c1841; Elizabeth, b. 2 Aug 1843 m, James M, Gill; Marenda, b, 2 Aug 1845, m. Andrew Jackson Henderson; and Paralee, b, cl847. NOTE: 3 Davis siblings married 3 Henderson siblings; both of these are Pike Co., AR families; moved to Pike Co., AR, cl850, John Davis was a Justice of the Peace and a minister during his lifetime in Pike Co., AR He d. 24 June 1881, Teresa Burnham Harris, 943 Ouachita 47, Camden, AR 71701 Speer, Blunt, Cox, Matthewson, Hodge, McKey/McKee, Avery, Taylor, Hull, Ballard, Hilyer/Hilliard Researching these lines in AR. Donna H, O'Neal, 2328 Lizard Lick Rd., Zebulon, NC 27597 Fowler, Hill, Holt, Gallion Who were parents of Aletha Jane Fowler, b, 1850, m, Henry Presley Hill, b, 1840 She may have also gone by Mary or Jane; she was lost over by Big Flat, AR, in 1943, and never found, Alexander Hill was Clerk of District Court; was he bfC>ther of Henry? Also need siblings of Ames Ammon Holt, b, 1825 TN, d, Searcy Co, 1913, m, 1844 to Sabray (Sarah) Jones; believe he was son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Gallion Holt. Seek info on these lines, Connie Pearl, 3309 E. Mt, Vernon, Wichita, KS 67318 Wood(w)ard, Warren Wish to exchange info on Thomas Wood(w)ard, b. c1801 NC, d, 1850-60 near Pine Bluff, AR, and his wife Mourning Warren, b. c1801 NC, d, after 1860 near Pine Bluff, AR. Children; William W" Henry T., Elijah V., Willis W. Worrel, Martha E., and Sarah 0. Robert E. Robertson, 3276 Hiwan Dr., Evergreen, CO 80439-8926 Adair Searching for descendants of children of Margaret Fox Adair and Thomas Adair: Mildred, b.I900; Gorman, b, 1903; Katherine, b, 1906 m. Wm. Jett and moved to CA 1950. Mrs. Preston E. Groome, 5 Nichols Rd., Morristown, NJ 07960 Lemery Ida Brown Cavaness-Towe moved with her seven children to Yellville, Marion Co" AR, in 1903; she was b. 18 Mar 1870 in Uncoin Co" MO, where parents Alfred Samuel and Martha Jane Lemery married 8 Aug 1868. Where did Lemerys originate and where located in USA? Helen Tumey The Arkansas Family Historian - Volume 36, Number 3. September, 1998 129 McMindes,626 WestSouth Ave., Harrison, AR72601 Bowles Where did William P. Bowles and wife Martha E. go after calling for church letter from County Line Baptist in 1885? Howard Co" AR. Where are they buried? Where is Hillad Bowles buried? Mrs. S. T. Wright, 1216 Buckrange Rd., Nashville, AR7852 Thomas, VanPelt Searching for Samuel Alfred Thomas who m. Ann Eliza VanPelt, 25 May 1873,Faulkner Co., AR. Children b. AL before 1880. Ann's family lived Faulkner Co. by 1873, but came from AL. Samuel owned property in Faulkner Co. near Conway after 1880. Will share info. Jean Thomas, 530 McKinley Ave., Pocatello, ID 83201-.5065 Burt, Dawson Who were parents of Minnie L. Burt, b. Dec 1883, Manila, AR, m. P. B. Bougher, 1907, had five children; lived near Dardanelle/Clarksville 1920-30s. Who were parents of George Frank Dawson, b.1867 Greyville, IL, In. Enuna Battenfield 1889, Pope Co., AR, d. there 1909; had three other wives. Clarence L Dawson, 2432 Blake St., San Bernardino, CA 92407 Willis Interested in learning more about ancestors and descendants of Judge William E. Willis, b. c1789 SC, d. Ashley Co., AR, after 1850; daughter Nancy m. Caleb Tate Farris in 1839. When did Nancy die? Catherine Swan Gallinger, 2601 Golden Rain Rd. No.2, Walnut Creek, CA 94.5951941 Lee, Hinton, Young, Bradley, Rogers Will help in research of old cemeteries in Searcy, Marion and Johnson Cos. Hezikiah Lee, James H. Hinton, William T. Young, Fred Bradley, Mattie Rogers. Virginia Rice, 109 Lugo Dr., Fairfield, CA 94.533-2819 Hensley Seek information on this family in the year 1846 or earlier. Ruthann Bowen, 346 E 8800 S, Sandy, ur 84070 130 Ash, Jones, Northcutt, Giddens, Bames, Beasley Would like to hear from those researching these lines. Mildred Northcutt, 2999 Fred Koch Rd., Carlisle, AR 72024 Solomon, William Madison, MD, b. 15 Nov 1871 MS, d. 30 Jul1922 North Little Rock, AR; licensed physician in 1903 in Newby (Lonoke Co.), AR; practiced medicine in Lonoke, AR, In 1911; Cabot, AR in 1916; North Little Rock, AR in 1920. He is buried at Mt. Carmel Cemetery in Cabot. Would like info on his training and practice, office location in Cabot, etc. Marvin E. Solomon, 23750 Cold Springs Rd., Paron, AR 721229302 Buell, Grim, Thom(e) Trying to identify all descendants of George Dunlavy and Hester Ann (Thorn) Buell, John 1. and Columbia S. (Buell) Grim, and Michael and Sarah (Knott) Thorn of Carroll Co. Delores Y. (Buell) Eveland, 13169 Briarwood, Cerritos, CA 90703-8368; e-mail: <revelandailprodi!!> Ore/Orr Robert Fulton Ore, I, b. 1849 IN, m. Frances Hill 1877, Monroe Co., AR, d. 1880; his dau. raised by two stepfathers (Frances Hill m. l)Robert Fulton Ore; m. 2) Henry Crawford, and m.3)Wm. McPherson-all Monroe Co. 1877-1900, d. 1911). Are Robert's parents John and Nancy, listed as Orr on 1850 and 1860 censuses? If so, did siblings use Ore or Orr? Would like to hear from anyone researching these lines. Gail Griffith Ravelette, 2647 Diane Dr., Arnold, MO 63010-2915; e-mail: <[email protected]> Haggard, Mason, Rogers, Johnson, Bowers, Lewis Seeking info on first three in Fulton/Baxter Co. area 1820-1900; others in Pope Co. 1850-1900. William and Pency (Wallace) Ross 1840-1900 in Bradley, Lincoln, Drew, Desha Co. area. Wanda Poteet Haggard, 1409 N. Sherry Ln., Shawnee, OK 74801-5421 The Arkansas Fanlily Historian - Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1998 Rhoades, McKnight, Monk Seek info on parents of William David Rhoades who m. Margaret Eugenia Stripling 1 Dec 1872, Van Buren Co., AR; Hugh Franklin McKnight who m. Lucy Ann Virginia Sincoe/Synco 19 Jan 1874, Marshall Co., tvfS; Mary Ann Monk who m. Philip Quattlebaum 8 Dec 1857 AL? All lived Van Buren Co., AR. Nena Reisner, 1020 Eastridge Rd., Sandy, Uf84094 Henson, William H., m. Ruth Rollinson c1827 in Phillips Co.; seek info on any children, when and where they died; where was William from? Dr. Barry Henson, Box 7000-163,Redondo Beach, CA 90277 1127 Sea Village Dr., Cardiff, CA 920071435; e-mail: <[email protected]> Brown, Bruce, Newman, Casey Need marriage and other records relating to John and Martha Brown who were parents of Jacob 1824-1875 and Martha Ann who m. 1842 Hertford Co., NC. Jacob m. Lavinia J. Bruce; first child b. 1848 AR; Lavinia's brother Robert m. 1852 Bertie Co., NC, lived AR; Evalene/Evelene Newman m. c1860 in TX Ellsberry /Ellsbury "E. B." "Berry"Casey, both d. AR. Josephine Fitzhenry Hodge, 18218 Barbuda Ln., Nassau Bay, TX 770583402 Spry Seek info on Alfred, b. 1820 NC, and Matilda, b. 1834 MS, Spry. Matilda's maiden name unknown. Came to Calhoun Co. 18408 and had 5 children b. AL; the other 4 b. AR. Where are they buried? Need any Spry information. Della M. Rice, 2209 3'" Ave. N, Texas City, TX 77590-7215 Garis, Colburn Charles Garis, b, GA cl848, m. Mary Colburn, b. TN, Johnson Co. 31 Ju1 1866; marriage certificate states Charles from Knox Co., TN, and Mary from Hardeman Co., TN; 1870 census, Johnson Co., but 1880 Pope Co. with Mary widowed with children. 'A'here did Charles die? Wanda Duval, PO Box 166, Fossil, OR 97830-0166 Holiman Searching for Emma Jean Holiman or any of her descendants; last known married name was Martin (as of 1980); dau.of Cornelious H. Holiman and Flora (Ward) Holiman of North Little Rock She was b. c1926. Nonnan Holiman, 35 Green Brier Rd, Naragansett, RI 02882-5207 Cauthen Can anyone furnish info on Parthania Cauthen on 1850 Montgomery Co. census.; living with James Stall family (Sulphur Springs). Pauline Kouvalas, PO Box 6604, San Jose, CA 95150 WeemsjWims, Tatom, Reed Richard Weems/Wims m. Nancy Ann Tatom in Dickson Co., TN; resided Lafayette Co., AR. 1860; Johnson Co., AR, 1870. V'.'hen and where did they die? Daughter Amanda Elizabeth Weems m. Joseph Reed; who were his parent~? He was b. c1829 IL Rita Wilburn Ackennan, 4055 E. Hartford, Phoenix, AZ 85032 West, Daniel, b. 1779 SC, lived In Pulaski Co., 1850 after being in Arkansas Co. 1840 and St. Francis Co in 1830. His children, b. GA and AL, included: John Middleton, William, Elizabeth, Martha and Susan. Seek any info on this family. Ronald E. Bullock, Self, Sarah Angeline, 3 Mar 1861 Madison Co.? AR, m. John A. Shropshire 1885; d. 11 Jan 1941. Need more details. S. J. Graham, 34160 Harvest Way, Wildomar, CA 925959139 Christenberry, Goodner, Vandiver Interested in hearing from descendants of William Christenberry, b. c1850 GA, son of Sarah Ann Vandiver Goodner; tied to family of Thomas Royal Bates, b. 1867. Diane Jordan Jones, 310 N.Edmond, Muskogee, OK 74403-3613 Eubanks Researching Eubanks families in Johnson, Pope, Conway and Van Buren Counties 1835-1900. Roy B. Young, PO Box The Arkansas Family Historian - Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1998 131 759, Apache, OK 73006; e-mail: <ryoung [email protected]> Graham Searching for parents of following Graham siblings b. between 1824-1847: James M. (m. Knox); Abe (m. Wingfield); Archie (m. Halsey); M. Van; Eliza and Mary; possibly a William and Diantha. Census lists birth places as AL, GA, NC, SC; 1850 lived Claiborne Parish, LA; later to Hempstead Co., AR and what is now Nevada Co. during 1860s. Abe m. Lafayette Co. 1847; shot by ambush 1864; need date and details of Abe's death. Shirley Pace Graham, 11212 Carstairs Dr., Houston, TX 7707().1305 Wilkins Seek info on family/ancestors of Willis K. Wilkins, b. 1813/1821; m. 1) Martha, c1844; m. 2) Sarah, c1865. 1850 census in St. Francis Co.; 1860 in Poinsett Co; 1870 and 1880 in Missisippi Co. Craig Kieffer, 5409 Wehawken Rd., Bethesda, MD 20816-3139; e-mail: <[email protected]> Phillips, Petry/petray Need info on David Phillips, b. c1831, m. Julianne Petry 1859 in Russellville, AR; lived Johnson and Crawford Cos.; moved to Texas during Civil War. Billie Muzny, 626 Golfcrest Dr., San Antonio, TX 78239-2514 Berry, Brazeal, Taylor Wish to hear from anyone researching Berrys in AR; Brazeals in TN and AR; Taylors who came to AR before 1900; also interested in Oslins, Clays, and Skinners. Jerome T.Berry, 12390 Country Club Dr.,Rolla, MO 65401-7471; email: <jerrvbi!> Owen Need proof of death/burial place for Willis Owen, b. 1849 Purman Co., IN, d. 28 Apr 1900 Marshall, Searcy, Co., AR. He may have been a merchant in Marshall. He m. 2) Sara Elizabeth Bates on 24 Aug 1880 in Enola, Faulkner Co., AR. Jo Anna Dale, 704 Ponca Dr., Independence, MO 64056-2053 132 Higgs Seeking info on Stephen Higgs and brother Hasting P. 185().1900, Mississippi Co., AR. Margaret Wilton, 1401 James Ct., Libertyville, IL 60048-5220 Ford Need dates and ancestry of father of Ferdinand Ford, b. TN, d. 1865 Crawford Co., AR. Father was Boaz Ford, b c1802 Buckingham Co., VA, d. TN prior to 1860. Believe they are desc. of French Hugenot Jacque Faure. Need proof. Peggy J. Wilson, 1411 E. McLeod, Sapulpa, OK 74066-3761 Drury/Drewery, Butler Need info on Rufus King Drewery /Drury, b. MS 1861, d. Barber, Scott Co., AR, 1936; known to be in Scott Co, AR 1915; parents were John Drury/Drewery and Puleheria Butler lvans. Especially interested in John's first wife and their marriage in NC. Lenora M. Tatum, 561 N. 6" St., Chowchilla, CA 93610 Watkins, Jack was Confederate cavalry soldier in Arkansas; searching for detailed history of the following units (1) Adams Regiment/State Militia Army; (2) Crawford's Cavalry Battalion; (3) Crawford's Seventeenth/ Harrrells Battalion. Todd Hurd, 25 Monarch Dr., Maumelle, AR 72113 Kiehl, Grarnl, Hild Seek info on these German immigrants in the Pulaski Co. area 1850s on. Will trade research time in my area. Fran Edwards, 2056 W. Greenbriar, Phoenix, AZ 850323; e-mail: <[email protected]> Swaim/Swain, Evans Wish to exchange info on families of William Swaim/Swain who came to Lonoke/Prairie Co. from TN 18005; John or Joel Evans came from GA same period and leoation; also need to locate graves of Reason Tolbert/Evans family, same time period and location. Billie Dougherty, PO Box 68, Cabot, AR 72023 Wells, Childers/Childress, Butler, Seek info on Thomas Hutchinson and Barbara (Maybrary) Wells, Isham and Mary (Ritchie) The Arkansas Family Historian - Volume 36. Number 3, September, 1998 Childers/ Childress, and Charles and Elizabeth (Childress) Butler, all in Lawrence Co., AR c1830; associated families are Marshall, Wayland, Berry, Hillhouse. Carol T. York, 41 Four Winds Dr., Middletown, NJ07748 Raines Wish to contact those researching the Joseph and Martha Raines family 1850s in Walnut Hill, AR; Clifford Raines and sister Edith, Arkadelphia, AR; 1900-1930; father Alphaous Pontius Raines buried Dalark. Atchley Cemetery, 1933; wife Viola Price Raines. Don Raines, 2617 Bay St., Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tucker Seek correspondence with descendants of Amos Calvin Tucker, b. 1842. m. Martha Elmina Dorman 1865, Columbia Co.; he d. Dec 1913 Stamps. AR. Also with desc. of Easter Ellen Tucker who m. William Kitchens c1848 and lived Columbia Co. after 1851 when children arrived. James Monroe Kitchens b. 1845. d. 1835 in Waldo. AR. Mrs. I. E. Zuber, PO Box 2832, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670-0832 Smith, Moore Looking for relatives and info on Casper Henry Smith, b. 1892 Lamont, AR, and Zelma Moore, b. 1895, Rison, AR. m. 1913. Casper lived in Clarendon 1959; his father, Casper Sylvester, was first postmaster of Lamont 1898. Zelma d. 1983 in Clute, TX; her parents were James Sanford and Julia Hall. Julia Smith, 114 Union 800, EI Dorado, AR 71730-8853 Neely, Wilkerson Need info on James Thomas Neely, b. 1845, and wife Nancy Wilkerson, b. 1847; son Robert, b. 1874 around Jonesboro, AR. Need info on Rosemary Hales, b. 1859, dau. of James Hales, b. 1802 and Edith, b 1803. Rosemary m. Henderson Kellett 1874. Debbie (Neely) Weitz, 13913 King Ave., Hudson, FL 346671329 Ward, Henson, Turberville Seek info on William and Susan Ward in Johnson, The Arkansas Family Historian Hempstead, Monroe Cos.; J. M. and Frances Henson in Clark and Hempstead Cos.; Labon Turberville in Clark and Monroe Cos. Will respond. Virginia Rowland, 201 Sunset, Haysville, KS 67060.1519 r Harding Seek any info on Davis Harding who m. Margaret J. George and had three children. Believe he died between 18881890, but have had no luck finding when or where. Mrs. Theresa 1. Harding, 770 Alameda Ave., Severna Park, MD 21146 Britton, Britt, Bennett, Loften Nathaniel Britton m.18 Sep 1834 Artimisia Bennett in Hempstead Co. John M. Britt m.l1 Oct 1842 Amanda Loft.en in Union Co.; John Bigg Hicks, 51'., m. 08 Mar 1859 Martha E. Warwick in Union Co.; also reaearching Beason and McReynolds in Yell, Cleveland, Washington and Sebastian Cos. Diana D. Wasson, 498 Drummond Rd., Abilene, TX 79606 Lee Seek dese. of John N. (lwwton) Lee, son of J. T. and Harriet, b. MS 1846; d. 24 Sep 1913 AR (Prairie Co.?); m. 1) Sarah?; m. 2) Margarett E. (Stovall) Eda/Edy 12 Feb 1879, Sumner, Webster Co., MS, who d. 10 Feb 1934, Little Rock, AR, Confederate Home. Judith Riddle Parker, 6273 Red Hollow Rd., Binningham, AL 35215-1077 Turrell, McDiarmid, Cox, Bramlett Looking for more info on these families: Noble Turrell, b. MI? d. bef 1880 Little Rock? m. Josephine J. McDiarmid, b. c1840 MI, d. Little Rock? Children: Sarah J. and Jessie Turrell m. J. B. Bramlett. Josephine's brother was George W. McDiarmid who m. Clara A. Cox 11 Dec 1847 and had children Clara L., Katie J., George C. David Lynx, 320 N. 31" Ave., Yakima, WA 98902-2336 Wingard, Dell Seek ancestors of George W. Wingard, b. 1856, AR, and wife, Sarah Elizabeth Dell, b. 1882 MS. Children: Sol, Jacob, Fred, Edward and Frances. On 1880 Volume 36. Number 3. September. 1998 133 and 1900 census, George is in Lincoln Co. with children of first marriage. George d. 1927 and Sarah d. 1955, both in Pine Bluff. Lenna J. Wingard Mabry, 14021 Forest Knoll, Houston, TX 77049 Wasson Seek info on natural/adoptive parents/ siblings of Winfield S. Wasson, b. Jull848, Lawrence/Sharp Co., AR, near Smithville, Scott or Big Creek Twp. Parents b. TN? Margaret A. Martinez, 315 N. Linwood Ave., Charlotte, NC 28216-3919 Cozart, Riley, b. 1805 Orange Co., NC, m. 6 Nov 1829, Orange Co., NC, "Holly" Carrington In 1850 census, Marshall Co., MS; in 1860 Jefferson Co., AR. Holly had died by that time. Children with Riley were Anna, Sarah R., WilliamJ. and Riley D. Cannot locate them on 1870 Where did they go and who did they marry? Dau. already married was next door to Riley in 1850; Lucretia had m. A. J. McClure. Pauline C. Miller, PO Box 622, Earle, AR 72331; email: <[email protected]> Willhite Seek info on Samuel Willhite, b. Jan 16,1870, Spartie, TN, d. June 18,1980, AR, m. 3 Nov 1896 Amanda Lackey, b. Mar. 20,1876 Hopewell, AR, d. -8 Jun 1935, Paris, AR. Samuel is son of Jasper (Kit) who m. Margaret Lewis. Patti Boyett, 300 Idaho Dr., North Litle Rock, AR 72118-2808 Newspaper Name/Owners Need names and owners of newspapers published in Arkadelphia, AR, in 1903. James O. Cloyd, 3073 Old North Rd., Dallas, TX 75234 Dollahite John Cornelius Dollahite and Ollie B. Jewell were married in Paris, AR, Logan Co., 16 Feb. 1908; unable to locate birth, death dates or places of John Cornelius' parents.Vicki Wood, 2109 NW Rowena Terrace, Lawton, OK 73505 Orr, Caldwell, Hodges David Orr m. Eliza Caldwell 1821, b. 1799, where? Lived Lawrence/Fulton Co. 1827-1849. Eleven children; son E. W. m. Adlenia? 1850; need her last name and where b. Their son E. W., b. 1854, m. Almeda Hodges. Who were her parents? Bonnie (Orr) Muns, 1332192nd St. SE, Space 14, Bothell, WA 98012 Caruthers, Alexander B., b. c1810, d. d877, m. Lucinda Bittick and lived in Clark Co., AR. Descendants have said his name was Alexander "Benjamin"; have a Oark Co. deed of 3 Dec 1839 giving his name as "Alexander Blair Caruthers". Will exchange info. Dorothy L. Miller,54O Solano NE, Albuuerque, NM 87108-1048 134 The Arkansas Family Historian Mauldin T. J. "Jim" Mauldin and Telethia Mauldin fom SC, were in Clark Co. 18508, Howard Co. 1870s-90s; and in Sevier Co. 19005. T. J.'s sister Martha m. George Washington A. Smith who died in Batttle of Ozarks during Civil War. Also interested in Wingfields and Stinnetts in Clark Co. Cheryl Mauldin Hoffman, 1509 Oakwood Cir., Pine Bluff, AR 71602 St. Francis Co. Poorhouse mentioned in 1920 census; where was it and who was there? Looking for John Jackson, son of James, and Hubert Jackson. Karen K. Jackson, 5622 Appomattox Rd., Davenport, IA52806 Kellem Seek any records, especially real property, pertaining to Samuel Franklin Kellem, b. 1817, Breckinridge Co., KY, d, 18 Mar 1894, Mountain Home, Baxter Co., AR; grave marked Kellem, S.F. in the three brothers grave is probably Samuel Franklin. Michael J. Craigie, 6103 5. Owens Ct., Littleton, CO 80127-2478 Qualls, Reed Looking for Qualls family in Johnson and Montgomery Counties early 18005; also Reed family in Montgomery Co. same time. Also interested in Keeter and Gilley, Marion Co., early 1800s. Tammy Sanders, 9535 State Rt. 146 E, Dongola, IL 62926 Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1998 Book Reviews and Notices Bobbie Jones McLane, Russell P. Baker, Jan Eddleman, Margaret Ross; Lynda C. Suffridge The Complete Idiot's Guide to Genealogy by Christine Rose, CG, CGL, FASG, and Kay Germain Ingalls, CGRS. New York: Alpha Books. 1997. 328 pp, $17.95. This is an excellent book not only for the beginner but for the intermediate and advanced researcher. It is organized in a manner that takes the researcher step-by-step on the path to good successful research. The authors emphasize documentation and organization [Oh, where was this book when I first started my research?]. Nearly every aspect of genealogy research is addressed in this text in a clear, concise manner. The Appendix provides addresses of major repositories by state; addresses of National Archives and branches; abbreviations and acronyms used in genealogy; worksheets; census forms; and a glossary. In the front of the book is a tear-Out to carry with you called "The Complete Idiot's Reference Card" which has the soundex code and rules for soundex, population census tips, a checklist for abstracting deeds and wills. Every researcher needs to have this book in their collection, and read it! [LCS] Remembering, .. Shoal Creek, Blaine-New Blaine, Harkey's Valley, River Mountain, Pin Hook-Liberty-New Liberty, and Delaware in Logan County, Arkansas, [19971 by Rath. Burnham Lane and Mary Wood Gehring. Spiral bound with a surname index, 182 pp. $30 plus $3 shipping. This is a pictorial and genealogical history of these areas of Logan County and many of the early settlers. It contains more than 500 photos and is a culmination of a twelve-year effort on the pari of the compilers, and the editor Betty Lane Cochran of Madison, Alabama. Proceeds from the book are used to support the museum area established at New Blaine and the old school building at New Liberty. [HJM] surrounding area) and the Nevada County Cemeteries of Artesian, Midway, and DeAnnPrescott. Full name index, 226 pp., softbound, $15. [1998] published by The Hempstead County Genealogical Society, PO Box 1158, Hope, Arkansas 71802-1158. This Society continues with its publication of excellent genealogical research material for the area of Hempstead and adjacent Nevada County. This book includes a map and historical sketch of each cemetery [HJM] Another of Hempstead County's new offerings is: Hempstead County, Arkansas United States Census of 1900 [1998] also published by the Genealogical Society. This publication lists every name, with a full name index of the heads of household and other sunames residing therein. It lists township, page, name, relationship to head of household, sex, race, age, month and year of birth, number of years married, place of birth of individual, father and mother, occupation - some marriages to help clarify surnames, naturalizations noted of foreign born and a map showing the townships and towns. It contains 320 pp., softbound, $25. It may be ordered from the Hempstead County Genealogical SOCiety, PO Box 1158, Hope, AR 71802-1158. [BJM] Some Descendants of Robert Barnhill, I [1994] 350 pages, hardbound, acid-free paper with sewn pages, full index, $50, may be ordered from the author, A. Virgil Barnhill, Jr., PO Box 22621, Knoxville, TN 37933. This book begins with the immigrant Robert Barnhill, who arrived in America in 1734 and settled in Bucks County, PA. It is an excellent family history, welldocumented, covering eight generations of this family, born throughout southern states, including Greene County, Arkansas, and relates many personal incidents of individuals descended from Robert Barnhill. [BJM] Hempstead County, Arkansas Cemeteries, Book 4 (includes the northeastern part of Hempstead County cemeteries of Noland, Redland, Wallace burg (Blevins, McCaskill and The Arkansas Family Historian Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1998 135 Index A Aarons Alex, I J3 Ackerman Rita Wilburn, 132 Adair Gorman, 130 Katherine, 130 Margaret Fox, 130 Mildred, 130 Thomas, 130 Adams James Williamson, 113 Sidney, 113 Adkisson Rosa, 113 Adtkerson Wylie, 113 Akins Margie Anna. 113 Alcorn Wrn" 113 Alexander Ella, 113 lesse, 113 Phillip, 113 Alford J. H.• 109 Vince, 113 Allen Carrie. 113 Charles. I 13 Eli, 113 Mrs. Sarah. 113 Norris. 113 Sadie, 113 Will, 113 Willis Guy, 113 Allison Ida Belle. 113 Alsop Brriba J., 113 Alvey Willie A., 113 Anderson Love lane, 113 Major, 113 Margaret, I I I Martha, 113 T.L113 Armour Andrew, 113 Armstrong Laura. 113 Arnold Beuy Elizabeth, 113 Mary, 113 Tom. 113 136 Asberry 1. t, 1 I3 Ashley Cobb, 113 Askew Clarence, 113 Askue Charles E., 113 las. Wash., 113 Atkins 1., 109 Atkinson Giddien Price, 113 Avergt 1. H., 109 B Bail Fannie, 113 Bailey Emily, 113 Wade Hamplon, 113 Bair! Tom, 113 Baker Bob, 113 George Washington, 113 lock A., 113 lack D., 127 lula, 113 Russell P., 109, 136 Stephen Douglas. 113 Ball Chas. Wm., 113 Ballard Calvin, 113 Elmer, 129 lames M., 129 lerry, 129 Mary K,. 113 Banks Anna, 113 Dave, 113 Monroe, 113 R.,113 Wayne, 127 Barfalow Harvey, 1\3 Barnes loseph Wiley, I 13 Barnett Mrs. M, B.. 113 Noah,1l3 Barnhill Mary lane, 113 Robert, 136 Virgil. Jr" 136 Barrett Sarah Elizabeth, I I3 Barritt Cortis, 114 Barton Ephfrarn. 114 Frank, 114 Henry, 114 Bass Edgar Daniel, 114 Bates Annie, 114 Perry, 114 Sarah Elizabeth, 133 Thomas Royal, 132 Battenfield Emma, 131 Battles Thos, Millon, 114 Baly Courtney Elizabeth, 114 Bays Henry R., 114 Beal Marian, III Sarah lane, III Bear ElWin Sanders, 114 Beard Celia, 114 Beatie F.M., 114 Bedwell John Henry, 114 Rubin S., 114 Beegle Laura Kansas, 114 Beene Georgia, 114 Balk James C, 114 Bell Martha Jane, 114 Bene Manuel, 114 Benerman R, N" 114 Bennett Artimsia, 134 Daniel. 114 David John, 114 Elijah. 108 Missouri Emma. 1t 4 Sophie, 114 Benns Edward, 114 Benson Scott Charlie, 114 Berry Columbus, 114 The Arkansas Family Historian - Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1998 Jerome T., ]]) Berryhill Wm. Robt., 114 Berth Henry, 114 Bey Wm. Bush, 114 Bilyeb Ida, 114 Bingham Haree, 114 Hiranc Frank Price, I] 4 Binns James, 114 Birchel Joe Slab, 114 Bishop Andrew Jackson, 114 James, 114 Bittick Lucinda, 135 Black Harry, 114 James Thomas, I 14 Blan John M., 114 Blankenship Bob, 126. 127 Blevins Levi, 114 Block Will, 114 Bogy Dr. Lewis L 110 Joseph, 110 Bone Annie V.. 114 Bonta Henry W.. 114 Boone Mary E., 114 Bougher P. 8., 131 Bowen Artman, 114 Newton. 114 Ruthann, 131 Bowers Andrew. 114 Bowie Diaml;,114 Bowles Hillad, IJ 1 Martha E.. 131 William P., 131 Boxley Richard, 114 Boyd Hilliard, 114 Boyett Palli, 135 Boykin Muse, 114 Boys Miss Mattie Lee, l11iBradberry Richard Keith, I J4 Bradley Fred, I3J Brady Darcus Walker, 114 George W., 114 Bramlett J. 8., 134 Brandon Margurete Ann, 114 Brandy Maggie, 114 Brashears Mrs. Mary, 114 Bratton Fannie, 114 Breckenridge Martha Roenar. 114 Breedlove Frank W., 129 Frank William, 129 Tom, 129 Breshears, W. H., 114 Brewer Everett C, I J4 Btint Robbie, 114 Britt JohnM .. 134 Britton Ellen, 114 Broadie Mary Amanda. 114 Brock Vina, 114 Brook. 8. H.. 114 Erma Elizabeth. 114 Lemmie, J14 Mary Ann, 114 Broom Philfell, 114 Thomas, 114 Broomfield Henry Lewis, 114 Broughton Feitch.l, 114 Brown Brenda Ballard, 129 Charlott, ll4 George, I J4 Jacob, 132 Joe, 114 John, 114, 132 John Simon, 1 J4 Lina, 114 Maggie, 114 Martha, 132 Martha Ann, 132 Nancy Tillman, 114 The Arkansas Family Historian ala, 114 Owen, 114 Robert E., 114 Wm. Augustus, 115 Browne Jobn Wood, I J5 Brownlee Harriett, lJ 5 Bruce Elizabeth, 115 Lavinia J., 132 Robert, 132 Brumley Mrs. C Catherine. 115 Brunn Lula. 115 Bryant Charlie, 115 losh, 115 Thom.s, 115 Buckmaster Ina Opal, 115 Buckner Earnest, 115 Buell George Dunlavy, 131 HeSter Ann (Thorn). 131 Bufford Cmie, 115 Bullock Ronald E., 132 B'1 nch T. W.. 115 Bunt Herbert. 115 Burch Martha Elizabeth, 115 Burchfield Mrs. Amanda., 115 Burgess Elizabeth Abuail, 115 Burke Jennie, 115 Burk. Alliee, 115 Eula 8.,115 Burrek Laura, 115 Burres Lucy, 115 Burt AnnieL .. 131 Bush Oliver Ivora, 115 Butler Charles, 134 Elizabeth (Childress), 134 John A.. ll5 Melvin Clctus, 115 Byrd Isaac Burton, 115 Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1998 137 c Cade Arthur, 115 Caldwell Eliza, 135 Mary Elizabeth. 115 Callahan Alie Annalia, 115 Mrs. Nancy Catherine, 115 Calley Julia, 115 Calvin Henry, 115 Campbell Emmy,115 Ida J., 115 Jwnes Monroe, 115 Margaret, 115 Campsbell Sarah, 115 Capshaw Callie Mae, 115 Carpenter Lewis Christopher, 115 Carr James Harvey, 115 Carrico Maria, 115 Carrington "Holly",135 Carroll James E .. 115 Maggie A., 115 Sarah Ann, 115 Carson Robert Lee. 115 Carter Bettie, 115 Horace Greely, 115 James Napolin, 115 Phylis. 115 William, 129 Caruthers Alexander B., \35 Alexander Blair, 135 Cary Abbie, 115 Case Sanford, 115 Sdealey Abner, 115 Casey ElIsberrrylElIsbury "E.B." "Berry". 132 Irene, 115 Castleberry Mary Ad, 115 Catlett Mrs. M. C. 115 Cauthen Parthania, 132 Caviness Dina, 115 Chambers 138 Lucinda Ann, 115 Chandler Dilworth, 115 Leah Eve, 115 Checkalah, 124 Chenault Matie, 115 Cherry Mary Lou, 115 Chick Thelma Ruth, 115 Childs Columbus, 115 Edna, 115 Chivers Jimmie N., 115 Christenberry William, 132 Christian Amanda, 115 Clardy Cornelius, 115 Clare Bonnie Mae, 115 Clark King, 115 Mollie, 115 R. G., 115 Richard A., 115 Spencer Lerary, t 15 Winfield S., 115 Clawson Mariah Eucebia, 115 Clay James (Charles), 115 Lokie, 115 Nancy, 115 Willis, 116 Claybon John, 116 Clemons Chas. Clarence, 116 Clevenger James A., 116 Cline Maggie, 116 Cloyd James 0., \35 Coats Ezekiel Claud, 116 John Henry, 116 Cobb G. H., 109 James T., 116 Cochran Betty Lane, 136 Cogdell Wm. Lyiman, 116 Coker Margaret Ann, 116 Mary Lucy Ophelia, 116 Colburn Mary, 132 Cole Delilia, 116 James, 106 Julia, 116 Lucy, 116 Matthew S., 116 Sandy, 116 Ttra Ann, 116 W. G., \09 Coleman Chaney Belle, 116 Leandeer Albion, 116 Mandy Elizabeth, 116 Collier Leslie Smith, \05 Collins Dick, 116 Eddie, 116 Frank, 116 John Henry, 116 Colter Anakie, 116 Colvin Amanda Virginia, 116 George Francis Emeline, 116 Compton Howard, 116 Johnson, 116 Conway Emery, 116 Cook Allice. 116 Edgar C., 116 Thomas B., 116 Willie, 116 Cooke Easter, 116 Cooper Cape, 116 James. 130 Mary, 116 William, 116 Copeland Eliza. 116 Cordell Mary Jane, 116 Corzine John Marion, ] 16 Cothren Nat?, 116 Cotton C. W., 109 James William, 116 Courtney Bill, 116 Covey Hobson Eugene. 116 Cox Ardelia, 116 Clara L., 134 Claude L., 116 Lummie.116 Mary, 116 Mose.116 Nathan, 116 The Arkansas Family Historian - Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1998 Roy, 116, Steve, 116 Cozart Anna. 135 Frank, 116 Riley, 135 Riley D., 135 Sarah R., 135 William l, 135 Cradduk las. Presley. 116 Craig Bessie Lee, 116 Genev", 116 Lela, 116 Curtis Wm., 116 Cypert Trithena Pairlee, 116 Densman Mrs. Gustine, 1 J 7 Devore Andrew Jackson, 117 Dkkens D Dade Albert, 116 Dale Jo Anna, 133 Daniels H.irrison, 116 James Nute. 117 Dardanelle plain, 124 Craigie Darden MichaelJ., 135 Crane Jim, 116 Crawford Edna. 116 Henry, 131 Creech Henry, 116 Creed Mesh.ek, 116 Creetch Daniel Madison, 116 Crimes Ben F.. 116 Criner Mrs. Susan, 116 Crittenden Sarah lane, 116 Crossland Morris, 116 Crow Wm. Robert, 116 . Crowell Thos. Green, 116 Crumley Thomas c.. 116 Culpepper Nannie.116 Cummings Charles, 116 Cummins Alexander Gray, III Bob, 116 Elizaheth (Murchison), III Elizabeth T., 111 G, Powhattan, III lames G., 111 lane Gray, 111 John IV, III Margaret! Woods, 111 Susan, III Cunningham Benjamin, 116 Frank, 116 Cupps lohn Henry, 116 Curry Elisha, 116 Louie, ] 17 Will,117 Daughety Billie, 133 Davenport Amanda, 117 Charles H., 117 David Sterling Price, 117 Davis Alice Elizabeth, 117 Cinderell", I I7 Elizabeth, 130 Ellen, 130 Henry Troulinger'?, 117 lames W" 130 lane, 117 Jim, 117 lohn, 130 lohn Dee, 130 Marenda, 130 Mark, 117 Mary Ann, 130 Matilda lane, 130 Parolee, 130 Richard, 130 Riley Thomas, 117 Sllfah E., 117 Tahilh", 130 Willie, 117 Davs Josiah, 130 Dawkins Nancy, 117 Dawson Clarence L., 131 George Frank, 131 Dean Aaron, I i7 lohn E., 117 Dearmore Charley Cole, 117 Dell Sarah Elizaheth, 134 Dempsey John Sherman, 117 Demus Millie, 117 The Arkansas Family Historian Dora Ell", 130 Erasmus Richard, 130 Uriah,BO Digby Mrs. SusanMaria, 117 Dillon Miss Nora, 117 Sarah Emeline, 117 Dixon Hazel, 117 Dobyns Salmon H., 117 Dollahite John Cornelius, 135 Donaldson Riehllfd, 117 Dooley Nancy Fetna. I 17 Dorman luti", 117 Martha Elmina, 134 Dorton York,117 Doss Alice Noine, 117 Perry, 117 Dotson Oscar, 117 Dougan Mrs. Leona Parlee. 117 Douglas Elizah Ann, 117 lames p" 117 Dowdy Essie, 1(7 Lemuel Lee, 117 Downing, 1 17 John F., 117 Doyle Miss Katie, 117 Drake Louise Virginia, 117 Drennon John B., 117 Drew Wm, A, 117 Drewery IDrury Rufus King, 133 Drewey Miss Obedee, 117 Drury/Drewery John, 133 Dufield Elnora. 117 Dunaway Julian Glenn, 117 Duncan Atlis, 117 Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1998 139 Earl, ll7 Louiza, 117 Dunivent lane, 117 Dunlap Minor, 117 Dunn H.D., 117 Dusenbury Mrs. Emma Jane. 117 Dutch Creek. 124 Dutchess Creek Twp, 124 Duval Wanda, 132 Duvall George Allen, 117 Dyson Mary Elizabeth, 117 E Earles Walter Hogan, 117 Earnest ada Belle, 122 Ada Belle, 122 Amanda Williams, 125, 127 Bettie, 123 Ed,122 Jams H.. 123 Maude Williams, 122 Myrtle, 123 Nettie, 123 EdaiEdy Margaret E. (Stovall), 134 Eddings RobtJobe, 117 W.L.,117 Eddleman Jan, 110, 136 Edgar Pearlee, 117 Edmondson Maud Elizabeth, 117 Edwards Clara E., 117 Fran, 133 Henry, 117 Laura Pocahontas, 117 Elam Luc-ius Dale, 117 Ellington Elmer, 117 Elliott Joseph L" 117 Ellsworth Caroie, 126, 127 Elrod David, 117 Embry Martha Jane, 117 Samarian T.. 117 Emler Sue, 126.127. 128 140 England Walter, 117 Engleman Simon, 117 English Hiram Reynolds, 117 Enloe C. M., 117 Ennis Russell, 117 Eperson Ada, 117 Epperson Clarence Roy, 111 Ernest Bettie, 126 John E., 122 Lewis Edward, 122, 126 Lucy, 126 Mary, 125 Mrs. Henry, 128 Myrtle, 126 Nettie, 126 Thomas Henry, 122 Wil. Sliger, 128 Erwin Sidney Elmo, 117 Essig Christian, 117 Estt!s lohn, 118 Etherly Arthur, ll8 etry Julianne, 133 Evans Benjamin Franklin, 118 Joel, i33 John, 133 Mrs. Mary R" 118 Eveland Delores Y (Buell), 131 Ewell Mary, 118 Ferrier Francis Jane, 118 Fields John Edward, 118 Josephine, 118 Mary Lean, 118 Mrs. Missouri, 118 Sallie, 118 Finley Marcus Joe, 118 Mrs, Mary Jones. 118 Fisher Ben M., 118 James Thos., llS Fitzgerald Geo. L., 118 Joel Sherman, 118 Flannery Mary, 118 Fletcher Eliza, 1I8 Flowers Frank, 118 Oscar, 118 Flud Maru Virginia, 118 Fluker Dave, 118 Flynn Mary 1" 118 Mary Jane, 118 Ford BoRZ, 133 Celia, 118 Cordelia, 118 Ferdinand, 133 Reuben Russell, liS Fornero John, ll8 Fortest Emma Virgini.. 118 Fort Gibson, 123 Foster Allen Landrum, 118 Fotter F Fain James Wallace, 118 Fannin Mary, 130 Farmer Alva Milton, 118 John Franklin, 118 Farr Sarah E" 118 Farris Caleb Tate, 131 Faulkner Henrieno, 118 Faure Jacque, 133 Ferguson Jim Tom, 118 James Allen, 118 Foushee Herman Russell, 118 Fowler Alethalan., 130 Dannei Wesley, 118 Joseph Jefferson, 118 Franklin Edgar, 118 Mary Elizabeth, 118 Frank. Martha J" 118 Frazer John W., 118 Frazier Louisa, 118 Frederick Mrs. John Andrew, 118 Willim DeMarcus, J 18 The Arkansas Family Historian - Voiume 36, Number 3, September, 1998 Fredrick Lucy Ann, liB Fritts Nannie May, liB Frost Annie, liB Janice Parkcr, 129 Fulbright James William, liB Fulks Janneta, liB Fulton Sam, liB Funches Mariah, liB G Gadberry Donna, 129 Gaddis Robert, liB Gaines Jacob, liB Wash., liB Gallinger Catherine Swan, 131 Gann Fred Mack, liB Gardner J. T., liB Jay Otis, liB Mrs. Mary Francis, 118 Mrs. Emma Elizabeth, liB Garis Charles, 132 Garlington Lue,IIB Gamer Ruth, liB Garrett Albert Lavert, I1B Robert Richarrd, liB Gass Mrs. Mollie, liB Gates Louvenia, 118 Gayley Mildred, liB Gehring Mary Wood, 136 George Jesse Robert, I1B Margaret, 134 German Sallie, liB Gibson John Calvin, liB Mary L.. liB Gift Florence Magdocia, 118 Gill James M., 130 Maggie Elizabeth Higgins, liB Sarah, liB Gillem James Andrew, 118 Gilley Nancy, 119 Gladden Daniel Hiram, 119 Glasco W. T., 119 Glassco Atha,119 Gleason Alice, 119 Glidewell John Thomas, 119 Glisson Oscar 0., 119 Glover Lewis Thomas, 119 Goddard Pauline, 119 Goff Ana, 119 Goines Sallie, 119 Goins Charles R., 127 Goodner Sarah Ann Vandiver, 132 Goodwin Y.,109 Gordon Mandy, 119 Sarah, 119 Gorham Thomas, 119 Gormley Myra Vanderpool, 105, 127 Gourings Charley Ottis, 119 Grady , J. W., Sr., III J. W., Jr., III Sarah J., III Graham Abe, 133 Archie, 133 Diantha, 133 James M., 133 M.Van,133 Mahaley M., 119 Mamie, 119 Mary, 133 S. I., 132 Shirley Pace, 133 William, 133 Graves Mary, 119 Gray Emmeline, 119 Frances Mahalia, 119 Jane, 111 Mary, 119 Siby Ruth, 119 Grayson Bettie, 119 Green Albert, 119 Bobbi C., 130 Callie, 119 Fannie, 119 Julius, 119 Mary, 119 Greenhaw Minnie Pair lee, 119 Gregory Charlie, 119 Griepenkirel Mary L., 123 Griepenkirel Amanda, 122, 125, 126 Dr., 123, 126, 12B Dr. Ferdinand, 122, 126 Elizabeth, 125 Johann Christian, 122 Mary, 127 Mary L., 123, 127 Mary Louise Raper, 123 Griffin Geo. Washington, 119 Griggs Lula, 119 Grim Columbia S. (Buell), 131 Grimmett Harvy Watson, 129 Polly (Watson), 129 William (W. T.), 129 Grist Lettie Marie, 119 Groome Mrs. Preston E., 130 Guest Marguerie Catherine, 119 Gulledge Wm. Thomas, 119 Gunnels Lem E., 119 Gunter Lidy Ann, 119 Guyll Oscar, 119 H Hackett Nath,119 Hafford Joseph, 119 Haggard Wanda Poteet, 131 Hagood Henry, 119 Hahs Polly Ann, 119 Hail Hannah, 119 The Arkansas Family Historian - Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1998 141 Harriett, 119 Halbrook James Layfin, 119 Hales Rosemary. 134 Haley Florence, 119 Hall James Sanford, 134 Julia, 134 Martha Annie, 119 Rosie E., 119 Halsey Ellie, 119 Hamburg Lewis Ernest, I 19 Harrison Almer Bell, III Charley, 119 Chas. Gilbert, 119 Florence (Welch), 112 Lin, 112 Harrold S.,109 Hart Thomas Edward, 119 Hassell Shelby, 119 Hastings Hames Miss Cornelia Emily, 119 Hammocks Alise,119 Hampton Brenda, 106 Noble Dewin, 119 Haney Lafayette Whitaker, 119 Mary, 119 Hawkins Victory, 120 Minnie B., 119 Hatcher Mary E., 120 Hanks Lewis Elsner. 119 Hannon Thomas Aubrey, 120 Hanson Nathan Edward, 120 Harding Davis J., 134 Theresa L., 134 Hardister Maggie, 119 Hardy Alfred, 119 Dempsey. 119 Hargis Margaret, 130 Hargraves A.M.,119 Harlee Stella, 119 Harness Josephine, 130 Harpending John Wesley, 119 Harper A. W., 119 Harrell Doli •. 119 Lillia Rebecca, 119 Harris Clara, 119 Joe Levi. 119 Mattie, 119 Phil, 119 Sallie, 119 Teresa Ann, 119 Teresa Burnham. 130 Tom, 119 142 Hawthorne Daniel Washington, 120 Hayes Laura, 120 Hays George, 120 Livona Jane, 120 Odis, 120 Hazan Dr. S. S., 109 Head Lela, 120 Rachael, 120 Hearn Sallie Walsh, 120 Hector Will, 120 Heffner Sarah Catherine, 120 Hegwood Thomas Jefferson, 120 Henderson Abner Newton, 130 Andrew Jackson, 130 Charlie, 120 Martha, 130 Hendrick David Jones, 120 Hendricks Mariah, 120 Stephen A., 120 William, 125 Hendrix Joshua Marion, 120 Spencer, 120 Henry Zettie Leonie, 120 Henson Dr. Barry, 132 Frances, 134 J. M., 134 William H., 132 Herlanie Arthur Anthony, 120 Herrel Annie Pearl, 130 Hervey Columbus, 120 Hicks Durward Nonnan, 120 Higgins Henry, 120 Higgs Hasting p" 133 Stephen, 133 High Joe, 120 Hill Alexander, 130 Aluexstus V'J 112 Ben, 120 Emmet Melrose, 120 Frances, 131 Hazel, 120 J., 109 Jack,120 Jim, 120 Josephine, 112 Nora L., 120 Olie, 120 Victoria, 120 W.H.,109 Hinson Mrs. L. A., 120 Hinton James H., 131 Hitchcock Mrs. Amanda, 120 Hobson William, 120 Hodge Josephine Fitzhenry, 132 Tom, 120 William, 106 Hodges Almeda, 135 Rosie, 120 Hoffman Cheryl Mauldin, 135 Holiman Cornelius H., 132 Emma Jean, 132 Flora (Ward), 132 Norman, 132 Ursie, 119 Holliman W.,109 Holt Ammon, 130 Benjamin, 130 Elizabeth Gallion, 130 homas Samuel Alfred, 131 Honeycutt Jo Ella. 112 Joseph H., 112 Howell Edna Jane. 120 Hubbard Margaret Harrison. 101 The Arkansas Family Historian - Volume 36, Number 3. September. 1998 Hudson Frank, 120 Huet JamesMaciison, )20 Huff Henry Harrison, 120 Huffman A. H" 120 Hugs. Mal)',120 Hunt B. R" 120 Hunter John, 120 Hurd Todd, 133 Husted James Elnathan, 120 Hutchinson Thomas, 133 Hutson Bryan, III Jane Gray Cummins, 1 12 Lewis D" Sr" 112 Lewis W" Sf.. 111 Margaret! Woods, 112 Robert C. III, 112 Hyatt Euterpia Bowles, 120 I Ingalls Kay Germain. 136 Ivans Pulcheria Butler, 133 J jackson Birth.. 120 Booker, 120 Cailie, 120 H, L., 120 Hubert, 135 James, 135 Jasper Lee. 120 John, 135 KarenK.,135 Lou, 120 Melvin, 120 Ronald Vern, 128 Thomas Henry, 120 Thomas Jefferson, 120 Willi.m, 120 Jacoway, Philip Jasper, 120 Jacques Ted, 120 James Annie. 120 Bittie, 120 Charley Edward lackson. 120 James Berry, 120 Jehu Staten, 120 Mal)',120 JamesQn Turner, 120 Jarrell George Hardy, 120 Jean Mal)' Katherine, 120 Jefferies Wm, Jacob, 120 Jefferson Nathan, 120 Jenkins Jim, 120 Joe, 120 Jetl Wm,,130 Jewell Ollie B" 135 Johnson Annie Bell, 120 Charles, 120 Cora, 121 Georgianna, 121 Harry, 121 Henry, 121 Infant, 112 Jackie, 121 James Edgar, 121 James Robert, 121 Jim, 121 John, 121 Lee, 121 Leonidas, 1I2 Leroy, 121 Lou, 121 Mary Ann, 112 Mal)' Lucina, 121 Nan, 121 Obie, 121 Oscar Dill, 121 Robert Lee, 112 Samuel,121 Susan, 121 Thomas Ernest, 112 William, 121 Wm,Seman, 121 johnston John Houston, 121 Jones Anna Rose Henrietta, 121 Buchanen, 121 Clara, 121 Diane Jordan, 132 Elihu, 121 Emanuel, 121 Emma, 121 Frederick. 121 Henry, 121 Hulett, 121 James Harrison, 121 James Hawkins~ 121 James Matthews, [21 James Thomas. 121 JamesW,l,,121 f Jesse, 121 John, 121 Julia Ann, 121 Lee fLorda, 121 Luella, 121 Margarett Lee, 121 Mathew Williams, 121 Nancy Luvenia, 12) Nellie, 121 Paul,I21 Silas Dupree, 121 Siller, 121 Sophia, 121 Thos, Chesley, 121 William Slanley, 121 Jordan Elnora, 121 Jim(James),121 Kate, 121 Waller, 121 josey Elizabeth Jane, 121 K Kahill Mary Magdalene, 121 Kaliz Charlotte. 121 Keen Sidney Travis, 121 Keith Classic, 121 Kellam Rev, C R" 109 Kellem Samuel Franklin, 135 Kellett Henderson, 134 Kemp George W" 121 Liza, 121 Mrs, Jennie E" 121 Kennon Mal)'. 121 Kens Tom, 121 Kensworth Jeannette Stotts, 121 Kent Rebecca Leanna, 121 Kerns Oliver Franklin, 121 Kesner Felix Luther, 121 Ket<:hum Ed Everett, 121 Kieffer Craig, 133 Kile W,B,,121 Kilian Charles E" 121 Kinan The Arkansas Family Historian - Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1998 143 E. M. 109 Kirk J.,I09 Kirtpatrick Gayne! (Moore), 105 Kitchens James Monroe. 134 William, 134 Kouvalas Pauline. 132 L Lackey Amanda, 135 Lane Ratha Burnham, 136 Lavender 1.,109 Lee Harriet 134 Hezikiah, 131 J. T" 134 John N. (Newton), 134 Lemery Martha Jane, 130 Samuel, 130 Lewis Margaret, 135 Linde Elisabeth Johanna, 122 Loften Amanda, 134 Love L.,109 Lynx David, 134 Mclane Bobbie Jones, 136 McLoughlin William G., 128 McMindes Helen Tumey, 130 McPherson Wm.,131 McReynolds Edwin c., 127 Meek 1.M., 109 Melcher Clara Ernest, 122 Miller Dorothy L., 13 5 Pauline C., 135 Mitchell H., 109 Mock Eunice, 129 Monk Mary Ann, 132 Moore Lizzie, 123, 124 Lizzie Williams, 127 Moore, 122 Moses, 127 Tom. 127 Zelma, 134 Morris John W., 127 Muns Bonnie (Orr), 135 Musgrove Sarah, 129 Mumy Billie. 133 M Mabry Lenna j, Wingard, 135 Martinet TomC" III Martinez Margaret A" 135 Mauldin Martha, 135 TJ. "Jim", 135 Telethia, 135 McClure A 1.. 135 McGuthera C.,109 McDiarmid Clara L., 134 George c., 134 George W., 134 Josephine J.. 134 Katie 1.. 134 Mdlonald 1).(..109 f\kKnight Ilugh Frank! in, 132 144 N lohn, 131 Nancy, 131 Oswalt Elizabeth, 127 Owen E. M., 109 Willis, 133 Owens Caroline, 124 p Parker Judith Riddle, 134 Parson James T., 130 Pearl Connie, 130 Pelton Judith. 129 Perkins D V, 108 D, Y., 108 Phillips David, 133 Pleasant Patsy J" 130 William Francies. 130 William Willard. 130 Plummer S. N.. 109 Pruett Ben 1., 130 Pruitt! Pruett Charles Wesley, 130 Q Quattlebaum Philip, 132 R Neely James, 134 Robert, 134 Newman EvalenelEvelene, 132 Nixon A. T.. 109 Notris Rhonda S., 128 Northeutt Mi Idred, 131 o Oldfield Julia Cooper. DO O'Neal Donna II.. 130 Ore Rohert 1,'1IItol1, 131 ( )j'r 1);1\ id. J "'''I, \\' _, 13:'0 The Arkan5a~ jiamlly IIr"lOnan Raines Clifford, 134 Don, 134 Edith, 134 Martha, 134 Pontius, 134 Viola Price, 134 Ramsey June Gillihan, 129 Raper Annie, 122 John, 122 Mary Louise, 123 Ravelette Gail Griffith, 131 Reed Joseph, 132 Reisner Nena, 132 Rhoades William David, 132 Volume 36. Number 3, September. 1998 Rice Della M., 132 Virginia, 131 Riley Amanda, 128 Chatman, 122, 127 lony, 126 Mauday, 122 Maude Earnest, 122 Maude Williams Earnest, 122, 124 Robertson Robert E.. 130 Robiinson Frank c., 129 Robinson Bonnie, 129 Eva. 129 Francis Marion, 129 Frank H., 129 Margueret Katherine (KaUie), 129 Mary Ella, 129 Nellie, 129 Samuel,129 Susan "Sookietf Lester. 129 Thomas, 129 Thomas A., 129 Walter Emmett. 129 Rogers Mattie, 131 Rollinson Ruth, 132 Ross Margaret, 136 Pency (Wallace l, 13 I William, 131 Rowland Virginia, 134 S Sakaris Kay, 111 Sanders Ed, 104, 106 Tammy, 135 Scbabdach John, 125 Self Sarah Angeline, 132 Shropshire John A., 132 Sincoe!Synco Lucy Ann Virginia, 132 Smith Casper HenlY, 134 Casper Sylvester, 134 Clifford N., 126 Elizabeth, 130 George Washington A, 135 Isaac, 127 James H .. 127 Julia, 134 Myrtle, 127 Myrtle Earnest, 122 Solomon Marvin E., 131 Willilam Madison, MD, 131 SplY Alfred,132 Matilda, 132 Staggs Catherine, 112 Ezekiel, III, 112 Margaret, 112 Margaret Anderson, 112 Samuel,112 Susan, 112 William W., 112 Stall lames, 132 Stripling Margaret Eugenia. 132 5uffridge Lynda C.,136 Swaim/Swain William, 133 T Tatom Nancy Ann, 132 Tatum Lenora M" 133 Thomas Jean, 131 Thorn Michael, 131 Sarah (Knott), 13l Thornberry Rachel, 123 Rachel,123 TolbertlEvans Reason, 133 Tormenter H. Bn 109 Touchstone J., 109 towe Horace H., 129 Towe Ida Brown Cavaness, 130 Tucker Amos Calvin, 134 Easter Ellen, 134 Turberville Labon, 134 Turrel Jessie, 134 Sarah J.. 134 Turrell Noble, 134 U Uzzell Major W,' 112 The Arkansas Family Historian V VanPelt Ann Eliza, 131 W W,1l2 Walters Chapel: III Ward S.,I09 Susan, 134 William, 134 Warren Mouming, 130 Warwick Martha E., 134 Wasson Dim. J., 134 Winfield S., 135 Watkins Jack, 133 Wattensas Bayou, III Webb Mr. Benj.?, 112 Watkins, 112 Weems Amanda Elizabeth, 132 Weems/Wims Richard, 132 Weitz Debbie (Neely), 134 Wells Barbara Maybrary), 133 Welsch Florence, 112 Wesson E, Bn 109 P V., 109 West Daniel, 132 Elizabeth, 132 John Middleton, 132 Martha, 132 Susan, 132 Whitehouse Mary Ellen, 129 Wilcox William, 109 Wilhite Jasper (Kitl, 135 Wilkerson Nancy, 134 Wilkins Martha, 133 Willhite Samuel, 135 WH1jams AffiIlllda, 123, 125 Benjamin, 124 C. P.. 124 Elizabeth, 124, 126 Elizabeth (Lizzie), 128 Hannah,123 Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1998 145 Hansford. 125 loel, 124, 126 lohn, 124 lonathan, 123 Lizzie, 123, 126 Maude, 126 Nancy, 124, 125, 126, 128 Tom, 123 W.G., 125 William, 125 William E., 124 Willi. Judge William E., 131 Nancy, 131 Wilson Peggy J, 133 Wilton Margaret. 133 Wingard Edward, 134 Frances, 134 146 Fred, 134 George W., 134 Jacob, 134 Sol, 134 Wood Vicki, 135 Wood(w)ard Elijab V., 130 Henry T., 130 Martha E., 130 Sarab 0., 130 Thomas, 130 William W., 130 Mrs.S. T., 131 Wynn Col, Wm"129 y York CarolT., 134 Young JameS, III Nancy, 129 Roy S., 132 William T., 131 Willis W. Worrel, 130 Woods Florence \Velch Harrison. tl2 Margarett, 112 Worsham z Zuber Mrs. I. E., 134 Martha Ann Wynn, 129 Robert, 129 Wright The Arkansa. Family Historian - Volume 36, Number 3, September, 1998