Institutional brochure
Institutional brochure
PKB Privatbank PKB Privatbank Lugano Genève Lausanne Zürich Bellinzona Panamá Milano Montevideo PKB’s milestones 1958 Establishment of Privat Kredit Bank in Zurich 1969 Lugano branch opening 1984 Geneva branch opening 1990 Acquisition of Banque Worms & Cie (Suisse) SA, Geneva 1995 Establishment of Privat Kredit Bank Ltd. in St. John’s, Antigua (West Indies) 1998 Change of name to the current PKB Privatbank SA 2000 Transfer of registered office to Lugano 2001 Acquisition of 30% of Cassa Lombarda SpA, Milan 2004 Acquisition of Banca Monte Paschi (Suisse) SA, Lugano 2005 Purchase of an equity investment in EIH Endurance Investments Holding SA 2009 Bellinzona branch opening 2010 Acquisition of Banca Gesfid, Lugano 2012 Purchase of CMB Banque Privée (Suisse) SA Opening of PKB Banca Privada (Panamá) 2014 Purchase (“Asset Deal”) of Liechtensteinische Landesbank (LLB), Switzerland, Lugano branch Purchase of Alasia Investment SA, Lausanne Lausanne branch opening Establishment of PKB Servizi Fiduciari SpA, Milan Welcome Our welcome distinguishes us: we are a direct, sincere, fair and transparent bank. Aware of the changes underway, we tackle them as confident players, convinced of our own abilities. We are committed and proactive, providing real solutions. It is always our pleasure to meet new serious people of quality. PKB Privatbank SA (“PKB” for short) is a Swiss banking institution with a national and international outlook, founded in 1958 and specialised in Private Banking. Based in Lugano, with branches in Geneva, Lausanne, Zurich, Bellinzona, a bank in Panama and the associated asset management company PKB Alasia SA in Lausanne, the PKB Group has developed with a multiethnic team currently consisting of 270 specialists in financial advisory, asset management, loans and financial planning. First and foremost the Bank is engaged in Private Banking, offering a broad range of solutions. It also provides Corporate Banking and Capital Market services, as one of the leading independent market makers on the primary Swiss franc bond market. The PKB Group manages assets totalling about 10 billion Swiss francs. The network To be actors in an ever-changing world is central to PKB’s approach. With this in mind we conduct our business in specific territories with interesting potential. The Trabaldo Togna family is the majority shareholder of PKB via Compagnie de l’Occident pour la Finance et l’Industrie SA (COFI), a company incorporated in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and listed on the local stock exchange. The control of COFI is reflected in the values, philosophy and corporate culture, inspired by ethics, prudence and great attention to personal relationships with clients and colleagues. COFI controls 100% of PKB and 97% of Cassa Lombarda SpA, Milan (indirectly through PKB for about 34%), a bank founded in 1923 and specialised in private banking and asset management. Cassa Lombarda’s headquarters are in Milan with branches in Rome, Bergamo and Busto Arsizio. PKB Banca Privada SA (Panamá) is a wholly owned subsidiary in charge of better serving the Latin American market together with PKB Consultoria SA in Montevideo (Uruguay), also 100% owned. Noteworthy is also the holding in Rasini Fairway Capital, London, a company specialised in the selection of alternative funds. PKB IS A PARTNER OF THE MUSÉE DE L’ELYSÉE, LAUSANNE. ONE OF THE FIRST EUROPEAN MUSEUMS SOLELY DEDICATED TO PHOTOGRAPHY, FROM ITS BEGINNINGS TO CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHY. PKB SUPPORTS ART IN ALL ITS FORMS. A bank that listens and is quick to act Services and assistance We owe our long-lasting success to the strong belief that customer relationships must be unique, personal and customised. This is the true mandate that links us to each customer, which we carry out day after day. Our philosophy is to be as competent as the large banks and to provide a dynamic array of services. We believe in communicating with our customers and getting to know one another. These values have certainly been the key to our success over time. Taking time to understand, analyse and act: a simple but challenging recipe that we seek to apply. Knowing our customers means establishing an accurate profile defining their propensity to invest, the level of risk they can and are willing to assume, retirement or inheritancerelated issues, as well as the financial charges to be incurred as an individual or a company. Our operating method You could call it “style”, but for us it is simply the natural way of working every day. It is our professional culture. “Swiss Private Banking” is the code of conduct that makes us stand out: discretion, professionalism and protection of privacy are ingrained in our culture. Our attention is focused on meeting our customers’ real requirements. Contacting us means receiving a fast and professional response. A question of style: each customer is assigned to a senior advisor, regardless of the amount of their assets. Supporting the advisor is a skilled and reactive team of professionals proposing the most apt solutions for each client, in every circumstance. We are agile and organized to ensure fast response times. The acquisition of new products, market information, advice, the granting of loans, are all dealt with quickly and efficiently. THE PARTNERSHIP WITH THE MUSÉE DE L’ELYSÉE SHOWS ITS COMMITMENT AND DEDICATION. The art of Private Banking It is all about you “Tailor-made advice” has become a common expression. For PKB’s shareholders, management and staff, offering it every day is their real objective. At PKB we pursue it persistently and meticulously. This is our way. Individuals, families, entrepreneurs and professionals can all count on our in-depth analysis of their expectations. 50 years of experience have given us such advantage and competency. This analysis is the core of our approach, which is both global and made-to-measure, assisting us in pursuing the objective of finding a specific solution to every need, at every stage of our client’s wealth, be it formation, growth or consolidation. Our advisors coordinate all the elements required to guide the customers towards optimising their interests: analysing objectives, understanding the financial and family situation, checking the risk appetite. Customer meetings are essential for us and we dedicate to them all the necessary time: to analyse the effectiveness of past decisions, assess new ones, make adjustments and new considerations. However, more than anything else, this time is useful to build and reinforce the personal relationship between the advisor and the client. ART IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF PKB’S PHILOSOPHY. FOR THIS REASON, T H E PA RT N E R S H I P W I T H T H E M U S É E D E L’ E LY S É E W I L L C O N T I N U E TO B E A C O M M I T M E N T FO R P K B I N T H E F U T U R E . Asset management An almost magical and often heard expression that is actually the “core” of our business, the area in which we always give our best. Asset management demands all the expertise of a qualified and closely-knit team of professionals. The asset management mandate implies for the bank to select investments with the aim of optimising the risks and returns of portfolios, in the context of a shared strategy. Over the last two decades, the globalisation of the world economy, technological innovation and the multiplication of financial instruments have revolutionised the markets, widening the spectrum of investment opportunities while also increasing the risks for the investor. A growing number of investors have turned to discretionary asset management services, which have a host of benefits. PKB’s team of specialists boasts an impressive range of economic and financial competences. This means unusually broad and quick decisions: starting from an analysis of the situation of the global economy moving progressively towards the selection of asset classes, currencies and individual investment vehicles. Our specialists know how to swiftly react to economic shocks or unexpected trends. They have the ability to understand and analyse the various markets and complex financial instruments, thus broadening the investment opportunities, and structure portfolios optimising the return/risk profile. PKB’s staff thrive on the work, the customers and the challenges. A team built over time, honed in the field. Fund-based asset management An alternative to traditional asset management. It follows a different process that starts from selecting the best managers all the way to structuring the portfolios. It requires what we call an “open architecture” on part of the bank. Using quantitative and qualitative analysis methods, PKB’s specialists examine a vast array of investment funds diversified by asset class and geographic area. The analysis leads to the selection of the “best of the best” investment funds, which are then used to structure the managed portfolios. These are both traditional funds invested in individual asset classes or business sectors, and alternative funds, spread over different investment strategies. Assistance in tax and estate planning Offered particularly to Swiss customers, this type of consultancy allows for careful planning geared towards ensuring a durable transmission and protection of family wealth, in full compliance with the legislation of the country of origin and/ or residence. Advisory For customers who wish to personally manage their assets, our advisor offer support in the decision-making process regarding investments. They can draw upon the know-how of our asset management and investment funds specialists. Loans PKB also offers, as a complement to its services for private clients, credit facilities and in particular Lombard credits and mortgage loans. THE MUSEUM IS HOUSED IN A MANSION BUILT BETWEEN 1780 AND 1783 BY THE ARCHITECT ABRAHAM FRAISSE. THE COLLECTIONS INCLUDE AROUND 100,000 ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINTS. T H E M U S É E D E L’ E LY S É E O R G A N I S E S F O U R M A I N E X H I B I T I O N S A Y E A R , AT T R A C T I N G A N AV E R A G E O F 8 0 , 0 0 0 V I S I T O R S . Corporate Banking A partner for businesses To be a partner for entrepreneurs, understanding their language and methods, listening to their choices and visions, proposing solution and opportunities. This is PKB’s approach to the world of Corporate Banking. The Corporate Banking division is quality partner for PKB’s business customers, as an expert in specific and dedicated financial solutions for their businesses. AND BOASTS AN INTERNATIONAL REPUTATION. Corporate services and assistance The PKB Corporate Banking division is available to meet typical corporate needs such as: - treasury and investment management, -commercial and mortgages loans on properties in Switzerland, -international payments, -foreign exchange as well as more specific requirements such as: -international commerce through its trade finance department (e.g. receipt and issuance of letters of credit and guarantees, “commodity finance” and “back-to-back” transactions) -consultancy and management of currencies or interest rates risks PKB Capital Markets and Foreign Exchange Being selected by leading institutions and companies shows the overall trust and respect for PKB. Pension funds, investment funds, insurance companies, cantonal and federal authorities and major Swiss banking establishments have had privileged relationships with PKB’s Capital Market service for more than 20 years. Valuable assistance High quality assistance in various fields and tailor-made advice: this is what PKB, one of the leading dealers on the primary Swiss franc bond market, offers to its institutional clientele. Thanks to our team of specialists and substantial investments in technology, we can define investment strategies and trade new Swiss franc bond issues. For our private and institutional customers we are active on the financial and foreign exchange markets: executing orders, subscribing and purchasing investment funds, buying and selling shares listed on various international stock exchanges, and also trading in options, futures and other derivative products. PKB’s presence on these markets ensures a precise management for our clients of currency and interest rate risks, through long or short hedging positions, precious metals trading and structured transactions. IN COOPERATION WITH THE MUSÉE DE L’ELYSÉE P K B I S A C T I V E LY I N V O LV E D I N C H O O S I N G O N E E X H I B I T I O N E A C H Y E A R . P K B I S T H E M A I N PA R T N E R O F O N E O F T H E M O S T A M B I T I O U S E X H I B I T I O N S AT T H E The partner for independence Independent asset managers often choose PKB, knowing they are in the hands of professionals with a long-term vision and a great respect for their competence and role. Independent asset managers can find in PKB a serious partner for the custody of their client’s assets. Available tools and avice Independent External Managers benefit from all of PKB’s experience and services with the aim of facilitating the growth of their competitiveness and protecting their activity in an ever more complex environment. MUSÉE DE L’ELYSÉE: « PHILIPPE HALSMAN - ETONNEZ-MOI ! » Specifically we offer support in market analysis, the search and selection of investments, consultancy on legal and administrative issues, the execution of stock market orders and transactions in foreign exchange and derivatives, the setting-up of structured products. Remote and safe access is a service offered by the bank to the Independent Asset Managers and is an indispensable and useful tool preceding e-banking. Managers may access the accounts that they manage, make printouts and check on-line the execution of transactions. H A L S M A N I S A N E C L E C T I C A R T I S T, F A M O U S F O R H I S 1 0 1 C O V E R S O F “ L I F E ” M A G A Z I N E AND HIS WORK WITH SALVADOR DALÍ. THE SHOW INCLUDES ORIGINAL EDITIONS, CONTACT SHEETS Art and PKB Being a bank means living in the present, gladly learning from and being inspired by the past, ready to embrace and understand the future. PKB is attuned to art in general, also firmly convinced of its value for investment purposes. A part of its own resources has been allocated to acquiring antique, modern and contemporary works of art, forming a private collection, worthy of the interest of the experts. The PKB collection, growing each year, includes paintings by the 15th century Lombard school and works by modern and contemporary artists from across of the world. Over the years we have developed a global art network which is available to our clientele. AND SKETCHES. MORE THAN 300 WORKS IN TOTAL. In particular PKB identifies and proposes the most appropriate specialists for appraising and valuing ancient and modern works of art, participates in purchases or sales at auctions with a guarantee of absolute confidentiality and selects the best intermediaries for buying and selling works on the international market. We believe that it is important to possess an adequate passion for “the beautiful” and the “the artistic”. Even when it challenge us with unexpected question marks and sensations. Art can be surprising. Such as the present times that hold a host of surprises for us. T H E E X H I B I T I O N R E V E A L S H A L S M A N ’ S C R E AT I V E P R O C E S S , F R O M H I S D E B U T I N PA R I S ( 1 9 3 0 ) TO T H E S U C C E S S O F H I S N E W Y O R K S T U D I O . MUSÉE DE L’ELYSÉE, LAUSANNE. PKB Privatbank Lugano Genève Lausanne Zürich Bellinzona Panamá Milano Montevideo Headquarters Branches PKB Privatbank sa Via S. Balestra 1 CH 6901 Lugano Tel.+41 (0)91 913 35 35 Fax +41 (0)91 923 35 22 PKB Privatbank sa Rue Charles-Galland 12 CH 1206 Genève Tel.+41 (0)22 346 91 55 Fax +41 (0)22 346 42 56 PKB Privatbank sa Place Saint-François 7 CH 1003 Lausanne Tel.+41 (0)21 343 36 36 Fax +41 (0)21 343 36 99 PKB Privatbank ag Tödistrasse 47 CH 8002 Zürich Tel.+41 (0)44 204 34 34 Fax +41 (0)44 204 34 35 PKB Privatbank sa Viale Stazione 4 CH 6500 Bellinzona Tel.+41 (0)91 874 33 33 Fax +41 (0)91 874 33 44 PKB Alasia sa Place Saint-François 7 CH 1003 Lausanne Tel.+41 (0)21 321 15 55 Fax +41 (0)21 321 15 59 Cassa Lombarda spa Via Manzoni 14 IT-20121 Milano Tel.+39 02 77 99 1 Fax +39 02 77 99 210 PKB Servizi Fiduciari spa Via A. Manzoni 12/14 IT-20121 Milano Tel.+39 02 76 02 41 58 Planetarium PKB Consultoria sa Rivera 6329, of 102 11500 Montevideo Uruguay Tel.+5982 601 69 46 Fax +5982 601 69 46 Affiliates PKB Banca Privada (Panamá) sa P.H. Tower Financial Center (Towerbank), Piso 49 Calle 50 Ciudad de Panamá República de Panamá Tel.+507 294 07 00 Fax +507 294 07 70 CO NC EPT A ND DESI G N: H U M U S B R A N D C ULT U R E PHOTOG RA PHY: © ENRI CO CA N O TEX TS: PAO LO SPA L LU TO PRI NTI NG : FO NTEG RA F I CA S R L « PHI L I PPE HA L SM A N, E TO N N E Z -M O I ! » 29 JA NU A RY - 11 M AY 20 1 4 M U SÉE DE L’ ELY SÉE, L A US A N N E
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