2016-08 Hangfire - Tri-City Gun Club Website
2016-08 Hangfire - Tri-City Gun Club Website
August 2016 TCGC REGULAR MEETINGS: Goldsby Community Center, 122 E. Center Rd., Goldsby, OK Friday, August 5th at 7:30PM Friday, September 2nd at 7:30PM NOTICE VOTE AUGUST 5TH! All Regular and Life Members, please bring badge or photo id to vote. 1. New Bylaws for Approval. 2. Budgeting Approval Expansion of Road from inside gate to corner. 3. Budgeting Approval to Move Archery Range, parking and connex. Club Renewals and New Membership Dates: Online Renewals starting August 4th. Check the website. www.tcgc.us "NEWS" Page 2 President’s Corner Page 2 Vice-President’s Corner Page 3 TCGC Claybuster’s Page 3 Secretary’s Notes Page 4 Maintenance Corner Page 4 Range Activity Schedule Page 5 Safety Corner Page 5 Treasurer’s Report Page 6 “Pursuit of Proficiency” Page 8 General Meeting Minutes Orientation Dates at the Range: Page 9 EC Meeting Minutes Life and RSO Only Sunday Sept. 11th. Sat. Sept. 17th, 8-5. (mulitiple orientations, online renewals will have priority) Sun. Sept. 18th 1-5 p.m. Fri. Oct 7th Sun Oct 9th, 1-5 p.m. Page 10 .22 Match results & Military Match Results Page 11 MBABR July Match Results Page 12 Commercial Advertisements Page 13 Commercial advertisements See details in the Secretary Column. NEW BYLAWS NEW MEMBERS! Online Registration beginning November 4th. PROPOSED. VOTE August 5th MEETING! EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, August 18th at 6:30 PM in the TCGC Range Stat House, 450 Jerry Black Lane, Goldsby, OK 1 Your Executive Committee is working hard to help improve the range and manage the budget. The goal, more people enjoying the use of the range! Lets Go Shooting!!!! PRESIDENTS CORNER The vote on the bylaw changes will be in two weeks, if you need something clarified, send an email to us and we will get it answered. Please feel free to let talk to the Member-At-Large if you have any questions. (or any of the officers). There will also be two other items to vote on to add to this years budget and complete this year, #1. concrete pad for a relocated archery area. #2. on the entry road coming into the range, Right side of road, fill in ditch and put gravel on top, to be used for more parking during events, new Archery parking, future sporting clays area parking. Currently I am working on several items. 1. Grant to improve/fix the handicap ramp to the bathroom and add a parking spot. 2. Setting up appointment with NRA Range Advisor to evaluate: a. Master Plan for future range development. b. Review where Sporting Clays and Archery Range would be established. c. Review the possibility and location of more pistol bays to be used for pistol, rifle and possibly ground target shotgun. d. Review where an indoor facility could be located if we decide to build at a future time. e. 10, 20, 30 year plan is what I am hoping for. 3. Supervising the online renewals. Will keep you posted. 4. Getting Ready for Youth events and competitions. TCGC is looking at putting up a block wall at the immediate right of the short rifle and then using the right side berm material to fill in the old archery area that floods. FYI... when materials are removed from an area in a flood way, as behind the long range, the archery range, and the pond TCGC had for a while when the bathroom was built up on the materials from the hole that was made, the ground water will fill up the hole depending on the actual level of the ground water at that time. Any obstructions of drainage of surface water during rainy periods will slow the drainage. TCGC has permission to remove these obstructions, where are our volunteers? The berm is approximately seventy feet wide at the base and would give TCGC more area for another range. Terrell Rifle and Pistol Club in Texas has their range map on their web site, take a look at it and you will see that they have other ranges downrange and have the impact berms angled to keep things out of the line of fire. YOUTH SHOOTING SPORTS!!! 2nd and 4th Thursday Monthly. Starting at 6:00 p.m. Equipment, Ammunition and Supplies Provided. Do not have to be a TCGC Member. Youth 10-18 Years of Age. Parents must attend also! Shotgun (Skeet 1): Jamie Schmidt and Lee Donlon 22 Rifle (Short Range): Mike Schroeder and Gary Loeffelholz Archery: Wes Tebo, Simm & Stephen Rudnick Air Rifle: Needed, be happy to help parent get started. While at TCGC, have a good attitude and be nice, the members are there to shoot and enjoy the club. Thank you goes to all of those who volunteer their time to help make TriCityGunClub run smoother. Thank You All Questions: contact Jamie Schmidt Vice President Tri-City Gun Club Mark Ericksen President Tri-City Gun Club [email protected] [email protected] MATCH DIRECTORS MILITARY BOLT ACTION BENCH REST MATCH—MBABR Steve Vannoy [email protected] (405) 769-2126 SHORT MAGAZINE LEE-ENFIELD & VINTAGE BATTLE RIFLE MATCH Gerald Goodnight [email protected] (405) 387-5249 MILITARY REVOLVER & SEMI-AUTO PISTOL MATCH Ed Pulver [email protected] (405) 830-7466 SHOTGUN & SKEET Shotgun - Tara Nelson (405) 664-6549 PRACTICAL PISTOL SHOOTERS Shawn Sanderson [email protected] (405) 495-3533 WINTER WARS Tony Lawson [email protected] Jeff Anderson [email protected] (405) 485-8062 (405) 921-2998 VICE-PRESIDENTS CORNER Fellow TCGC members, [email protected] If you are aware of any changes or anyone that has been left off of this list please notify Vice President at: [email protected] The “Hangfire”, published monthly, is the publication of the Tri-City Gun Club, Inc.,, P.O. BOX 1604, Norman, OK 73070-1604 Tri-City Gun Club, Inc. is not responsible for the content of articles submitted and published in the Hangfire, even though all newsletter articles, and advertisements are approved by the Vice-President and Editor for relevance only. Technical and/or hand loading data are for informational purposes only. No responsibility is accepted by Tri-City Gun Club, Inc. for results obtained by persons using such data, and all liability for any consequential injures or damages is disclaimed. Information regarding match schedules or specific dates and locations for events should be verified prior to monetary or travel commitments. References to any specific commercial manufacturer or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation or favoring by the Tri-City Gun Club Executive Committee, its membership, nor the publisher. The articles, opinions, and letters published do not necessarily reflect the views of the editor, publisher or the Tri-City Gun Club, Inc., and may be edited for content or brevity. ALL design, layout, match reports are copyrighted and may not be used without express written permission. Articles , announcements, your comments or suggestions are welcome. © 2014 Lea Greenleaf 2 Tri-City Clay Busters 2016 TCGC Skeet Championships Sept 24, 2016 Members Only** Pre-Registration and payment required. Details TBA Todd Bender Clinic August 26th & 27th, Register by August 5th. 2 students per clinic $495 1/2 day (does NOT incl. targets or ammo Update: Skeet 1 Covered Patio should be done soon. I can't wait to sit back in my new chair with a cold iced tea and listen to the sweet sounds of shotgun blast and savor the aroma of Red Dot lingering in the air . ***IMPORTANT NOTICE*** reload targets, clean up, and break down all boxes before discarding in dumpster. Secretary’S NoteS The Sizzling Summer Picnic was a hit! 2016 Milestones So fun visiting with everyone at the picnic. Over 70 people ate lunch together and the kids had a blast shooting the air rifles and 22 rifles. I liked The 338 Lapua. Thank you club members for bringing some wonderful food! Definitely an event to have again! Great job Goldie on the food and Ken on the shooting ranges! Jamie I would like to mention the shotgunners that have finally achieved that perfect round or two. Let us know when you have reached that long awaited goal of the best round ever!! Congrats!!!! Renewals Its’s time to start thinking about membership renewals for 2017 year. Don't forget to get your work hours in before renewing your membership. Or you will have to renew as a Non-Working Member. Please update your NRA before you apply for membership in the club. We will need to see your NRA card, and photo I.D. NRA must be current at the time of renewal. This is not an option! We are a 100% NRA club. Membership will not be renewed without it. Renewal Dates Online renewals will go live Aug. 4th. Aug. 4th paper work will be available at the TCGC general membership meeting. September: Sunday 11th 1pm-5pm TCGC Range Life and RSO only Also, If you have been a regular member for 5 continous years, turning 65 anytime in 2016 come to this renewal session. We will update your membership to Life for next year. Loni West 25 straight 28g Skeet 2 Shooters: Please be courteous and allow incoming shooters to sign in/out and/or get Trap Key. Incoming Shooters: Please be patient and allow field 2 shooters to get to a hold point before signing in/ out. Trap and Skeet Orientation Cost of the Key is $25.00 cash or *Target Puller Cords are to be check. No Credit Cards. Call, text rolled up in large loops (36") withor email Tara. out kinks or twist. *TURN OFF & DECOCK all throwers when finished. If you can't find the switches or buttons please call or ask someone. You may need to visit orientation, again. This is a safety issue!! Tara Nelson, Match Director 405-664-6549 New Hours!! Skeet & Trap open til 10pm. Lights out at 10:20. Activities TBD Archery Simm Rudnick TCGC Range TCGC Range October Friday 7th Sunday 9th 6pm 1pm-5pm General Member Meeting TCGC Range If you sign up and pay your dues online all you have to do is check in and listen to the safety briefing. TCGC COMMITTEES & CHAIRPERSONS CHAIRPERSON 8am-5pm 1pm-5pm Schedule *Sign in/out, record skeet counts, COMMITTEE Saturday 17th Sunday 18th 8:00am-9:30am Online renewals only Covered Pavilion CONTACT INFO 8:00am-11:30am Member renewals RSO safety briefing Stat House/Patio 9:30am-10:00am RSO break 10:00am-11:30am All renewals ty briefing Covered pavilion 405-360-4346 [email protected] 11:30-12:pm RSO safe- Pick up Badges Grant Writing Jamie Schmidt 405-620-6977 Insurance Whitney Boutin 405-579-0453 12:00pm-1:00pm Lunch Break for Staff Maintenance Bill Hutcheson 405-664-1128 1:00pm-2:30 Online renewals only ty briefing Covered Pavilion RSO safe- 1:00pm -3:30 House/Patio Stat [email protected] Membership Goldie Welch 405-823-1059 [email protected] Safety Ken Anderson 2:30pm-3:00pm RSO break 405-249-9804 3:00pm-4:30pm Member renewals ered Pavilion [email protected] Skeet Range Mike Whitaker 405-245-1621 3:30pm [email protected] Youth Jamie Schmidt Member renewals Pick up Badges Goldie Welch [email protected] 405-620-6977 [email protected] 3 RSO safety briefing Cov- ITEMS OF NOTE: TRI-CITY GUN CLUB STORE We offer for sale clothing and hats with the TCGC club logo on them all at reasonable prices for our members. We will continue to sell our current inventory with the old logo at 1/2 price until it is gone. We will, however, sell the coffee cups, TCGC stickers, and cleaning patches at their regular prices. We have a new logo and hope to have some new inventory soon. Reg. Price Sale Price TCGC Coffee Cups $10.00 TCGC Stickers $1.00 Cleaning Patches: 22 cal - 100pk $1.00 30 cal - 200pk $3.00 Sale and/or New Items will be announced in the "Hangfire". Money generated in sales will be used to buy additional merchandise. The club appreciates your business. 1. Waivers: Have Guests sign waivers when you bring them on Range Property! 2. Only Club approved targets will be allowed on TCGC Property. Violations of this rule could be grounds for your membership to be reviewed. 3. GATE: Allow for the gate to fully open or close before entering gate code; if you do not gate will freeze and have to be reset. DO NOT allow people you do not know to follow you through the gate. 4. Any member has the right to ask to see someone’s club badge. Those not having the proper credentials should be asked to leave. RANGE ACTIVITY SCHEDULE To Schedule range or facility use contact: Tara Nelson 405-664-6549 [email protected] Unless noted there is always one range open See legend for range designations Sharoyn Tomlinson, 405-740-5948, [email protected] Please contact Sharoyn in April and May. Date Location ONLINE ALL DAY AUG 5 AUG 7 AUG 11 AUG 13 AUG 14 AUG 18 AUG 20 AUG 25 AUG 26 AUG 27 AUG 27 GOLDSBY sh, lr sk, ar lr, sh sh, sk2 sh ALL sk, ar sk2 sk2 sr 7:30 07:00-15:00 18:00 08:00 09:00 18:30 07:00-11:00 18:00-20:00 07:00-17:00 07:00-17:00 08:00-12:00 AUG 28 SEP 2 SEP 4 SEP 7 SEP 8 SEP 10 SEP 11 SEP 11 SEP 14 SEP 15 SEP 17 SEP 17 SEP 18 SEP 21 SEP 22 SEP 23 SEP 24 SEP 24 sr Goldsby sh, lr sk1 sk, arr lr, sh sh, sk2 RANGE sk1 sh ALL RANGE RANGE sk1 sk, arr Lazy E Arena Laze E Arena sk 08:00-12:00 19:30 07:00-15:00 17:3019:00 18:00-20:00 08:00-14:00 09:00 13:00-17:00 17:30-19:00 18:30 07:00-011:00 08:00-17:00 13:00-17:00 17:30-19:00 18:00-20:00 ALL DAY ALL DAY ALL DAY SEP 24 sr 08:00-12:00 SEP 25 SEP 25 SEP 28 Lazy E Arena ALL DAY sr 08:00-12:00 sk1 17:3.-19:00 AUG 4 MAINTENANCE CORNER The Next TCGC Work Day is 08/20/16 / 0700 – 1200hrs. Work to be done; 1. West fence line, 2. Cover on storage containers A and B. 3. Trash. Need a lot of help. Bring your gloves. I will be spraying, fertilizing and working on ranges. Please check The website, emails and the Range Board at the front gate, before coming to range. Just a few reminders; 1. Please observe the speed limit on the road. The 10 MPH begins and ends at the cattle guard. 2. Remove paper targets from the target stands and put trash in barrels. 3. Pick up your brass and put in recycle barrels. All others go in trash. THIS IS YOUR RANGE, DO YOUR PART. OKLAHOMA WILDLIFE EXPO The Oklahoma Wildlife Expo will be the 23-25 September 2016. At the Lazy E Arena, Guthrie, Ok. This is a good chance to get your work hours and a free T-Shirt. You can volunteer for any or all of the following times; Full day – 0800 – 1800hrs Morning – 0800 – 1300hrs Afternoon – 1300 – 1800hrs Will have signup sheets at the next three meetings. You can also sign up by sending me an email with the following information. Date and time to work Phone number Email address T-Shirt size If you are an RSO Event Times Sport/Activity Online Membership Renewal Begins TCGC Membership Meeting Practical Pistol Match TCGC Youth Shooting Sports MBABR Match TCGC Claybreakers Executive Committee Meeting WORK DAY TCGC Youth Shooting Sports Bender Clinic Bender Clinic Military Pistol/Revolver/.22 Match .22 Rifle Match TCGC Membership Meeting2 Practical Pistol Match (Open) McClain County 4-H TCGC Youth Shooting Sports MBABR TCGC Claybusters RSO & Life Member Renewal McClain County 4-H Executive Committee Meeting WORK DAY Member Renewals Member Renewals McClain County 4-H TCGC Youth Shooting Sports Oklahoma Wildlife Expo Oklahoma Wildlife Expo TCGC 2016 Skeet Championship Military Pistol, Revolver, .22 Match Oklahoma Wildlife Expo .22 Rifle Match McClain County 4-H Check TCGC Website for Latest Calender! Legend: ar = archery range, arr = air rifle range, lr = long range, sr = short range, sa = shotgun area, pav= pavilion, pr = pistol range, all = all ranges, sh = stat house, sk = skeet range, tr = trap range Bill R. Hutcheson (405)664-1128 [email protected] 4 SAFETY CORNER Range Rule Reminders: Greetings Tri City Gun Club Members If you are going to have more than six guests, please send me a note so we can review your shooting activity and provide you the support as needed. Gongs on the Long Range can only be engaged from Firing Point 6, 7, 8 and 9. Only Club provided paper targets stapled to club provided target frames are to be used on the Short Range. Do not place targets in front of the Gongs or Plate Rack on the Pistol Range. Doing so results in the wooden frames being shot up prematurely. Safety Reminders Summer Time Heat Safety: I am running this again for August given our extremely hot weather. Summer is here and the heat and humidity has been excessive. Some things to remember: Anyone can be a heat casualty, be sure and remain well hydrated. You should start drinking water before you come to the range and continue to consume at least one bottle of water per hour while you are on the range. Know the symptoms of heat injuries i.e. Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke. Pay attention to members of your shooting party as well as others on the range. If you see someone with the symptoms of a heat injury take the appropriate action. Heat Stroke is life threatening and is a medical emergency. There is a water cooler in the Stat House. The Stat House is air conditioned. If you find yourself getting too hot go to the Stat House and cool off. Remember the water on the range is not drinkable. If you are shooting out in the open (shot gunners) be sure and use the appropriate sunscreen to protect your skin. Opportunities to Serve: Boy Scout Camp and Shoot: October 14, 2016 Saturday, all day event. We need RSOs, and all types of firearms instructors. Norman Home School Shooting Event: Moved to November 5th 2016, 8 AM to 1 PM, Saturday. We need RSOs and 22 Rifle Instructors Be safe and shoot straight, make sure your bullets impact the Berm. Ken Anderson Chief Range Safety Officer 405 249-9804 [email protected] BEAN COUNTER MONTHLY REPORT tions email [email protected] and Bill will send you a list of things that need to be done around the range. There is a Congratulations to Kyle McGregor for our 2016-17 scholarship winner. His plans are to attend Connor State Col- purple book in the stat house that has projects listed also. You can review it and find a project that you would like to complete. lege in the fall majoring in Agriculture Business. The club would like to encourage him to achieve all his plans and goals. We have an excellent range but with everyone’s help we can make a lot of improvements. Bill will help in getting any supOur club insurance was paid in July for over plies that are needed to finish the projects. $15,000.00. Our insurance agent shopped the market and I have had two club members contact me about the found us the best price for the level of coverage that our range needed. We have almost 1,400 members so our exposure for NRA instructor classes. I am working with Tony Lawson, and a counselor from Texas to hold a Personal Protection in the events and guest using the range was taken into account. Home and Outside the Home instructor class. At this time the The club purchased 160 concrete blocks to be used around the range as needed. Might need some for archery, 4 cost is around $445.00 for the three classes and we are planning a long weekend to finish the classes. A Friday, Saturday bay, or increase the current pistol range. The board will reand Sunday using the class room at Tony’s home. If you have view and should put together a 5-year and a 10-year plan for improvements around the range and submit it to the member- any question please email Tony or me and get added to the list and list of classes that you must complete. ship in the next couple of months. I have asked that the June financials and the CPA 3-year reJuly looks like an average month of about $9,000.00 port be added to the member’s only section so it is available to $11,000.00 of expenses. This does not reflect the insurfor review. As always if you have questions about any finanance or blocks so about $26,000.00 is my estimate for those cial report please send them to the member-at-large or to me expenses. So as you can see in the balance sheet we have to be provided the details including vendors invoices or other about $65,000.00 available to be used and could pull another details that will assist you in your review of the reports. $24,000.00 from our reserves but would I like to carry over the $74,000.00 in reserve for archery range, and extra pistol rangMay Your Debits & Credits Always Match es for 2017. Our 2017 income could be lower because of no late fees, less member turn-over, and more members changing to working members. Scott Stehno, TCGC Treasurer We still have a lot of unfinished jobs. Just jump in and [email protected] 405-201-9456 help Bill to finish as many of these before November so we can start next year with a clean slate. If you have any ques5 Pursuit of Proficiency With Handguns I made a trip to the Pistol Range on Saturday, July 9 and found both of the gongs on the right end of the range hanging at odd angles due to having the wood supports shot to kingdom come. Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence. Usually, either the small gong, or the large gong has a chain shot off, but this time, it was both, and the berm was littered with kindling. This meant these targets were not available for me, and for several others who showed up at the pistol range that day. They were not available until someone took more materials, purchased with our club dues, and the time to make repairs. This is an expense that is incurred far too often on the pistol range. No matter how proficient one is with a handgun, from time to time, he will flinch, or the trigger breaks an instant before he is ready. But for heaven’s sake, when you see splinters fly, stop, and adjust your aim before continuing. I have been shooting handguns for 41 years, and know that I still have a lot to learn. One thing I have learned is that emptying a 15-round magazine in three seconds does not make me a better shot, nor does it cause others at the range to admire my expertise. Experienced shooters think, “Daddy is still buying his ammunition.” Personally, I usually load five, whether shooting a fiveshot revolver or my 16+1 round 9mm. This has helped me to think about my shots, and try to make them count. When I practice defensive shooting, I shoot double-taps, pausing between every other shot to adjust my aim. I have also found, that even the least expensive handgun is really pretty accurate. Some may be pretty hard to shoot well because of size or trigger pull, but really will shoot well, if I do my part. (My hands are large, my Kel-Tec PF9 is tiny, brutal for me to shoot, but will hit the target if I can hold it.) Dry-firing is also a way to improve (it really will not hurt modern firearms.) Do it at the range. Get the sight picture right then squeeze the trigger. Check the sight picture after the trigger breaks, see if you are pulling the gun off target with your trigger finger. Learning what we are doing wrong helps us improve. Have fun, practice gun safety and remember, good shooting begins between our ears, not in our hands. Lee Hogan 6 Liberty Gun Safe NRA Basic Pistol Instructor Course Aug 27 and 28 8AM to 4PM 55” Tall x 30” Wide x 25” Deep I usually have a concealed carry class every 3rd Saturday, if I get a minimum of four for the class. $1000 Al Thalman, Life Member 405-392-2581 Tony Lawson FOR SALE or TRADE BARRETT M82A1 .50 BMG 20” bbl semi-auto with all factory accessories incl: Leupold scope and extra mag. Absolutely excellent condition – only fired 75 rounds. Doctor says no more shooting heavy calibers due to extensive shoulder injuries. Will sell outright for fair negotiated price or trade for any useable firearm (s) in the more wienie calibers! Contact Del Presley at [email protected] (10/16) [email protected] I have a Taurus Raging Bull SS, 480 Ruger cal. with 2 boxes 325 gr XTP & 1 box 400 gr XTP ammo & holster, asking $800.00, call for Earl 405-799-2292 FOR SALE Walther G-22 for sale $250.00 obo Jamie Schmidt 405-620-6977 1200 rounds of 5.56 x 45 mm ammo. INI Fabrica de Palencia made in Spain, brass case, non-corrosive primers. 62gr with NATO headstamp. 20 cents a round. FREE: 12 20-rd FAL magazines in leather pouches. Contact Dave at: 405-408-2328. (10/16) Volunteers Needed Contact information to volunteer: Rick Hipps, best is to email [email protected], if email is not possible call 799-7262 leave a message if no one answers; either way, be patient I will get back with you. 2016 Claude Hall Gun Shows JANUARY 9 & 10 JANUARY 30 & 31 MARCH 12 & 13 MAY 14 & 15 JUNE 25 & 26 JULY 9 & 10 AUGUST 13 & 14 OCTOBER 8 & 9 7 General Membership Meeting—July 1, 2016 Meeting called to order at 7:30PM. Previous meeting minutes were accepted. Joe Mays brought a M Ro De Chatellerault 60cal smoothbore French Naval pistol. Treasurers report issued and accepted. Insurance policies are being evaluated. Rumors were discussed. If you hear rumors, or would like to start one, run it by the Member at Large to ensure accuracy. 7. The club will provide some ammo to be consumed during the picnic. th st 8. We need instructors for a weekday youth shooting events July 27 and Oct 1 . 9. Rule update for guests; please, contact the CRSO if you plan to host more than 6 guests. th 10. RSO/Life Member renewals will be held September 11 . 11. Safety arrows affixed to your gun case go a long way toward identifying the direction of your muzzles . 12. Please, refrain from disposing of food waste in the trash cans, unless they will be emptied immediately. Animals will get into cans and spread waste around. Please, throw food waste directly into the dumpster. 13. The mower is in the shop with a bad blade clutch. (Jul 15, fixed) 14. There is wood on the range that may be cut for firewood. 15. Bill will continue as the maintenance man for a long time to come. 16. We are the NRA club of the year!!! 17. We will continue to seek grants to improve the range and access to existing range features. 18. If you do all of your renewal online, you can get your badge after the safety brief. 19. There was some discussion of placing the proposed 4 bay range next to the short range, after the archery range has been moved. 20. Please, place your open chamber indicators into your chambers before leaving your house. 21. Please, support the FNRA, they support you. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30PM. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Recorded and Prepared by Stephen Rudnick [email protected] 405-209-0371 SCHOLARSHIP FUND If you would like to give to donate to the Gene Adkisson scholarship fund please make your check to: Tri-City Gun Club. In the memo line please put: Scholarship Fund. Any member of the Executive Committee can accept your check for deposit. Thanks 8 Executive Committee Meeting—July 21, 2016 1. Meeting to order at 6:30PM. 2. Previous meeting minutes were accepted. 3. Insurance coverage was discussed. Several pieces of club equipment and the contents of the connex buildings were the primary topic. We will look into reducing the deductible and the cost of adding the container contents onto the policy. We will look at coverage options through affiliated policies as well. 4. Darrin Dunkin is seeking club sponsorship as an FFL and SDA instructor. There are concerns regarding liability, public image, and fairness to other FFLS and instructors. A motion was made to take the question to the club attorney to learn about potential ramifications and liabilities. The motion was seconded and approved. 5. The acquisition of 3.5 acres was discussed. The purchase of this property would allow better range access, allow the expansion of the shotgun ranges, and would significantly ease fence maintenance. A motion was made to offer Donald Adkins $6k for the property. The motion was seconded and approved. 6. New member renewals were discussed. 7. The upcoming member meeting will have a vote for the bylaw change, adding the archery range to the budget, and adding road work to the budget. Members may begin voting at 6:00 PM and voting will end at 8:00 PM. A badge will be required to vote. Ballots will be produced. 8. Grants were discussed. Bathroom accessibility is the priority. 9. Gate codes were discussed. 10. The mower is back. The bearings went out. It was a warranty issue and not have an associated cost to the club. 11. Bill would like to set up a fifty-gallon fuel tank with a hand pump to save the additional costs associated with recurring trips to the gas station. A motion was made to allocate $500 for the purchase of a 50gallon tank and a hand pump. The motion was seconded and approved. 12. Fencing and gates were discussed. 13. A motion was made to allocate $400 for a motel room for use during the wildlife expo. The motion was seconded and approved. 14. The EC previously approved the purchase of 160 concrete blocks for $6k plus shipping. The blocks are for future use. Goldie requested that it be noted in the minutes that she voted against this purchase. 15. 500 club business cards will be printed for distribution during gun shows. 16. Receipts and invoices need to be turned in a timely manner. 17. The picnic was great! Thank you to everyone who participated and helped to make the event happen. 18. The upcoming scout shoot has sufficient support. Ken will put together the supplies. The scouts will do a work project on the range. 19. During inventory, two firearms were initially unaccounted for. They were both found. One has been returned. The other is now properly logged out. 20. Range lights were discussed. 21. Norman Homeschoolers would like to change the date of their shoot. They will use the 15th of November. 22. Cabela’s is looking for help with another event. 23. There was discussion regarding additional bays for the pistol and short ranges. 24. Late summer hours were discussed for the shotgun range. The shotgun range will be open until 10PM from Memorial day until Labor day. 25. There was a motion to remove the soda machines from the range. The motion was seconded and approved. 26. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00PM. Recorded and Prepared by Stephen Rudnick [email protected] 405-209-0371 9 .22 Match 06-26-2016 1st- Ron Doggett 2nd- Shawn Sanderson 3rd- Tony Smith 4th- Ed Pulver 5th- Larry Miller 6th- Louis Hanna 7th- Randy Raunburg 8th- Jack Robbins 9th- Brad Hackler 10th- Paul Smith .22 Match 07-24-2016 1st- Shawn Sanderson 2nd- Ron Dogget 3rd- Tony Smith 4th- Louis Hanna 5th- Larry Miller 6th- Ed Pulver 7th- Randy Rannberg 8th- Brad Hackler 9th- Paul Smith 11th- Michaerla Pittman 12th- Jerry Tomlinson 13th- Sharoyn Tomlinson Supplemental Match .22 lr pistol@ 80 meters 1st- Ron Doggett 2nd- Tony Smith 3rd- Shawn Sanderson 4th- Randy Raunburg 5th- Louis Hanna 6th- Paul Smith 7th- Ed Pulver Next Month Supplemental will be Concealed Carry Pistol 20 Rounds at 25 meters. Hope to see you then. Shawn Supplemental Match Next Month’s SuppleConcealed Carry Pistol 20 mental will be center fire Rounds @ 25 Meters rifle 20 rounds @ 80 meters. Thanks for the turn 1st- Shawn Sanderson out, hope to see you all 2nd- Louis Hanna again next month. 3rd- Ed Pulver 4th- Ron Doggett Shawn 5th- Paul Smith 10 11 Commercial Advertisements 2016 Hangfire Annual Ad Prices: $60 - Business Card Ad. $150 - 1/4 Page Ad 12 $250 - 1/2 Page Ad $450 - Full Page Ad Tri-City Member’s 10% Discount! Aballtime LLC Insurance & Real Estate Trusted Choice Agency -- Independent Agent 2862 Classen Boulevard Norman, OK 73071-4059 405.579.0453 FAX 405.579.7840 www.aballtime.com Christine M. Kane [email protected] Auto, Home, Life, Health, and Business. 13 TRI-CITY GUN CLUB P.O. BOX 1604 NORMAN OK 73070-1604 14
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