Poly Greenhouses
Poly Greenhouses
Poly Greenhouses Richel Group, a unique pole of expertise For over 45 years, RICHEL SA has been the French specialist in commercial greenhouse construction, livestock In order to meet our customers’ new expectations for comprehensive projects, we have incorporated a greenhouse equipment company into our group. buildings and storage sheds. With a staff of 60 and an integrated design department, our southwest France-based subsidiary DIMAC SAS designs, develops and installs heating, irrigation, handling and climate control equipment, etc. for the horticultural and vegetable greenhouse projects we construct. For over 30 years, DIMAC SAS has With our greenhouse design and manufacturing facility based in southwest France, more than 250 people help carry out some 500 projects a year in France and abroad. Working with them, more than 50 sales representatives, project managers and technical supervisors based on the five continents, in proximity to our customers, assist in the implementation of these projects, ensuring the quality and timely completion. The RICHEL GROUP’S commitment is to work closely with our customers in order to provide better service and form a lasting partnership. specialised in equipment dedicated to plant production, and especially for commercial greenhouses. Major players rely on us: BEJO, BIOBEST, CIRAD, CLAUSE, DANZIGER, DUMMEN, ENZA ZADEN, GRAINES GAUTIER, INTERPLANT, KORDES, LEX, MEILLAND, MONSANTO, Christian RICHEL NESTLE, NIRPP, PREESMAN, RIJKZWAAN, SAKATA, STOCKMAN, SYNGENTA, TAKII, TERRA NIGRA, TEZIER, VAN KLEEF, VILMORIN.... GROUP Leader in greenhouse manufacturing in Europe Present in over 80 countries Richel Greenhouses, each project is unique Leader in Europe A cutting-edge manufacturing tool with an annual production capacity of 350 hectares (over 850 acres). Innovation Engineering department The Richel Group’s products are characterised by the constant commitment to excellence through innovation and quality. Turnkey projects With its technical expertise and international presence, Richel Group has the means to implement your turnkey greenhouse project, on schedule, wherever you are in the world. Climate Climate control is the key to high yields and product quality. + LIGHT Thanks to streamlined arches and spans of 2.5 to 3 m, our greenhouses are the brightest on the market. Their gothic form (27°) allows maximum penetration of light. + VOLUME The towering heights under the gutter and the accentuated gothic form of bays up to 12.80 m in width provide more volume per covered square metre, while ensuring a more stable and easily controllable climate. + INSULATION Double inflated film. Created by RICHEL in 1978. • Thermal insulation (energy savings of 30%). • Tighter sheet. • Longer sheet life. control + VENTILATION 2 m vent 50% vent 2 x 2 m vent 3.40 m vent + BETTER CONDENSED WATER DRIPPING MANAGEMENT Humidity and condensation are kept under control in our greenhouses; working closely with our partners and customers in the field, we have designed condensed water collection systems. Thus, in our greenhouses, dripping is largely controlled. Gutter Vent base Ridge raising Excellence thro As designers of horticulture solutions, we have invented key concepts: ROBUST To reconcile strength and volume, we have developed the OV90 tube: made of high tensile steel, the OV90 tube’s inertia is twice as great as the 60 mm ovalised tube made of conventional quality steel. Camber comparison taken at the centre point of two gutters having the same load/m_: 63 kg 4 m gutter with bracing: camber = 2.9 cm 5 m gutter with beam: camber = 2.25 cm GUTTER-BEAM 3,5 4 m gutter with bracing 3,31 3 2,9 cm 2,9 2,61 2,5 2,25 cm 2,25 2 5 m gutter-beam (SOCOTEC n°91/1579 PM dated 30.05.91 Test Report) 2 1,5 1,14 cm CAMBER To ensure greater resistance to snow loads, we have created the gutter-beam with a 5 m span (European patent). For the same snow load, deflection is approximately 25 % less than for a 4 m gutter with braces (SOCOTEC report no. 91/1579 dated 30/05/91). 1,5 1,14 1 0,5 0,5 0 0 200 400 LOAD 600 800 1000 907 1200 1400 1378 1600 1800 2000 ough innovation Coating layer Z 275 Zinc layer Steel RICHEL CLIPS VARNISHED TUBE Our attachment clips, tried and proven in every climate for over 40 years, are made using the best materials available on the market. The coat of varnish applied during the manufacturing of our rectangular tubes offers twice the protection of a standard tube with Sendzimir Z275 galvanization (CETIM test, November 2007). QUALITY OF ASSEMBLIES The quality of the assemblies is essential to the structure’s resistance to snow and wind stress. Our attachments and connecting parts are designed and sized with the utmost care, and subjected to rigorous testing in real conditions. Richel pro 12.80 m Always pioneers in terms of greater widths, we have created the 12.80 m-bay model. This model offers all of the best features of our greenhouses in terms of light transmission, climate control, energy savings and ease of movement. 9.60 m Robust and luminous, our 9.60 m bay has been tried and proven on every continent and in every climate. This high-performance model also features the latest technological innovations developed by our design department, such as OV90, the use of high tensile steel, varnished tubes, etc. duct range 12.80 TR 500 Equipped with a horizontal trellis beam, this model offers clearance width of 12.80 m and highly efficient natural ventilation, thanks to its double arch and its range of vents. 6.40 m and 8 m These models feature a ridge articulated vent of 50 %. Benchmarks in the greenhouse industry, our 8 m and 6.40 m models make covering fast and easy: the roof sheet is only clipped at 2 points, one at each gutter. Turnkey pr Equipped with our own unique and integrated pole of expertise, we are involved in every stage of your project, from design to completion. Specialising in greenhouses as well as various greenhouse equipment, with a branch devoted specifically to equipment development and integration, we ensure the fluid and timely implementation of your project. FROM DESIGN TO COMPLETION ojects RICHEL EQUIPMENT Heating Shading screen Growing lights Ferti-irrigation Benches VENLO GREENHOUSES. With forty-five years of experience and leadership in the greenhouse industry, Richel is also a key player in your Venlo greenhouse projects. Our business: Richel’s scope of expertise also includes a range of equipment dedicated to greenhouse crops: heating, irrigation and ferti-irrigation, thermal, shading or black-out screens, fast handling benches, and photosynthesis lighting, etc. Richel Equipment puts its expertise in greenhouses and equipment manufacturing to work for your project. ZA des Grandes Terres. 13810 EYGALIÈRES. FRANCE. Tél : +33 (0)4 90 95 14 68 - Fax : +33 (0)4 90 95 12 93 [email protected] - www.richel.fr
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and equipment (RICHEL Equipment providing all services: electricity – heating –
irrigation – greenhouse computer).