May 2016 - Tri-City Gun Club Website
May 2016 - Tri-City Gun Club Website
TCGC REGULAR MEETINGS: Goldsby Community Center, 122 E. Center Rd., Goldsby, OK Friday, May 6th at 7:30PM May 2016 GREAT TURN-OUT FOR SPORTSFEST 2016!!! THANK YOU TO CLUB MEMBERS FOR SUPPORTING THIS ANNUAL EVENT! Friday, June 3rd at 7:30PM President’s Corner — Upcoming Projects Page 2 Vice-President’s Corner—ATF Ruling on Silencers Claybuster’s—Skeet Clinic Page 2 Safety Corner—Rule Reminders Page 3 Maintenance Corner—Call for Volunteers and Speed Limit Reminder Range Activity Schedule Member at Large– E-Cigs & Vaping Page 4 Treasurer’s Report—Upcoming Expenses Page 5 General & EC Meeting Minutes Page 6 MBABR Match Results Page 8 Pistol Match Results Page 9 Military Revolver, Semi-Auto, .22 Pistol Match Results Page 10-11 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 WE NEED VOLUNTEERS: Women on Target, May 7, 2016 Tara Nelson, [email protected] Announcing the 2016 Eugene "Gene" Adkisson Scholarship Check online for deadlines & application. WE need Volunteers and Participants: Youth Hunters Education Competition May 21, 2016, Amil Lyon: [email protected] Volunteers for Upcoming Events: Mandatory Safety Briefing and check-in TCGC Pavilion at 7:15 a.m. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, May 19th at 6:30 PM in the TCGC Range Stat House, 450 Jerry Black Lane, Goldsby, OK 1 The New Rule Will Go Into Effect On July 13, 2016 PRESIDENTS CORNER NEW ATF 41F and 5320.23 Good articles on Looks like acquiring a suppressor will become easier for individuals and harder for Trusts. However, there are still many good reasons to use a Trust for ownership of your suppressors. The archery Range is going to be rebuilt out of the flood area and we need some volunteers, contact [email protected] if you want to help. The Bows are In!!!! Thank you Friends of NRA!! You do not need to be a working member to help. Support the June TCGC will be working towards putting in a Friends of NRA Bansporting clays course 2016 - 2017, the shotquets. Get your tickets online at gun shooters have volunteered their labor, or from representatives at It will use the same safety zone as the the TCGC Club Meetings. Volunteers, Donations of skeet and trap ranges. Goods, Sponsors, etc needed! Jamie Schmidt Vice President [email protected] The proposed bylaws have been out there for you to look at, give us some more input. TCGC EC will soon have them published to start the voting process, any questions? Tri-City Gun Club Youth Program Thank you to all the volunteers that donate Open to Youth Age 9-18. Check out information at their time!!!!! "Updates" "Youth News" No Charge! Everything Provided! Shotgun and Air Rifle. Mark Ericksen President Tri-City Gun Club [email protected] Jamie Schmidt [email protected] Join the BSA Venture Crew No. 82. Ages 13-20 Contact Amil Lyon, Crew Advisor 405-364-8753 [email protected] MATCH DIRECTORS MILITARY BOLT ACTION BENCH REST MATCH—MBABR Steve Vannoy [email protected] (405) 769-2126 SHORT MAGAZINE LEE-ENFIELD & VINTAGE BATTLE RIFLE MATCH Gerald Goodnight [email protected] (405) 387-5249 MILITARY REVOLVER & SEMI-AUTO PISTOL MATCH Ed Pulver [email protected] (405) 830-7466 SHOTGUN & SKEET Shotgun - Tara Nelson (405) 664-6549 PRACTICAL PISTOL SHOOTERS Shawn Sanderson [email protected] (405) 495-3533 WINTER WARS Tony Lawson [email protected] Jeff Anderson [email protected] 405) 485-8062 (405) 921-2998 VICE-PRESIDENTS CORNER It is good to go to the range and see our members shooting safely. Yes, I said that and it is true. Think about what is going on around you. If you see someone set a large backpack down and walk away, be polite and let him know he forgot it etc........ [email protected] If you are aware of any changes or anyone that has been left off of this list please notify Vice President at: [email protected] The “Hangfire”, published monthly, is the publication of the Tri-City Gun Club, Inc.,, P.O. BOX 1604, Norman, OK 73070-1604 Tri-City Gun Club, Inc. is not responsible for the content of articles submitted and published in the Hangfire, even though all newsletter articles, and advertisements are approved by the Vice-President and Editor for relevance only. Technical and/or hand loading data are for informational purposes only. No responsibility is accepted by Tri-City Gun Club, Inc. for results obtained by persons using such data, and all liability for any consequential injures or damages is disclaimed. Information regarding match schedules or specific dates and locations for events should be verified prior to monetary or travel commitments. References to any specific commercial manufacturer or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation or favoring by the Tri-City Gun Club Executive Committee, its membership, nor the publisher. The articles, opinions, and letters published do not necessarily reflect the views of the editor, publisher or the Tri-City Gun Club, Inc., and may be edited for content or brevity. ALL design, layout, match reports are copyrighted and may not be used without express written permission. Articles , announcements, your comments or suggestions are welcome. © 2014 Lea Greenleaf 2 SAFETY CORNER Tri-City Clay Busters Greetings Tri City Gun Club Members Skeet and Trap Competition 2nd Sunday of Each Month Don't miss out on the experience!! NSSA Master Instructor and Accomplished Competitor Todd Bender will come to TCGC for the first time to teach the fundamentals of skeet shooting. Get ready to see and smash targets like you never have before. Great News: Sportsfest and the Hunter Ed Clinic were a great success. Just an FYI, we have started contracting with Norman EMSTAT to provide Paramedic Support for our Major Events, such as Sportsfest and Women on Target. Todd Bender Clinic August 26, 27, & 28 Limited sessions available 2 students per clinic $495 1/2 day (does NOT incl. targets or ammo) for more info on Todd Bender visit: Bad News: I found approximately 25 expended 00 Buck shotgun shells on the Informal Shotgun Range approximaely four weeks ago. To the member who allowed this to happen, you must understand I consider this action to be a gross violation of our Safety Rules and created an UNSAFE shooting situation. I want to make sure that all members know and understand that I have advised all RSOs that when they visit the range to check Shotgun Shooters on the Shotgun Range to ensure the range rules pertaining to shotgun shot size are followed. If I find a member using the wrong size shot or buck shot, I will take possession of their membership badge, ask them to leave the range and refer the matter to the Executive Committee with a recommendation that they be removed from the club. This may sound harsh, however, there is no excuse for this behavior as the Range Rules clearly state what is appropriate. If you are unsure ask me. Contact Tara for more info or to reserve your clinic dates and times. ***IMPORTANT NOTICE*** Clay targets are NOT to be taken from skeet or trap houses and used at free throwers. No shotguns on tables cased or uncased. Shotguns are to be stored in gun racks or vehicle. Trap and Skeet Orientation Cost of the Key is $25.00 cash or check. No Credit Cards. Call, text or email Tara. *Target Puller Cords are to be rolled up in large loops (36") without kinks or twist. *TURN OFF & DECOCK all throwers when finished. If you can't find the switches or buttons please call or ask someone. You may need to visit orientation, again. This is a safety issue!! Range Rule Reminders: *Sign in/out, record skeet counts, reload targets, clean up, and break down all boxes before discarding in dumpster. When leaving the range, all firearms must be cased on the shooting bench \ Firing Line. No one likes muzzles pointed at them. Tara Nelson, Match Director 405-664-6549 NEW WEBSITE All firearms on the Firing Line are required to have Open Chamber Indicators. We are four months into this year and I continue to see firearms without them. I will ask the member to remove firearms without an open chamber indicator from the range. Just a reminder, we do sell them at the monthly Club meeting. TCGC COMMITTEES & CHAIRPERSONS COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON CONTACT INFO Activities Joe Mays 405-354-7342 Opportunities for RSOs to Serve: We will need significant RSO, NRA Certified Instructor and Member help at these 2016 Events. These are all day events and lunch is provided. Be sure to put them on your calendar and plan to support. [email protected] Archery Simm Rudnick 405-360-4346 [email protected] Grant Writing Jamie Schmidt 405-620-6977 Insurance Whitney Boutin 405-579-0453 Maintenance Bill Hutcheson 405-664-1128 Women on Target – May 7, 2016 (RSOs, Firearm Instructors and member support) Youth Hunter Education Challenge (YHEC) May 21, 2016 (RSOs and member support) Venture Crew Shooting Event: July 27, 2016 – Wednesday (Need RSOs and all types of firearms instructors.) [email protected] Membership Goldie Welch 405-823-1059 [email protected] Safety Ken Anderson All members supporting Women on Target plan to attend the Safety Briefing at 7:15 AM the morning of the event at the Pavilion. If you are planning to support or have questions, please let me know. 405-249-9804 [email protected] Skeet Range Mike Whitaker 405-245-1621 [email protected] Youth Jamie Schmidt Be safe and shoot straight, make sure your bullets impact the Berm. Ken Anderson Chief Range Safety Officer 405 249-9804 405-620-6977 [email protected] 3 ITEMS OF NOTE: TRI-CITY GUN CLUB STORE We offer for sale clothing and hats with the TCGC club logo on them all at reasonable prices for our members. We will continue to sell our current inventory with the old logo at 1/2 price until it is gone. We will, however, sell the coffee cups, TCGC stickers, and cleaning patches at their regular prices. We have a new logo and hope to have some new inventory soon. Reg. Price Sale Price TCGC Coffee Cups $10.00 TCGC Stickers $1.00 Cleaning Patches: 22 cal - 100pk $1.00 30 cal - 200pk $3.00 Sale and/or New Items will be announced in the "Hangfire". Money generated in sales will be used to buy additional merchandise. The club appreciates your business. 1. Waivers: Have Guests sign waivers when you bring them on Range Property! 2. Only Club approved targets will be allowed on TCGC Property. Violations of this rule could be grounds for your membership to be reviewed. 3. GATE: Allow for the gate to fully open or close before entering gate code; if you do not gate will freeze and have to be reset. DO NOT allow people you do not know to follow you through the gate. 4. Any member has the right to ask to see someone’s club badge. Those not having the proper credentials should be asked to leave. RANGE ACTIVITY SCHEDULE To Schedule range or facility use contact: Tara Nelson 405-664-6549 [email protected] Unless noted there is always one range open See legend for range designations Sharoyn Tomlinson, 405-740-5948, [email protected] Please contact Sharoyn in April and May. Date Location lr,sh sk,tr1 ALL GOLDSBY ALL sh, sk2 sk, tr1 sk, arr lr, sh sh, pr sk, tr1 sh ALL ALL sr sk, tr1 sk, arr sr 07:00-15:00 17:30-19:00 14:00-19:00 19:30-21:00 07:00-18:00 09:00-13:00 17:30-19:00 18:00-20:00 08:00-14:00 08:00-17:00 17:30-19:00 18:30-21:00 15:00-19:00 07:00-18:00 08:00-12:00 17:30-19:00 18:00-20:00 08:00-12:00 JUN 1 JUN 3 JUN 5 JUN 11 JUN 12 JUN 18 JUN 25 JUN 26 sk, tr1 GOLDSBY sh, lr lr, sh sk2, sh ALL sr sr 17:30-19:00 19:30-21:00 07:00-15:00 08:00-14:00 08:00-01:00 08:00-12:00 08:00-12:00 08:00-12:00 MAY 1 MAY 4 MAY 6 MAY 6 MAY 7 MAY 8 MAY 11 MAY 12 MAY 14 MAY 15 MAY 18 MAY 19 MAY 20 MAY 21 MAY 22 May 25 MAY 26 MAY 28 MAINTENANCE CORNER The next work days for May; 5/6/16 - 1400hrs - 1900hrs. Women on target. 5/20/16 - 1500hrs - 1900hrs. WOMEN ON TARGET We have need for workers to help set up on Friday afternoon. On Saturday morning we need 8-10 parking attendants at 0645hrs On Saturday after noon we need help with putting things away and emptying trash. At 1600hrs. This is our biggest event of the year and a lot of help Is needed. YHEC We need workers on Friday afternoon to help with setup. On Saturday afternoon need workers to help put things away and empty trash at 1600hrs. THIS IS YOUR RANGE. PLEASE HELP SUPPORT IT. PLEASE REMEMBER; SPEED LIMIT FROM THE OLD CATTLE GUARD (TOP OF HILL) INTO THE SHOOTING AREA IS 10 mph. THAT INCLUDES EXITING TILL YOU GET PAST THE CATTLE GUARD. Event Times Sport/Activity Practical Pistol Match McClain Co 4-H WORKDAY Membership Meeting Women on Target TCGC Claybreakers McClain Co 4-H TCGC Youth Shooting Sports MBABR SDA Class by Wes Tebo McClain Co 4-H Executive Committee Meeting WORK DAY YHEC .22 Rifle Match McClain Co 4-H TCGC Youth Shooting Sports Military Pistol/Revolver/.22 Match McClain County 4-4 Membership Meeting Practical Pistol Match MBABR TCGC Claybreakers WORK DAY Military Pistol/Revolver/22 .22 Rifle Match Check TCGC Website for Latest Calender! Please check for emails, the calendar or call me the night before you want to come to the range for range closures for the summer before you come to the range. Also check the board at the front gate. This is your range help do your part. Legend: ar = archery range, arr = air rifle range, lr = long range, sr = short range, sa = shotgun area, pav= pavilion, pr = pistol range, all = all ranges, sh = stat house, sk = skeet range, tr = trap range Bill R. Hutcheson (405)664-1128 [email protected] 4 MEMBER AT LARGE In other news, the question was asked about the Warm weather is officially upon us, and Bill's contin- use of e-cigs on the range. While vaping doesn't uous care and maintenance of the range is more have some of the risks that tobacco does, we do evident each Spring. ask that when vaping you observe the same rules as traditional tobacco and observe common courteAs Mark mentioned in his column, the updated By sy. I know that part of coming out to shoot is to be Laws have been presented to the EC for review. able to kick back and relax and smoke or dip, so The EC will not be deciding upon whether or not just be conscience of others. any changes get to be made...that is strictly up to the voting membership. The By Laws will go before Okay, if I have to ask one more member to "stand the membership beginning in the June membership behind the yellow line" when the line is cold, my meeting for review and will continue on into an un- head is going to explode. At the risk of my head exdetermined number of meetings until we get through ploding and this column not getting submitted, the document. The By Law Committee members will "Stand behind the yellow line when the line is cold." be seated at the front of the room to answer quesThanks again for everyone's hard work in making tions, with Bob Touchstone chairing the discussion. TCGC a success! Eric Bauman We urge everyone, voting and non-voting alike, to [email protected] read through the document prior to the meetings. The document will be available online and in hard copy at the May meeting and subsequent meetings. We're not looking at adding any amendments in these meetings, as member have had close to two years to submit them, but instead are answering questions and cleaning up. TREASURER CORNER meeting. They include $2950.00 shotgun range, YHEC, $3750.00 Friends of the NRA, road gravel, and new fencing. Here are ongoing projects that have been apApril Showers bring May Mosquitos! Be sure to bring bug spray as needed. To reduce the amount of standing proved but not finished: pole barn, finish conex covers, booths on both the long range and pistol range, stat water beaver dams are being removed. There were mosquitos killing tablets added to the standing water on house cabinets, hot and cold lights, beaver dam removthe archery range to help kill mosquitos but are safe for al, fencing, and dozer work on new archery range. Best estimates that I have are about $31,800.00 left on unfinother wildlife. There are trees in other areas that are ished projects. blocking water flow that will need to be removed. I am working on a set of guidelines for the approval process, when making purchases using TCGC funds. I am planning on presenting it to the EC board at the May meeting. In section 6.03 of the By-Laws third paragraph monthly financial reports will be itemized showing where each dollar is spent. To provide this level of details it is necessary for me to have in place procedures that must be followed by everyone using TCGC funds. May your books always balance!!!!! We have had a busy month in April finishing the handicapped parking and pouring new pads for the shotgun range. We are in the stage of taking bids to install new covers in both areas of the shotgun range. We will be increasing the number of manual throwers to three and have worked to improve the area as needed. We are moving the archery range with a new access point starting about 1/2 way down the road from the gate. We will be setting up markers for the new site and start clearing the area in the next several months. We should have a detailed drawing submitted to the members in about 30 days. Scott Stehno Treasurer [email protected] 405-201-9456 after 5:00 pm is best The board approved to spend $10,682.38 at the April EC 5 SCHOLARSHIP FUND If you would like to give to donate to the Gene Adkisson scholarship fund please make your check to: Tri-City Gun Club. In the memo line please put: Scholarship Fund. Any member of the Executive Committee can accept your check for deposit. Thanks 12. Please uncase and case your firearms on the line. It’s in General Membership Meeting—April 1, 2016 1. Vice President called the meeting to order at 7:30. 2. The previous meeting minutes were approved. 3. Joe Mays brought a pair of Carl Zeiss Binoculars from the rules. 13. Appleseed had a member earn their expert qualification. 14. The financial report was presented and approved. 15. We will be having the family picnic again. Please plan on bringing a side and a desert, if you wish to attend. 16. The scholarship is now online. 17. YHEC is May 21st. It is a competitive shooting environment. We still need assistance. 18. The Venture Crew presented the club with a charter from the BSA. 19. Please support the FNRA, so that they can continue to help the club to improve facilities, hold events and support youth sports. Vice President adjourned the meeting at 8:13 PM. WWI and a Prussian Model 1818 Infantry Side Arm (side sword or arming sword). 4. Beavers have all been removed (we hope). The dams have been removed and the range is draining. 5. Todd Bender will be giving shotgun clinics for $495. There is room for 12 people. 6. Check the schedule for upcoming events. 7. We have 1263 active members! 8. We are all responsible for safety. 9. Be sure to use ammo that is approved for the range. 10. You MUST have a state issued handicapped parking placard to park in the handicapped parking spaces at the range. 11. Upcoming events still need assistance. Please volunteer. Recorded and Prepared by Stephen Rudnick [email protected] 405209-0371 Executive Committee Meeting—April 21, 2016 13. A cover for the manual thrower area is being taken care of. A motion to approve $450 for another thrower for the manual range was put forth. The motion was seconded and approved. 14. Members assisting Cabellas with an archery event was discussed and approved. 15. Mileage for club activities was discussed. 16. Notation and preapproval by the EC of budget items was discussed. 17. An additional $2200 was approved for more concrete work at skeet 1, via email and in person on March 24th. 18. The compilation is being completed. 19. Three members are being upgraded to regular membership status. Three members are being promoted to life member status. 20. Concerns regarding members of SDA classes and SDA instructors not following range rules were brought up. There are additional concerns with SDA instructors not following club policy regarding insurance, timely notification of range use, and payment for range use. SDA online pay option will be added to the club website. 21. There were some concerns with safety at Sportsfest. We must be mindful of young shooters and ensure that coaches are in control and know where fire is being directed. We also need more support for set up and tear down of our events. 22. Right and left range limit lines are need on the long range. 23. Lifeguard chairs may be useful during events. We can build them. Westwood pool may have several come available at the end of the summer, when the tear down of the old pool begins. 24. Norman Homeschoolers Association would like to conduct another event on October the 1st. 25. Todd Bender has been added to the schedule. 26. The bylaws were discussed and the proposed new bylaws were presented to the EC. The EC will review on their own time and then discuss. 27. E-Cigs and vaping was discussed. E-Cigs and vaping will follow the same rules as cigarette smoking. 28. Tires for the white pickup are needed and will be purchased. 29. Four more loads of gravel are needed at a cost of $1600. There was a motion to approve that was seconded and approved. 30. It was noted that people should not drive up the berms. 31. A motion was made to approve $1600 for a shotgun range cover. The motion was seconded and approved. 32. A motion was made to approve $900 to cover skeet range 1. The motion was seconded and approved. 1. Meeting to order at 6:30PM. 2. Previous meeting minutes were accepted. 3. Associate Member Spencer Hinkley, representing a BSA Explorer Post of 50 youths, wants to hold an event at the range on July 27th from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. They would like to shoot multiple disciplines and participate in a service project as well. They will have some adult leaders available. The midweek date should not present any schedule conflicts. Approved. 4. Brandon Richardson from BSA Troop 777 and TCGC Venture Crew presented an Eagle Scout project proposal. The proposal was to build a fence along the road. A motion was approved with some opposition based on the narrow width of the pass through. The pass through will be extended to three feet. The fence will otherwise be built as presented. A check was issued for $1211.88 to complete the project. 5. YHEC will be held May 21st. A budget of $1170.50. There was a motion to approve the budget, it was seconded and approved. 6. Woody discussed the website and the club’s greater multimedia presence. The payment process is set up. We need to look at our forms as they may present some difficulties. The interactive range map is up and running. It looks good and there are several ideas floating for content. The website needs to note sponsored groups, but we need a list first. We also need to develop a new member FAQ. 7. FNRA funding was discussed. There was a motion to donate $1250 to each of the three local FNRA organizations (Cleveland County, Canadian County, and Newcastle). The motion was seconded and approved. $3000 of raffle proceeds and $750 from club funds will be used. 8. The archery range was discussed. It was agreed that it would be best to move the archery range and rebuild from the ground up. We need a connex container, a concrete pad, a cover with at least 20 shooting positions, electricity, parking, a wind/dust/noise barrier, the shooting towers moved and refurbished or replaced, the bag targets moved with new covered frames set up, the field trail relayed and new covered target butts installed, and arrow stopping curtain installed for youth events. 9. We need to clean up downed trees to continue to reestablish good drainage on the range. 10. Recognition of the Bylaw Committee was discussed at length. There was a motion to table the issue. The motion failed. There was a motion to reimburse the members of the Bylaw Committee up to $250 for dinner at Zio’s. The motion was seconded and approved. 11. A new sporting clay course was discussed as a future project. Shooting booths, throwers, etc. will be needed. 12. Safety orientation was discussed. Several options to reduce the length of the orientation for members in good standing were discussed. The meeting was adjourned at 10:38PM. Recorded and Prepared by Stephen Rudnick [email protected] 405-209-0371 6 For Sale I usually have a concealed carry class every 3rd Saturday, if I get a minimum of four for the class. Tony Lawson [email protected] Thanks to everyone who assisted with the Hunter Ed class, along with the support from Tri City Gun Club, and the Oklahoma Wildlife Department, we had 32 students who successfully attended and passed the Hunter Ed Class. The content provided and the personal attention from this being a hands on class allowed for a very successful day. Browning White Lightning 12 gauge 28” Barrel, 7 Vector+ chokes Kick-Eez adjustable recoil pad Briley 20 gauge companion tube set seating tool and 4 flush chokes Thank you for your help on Saturday, April 16, 2016!! $1,800.00 This was bought Nov. 2015 NEW Randy McGuckin (405) 623-6261 (06/16) Gaitha FOR SALE Walther G-22 for sale $300.00 obo Jamie Schmidt 405-620-6977 (stock photo) (07/16) PERSONAL CLASSIFIEDS INFORMATION Email [email protected] to place or change your advertisement. There is no charge. Deadline is the Friday evening following the Executive Committee monthly meeting. Ads run for 2 consecutive months then are removed unless re-submitted. PLEASE NOTIFY : [email protected] WHEN YOUR ITEMS ARE SOLD. Volunteers Needed Contact information to volunteer: Rick Hipps, best is to email [email protected], if email is not possible call 799-7262 leave a message if no one answers; either way, be patient I will get back with you. 2016 Claude Hall Gun Shows JANUARY 9 & 10 JANUARY 30 & 31 MARCH 12 & 13 MAY 14 & 15 JUNE 25 & 26 JULY 9 & 10 AUGUST 13 & 14 OCTOBER 8 & 9 7 Military Bolt Action Benchrest Match Director: Steve Vannoy Rank 09 APRIL 2016 RSO: Gerald Goodnight Last name First Name Rifle Group 1 Group 2 Best 1 Lawson Tony 03A3 2.200 1.847 1.847 2 Anderson Jeff 03A3 1.992 1.961 1.961 3 Adams Martin 03A3 2.082 2.581 2.082 4 Goodnight Vic 03A3 2.573 2.091 2.091 5 Nechvatal Ed M96 2.148 2.585 2.148 6 Vannoy Steve M96 2.242 3.319 2.242 7 Maynard Ben 96-11 6+ 2.661 2.661 8 Vannoy Donovan M96 2.959 2.735 2.735 9 Morris Bill 03A3 2.877 3.254 2.877 10 Ott Paul 03A3 3.168 3.024 3.024 11 Stringfellow Richard Enfield #4 3.395 4.788 3.395 12 Vannoy Aaron M96 3.879 4.042 3.879 13 Tomlinson Jerry M1917 5.647 4.092 4.092 14 Goodnight Gerald 03A3 4.840 4.949 4.840 15 Malone Mike M39 6+ 5.231 5.231 16 Maynard Frank FR8 6+ 6+ 6+ 17 Mulqueen Pat 91/30 6+ 6+ 6+ Rank Last name First Name Rifle Score 1 X Score 2 X Score 3 X Aggregate 1 Lawson Tony 03A3 100 5 99 3 99 4 298-12 2 Anderson Jeff 03A3 99 2 99 4 99 2 297-8 3 Vannoy Donovan M96 100 1 98 5 97 0 295-6 4 Goodnight Vic 03A3 100 2 99 2 96 2 295-6 5 Morris Bill 03A3 97 2 99 5 98 3 294-10 6 Vannoy Steve M96 97 3 97 2 99 5 293-10 7 Nechvatal Ed M96 98 3 96 4 98 2 292-9 8 Ott Paul 03A3 97 4 95 1 96 4 288-9 9 Maynard Ben 96-11 95 3 94 1 96 3 285-7 10 Adams Martin 03A3 94 0 95 1 95 0 284-1 11 Goodnight Gerald 03A3 95 2 89 2 95 3 279-7 12 Vannoy Aaron M96 92 2 90 1 95 2 277-5 13 Stringfellow Richard Enfield #4 90 0 90 3 89 0 269-3 14 Maynard Frank FR8 85 0 88 0 80 1 253-1 15 Malone Mike M39 83 0 84 1 86 0 253-1 16 Tomlinson Jerry M1917 78 1 82 0 85 4 245-5 17 Mulqueen Pat 91/30 81 1 78 0 79 0 238-1 8 Practical Pistol Match Results Match Results Combined See website for complete match results. 9 The competition is limited to those center-fire revolvers issued from the end of the Civil War through the Viet Nam War. Exact copies, as advertised by their manufacturers, are allowable. Several “Second Generation” revolvers, such as the Smith & Wesson Model Ten, are allowable. But, they must have the original wood or plastic grips. Under these parameters, newer revolvers such as the Rugers, manufactured for the military, are allowable. 10 11 Commercial Advertisements 2016 Hangfire Annual Ad Prices: $60 - Business Card Ad. $150 - 1/4 Page Ad 12 $250 - 1/2 Page Ad $450 - Full Page Ad Tri-City Member’s 10% Discount! Aballtime LLC Insurance & Real Estate Trusted Choice Agency -- Independent Agent 2862 Classen Boulevard Norman, OK 73071-4059 405.579.0453 FAX 405.579.7840 Christine M. Kane [email protected] Auto, Home, Life, Health, and Business. 13 TRI-CITY GUN CLUB P.O. BOX 1604 NORMAN OK 73070-1604 TRI-CITY RECYCLING PROGRAMS Aluminum Cans & Plastic Bottles Thanks for your efforts in the Recycling program. Please help with the cardboard. Flatten all boxes, it only takes a few seconds. Brass / Shell Cases Do you reload your brass? If you don’t, rather than trash it, recycle it for those who do! Place your used brass from the day’s outing that you collected from the range and put into the gray barrels. Collected and Sorted Brass Casings will be sold at the TCGC General Meetings. All funds collected from the sale of brass goes directly back into club projects!! 14
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